Chapter 1: Introduction 3

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1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Objective of Report 4
1.3 Brief Introduction of Industry 5
1.3.1 Access providers ISP 5
1.3.2 ISP industry in Nepal 6
1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization 8
1.5.1 About Organization 8 Company Mission 10 Company Vision 10 Culture of the organization 10 Dress 10 Level of formality 11 Physical Structure 11 Meeting Style 11 Reward System 11 Service Areas 12
Corporate Internet 12
Small medium enterprise Internet 12
FTTH Internet 13
Air-Max Internet 13 Organization Rationale 14
1.5.2 Organization Hierarchy 14
1.5.3 Contact Details 15
1.6 Internship Placement Details 18
1.6.1 Organization Selection 18
1.6.2 Placement 18
1.6.3 Duration 20
1.3.1 Roles and Responsibilities 21


2.1 Literature Review 22
2.1.2 SITE SURVEY 23
2.2 Framework 26

3.1 Module and workplace relation 30
3.2 Module helpful aspects for the placement 31
3.2.1 CLI of router knowledge 31
3.2.2 Writing skills 31
3.2.3 security tools and operating system knowledge 32
3.3 Effect on my future plans 32
3.4 Elements to be applied on the workplace 32

Abilities gained 33
4.2 expected abilities gain 33

5.1 Problems and obstacles 34
5.1.1 I wiped out running network ip address 34
5.1.2 Field visit to the bad client 35
5.2 Ways I dealt with the challenge and lessons 35




1.1 Introduction

The Internet is evolving. The majority of end-users perceive this evolution in the form
of changes and updates to the software and networked applications that they are
familiar with, or with the arrival of entirely new applications that change the way they
communicate, do business, entertain themselves, and so on. Evolution is a constant
feature throughout the network ‘stack’.

As the Internet becomes an ever more pervasive and critical infrastructure

underpinning society and commerce around the globe, so understanding the ways in
which the Internet is changing grows in importance for technologists and
policymakers alike. Reflecting on what those changes mean for the likely future
trajectory of the Internet is critical.

Today the world is changing at high rate; the direction is from agriculture and
industrial society to information society. The major leading for this change is access
to internet where people get almost everything of what they want. Broadband internet
access has changed the lives of many people and led to development of the countries.
Among others, Korea is a good example where broadband internet has lifted the
economy of the country. It is in this regard that needs an appropriate and convent
method like FTTH to optimize the existing optic fiber infrastructure installed. FTTH
has been proven to be the shining star of the next generation access (Fiber to the home
council Europe 2014 6th Edition). Increasing demand for high speed internet is the
primary driver for the new access technologies which enable experiencing true
broadband. (Shaik et al. Sterlite Optical Technologies Ltd., White Paper (2005)). The
requirement of FTTH, two factors could be considered; One is to reduce the cost and
another is content (Feng et al Asia Pacific Optical Communications).

1.2 Objective of Report

The main objective of education is to acquire knowledge. To acquired knowledge

ultimately, we must do some practical application in addition to theoretical
knowledge. Through this report, I tried my level best to present my practical
knowledge as well as to find out-

To fulfill the requirement of the internship program under BCA program

To analyze the present situation of ISP in Nepal.

To identify the prospects & problems in ISPs

1.3 Brief Introduction of Industry

The Internet was developed as a network between government research laboratories and
participating departments of universities. By the late 1980s, a process was set in place
towards public, commercial use of the Internet. The remaining restrictions were removed
by 1995, 4 years after the introduction of the World Wide Web. In 1989, the first ISPs
were established in Australia and the United States. In Brookline, Massachusetts, The
World became the first commercial ISP in the US. Its first customer was served in
November 1989.

1.3.1 Access providers ISP

ISPs provide Internet access, employing a range of technologies to connect users to

their network. Available technologies have ranged from computer modems with
acoustic couplers to telephone lines, to television cable (CATV), wireless Ethernet
(WI-FI), and FIBER optics.

IBIS World’s Internet Service Providers market research report can be used to help
you: understand market size and growth potential; major companies; draft business
plans and pitch books; and conduct benchmarking and SWOT analysis. Our industry
analysis highlights macro industry trends in the overall sector and micro trends faced
by companies that do business in the industry. The industry report also provides key
industry statistics and 5-year forecasts to anticipate future industry prospects so you
can decide with confidence.

The internet has rapidly developed a ubiquitous presence in almost all facets of daily
life and business, greatly benefiting the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) industry.
Additionally, current regulatory overhaul is expected to drive government-subsidized
network expansion and increase the number of US broadband connections, driving
revenue growth. In the next five years, ISPs will look to benefit from increased

internet traffic through "triple play" service bundles.

In broad terms, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) industry offers only one product:
internet access. However, the industry has a plethora of methods for delivering that
product. While each internet connection type has various speeds, variations, advantages
and disadvantages associated with it (see Technology & Systems section), it is mostly
useful to distinguish only between broadband and narrowband residential internet access.
In addition to connecting consumers (both residential and commercial) to the World
Wide Web, this industry also includes businesses that act as intermediaries between
ISPs, website servers and online content providers; these operators are known as
internet backbone providers.

1.3.2 ISP industry in Nepal

The Internet Service Providers’ Association of Nepal (ISPAN) is a non-profit

organization committed to advocate and support a healthy Internet industry in the
country. ISPAN believes an open, competitive marketplace for Internet access and
services benefits the Internet service industry and the people it serves.

The Internet Service Providers’ Association of Nepal (ISPAN) was set up in 1998 with a
mission to develop and promote Internet for everyone. ISPAN had originally started
activities when ISPs like Mercantile, World Link, CCSL, HTP, ENET came together with
the purpose of making Internet affordable to local communities and penetrate in the rural
areas. ISPAN has been initiating continuous dialogues with the Ministry of Information
and Communication, Nepal Telecommunication Authority, Nepal Telecommunications.
ISPAN is in the forefront of liaison with several Ministries and Departments for
shortcomings in the License Conditions. ISPAN has been fighting and exercising the right
to obtain timely and quality infrastructure and resources to enable High Quality Services
to be delivered by the Internet Service licensees. We have since then been at the forefront
of bringing about changes in the Internet Policy, through regular interaction with various
Government Departments, other Industry Associations and Media.

ISPAN works closely with NTA, NTC, MOIC and various other organizations and it
is our constant endeavor to take up and resolve various issues that affect
implementation of the ISP’s projects. Thus, ISPAN seeks opportunities to encourage

and promote the use of Internet and IT enabled services, such as E-commerce, E-
governance, Health Care and Distance Learning etc.

ISPAN continues its endeavor to take up various issues that affect the implementation
of the ISP’s projects and monitor the policies related to Internet.

Industry through interaction with the Government, other Industry Associations and
national / international bodies, etc. It is due to constant interaction with international
bodies and agencies, we have been successful to establish Internet Exchange in Nepal.
The exchange has connected all ISPs in Nepal thereby facilitating users to have faster
Internet access for locally hosted sites and locally available services within Nepal.
Moreover, the Exchange has reduced the high bandwidth utilization of local ISPs
thereby providing relief on the bandwidth payment structure which has to be paid to a
foreign company in US dollars.

The Internet is certainly one of the major phenomena in Nepal today. In fact, it is
being universally recognized that as the Internet proliferates, so will E-Commerce and
E-Governance and E-Business and other E-services. It is, therefore, in the National
interest to boost the expansion of Internet Services in the Country. This will not only
help the country to become a part of emerging global E-economy, but will also enable
the citizens to avail of the benefits arising out of IT enabled services. ISPAN continue
to progressively and proactively analyses and understand the issues and concerns of
Internet Industry and address them through sharing of information and discussion
from various platforms available. Some of the objectives future targets are:

⮚ Internet penetration in rural areas

⮚ Generate employment opportunities (directly/indirectly) through the use of ICTs.

⮚ Provide the Internet platform for the growth of IT/ IT enabled / software services as
has been stated in Telecomm Policy 2061.

⮚ Turn around the losses of the ISP Industry, and make the Industry into a growth-
oriented profit-making industry.

⮚ Promote, project and develop the interests of Internet Services Providers.

⮚ Proliferate convergence between voice and data to facilitate growth of Internet and IT
enabled services for E-Commerce, E-Governance, Health care and Distance

⮚ Collaborate and associate with related National and International Organizations for
update on technologies and latest practices.

⮚ Legalization of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and tele-centers.

1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization

1.5.1 About Organization

Located at Durbar Marg, Kathmandu, HONS is a full Internet Service Provider and
network consultant which has been providing services to all interested businesses and
individuals all over Nepal since 1999 A.D. It has more than 5000 happy clients.
Among them Patan hospital and Teaching hospital are its biggest client.

HONS Pvt. Ltd is a very fast-growing broadband Internet Service Provider, serving
large area with broadband Internet services using the latest Fiber and Wireless
technologies. HONS is growing from a small business to a strong and stable
corporation with high quality services, professional staff and expanding customer

HONS provides Internet and Network services Cable internet, Fiber Optics, Hotspots,
Broadband Wireless Internet Service, Web Solutions and Hosting, Intranet, Internal
Networking and Net TV. It believes that quality and reliability go hand in hand.
Quality means uninterrupted and friendly services and reliability means that they
work when they should. The ability to consistently provide uninterrupted and
outstanding technical support is another key aspect of HONS’s business philosophy. Company Mission

HONS is dedicated to providing a service of outstanding quality and reliability.

HONS sees the Internet as a significant tool to extend and enhance both business and
personal communications. It has been our belief that the ability of the Internet to fulfil
this potential will directly affect the perception of Internet users. If user’s experiences
are favorable, their confidence in the Internet will grow. This will encourage more
usage and participation in the system. Company Vision

The company’s vision is to create business opportunities and exploit focused on

Internet services and networking technology by outstanding competence,

extraordinary team spirit and visionary management. Culture of the organization

One reason for that level of success is a team dedicated to culture. That team means
that a positive culture is on the forefront, setting up fun lunches, events and programs.
The company makes sure that there is always an upcoming event so the entire team
has something to look forward to, and HONS uses methods to make sure the entire
team works well together. HONS has managed to communicate its goals and vision to
employees in a way that makes them a part of a unified team. Dress

The HOD and staffs who work staying at office are always properly dressed whereas
HONS prefer to allow field employees to dress freely or casually for comfort, which
works in more creative work environments. There is no any dress code for field
employees. Level of formality

A formality is an established procedure or set of specific behaviors and utterances,

conceptually similar to a ritual. In the company, there is friendly environment so that
the communication makes easy with other staffs. Physical Structure

The structure of an organization clarifies roles for organizational members, so that

each member knows what they are supposed to do and who they report to. The
structure also dictates the amount of control an organizational member has regarding
his job in the organization. At HONS, supervisors from each department supervise
employees for better and balanced performance. Meeting Style

HONS team has their meeting with the certain topics such as:

⮚ Report out on progress made toward the goals.
⮚ Recognition for those who have made excellent contributions.
⮚ Market condition and new offers. Reward System

A reward program can create and maintain a highly motivated employee force
working for the prosperity of business. HONS understands that so, the employees are
awarded with bonus, promotion and also outings after meeting certain goals. Service Areas

⮚ Corporate Internet

HONS corporate package is suitable for Corporate houses like Hospitals, Hotels,
Colleges, Financial institutions, that require an uncompromised quality and
reliable internet connectivity while integrating and adding other services within a
package as required. Some of the highlights of the customization flexibility within
this package are;

⮚ Static IP with Public IP block range (if required) via L3 network.

⮚ Secondary link for redundancy with automatic failover.

⮚ Server hosting ability.

⮚ Customized bandwidth provisioning.

⮚ Well managed services.

⮚ Prompt response and customized Service-Level Agreement (SLA).

⮚ Customized QOS to manage critical applications.

⮚ Symmetric upload and download.

⮚ Small medium enterprise Internet

Business enterprises and Large corporate houses which do have more dependency on
internet services and to which internet is very crucial and vital for their applications
cannot run with highly shared bandwidth. For these types of businesses and
enterprise it requires good bandwidth guaranteed all time. Understanding the fact
about the need of various applications and platforms, we have designed affordable
packages for businesses as per their requirement.

⮚ Option for Public/Static IP.

⮚ Server hosting ability.

⮚ Well managed services.

⮚ Customized QoS to manage critical applications.

⮚ FTTH Internet

HONS Fiber to The Home (FTTH) package is designed to meet the requirement of
power users at home or small offices who are looking for quality internet services at
affordable price. The organization has made it possible that individual homes can be
installed through Fiber. Fiber is a reliable medium with less interference in

⮚ Air-Max Internet

By understanding the geographical conditions of our country, the wireless demand is

even more exciting due to the significantly lower costs needed in terms of delivery

infrastructure. HONS High Speed AirMax service is delivered wirelessly to your
home with best quality with affordable price. This service provides users with an
always-on (24 hours-a-day) service.


IPTV is a sophisticated platform to deliver television content using signals based on

the logical Internet Protocol instead of traditional terrestrial, satellite signal, and cable
television formats. HONS provide IPTV services, a streaming media that extends the
ability to stream the media in smaller quantity and directly from the source so that a
client media player can begin playing big data like movie before the entire file has
been transmitted. Though IPTV uses the Internet Protocol, it works beyond what is
known as Internet TV. It is also widely used in subscriber-based telecommunication
network which provides high speed access channels to end-user premises as well as
for media delivery around corporate and private IT networks via set-top boxes or
other customer premises equipment. Organization Rationale

The key rationale that HONS follows is that it helps customers to keep in touch, do
business and to flourish regardless of distance by using the latest and upgraded
technology. The target is to be a leading Internet Service Provider and Network
Service Provider throughout the nation. It believes that quality and reliability go hand
in hand. Quality means uninterrupted and friendly services and reliability means that
they work when they should. The ability to consistently provide uninterrupted and
outstanding technical support is another key aspect of HONS’s business philosophy.

1.5.2 Organization Hierarchy

Chief Executive




Sales and Accounts and Administration Support

Inventory Finance and HR Dept.
Research Dept. Dept. Dept.


1.5.3 Contact Details

Here is contact information of HONS office or staff.

Name Department Mail Address Official

Contact No

Harihar CEO 980115010


Roshan HOD of 9801151002

Thapa Admin

Rajesh HOD 9801151011

of support

Pitambar HOD 9801151009

of collection

Radhey HOD 9801151026

of technician

Asish HOD 9801151003


Sanjeev HOD

of marketing

Subodth Admin


Jitendra Account

Bhupendra Store


Chhiring Enterprises 9801151012

Rumba support

Basudev Marketing


Mukunda Support

Bashnet Technician

Ambika Support 9801224188

Bhatta Technician

Radhika Support 9801151015

Thapa Technician

Puja Sapkota Marketing

Ujjwal Support 9801149975

Budhathoki technician

Office Contact: 01-4244982

1.6 Internship Placement Details

1.6.1 Organization Selection

Organization selection is a crucial part for the internship programmed as it offers real
world insights and exposures to the actual working life. Internship makes the
classroom’s nonfigurative theories and erudite examples concrete by placing the
student in real life work situation with real live co-workers performing actual
professional tasks, which job encompasses.

It’s an Internet Service Providers linked with the Nepal’s biggest ISP World link
because of which had better expectation to get better and valuable skill from the
organization and knowing the fact that was form the IT background since this
organization is not that big enough there are very limited number of staffs and
merging with the world link somehow has decreased their work load and manpower.
There are many resources for learning like (cisco router, raisecom switch, mikrotik
router, ap devices, firewall devices) so big organization give big opportunities for
learning. I wanted to do my internship in the networking and network programming
field So, I chose HONS PVT. LTD. Head Office situated at Durbar Marg, Kathmandu
Nepal, where I got the chance to implement the learned theories in a practical life and

1.6.2 Placement

This organization placed me under the network support department under Rajesh
Khadka as given in the figure below and my position will be placed by the arrow

Cisco Certified Network

Rajesh Thapa

1.6.3 Duration

Duration of the internship at the HONS PVT. LTD. was 3 months. After placing my
workplace there was very difficult for 1 weeks to do work. After 1 weeks RADHEY
KRISHNA BACHHAR (Cisco Certified Network Associate) he teaches and help me.

At this internship duration, working schedule is showing below table.

Timeline in Gantt chart

Weeks of The Internship

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th


Follow Up

Field Support




1.3.1 Roles and Responsibilities

Duration of the internship at the HONS PVT. LTD. was 3 months. During the
internship the intern was involved in the various tasks in the Enterprise as well as
Retail Support such as Putty Configuration, Mikrotik and normal Router
Configuration, ONU device setup, FIBER and Wireless support, telephone support
and even need to visit client house if device is reset. At HONS PVT. LTD. I was
designated in Enterprise Support as Field Visit, where I had to mainly focus on

Troubleshooting. I worked under the supervision of Mr. Rajesh Khadka and got the
opportunity to learn many things about the organization and the IT industry and
various aspects of ISPs.

The activities that I did during my internship period are as follows:

● Telephone Support
● Support (using various configuration tools such as PUTTY, Win box, Command
● Mikrotik router configuration
● Point to point wireless connection
● Raisecom L2 switch configuration
● Dealing with Customers Service (Retail and Enterprise)
● Field Visit (General follow up)
● Solved various ISP related problems that disturb the working environment of the
● L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol)
● Intranet
● Report preparations.


2.1 Literature Review

Since the internship being part of my academic curriculum, the main objective was to
work in an organization for up to 12 weeks and get a certificate of work experience. I
had decided that I will be doing internship in an ISP organization and choose HONS
PVT.LTD. for it. I applied there for an internship in Enterprise support and got
selected. Without being confused I decided to do internship as my interest was in
Enterprise Support. I agreed and joined the organization from 9 th MAY 2017. The
post was given as intern in Enterprise Support assistance.

Since being an ISP company, the formality of dress was not necessary as an intern.
While talking about the hierarchy each department consists of a HOD and each
Department had several team leaders below him/her and a HOD consists of a group of
2-3 Team leaders according to the designation. There were all together 4-5 team
leaders in the team and each will be doing varieties of task such as Field Support,
follow up, Fiber team, wireless team, enterprise etc. and provide information to the
customers all the time in personal laptop. During the time of 3 months it had been
great to work on providing support to corporate as well as private clients using
different configuration methods.

Luckily being an internship at Himalayan Online Service (HONS), they provided me

an opportunity to have a field survey for wireless Point to Point internet connection. I
went to Rauta, Gaighat with my mentors for the Point to Point connection. We went
on the AP side and our seniors were at our Client end which was located at Salleri,


In the first week of internship, I introduce myself with the team members of IT
Department. My team leader gave the detailed information about the department
along with the main role and task, which all LO mentioned in the WRL form. Our
supervisor gave access of office 365 by which we can create account of office’s staff

and Branches staffs. I have learned about resetting password of the outlook account. I
learned about cracking administration password by bootable pen drive using
(iseepassword) tool. I have learned how to clean format laptop using bootable
pendrive, and installed different software in PC. I learned about Hardware
maintenance such as, I have changed the keyboard and hard-disk of the laptop.


Being a student of networking, I am able to figure out the various types of devices and
I was able to note all the information that I have while visiting data center of the
company. I got to know about their datacenter infrastructure. They have used
Mikrotik as core router and Fortinet as firewall. For wireless coverage the different
access point is from the vendor Ubiquiti Networks (ubnt) Nano station.


I researched on why the company is using these devices, like Mikrotik, Fortinet,
Raisecom, and Ubnt. I got to know that Miktik is considered a disruptive technology,
i.e. it empowers businesses and users to deploy and have features only available on
devices costing 10x more. I also know more about Fortinet, which is the only
company with security solutions for network, endpoint, application, data center,
cloud, and access designed to work together as an integrated and collaborative
security fabric. This also means we are the only company that can truly provide you
with a powerful, integrated end-to-end security solution across the entire attack
surface. The device Ubiquiti Networks (UBNT) provides a variety of high-end
wireless networking products that utilize our innovative and groundbreaking wireless


I researched on the routing, switching devices i.e. how it works, and the basic
knowledge. I learned about the networking devices use for the wireless connection
and its configuration. Mikrotik-Router, Raisecom-Switch, Fortinet- Firewall, and
ubnt-wireless device. I have learned about Winbox and how it works, and learned

more about configuration of Mikrotik router through winbox. I learned about the
UBNT device, which is use for Point-to-Point and point-to-multi-point connection
and its configuration. Overall, I have learned about network setup and maintenance
along with different tools by using different technique.


I have troubleshot the network by configuring vlan in switch in trunk mode and
access mode. Also configured the loop protection in switch. And in mikrotik router I
configured DHCP and hotspot for wireless network. I configured different types of
Aps (Access Point) i.e. Netis, D-link, TP-Link.


I have configured windows 2012 Remote desktop server (RDS). Remote desktop
services management, which was fully integrated into server manager with windows
server 2012. This server is used as terminal server to manage/access internal web
server, mail-server, and file-server. I got familiar with Microsoft windows server
interface. In addition, successfully configured remote desktop for the company.


As I was already familiar with networking tools like PUTTY, PING in our academic
course, this helped me to figure out the networking problems and help to solve them
with basic configuration commands. Also learned to diagnose the network issue. First,
l had to verify that the connection problem was coming from wireless or fiber
breakage. If any wireless connection is loss, firstly I had to perform ping to check
connectivity test between the requesting host and destination host. These utilities
provide a basic picture where specific networking problem may exist. If it still does
not work then the problem checked through PUTTY or tool from remotely access via
SSH. This tool helps to configure manage and organize. These tools also used while
configuring the new devices by using console cable with cisco router or switches.


I learned about how to monitor web-server and network-devices using open source
software like, Nagios and cacti. I was not familiar with that open source software
before. By the help of this software, it was easy for me in monitoring web server and
network devices. Nagios software generally use for monitoring the up time of network
devices. Cacti provide graph of the bandwidth usage.

2.2 Framework

Figure 1 HONS Client Portal

Figure 1 displays the online client portal which enables to configure the client network
remotely. The profile consists of all the attributes that are required for the smooth running
of the network. The profile displays the following information:

⮚ Clients personal information

⮚ Clients Subscriptions

⮚ Basic profile information of Client

⮚ Account details of the Clients

⮚ Service Usage by the client

⮚ Operations available for the clients are:

⮚ Update SSID and password

⮚ Edit User Details, Change Expiry Date

Figure 2 Current Network Status

Figure 2 displays the status of the host and services. The Current Network Status
displays the list of the available Host and their status presenting whether the hosts are
Online. The Current Network Status consist of following

⮚ Current Status
⮚ Tactical overview

⮚ Map
⮚ Host
⮚ Services
⮚ Host Groups
⮚ Service Groups
⮚ Problems

Figure 3 Air Control for details about stations connected to an AP

Figure 3 displays the total number of Access points groups. It displays number of
stations that are connected to an AP also does not displays the stations that are offline.

There are various phases for establishing reliable internet connection. In case of any
conflict in the network the network administrator can view the status of the network
through putty. Using putty, the status of the switch and its interface can be tested.
Available ports in the switch are identified and VLAN were created. The testing of
the network can be tested with the response of input and output rates of the
connection. This guarantees the connectivity of the end user to the switch.

Figure 4 Configuration with putty

Figure 4 displays the Putty

configuration interface, Using Putty tool we can access switch of cable network.

Figure 5 Configuration of Mikrotik using Winbox

Figure 5 shows Winbox which is a small utility that allows administration of Mikrotik
RouterOS using a fast and simple GUI. It also enables us to remotely access the
RouterOS using Public IP address, username and password. Using winbox we can
perform Routing, firewall, bandwidth management, wireless access point, backhaul
link, hotspot gateway, VPN server and more.


3.1 Module and workplace relation

Like I have mentioned earlier I am a networking and IT security student this is an

internet service provider so obviously it’s the best place where I can be to understand
and enhance my skills from base level to somewhat upper than before better enough
to tackle similar problems issues in real time again and for the better experience after
facing and solving the obstacles learning and making things right for the organization
and ultimately for one self.

As I have discussed the learning outcomes above there were eight of them which were
equally valuable and selecting among the actual benefit and realization of the value of
the overall module and experience was now I can understand the issue and if time
comes I can solve the issue and if the issue is frequent I can have Better management
methods such as firewalls antiviruses cisco etc. which I have been learning in the
theory since first semester but never seen this work in the real time before working in
this office.

3.2 Module helpful aspects for the placement

There were many helpful aspects and the first thing that I heard immediately after
joining the team was some of the support depart members agreed and said “Islington
students are special by some ways” and I have to prove them working similarly. But
the level of cisco command line that I was doing since two years in my college level
was too vast and complicated looking at the user interface and simple configuration
mechanism of my office.

3.2.1 CLI of router knowledge

While configuring most of them know the command where to give it but they were
unknown how that command works in real time. I understood that and I began to
teach them some of cisco commands and its meanings and work and relate the same
with those nokia and Huawei router commands because I believe commands are just

instructions that router creator made but its work can’t be changed as it’s a router
anyways and must have the routing features.

3.2.2 Writing skills

And in the other hand while writing mails and applications occasionally in the office
they were impressed with the way I convinced the client mailed the staffs and etc.
with my proper and polite language and I want to thank the college for providing us
with these reports and help us develop writing skills.

3.2.3 security tools and operating system knowledge

Though I was literally prepared about the security tools rather than real
implementation about virtual private network firewalls access controls in the router
Linux operating system and generally windows 10 operating system for sure I could
answer and understand meaningful queries and output from the discussion and learn
more from the seniors catching the attention to make me understand more.

3.3 Effect on my future plans

I was expecting similar job for the future and as an internship I had an opportunity to
get involved into that environment to understand that level of working strategy
management time keeping manpower handling etc. I used to feel I will be a certified
security managing personnel but looking at the workplace I learned some important
lesson that, with certification if I can work little harder for some more challenges I
will have opportunity anywhere I go since the HR Mr Roshan thapa has asked me
several time not to leave the office as my work and suggestion were helpful for my
department and he also gave me a guarantee that after my bachelor degree I will get
better position in that organization. But it’s a final year so i have planned to join them
if necessary if my plan A fails.

3.4 Elements to be applied on the workplace

Some elements that are used in my work field which I have seen are

⮚ Cisco router but only inside the server room
⮚ Webcams in each and every room
⮚ Active directory where AAA is well maintained
⮚ They are followed and managed security policy very well with standard
⮚ Time to time security auditing
⮚ Proper business continuity planning


4.1Abilities gained

As explained in the learning objectives in the above chapter 2 portion of the report
some abilities that were improved after working in this workplace are as follows

Communication skills was the first skill

that I had to focus on because and isp is totally dependent upon its clients. Device
handling and management. Problem solving and market extending strategy. Team
working skills for real customer’s problems. See and understand same command line
codes working in the real time. Time keeping and task analyzing skills decreasing
workload of the workplace (Saw, 2015).

4.2 expected abilities gain

Most of the skills that I was provided we as per I have asked and I have tried to work
more on my speaking and user handling skill which I nearly perfected and the main
thing I was happy about is that could get more friendly and manipulate the friends like

staffs to help me out for my better learning in the new environment and to understand
the tools and techniques they are using and overall seeing them using command line
interfaces of the router OLTs it made me more confident that I can do it too hiding
from the security manager I have solved the router configuration issue couple of
times. Rest of the things were common outcomes.

But the main outcome I was expecting was I was trying to see the database and its
management system and security provided to it but they told me it’s too sensitive to
show me all those things and I couldn’t get chance to type any command for security
purpose due to my photo clicking behavior inside the ISP but they had promised me
to give that opportunity someday which never happened.


Obviously working in an isp and inside the support department looking at the
dedicated lines and shared lines people are often worried about bandwidth issues and
useless cutting of bandwidth due to natural ways or accidently. Some challenges that I
faced during my experience period are

5.1 Problems and obstacles

5.1.1 I wiped out running network ip address

Generally, when the client call in the office for the slow internet speed they remap the
ip address to make the better connection better flow of bandwidth but due to some
errors in the backhand script there as a problem that day in the whole workplace that
mapping would erase the ip to the router with and suddenly the client called me again
to say why now my internet isn’t working and after some time she began to shout at
me asking her payment back and finally she cut the phone giving her best scolding.

5.1.2 Field visit to the bad client

I was sent to the client home network to fix the fiber breakage problem which he has
been facing since a week and no proper solution was given, the client was on fire with
un digested words in his mouth which made me angry but ethically I am bound to
listen and solve the issue not to argue back so I cleared his issue. As soon as possible
and returned back.

5.2 Ways I dealt with the challenge and lessons

In the first case I dealt with the client as I slowly convinced her with my polite voice
and language convincing her to add those hours of disturbance into her net working
hours and if the same issues occur please complain as fast as possible.

And for the second issue I decided not to ask the amount and simply told him to call
and ask me there in the department or gave my official number and returned back.

Some common issues were miscommunication with clients, couldn’t understand the
real issue and giving wrong solutions, etc. which were solved with the time going.

The ultimate lesson of all the outcome was working correctly in your position
speaking and respecting one another will always solve the problem how bad it has
gone but if one tries or chooses to be him and solve the problem its personal
experience. As HELEN MIRREN said “The trick in life is learning how to deal with
it” and which I believe and follow every day.


What an experience it was and what a moment I simply never knew how easily time
passed and how easily I got into the new environment and came back with lots of such
above experience. I was the person who used to stay at the house the whole day inside
the room and sleep long during the leisure days but after the working days started
some sort of routing was set up into my mind which woke me up early in the morning
everyday with some feeling of responsibility inside my mind and pack up some
formal ways to go to the office like my father who is following the same routing since
35 long years I felt like a responsible person and felt capable of working somewhere
and earn for the family from my skill.


HONS, 2019. HONS. [Online]

Available at:


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