Intro: (Music Playing in The Distance) (Gunshots Let Off)

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Our Worlds On Fire

Chapter 1

(Music playing in the distance)
(Gunshots let off)

“Car pulls away while a man's dead body is in the alley waiting to be found. Close
by, you can hear a child crying near it hidden out of sight. Yet another collateral
damage I have to deal with”, said Agu.
(While a strand of bullets target him simultaneously from the Shadows)
"Haven't you heard those don't work", said Agu.
(While fastly appearing in front of the man with the look of rage in his eye but
with a smile)
(ripping the man apart)

​ cene 1:Act:The gentle fox that trapped the wild rabbit

(door opens)
“I was born in an orphanage. But not here in Nire Liu, I heard it was one of the
lower worlds but it was always peaceful”, Said Zazato.
"I work with my guardian named Agu. Apparently he found me when I was a
baby, so he took me in and the rest of the people that work at the restaurant raised
me", said Zazato.
“Sorry i'm late again Agu I didn't set my alarm”, said Zazato.
​(While sighing)
“Come on Zaza you gotta wake up early, Agu keeps making me do your work”,
said Terry.
​(Mockingly and laughing)
​"Awe just leave him alone he was probably dreaming about little miss leon, zaza
has a girlfriend, zaza has a girlfriend", said Fai.
“No, I don't Fai chill out, anyway it's time to head out to the academy”, said
(while Terry is laughing)
“Ok you two go on ahead and make me proud”, said Fai.
(while trying to catch a terraflux)
“alright, alright, come on we’re gonna be late man”, said Terry.
Academy bells start to ring and every student starts to rush to class. Tia Leon sees
Zazato and greets him awkwardly in the halls. Surprisingly they are taking the
same combat class together even though they are from different realms. They sit in
class and learn the usual military combat and fundamentals. Then they go to the
training grounds to evaluate their level against their mentor named Gorath who was
a former nightmare squadron member. Zazato rushes in and challenges the Gorath
to a spar and Gorath tells him to come at her with everything he got. Zazato
charges at her with full speed and tries to land a punch but gets put 12 feet inside
the ground instantly. Zazato pops back up and still goes after her but Gorath is
dodging all the attacks that she is getting tired of his attacks and decides to ask
others to join Zazato in fighting her. So Zazato decides to get a little serious and
his whole body starts to glow. While emitting vast energy zazato charges at Gorath
with the speed of light and decides to go with a kick but Gorath grabs his leg and
slams him into the ground. Zazato lays there then gets up again.
(while unconscious)
“I​ will not be beaten here”, said Zazato, who started glowing again but this time
with a different type of energy that changed the whole atmosphere. Gorath's mood
changed to but this time she noticed something and wanted to stop him here
because he had the intent to kill. So she got into her fighting position and zazato
launched at her but this time he was so fast that anytime he tried to hit Gorath it
affected her balance so she finished him off with a high kick to the head when they
were fighting in the sky intensely. Everybody amazed in the spar was speechless,
even Tia. Gorath concludes the lesson and tells the class to arrive the same day
next week for lessons. Tia took Zazato to the infirmary and called him an idiot.

Scene 1:Act:

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