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CINP915, Assignment #1 Grading Scheme and Tips

Question TIP

Perform a vertical analysis of the major revenue and

Which are the key revenue and expense categories for one or both years and discuss your
expenditure categories (don't get lost in 3 observations. Use numbers and percentages to compare.
the small items)? Think about concentration and diversification risks.

What story does the financial This question is worth the most marks, so 'give it all
statements tell about the organization's you've got'. Use all of what you've learned in the course
financial activities and its overall financial so far to analyze the statements and present a succinct but
health? comprehensive story about Dixon Hall's financial situation.

Perform a horizontal analysis of the financials from 2013

What are the year-over-year financial to 2014, identify trends and explain what is contributing to
trends? What is driving these year-over- 3 these trends, e.g. major event, loss of funding, etc.  Use
year changes?  numbers and percentages to compare.

Are there any areas of concern about Your response should address whether Dixon Hall is a
the organization's finances? If so, what 3 “going concern” and why/why not.
are they and why are they a concern?

Yes, I expect you to use basic liquidity calculations to

What is the liquidity of the organization support your conclusion(s). Use the ones in the Course
and is it sufficient for the size of the 2 Materials. Don't worry about the complicated target
organization? liquidity calculations in the textbook.

Don’t ask for more numbers. Consider what you need to

What questions would you ask the
know in order to better understand Dixon Hall’s financial
management of the organization to
2 situation. Develop open-ended questions that will help to
further clarify the story told by the
clarify Dixon Hall’s past performance, decisions and plans
for the future.

Organization of content; page numbers; connection to

course materials and readings; quotes cited using proper
Communication & Presentation 2 format; no stringing of quotes; transparent calculations;
clear/correct language; within word limit.

Total Marks 20

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