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Assessment 3 — Assignment 2 Student Name: Student ID No: Due Date: Student Instructions ‘Assignment 2 ‘You ate to research and answer allo the following questions. Be sure to: Please type the solution inthis document. Make sure you all questions Black or blue fonts required to complete this assessment. Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor Do not plagiarse. Plagiarism i considered cheating Please refer below for our policy in regards to cheating ‘> Do not cheat during tis assessment. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be excluded under the Disaplinary Rules and their opportunity for assessment will be subject to the outcome of an Appeal Process or Disciplinary Hearing ‘= Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tellyou the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question fer you = Reasonable adjustment: IF you require any adjustments to accommedste a need in order to complete this azezzment, please talk to your assessor, Arrangements will be putin place to ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this [seserement, Please note thatthe range or nature ofthe adjustment will ensure thatthe outcomes of the unt are not ‘compromised. ‘© Feedback: Your assessor will provide feedback ta stusents after the completion of the assessment. The trainer assessor wil ‘explain the appeals process. Questions Length: 2000 words IT and Network Security Design and Management Case Study. United Nation wants to establish a Data ban! islands. They want successful IT companies to send in their project design and implementation report to award them the tender. They have asked to keep in mind while compiling report Design an IT security Framework, Manage IT Security, Manage Network Security. YOUR TASK 1. Define the IT security framework 2. Identify and write policies and procedures on how to manage IT and Network Security 3. Prepare a project report which should include the policies and procedures Criteri Weighting Evidence of research carried out on case | 6 study Cleary prepared and written explan. Preparation of final paper 4 Proper referencing and bibliography 4

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