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sruaent's B601< A 1+

English for the 21st century

Split Edition B

Michael Downie and David Gray
Letter · to· ithe Student

oear student,

welcome tol-world,
9-world is a modern, dynamic course that gives you a truly b\ended approach to \earning. lt
integrates online activities with classroom materials to provide you with the 21st century skills
necessary for tne world outside the classroom 9-world will help you communicate effectively
in ali modern-day social, family, academic, and work situations.

In your Student's aook, you will find:

• A broad variety of authentic content and tapies to nelp deve\op your \anguage.
• communicative activities that you can relate to your own experience.
• A focus on modern-day issues mat helps you compare ideas
• continuous opportunities for project work and cooperative learning.

About your Student's aook:

Your Student's aook has ten units. Each unit is divided into three sections:
• My World introduces you to tne tapie of the unit.
• Views relates to people's personal experiences about the tapie.
• out and About provides cultural information from around the world related

to tne tapie.
Each section contains reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities to help you develop ali
four skills. rne units end with a review page (The World in vou: Hands) for practice of \anguage
and vocabulary, and a group Project.
At the back of your book, you will find Pairwork activities tnat are relevant to certain units, a
Grammar Reference, andan Irregular verbs list.
we at university of oayton Publishing sincerely believe that 9-world will provide you with a salid
foundation in English and enable you to progress in a positive way.

Get ready to explore the world with 9-world.

,. , """-l'W1i""="
~ II

tnaccess Your gateway to a digital world!

our new virtual learning environment will provide you with all the
interactive practice you need. on l!JD access, you will find:

lnteractive activities for practice and An On!ine Reader with comprehension

consolidation. activities.

• M•tch wh•t the peopl• Hy to ,eeh typ• ol wellher. Unlt8,81

C.n you turn up ttJtl ,tr condlUonlng? l'm aweatingl


1'11 drive ,rowty, anc 1urn on my log lights.

Bt1ng ln the CIOthM. Tl'ley wli ~ow awayl

8attar Laka an umbntlla.

Most people know about marathons. They are
very tough races in which runners cover 26.2
D.A.CU.0.PIJ:llehing.SAdeC.V..2014 e::>~ lml miles. But did you know that, fer sorne people,
running a marathon is not enough? These

Links to World Book On!ine Encyc!opedia and

Videos of communicative situations. interactive tasks.

. .._.__
.•..•... •••..

Ufe Skllls

Worid Reriglons

For Educators

Sports and Hobbies

Don't forget- lmnl

access is also where you can
find our Online Worksite for even more practicel

Look for and click on these icons in your Digital Book:

1.1 Online Reader

[!] Online practice activities Thls year's parade will llave rnore ttJan ~ high school IJ
bands and tllirty c:=i. --,
c:Jvideos The parade will go clown Broadway aod aloog ~ eet,
ending at tne lake.
> •• 1 ~
- r~ - "'

~ World Book Online Encyclopedia links

There w;u be a ~ at tne lake.
Other amenities witl indude:
• A barbecue area • Street e====> •

A big dance area '- ••



tn the eveoing there will be a blg c:=:=::>display_ ~:;~•~

DAClJO~SA¡jf,CV.?014 e::>~ IEII
Conte,nts "
Split Edition Vblume\B

A newspaper article
Hobbies and pastimes
verbs + Gerunds or lnfinitives A review
6 comparative adjectives A travel guide
Places in a city
Time well spent superlative Adjectives

Present Perfect (Ever/Never) The natural world Magazine articles
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past Prepositions of
Around the world Must1Mustn't (Obligation and movement
p. 18

countable and uncountable Food Magazine articles

Nouns (Some/AnY) Parts of tne oocv An instruction leaflet
8 weather
Feeling Good Adverbs of Manner
Making suggestions
p. 30

A magazine article
A brochure
Be goingto Celebrations An encyclopedia entry
9 Future Time (Wi/0 Significant life events
special occasions can tor Requests and Permission

10 • Talking about the Present
cognates Magazine articles
MUSiC Matters • Talking aoout the Past
word fields An interview
p. 54 • Making comparisons
Adjective collocations
An information gap oescriptions
A description A Leisure Activities survey
conversations A review
A radio commercial
A radio program Pronunciation: /i:/ and /1/

A description An interview
conversations A Museum Exhibition
A journal entrv
A radio program Pronunciation: syllable stress

A survey 1nstructions
A description A Health Website
1nstructions A role-play
A conversation Pronunciation: /~/ and /" /

A conversation A leaflet
A description An encyc\opedia entry A Festival Brochure
A conversation
A role-play
A radio program Pronunciation: /j/ and /dj/

A conversation
An interview
A description A profile
A survey A description A Music Magazine
Pronunciation: The scnwe /9/
A description

Pairwork .. : \ 66
Grammar Reference .\ 68
Irregular Verbs \ 71
3 work in pairs. Read the sentences in the text
Reading ) No TV! that contain the underlined words. Describe
what the words mean in context.
Deducing Meaning
When you find a word you don't know, read the whole sentence 4 Write three activities you did with your family
again. Think of possible meanings and try them in various last month. work in groups. Find out who had
contexts. Ask yourself which one makes the most sense. the most interesting experiences.

1 Skim the article and underline what it is about.

a. A family who does not have a television
b. Two teenagers who only watch television outside A Year without TV!
the house
c. A family who decides to do other things besides Until last year, the Crawford sisters spent a
watching television lot of their free time watching TV. When they
2 Read the article and mark the statements T (true) got home from school, Sally, 13, and Grace,
or F (false). 12, liked to lie on the sofa and watch their
favorite TV programs. The TV even stayed
a. Until last year, the crawfords watched TV during
on during family meals.
family meals. _
b. At first, the sisters thought their parents' plan was So, when parents Ben and Tanya decided
to ban TV, the sisters weren't very pleased.
a good idea. _
Then they heard their parents' plan and got
c. The last activity that the family did was flying excited about the idea.
a kite._
d. Grace really likes to participate in school sports._ Ben and Tanya made a list of 100
altemative activities that they wanted to
e. Tanya thinks that most children do not have
do with the family during the year. The list
enough real-lite adventures. _ included things like leaming to make bread,
f. Sally and Grace want to make another list for sleeping on a beach, climbing a mountain in
nextyear._ winter, and flying a giant kite.
vocabulary > Hobbies and Pastimes ~C!]
"'f. 1 Match the verbs in the box to the phrases.
The Daily Globe
go (x2) play (x2) ride fly watch make take climb

a. a horse f. TV
b. a kite g. mountains
c. swimming h. the drums
d. computer games i. bread
e. photos j. fishing

2 List the activities in activity 1 in the arder you prefer doing them.
Last week, the family completed
activity number 100. They went Speaking > What' s your hobby?
swimming with the dolphins at their
1 Find two classmates that enjoy the same activities as you do
local aquarium.
from the list in the vocabulary section.
"lt was a fantastic experience," 2 work in groups. Discuss why you like or dislike doing the things
says Sally. "I loved touching the on the list.
dolphins under the water. They were
really friendly." Listening > Joining a Club
Grace says that she hates playing 1 work in pairs. took at the notices and say which club you
sports at school, but that the activities would like to join. Give reasons.
on the list were different. "I really
enjoyed learning to ride a horse and
going fishing for salmon," she says. "I
never imagined doing those things."
Newplayers Tennis Club
Ben and Tanya are happy too.
"Kids these days spend a lot of Coaching classes
time indoors, watching TV and Tuesdays
playing computer games. We are
all distracted by electronic devices
these days !" Tanya says. "We LEAQN TO
wanted to give the girls sorne real- MAl(E YOUQ
life adventures, and to teach them to fAVOQITE
enjoy the moment." 015HE5! Swirn Club
Pool open every day
Not all the activities were outdoors.
Leaming to play the drums was one
activity for the sisters. 2 Listen n
to two teens comparing clubs and circle the one
they decide to join.
They also gave a speech at their 3 Listen again and complete the sentences with Rob or Tim.
school about their life without TV.
a. wants to join a club.
The girls say a lot of kids at school
were interested in the idea. Sally and b. enjoys playing table ten nis.
Grace say they want to repeat the c. likes to play tennis.
experience next year, but with one d. goes swimming on Tuesdays.
difference: this time they want to
e. hates to cook.
make the list!
Gram m ar > Verbs + Gerunds or lnfinitives ~C!J 4 use your own information to complete the
sentences with activities.
1 Read the examples from Track 31 and write the verbs a. 1 want --------
underlined in the correct categories.
b. Yesterday, 1 decided _
I enjoy p/aying table ten nis, but I want to learn to play ten nis. c. 1 recently learned _
t like to play tennis./l like playing tennis. d. 1 enjoy --------
I gQ swimming on Tuesdays.
e. 1 don't like _
! /ove to eat, but I hate to cook./1 /ove eating, but I hate cooking
They decided to Join the cooking club. f. 1 love --------
see Grammar Reference, page 68. g. 1 like _
a. Followed by the infinitive: _ h. 1 hate --------
b. Followed by the gerund: _ 5 Work in pairs. Share your sentences from
c. Followed by either infinitive or gerund: activity 4. Discuss the things you have in
I recently learned to do yoga.
2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
Real/y? That sounds interesting t like doing
in parentheses.
Olive enjoys 1) (eat) good food. Last year, she
decided 2) (fly) to Paris for a vacation. She Speaking > Joining a Club ~e
wanted 3) (go) to sorne famous restaurants
> Work in pairs. Join a club.
and learn 4) (cook) French food. But Olive has a
Student A: Turn to page 66.
problem. She hates 5) (travel) by air. Before she Student B: Turn to page 67.
goes to the airport, she usually goes 6) (swim)
to help her to relax. on the plane, she dcesn't like
7) (sit) beside the window. For her, the best part
of the flight is the end. She laves 8) (arrive)!

3 Look at the pictures and use the prompts to write

sentences about Olive's friend Alice.

LeYel wnp,y Row Selt ~ yflow S Ht

Day 12 3 27 ZA 341 27 ZA 341


OWN'tOHSHIPS 2015 ~ •....•.,
A,_,. bl9onlyfor

No.1 COURT )rd.July
Stand !!!!!!I Thlsportlontobl
to vtew ,uch m111che fflninc.totheGtond
nm.1'1)'bl~ on

Sarurday 3rd July

$20. V.A.T.

( d. hate/arrive late)
u- ""

Listening > Gamers

Listening for the speeker's Attitude
When listening, identify the adjectives the speaker
uses and decide whether they are positive or negative.

1 work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the

a. What kinds of things can you find at this type of
b. would you go toan event like this? Why? Why not?
2 Listen~ to two friends ata technology convention.
Mark (.1) the items that are at the convention.
3 Listen again and match the gadgets to the Pronunciation} /i :/, /1/
descriptions. 1 Listen ~ and write the words in the correct
a. FineMotion Controller columns, according to the vowel sounds you hear.
b. virtual projector
c. Empire 5 he his see sit this these
live leave eat it keys kiss
d. 3D glasses
_ You move your fingers to control the game.
/i :/ /I/
_ The characters react when you look at them.
he his
_ You play on the walls of your living room.
_ Has big maps and great graphics.
4 Listen again and label the sentences L (Luis) or J (Julie).
a. The 3D glasses are incredible. _ 2 Practice saying the words in activity 1 aloud.
b. The virtual projector sounds exciting. _
3 Listen fito the beginning of a story.
c. The FineMotion Controller is easy to use. _
d. Empire 5 is fantastic. _
e. The Playerstation is boring. _ Chris § a teacher. He lives lD. a Qjg g_ty. He meets
a girl lD. the street. She doesn't speak Engl§h. He
5 work in pairs. Discuss the questions. thinks she § very_ l2@füi. Then she disappears ...
a. Do you play computer games? lf so, how often?
lf not, why?
b. What are sorne computer games you know of? 4 Work in pairs. Take turns retelling the story. Pay
How would you describe them? attention to the pronunciation of /i :/and /1/.
Vocabulary > Adjectives ~~ 2 Read the review and check your answers.

1 Underline the best adjectives to

complete the teens' descriptions of
mm 111111 r1 m 11111111111111111111 nm 1~ 1 r JI' ~I
a video game.
Games !New this month l l l. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, l I 1 1 ,.J 1 1 l 1 1

a. 1 love playing Bikers. lt's really


b. The a~ion is so heavy/fast. J' S uper Bikes 11 is a great

motorcycle racing game.
lt has bigger, faster bikes and
longer circuits than Super Bikes l. lt is easier to play
c. The graphics are and its graphics are more realistic. The sound effects
very realistic!loud. are better too. Riding controls are more sensitive,
and the game gives players more useful information
about engine and tire temperature. The only bad
d. The controls are thing in Super Bikes I was the camera angles. Sadly,
difficult/sensitive. in Super Bikes 11, the angles are worse. Both are still fun
games, though. Super Bikes I was very popular and our
reviewers think Super Bikes 11 is even nicer! Give ita try!
e. The ínstruct.ons Experienced gamers will be happier than ever befare.
are c/ear/fun.

f. lt only costs 10 dollars.

rhat's cheap/expensive
for such a great game!

3 Underline the correct options to answer the questions.

a. What type of computer game is super Bikes 11?
2 use the remaining adjectives to write 1. A cycling game. 3. A photography game.
about a different computer game.
2. A motorcycle racing game.

Speaking > Not every game is fun! b. What are the good things about super Bikes 11?
1. Graphics, sound, and 3. Graphics, sound, and price.
> Work in groups. Describe two games or camera angles.
sports you know: one you like and one
2. Graphics, sound, and controls.
you don't like.
c. What things does the game give extra information about?
Reading > A Game Review 1. Circuits. 3. Other players.
2. Tires and engines.
1 Underline the words you think will
appear in the review about a motorcycle d. What did people think about Super Bikes I?
racing game. 1. lt was great. 3. lt was boring.
2. lt was terrible.
race battle driving controls
armies engine tracks conquest 4 work in pairs. Answer the questions.
a. would you buy Super Bikes 11? Why or why not>
b. How are games different now than in the past?

10 Unit 6
Grammar > Comparative Adjectives ~l!J 6 Look at the table and complete the sentences
comparing the games.
1 Read the examples from the game review and
underline the adjectives. Pet City U

realistic ** ***
lt has bigger, faster bikes and /onger circuits than
interesting * ***
Super Bikes l.
lt is easier to play and its graphics are more realistic. easy * ***
The only bad thing in Super Bikes I was the camera cheap $35 $49
clear (instructions) * **
Sadly, in super Bikes 11, the angles are worse.
See Grammar Reference, page 68. big (animals) ** ***

2 Look at the examples again. Match the sentence a. Pet City 11 is realistic _
halves to complete the rules. Pet City l.
a. For one-syllable adjectives that end in a consonant b. lt is also more -----
(fast) ...
c. Pet City II is----- Pet City l.
b. For one-syllable adjectives that end in a vowel (nice) .
c. For adjectives that endina vowel + consonant (big) . d. Pet City I is----- Pet City 11.
d. For two-syllable adjectives ending in y (happy) ... e. Pet City II has instructions
e. For adjectives with two or more syllables (realistic) ... _____ Pet City l.
_ addr. f. The animals in Pet City II are _
_ remove the y and add ier. _____ the animals in Pet City l.
_ add more befare the adjective. 7 Look at the table and write five sentences
_adder comparing Apocalypse I and II in your notebook.
_ double the consonant and add er. Apocalypse 1 '••I•Iet;H. 'l•

3 Circle the adjectives in the examples that are irregular. fast * ***
,ealistic 1 * ***
4 Underline the correct option to complete the rule.
noisy 1 ***
we use comparative adjectives to talk about *
two/three things. difficult ** *
5 Write the comparative forms. expensive 1 $55 $50
a. new: ------
b. cheap: _ Writing > A Game Review
c. easy: _
> use the prompts to write a review about Super
d. hot: _ Bowl 11. Compare it to Super Bowl l.
e. big: _ Super Bowl 11: more exciting - more realistic - more
f. happy: _ difficult - easier controls - sharper graphics - cheaper
g. bad: _
h. good: _
i. nice: _
Writing > My Town
> Write sentences describing your town.
Reading > Leisure in Dubai There are two ma/ls and one gym in my town. There
1 Read the extract from the travel guide on page 13 isn': an airport.
and mark (.t) on the map the places mentioned.
2 Write the names of the places described.
Listening > Hitting the Slopes
a. You can see sorne of the world's most interesting 1 work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss
sea animals here: _ which activity you would prefer to do and why.

b. This has the highest waterslide in Asia:

c. This is the most unusual attraction in Dubai,

according to the travel guide:

d. This is the oldest building in Dubai. The Dubai

Museum is here: -----------

3 In your notebook, write answers to the questions.

a. How do we know that Dubai is popular with rich
and famous people?
b. What is special about the Burj Al Arab hotel?
c. What does Dubai offer people who want a
quieter time?
d. Who is Dubai suitable for, according to the guide?

4 work in pairs. Imagine you go to Dubai far a

weekend. Choose three things to do.

Vocabulary > Places in a City ~l!J

1 Write the names of the places next to the
2 Listen n to a radio program and mark (.t) the
picture that shows the pastime the speakers discuss.
station restaurant square supermarket 3 Listen again and mark the sentences T (true)
airport gym mall pool or F (false).

a. Where people go to swim: _ a. Aspen is the most famous ski resort in

b. Where people buy food: _ canada.

b. lt has sorne of the best slopes and the most
c. usually in the center of a town: _
d. A place for exercise and sports: _ spectacular scenery. _

e. Where visitors arrive by plane: _ c. lt is popular with celebrities. _

f. A business that serves food: _ d. lt is the cheapest resort in the country.

g. A building where trains stop: _ e. The town is not very attractive. _

h. A building with a variety of stores: _ f. There is nothing to do at night in Aspen.

4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
2 oraw a map of your town and mark the places on it.
• Which sport is a popular pastime in your country:
skiing, swimming, or surfing?
• Where can people practice these activities?

12 Unit 6
Dubai is one of the hottest and driest cities in the world.
Located in the United Arab Emirates, it is also one of the richest
destinations, and celebrities and visitors from all over the world come here
to enjoy themselves. David and Victoria Beckham have a house here, and Brad
Pitt and Angelina Jolie own an island! ,
Dubai's leisure facilities are world-famous. The Aquarium and Underwater /
Zoo at Dubai Mali has one of the largest tanks in the world. Visitors can walk ·
through an underwater tunnel and see sorne of the most fascinating sea
animals on the planet. Then there is the Wild Wadi Water Park. This is
located next to one of the world's most luxurious hotels, the Burj Al Arab.
At Wild Wadi, you can ride on the highest waterslide in Asia.
However, perhaps the most unusual attraction in Dubai is Ski Dubai, an
indoor ski resort with 22,500 square meters of real snow, complete with
ski slopes, a play area, and real penguins. This spectacular facility uses
the latest technology to produce fresh snow every day of the year.
Far people who want a quieter time, one of the most popular
excursions in Dubai is a trip on a traditional Arab sailing boat,
called a dhow. Another relaxing option is an afternoon at the
Dubai Museum. The museum is located in the oldest building
in the country, the Al Fahidi Fort. lt is a great place to learn
about the history of the area.
The City of Gold, as Dubai is also known, really has
something far everyone.
Grammar > Superlative Adjectives ~l1] 6 Use the prornpts to write superlative sentences.
1 Read the extract from Track 35 and underline the
superlative adjectives.

we look at some of our most popular pastimes and

ask: Where are the best places to practice them? And
where are the worst? What are the strangest places
and what are the most entertaining?
see Grammar Reference, page 68.

2 Underline the correct option to complete the rule.

we use superlative adjectives to compare two/three
or more objects, people, or places.
3 complete the table with the superlative forms.

l]llft~J~ 1•u1•

1 the livelicst
Mount EveresUmountain/world (high)
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
stranger the a. Tokyo/city/world (expensive)
more entertaining the entertaining b. Mancora, Peru/place to surf/Latin America (good)
c. Times Square, New York/tourist attraction/World
more popular the
d. La Paz/capital city/World (high)
e. Annapurna, Nepal/mountain/world (dangerous)
bette, the
f. The Trans-Siberian/railway/world (long)

7 Work in groups. Write questions to ask another group

worse the
about places in your country. use superlative
What is the highest mountain in ... ?
4 Add the words in the box to the table in activity 3. What is the /ongest river?
high expensive cheap long 8 Quiz another group.
interesting difficult dangerous
Speaking } My Town ~CJ
s Complete the questions with the correct form of
the adjectives in parentheses. 1 Write superlative sentences about places near
(useful) where you live.
a. What is
subject you study at school? Chicken Palace has the tastiest food in town.
b. What is (entertaining) 2 Work in groups. Create a radio commercial
program on TV? describing your area.
c. Who is (good) at Come to ... tt has the best ...
English in your class?
3 In your group, perform the commercial for
d. Who is (friendly)
your class.
person that you know?
e. What is (happy) day
of the year for you?
f. What is (exciting)
place to visit in your country?

14 Unit 6
1 Label the pictures with the names of the free-time activities. 4 Complete what the tour guide says
using the correct form of the words
in parentheses.

Welcome to Dubai. rrn Sahid and rrn

your tour guide for today. on your
right is the 1) _
(popular) beach in Dubai. On the left,
you have the 2) _
(tall) building in Dubai. The restaurant on
the top has the 3) _
(spectacular) views of the city. Now,
we're arriving at the main market. This
is the 4) (good)
place to shop for bargains. lt also has
the 5) (delicious)
local food in the city.

> work in groups. Discuss your favorite free-time activities. > Imagine you are a tour guide. Write a
similar description of your town.
2 Use the prompts to write questions in your notebook.
a. What/enjoy/do/in the evening? 5 Read the article about the impact of TV.
b. Where/want/go/this weekend? Then work in pairs to say whether or
not you agree.
c. What/not like/study/at school?
d. What/hate/watch/on TV?

> Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Sorne people think that the time you
spend watching TV is time wasted. But
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives
is that true? Of course, sorne people
in parentheses.
spend ali their free time in front of the
a. 1 think playing video games is (interesting) TV or watching it online. They don't
than playing sports. like meeting other people and they hate
b. My computer is (fast) than my friend's. going out. These people, called "couch
c. For me, math is (easy) than geography. potatoes," have a problem. However,
there are sorne great programs on
d. Spanish grammar is (complicated) TV as well. TV helps people to relax.
than English grammar. lt's fun and you learn a lot from sorne
> In your notebook, write more comparisons about your daily life programs. So TV ísn't ali bad, or is it?
using the adjectives in the box.
> Write a short paragraph about your
1 boring slow difficult bad ) TV habits and preferences.
--.- A Leisure Activities Survey
> Gonduct a class survey.
\/ Evaluate
a. How much free time do you have on
• Work in groups to evaluate the materials. use
school days? the questions as a guide.
b. How do you spend your free fü'V\e on 1. Is the questionnaire clear and easy to use? Why
the weekends? or why not?
c. Vo you get bored easily? Why? Why not? 2. Are the results clearly presented? Why or why not?
3. Is the final report clear and interesting? Why or
why not?
\/ Analyze 4. How would you change the documents to make

• Work in pairs. Look at the information and them clearer or more interesting?
answer the questions. • work in groups. compare your answers to the
1. What are the titles of the three documents? questions.
2. What is the tapie of the questionnaire?
3. How does the group present the results e Results
of the questionnaire? C How People Spend Free Time

4. What are the different sections of the e, Total students: 1 O (5 boys, 5 girls)
final report?
C Activity
5. Do you find the results surprising? Why?
Why not? C · Shopping

• Underline examples of comparative and e • Playing sports

superlative adjectives in the texts. e
• Watching TV
o boys
e • Hanging out
with friends
Free Time Questionnaire e • Social networking
o e on the computer
Name: Javier González
o o • Listening to music

o l. Mark (.f) the activities you do in your free time. e

e • Shopping e • Playing a
e .r
• Playing sports e musical instrument
• Going to a
e • Watching TV .r e Scouts group
e • Hanging out with friends .r • Doing an
artistic activity
0 • Social networking on the computer .r
C • Taking a karate class
e • Listening to music .r
3 4 5
o 2
0 • Dancing
o • Playing a musical instrument

e • Going to a Scouts group Favorite activity ,N+NM&ti

O • Doing an artistic activity Hanging out with 3
(painting, photography, etc.) .r
C • Other (please specify): 'Toking o. Watching TV

C 2. Which is your favorite activity? 1 1

Playing sports
0 Ho.nging out with friends
Social networking
on the computer
Taking a karate class

16 Unit 6
~ Prepare ~ Research
• Conducta survey about free~ime activities • works in pairs. lnterview other students in the
in your class. Work in groups. Choose a tapie class. When you finish, collate the results of ali
(activities during vacations, usual activities, the questionnaires and make a tally. Discuss the
activities people would like to try, etc.). results in your group.
• Prepare a questionnaire. Use the questions ~ W rite a First Draft
as a guide.
• work in pairs. Assign tasks.
1. What is the best way to get the information?
Pair 1: Prepare the Resu!ts document.
With questions, a list, or another way?
2. What questions will we ask? Pair 2: Write the first draft of the lntroduction and
Procedure sections of the final re port.
3. How many questions do we need?
4. How will we present the results? What kind Pair 3: Write a draft of the Findings section.
of graphic will we use?
~ Edit Your Work
• Evaluate and correct each other's work. Use the
questions as a guide.
Final Report 1. Is the information clear? Are the results correct?
Group 1 2. Is the vocabulary appropriate?
3. Are the grammar and punctuation correct?
Topic: Free-time activities
~ W rite a Final Draft
Introduction • Write a clean version of your work. lnclude the
The aim of our project was to find out the questionnaire you used.
most popular free-time activities in the class.
We also wanted to know if girls and boys ~ Create a Final Product
enjoy doing different activities. • Prepare a presentation of the results. Use slides
or prepare a flipchart showing the main points.
We prepared a questionnaire and gave it to ten ~ Present
students, five boys and five girls. The students • Present your results to the rest of the class.
) answered the questionnaire. We then analyzed
• Compare and discuss the results of different
the.results and made a bar graph and a table.
groups' surveys.

O Findings
o o
o The rnosr popular activity is hanging out with friends.
o O Ten students like doing this in their free time. Six
O students like shopping and five students like listening
to music and social networking on the computer. Five
o O studen~ aJso like do;ng an actistic activüy.
O Tbere are sorne iliffe.ences between boys and gi,Js.
O · Shopp;ng is more popuJa, wüb gírls than WÜh boys.
C Four girls, but only one boy, like shopping. Going to
a Scouts group is not popular with girls, but one boy
oO enjoys ü. Doing an artistic activüy ;, mo,e popuJac
with girJs (3) than with boys (2). One girl, bur no boys,
o like taking karate classes.
Ask people nowadays, "Have you ever been abroad?" and the
answer is often. "Yes. 1 have." Many people have visited more
than one foreign country. But James Asquith is special. Ask
James and you get an incredible answer. Because James, who is
only twenty-four. has visited 196 countries! He is the youngest
person to have visited every country in the world.

James started traveling in 2008. when he spent three months in

Vietnam. Since then, he has visited countries from Australia to
Zambia. He has met sorne wonderful people along the way. and
he has had sorne amazing experiences. He has walked along the
Great Wall of China and seen Rome by bike. He has crossed the
Nile by boat and traveled through the deserts in Jordan by carne!.

The longest time James spent anywhere was six months in

Africa. He traveled by car and bus from Senegal to the Congo
and then back up along the east coast of Africa by train. A lot
of smaller countries had difficult border controls. and James
sometimes had to go through on foot. He needed to have ali
his travel visas in order. He was lucky, though. and never had a
serious problem.

Jarnes's hobby has not been cheap. He started working part-

time on weekends when he was sixteen, and he also took part-
time jobs in bars and hostels while he was on the road. During
his five years of traveling, James has spent thousands of pounds
to achieve his ambition.
vocabulary > Transportation ~l'1J
1 Underline seven means of transportation
Reading > The Whole World mentioned in the text.
2 Complete the sentences with by or on.
When reading an article, it is often useful to summarize the a. 1 don't like traveling car.
tapie in a short phrase or sentence. To do this, identify the main 1 sometimes feel sick.
information: who it is about and what the person did.
b. 1 prefer to travel to school bus.
1 Make a list of places you have visited outside of your c. 1 never go to school foot.
town. work in groups. compare your lists and find out d. 1 like to go around my town bike,
what places you have in common. but it can be dangerous.
2 Skim the article quickly and complete the summary. e. 1 think being a train is fun
because you can walk around.
The article is about James 1) . He's
f. t've never traveled plane or
2) years old. He has traveled to 3) _
---- boat.
countries and he has spent 4) of pounds doing it.
3 work in pairs. Say which sentences in activity 2
3 Read the article and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
are true for you.
a. James went to Vietnam in 2008.
b. In Jordan he traveled by jeep._ w,iting > Getting Around
c. He was in Africa for ten months. _
> use the prompts to write a short paragraph
d. lt was easy to enter and leave smaller about transportation in your town.
African countries. • The cheapest/most expensive way to travel
e. Jarnes's parents paid for his trips. _ in your town
• The most dangerous way to travel in
4 work in pairs. Answer the questions.
your town
a. What is special about James Asquith? • The easiest/best/fastest way to get to school
b. What amazing experiences does the article mention?
c. How was James lucky on his trips? Listening > Going on Vacation
5 work in pairs. Write the names of as many countries as
1 Listen ~ to a couple asking for information
you can in two minutes. Then compare your list with
and mark (.-") the picture that shows where
another pair.
they are.

2 Listen again and mark the places M (man),

w (woman), B (both), or N (neither) according
to the places they have visited.
a. England _ c. France
b. Brazil d. India
3 Work in pairs. Say which of the places you
would like to visit and why.
Grammar > Present Perfect (Ever/Never) ~~ 5 Answer the travel questionnaire.

1 Read the examples from Track 36 and u~line

the verbs.

Have you ever been to Europe? Yes, we have a. Have you ever been to the US?

/'ve visited England and Ita/y and John has beff n

to France. b. Have you ever visited a famous sports stadium?
Have you ever visited India?
No, we ha ven 't. c. Have you ever camped in the mountains?
/'ve eaten an lndian curry,
d. Have you ever eaten exotic food?

2 Match the sentence

e. Have you ever been on a boat?
a. We use the preseht perfect
f. Have you ever swum in the ocean?
b. we form the prrent perfect with
c. we use ever 1n cuestions
g. ---------------
d. We use never
_ to ask about "at any time."
to mean "at no time."
_ to talk about our life experiences in general.
_ have/has + the past participle. 6 Add two more questions to the questionnaire and
answer them.
3 Write the past participle form of the verbs. Use
your dictionary as needed. 7 Write about what the man in the picture has done
and what he has never done.
be-____ play- _
visit- ---- meet- -----
eat- _ win- _

4 Complete the dialogue with the verbs from activity

3 and ever or never.

A: 1) ___,--- you _
to ltaly? )
B: No, 12) -----'------ there, but 1

3) ,( ltalian food.
A:4) --~,I your best friend
' to California?
B: Yes, she 5) . She
a few times
Hollywood and San Francisco
Speaking ) Describing Experiences ~e
> Conduct a survey of your classmates using the
questionnaire from the Grammar section. Then
report to the class about the most interesting
person you interviewed.
vocabulary > The Natural World 6'~
1 Label the pictures.
Listening > Modern Explorers
rain forest cave lake mountain
Organizing lnformation desert valley woods ocean
When listening, make associations between words and
categorize information. This makes it easier to recall what
names of people. places, or things refer to.

1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

a. What places do modern-day explorers travel to?
b. What transportation do they use?
2 Listen n
to a radio show and mark (.1) the items
a. A rain fórest d. A director
b. A desert e. A movie
c. An ocean f. A river
3 Work in pairs. Make a list of specific examples of
people and places you identified in activity 2.
4 Listen again and underline the correct options to
complete the sentences.
a. John has traveled in the Sahara looking for new
medicines/sources of energy.
b. He thinks there are no/a lot of places that people
haven't seen.
c. Christopher Columbus was interested in
commerce/scientific discoveries. 2 Number the places from smallest to largest.
d. The Mariana Trench is seven!eleven a. woods c. lake e. mountain
kilometers deep. tree ocean hill
e. James Cameron stayed at the bottom of the rain forest sea
Mariana Trench for three!thirteen hours. b. desert d. river
beach stream
5 Work in pairs. Discuss how modern-day explorers
are different from historical explorers. 3 Complete the sentences with the words from
activity 2.
Pronunciation) /b/, /v/ a. The longest in the world is the Nile.
1 Listen ft and number the words in each pair in b. The largest is the Amazon.
the arder you hear them. c. The hottest is the Sahara.
a. boat vote d. The tallest is Mount Everest.
b. berry _ very _ e. The biggest is the Pacific.
c. vest best
d. vet bet Speaking > Natural Sights
2 Practice saying the words aloud. Concentrate on > work in pairs. Choose three natural sights in your
the /b/ and /v/ sounds. country for a travel writer to visit. Describe the
places and say why you chose them.

Reading > A Young Explorer
1 Read the article and mark (.r) two photos to go with it.

Many people's dreams are to travel the world
and discover new places, and learn about other
cultures and their traditions. In this week's
exclusive interview, Spotlighttalks to successful
young explorer Vicky Dale to find out about
her experiences.

Spotlight: So, Vicky, have you explored ali seven

Vicky: Yes, 1 have. Obviously, not completely, but
1 have explored isolated parts of Asia, Australia,
Europe, both North and South America, and Africa.
l've been to Antarctica too.
Spotlight: When did you go to Africa?
Vicky: 1 traveled there four years ago. 1 went on
safari to take pictures of the wildlife. lt was very
exciting. 1 stayed atan elephant sanctuary.
Spotlight: Is animal conservation your main
Vicky: Well, 1 also lave exploring ancient
monuments and cultures.
Spotlight: Have you ever visited pyramids?
Vicky: Yes, 1 have. l've been to pyramids in Egypt
and l've also visited the pyramids in Mexico.
Spotlight: When did you go to Egypt?
Vicky: 1 went on an expedition there last year. lt
was really fascinating. 1 loved the local culture. The
people were really friendly and the food was great.
Spotlight: Well, thank you far telling us about your

2 Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

a. Vicky has been to seven continents. _
b. She went to Australia four years ago. _
c. She has visited pyramids. _
d. She has eaten Egyptian food. _
e. She ate it last year. _
3 work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
a. Which continent in the world would you most
like to visit?
b. Why would you like to go there?

22 Unit 7
Gramma, > Present Perfect ~iJ 6 work in pairs. use the prompts to interview your
vs. Simple Past partner. Note down his or her answers.
a. Visita museum? Where? When?
1 Underline the simple past form of the verbs and circle
the present perfect form from the Spotlight interview.
b. Visitan ancient monument? Where? When?
Have you explored ali seven continents?
Yes, I have. c. Go on a school trip? Where? When?
When did you go to Africa?
I traveled there four years ago. d. Eat food from another country? Where? When?
See Grammar Reference, page 69.

2 Match the sentence halves. e. See a film by James Cameron? Which one?
a. We use the present perfect. .. Who with?
b. we use the simple past. ..
_ to refer to a specific time in the past.
7 use your notes to tell another pair about your
_ to describe general experiences. partner's experiences.
3 Mark the questions G (general experiences)
or s (specific times in the past). Writing > An lnterview
a. Have you ever been to the lguazu Falls? _ > You are a reporter for Spotlight magazine. You
b. When did you go? _ interviewed Chuck Lacey, a young explorer. Use
your notes to write your interview for the magazine.
c. Who did you go with? _
d. Have you ever climbed a mountain? _ Writing an lnterview
e. Did you climb a mountain last year? _ ~ Separate questions and answers.
~ Refer to both general experiences
4 Complete the conversations with the correct form and specific events in the past.
of the verbs in parentheses.
Conversation 1:
A: 1) you ever to lceland? (be)
B: Yes, 2)
A: When 3) you ? (go)
B: 14) two years ago.
conversation 2:
A: 5) your best friend ever a
mountain? (climb)
B: No, she 6) . She never
___ a mountain. (climb)
5 Use the prompts to write a short conversation for
each picture.
• Explored three continents -Asia, Africa, south America
• Went to Asia last year - Borneo - stayed at orangutan
sanctuary - took photos - very interesting
• Also likes exploring ancient ruins
• Has been to Angkor Wat (Cambodia) and
many temples in India
• Went to Angkor Wat last year
• Laves local culture - friendly people - great food

Out and About P E R U

ilsolated rr-rihe
Javari Valley
The Javari Valley lndigenous Reserve is a lndigenous Reserve
proteéted area of Amazonian rain forest in Brazil.
lt is tne home of the greatest'1'concentration of
\s81ated groups of indigenous people anywhere in
the world.
lndigenous people have often been the victims w
of i\legal hunting, mining, drug trafficking, and
cattle ranching. lf they leave the forest, they
cannot find work, and because their bodies have
no resistance to common Western diseases, they
often fall ill and die in terrible conditions.
Most of the people in the Javari Valley prefer
to avoid contact with tne outside world. They
live in the middle of the rain forest in communal
longhouses called malocas. They cultivate gardens
for food and hunt animals with bows and arrows.
They use plants frorn the forest for medicine.
In the past. outsiders tried to contact these
isolated groups. They traveled up rivers by canoe
and walked over the mountains and through the
dense rain forest. lf they found an isolated group,
they gave the aborigines presents and tried to
convince them to move out of the forest.
Nowadays, governments protect these
groups. Researchers must respect the culture of
the indigenous tribes and must not try to change
thern with Western technologies and teachings.
They must also keep the location of the tribes
a secret. ln this way, anthropologists hope to
preserve the tríbes' culture and knowledge.

Reading > The Javari Valley 2 Look at the map on page 24 and complete Day 2 of
the journal with the words in the box.
1 Read the title of the article and underline what you
think it is about. 1 out of down under over)
a. Tribes that do not know where they are
b. Tribes that have disappeared forever
c. Tribes with little orno contact with other people Da<j ?.

2 Read the article and check your answers.

we. c\imbe.d ~ ---- a: high
3 Read the article again and answer the questions. mourrtain and -then wal't..e.d 2)
a. Why is the Javari Val ley special? into a de.e.p valle.<j al'-\d pas-t a cese:
lhe.ce. we..ce.. a \o-t of f alle.n +re.e,e and
b. What often happens when indigenous people coe, ccawle.d ~) -them. We.
leave the rain forest? we.ce. glad whe.n we. came. 4) _
-the foce.s-t a-t -the e.nd of -the. da<j.
c. What is the traditional lifestyle of the people in the
Javari Val ley?

d. How is contact with isolated groups different today Writing > On Expedition
than it was in the past?
1 Draw a map and write the expedition leader's next
journal entry.
4 work in pairs. Make notes in the chart.
2 work in pairs. Compare entries.

Listening > Preparing for a T rip

1 Mark (.I') the things you think are important to do
on a trip to the rain forest.
a. Stay clase to other people _
b. wear a hat
5 Work with another pair. Compare your ideas. c. Touch small animals and insects
d. Look where you put your feet _
> Prepositions of Movement ~l'!]

1 Underline the correct options to complete the

2 Listen n to a teacher prepare students far a walk
in the rain forest and check your answers.
expedition leader's journal entry.
3 Listen again and write notes describing why each
thing is necessary.
a. Drink plenty of water
toe, wal't..e.d ~ unaer/alon9 a good -tcail
-ti\\ we. +o -the Cive.(. we. go-t b. Not drink from streams or rivers
?.) in-tol-throu9h oor ·canoe.s and
-tcave.le.d ~) op/cot: -the nvec foc fOU( c. Not touch frogs
hOU(s. We. \e.f-t oor canoe.s e+ a
wa-te.cfall and -then wal't..e.d 4) down/ d. wear boots
-throu9h -me, +ore.e+ foc -noo noucs.

Gramma, > Must/ Mustn' t ~l1] Speaking > Staying Safe ~CJ
1 Choose one of the places in the
1 Read the sentences from Track 39 and underline the examples pictures to take a group of students.
of must and mustn't. Write three things that you must do and
three things that you must not do.
!t's very hot and humid in the rain forest, so you must drink plenty
You mustn't drink water from streams or rivers. ft's not clean.
You mustn't touch any frogs or insects. Sorne of the frogs are
poisonous. _
You must wear boots. They protect your feet. _
See Grammar Reference, page 69.

2 Label the sentences P (prohibition) or o (obligation).

3 complete what the tour guide says with must or mustn't.
a. You drink a lot of water, so that you don't
become dehydrated.
b. You leave the road.
c. You carry plenty of extra fuel for an emergency.
d. You have a good map ora GPS to show where
you are.
e. You tell people your route, so they know where to
find you.
f. You travel alone.
4 Look at the pictures and write must or mustn't to talk about
what to do and not do on a canoe trip.

2 work in groups. Share your notes and

decide whose trip will be the safest.

ff: World Countries

~1 Research a~ indi~nous
group and co1V1plete a
bubble, diagrnlVI.
1 Write how you get to each place. Use by or on. 4 Complete the obligations and prohibitions for a
a. To school every day: _ climbing expedition.

b. To the downtown area of your town or a. You bring enough food.

city: _ b. You check your equipment before

c. To your best friend's house: _ you start.

d. To a place you usually go during summer c. You disturb the birds and other animals.

vacation: _ d. You leave garbage behind after

e. To the park: _ you eat.
e. You wear good boots.
> Ask your classmates how they get to the places.
f. You throw stones.
2 Use the prompts to write general experience
questions. Then write your answers. > work in pairs. Think of a destination in your
country. Write two things you must do there and
two things you rnustn't do. Read your sentences to
another pair and-ask them to guess the place.

Have you ever... s Read the case study and answer the questions.
• go abroad? Yes/No
• visit the home of a person from another country?
• eat food from another country? Yes/No
• speak to a foreigner in his/her language?
• read about the history of another country? Yes/No
• watch a movie in another language? Yes/No
• dream of living in another country? Yes/No

> Find out how cosmopolitan your classmates are.

3 Complete the travel description with the correct

form of the verbs in parentheses.
11) (travel) to a lot of places in the world
with my family. My favorite country is Brazil.
1 2) (be) there many times, but the last
time 1 3) (go) 1 had a problem.
1 4) (forget) to lock my suitcase.
1 5) (wait) in the airport for my suitcase,
but it 6) (not arrive). Then
1 7) (see) one of my socks on the luggage
belt. After that, one of my shirts 8) _
(appear) and then sorne of my underwear!
1 9) (feel) very embarrassed! a. How has Fred been more open?
b. How did his openness enrich his life?
> Write a travel description leaving blanks. Exchange
it with another student and complete each > Write a case study about two people who visit
other's descriptions. your country.

• Look at section 2 of the exhibition on page 29
and answer the questions.
1. What documents are in this section?
2. Who wrote the documents?
__, Analyze 3. What new information do they give about
• Look at Section 1 of the exhibition and Amundsen?
name the explorer. • Find and underline examples of the following in
the texts:
• complete the time line with the missing
information. • Obligations and prohibitions
• General experiences
• Specific events in the past


reached me South Pole,

-- t \ ". Kapp Evans George V


• use the questions to evaluate the materials.
In this part of the exhibition we invite visitors to travel
back in time and recreate the past for themselves. 1. Is the exhibition informative and interesting?
Why or why not?
An imaginary newspaper interview from 1927 2. Does the exhibition gives a clear idea of the
[by students from Walton High School, London) life of the explorer?
3. How would you make it more interesting?
• work in groups. Discuss ways to make the
-~=--==========~Ja=n~uary 6, 1927
exhibition better.

The London Tintes --, Prepare

• work in groups. create an exhibition about
Roald Amundsen is a famous explorer. He has visited a famous explorer from the past.
sorne of the coldest places in the world and he was the
first man to reach the South Pole. We asked him about • Divide your group into pairs. Decide which
his adventures. section each pair will prepare.

The London Times: Why did you become an explorer?

Section 1: Back in Time
Mr. Amundsen: I have always loved exploring. I like • A short biography of the explorer
having new experiences. • A time line and map
The London Times: Have you ever been lost? section 2: Bringing the Past to Life
Mr. Amundsen: Yes, many times. • An imaginary newspaper interview
The London Times: Have you ever had an accident? • An imaginary diary extract
Mr. Amundsen: No, I've never hada serious accident.
The London Times: Did you see many polar bears --, Research
when you traveled in the Arctic?
• In your pairs, research the information and
Mr. Amundsen: Yes, I did. They're very dangerous make notes.
animals and you must be careful when you see them.
The London Times: Do you have any ad vice for people • Discuss your notes with your group
who want to travel in the Arctic or in the Antarctic? members.
Mr. Amundsen: Well, you must be very fit. It's
physically very difficult. Also, you must wear
--, W rite a First Draft
appropriate clothing. And you mustn't sleep outside. • Write a first draft of your section.
The London Times: Thank you very much.
--, Edil Your Work
• In your group, evaluate and correct each
other's work.
An imaginary diary entry from 1911
[by students from Grade 1 O, Manchester Academy) 1. Is the information clear?
2. Is the vocabulary appropriate?
Todalj has be.en a ve.<lj diffiClll-t dalj. Toe 3. Are the grammar and punctuation correct?
weafue.< is ve<lj bad. We go-t llP ea.<llj and had
b<eal<:.fas-t-coffe.e wifu sorne sal-ted fish and --, W rite a Final Draft
c<acl<'..e.<s. Toen coe, s-ta<-te.d off wi-th oor • Write a clean version of your work. tnclude
Thelj ere, s-t<ong and pllll oor sle.dge.s we.ll, bo+ the illustrations.
fue ~oll<nelj is ve<lj nerc; Toe +eropere-rore. is -:/:/.
We rnlls-t k.e.e.p rnoving. We rnlls-tn'-t s-top! --, Create a Final Product
I hope fuings • Collate all the exhibits and prepare your
ge.-t oe+rer exhibition. Create labels for the sections.
--, Present
• Display your group's exhibition. Vote on the
most interesting exhibition in your class.

Unit 7 29
3 Match the foods to their primary effects.
a. Strawberries give LIS
and oranges energy
Reading > Healthy and Happy b. Bananas help our skin
c. Pasta and and bones
Using a Dictionary
When reading, use an English-Spanish dictionary to look up cheese fight depression
unfamiliar words. Sorne words have several translations. Try out d. Chocolate makes LIS happy
the translations in different sentences to find the one you need.
4 took LIP the underllned words in the article in
a bilingual dictionary and identify the correct
1 work in groups . .Make a list of your favorite
translations. Compare your answers in pairs.
foods and compare your tastes.
2 Read the article and check if it mentions the
foods your group members like.

Food is basic to our lives. Without it, our bodies cannot

function. Humans cultivate about two thousand
different types of plants for food. These include fruit like
The well-known cartoon character Popeye made spinach famous
apples, grapes, and watermelons, as well as vegeta bles
beca use it gave him incredible strength. However, this leafy vegeta ble
like carrots, onions, and peas. We also consume huge
is also full of vitamin B, which helps fight depression. One of the most
quantities of meat. The average North American eats
popular side dishes, pasta and cheese, has the same effect.
more than two hundred pounds of meat per year.
A food like chocolate is a special case. Eating a lot of milk chocolate can
However, food has psychological effects too. Fruit like
be bad for our bodies, as it is high in calories, saturated fat, and sugar.
strawberries and oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. This
But chocolate also makes us feel happy. That is because chocolate
is important for our skin and bones, and also produces
increases the levels of endorphins in the brain. Though to get the full
endorphins in our brain, which make us feel happy. In
effect, the chocolate needs to be at least 70 percent pure cocoa.
addition, endorphins reduce pain and stress and are also
an antidepressant. Bananas are rich in potassium, as well So the next time you sit down to eat, remember: what you eat does
as in natural sugars, which make us feel energetic. not just affect your body physically. Food affects your brain too!

30 Unit 8
s Answer the questions. Writing > Food Preferences
a. How much meat do people in the us eat every year?
> Work in pairs. lnterview your partner. Then
write a short paragraph about his or her food
b. What do endorphins do? preferences.
a. How often do you eat fruit?
c. What do bananas contain? b. What's your favorite fruit?
c. Which vegetables do you like and dislike?
d. What's your favorite meal time-breakfast,
d. What vegetable helps to fight depression?
lunch, or dinner?
e. What is your favorite meal?
e. In what ways can chocolate be bad for you?
Listening > Going Shopping
6 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Conduct a survey to find out who does the
a. Do you have a sweet tooth? lf so, how do you satisfy it? grocery shopping in your classmates' houses.
b. How much chocolate do you eat? 2 Listen ft
to two teens doing the grocery
c. What is your favorite candy or sweet? shopping and say who sent them shopping.
3 Listen again and complete the shopping list.
Vocabulary ) Food ~C!J
1 Find and underline the foods in the article. Then match
them to the pictures.
a. f. k.
b. g. l.
c. h. m.
,. eggs~
d. i.
, bottl.es_QLw.ate.,¡__~.::::.::::.::::.::::.::::_-_-_-_-_-
e. j. _ lbs.notatoes ( :
2 Match the food from activity 1 to the appropriate dishes.
sorne foods cango in more than one dish.

Fruit Salad

Vegetable Soup


4 Label the pictures.

s work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Smoothie a. What kinds of foods do your parents always
keep in the house?
b. What other things would you like them
to buy?

Unil 8 31
Gram m ar > Countable and Uncountable ~l'!] 4 Look at the pictures and write sentences
Nouns (Some/Any) comparing the list with the food Joel bought.

1 work in pairs. Look at the examples from Track 40

and answer the questions.

tnere's sorne pasta.

• Rice,
There are sorne eggs.
Is there any lernonade on the list?
• Pasta
Tflere eten't any chips on Morn's list.
See Grammar Reference, page 69.
• Carrots
a. can we count pasta? • Breiad
b. can we count eggs?
c. Which food items can we count and which can we • Che,e,se,

not count on the list on page 31?
Read the examples again and underline the correct
• Milk
options to complete the rules.
a. We use sorne/any in affirmative sentences.
• a. pasta/bread
b. we use sorne/any in negative sentences and
He, bought soMe, pasta, but he, didnt buy any breiad.
c. We use sorne/any/both with plural and b. rice/cheese
noncount nouns.
3 Complete the conversation between two siblings c. carrots/tomatoes
with is, isn't, are, eren't, sorne, or any.
d. lemons/strawberries
BROOKE: Joel, 1) there 2) _
tomatoes in the refrigerator? e. milk/ice cream
JoEL: No, there 3) . we don't have
4) tomatoes.
f. spinach/chocolate
BRooKE: OK, what about peas? Do we have
5) peas?
g. soda/water
JoEL: Yes, we have 6) peas.
BROOKE: Good. 7) ---- there 8) ----
JoEL: No, there 9) . There Speaking } In My Kitchen ~l:J
10) 11) cheese. 1 Make a list of the food you normally have in your
BRooKE: And what about water? 12) there kitchen at home. use your dictionary as necessary.
13) water? Is there any ... ?
JoEL: No, there 14) 15) water. No, there isn 't any .. ./Yes, there is sorne ...
What e/se is there ... ?
2 Conduct a class survey to find out what your
classmates have in their kitchens. Use the results
to list which foods are the most

most unusual.
4 Listen again and match the instructions
to the people they are directed to.
a. John close your eyes
Listening > Yoga for Teens
b. Mary breathe quietly
Listening to lnstructions c. Joe move slowly
When listening to instructions, notice that speakers usually speak more
slowly and stress important words. Pay attention to the stressed words d. Sonia concentrate
to understand the instructions.
5 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
a. Which of the positions looks the most
1 work in groups. Discuss the questions.
a. What sports and leisure activities do you do at school?
b. How does yoga help people to relax?
b. Have you ever tried yoga? lf so, describe your experience.
c. What are the benefits of yoga? Pronunciation ) /m/ and / A/
2 Read the flier for yoga classes and underline the benefits
1 Listen ~ and notice the sound of
it mentions.
the vowels.
3 Listen to ~ the instructor's first class and number the poses /o2/ hat, class, bag
in the order the students do them. //\/ cup, fun, but

2 Say the words aloud and write them in

voma f!!Ollt Taan!!! the correct tables.

hand last up jump dancer

After-School Yoga Classes cat us young back duck
Thursday 5-6 p.m. with Michael O'Connor
travel cut man summer luck

Feeling stressed? No time to sit

quietly and think? Yoga helps
you to relax and feel better.
lt improves your balance and
concentration. lt tones your
body and strengthens leg and
stomach muscles. Our classes 3 Listen ~ to the words and check
are simple and fun. So come your answers.
a long and try! 4 work in pairs. Practice saying the
tangue twister.
Hockey pucks pack a punch when
struck at the body

5 Listen ~ and check.

Unit 8 33
Vocabulary > Parts of the Body ~~ Speaking > Benefits of Yoga
1 Label the parts of the body with the words 1 Work in pairs. Look at the yoga positions and
in the box. say what parts of the body benefit from them.

head arm hand leg foot

neck knee ankle shoulder

2 work in groups. Draw a new yoga position. Explain what

parts of the body benefit from the position.
ear eye
Reading > Pilates
nose 1 Read the instructions for a Pilates activity and mark (.1)
the picture they refer to.

Activity #3
Difficulty: Medium
Time required: 5 minutes
lnstructions: Lie on your back with
your legs on the floor and your arms
at your side. Bring your knees up
to your chest slowly, legs parallel
to the floor. Put your chin to your
chest firmly and gradually raise your
shoulders off the floor. Then lift _..
your arms steadily and move them
up and down quickly. Breathe in Q
slowly and move your arms up and
down ten times. Now lower your
knees carefully. Don't let your feet
fall hard. Relax. Stretch your legs out
completely. Lift your hands to the
ceiling. Now, raise your head carefully
and put your fingers on your toes. Lie
back. Repeat the same movements
five times.

2 Complete the sentences with parts of the body from the

a. Bring your up slowly.
toe b. Raise your off the floor.
c. Lift your steadily.
d. Stretch your .
2 Work in pairs. Cover the picture and the words.
Point to different parts of your body and have 3 Work in pairs. Look at the other pictures and discuss how
your partner name them. the equipment benefits people.

34 Unit 8
Gramma, > Adverbs of Manner ~Z'!J 5 Look at the pictures and use adverbs of manner
to write sentences describing what the people are
1 work in pairs. Look at the examples from Track 41 doing and how they are doing it.
and decide if the underlined adverbs describe actions
Phi! runs quickly
or things.

Bend your left leg gradual/y

Lift your arms steadi/y
Don': /et your hands fa/! hard on the floor.
See Grammar Reference, page 69.

2 Match the sentence halves to complete the rules.

a. Adverbs like hard and well ...
b. For most adjectives, ...
c. When adjectives end in -y, .
d. For adjectives ending in-/, .
_ we double the / and add -y
_ we replace the y with ily
_we add-/y.
_ are irregular.
3 Complete the table with the missing word forms.
6 Complete the statements so that they are true
Adjective Adverb
for you.
a. 1 speak English -----
b. 1 run -----
C. lsing _
happily d. When I am angrv 1 talk -----
easy e. 1 paint _
badly w,ning > A Warm-up Routine
1 Use the pictures to write a warm-up routine. use
4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of appropriate adverbs.
the words in parentheses.
Jake was late for yoga class. He ran 1) _

(quick) to the gym. The instructor was already there,

so he waited 2) (patient). Then he
went into the room 3) (quiet). He
lay down on a mat and listened 4) _
(careful). He was good at yoga and he did the
2 Work in groups. Take turns reading your routines
exercises 5) (easy). At the end of
the session, he stretched out 6) -----
(complete) and relaxed. That night he slept very
instructions as they do them. -----
while the rest of the group does the actions. Give

Move slowly, Juan!

7) (good). Breathe deeply, Irene!

Unit 8 35
When you are SAD,
look in the mirror
Reading ) SAD
The weather affects people in many ways.
1 work in groups. Discuss how summer and winter affect
People often feel more energetic on sunny
each thing.
days. They get tired more quickly when it is
a. Clothes b. Leisure activities c. Health and mood cloudy. Sorne people get headaches in foggy
2 Read the article and write what the acronym SAO weather and older people often suffer from
represents. backaches when it rains. We generally get
more colds in winter.

In sorne parts of the world, long winters

3 Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F
with little sunlight cause serious depression
problems. One in six Canadians suffers from
a. People often have more energy in sunny weather. _ Seasonal Affective Oisorder, or SAO. People
b. More than a quarter of people in Canada suffer with SAO often want to sleep ali the time.
from SAD. For SAO sufferers, doctors prescribe simple
remedies such as exercise and eating a
c. Doctors cannot help people who suffer from SAD. _
balanced diet. Sorne recommend particular
d. Special lights that imitate daylight help people who suffer vitamins as well, especially vitamin O, which is
from SAD. good for improving mood.

e. Rujkan does not get direct sunlight because it is always Sorne people buy special lamps that imitate
winter there. daylight. A town in Norway has gone even
f. The mirrors at Rujkan are in the town square. _ further. Rujkan is surrounded by steep
forested hills and does not receive direct
4 Make a list of things that make you sad. work in pairs. sunlight for six months of the year. The
Share your lists. authorities decided to put three giant mirrors
on top of the hills. The mirrors shine a 600
Vocabulary ) Weather ~r!J square meter area of light onto the town
square. Now people go there to sit on the
1 Match the weather to the seasons. Sorne weather goes benches and enjoy the sun on their faces.
with more than one season. Children play. Tourists take pictures. Rujkan is
not SAO anymore.


2 conducta class survey to find out your classmates'

favorite seasons. Ask them to give reasons.

w riting > The Weather
1 Choose two cities or regions in your
country. Write a short description of
the weather in each place.

Listening > What's the matter?

1 Match what the people say to
the pictures.
a. 1 have a backache.
b. 1 have a cough.
c. 1 have a fever.
d. 1 have the flu.
e. 1 have a headache.
f. 1 have a stomachache.
g. 1 have a toothache.
h. 1 have an earache.
2 Listen ~ to the teens describe how
they feel. Underline the symptoms in
activity 1 that the boy and the girl have.
3 Listen again and write s (Sam) or A
(Andrea), according to who says
each thing.
a. Go home
b. Take an aspirin _
c. Go for a walk
d. Go to the nurse
4 Work in pairs. Discuss the health
problems from activity 2. Say how you
would treat each one.
Grammar > Making Suggestions ~l'!J 5 Use the prompts to write the conversations
between the people in the pictures.
1 Read the examples from Track 45 and circle the
words that follow the underlined phrases.

Why don 't you go home?

What about seeing the school nurse?
How about taking an aspirin?
Shall we go far a wa!k?
Let's gol
See Grammar Reference, page 70.

2 Write the underlined phrases in the table.

Expression followed by a ,111 (1Jllll1,'LO!•I•

gerund (-ing) •:t:l-"i:.&'LO!t•

3 complete the suggestions with the correct form
of the verbs in parentheses. Then underline the
appropriate response to each.
a. Why don't you (take) an aspirin?
1. 1 do, thanks. 2. That's a good idea.
b. Shall we (go) for a bike ride?
1. sounds like fun! 2. OK. Have fun!
c. How about (call) the doctor?
1. No, rrn not. 2. 1'11 do it now.
d. What about (take) a rest? Speaking } A Role-play ~CJ
1. Hmm ... maybe. 2. They already did.
1 work in pairs. use the prornpts to prepare a
4 Number the parts of the conversations in the conversation between two friends. Friend 1 makes
correct arder. suggestions to friend 2, who is sick.
Conversation 1 Friend 1 Friend 2
tet's go and see the dentist. _
Ask what the Describe your
1 have a toothache. matter is. problem.
What's the matter?
Ask for more
No, 1 don't like dentists! -.. Answer the question.
Conversation 2
No, 1 have a stomachache. Make a suggestion. -.. Reject the suggestion.

Are you feeling OK? _

Yes, that's a good idea._
Make another
_.. Accept the suggestion
and say thank you.
Why don't we call the doctor? _
2 Act out your
conversation for
the class.

38 Unit 8
1 Put the foods into the correct shopping basket. 3 Complete the questions with the correct form of
the words in the box.
orange pasta apple chocolate carrot
rice strawberry milk egg salad 1 careful quick polite slow J
a. Do you shower or in
the morning?
b. Do you wait in a line?
c. Do you listen to your teacher?
d. Do you ask for things ?
e. Do you speak English ?

> work in pairs. Use the questions to interview

each other.
4 Match the questions to the responses.
a. What's the matter?
b. Do you have a fever ora cough?
c. Do you eat healthy food?
d. Why don't you take sorne vitamin D?
e. What about getting more exercise?
No, 1 don't.
_ rrn not feeling very well.
1 do lots now, doctor.
_ Yes, 1 do. 1 eat a lot of fresh vegeta bles and fruit.
> Add three more words to each basket.
Vitamin D? OK.
2 Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.
> work in pairs. Act out the conversation.

5 Read the text and underline the things that you

do regularly.

Avoiding Winter Colds

Tip 1: Remember to wash your hands when you meet people
with a cold or the flu. Always cover your mouth when you cough.

Tip 2: Get a lot of sleep. Everyone is more open to illness when

they are ti red, so it is very important to sleep well during the
colder months. Seven or eight hours a night are ideal.
A: Are there 1) apples?
Tip 3: Eat well. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegeta bles at this
B: Yes, there are 2) apples on the shelf.
time of year.
A: Is there 3) milk?
Tip 4: Keep warm. We get viruses more easily when we are
B: No, there lsn't 4) _
cold. Hide your nose behind a warm scarf in colder weather.
A: What about cheese? Is there 5) cheese? Tip 5: Exercise more not less in cold weather.
B: Yes, there's 6) cheese.

> Draw a picture showing different foods. Work in > Write a list of tips about staying happy and healthy
pairs. Have a similar conversation. in the summer.
\1 Analyze
• Look at the health and wellness website and match
the News and Views headings to the sections.
• Find and underline examples of the language in
the texts.
a. Countable and uncountable food words
b. Sorne and any
c. Adverbs of manner
d. Suggestions

1. Fitness questionnaire Prcrunes OF THe Dav

Do our survey to find out how Yummv!
fit you are.
2. Food facts
Find out about foods that make
you feel more relaxed.
3. Staying fit
Learn about one teenager's
fitness routine. t¡t!\i•::Mii)
4. Favorite food
Readers tell us about their favorite
Q Your eating and exercise ha bits affect how well
food and when they eat it. 1¡t!\i•11Mii> you sleep at night. Sorne foods make you more
s. Health tips! active and sorne help relax you. A big meal
befare bed is difficult to digest. Try to make
We look at five ideas to keep us
dinnertime earlier in the evening and avoid
healthy and happy in the winter. ut!\ii::Mii> heavy, rich foods within two hours of bedtime.
Don't drink any soft drinks with a lot of sugar and
In Focus caffeine, as these are stimulants that keep you
awake. Sorne people saya glass of warm milk
Jessie Gates: Train, eat, and
helps them to sleep better.
be happy!

Jessie is 14 years old and she

plays soccer for her school. She
doesn't play on a grrls' team. She QHiH&W,
plays with the boys. She trains 1 love yogurt with different fruits mixed in. My
hard in all types of weather. She favorite fruits are strawberries and bananas.
also eats healthily. We interview There are always sorne in my fridge! 1 sometimes
her about her lifestyle and she mix nuts into the yogurt too. lt's delicious and it's
tells us how she does it! the perfect breakfast in a hurry.

i¡t!}i:,Mii> Monica

40 Unil 8
~ Evaluate ~ Prepare
• Evaluate the materials. use the questions • Create a Health and Wellness website. work in
as a guide. groups of four. Follow the steps.
1. Do you think the website has interesting Step 1: Decide on a name for your website.
sections? Why or why not? Step 2: ldentify the different sections it is going
2. Which of the tapies look the most/least to have. Refer to the model for ideas.
Step 3: Brainstorm ideas for the tapies to appear
3. What else would you include to improve in each of the sections.
the website?
• work in groups. Compare your answers. ~ Research
Discuss ways to make the website better. • Work in pairs. Assign different tapies to each pair.
• Research information far your tapies and
make notes.
• In your group, collate the information and decide
what to include in the website.

~ W rite a First Draft

• Write a first draft of your section of the website.

~ Edit Your Work

• Evaluate and correct each other's work. use the
questions as a guide.

Q Answer the questions about a typical week. 1. Is the information clear?

2. Is the vocabulary appropriate?
1. Do you eat fresh fruit?
3. Are the grammar and punctuation correct?
a) Yes, a lot. b) Yes, sorne. e) No, not any.
2. Do you eat fast foods?
~ Write a Final Draft

a) Yes, a lot. b) Yes, sorne. e) No, not any.

• Write a clean version of your work. lnclude
3. Do you drink soda?

a) Yes, a lot. b) Yes, sorne. e) No, not any. ~ Create a Final Product
4. Do you eat candy? • Put the different sections of the website
a) Yes, a lot. b) Yes, sorne. e) No, not any.

S. Do you do exercise?
• Prepare a presentation of your website on
a computer or on posters.
a) Yes, a lot. b) Yes, sorne. e) No, not any.
~ Present
• Display your website for the class.
Q Sorne peo ple are badly affected by long • Look at other groups' sites. Vote on the most
winters. The lack of sunshine makes them
interesting and useful.
unhappy. 1 want you to try these simple ideas
to feel better.

Idea 1: What about getting more fresh air?

Taking a walk on a windy, cold day is good for
you. Don't stay at home all day! Walk quickly
to improve your health.

Idea 2: On a wet rainy day, why don't you have

a cup of hot soup? That really cheers me up.
ave you ever been to a costume

H party? What did you wear? Did you

recognize your friends? Perhaps
you did not know this, but if you enjoy
costume parties, you are part of a tradition
that started in Venice in the 16th century.
Themed costume parties became generally
At the time, Venice was the center of a trading
popular during the 20th century. After the
empire that reached from the Mediterranean
Second World War, there was an economic
to China. lt was a very rich city, and nobles
boom and ordinary people had more money
and merchants liked to organize spectacular
to spend on free time activities. American
masquerade balls. These were the first costume
culture spread around the world, and people
parties. Guests at these events wore masks to
started to dress upas famous characters
hide their identities and played games to guess
from television shows or the movies.
who the other costumed guests were.
Nowadays, costume parties are especially
Much later, costume parties were also popular
popular around Halloween. People also wear
in 19th century England. Queen Victoria liked
costumes for carnival, and fans of movie
giving costume parties for high society. Her
series like Star Wars or Harry Potter often
guests often dressed as historical figures like
have themed costume parties or attend
Alexander the Great or Cleopatra. These were
the movies in the costume of one of the
the first themed costume parties.
characters. So the next time you attend the
movies, think: are you going to be magical
Harry or Hermione, pírate Jack Sparrow, or
the princess Snow White?
Vocabulary) Clothes ~l!J
1 Label the costumes in the article with the names of
Reading > Costume Parties the clothing items in the box.

Using Piclures shoes pants skirt jacket

When reading, look at the pictures that accompany a text to socks shirt dress glasses
help you to anticípate what the text is about. Pictures can also hat T-shirt boots sweater
help you to understand the meaning of new words.

2 Draw a costume for a party. Work in pairs. Label the

1 Look at the pictures and underline what the text items of clothing in your partner's drawing.
is probably about. Then read the text and check
your answer.
Speaking > Talking about Costumes
a. The history of costume parties
> work in groups. Compare the pictures of people's
b. How costumes and masks are made
costumes from the text and choose one to wear
c. What to wear for a costume party
to a costume party.
2 Answer the questions.
a. Where did the first masquerade balls take place? Listening > A Birthday Party
1 Look at the cartoon and guess what the occasion is.
b. What was a popular theme for costume parties in
the 19th century?

c. Why did costume parties become generally

popular in the 20th century?

d. What ideas for different costumes does the article


3 Work in pairs. Write a list of occasions where

people wear costumes. Describe the costumes.

2 Listen ~ to the conversation between two

friends, look at the cartoon again, and say why
Craig is going to wear a costume.
3 Listen again and mark the statements T (true)
or F (false).
a. Paula and Craig plan to attend Rose's party. _
b. Craig does not plan to buy her a present. _
c. Craig will dress as a vampire for the party _

Grammar } Be going to ~r!J 4 use the prornpts to write a conversation
between Sarah and her rnother.
1 Read the exarnples frorn Track 46 and underline the
a. What/you/do today?
exarnples of be going to.
MoM: _
Are you going to watch the game on Saturday? 1/Visit Chinatown.
No, J'm not. trs Rose's birthday party
SARAH: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Are you going to go?
b. you/have lunch there?
Yes, I am.
MoM: _
Are you going to buy her a present?
Yes, but I don': know what. What are you going to buy her? Yes, 1/. 1/try sorne Peking duck.
J'm going to get her a T-shirt. SARAH: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

see Grammar Reference, page 70. c. you/spend all day there?

a. What do we use be going to to express? MoM: _

1. A past action. 2. An intention for the future. No, 1/. 1/Visit Alcatraz.
b. What forrn of the verb follows be going to? SARAH: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The base forrn.

1. 2. The -ing forrn.
c. What do we use for short answers with be going to?
Speaking } Going to a Party ~e
1. The verb to be. 2. The verb to be+ going to. 1 A friend has invited you to her birthday party
Use the prornpts to rnake notes about
2 Use the correct forrn of the verbs to describe intention. your plans.
a. Kate (wear) jeans to the party J'm going to buy her a poster
she's (not wear) a new dress. • Present for birthday girl
b. Jarnie and Ken (not go) to the party. • Clothes for party
They're (watch) a football garne. • Transportation to/from party
c. Rose's rnother (not cook). she's • Arrival/departure time
________ (arder) sorne pizza. 2 work in pairs. Discuss your plans for the
d. Her father (make) a cake. birthday party.
e. " you (buy) Are you going to go to ... party this weekend?
Yes, I am.
Rose a present?" "Yes, 1 _
How are you going to get there?
3 Look at the pictures. In your notebook, write sentences
describing sarah's intentions.
2 Listen ~ to a radio show about a
local event. Number the activities in
the pictures in the arder they will
Listening > A Special Day take place.

Listening for Key Words

3 Listen again and underline the correct
When listening to someone talking about an event, listen for specific options to complete the sentences.
words related to activities, places, and times. This will help you to a. lt is the fourteenth/fortieth Spring
get the important information about the event. Parade.
b. There will be twelve/more than
1 work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. twenty floats and bands.
a. What are the people doing in the pictures? c. The parade route follows Broadway
b. Have you ever done any of these things? lf yes, when? and 20th/12th Street.
d. Attractions on the route include
music, dancing, and street
decorations/a circus.
e. There will be a concert/boat race at
the lake.
f. The parade is next Saturday/Sunday
4 work in pairs. Write the na mes of two
popular holidays in your country. Talk
about what happens on the holidays.

Pronunciation } /j/ and Id 3/

1 Listen ¡\ to the words and write
the number of each next to the
corresponding sound you hear.
a. /j/(yellow): _
b. /d3/Uump): _

2 work in pairs. Practice saying the

words aloud.
a. Jazz e. Yesterday i. Bridge
b. Jea ns f. Yoga j.Yellow
c. Imagine g. Ju ice
d.Yes h.You
3 work in groups. Practice saying the
tangue twisters aloud.
a. Young Joe yelled "jello" yesterday.
b. Imagine a giant with yellow jeans
drinking ju ice in Jane's yoga class.
c. Yes, you saw a bridge in Jarvis's yard
last year.
4 Listen ~ and check.
Vocabulary > Celebrations ~l!J
1 Look at the pictures of the Oakland
Spring Parade on page 45 and
mark (.t) the items you can see.
a. Aparade_
b. A float
c. A marching band _
d. Decorations
e. Balloons
f. Fireworks
g. A barbecue _
h. A concert
i. A bonfire

2 work in pairs. Say which celebrations in Event Descriptions

your country feature each of the items
in activity 1. Arts and crafts Market
The market will be in the Main Square. lt will sell local
Speaking > Two Festivals food, clothes, and handicrafts. There will also be games
and activities for children.
> work in pairs. Describe two festivals.
Student A: Turn to page 66. Children's Parade
Student B: Turn to page 67. This year's parade will have more than fifteen marching
bands and over twenty floats. lt will leave from the Town
Reading > A Family Festival Hall and travel a long Main Street and Riverview. lt won't
end at the stadium, like last year, but will continue all the
1 Read the brochure and mark (.t) the way down Hood Street. lt will end at the park.
activities the festival will include.
a. A market that sells food and clothes Family BBQ and Concert
b. Aparade_ The BBQ will serve hot dogs and hamburgers after the
c. A barbecue parade. The concert starts at 8 p.m. Sorne of the best local
d. A football game _ bands will play, including the popular Country cousins. To
close the festivities, there will be a spectacular fireworks
e. A concert display sunday evening just after sunset. We are sure you
f. Fireworks won't want to miss it!
g. A bonfi re _

2 Read the sentences and mark them

T (true) or F (false).
a. The parade will finish at the town
b. The Arts and Crafts Market won't be
in the park. _
c. lnternational bands will play at the
d. There won't be any burgers for
vegetarians. _
e. The last event will be the fireworks

46 Unit 9
Gramma, > Future Time ( Wi/1) ~l'!J 4 unscrarnble the words and write the questions.
Then write the answers.
1 Read the exarnples frorn the event brochure and
a. there/be/will/rnarket/a
answer the questions.
_________________ ?
tt will end at the park.
tt won't end at the stadium.
b. rnarching/bands/will/have/parade/the
Will there be food for vegetarians? Yes, there will.
________________ ?
Will the Right Way Brothers play again? No, they won't.
we are sure you won't want to miss it!
see Grammar Reference, page 70.
c. what/will/barbecue stand/the/sell
a. Does will express the past, the present, or the ________________ ?
future? _
b. Do we follow will with the -ing form or the base d. concert/where/the/be/will
forrn of the rnain verb? _ _ ?
c. What is the negative of wi/1? _
d. In questions, does the subject go before or e. who/at/concert/play/will/the
after will? ------- ________________ ?

2 Mark (.r) two uses of will to talk about the future.

a. Future facts 5 work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
b. Things we believe to be true about the future _ activity 4.
c. Personal plans _
w riting > A Leaflet
3 Look at the festival organizer's notes and complete
the sentences. > work in pairs. Make a list of events and sorne
frequently asked questions for a festival in your
area. Then write a leaflet for the festival.
This Yeo.r's
Writing an lnformative Leaflet
Bo,nds - 20-1- ~ Give your festival a theme (spring, fall, Halloween, etc.).
~ Divide your leaflet into clear sections.
Arts/ e,rnfts wwrkeit:
~ Provide factual information about what will happen.
go,l'V\e,s, o,e,tivitieis-ye,s, food-no
BBQ stand: hot dogs, h0il'V\burgeirs,
pofoto so,lo,d
C.onceirt: Electric C.owgirls (sfodiuM)
Bonfirn: Not this ye,o,rl
Extrn buseis: 10

a. The parade have more than

twenty bands.
b. The Arts and Crafts Market sell food.
c. The barbecue offer fried chicken.
d. The Electric cowgirls play a concert.
e. There be a bonfire this year.
f. There be ten extra buses.
Out and About
Reading } Growing Up
1 work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what type of event
a "rite of passage" is. Then read the encyclopedia entry to check.

2 Read the entry again and underline six examples of rites of passage.

"rite of passage" is a celebration that marks In Latin America, many people celebrate

A the transition from one stage oflife to

another. One important occasion in many
cultures is the transition from being an adolescent
a gírl's fifteenth birthday with a
quinceañero party. In Brazíl, these events
are called bailes de debutantes. There is a
to becoming an adult. similar custom in the Philippines, where
girls have a debut party when they are
In many Christian countries, boys and girls around
eighteen. At the party, seventeen of the girl's
the ages of thirteen or fourteen often celebrate
friends give her roses and her father gives
their spiritual maturity with the sacrament of
her the last rose. Then eighteen boys and
confirmation. After that, they
eighteen girls dance together. After this, girls
can take Communion. In
can get married and have families.
sorne Jewish traditions, girls
celebrate their bat mitzvah In Australia, traditional aboriginal
when they are twelve, and adolescents went on a walkabout. They
boys have a bar mitzvah left home to walk in wild country for six
when they are thirteen. Befare months. When they returned, they were
teens celebrate their bar or bat not children anymore; they were adults.
mitzvahs, their parents Sorne young aborigines still go on
are responsible for walkabouts today.
their actions, but
after the bar or bat Ali ofthese examples show
mitzvah, boys and anthropologists what social
girls are responsible hierarchies, values, and beliefs are
for their own actions. important in different cultures.
3 Answer the questions. Writing > Rites of Passage in My Country
a. Where do sorne people celebrate a girl's fifteenth > Write a short encyclopedia entry about a rite of
birthday? passage in your country. Use the prornpts to write
your entry.
b. What can young people do after the sacrament • What is the rite?
of confirmation? • Who celebrates it? When?
• How do people celebrate it?
c. How old are girls in the Philippines when they have
a debut? Listening } A Birthday
1 Work in groups. Look at the pictures and ask your
d. What can girls in the Philippines do after their classmates how they usually celebrate their birthdays.
debut party?

e. What is a walkabout?

4 work in pairs. use the prompts to describe sorne

celebrations you have attended this year.
• Which celebration was the most fun? Why?
• Which was the biggest? How many people
attended the event?
• Which had the best food? What did they serve?
• Did you celebrate a significant event in your life this
year? lf so, what was it? lf not, do you plan to?

vocabulary > Significant Life Events ~r!J

1 Mark (.t) the events or activities you have
participated in.
a. Take first Communion
b. Celebrate a bar/bat mitzvah
c. Have a birthday party _
d. Have a slumber party _ 2 Listen ~ to a conversation between a teen and
e. Pass ali your exams _ his mother and answer the questions.
f. Graduate from school a. What is Jack's mom doing?
g. Move to a new house _
2 Find someone in class with experiences similar b. Which of these things does she ask Jack for: sugar,
to yours. butter, milk, chocolate?

Did you have a birthday party this year?

Yes, I did./No, I aidn': 3 Listen again and mark (.t) the things that Jack is
going to do for his birthday.
a. Invite Danny and Kyle for his birthday. _
b. Have a party in the evening _
c. Have fireworks in the yard. _
d. Invite friends to a movie night. _
e. Have a BBQ in the yard. _

Unit 9 49
Gramma, > Canfor Requests and Permission ~r!J 5 Work in pairs. Look at the chart far when
teenagers can do things in the UK and the us.
1 Read the examples from Track 50 and mark the exchanges Ask and answer questions.
R (making and responding to requests) or P (asking far and
can British teens leave school at 16? No,
giving permission).
they cen't.
"Can I invite Danny and Kyle for my birthday?" ''Yes, of Can Americans vote at 18? Yes, they can.
course you can."_
"Can you get me sorne sugar from the cupboard?" us UK
Leave school 16 17
"Can we have fireworks in the backyard?" "No, you
cen't." Marry 18 18
"Can you please pass me the chocolate?" "OK. Here Orive 14-21* 17
youare."_ Vote 18 18
See Grammar Reference, page 70.
Buy and
21 18
drink alcohol
2 work in pairs. Answer the questions.
a. Which sentences ask for permission? *Varíes from state to state.

b. Which sentences give or refuse permission? 6 In your pair, complete the chart far your
c. Which modal verb can we use to make requests and to country and compare the information.
ask for, give, or refuse permission? Americans in sorne states can drive at 14.
3 Match the situations to the questions. we can drive at. ..
a. rrn not feeling very well.
b. This soup is horrible. Speaking } Can I have a party? ~CJ
c. 1 have a new friend. 1 You want to have a party at home. Make a
d. My shoes are really old. list of the things you want to do.
e. lt has stopped raining.
2 work in pairs. Role-play you and a parent.
f. There's a good program on. Ask and answer questions about the party.
Can you buy me sorne new ones? Dad, can ! have a party this weekend?
can she come and have lunch on Saturday? Yes, you can.
_ can I stay at home today? can! ...
can you turn on the TV, please?
can you pass me the salt, please?
can we go down to the beach?
4 unscramble the words and write the sentences.
Then mark them P (asking for permission) or R (making
a request).
a. party/can/have/a/1/next week

b. can/open/you/window/please/the
_________________ ?

c. friends/stay/night/can/the/my
_________________ ?

d. help/you/me/can
_________________ ?
1 Match the letters to the pictures and write the words.

•••_:·· .,,
'•,,. 1 -~'
¡, ••• ~ •
•• •• •


> Create your own clothes word maze. 5 Read the description about the Festival
of Lights and answer the questions.
2 Number the dialogue in the correct arder.
_ What are you going _ rrn going to buy him
to buy him? a New York Yankees
1 Are you going to baseball cap.
go to Dave's party Are you going to buy
on Saturday? him a present?
Nice idea! Yes, 1 am.
Yes, 1 am.
> Write a similar dialogue. Work in pairs. Act it out.
3 work in pairs. use the prompts to write a dialogue.
• Have a party (X)
• Have a barbecue (.-'')
• Stay out late (X)
• Invite friends to visit (.t')
• Go out to eat (X)
• Sleep over ata friend's house (.t')
> Work in pairs to act out your dialogue.

4 Circle seven party words in the word snake.

a. Why is the festival important?

b. How do people commemorate
Diwali night7
c. What is it courteous to do for others
on Diwali night?

> Make your own word snake with words from this unit. > Write a description for an important
festival in your country.
~ A Festival Brochure
> Work in groups. Ask and answer the
questions. \/ Research

l. What seasonal festiva Is do you know? • Find out about a festival and create two
brochures. work in groups. Follow the steps.
What do they celebrare?
Step 1: Decide on a festival. Divide your group
2. What kind of activities do sur,uV1er into pairs.
festivals have?
Step 2: Assign tasks to each pair (contact the
festival organizers, write a general brochure,
\/ Analyze prepare a brochure about next year's festival, etc.).
• Look at the letter and answer the questions. Step 3: With your partner, find out who to contact
1. Who sent the letter? Who is it to? about the event details and make notes about
2. What are the writers going to do? what you want to ask. Find general information
3. What requests do they make? about the festival and information about the
following vears festival.

\/ Prepare
~ oear sir ;Mactarn,
• In your group, share your information. List the
we are going to do a scnool pro¡ect
most important and interesting information to
about surnrner festlvals and we are
include in the brochures.
interested iíl tne Mardi Gras festival
iíl your city í) can you p\ease send us \/ W rite a First Draft
sorne inforrnatioíl about tne festival
• With your partner, write your drafts.
and its nistory? Also, 2) can you send
sorne publicit\/ about next year's /4 ~~ • A letter to the organizers
event? 111e inforrnatioíl will íí • General brochure about the event
nelp us a \ot. 111an1<. you ver\/ • Brochure about next year's festival
rnuc\1, ano we 1001<. forward
\/ Edil Your Work
;¡¡¡¡;._~ ~ to 11earing trorn you.
• In your group, evaluate and correct each other's
•\;¡¡ 9t11 Grade c1ass, work. Use the questions as a guide.
oeerparl<. 1:.1ernentary,
1. Is the information clear?
~ ,oronto
!I 2. Is the vocabulary appropriate?
3. Are the grammar and punctuation correct?
• Match the requests from the letter to the
4. Are the materials attractive?
• Mark (.t) the information that the extracts \/ W rite a Final Draft
contain. • Write a clean version of your work. tnclude
1. When Mardi Gras happens _ illustrations.
2. What happens during the festival_ \/ Create a Final Product
3. The number of visitors to Mardi Gras
• Collate the different documents and prepare
4. How to get to New Orleans _ a display.
5. The history of Mardi Gras _
6. The number of parades next year _ \/ Present
7. Places to visit in New Orleans • Present your materia Is to the rest of the class.
8. Hotels in New Orleans When you have seen all the groups' work,
discuss the most interesting and attractive. Take
• Find and underline examples of the
a class vote on the festival you would most like
following in the texts:
to go to.
1. Will for future facts
2. Be going to for intentions
3. can for requests
o New orleans
Mardi Gras is a festival that happens in

' New Orleans during the Carnival season.

lt lasts for about two weeks. There are
street parades with floats every day,
and masquerade balls and parties at
night. People on the floats wear fantastic
costumes. They dance and throw beads
and small toys into the crowds. More than
300,000 visitors come to New Orleans
every year for Mardi Gras.
Mardi Gras started at the beginning of the
19th century. lt became a state holiday in
1875. New Orleans has celebrated Mardi
Gras every year since, even during the First
and second World wars. In 2005, Hurricane
Katrina destroyed many parts of New
Orleans, but it didn't stop Mardi Gras and
the 2006 parades were a great success.
2 Underline cognates in the text. Then write them
in the table.

Reading > A Tribute Band i Cognates

Responding to a Text
While reading, develop your personal reactions to a text: identify
interesting, surprising, or confusing details. This will help you
relate to and understand the information better.

1 work in groups. Discuss the questions. 3 work in pairs. Add four more cognates.
a. What international famous girl or boy bands do
you know of? Speaklng > Music and Me
b. Which ones do you like? Why?
> Find someone in your class with similar taste in
2 Look at the picture in the article and guess who music to you.
the boys are. Then read the article to check. What types of music do you like?
3 Read the text quickly and underline the correct
options to complete the sentences. Listenlng > A Girl Band
a. Only One Direction plays in front of 1,000110,0001 1 Look at the picture and underline the kind of music
100,000 fans at festivals. you think the band plays.
b. They are getting ready for a tour of canadal a. pop-rock c. techno
Australialthe us. b. jazz d. hip hop

c. Henry Allan comes from the US/Dubai!London.

d. The boys communicate with their fans vía e-mail!
social networking.
e. When they go to a gig, they often get up at 21416 a.m.
4 Read the text again and answer the questions.
a. How are Only one Direction different from most
tribute bands?

b. How are they different from one Direction?

2 Listen~ to two friends talking about a band. Note

c. What do the boys want to do in the future? down what song the speakers mention.
3 Listen again and mark the sentences T (true)
5 List good and bad things about being a rock star. or F (false).
Then work in groups to compare your lists. a. The girl is doing her homework. _
b. She doesn't like the group in the picture. _
Vocabulary } Cognates ~~
c. The fan club always meets at school. _
1 Mark the definitions e (cognates) or F (false d. The girl has been to three of the group's
cognates). concerts. _
a. Words that are similar in another language but e. She likes the words to the group's songs. _
have a different meaning. _
4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
b. Words that are similar in another language and
a. Are you a member of a fan club? lf yes, which one?
have the same meaning. _ b. Why do you think people join fan clubs?
Grammar > Talking about the Present ~l'!J 5 Write the questions the interviewer asks the
band member.
1 Read the examples from Track 51. Match the descriptions
to what the examples are asking about.

What are you doing? _

What's the name of the fan club?
Do you always meet at the school?
Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
a. Where/you/come from?

What do you like about their music?

see Grammar Reference, page 70. b. What/be/your favorite food?

a. fact d. personal preference

b. habit or routine e. activity in progress c. What time/you/get up on the weekends>
c. experience in life
2 Underline the verbs in the examples. d. Who/be/your favorite actor?

3 Underline the correct options to complete the dialogue.

e. What/you/like/to do in your free time?
INTERv1Ewrn: When 1) did you start/have you started your
tribute act?
S1NGER: we 2) started/have started last year. f. you/ever/visit/the US?
INTERVIEWER: Do you 3) like/liking it?
S1NGER: Yes, we 4) like/do!
INrERv1Ewrn: Have you ever 5) been/be on tour?
S1NGrn: No, we 6) haven't/don't.
Speaking } lnterview with a Musician ~CJ
INrrnv1Ewrn: Where are you 7) p/aying/p/ay tonight? 1 work in pairs. Choose a musician you both
S1NGER: we 8) play/are playing at the town hall. like. Make a list of interview questions to
ask him or her.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the verbs in parentheses. 2 Practice the interview. Take turns being the
musician and the interviewer.
a. The ley Gorillas (tour) Australia at the
b. They (go) on tour three times ayear.
c. They never (be) to China.
d. They (love) communicating with
their fans.
e. One of the members (come) from
f. The singer always (drink) a lot of
water during their concerts.
Pronunciation > The Schwa /g/
1 Listen ft
and identify the underlined vowel
Listening > Dreams Come True sound you hear in ali of the words.

ldentifying the Purpose fo, Listening 1 entfil singfil populfil)

Befare listening, identify the type of information (general or specific)
you want to understand. Think about what you already know about 2 Underline the same sound in each word.
the tapie and choose the best strategy for your purpose.
a. sister d. famous
b. people e. listen
1 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
c. American f. harmony
a. What kind of shows do the pictures show?
b. Do you watch any shows like these? lf so, which ones? 3 Listen ft
and check your answers.
lf not, why? Work in pairs. Practice saying the
c. What artists became famous on this type of show? words aloud.

Vocabulary > Word Fields ~mJ

1 Write the words in the correct categories.

black jacket friendly interesting

blue skirt long hair tall

a. appearance: _

b. clothing: _

c. personality: ---------

2 Look at the picture and add two more

words that describe the band to each
of the categories in activity 1.

2 Listen ~ to sorne friends discussing the TV show. Note down

which artists they mention.

3 Listen again and number in order the facts about the girl band.
_ The girls went on tour around the us.
_ They changed their names.
_ The girls went on the TV show to compete as individuals.
_ They performed with Selena Gomez.
_ They carne in third place on the show.
_ The girls formed a band.
Speaklng > My Favorite Singer
4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
> Work in pairs. Tell other students
a. What qualities do contestants on TV shows need to win?
about your favorite singer or member
b. What type of musical performances do you like to watch?
of a band. Describe the person's
c. Would you like to compete on a music show on TV? Why? appearance, style of clothing, and
Why not? personality.
Reading > Nick Jonas 3 Rewrite the sentences so that they are true.
a. Nick Jonas comes from Los Angeles, California.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Predict and
underline the correct options.
a. What is the person famous for? b. He started acting when he was ten years old.
1. Singing. 2. Acting. 3. Dancing.
b. Where is he from? c. He went to school in Los Angeles.
1. The UK. 2. Canada. 3. The US.
c. Who did he perform with in a band? d. He formed a band with his younger brothers.
1. His parents. 2. His brothers. 3. His sisters.
e. The band broke up after three years.
2 Read the interview and check your answers.

4 work in pairs. List examples of members of the

same family who are famous musicians or actors.

vhete were ,\/u botn 7

1 was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1992. My
mother was a singer and my father was
a songwriter and musician.
When did you start síngíng?
1 started singing when I was very young. An agent
signed me to a contract after hearing me singing
in a barbershop when I was six. 1 began acting on
Broadway when I was seven.
Oíd you go to school?
1 did not go to school-my mother taught me at home.

When did you form a band?

For a while, my brothers and I acted and recorded
sorne songs. Then, in 2005, we formed our band,
The Jonas Brothers-my two older brothers and l.
When did you decide to final/y go solo?
In 2013, the band broke up. We decided
to pursue solo careers.
Gramma, > Talking about the Past ~Z'!J 4 Write the interview questions for Bruno Mars.
a. ?
1 Read the examples from the interview and
underline the verbs. In 1985.
b. ?
Where were you born?
When I was four years old.
An agent signed me to a contract ...
c. ?
Did you go to school?
1 recorded my first al bum.
I didn't go to schoo/-my mother taught me at home.
When did you form a band? d. ?
My brothers and I acted and recorded some songs. 1 won my first Grammy Award.
See Grammar Reference, page 70.
5 Read the profile and write five questions about
2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Taylor Swift.
a. Do the sentences refer to the past, the present, or
the future?
b. What auxiliary verb do we use in negative
sentences and questions?
c. Which verbs in the examples are irregular? Taylor Swift was born in 1989 in
d. How do we form regular past tense verbs? Pennsylvania. She moved to Nashville,
Tennessee, when she was fourteen
3 Complete the profile with the correct form of the because she wanted to be a singer.
She made her first album in 2006.
In 2008, she won a "Best New Artist"
nomination at the Grammy Awards.
In 201 O, her third album, "Speak Now,"
sold over one million copies in the
first week. She released her fifth albu
"1989," in 2014. Taylor
Bruno Mars 1) (be) went on a world tour in
born in Hawaii in 1985. His parents 2013 and 2014.

2) (be) musicians and

Bruno 3) (start) to perform
6 Work in pairs. Cover the text and answer your
in the family band when he was four years old.
partner's questions about Taylor Swift.
After he 4) (graduate)
from high school, Bruno 5) (move) Writing > A Famous Musician
to Los Angeles. He 6) (write) songs
> Read the prompts about Beyoncé. Then write a
for other artists for eight years. Then, in 201 O, profile about her.
he 7) (record) his first album. 1981 - Born in Houston, Texas
Bruno 8) (win) his first Grammy 1988 -Wins talent contest at school
Award in 2011. In 2014, more than 115 million 1996 - Forms group Destiny's Child
people 9) (watch) him on TV 1997 - Destiny's Child releases first album
when he 1 O) (perform) 2003 - Releases first solo al bum
2004 - Sings American national anthem at Superbowl
at the Superbowl.
2011 - Works with Michelle Obama on charity projects
2013 - Releases fifth #1 album
3 Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
a. Tahuantinsuyo plays traditional music from
the Andes.
Reading > A T raditional Group
b. They wear modern clothes when they perform. _
1 work in pairs. Underline your favorite kind of music c. They started performing in Los Angeles._
and say why you like it.
d. They only perform for small groups of people. _
a. hip-hop d. heavy metal
e. They want to help people to make contact with their
b. pop e. classical trad itions.
c. rock
f. They teach people about traditional music. _
2 Read the article and underline the reason the
4 work in groups. Discuss the questions.
group thinks traditional music is important.
a. Why does Tahuantinsuyo think traditional music
a. lt is beautiful.
is important?
b. lt is part of people's culture.
b. Do you agree with them? Why? Why not?
c. lt is commercial.

Tahuantinsuyo is a folk music group from

the Andes that performs in the USA. They
use traditional instruments and colorful
costumes during their performances. The
group started performing at El Café Latino
Americano and The Alternative Museum,
two very special places in New York City.
When they became more popular, they
performed in large concert halls and at
sorne of the most important international
folk festivals.

The members of Tahuantinsuyo believe it is

important to keep traditional music alive.
When countries develop, their traditions
often become less important. Younger
people think traditions are old-fashioned
and they prefer to play more modern music
or fusion styles. Tahuantinsuyo wants to
help people who live outside their own
country to reunite with their traditions.

The members of Tahuantinsuyo are:

Guillermo Guerrero (founder and director), Fernando Leyva,
John Freire, Andrés Jiménez, Alcides Loza, Saúl Guerrero,
and sorne times César Vele.
Vocabulary > Adjective Collocations ~l!J Writing > Changing Traditions
1 Underline adjectives in the text that describe each > Write a paragraph describing sorne of the aspects
thing and write them on the lines. of your culture that are changing. Say why it is or is
a. Festivals: ----------- not important to preserve the things.
b. Traditions: _
c. lnstruments: _
Listening > T raditional lnstruments
d. Music: _ 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

e. Costumes: _ a. Which of the instruments have you heard? Which

do you prefer?
f. Workshops: _
b. What other musical instruments do you like?
g. Concert halls: _
h. Thegroup: _

2 Use three adjectives from activity 1 to describe

each thing.
a. A festival where you live o --e/
bombo ~
b. A type of music you like (drum) /J

c. Traditional instruments in your country sanka

(pan pipe)

d. Traditional costumes in your country

3 work in pairs. Compare your answers.

Tahuantinsuyo doesn't only play music.

They also organize interactive workshops charango
about Andean mu sic and instruments. (guitar)
They show people how to make and play rainstick
traditional instruments. They invite the
audience to play with the group. "Whoever
you are, wherever you come from," they
2 Listen~ to a musician talking about instruments.
say, "you have roots and your own culture.
Mark {./) the instruments from activity 1.
People need to love and respect these and
teach their children to respect them." 3 Listen again and underline the correct options to
complete the sentences.
a. The drums are louder/softer than the pipes.
b. The pan pipes are more difficultlsimpler than
the drums.
c. The panpipes/drums are bigger and more
impressive than the quena.
d. The most typical quenas have five/six holes.
e. The most unusual instrument is the rainstick/quena.

Gramma, > Making Comparisons ~i] 4 Look at the chart and rewrite the sentences so that they
are true.
1 Read the examples from Track 55. Underline
Keyboard Comparison Chart
the comparative forms and circle the
superlative forms. Difficulty: 76 keys
Melodic: 700 tones
The pipes are softer and more delicate than Amp Output: 6W
the drums. Weight: 7.2 kg KB-2200
t con': think one is better than the other.
Size: 1,161 x 385 x 147 mm
Price: $49.95
The most unusual is the rainstick.
ft's the easiest instrument to play Difficulty: 61 keys
See Grammar Reference, page 70. Melodic: 600 tones
Amp output: 2.5W
2 Complete the rules with the words in the box.
Weight: 4.3 kg
Size: 948 x 350 x 103 mm KB-1100
comparative irregular ending
superlative more most Price: $44.95

a. With adjectives of one syllable, we add -er to Difficulty: 25 keys

Melodic: 100 tones
make the and -est to make
Amp Output: 0.5W
the ----- Weight: 1 kg
b. With adjectives of two or more syllables, Size: 446 x 208 x 51 mm
we put the word befare Price: $29.95

the adjective to make the comparative and

a. The KB-500 is the most difficult keyboard to play.
the word to make the
b. The KB-1100 is more melodic than the KB-2200.
c. Adjectives like good and bad are

c. The KB-500 is louder than the KB-11 oo.

d. For adjectives in y, we
change the y to an i and add -er or -est.
d. The KB-11 oo is the heaviest.
3 complete the sentences with the correct
forms of the words in parentheses.
e. The KB-500 is bigger than the KB-2200.
a. Rock music is the (popular)
type of music among teenagers. f. The KB-2200 is the cheapest keyboard.
b. Rock is (loud) than
electronic music.
s work in pairs. Write five more sentences about the
c. Electric guitars
are (heavy)
than acoustic guitars. Speaking > Starting a Band
d. Electronic music is
> Imagine you are going to start a band. Find three people
the _ who have similar taste to you in the following areas.
type of music • The type of instruments they like and dislike
to dance to. • The type of music they li~k~e~a:n:d~d:is:li:ke~--------~
• Their favorite band
• Their favorite singer
• Their taste in clothes
1 complete the descriptions of the band members. > Write an anecdote about what happened on
the band's first tour.
4 Complete the song review with the correct
form of the adjectives in parentheses.
The Voices is one of the 1) _
(good) new groups on the music scene.
Their 2) (late) song "Help Me"
is already 3) (popular) than
"l'm Feeling Down" or "Message to You." The
lyrics are 4) (simple) and the
song is 5) (easy) to dance to. lt
is 6) (attractive) for a younger
audience than their previous songs. lt will be
a. has blond hair and is wearing a short their 7) (big) hit!
skirt and a jacket. She is also singing. > work in pairs. Choose two songs from a
b. is wearing a hat. He is also wearing black band that you like and compare them for
pants and a leather jacket. your partner.
> Write a description of the other band member. 5 Read the song lyrics and discuss the
Match the questions to the responses.
a. What does the singer describe?
a. Where are you from, Jed?
b. Who is the singer singing to?
b. Where do you live now?
c. What do the lyrics say about the singer's
c. What do you like to do in your free time?
d. What are you doing at the moment?
_ We're writing a new song for our next album. ~ Q 'G\, ~
_ Hang out with friends and go to the movies.
When I wake up in the mornin' light,
rrn from Vancouver. rm canadian.
1 pul! on my jeans and I feel ali right,

In NewYork. 1 pul! my blue jeans on,

3 Complete the text about the band in the picture with 1 pul! my old blue jeans on.

the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

lt's the weekend, and I know that you're free,
The Voices 1) (start) in 2010. They so pul! on your jeans and come on out with me.
2) (meet) at school and 3) _ Oh 'cause I need to have you near me,
(decide) to start a band. They 4) (practice) 1 need to feel you close to me.

every day. They 5) (play) at school and at

~ ..,,/ Source:
friends' birthday parties. In 2012, they 6) _ urban-jeans-on-lyncs
(be) ata local music festival when music producer Simon '; ~~/\ 9 . o/ ~b~--~
Trowel 7) (hear) them. He 8) _
> Find lyrics far another song that you like.
(sign) them to his music la bel and they 9) _ Work in pairs to discuss the lyrics using the
(become) overnight starsl questions in activity 5.
.., Evaluate
• Answer the questions.
1. Is the analysis of the cover clear and
interesting? lf yes, why? lf no, why not?
2. How would you improve the cover of the
3. What information do the extracts contain?
Is there more information you think they
.., Analyze should contain? lf yes, what?
• Look at the front cover of the magazine and • Work in groups. Compare your answers
answer the questions . and discuss ways to improve the magazine.
1. What kind of magazine is Loud?
.., Prepare

2. What artists does this issue mention? • In your group, discuss ideas for a cover
and two sections for a music magazine.

3. How much does it cost? .., Research

• Work in your groups. Find examples
• Complete the analysis of the front cover with the of music magazines and compare
phrases in the box. their covers .
• Decide on a name for your magazine and
attracts a younger audience
make a list of the sections.
wearing sunglasses
find out more • work in pairs. One pair designs the
yellow, red, white, and black magazine cover, the other pairs write
musicians are going to play extracts from the two sections.
the first thing you notice
.., W rite a First Draft
• Match the extracts to the magazine sections. • Create a cover and two sections for your
1. torde's latest album is amazing. The lyrics are magazine .
wonderful and her voice is beautiful. The girl from .., Edil Your Work
New zealand simply gets better and better.
• Evaluate and correct each other's work.
2. l.ouo: When did you start rapping?
Use the questions as a guide.
KL: 1 was only ten. My brother took me to a
concert and I loved it. 1. Is the cover attractive and clear?
l.ouo: Where did you practice? 2. Is the language appropriate?
KL: At school, with my friends. 3. Is the language correct (grammar,
punctuation, spelling)?
Louo: When did you first perform in public?
KL: When I was fourteen. lt was ata concert in a .., Write a Final Draft
local mall. • Prepare a clean version of your magazine.
3. Ariana Grande will be on tour in the us from
June 15 to June 30 this summer. Her first concert .., Create a Final Product
will be in Chicago and she will finish with a show • Prepare a presentation of your magazine
in Austin, Texas. on a computer or on a poster.
• Find and underline examples of the structures in
.., Present
the extracts.
a. The simple present • Present your magazine to the rest of the
class. Then compare and discuss the
b. The simple past
magazines as a class .
c. Comparisons
My mo.90.z·1ne uses 1) . They ore
s+rong e.olor s +ho.+ ere +o see.

The of my mo.90.z·1ne ·1s bgger +ho.n +he +i+les
of +he sec.+1ons. I+ is 2) . The of +he f eo.+ured o.r+is+ ·1s +o.ller o.nd shows h1s ·1n +he mo.90.z·1ne. The d"if f eren+ sedions of
+he mo.90.z·1ne ore smo.l\er bu+ s+-111 c.leo.r.

The p·1c.+ure of KL ·1s +he bgges+ +hing on +he
He 1s 3) . He invi+es reo.ders +o
reo.d +he mo.90.z·1ne +o Ll) o.bou+
There ore o. vo.rie+y of 1n+erv·1ew s > c.ompe+i+1ons >
o.nd o.ddes. I + o.lso g·1ves informo.+ion o.bou+ where
s) -------·
Genero.\ des19n
My des·1gn ·1s s·1mpler +ho.n mo.ny mo.90.z·1nes. I + uses
f ewer e.olor s o.nd s·1mpler le++er1n9. I + is modern
o.nd c.onfden+ o.nd 6) .

Unil 10 65
Student A

1 Look at the notices for the clubs and mark them according to your preferences.
Enjoy= ./ oon'r like= x Hate= xx want to learn= !

- ·~¡-'"
Mountain ~ 'y\(,.,:
s;¡-s;; ,
,. . Biking Club. ,l)\yfif/'-- -
Ioir: us and get fit! ~L . .·


c\u'o CLUB

Work in pairs. Use the useful language to find a club to join with your partner.

/ can see five balloons.

There are six balloons in my picture.

1 Work in pairs. Take turns describing your picture to your partner. Find five differences.
1 Look at the notices far the clubs and mark them according to your preferences.

Enjoy= ./ oon't like= x Hate= XX want to learn- !


work in pairs. use the useful language to find a club to join with your partner.

1 can see six balloons.

There are five balloons in my picture.

1 Work in pairs. Take turns describing your picture to your partner. Find five differences.

Pairwork 67
Grammar Reference
L' • • ,~ C~. o"C._ '-.:

Unit6 3. we often use than with comparative adjectives.

Experienced gamers will be happier than
verbs + Gerunds/lnfinitives (See page 8) ever befare.
Superlative Adjectives (See page 14)
• We use different verb patterns with different types
of verbs. use
• verb + -ing or to + infinitive • we use superlatives to compare somebody
or something with the whole group.
love At Wild Wadi, you can ride on the highest waterslide
hate in Asia.
playing ten nis Form
to play ten nis
continue • we add -est to short adjectives.
begin highest, richest
start • we take off the y and add -iest to adjectives ending
in y.
verb + -ing driest, luckiest
enjoy • we use most befare adjectives with two or more
go syllables.
can't stand most unusual, most popular
adore Note
imagine 1. Irregular adjectives.
finish far-farthest, good-best, bad-worst
verb + to + infinitive 2. For short adjectives that end in a vowel and a
consonant, double the consonant and add -est:
would like hot-hottest, big-biggest
would prefer 3. we use the before superlative adjectives.
decide The museum is located in the oldest building in the
agree to learn to play country, the Al Fahidi Fort.
Present Perfect (Ever, Never) (See page 20)
comparative Adjectives (See page 11) use
use • We use the present perfect tense with ever and
• We use comparatives to compare one thing, person, never to describe past experiences.
or action with another. !'ve been to Eng!and and Ita/y and John has been
Super Bikes 11 has faster cars than Super Bikes l. to France.
Form Have you ever visited India?
• we add -er to short adjectives. No, we neven't. rve eaten an lndian curry, but !'ve
never been there.
cheaper, faster
• we take off the y and add -ier to adjectives Form
ending in y. • we form the present perfect with the auxiliary
easier, funnier have/has + past participle.
• we use more before adjectives with two or more Affirmative and Negative
syllables. 1
more interesting, more realistic have (l've/We've/
You've/They've) been to England
Note You
have not (haven't) and ltaly.
1.Irregular adjectives. They
far-farther, good-better, bad-worse He/She/lt has (He's/She's/lt's)
2. For short adjectives that end in a vowel and
consonant, double the consonant.

68 Grammar Reference
Questions Unit8
countable and uncountable Nouns (Some/Any)
Have (See page 32)
they visited India? use
he • Countable nouns refer to people, places, and things
Has she that you can count and that have plural forms.
it eggs, chips, tomatoes, peop/e
Uncountable nouns refer to concrete or abstract
Short Answers things that you cannot count. They have no
Yes, 1 have. plural forms.
Have you visited India? No, 1 have not water, air, intelligence, pasta, broccoli
Yes, she has. • Sorne and any are used when the speaker cannot
Has she been on a historical
No, she has not specify or does not need or want to specify a number
tour of her city?
(hasn't). oran exact amount. We use any in questions and
negative sentences.
Is there any lemonade on the list?
1. we use ever in questions and negative sentences.
There eren't any chips on Mom's list.
We place ever befare the main verb.
Have you ever eaten curry? t neven': ever we use sorne in affirmative statements.
eaten curry There is sorne pasta.
There are sorne eggs.
2. we use never in questions and affirmative
we can also use sorne in questions when offering
sentences. We place never befare the main verb.
or requesting.
Have you never eaten spaghetti? t have never
eaten spaghetti. would you like sorne more coffee?
Could t have sorne milk, pteese?
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past (See page 23)
Adverbs of Manner (See page 35)
• we use the present perfect tense to describe
experiences in the past that happened atan • We use adverbs of manner to describe the way
undefined moment in time. in which an action is carried out.
Bend your left leg gradual/y.
Have you explored ali of the seven continents? Yes,
I have. Moveslowly.
Lift your arms steadily.
• We use the simple past tense to describe events or
experiences that happened ata specific moment in Don't !et your hands fa// hard on the floor.
the past. Form
When did you go toAfrica? • We form most adverbs by taking the adjective and
I traveled there four years ago. adding-ly.
Must/Mustn't (Obligation/Prohibition) slow-slowly
(See page 26) • When the adjective ends in y, we take away the y and
Use add -ily
• Must expresses strong obligation or prohibition. steady-steadily
You must wear boots to protect your feet. happy-happily
You mustn't drink water from streams or rivers. • When the adjective ends in a consonant followed by
le, replace the final e with -y.
terrible-terribly, comfortab/e-comfortably
• We use the infinitive of the main verb after modal
• Exceptions:
auxiliary verbs.
hard-hard, good-well, fast-fast
You must drink p/enty of water.
• The form is the same for all persons. There is nos in
third person singular.
He mustn't touch any frogs or insects.

Grammar Reference 69
Grammar Reference

Making Suggestions (See page 38) Short Answers

use Yes, 1 am.
Are you going to go?
we use Why don't. .. ? What about. .. ? How No, 1 am (l'm) not.
about. .. ? Shall. .. ? and Let's to make suggestions. Yes, she is.
Why don't you go home? Is she going to go?
No, she is not (isn't).
What about seeing the school nurse? Yes, they are.
How about taking an aspirin? Are they going to go?
No, they are not (aren't).
Shall we go for a walk?
iet's go!
Future Time (Will) (See page 47)
• we use Why don't. .. ? with all subjects (except it) use
followed by the base form of the verb. • we use will for:
Why don't 1/you/he/she/we/they pick them up 1. Spontaneous decisions.
at eight? The phone is ringing /'JI get it.
• we follow How about. .. ? and What about..? with /'// pay in cash then!
a gerund ora noun. 2. Promises.
How about going to the school nurse? companies say they wi/1 use more environmentally
What about taking an aspirin? friendly materials.
How about tomorrow at noon? 3. Predictions.
• we use Shall. .. ? with I and we followed by the base I think that there wi/1 be over 700 mil/ion new
form of the verb. computers in use by 2016.
4. Facts.
Shall we sit down?
tt won't end at the stadium.
Shall l open a window?
Will there be food far vegetarians? Yes, there will.
Unit 9 Form

Be going to (See page 44) Affirmative and Negative

Use 1
We use be going to for: he
1. Predictions based on concrete evidence. she will (1'11/You'II/He'II/She'II/We'II/You'II
lt is very c/oudy I think it's going to rain. it They'II) miss it.
2. Plans and intentions made before the moment we will not (won't)
of speaking. you
/'m going to get her a T-shirt. they
can for Requests and Permission (See page 50)
Affirmative and Negative
am u'rrn
1 • we use can in questions to make requests.
am not
He can you p/ease pass me the chocolate?
is (He's/She's/lt's) • We use can in questions to ask for permission.
is not (isn't) going to buy her a gift. Can I invite Oanny and Kyler far my birthday?
We are (We're/ Yes, you can./No, you cen't.
You You're/They're)
They are not (aren't) Unit 10

Questions Talking about the Present (See page 56)

am 1 Talking about the Past (See page 59)
is she Making comparisons (See page 62)
What it going to buy her?
are you

70 Pairwork

Base form Pastsimple

1 Past participle

¡ 1

Base form Past simple

Past participle

begin began begun make made made
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
buy bought bought read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen run ran run
come carne come say said said
cost cost cost see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven shut shut shut
eat ate eaten sing sang sung
fall tell fallen sit sat sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
fight fought fought speak spoke spoken
find found found spend spent spent
fly flew flown steal stole stolen
forget forgot forgotten swam swum
' swim
get got gotten take took taken
give gave given 1 tell told told
go went gane think thought thought
grow grew grown 1 throw threw thrown
have had had understand understood understood

hear heard heard wake woke woken


hit hit hit wear wore worn


keep kept kept win won won

know known
' write wrote written

Irregular Verbs 71

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