Guerrilla Farmer Providence

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Guerrilla Farmer’s Almanac: 2010 Edition


Here are a few items to help organize your analytic process, forecasting abilities and strategies.


Q: What is on the site currently?

Q: What is the typical density of the adjacent site context? If you were to match the context what do
you get?


Q: What are the gold standards or current development used for comparative purposes?

A: TOD Standards (from Calthorpe models also used by New Urbanists) Density are determined by
transects with radiating cores around center and are designated as one of three urban types.

Hamlet Core (CT4) - 4.5 -12 dwelling units per acre

General density (CT3) - 3.5 - 4.5 d.u./acre.
Edge conditions (CT 2) - no greater than 1 unit/20 acres

Village Center Core (CT 5) up to 12 d.u./ac.

General density (CT 4) - 4.5 d.u./acre.
Edge density (CT 3) - 3.5 - 4.5 units/acre.

Urban Core Core (CT 6) up to 18 -36 d.u./ac

General density (CT 5) up to 12 -18 d.u/ac.
Edge Density (CT 4) 4.5 -12 d.u./ac.

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LEED works on a point scoring systems and includes multiple factors for transit oriented development,
low ecological impact, brownfield redevelopment, walkable communities, mixed uses and a number of
other factors.

Residential Minimum of 7 du/acre prerequisite required

Commercial 0.5 FAR prerequisite required

Residential Density 10-13 du/acre .75-1.0 FAR 1 point

Residential Density 14-18 du/acre 1.0-1.25 FAR 2 points
Residential Density 19-25 du/acre 1.25-1.75 FAR 3 points
Residential Density 26-38 du/acre 1.75-2.25 FAR 4 points
Residential Density 39-63 du/acre 2.25-3.0 FAR 5 points
Residential Density 64+ du/acre 3.0 FAR and up 6 points

Rule of thumb: New Haven’s residential blocks in East Rock are usually on 1/8 acre lots ( 50-60’ x 100’)
and are 1-2 family houses :avg. = 12 du acre. Brooklyn, NY (4-5 unit townhouses, typical, 2.0-2.5 FAR) is
about 40 du/acre. Manhattan 100 du/acre (residential towers, FAR high)


Q: What is the density of your Urban Precedent? FAR and du/acre?

Note: older precedents have smaller units and generally more people per unit. 2009 average for
an apartment Gross = 1000 SF/unit. Average size on an American home 2000-2500 SF. i

Q: What is the density of the Regional Precedent?

Note: older precedents have smaller units and generally more people per unit. 2009 average for
an apartment Gross = 1000 SF/unit. Average size on an American home 2000-2500 SF.

Q: If you apply the precedent directly what is the program for the site? How does it compare with the
current planning standards?


The Total Area considered is 36 acres of which 27.3 acres are developable. The building program totals
range between 2-3 million SF of new development. The lower number reflects the program that drove
the highway change (see the JDOHPFS) and the high number is an approximation of the current capacity
of the site. In summary, the East side properties are targeted for 3-4 story residential development with
some commercial at grade. The West Side properties, in the Jewelry District are on average 8-10 story
buildings and the uses are identified with the potential developers – residential, lab/offices, commercial
and institutional mixes.

How does the physical size of your site compare to urban precedents?

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Some estimates of the size of Plato’s Republic put its population at 5000 people, thought to be the
number that could be addressed by a single human voice.

Q: How many people would constitute a city? What does a city look like? Is it a stand-alone
community or a part of larger urban network? How do you determine its role as stand alone or
component of a system?

Buonconvento is our studio example of the smallest urban unit. But it also part of a larger regional
system of tax collection and travel. Other projects like the Arctic City base its idealized size on ‘organic’
communities. Like a traditional village it is completely self-contained. Others understand themselves as
regional planning units. The Garden City concept sizes break down settlements radiating from core city
into scaled urban units of 80,000, 35,000 and 8,000 person sizes with corresponding types and urban
imagery of a traditional rural village. Why were the towns distributed? Other more radical concepts are
commentaries on the ‘death’ of urban cores. They have no center and are completely distributed
systems. Potteries Thinkbelt had no center and even its institutional programs are networked across
large areas and its dwelling units - mobile homes, prefabricated buildings – represent those temporal

Other models lie somewhere in between and aggregate physical units or ‘neighborhoods.’ Standards of
dimensions for walkable neighborhoods are base on a ¼ mile radius or five minute walk but can have
very different building typologies and urban images (Costa’s Brasilia, Perry’s Neighborhood model,
Calthorpe’s pocket TODs). Is a neighborhood a city? Is it part of a city?

A: Stand Alone or No Relationship

If your proposal is for a stand-alone city, what components and population does it require to be
‘successful’ and ‘sustainable’? The Romans had a menu of programs that constructed the ideal of a city.
How would you translate those ancient programs into contemporary patterns of use and program? If it
is stand alone then how far do you take the concept? Zero net energy use? Self supporting agriculture?

A: A Neighborhood that is part of a Local Pattern of Development

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If you see your site as partially determined by local relationships what are its local physical connections?
What are its programmatic contributions to its local scene? Does it add to the context or extend the
context? Can it grow?

A: Networked Urbanism

If your site is networked to Regional Patterns what are the relationships between your site, other sites in
play, adjacent neighborhoods, regional institutions, and expanded mass transit or Rail Network? If it part
of a network are all sites subject to the network logic equivalent ( i.e. they all have a train stop, they all
have parking, they all have similar densities)? Or does it make unique exchanges between other sites
(i.e. Brown’s potential development of a new Medical School campus would want connection and some
identity with the main campus, a new cottage industry incubator district might want connections to RISD
or Johnson and Wales or the downtown shopping district, and Eco themed development might want
direct relationship with the water-based ecosystem of the Bay.

Note: Cities can have the same density but for distributive reasons that correspond to ideological
precepts they can have very different patterns. The Voisson Plan, based on Garden City standards and
Broadacre City use effectively the same total amount of land for the same population. The difference is
that Le Corbusier consolidates around a dense urban core with a hinterland of large farms, while Wright
make the farms correspond to a family owned plot and is suspicious of aggregated political systems.

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Q: How much land is required for one person based on consumption?

A: The EU calculates that a US citizen uses, on average 9.8 earths. In other words an American consumes
more resources that nearly times time the productive capacity of the planet.

Food Production and Agriculture

The concept of Sustainable Urbanism includes ideas of required land for food production. Traditional
urban patterns are probably determined by available food resource. A city had a limited population
based on its proximity to local food resources. With changes in transit that factor has radically changed.
In addition, farmland in the US is in decline. More land that was used for local food production has been
sold of for residential and commercial development (see Table below.)

At least 1.2 acres per person is required in order to maintain current American dietary standards. ii To
reduce this figure one would have to change diet. Or one would have to reconcile that reduction in the
amount of imported food would help alleviate the energy costs of transporting food products. As
families. The Thanksgiving meal travels between 1,500 and 2,500 miles (2,500 and 4,000
kilometers) from farm to table. iiiThe average American meal travels miles to get to the dinner table.

There are various means of determining degrees of self sufficiency for food production.


Subsistence Farming is defined by European standards as 2.5 acres of arable land or enough to feed one
family. Wright’s Broadacre City plan is based on the concept of subsistence farms but note that in its
regional center it is on the low end of subsistence farming.

"The minimum amount of agricultural land necessary for sustainable food security, with a diversified
diet similar to those of North America and Western Europe (hence including meat), is 0.5 of a hectare
per person (1.25 acres). This does not allow for any land degradation such as soil erosion, and it assumes
adequate water supplies. Very few populous countries have more than an average of 0.25 of a hectare
(0.625 acres). It is realistic to suppose that the absolute minimum of arable land to support one person
is a mere 0.07 of a hectare (1.5 acres)–and this assumes a largely vegetarian diet, no land degradation or

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water shortages, virtually no post-harvest waste, and farmers who know precisely when and how to
plant, fertilize, irrigate, etc. [FAO, 1993]"

Each person needs :
vegan food -- 3000 sq. ft. (.07 acres)
a few eggs/week -- 3,500 sq. ft.
one chicken/week -- 24,300 sq. ft.
one cow/year -- 67,300 sq. ft. iv


On the basis of these figures, a vegan diet can meet calorie and protein needs from just 300 square
meters using mainly potatoes. A more varied diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, grains and
legumes would take about 700 square meters. Replacing a third of the calories in this diet with calories
from milk and eggs would double the land requirements and a typical European omnivorous diet would
require five times the amount of land required for a varied vegan diet. v


LEED scores for achieving base line standards measured against general use:

Project Density Required growing space

7-14 du/acre 200 SF
14-22 du/acre 100 SF
22-28 du/acre 80 SF
28-35 du/acre 70 SF
35+ du/acre 60 SF

Other groups have more arbitrary benchmarks:

RE:Vision Group Standards vii

“These guidelines are geared toward maximizing the connection to the natural landscape and leveraging open
space for mixed uses, from social gathering to resource harvesting.
There must be open space equivalent to 10% of all commercial and residential square footage.
Any landscape design must emphasize indigenous plants, minimize irrigation demands and encourage habitat re-
There is to be a minimum of 50 square feet of arable land provided per residential unit.
Arable land may be on grade, on roofs, subterranean or vertical if shown to be viable for yield.
Note that no petrochemical based fertilizers or potable water is to be used.
See resource consumption section for additional water usage requirements.”

Q: How many people could be sustained by these or other values on your site?

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Q: How much energy is require to make your site self-sufficient?

A: In 2005, the average monthly residential electricity consumption was 938 kilowatt hours (kWh),
according to the Energy Information Administration.

A wind turbine produces 1mWh capacity = 2700 mW per year (verify)
Is the site suitable for wind generating capacity?

Variations occur in estimates based on technology orientation for the panels and the local climactic
conditions. 1st Generation Flat Panel Solar
100 sq ft = 1kWh capacity = 1100 kW per year

PV modules vary in size and output. One of the most common size module is about 4' 5" x 2' 2" and
produces 120 Watts peak or about 7 Amps for use in a 12 volt DC system. In a relatively "poor" area for
solar power (such as Albany, NY), the same module will still produce about 0.25 kWh/day in January and
0.6 kWh/day in July. viii That would average to 0.425 kWh/day or 155 kWh/year or 1482 kWh for a 100 SF

“If you are planning on changing nothing else, look at your utility bill and find out how many kWh you
use each month, especially the peak use (either summer or winter depending on your climate). Let's say
you use 2000 kWh/month in the summer in the Phoenix area. That implies a fixed PV array of about
13,000 to 16,000 Watts! A system like that would cover about 1400 ft2 and typically cost between
$70,000 and $90,000 (roughly the cost of two nicely equipped SUVs which, of course, don't produce any

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energy let alone clean energy). Your net cost would normally be lower due to tax credits and, possibly,
utility rebates.

Now back to reality...

If your are planning a remote home (off the utility grid) either we, or one of our dealers, can help you
make it more energy-efficient. This is best done during the planning stage. Most remote homes use
propane for cooking and heating, propane or solar thermal for hot water, and evaporative cooling for
cooling. Taking these measures, designing the house well, and using energy-efficient lights and
appliances, one can often bring the cost of a solar electric system down to $25,000 to $30,000. In areas
with good winds, a hybrid solar-wind system may be even more cost effective, plus have an extra
element of reliability.

If your house is on the electrical utility grid, you may want to consider a grid-tie or line-tie system. These
have been a popular way for people to produce part -- or even all -- of their electrical needs but without
the costs involved with a large battery bank. When your system produces more than your house is using,
you sell the power to the utility company. And when you need more power than your PV system is
producing (especially at night!), you simply use utility power like normal. This is the type of system
where your electrical meter can "spin backwards" during the day. A typical line-tie system size produces
about 2 kW of AC power under full sun and can cost approximately $15,000-$16,000 installed (note:
installation costs vary greatly). In the Phoenix area, such a system can produce an annual average of
about 400 kWh/month. Many utility companies (especially in California but also APS, SRP and TEP in
Arizona) offer substantial subsidies to their customers who install this type of system.” ix

Q: How many SF of solar panels would be required to power the development area? Is the heat gain
from absorption counter act the benefits?

Micro Hydro

Power generated in small scale by rivers, streams, tidal variation. No data available.


As a rule of thumb, a geothermal heat pump system costs about $2,500 per ton of capacity. The typically
sized home would use a three-ton unit costing roughly $7,500. That initial cost is nearly twice the price
of a regular heat pump system that would probably cost about $4,000, with air conditioning.

You will have to, however, add the cost of drilling to this total amount. The final cost will depend on
whether your system will drill vertically deep underground or will put the loops in a horizontal fashion a
shorter distance below ground. The cost of drilling can run anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000, or more
depending on the terrain and other local factors.

Horizontal Ground Closed Loops

This type is usually the most cost effective when trenches are easy to dig and the size of the yard is
adequate. Workers use trenchers or backhoes to dig the trenches three to six feet below the ground in
which they lay a series of parallel plastic pipes. They backfill the trench, taking care not to allow sharp
rocks or debris to damage the pipes. Fluid runs through the pipe in a closed system. A typical horizontal
loop will be 400 to 600 feet long for each ton of heating and cooling.

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Vertical Ground Closed Loops
This type of loop is used where there is little yard space, when surface rocks make digging impractical, or
when you want to disrupt the landscape as little as possible. Vertical holes 150 to 450 feet deep - much
like wells - are bored in the ground, and a single loop of pipe with a U-bend at the bottom is inserted
before the hole is backfilled. Each vertical pipe is then connected to a horizontal underground pipe that
carries fluid in a closed system to and from the indoor exchange unit. Vertical loops are generally more
expensive to install, but require less piping than horizontal loops because the Earth's temperature is
more stable farther below the surface.

Pond Closed Loops

This type of loop design may be the most economical when a home is near a body of water such as a
shallow pond or lake. Fluid circulates underwater through polyethylene piping in a closed system, just as
it does through ground loops. The pipes may be coiled in a slinky shape to fit more of it into a given
amount of space. Since it is a closed system, it results in no adverse impacts on the aquatic system. (see
Koetter Kim, Codex Headquarters on Rte. 128)

Although they are less applicable to California, there are other loop systems described at the
Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium's Web Site. These include an Open Loop System in which ground
water is pumped into and out of a building, transferring its heat in the process; and Standing Column
Well Systems, which can be up to 1,500 feet deep and can also furnish potable water.

In a few places, developers have installed large community loops, which are shared by all of the homes
in a housing project.

To date, geothermal heat pumps are an under-used technology, merely because few people are aware
of its potential. The Department of Energy's Office of Geothermal Technologies, however, wants to
increase installations of geothermal systems to about 400,000 a year by 2005. If the goal is reached, that
would mean that 2 million systems would be in service, saving consumers over $400 million per year in
energy bills and reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by over 1 million metric tons of carbon each
year. x


Harvesting of ‘green’ sources for burning in energy production. Biomass energy has currently has a
limited market in the area, though BHS Energy LLC, a local family run business is developing a mobile
switchgrass pelletizer that may change the market for biomass energy. Planted land cans be used for
biofuels like switch grass.

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What are the networks that inform or locate your precedent?

Q: What are the networks that inform or locate your site other than the proposed rail system? What
are its Regional Connections? ( highways, state roads, water, etc.) Its Local Connections?
(neighborhood resources, streets, parks, etc.)

Green Networks Precedents Study

In your precedent, what is the function of the Green Space?

• Void (not stipulated, a figurative placeholder)

• Farmland (collective or subsistence farming)
• Park (recreational)
• Backyard
• Watershed (wetlands, drainage, etc.)
• Transit Corridor ( trails, bile paths, waterways, etc.)
• Forest (productive or ‘wilderness’)

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Q: If the land is productive, how is Greenspace related to dwelling and commercial spaces? What are it
physical attributes? What are the dimensions and constraints?

Q: What are the networks that inform or locate your site other than the proposed rail system? What
are its Regional Connections? ( highways, state roads, water, etc.) Its Local Connections?
(neighborhood resources, streets, parks, etc.)

Q: What make the site unique in respect to the other sites in the Rail System? What are its unique
opportunities? Is it a regional stop (intermodal with big parking capacity?) A local stop? (walkable with
small catchment area)Does it need secondary transit connections or have those already?

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Over the past several years the post pro studio has explored the problem of ‘Temporal Urbanism.’ The
term “Temporal Urbanism” seems to imply a neutral architecture sufficiently open to any given situation
in order to provide a suitable container for content. While the standardized solution may seem to be the
most flexible, much of the banality of our contemporary built environment is a product of this concept.
The infinitely flexible is not necessarily a desirable agenda for architecture; neutrality is the undesirable
outcome of modernism universal aspirations.

This year we are using other terms to hone in on this conceptual problem. “Big Urbanism” culled from
Rem Koolhaas’ essays essentially stipulates that planning cannot take place in an economic system,
capitalism, that has no plan at its core. But also symptomatic of the inherent systemic contradiction is
that vast territories are being absorbed under this system producing “junk space” and other spatial
paradigms and patterns.

Q: What is fixed in your plan precedent? What is the critical element that gives qualitative value to
the strategy? What can change? What is scheduled to change?

Q: how might you incorporate these strategies into your own strategy?

Q: If the project is forecast by you to grow, what comes first? What is the minimum realization of the
plan that is required to fulfill the basic concepts?

Q: Do you want to fix the solution? Maybe the project should not grow – it is fixed by the capacity of
the land to bear the population intended for the site.

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Residential: Basic Building Sizes

The basic building block or the “Not so Dumb bar”

Buildings 20-22 m. or 60-65’ wide allow for daylight on either side. The dimension is suitable for double
loaded corridor slab towers, townhouses, and warehouse-like development. Subdivision and circulation
is dependent on heights. The Old Mill buildings will generally be between 65’-85’ wide because they are
pre-electric and pre-AC.

Single aspect slab

Single slabs are a variation on the basic block but are narrower - 12-15 m. wide or 35’-45’. The
dimension requires a deep core on one side of the building. Dimensions will vary according to the
number of units per floor and design layout.

Generally a floor plate of 85,000 SF or 850 SM. Some designer towers will go down as low as 7,000 SF or
700 SM. Dimensions are slightly less than the current Manhattan standard of 10,000 SF per floor (a 100’
x 100’ or 65’ x 150’ slab dimensioned by the maximum concrete pour)

What is Big-Box Retail Development? xi
Big-box retail facilities are large, industrial-style buildings or stores with footprints that generally range
from 20,000 square feet to 200,000 square feet. While most big-boxes operate as a single-story
structure, they typically have a three-story mass that stands more than 30 feet tall.

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The definition, or perhaps the description of a big-box store, can be better understood through its
product category. For example, book retailers like Barnes & Noble generally range from 25,000 square
feet to 50,000 square feet, whereas in the general merchandise category, big-boxes like Wal-Mart range
from 80,000 square feet to 130,000 square feet.

What are the different types of big-boxes?

There are four major subgroups used to categorize big-box retail formats: discount department stores,
category killers, outlet stores and warehouse clubs.

Discount Department Stores

Discount department stores, ranging from 80,000 square feet to 130,000 square feet, offer
a wide variety of merchandise including automotive parts and services, housewares, home furnishings,
apparel and beauty aids. This group includes retailers such as Target, Wal-Mart and Kmart.

Category Killers
Category killers, ranging from 20,000 square feet to 120,000 square feet, offer a large selection of
merchandise and low prices in a particular type of product category. This group includes retailers such as
Circuit City, Office Depot, Sports Authority, Lowe’s, Home Depot and Toys “R” Us.

Outlet Stores
Outlet stores, ranging from 20,000 square feet to 80,000 square feet, are typically the discount arms of
major department stores such as Nordstrom Rack and J.C. Penny Outlet. In addition, manufacturers such
as Nike, Bass Shoes and Burlington Coat Factory have retail outlet stores.

Warehouse Clubs
Warehouse clubs, ranging from 104,000 square feet to 170,000 square feet, offer a variety of goods, in
bulk, at wholesale prices. However, warehouse clubs provide a limited number of product items (5,000
or less). This group includes retailers such as Costco Wholesale, Pace, Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale

Other useful retail development terms

From: State of New Jersey. Office of Planning. Creating Communities of Place. New Jersey, Dec.1995.

A new generation of “supercenters” in this retail category range from 100,000 square feet to 210,000
square feet.

The term “power center” is often used to describe groupings of the various forms of bigbox retailers.
Power centers generally contain 250,000 square feet to 1 million square feet of retail space. Retailers
that locate in power centers may be freestanding, structurally attached to another retailer, or a
combination of both types. The trade area from which most power centers draw consumers ranges from
five miles to ten miles. The term “regional center” is often used to describe a small grouping of big-box
retailers, typically developments of two or more anchor stores. Regional centers range from 400,000
square feet to 800,000 square feet. They are generally enclosed with an inward arrangement of stores
connected by a walkway. The trade area from which most regional centers draw consumers in ranges
from five miles to fifteen miles.

The term “shopping center” describes a group of retail and other commercial establishments that is
planned, developed and often managed as a single property. The orientation and size of the center is

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typically determined by the location of the center and the market characteristics of the trade area.
Shopping centers are generally configured as enclosed malls and open-air strip plazas.

Commercial: R & D Office Buildings xii

Mid-rise/High Rise
Stories: 10
Floorplate: 22,000 SF
Population: 1/250 GSF
Dim: 120’ x 180’
Stories: 15
Floorplate: 29,000 SF
Population: 1/250 GSF
Dim: 120’ x 240’

Stories: 6
Floorplate: 30,000 SF
Population: 1/250 GSF
Dim: 90’ x 330’

Stories: 4
Floorplate: 6,000 SF
Population: 21
Dim: 60’ x 100’ (note: width is basic bar)

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Above Grade Parking Garage
Stories: 6
Floorplate: 26,000 SF
Spaces: 387
Dim: 125’ x 210’

Analytic means of changing the models

Q: How do I critique the Precedents and Develop a Scheme?

The beginning of answering this question should already be determined by the Analysis.

A: Being analytical of your precedents requires the ability to constructively alter the model through
experimentation and questioning. At the density ratios determined by your precedent analysis, planning
standards, regional forecasts, and site potential can you change a factor like FAR while keeping the
density capacity and produce and alternate? Does this kind of change radically alter the model? What
happens if you double any of these values? Triple them? Multiply by ten?

A: If the precedents conceptual goals seem anachronistic, too closed, too open, etc. then what other
models in the class offer constructive alternatives? How do they form a critique of the precedent you
inherited? Can you hybridize more than one concept? Think them simultaneously? Entertain more than
one possible outcome of the site while still projecting a viable solution?

The average single family home was 2,349 square feet in 2004, compared to 1,695 square feet in 1974. The size of the kitchen
alone has doubled to nearly 300 square feet. Ground-floor ceilings have grown by more than a foot, and bedrooms are now an
average of 12 feet by 12 feet, compared to 9 feet by 10 feet 30 years ago.” America's Homes Get Bigger and Better: As the
American Family Shrinks, Houses Grow” ABC news, Dec. 2005.
David Pimentel of Cornell University and Mario Giampietro Istituto of Nazionale della Nutrizione, Rome. 1994
Organic Food Consumers.
California Rotary (unconfirmed source)
Vegan Society.
LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System. October 31,2008, First Public Comment Draft Clean Version.
Re:Vision group standards. Re:Vision Dallas Competition package.
(From State of Maryland, Maryland Department of Planning. Managing Maryland’s
Growth: Models and Guidelines,,
October 2001.)
From Tim Love: Urbanism Starter Kit, available through Lou-lou publishing.

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