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4th level:

Channel Divinity: You gain 2 champion points.

Poison Blade: You apply a magical poison onto your blade that lets you do an extra 2d10+ paladin level
damage with your hit. You must spend a champion point.

Shadow Clones: You gain the ability to make several copies of yourself. You can spend a champion point
and you can roll a d4. You make that many shadow clones. These shadow clones can only move, talk,
and casts spells (smite not included). If a person tries to attack you, then they have to roll a d6 and if
they roll a 4 or bellow then they can not hit you. This number lowers depending on how many shadow
clones are out. This lasts for 1 minute.

8th level:

Shadow of Treachery: You gain the following two benefits:

 Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your
reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.
 You can become blended into the shadows. You can use an action to gain the following effects:
Have +10 on all stealth checks, +10 on all thievery checks, you can have advantage on melee
attack rolls against any creature that has one or more of its allies within 5 feet.

16th level:

Blackguard’s Escape: You have the ability to slip away from your foes. You can use your reaction to turn
invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to a spot you can see. You remain invisible until the end of your next
turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force a creature to make a saving throw. Once you use this
feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

20th level:

You gain the ability to emanate feelings of treachery. As an action, you can magically become an avatar
of deceit, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:

 You are invisible and no actions can break that invisibility

 If a creature damages you on its turn, it must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC equal to your
spell save DC) or you control its next turn. A creature automatically succeeds on the save if the
creature is immune to being charmed.
 If you have advantage on attack roll, you gain a bonus to its damage roll equal to your paladin

One you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

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