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Role of Microbes in Organic Farming

for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem 12

Sarita K. Yadav, Ruchi Soni, and Ajay Singh Rajput

Sustainability is the key for continued existence of any civilization. Agriculture
may be considered sustainable when the system is resource conserving, socially
supportive, commercially competitive, and environmentally sound. In farming
systems, microbes play a pivotal role as the main dynamic forces. The health of the
planet relies on the development of efficient and sustainable agricultural sys-tems.
Soil is the base of many of the biological processes, viz., biological nitro-gen
fixation, residue decomposition, mineralization/immobilization turnover, nutrient
cycling, and denitrification, which are regulated by the microbes. In today’s
scenario, wherein the addition of chemicals is done to an extreme level, the soil has
lost rich flora of beneficial microbes. It is high time to reintroduce environmentally
friendly microflora into the field, so as to accomplish the goal of sustainable
agriculture. In this chapter we will attempt to explain the application of soil
beneficial microbes through traditional and advanced approaches using organic
manures in organic farming system so that human race and nature may be benefited
by maintaining sustainable agroecosystem.

Organic farming ∙ Sustainability ∙ Biofertilizers ∙ Microbes

S. K. Yadav (*) ∙ R. Soni ∙ A. S. Rajput

Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation,
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, Nagpur, Maharashtra,
India e-mail:

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 241

D. G. Panpatte et al. (eds.), Microorganisms for Green
Revolution, Microorganisms for Sustainability 7,
242 S. K. Yadav et al.

12.1\ Introduction

India witnessed an era of green revolution during which enormous enhancement in the
food grain production took place, but it did lead to the insufficient concern for
agricultural sustainability. The chemical fertilizers are based on fossil fuel; hence their
availability and affordability at farm level in developing countries are ensured through
imports and subsidies which are largely dependent on GDP of the country.
Indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizers has polluted the biotic and abiotic systems of
soil and water basins and destroyed microbes and other friendly worms and insects.
Critical conditions arise when phenomenon like eutrophication takes place, which is
capable of demolishing the whole aquatic ecosystem (Pindi 2012).
After these experiences one has to go back to sustainable growth of agriculture.
Sustainable agricultural growth faces threat due to climatic changes, which is
enhanced by the consistent accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmo-
sphere, produced anthropogenically through tremendous industrial growth and stiff
shift in the lifestyle. The whole world is undergoing environmental changes and
requires support from the entire human race so as to ensure ecological sustainability in
its socioeconomic development. Agriculture is the basis for ensuring food and
livelihood security of any country; hence this sector becoming resilient to increas-ing
climatic variabilities is most important. A lot of changes are going to be taking place;
if there is as little as 1 °C rise in temperature, for instance, irrigation require-ments in
arid and semiarid regions are estimated to increase by 10% for every 1 °C rise in
temperature. The whole world shall be vulnerable in the event of climate change, but
India in particular, being highly dependent on agriculture, shall fall prey to it to a
greater extent. Rise in sea level would also likely to have adverse effects on the
livelihoods of fishermen and coastal communities (NMSA 2010).
An ecosystem with an integrated region of agricultural production is agroecosys-
tem. These are complex units where several biotic and abiotic factors like soil, water,
air, wildlife, insects, pathogens, plants, and humans interact. The agroecosys-tem
concept provides a background to analyze food production systems, including their
complex sets of inputs and outputs and interconnections of their component parts. If a
sustainable agroecosystem is to be created, then the challenges faced are same as that
lies in creating a natural ecosystem-like characteristics while maintain-ing harvest
output. To achieve sustainability it is important to work toward the sys-tem of
ecosystem concept. Less dependency on nonrenewable sources can be utilized for
energy flow and a better balance achieved to maintain the internal pro-cesses of the
system and that which is available for export as harvestable goods. Maintaining
nutrient cycles which are as closed as possible may lead to lower nutri-ent losses from
the system. Population regulation mechanisms can depend more on system-level
resistance to pests, through an assay of mechanisms that range from increasing habitat
diversity to ensuring the presence of natural enemies and antago-nists. The qualities of
resilience, stability, productivity, and balance, if incorporated in an agroecosystem,
will better ensure the maintenance of the dynamic equilibrium necessary to establish
an ecological basis for sustainability. Sustainability refers to
12  Role of Microbes in Organic Farming for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem 243

productive performance of a system over time. It implies use of natural resource to

meet the present needs without jeopardizing the future potential (Bagyaraj 2014).
As the use of external human inputs for control of agroecosystem processes is
reduced, we can expect a shift from systems dependent on synthetic inputs to sys-
tems designed to make use of natural ecosystems processes and interactions and
materials derived from within the system (Bagyaraj 2014).
Organic farming is a tool for attaining sustainable agroecosystem. In the
present scenario, organic farming has attained a lot of attention due to its necessity
and demands. One may look into the development and maintenance of “closed”
nutrient cycles, so as to lower nutrient losses from the system and to search for
sustainable ways to return exported nutrients to the farm (Bagyaraj 2014).

12.2\ Organic Farming: Tool for Sustainable Agriculture

Organic farming can be considered as the most effective tool for attaining sustainable
agroecosystem. In the present scenario, organic farming has attained a lot of attention
due to its necessity and demands. Organic farming assists to maintain sustainable
ecosystem, boost in biological cycles within farming system, usage of renewable
resources, harmonious balance between animal husbandry and crop production,
increased fertility of soil, and the genetic diversity of the production system and its
surroundings, including the protection of plant and wildlife habitats; these are the
necessities to maintain sustainable ecosystem. At the same time, there is a demand
from the society for providing chemical-free, nutritious food, so as to help the gen-
erations to come and provide a better and healthy future (Roychowdhury et al. 2013).

12.2.1\ Organic Farming Has Gained So Much of Emphasis

Due to the Following Reasons (Roychowdhury et al. 2013)

\1.\ Organic farming predates all its approaches to “environmentally friendly”

\2.\ It is a rapidly developing agricultural sector in India and in many other

12.2.2\ Organic Farming Aims

\1.\ To produce high-quality food in sufficient quantity

\2.\ To create a constructive way of enhancing life with natural systems and cycles
3\.\ To encourage the involvement of microorganisms, soil, flora and fauna,
plants, and animals, within biological cycles
\4.\ To improve, maintain, and enhance the fertility of soils
5\.\ To maintain and prevent loss of genetic diversity of plant and wildlife
habitats \6.\ To establish proper usage of water and water resources
244 S. K. Yadav et al.

\7.\ To establish a relation between the crop production and animal husbandry
\8.\ To minimize all forms of pollution
\9.\ To maximize the use of renewable resources and minimize the usage of
renew-able resources

Since time immemorial our ancestors have been using various organic
technolo-gies to make agriculture sustainable while conserving soil, water, energy,
and bio-logical resources. Among the benefits of organic technologies are higher
soil organic matter and nitrogen, lower fossil energy inputs, yields similar to those
of conven-tional systems, and conservation of soil moisture and water resources
(especially advantageous under drought conditions). Conventional agriculture can
be made more sustainable and ecologically sound by adopting some traditional
organic farm-ing technologies (Roychowdhury et al. 2013).

12.3\ Importance and Creditability of Microbes in

Sustainable Agriculture

If agriculture is to be done in terms of agroecology, a complete approach toward

farming is to be followed. It is copiously considered that microbes play an
important role in various forms, viz., processes of soil formation, plant nutrition,
and the sup-pression of plant pathogens, pests, and weeds. In recent times it has
been found that certain well-established conventional farming techniques like
intensive tillage, spray of pesticide and fertilizer, and monocropping are directly
or indirectly quite harmful to soil microbes. The heavy usage of manufactured
inputs rather than natu-ral resources has led to threaten the soil microbial life.
The soil microbial flora may vary depending on biotic and abiotic conditions,
soil texture and structure, pH, air/moisture content, and soil temperature
(Campbell et al. 1999). The flora may include both eukaryotic (fungi, yeasts,
protozoa, and algae) and prokaryotic organisms (Eubacteria, actinomycetes, and
archaea) (Shannon et al. 2002).
Soil enrichment may be through the degradation or hydrolysis of organic nitrogen,
through the urease enzymes present in some of the microorganisms (Hasan 2000).
The type and amount of organic material that enters the soil ecosystem
determine the soil microbial status (Shannon et al. 2002). Hence, it is determined
that the opti-mum input of organic inputs modifies microbial populations, the soil
food web, and biological processes involved in nutrient transformation (Nannipieri
et al. 1990; Vanhala and Ahtiainen 1994; Stockdale et al. 2002).
The use of vermiculture also helps in restoring the quality of soil (Soni and
Sharma 2016).
There are various microbes which in various ways help to achieve the objective
of sustainable agriculture.
12  Role of Microbes in Organic Farming for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem 245

12.4\ Microbes asBiofertilizers

Biofertilizers or microbial inoculants are carrier-based ready-to-use live bacterial

or fungal formulations, which, on application to plants, soil, or composting pits,
help in mobilization of various nutrients by their biological activity. Biofertilizers
which are carrier-based have shown incredible effect on the agriculture production
glob-ally in comparison with the chemical fertilizers in the last 20 years (Pindi
2012). For easy application, biofertilizers are packed in suitable carrier such as
lignite, peat, or charcoal. Carrier also plays an important role in maintaining
sufficient shelf life (Singh et al. 1999a, b). In recent times, as an alternative for
carrier-based biofertil-izer, liquid biofertilizer has been introduced which has
several advantages over carrier-based biofertilizer (Pindi 2012).
Biofertilizers are referred to as biologically active products or microbial inocu-
lants of bacteria, algae, and fungi (separately or in combination), which may help
biological nitrogen fixation for the benefit of plants (Higa and Parr 1994; Vessey
2003; Pindi 2012; Bhattacharjee and Dey 2014). Their mode of action differs and
can be used alone or in combination.
The main sources of biofertilizers can be classified into the groups of bacteria,
fungi, and cyanobacteria. Rhizobium acts in symbiotic association, present in the nod-
ules on the roots of leguminous plants, which acts as biofertilizers. These bacteria fix
atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms, which is used by the plant as nutrient.
Azospirillum and Azotobacter can fix atmospheric nitrogen while free-living in the
soil, hence enhancing the nitrogen content of the soil (Bhattacharjee and Dey 2014).
Mycorrhiza is known to associate symbiotically with roots of higher plants, for
instance, Glomus. The fungal symbiont in these associations absorbs phosphorus
from soil and passes it to the plant. Plants having such associations are benefitted
by resistance to root-borne pathogens, tolerance to salinity and drought, and an
overall increase in plant growth and development (Bhattacharjee and Dey 2014).
Cyanobacteria are autotrophic microbes widely distributed in aquatic and ter-
restrial environments, many of which can fix atmospheric nitrogen, e.g.,
Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria, etc. In paddy fields, cyanobacteria serve as
important biofertil-izers. Blue-green algae also add organic matter to the soil and
increase its fertility (Bhattacharjee and Dey 2014).
Biofertilizers can also be classified based on the activity carried out by them, as
represented in Table 12.1 (Bhattacharjee and Dey 2014):

Advantages of Biofertilizers (Abd El-Lattief 2016):

1\.\ Reduction in the usage of chemical fertilizers.
2\.\ Reduction in environmental pollution.
\3.\ Increase the strength of nutrients and easily absorbed.
4\.\ Excretion of doping substances for growth.
\5.\ Improvisation in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil.
6\.\ Excretion of some antibiotics that are resistant to some plant diseases.
\7.\ Microorganisms convert complex organic material into simple compounds and
hence increase the uptake by plants.
246 S. K. Yadav et al.

Table 12.1 Types of biofertilizers

S. no. Groups Examples
N2-fixing biofertilizers
1. Free-living Azotobacter, Beijerinckia, Clostridium, Klebsiella, Anabaena,
2. Symbiotic Rhizobium, Frankia, Anabaena azollae
3. Associative symbiotic Azospirillum
P-solubilizing biofertilizers
1. Bacteria Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus
subtilisBacillus circulans, Pseudomonas striata
2. Fungi Penicillium sp., Aspergillus awamori
P-mobilizing biofertilizers
1. Arbuscular mycorrhiza Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp., Acaulospora sp., Scutellospora sp.,
and Sclerocystis sp.
2. Ectomycorrhiza Laccaria sp., Pisolithus sp., Boletus sp., Amanita sp.
3. Ericoid mycorrhizae Pezizella ericae
4. Orchid mycorrhiza Rhizoctonia solani
Biofertilizers for micronutrients
1. Silicate and zinc Bacillus sp.
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
1. Pseudomonas Pseudomonas Fluorescens

\8.\ Enhances root proliferation due to release of growth-promoting hormones.

\9.\ Environmentally friendly and cleanse the plant from precipitated chemical

1\.\ Biofertilizers are sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, making them
difficult to be stored.
\2.\ Their results are slower than chemical fertilizer.
3\.\ Difficult to find a selling retailer.
4\.\ Biofertilizers complement other fertilizers, but they cannot totally replace them. \
5.\ Shortages of particular strains of microorganisms or of the best growing medium
reduce the availability of some biofertilizers.

12.4.1\ Rhizobium

Rhizobium is the most widely studied and important genus as far as nitrogen fixation is
concerned (Odame 1997). This bacterium is associated with legume plants and, hence,
plays an important role in pulse production. Legumes have been an important compo-
nent of agriculture since ancient times. It is widely believed that legumes improve soil
fertility because of their N2-fixing ability (Laranjo et al. 2014) (Table 12.2).
12  Role of Microbes in Organic Farming for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem 247

Table 12.2 Crop specificity of Rhizobium

Host group Rhizobium species Crops N fix kg/ha
Pea group Rhizobium leguminosarum Green pea, lentil 62–132
Soybean R. Japonicum Soybean 57–105
Lupini R. Lupine orinthopus Lupinus 70–90
Alfalfa R. meliloti, Medicago, Melilotus 100–150
group Trigonella
Beans group R. Phaseoli Phaseoli 80–110
Clover R. Trifoli Trifolium 130
Cowpea R. Species Moong, redgram, cowpea, 57–105
group groundnut
Cicer group R. Species Bengal gram 75–117

Desirable Characters of Rhizobium Strains to Be Used in Commercial

Inoculants (Halliday 1984):
•\ To form nodules and fix N2 in target legume
•\ To compete in nodule formation; ability to fix N 2 across a range of
environmental conditions
•\ To form nodules and fix N 2 in the presence of soil nitrate; ability to grow well
in artificial media in inoculants carrier and in soil
•\ To persist in soil particularly for annually regenerating legumes
•\ To migrate from initial site of inoculation •\ To colonize in the
absence of a legume host
•\ To tolerate environmental stresses; ability to fix N 2 with a wide range of host
•\ To maintain and control genetic stability
•\ To control low mortality on inoculated seed
•\ To colonize the rhizosphere of host plant

12.4.2\ Azospirillum

After anonymity of 50 long years, Azospirillum was rediscovered in the mid-1970s

by J. Döbereiner and her colleagues in Brazil. Azospirillum are free-living bacteria
and fix atmospheric bacteria in cereal crops without any symbiosis. They fix 20–
40 kg ha−1 nitrogen per year (Bashan 1993).
Azospirillum seek their representation in agronomic utilization as biofertilizers
in the crops of corn, rice, wheat, and sorghum, which are economically important
crops (Döbereiner 1997; Reinhold and Hurek 1988; Sundaram et al. 1988).
Inoculation of Azospirillum exerts beneficial effect on yield with varying
physio-logical activities, including synthesis of plant growth-promoting
substances (Motsara et al. 1995) (Table 12.3).
248 S. K. Yadav et al.

Table 12.3 N2-fixing Plant N2 fixed/g of substrate

capacity of Azospirillum in Oryza sativa (paddy) 28
the roots of several plants
Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum) 20
and the amount of N2 fixed
by them Zea mays (maize) 20
Panicum sp. 24
Cynodon Dactylon 36
Setaria sp. 12
Amaranthus Spinosus 16

12.4.3\ Azotobacter

Along with N2 fixation, Azotobacter also carries out the functions of synthesizing and
secretion of considerable amounts of biologically active substances like B vitamins,
nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, heteroxins, gibberellins, etc. which enhance
root growth of plants. These species show sensitivity toward pH, high salts, and tem-
perature above 35 °C (Rao 1986). Among the important species of Azotobacter are A.
chroococcum, A. agilis, A. paspali, and A. vinelandii. Azotobacter shows significant
response in crop growth, viz., all agricultural crops about 10–12% (Jaga and Singh
2010). Growth and grain yield in wheat crop can be enhanced with Azotobacter (Kader
et al. 2002; Abd El-Lattief 2016). Azotobacter when inoculated with yeast shows much
superior results (Ahmed et al. 2011). Along with rice and other cereals, Azotobacter
may apply by seed sipping and seedling root dipping methods (Kannaiyan, et al. 1980;
Kannaiyan 1999; Singh et al. 1999a, b; Rüttimann, et al. 2003).

12.4.4\ Phosphorus-Solubilizing andPhosphorus-

Mobilizing Microbes

Phosphorus (P) stands to be the second major plant nutrient limiting factor for
crop productivity.
Phosphorus-solubilizing and phosphorus-mobilizing microbes in the form of
biofertilizers can make available the accumulated phosphates for plant growth
(Goldstein 1986). Soil nutrient status and structure are vitally altered with the use
of PSB as bio-inoculants (Blake 1993). Microbes belonging to the groups of
bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes fall to be in this specific group of organisms
and enumer-ated from different sources such as soil (Roychowdhury et al. 2013).
Various bacte-ria belonging to this group are Bacillus sp., B. megaterium, B.
circulans, Pseudomonas sp., and P. striata, and fungi are Penicillium sp., P.
digitatum, P. oxysporum, Aspergillus sp., A. niger, A. flavus, and A. awamori.
Mycorrhizae are phosphorus-mobilizing microbes, which enact to make avail-
able the phosphorus to the plants and hence support the development of plants
(Roychowdhury et al. 2013) (Table 12.4).
12  Role of Microbes in Organic Farming for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem 249

Table 12.4 Recommended liquid biofertilizers and their application method and quantity to be
used for different crops
Recommended Application Quantity
Crop biofertilizer method to be used
Field crops
Chickpea, pea, groundnut, soybean, Rhizobium Seed 200 ml/
beans, lentil, lucerne, berseem, green treatment acre
gram, black gram, cowpea, and
pigeon pea
Wheat, oat, barley Azotobacter/Azospirillum Seed 200 ml/
treatment acre
Rice Azospirillum Seed 200 ml/
treatment acre
Oil seeds
Mustard, sesame, linseeds, sunflower, Azotobacter Seed 200 ml/
castor treatment acre
Pearl millets, finger millets, Kodo Azotobacter Seed 200 ml/
millet treatment acre
Maize and sorghum Azospirillum Seed 200 ml/
treatment acre
Forage crops and grassesBermuda Azotobacter Seed 200 ml/
grass, Sudan grass, Napier grass, Para treatment acre
grass, star grass etc.
Other misc. plantation cropstobacco Azotobacter Seedling 500 ml/
treatment acre
Tea, coffee Azotobacter Soil 400 ml/
treatment acre
Rubber, coconuts Azotobacter Soil 2–3 ml/
treatment plant
Agro-forestry/fruit plantsall fruit/ Azotobacter Soil 2–3 ml/
agro-forestry (herb, shrubs, annuals, treatment plant at
and perennial) plants for fuel wood, nursery
fodder, fruit, gum, spice, leaf, flower,
nut, and seed purposes
Leguminous plants/trees Rhizobium Soil 1–2 ml/
treatment plant

12.5\ Bacterial Endophytes

The microbes which live inside the host microenvironment and receive protection
from environmental stresses, hence, face quite low competition from microbes. At the
same time, they have superior access to nutrients (Dutta 2014; Yadav and Yadav
2017). Endophytes are also found to associate in supplying biologically fixed nitro-gen
in nonlegumes, and these associations can increase the nitrogen economy of a crop,
reducing the requirement for N fertilizers. Also prevention from various
250 S. K. Yadav et al.

diseases is carried out through endophyte-mediated de novo synthesis of structural

compounds and fungi toxic metabolites (Sturz et al. 2000). Also endophytes
improve the seedling performance and survival by providing resistance against
insects and nematodes and drought, improving nitrogen assimilation and thus
yielding higher seed set (Fescue 1990). Small molecular compounds called
siderophores are pro-duced by some endophytes, which are chelating compounds
that can benefit iron to plants and divest pathogen of iron (Compant 2005).

12.6\ Microbes for Bioremediation of Agricultural Soils

Toxic metals accumulated in agricultural soils can be easily transferred to plants

and food and thereby to their food chain. Chemical extractants may be used to
recover the metal-polluted soils, but it turns out to be difficult and incomplete.
Other than the usage of chemicals, with the help of microbes, having the ability to
biosorb heavy metals, the transfer of heavy metals from soil to plant can be
reduced (Bagot et al. 2005).

12.7\ Microbes in Decomposition of Agricultural Waste

Plant waste contains high content of cellulose, which takes abundant time to
decom-pose by naturally occurring microorganisms. Due to this, the agricultural
wastes are burned which leads to environmental pollution and various respiratory
diseases. Hence a method has to be incorporated to fasten the activity of
composting. This can be done by the usage of microbes belonging to bacteria,
actinomycetes, fungi, algae, and protozoa. Due to high organic matter and
biological activity of compost, it is effective in various activities like soil erosion,
biofiltration, bioremediation, impro-visation of soil structure, and moisture
retention. Major pollution problems, viz., air and water, can be minimized by
utilizing the composting technology (Anyanwu et al. 2015).

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