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Could you please start by introducing yourself and your job?

I am Katherine Friedman. I'm a reading intervention teacher for kindergarten sometimes first and
second grade.

What is your perception of the role of money in schools?

Money is extremely important to buy resources for our schools. Money provides salaries for
teachers. It provides materials for teachers to teach with. At my Title I school, it provides needed
resources for the family as well.

What do you think about the Kirwan Commission's Blueprint for Maryland’s Future?
I think that it is necessary in order to ensure that our students are given the resources that they
need. I think it was long overdue since the schools have not ever been prioritized or adequately
funded. The money spent per pupil has not been what it's supposed to be for many years.

How has Governor Hogan helped or hurt schools?

Governor Hogan has vetoed all the work done by the Kirwan Commission which will definitely
hurt the schools.

Why do you think more money should go to schools?

Schools are essential to the future of the country. They're training our kids for jobs, for their
lives, and for the people that they're going to become. Schools with more students living in
poverty need more money to help their students and families. The inequities among schools are
unfair. Schools that are in a wealthier district get more money. I work at a Title I school so we
are fortunate enough to get extra money from the government but the facilities of the Title I
schools still do not equal the facilities of the wealthier schools.

How do socioeconomic inequities play out in education and affect the quality of education
students receive?
I think there are expectations for all kids to learn at the same pace which is not fair. If a student
starts two years below grade level they're not going to end the year on grade level and those
students need more resources and more money put towards them. Socioeconomically, when you
live in poverty and you do not have what you need to be safe and live, that's going to affect how
you learn in school. It's going to affect your ability to access education.

Why should teachers receive more pay?

Teachers should receive more pay because the job that they're doing is so important and
exhausting. Teachers shouldn't have to teach all day and then have to go and work a second job
after school in order to pay their rent and put food on their table. Just like how some kids don't
get their basic needs met, teachers can't meet the needs of their families with the salaries they are

Could you describe times when a lack of money in school affected your job?
I spend a lot of money on my own supplies in order to help my students. There's been times
when I've been told my job is going to be cut but luckily so far resources have been found and
that hasn't happened. They cut intervention intervention jobs at my previous school and so
instead of working with one grade level, I was told I was the reading intervention teacher for
three grade levels. When I am working with 24 classes of students, it is not really possible for me
to provide instruction and intervention to all of the students who need it. When resources are
spread too thin, students do not get what they need.

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