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Michael Frías 2018-0079. English 8 51081.

Describe what are your favorite Dominican holidays and traditions.

My favorite’s traditions are:

Eating beans with sweets at Easter

This is a very solid tradition in the Dominican Republic shared by all. Sweet beans are adapted
to the Dominican palate and almost every home can enjoy this dish at Easter. Its flavor
combination generally has red beans, sugar, milk, raisins, sweet potatoes, and various spices.


During the month of February, one of the most popular traditions of this town begins: Carnival.
Both children and adults participate in it to start a riot of color, music, dance and masks.
Carnival is celebrated in all regions of the country with the particularity that in each region
costumes and masks with different meanings are used, various masks are made and painted by

My favorite’s holidays are:

Christmas Day: November 25

As in many countries, on December 25 in the Dominican Republic, Christmas or the birth of

Jesus is celebrated, the main character of the Catholic and Christian religion, which is the one
that has most followers in the country, the national religion conflicts. So there is no work on
this day, and the night before, that is, December 24, is celebrated with a great family banquet.
This is a day when you share with your family, rest or go to church.

New Year Holiday: January 1st

As in most countries, and the Dominican Republic is no exception, January 1 is an immovable

date, when the New Year is welcomed. In this warm country, it is a family celebration, or
between close friends, which consists of saying goodbye to the previous year and receiving the
new one.
It is celebrated the night before and even the dawn of January 1st, between fireworks, but
above all a lot of parties, music and banquets.

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