Causes and Outcomes (Week)

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Causes and Outcomes


Institution of Affiliation

Causes and Outcomes

Part A: Causes of the Revolution

Description Contribution to the Revolutionary War
This was labeled as the Seven Years were and Britain increased its Military presence in North America.
French and
happened between 1756 and 1763. The war was Increased spending led to oppressive taxation of the
Indian War
between British colonies in the Americas against New Americans and this was one of the main reason for the
France. Each side was backed by parent nation as well revolutionary war.
as Native American allies. They fought for territorial
control and wealth with the most notable battle taking
place at Fort William Henry. The French colonists
were defeated and lost some of their territories in
North America.

It was part of the initiative to increase taxation of The increased taxes later led to revolt against the British
Sugar Act
molasses to compensate for the losses made during
colonists. The town people were especially rebellious against
the Seven Years War. It increased the taxation of
the act and fights would emerge that later escalated to a
other products such as coffee, indigo, and wines
without the consent of the colonies. Additional tax revolution.
was put on foreign sugar while French win and ram
was banned.

The act was enacted in 1765 and required English This taxation prompted the creation of Son of Liberty. It
Stamp Act

colonies to print their documents using stamped depicted the colonists’ inclination to collaborate as one unit
papers imported from London. This enabled to
without any regard for the native Americans. As a result,
colonial government to impose taxes on legal
people began finding faults in the parliament and boycotts
documents such as wills, marriage certificates,
newspapers, diplomas, and playing cards among and rioting became rampant.

In 1767, the British government passed a number of The British government imposed the duties under the guise
laws to manage the American colonies. They that they were still taxes. However, this compromise to
introduced duties on items including paper, tea, glass, exempt people from taxes left a berth for future conflicts and
lead, and paint. eventual uprising for a revolution.

The Tea Act was enacted in 1773 and granted the The Americans were against this act as they saw it as a way
Tea Act
British East India Company the monopoly of selling for the parliament to exercise control on them. They saw the
tea to the American colonies. cheaper tea from British East India Company as a blindfold
to avoid rebellion against the tea tax. Instead of complying
with the act, the Americans staged boycotts and told the
colonists to send the tea back to Britain.

These were an array of punitive laws mean to punish The acts unified the Americans in rebellion to the British
the Americans after protesting the Boston Tea Party. government with the first continental congress being held
thereafter and an association to supervise boycott from
British Trade was formed.

This was a protest that happened in Griffin’s Wharf, The relationship between the British government and
Boston Tea
Boston, Massachusetts in 1773. The American colonists deteriorated as the Boston harbor got closed. A
colonists had grown exasperated by Britain because of series of intolerable acts were imposed to punish the
imposing taxes without representation. They seized colonists and make them pay for the lost tea. War from these
British ships carrying tea and threw 342 chests of tea conflicts was in the offing and both sides feared that it would
into the sea. spread all across the Americas.

The massacre was a bloody riot in March 5th 1770 on Propagandists began using the massacre to elicit action
King Street that began as a street scuffle between lone against the British government. The Sons of Liberty
British soldiers and American natives and escalated to continued fueling tensions between the British soldiers and
manslaughter where five people were killed and colonists.
scores injured.

This document was signed on July 4th 1776 by It allowed the revolutionary war to be seen as between two
Thomas Jefferson and his committee during the independent countries rather than a civil way within Britain.
Independen Second Continental Congress. It indicated that the 13
colonies were a free and independent state.

Part B: Outcomes of the Revolution

Description Relationship to the Outcome of the Revolutionary War
This was the first battle of the revolution and It was the first American victory against the Britons and
Concord and split both parties further while intensifying the resolve to

Lexington occurred in April 19th 1775 in Middlesex County. fight.

Fort This poorly manned fort that was rarely used. It was General Benedict got injured and the captured cannons were
Ticonderoga taken by Benedict Arnold and colonial troops. taken to Boston to fight against the Britons in the city.

Delegates from the 13 colonies converged in The congress declared the 13 colonies as an independent
Second Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and signed the state that recruited and raised an army in response to the
Continental Declaration of Independence. imminent revolutionary war.

Both the British soldiers and the American colonists While the Britons won in this battle, they recorded more
Bunker Hill sought to conquer this region to gain control of casualties than the Americans. It indicated that the colonial
Boston and as a result fought the battle of Bunker militia had the ability to resist British troops and caused
Hill in the early stages of the revolutionary war. Britain to change its tactics. The battle bolstered the
confidence of the American troops.

The battle of Quebec was fought in December of The battle lasted for five months and ended with the defeat
Quebec 1775 between the British troops and the American of the American colonists. General Montgomery was killed
continental army. The colonial troops attempted to while the rest of the troops were forced to retreat.
capture the city of Quebec that was under the control
of the Britons.

The battle in Lake Champlain ended the assault of the The victory was strategic as it pushed the British soldiers
Lake northern states by Britain. Lake Champlain was a out of New York to regroup in Canada.

Champlain strategic entry point to Quebec and New York City.

While the American troops were outnumbered they
resisted against the British soldiers and became of
their greatest victories in the revolutionary war. It
was the first naval battle.

On December 6th 1776, General Washington crossed The victory was crucial following a series of losses to the
Trenton the Delaware river and seized Trenton. The region Britons. It improved the morale and motivation of the
had been held by 1500 Hessian soldiers working for continental army in the revolutionary war and increased
the Britons. He also lured the British troops to the enlistment.
South and raided and captured Princeton City.

The battle at Saratoga was a strategic plan by the It was a severe blow to the British forces as General
Saratoga British to cut the American militia from key supplies. Burgoyne, who was the leader of the Northern Battalions
It occurred in two sessions that were 10 days apart. surrendered. The victory convinced the French to join the
The first ended with a loss by the British General Americans as an ally.
Burgoyne. When he attacked again in the second
session, he was defeated and eventually surrendered.

Valley Forge was a hideout for George Washington As Washington and his men hid at Valley Forge, the
Valley and his men in the winter of 1777. The weather was revolutionary war slowed down and was almost coming to
Forge brutal causing many of his men to die of starvation an end. He added two generals i.e. Nathaniel Greene and
and diseases. Washington lost over 2000 soldiers at Von Steuben to procure supplies and train the men in
this time. preparation for continuation of the war following the ned of

the winter.

The battle of Cowpens was a turning point for the When South Carolina was captured from the Britons, the
Cowpens southern campaign in the revolutionary war. Americans got the morale and confidence in the subsequent
Americans won against the British troops and battle in Yorktown whose victory was decisive to the end of
regained control of South Carolina. The battle was the Revolutionary war.
under the command of General Daniel Morgan

Through the leadership of George Washington and The battle brought an end to the Revolutionary War.
Yorktown support from the French Army, the American soldiers
defeated the British soldiers being led by General
Cornwallis. It was the last major battle in the

Part C: Effects of the Revolution

Role, if any, played in the Effect of the Revolution on Political, economic, or

Group Revolution the group social effects of the war on
the group

The men got involved in the Since most of the military Men maintained the
Men colonists Continental Army as either troops were men, they were the economic and political
commissioned or enlisted major casualties of the war. power even after the war.

soldiers based on literacy levels.

Women mostly took care of Some of them followed their Women lost their husbands
Women colonists wounded soldiers and maintained husband soldiers to camps to and became sole caretakers
food supplies. They also keep them fed and maintain of the families. However,
maintained military uniforms and security of their families. they barely gained any
did laundry for the soldiers. political mileage as political
Since it was no longer possible seats were given to the
to import clothes from Britain, heroes of the war, mostly
women began weaving and men.
knitting clothes.

They joined the war by being Some of them won their Apart from the few who got
Black slaves and freed Blacks coscripted or enlisted to the freedom and formed families their freedom, there was
continental army or British while others went back to significant effect to the
forces by their owners. slavery. group as most of them were
Enlisted or coscripted by owners still enslaved.
to British or continental army.
Joined in the war effort by
joining the militias and armies
While some joined the struggle They had to switch their There was little effect to
Native Americans for independence, others allegiance to the newly formed their way of life. They just
supported the British, and others government. held to the land and wealth

were indifferent to the struggles. they already had before the

revolution. Some traded
with the Britons while
others traded with the


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