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1. Authorize Person to work on ACB: ZSO (With minimum educational qualification ITI )
2. Mandatory PPEs:
a. Gloves, helmet, Visor.
3. Equipment required during attending ACB tripping complaint:
a. Double Test Lamp, Tester, Discharge Rod, Live Line Detector, and Safety Chain with
crocodile clamp.
b. Screw driver , Pliers
4. Please note that ACB Front cover must be closed during charging.
5. Check all tools for proper insulation before working on ACB
6. Do not connect/disconnect any control wiring if ACB is ON position
7. Be on side position either right or left on charging ACB
8. Check all phases with neon tester after charging the ACB.
9. Remove all safety shorting’s before charging the ACB.
10. Use proper safety tag if working on ACB
11. Complain received for LT ACB Tripping.
a. Check relay for tripping indication to ensure operation of relay
b. If relay shows tripping indication
i. Fault may be in down stream
ii. Check for any visible fault
iii. If visible fault found, rectify the fault and charge the ACB
iv. If no visible fault detect
1. Check relay setting with relay setting chart
2. If relay setting found disturbed correct it and charge the ACB.
3. If relay setting found OK ,
a. Check magnetic actuator for tripping indication.
b. If tripping found due to magnetic actuator
c. Check for visible fault
d. Check outgoing cable with test lamp.
e. If external fault found rectify the fault, reset magnetic
actuator and charge the ACB.
f. If no fault found check for mall functioning of the relay by
taking first try of charging the ACB after magnetic actuator.
g. If ACB again trip Inform RMU Group with ACB make and
serial no to check ACB relay setting and mechanical

c. If relay does not show any tripping indication

i. Check relay connections if not intact connect all connections and follow
12.b(If relay shows tripping indication)
ii. Check magnetic actuator for tripping indication.
iii. If tripping found due to magnetic actuator
iv. check for visible fault
v. Check outgoing cable with test lamp.
vi. If external fault found rectify the fault, reset magnetic actuator and charge
the ACB.
vii. If no fault found check for mall functioning of the relay by taking first try of
charging the ACB after reset of magnetic actuator.
viii. If ACB again trip Inform RMU Group with ACB make and serial no to check ACB
relay setting and mechanical operations.
ix. Take a try by charging the ACB
x. If ACB trip again
12. If no fault found then again switch off RMU DT Breaker.
13. Discharge the LT Cable (Incomer) and disconnect the same.
14. Bypass the ACB by back to back connect the cables (Incomer& Outgoing) or shift the load
to other LT Feeder.
15. Inform RMU Group with ACB make and serial no to check ACB relay setting

16. Complaint received for one or two phase missing

a. Check for input three phase supply. If not available rectify the problem and charge
the ACB.
b. Trip the ACB and again charge ACB see for three phase output.
c. If again no three phase supply available.
d. Inform RMU Group with ACB make and serial no to check ACB.
17. Complaint received ACB not taking load
a. Check for relay setting if found disturbed reset relay setting and charge the ACB.
b. Otherwise inform RMU Group with ACB make and serial no to check the ACB

18. Check Relay Setting for microprocessor based relay for C&S Make and Havel’s make ACB
(with microprocessor release) as per below mentioned table.
19. For HPL ACB Check the last fault data from ACB LCD Display.

20. HPL ACB must be mechanically reset by pressing green nob before charging.
21. Relay Setting with Thermal Release Protection:

Overcurrent Setting:
• C&S - 60%,80% & 100% of Rated Current
• L&T – 0.75, 0.9 & 1.0
• CG/SCH – 0.5, 0.7 & 1.0
• Short Circuit – Magnetic Release – Factory Settings

22. Relay setting of L&T make ACB

Relay trip
button to
check relay

Relay setting
for three
phases from
0.75 to 1 In
23. Relay setting of C&S make relay

Relay setting 3, 4
and 5 A right to

Current setting =
CT ratio X relay

Relay trip indicator

24. Relay setting of CG/SCH make relay


1. NO BA Employees are authorize to operate ACB.

2. Use mandatory PPE during operation.
3. Do not take repeated try on ACB if the same is not holding.
4. Do not cut/remove any auxiliary wiring of ACB either live or dead condition.
5. If the ACB not holding, then bypass the same by back to back connecting the cable.
6. Properly discharge the cable before back to back connection and be cautious about
neutral. Separately earth Neutral while working.
7. Never left ACB spring half charged
8. Do not operate ACB with front cover open.
9. Inform RMU Group for any ACB Mechanism or relay malfunction issue.
10. Use of test lamp mandatory for cable testing.

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