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Culture and Society

Fu Manchu and the Third World

Jay Weinstein

he English author Sax Rohmer is best remembered views on current events. This problem is approached
T for his series of international mysteries about Dr. Fu from the perspective of the sociology of culture, a field
Manchu, written during the period that began before established by Karl Mannheim in the late 1920s. My
World War I and ended after World War II. The events interest in Rohmer and in examining his work from a
of this era are reflected vividly in these books. For, jux- sociological perspective stems not so much from a spe-
taposed with the continuing saga of confrontations--in cial interest in popular culture or literature as from an
China, England, India, Burma, Egypt, Haiti, the United interest in the sources of public and professional views
States, and elsewhere--between Fu Manchu, "Master of on the events that Sax Rohmer discussed: namely, rela-
Evil," and Sir Denis Nayland Smith, British foreign tions between England, other Western countries, and the
agent, is Rohmer's view of contemporary historical Third World.
events. For the past several years, I have been active in social
The Fu Manchu novels feature the emergence of a new and demographic research on Third World countries,
and independent "force of the East," one that will chal- particularly India, Nepal, and Jamaica. In attempting to
lenge for world domination the democratic and the to- make sense of the data and other impressions that my
talitarian states of the West. According to Rohmer, colleagues and I have gathered in this research, I came to
China will dominate this Eastern alliance; but countries understand that such work is virtually pointless in the ab-
throughout the former British, French, and other Euro- sence of a general overview of Third World social rela-
pean empires are involved. The politics of this force tions. At the same time, it became increasingly clear that
from the East is neither fascist nor communist nor demo- in the work of many other Third World specialists and in
cratic; rather, it will make alliances with any group when the "public mind" (i.e., popular culture) a rather com-
convenient. The purpose of this attempted takeover, ex- prehensive understanding does exist. Thus, I turned my
pressed in Rohmer's work as Fu Manchu's motives, is to attention to the ways in which others have interpreted the
reassert the supremacy of the nonwhite races. At the Third World. I soon discovered that while this interpre-
conclusion of the Fu Manchu series, Sir Denis and the tation has not been explicitly elaborated in any single
Western world as a whole are still able to hold their own book or article, elements of it can be found throughout
against Fu Manchu, but it is clear that the powers of the current popular and scholarly literature as well. It does,
"Evil Doctor" are not yet exhausted: the Doctor himself in often ironic ways, give considerable coherence to the
is contemplating the question of who will succeed the complex and often contradictory events, experiences,
premier of China. Throughout Rohmer's work, a and personalities familiar to students of Third World so-
thorough and, in some respects, credible perspective on ciety.
the Third World is developed. His books were, and still With some sense of the extensiveness and effective-
are, very popular. ness of this interpretation of the Third World, I began to
In this essay, I focus on Rohmer's work in order to explore its sources, its chronology, and the major con-
explore some of the ways in which popular culture is tributors to it. I found that in some respects it resembles a
shaped by and acts to shape public and professional myth in Western culture; thus, its origins can be traced
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very far back, indeed. In its current version, however, 1913. The notion clearly predates Rohmer, although by
the events and literature associated with the late Victori- its nature it is, as mentioned, difficult to say by how
an-Edwardian era have had a particularly notable influ- many centuries. Fu Manchu embodies an archetype fa-
ence. During this period in England, the first series of miliar in the West since before Marco Polo's travels in
books about international relations, by Arthur Sarsfield the thirteenth century. The Manichean notion of an "evil
Ward alias Sax Rohmer, was published. These books force from the East" and the concept of an international
seem to embody the collective historical experience of and highly organized outlaw organization, which
England and the West in relations with India, Turkey, Rohmer exploited so effectively, appeared in European
Africa, the Caribbean, and other regions of the vast literature and explorers' reports as early as the sixteenth
British empire. These books focused on then-current or seventeenth centuries. Even without Rohmer and his
events, and they expressed a profound sense of loss-of- books, then, these ideas might still have had their ef-
empire in a most effective way. Indeed, the sense of fects.
England's past and present that Rohmer communicated Nevertheless, Rohmer did live to set down in print a
helped him to sell more than 20 million copies of his comprehensive and organized summary of most of the
books. Rohmer's views and themes influenced other au- views formulated by the English-speaking world in its
thors. Eventually, using Rohmer's plots and characters, attempt to penetrate the mysteries of the far reaches of
a series of movies was made. Because of the popularity the Empire. These remarks focus on this writing (and
of a style of mustache, the name of Rohmer's principal related literature) in order to isolate some themes which
character has become part of our vocabulary. have been particularly effective in expressing and in-
Sax Rohmer's influence on popular culture has been fluencing our ideas about the Third World. Rohmer died
discussed and, to some extent, documented. His influ- in 1959; but, as the corpus of his work overwhelmingly
ence on scientific theory and public policy concerning suggests, perhaps Fu Manchu still lives.
relations between the Third World and the West, how-
ever, has not been established. One reason for this lack Sir Denis and the Si-Fan
of attention to scholarly and applied aspects of Rohmer' s The plots of the Fu Manchu novels involve a series of
views is that the influence of the Fu Manchu books has confrontations between Denis (later Sir Denis) Nayland
been mediated by popular culture in general. Thus, the Smith, his allies in Scotland Yard, and members of the
idea of Fu Manchu and the events of the Third World in vast international force known as the Si-Fan. The Si-Fan
which he plays a major role have been generalized and is headed by the Council of Seven, and the president of
depersonalized as they are represented in countless the council is Dr. Fu Manchu. In The Drums of Fu Man-
books, comics, movies, and TV programs. These chu, we learn that "the Si-Fan cannot be ignored. The
sources of popular culture have had a discernible effect Chinese Tongs are powerful and there is a widespread
on the views of scientists, technologists, and foreign belief in the influence of the Jesuits; but the Si-Fan is the
most formidable secret society in the world; fully
twenty-five percent of the coloured races belong to it."
Sir Denis's mission is to defeat the Si-Fan--which
means, as he soon learns, to destroy Fu Manchu. In this
The army of the Si-Fan abides by no unenviable endeavor, Smith is provided with the full
cooperation of the Crown and governments throughout
conventions of war known to the West. the world. But the Si-Fan is so powerful and Fu Manchu
Their weapons include seduction by dark so brilliant that the best Smith can achieve is a holding
women with magnificent bodies and hot, action. Each novel thus focuses on a single related series
of episodes in which the Si-Fan is thwarted in its attempt
black eyes. Death comes by poisoning to carry out a particular plan (e.g., a political assassina-
and other nefarious means. tion or a smuggling scheme), but in which Fu Manchu
himself avoids capture.
While Smith can call upon all the forces of national
and international law and order, Fu Manchu has at his
command followers of all the outlaw cults, castes, and
policy specialists, and the work of these experts has, in religions that the British came to know of during the ear-
turn, affected the producers of popular culture. Thus, lier days of the Empire: thugs, dacoits, lascars, voodoo
Rohmer's views and the Fu Manchu theme have been cultists, and so on. The army of the Si-Fan abides by no
reinforced and elaborated through secondary and tertiary conventions of war known to the West. Their weapons
processes. include seduction by dark women with magnificent
Rohmer's commentary on the Third World has also bodies and hot, black eyes. Death comes by strangula-
played only an implicit role in shaping public and profes- tion, poisoning, and, perhaps most nefarious of all,
sional views because, in a historical perspective, the idea drugs whereby the victim's mind is rendered helpless and
is not Rohmer's at all, nor was Fu Manchu created in wholly under the control of Fu Manchu. One account of

a victim who survived, a Mr. West, gives a good sense The juxtaposition of the rapidly changing international
of the type of enemy with which Sir Denis had to deal: situation and the constant growth of the "mysterious
force from the East" allowed Rohmer to develop an
"Mr. Smith," [said West], "Someone doped explanation of what had become of the British Empire,
me with hashish!" the countries that, along with the vestiges of the other
Smith nodded grimly. European empires, make up today's Third World or
"Cannabis indica," I said--"lndian Hemp. "peripheral" areas. The reader is given insight into the
That is what you were drugged with. I have no causes and consequences of two world wars, the rise of
doubt that now you experience a feeling of nausea fascism in Europe, the rise to world power of the Soviet
and intense thirst, with aching in the muscles, par- Union, and the rise to local power of "communist crimi-
ticularly the deltoid. I think you must have taken at nals" throughout the old empires. Impficated in all of
least fifteen grains." this is the Si-Fan, a group that, though independent of
Smith stopped his perambulations immediately Fascist, Communist, Conservative, or Liberal parties,
in front of West, looking into his dulled eyes. uses any and all of these for its own purposes; namely,
"Someone visited your chambers last night," he world domination by Fu Manchu and the reassertion of
said slowly, "and for your chloral tabloids [i.e., the (pre-Empire) superiority of the "yellow race."
malaria pills] substituted some containing hashish,
or perhaps not pure hashish. Fu Manchu is a pro-
found chemist."

Each of the Fu Manchu novels is set in an area of the

Third World and England. The Si-Fan network is espe-
In the public mind of England during the
cially active, for example, in China, Haiti, Egypt, and Victorian age is a belief--strongly
Burma, but it encompasses members of the "coloured expressed in Rohmer's novelsmin the
races" in every part of the world. Its London head-
quarters are to be found in Limehouse, the docking area
sociogenetic association between being
where the ships that kept the Empire together loaded and white, rational, orderly, and fair.
unloaded. Limehouse, a neighborhood traditionally
known as a refuge for deviant activity and "race mix-
ing" of every type, was given wide berth even by the
London police. Here, in an office beneath an opium den,
Fu Manchu keeps a hand in Si-Fan activities. Born in 1883, Arthur S. Ward pursued brief careers in
the city and on Fleet Street before publishing the first Fu
Imagine a person, tall, lean, and feline, high- Manchu novel, under the name of Sax Rohmer, in 1913.
shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a Through these experiences, he was able to keep abreast
face like Satan, a close-shaven skull and long of international affairs and to continue his boyhood inter-
magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him est in Egyptology and exotic occult practices. Unlike
with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, most other popular novelists of his time, however,
accumulated in one giant intellect. With all the re- Rohmer's settings were not exclusively European.
sources, if you will, of a wealthy government-- Rather, from the first Fu Manchu adventure to the last,
which, however, already had denied all knowledge Rohmer looked beyond Europe to trace the causes and
of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you the consequences of the passing of the Victorian era, the
have a mental picture of Dr. Fu Manchu, the yel- Great War, depression, and so on. By the late 1930s, the
low peril incarnate in one man. influence of Fu Manchu (and his deeds) on popular cul-
ture was already widespread. Long before World War II,
Sir Denis, who is endowed with "the logic and or- before Hitler's horrifying demonstration of the power of
dered knowledge of the civilized world," endures, be- popular cultural symbolism, moviegoers and readers of
comes wiser, but eventually tires with age during his comics were familiar with the possibility that the social
forty years of activity against Fu Manchu. The Evil and political turmoil occurring in Europe emanated ulti-
Doctor, however, has in his "profound" chemical ex- mately not from London, Paris, Munich, Venice, or New
periments discovered the secret of prolonging life; he York, but from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Fol-
does not age, or rather, when he does age, he can restore lowers of Rohmer's adventures and, eventually, all fans
himself (as in Re-Enter Fu Manchu). Thus, throughout a of popular culture were prepared to accept the fact that
period that extends from the Boer War to the Cold the dictator of dictators, the one ruler who would prove
War--a period that saw dramatic changes in interna- that world domination still could occur after the fall of
tional relations--one factor remained constant in Sax the great empires, was not a white man at all, but rather a
Rohmer's novels: Fu Manchu's single-minded quest for "yellow-skinned genius" who leads an army of the
world domination. nonwhite races.
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Of the several themes and subthemes that make up Si-Fan are quite the opposite of those which led the Eng-
Rohmer's views, the continued focus on the role of the lish to establish their (now-waning) hegemony: "The
Third World in even apparently domestic European af- Chinese still believe that the yellow race can dominate
fairs is central. The nature of this involvement is often
difficult to decipher, since the Si-Fan alternately sides
with, then against, England, Germany, the United
States, and the Soviets in intra-European conflict and in- The visual contrast between white and
trigue. Yet this involvement is identifiable in its con- dark people is, in Rohmer's view,
tinuity of personnel and its methods of operation: "yel-
low races," "coloured races," "blacks," and "dark-
reflected in the contrast between their
skinned people" striking with tactics that betray an utter respective degrees of cultural
disregard for "civilized mores" and even human life. In enlightenment.
brief, the leading element of Rohmer's theory of the
Third World is this emphasis on international race
war--whites versus nonwhites--in which the Yellow
Peril and its allies (Rohmer classes Jews with nonwhites) the world, and the Oriental mind spells out the means in
seek revenge for injuries allegedly sustained during the a manner altogether opposite to Western ideas." The
colonial and imperial eras. Si-Fan seeks rule by yellow men, aided and abetted by
black, brown, and Eurasian races, with no concern for
A Neo-Freudian Interpretation human welfare or civilized values. The English, on the
Sociologists of culture, especially students of popular other hand, sought to spread well-being and civilized
culture associated with the Frankfurt School, have virtues, and they subsequently rose to power because of
gained insight into such literary themes through an appli- their special capacities stemming from Anglo-Saxon
cation of Freudian and neo-Freudian perspectives. While heritage and blood. Perhaps most significant, as Rohmer
I do not suggest that this is the only, or even the best, saw the difference, beneath the Oriental myth of racial
type of metatheory with which to examine Sax Rohmer's superiority and the solidarity of the Si-Fan (as opposed to
views on the Third World, I do believe that a brief neo- its "reality" in the case of the British and other Euro-
Freudian digression here can help point the way to future pean empires), lay the selfish aspirations for personal
directions for the analysis of popular culture themes. power of one brilliant but mad Mandarin.
From this perspective, we see a profound component It may be apparent from these contrasts, which run
of guilt-related projection in Rohmer's views. Racial throughout the Fu Manchu novels, that Rohmer had
explanations of the English domestic social order and of created a partly preposterous conspiracy of the Yellow
the order of the Empire were, of course, the coin of the (etc.) Peril which corresponded rather closely with an
realm during Rohmer's boyhood. These, after all, were unfavorable "Eastern" interpretation of England's ac-
the years subsequent to the Darwinian revolution, the era tivities during and after the colonial era. Did not the
of social Darwinism, and of Herbert Spencer's socio- English seek and eventually gain dominion over the yel-
logical theories. Rohmer's boyhood years also coincided low (etc.) races through the introduction of strange
with the twilight, but golden, era of white supremacy. weapons, chemicals, religious practices, and ethical
And while historians, economists, and sociologists pre- systems? Would it not stand to reason (albeit Eastern,
fer political and economic explanations of the rise of the "twisted" reason) that England and Europe sought dom-
temperate-zone empires, popular explanations strongly ination by the white races per se rather than dominion by
favored the influence of race itself. In the public mind of political and economic systems which just happened to
England (and other European countries) during the Vic- be inventions of white genius?
torian age, is a belief--strongly expressed in Rohmer's Such possibilities were, of course, not unfamiliar to
novels--in the sociogenetic association between being Sax Rohmer and his European contemporaries. They
white and being rational, orderly, and fair. Thus, during were, however, largely suppressed and rationalized in
prosperous times for the Empire, both the prosperity and European society and culture through a continued em-
obvious political inequalities were "explained"--i.e., phasis on, first, the goals of the empires to spread en-
justified--in racial terms. lightenment and, secondly, the evolutionary and imper-
When the empires began to come upon hard times, sonal character of "the force from the West." In these
first through the competition with one another that two respects, the old empires and the Si-Fan differ con-
eventuated in World Wars I and II, then through formal siderably. Even an "Eastern" interpretation must distin-
dissolution brought about by local Third World forces, guish between the two types of world rule. The aim of
race was again called upon to explain these changes, in the Si-Fan is to spread darkness, slavery, drug addiction,
Rohmer's novels and elsewhere. In Rohmer's work, the and illicit sex wherever it can; its hallmark is its absolute
struggle for political supremacy of other-than-white subservience to one group, the Council of Seven, and the
races is expressed as the Si-Fan's organizational goal. subservience of that group to the evil will of one man, Fu
But, as the reader is often reminded, the motives of the Manchu.

By carefully detailing such contrasts, Rohmer is able realities, social facts and racial explanations, and the
to explain, with the same formulation, the fall of the greatness and the decline of nations.
Empire as well as the difference between good racial This type of explanation has its limits. Clearly it sheds
hegemony and bad racial hegemony. Rohmer's explana- light on only some aspects of Rohmer's focus on the new
tion of the fall of the Empire, like the popular explana- Third World involvement in international relations. In
tion of its rise, relies on an essential dichotomy between addition, it is only marginally useful in understanding
white and nonwhite races, one which remains indepen- other (albeit secondary) themes in the Fu Manchu
dent of authoritarian-democratic, fascist-communist, and novels. With these limits noted, a brief discussion of two
even literal East-West distinctions. Such a dichotomy additional elements in Sax Rohmer's theory is offered.
persists in the present polarizations, theoretical and ac- The first is the frequent association of "loose women"
tual, between the Third versus the First and Second and illicit sex, mystical religions, and illegal drugs with
worlds, the North-South axis in international relations. the activities of the Si-Fan; the second is the connection
Unlike its white and Anglo-Saxon counterpart, however, Rohmer makes between science and technology, on the
the force from the East (i.e., the South) succeeds through one hand, and a conspiracy led by an evil scientist, Fu
trickery, conspiracy, and leadership by "The Devil In- Manchu, Ph.D., on the other.
carnate." The setbacks suffered by the white empires,
then, can be seen as resulting from an organized attempt Immorality, Paganism, and Technology
by the yellow (etc.) races to rule the world through un- In light of the opposition stressed by Rohmer between
ethical and secret means. Ironically, in the genre of the morals of the white world and those of the "coloured
Rohmer's views, the moral supremacy of the white races races," it is not difficult to understand the role that de-
has led to their downfall in the face of challenges by the viant sex, drugs, and religious practices play in his
morally inferior, but more treacherous and numerically perspective on the Third World. The spread of English
superior, nonwhites. It might be noted that the selection and European rule was justified, if not motivated, by an
of the yellow races to lead the other nonwhites corre- interest in the universal distribution of the Enlighten-
sponds closely to the British colonial experiences with ment. By the last few decades of the nineteenth century,
the more resistant (and thus "cleverer") Chinese. "Enlightenment" was practically interpreted to mean a
In making this connection between an empire lost and Victorian sexual code, a general stress on "modera-
" e v i l " (as opposed to "progressive") racial domination, tion," and the partly paradoxical abhorrence of unfa-
miliar drugs (Sir Denis and his companions relished
"safe" drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea).
By 1883 or so, Enlightenment religion meant " c o o l "
Protestant Christianity. An interest in preserving and
As personified in Fu Manchu, the spreading these values gave coherence and moral justifi-
cation to imperialist activities of England and Europe, at
nonwhite races can intellectually master
least in the public mind. From the point of view of the
science and technology, but it will English, the last holdouts against these values were to be
always be mixed with the occult (i.e., found in the far reaches of the Empire, in the laboratories
of Chinese mandarins above the law, in the secret settle-
the antiscientific) and used for evil
ments of thugs and dacoits outside the law, and, ironi-
purposes. cally, in Limehouse, the section of London avoided by
the law.
When the challenge came to the imperial will, it came
from the nonwhite races at the periphery of the European
world system. And, according to Rohmer, their moral
Rohmer is able to express a deep wish of European cul- armament included sexual perversion and intrigue,
ture: the wish that racism and world domination be, in opium and hashish (the two drugs were equally heinous
themselves, morally neutral activities. If the English to Sir Denis), and every sort of ecstatic Dionysian reli-
people and other Westerners (i.e., Northerners) can be- gious activity. The visual contrast between white and
lieve this, then they can feel guiltless about their past and dark people is, in Rohmer's view, reflected in the con-
at the same time oppose the rise to power of Third World trast between their respective degrees of cultural en-
peoples--a rise that contrasts so ironically with the past. lightenment.
It is in this way that a neo-Freudian perspective can shed The Si-Fan association with these illicit activities is
light on Sax Rohmer's views. The views themselves and effective in lending an exotic atmosphere and more than
the impact they have had can be understood as popular a small measure of titillation to the Fu Manchu novels.
culture phenomena that satisfy a need. Characteristi- At another level, however, sex, drugs, and ecstatic reli-
cally, this is a need stemming from general contradic- gion are used to illustrate the evil inherent in a certain
tions in culture and society: in this case, contradictions type of racial domination and to draw a sharp contrast
such as those between democratic ideals and imperial between it and the good qualities of the fading hegemony
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of the white races. Such activities reflect a morality that, both embodied and gave new meaning to the "evil sci-
as Sir Denis notes several times in each novel, "must be entist" archetype in our culture. But beyond this, the as-
stopped at all costs." sociation of nonwhite science and technology with de-
Similarly, it is not coincidental that "the force from struction and domination serves as a specific explanation
the East" is led by a man who has mastered all the of loss of empire and as a key illustration of the danger-
legitimate and the occult sciences and technologies ous possibilities inherent in a nonwhite victory over the
known to the world. As much as late-Victorian England guardians of the Enlightenment.
identified enlightenment with a particular moral-reli- I have discussed only a sample of the themes to be
gious code, it also reserved a special role for scientific found in Rohmer's Fu Manchu books. A more detailed
and technological innovation in the Pax Britannica. In analysis would identify other themes and compare them
order to sustain his general views on the threat posed by with other writings by Arthur S. Ward. The implications
the Yellow Peril, Rohmer included a discussion of its of these admittedly tentative findings for future work in
antienlightenment orientation to science and technology. the sociology of culture go beyond more detailed work
As personified in Fu Manchu, the nonwhite races can in- on Sax Rohmer's writings per se. I have contended that
Rohmer's perspective on the Third World--and its ele-
ments, such as the focus on racial explanation, conspi-
racy, deviant morality, and the destructive use of science
Because of the popularity of a style of and technology--has played a role in forming current
public and professional views. Rohmer's interpretation,
mustache, the name of Rohmer's along with its cognates and successors, has served and
principal character has become part of still serves to organize Western understanding of Third
our vocabulary. World cultural and social change (though I have not tried
to support this contention in any but an informal and sug-
gestive way here).
A valuable contribution would be a more formal ex-
amination of the correspondences (and differences) be-
tellectually master science and technology, but it will al- tween Sax Rohmer's and current views. Foreign pol-
ways be mixed with the occult (i.e., the antiscientific) and icy statements, scientific studies of the Third World, and
used for evil purposes. popular media content might be analyzed for the pres-
The English and European pride and sense of power in ence, absence, and degree of reliance on various ele-
their science and technology have always been moder- ments of Rohmer's perspective. Similarly, other Victo-
ated by a characteristic fear that these harbored the power rian literature about Third World relations can be studied
to turn on their creators. The Prometheus-Frankenstein to determine how they might have influenced Rohmer. In
theme pervades European and many other cultures. Yet, brief, there are many potentially fruitful paths to be fol-
during the late-nineteenth and earlier-twentieth cen- lowed in seeking current and past expression of Sax
turies, science and technology were, despite their "run- Rohmer's remarkable views on the Third World.
away" potential, felt to be fundamentally under the con- While the study of Rohmer's work and related themes
trol of Western scientists of goodwill. Today, views in popular culture is a fascinating activity, there are other
seem to have shifted toward an autonomous-technology reasons why I would like to see some of this work con-
perspective, expressed so forcefully in Jacques Ellul's tinued. As one who has met with Rohmer's views---or
widely read works. Between then and now, the empires elements and vestiges of them--in scholarly studies, I
have been dismantled and the Third World has begun to look forward to the day when anyone will recognize
assert its claim on science and technology. Sensing this, them for the fantastic, guilt-motivated, rationalizing bit
Rohmer was voicing a fear that should the "coloured of fiction that they are. When Sax Rohmer's interpreta-
races" take power, technology's potential for going out tions can be identified even in disguised forms, then the
of control would be realized. As part of the moral crisis way may be clear for establishing a bit more truth about
identified in other ways by Rohmer, Fu Manchu's evil what is (and what should be) the nature of relations be-
inventions express once more the ironic theme of imperi- tween Europeans, Americans, and the peoples of the
al-failure-through-superiority. (See, especially, The Third World. []
D r u m s o f Fu M a n c h u , in which communication
technologies are stolen by the Si-Fan.) The white races
would not use science and technology for evil; but since
the nonwhites have no such scruples, they are making
inroads--such as prolonging life and developing ex- Jay Weinstein is professor of social sciences at the Georgia
tremely potent drugs and weapons--that the West never Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Since 1979, he has been
achieved. editor-in-chief of Studies in Comparative International Devel-
opment. He has twice served as Fulbright Professor of Sociol-
Fu Manchu's mastery of science and technology ogy in India and is the author of numerous reviews, articles,
makes him a fascinatingly modern literary villain. He and books.

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