Proposal Statement NEW

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Project Management


XYZ Enterprises

Project Name: Improvement in Transportation service of GOVA Transit,

Greater Sudbury, ON


Irfan Gafur Sayyed (A00211535)

Salman Shaik (A00200309)

Sebin Yesudas Antony (A00211220)

Submitted to:

Professor Kevin Bryanton

E-mail address:

Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology

Sudbury, ON Canada

Submitted on:

May 25, 2020

1. Statement of the customer's need.................................................................................................1

2. Assumptions................................................................................................................................1

2.1 Resource assumption.................................................................................................................2

2.2 Budget assumption.....................................................................................................................2

3. Project Scope...............................................................................................................................2

4. Deliverables.................................................................................................................................3

5. Resources....................................................................................................................................3

6. Schedule.......................................................................................................................................3

7. Price.............................................................................................................................................4

8. Risks............................................................................................................................................5

9. Expected benefits........................................................................................................................5

1. Statement of the customer's need

As we see, GOVA transport has been beneficial to the people in Sudbury. These days Sudbury is

becoming a student hub. Many international students and immigrants are coming here to study

and settle down, so Sudbury's population is increasing rapidly. So, available buses might not be

sufficient to match the needs of growing customers, and also most of the people are working the

night shift, and buses are not operating after midnight. Many people are facing problems with

transportation during their night shift. To some places, buses only use only once in an hour, as

people are facing difficulties in carrying out their daily activities. So, our project's sole objective

is to increase the number of buses, providing 24-hour public transport facilities in Sudbury and

introducing online digital cards.

The XYZ enterprises are conducting a "GOVA Project," which aims to improve transportation

facility, and technological improvement within Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The firm is

looking for proposals from capable consulting firms relating to the work defined GOVA transit

project is planned to improve the travel time and travel experience of people living in Greater

Sudbury. The Project’s Primary goal is to increase the number of buses, providing 24/7 bus

services and destinations, decreasing the fares and Digitalizing the payment system and

introducing the new schemes with lower fares.

2. Assumptions

 New buses are to be procured through negotiations with the Ontario Transit.

 Introduction of the new Mobile application and website for easy accessibility of the


 Hiring new employees to meet the needs of Transit terminal as we are planning to

provide 24 hour bus service.

 Government approval for the project implementation without any hassels

2.1 Resource assumption

The proposal will be send to the Ontario Government for adding the new buses to the terminal

and after which government will provide us with their approval after completion of proper

paperwork. Also, a team of software developers will also be outsourced for development of

Mobile Application as well as digitizing the ticketing system. To meet the labor requirement,

new staffs will be hired and the hiring process will be outsources to a recruitment agency.

2.2 Budget assumption

The project management team of XYZ enterprises has projected that the cost of project will be

approximately $2 Million CAD in total. We are assuming that this budget will be approved by

Ontario government and Ministry of Road Transportation.

3. Project Scope

This project will enhance the transportation facilities in Sudbury. Also, we are hiring new

employees to mee the demand . Thus, upon completion of the project many jobs opportunities

will be created, transportation will be improvise and also helps in development of economy as


4. Deliverables

The project deliverables include:

 Finalizing the new bus routes and modification of current routes

 Development of mobile application as well as designing website for the people

 Installation of card system in existing buses

5. Resources

The qualification of human resources that our company have which is necessary for effective

completion of this project are as follows:

 XYZ enterprises have PMP certified project managers who have 7-8 years of experience

for project manager, 2 -3 year experience for project team members in same field with

good analytical and decision making skills

 The company will outsource the risk analyst personnel. The minimum requirement for

this post will ne three years of experience in risk analysis with good negotiation skills.

 Also, for development of Mobile app and website, IT specialist will be recruited till the

project completion date. For this post, they should have experience of 6 years and should

be aware will new technology and programming modules

6. Schedule

Milestones Dates
Schedule meeting 2nd June 2020
Preparation of initial documents 20th June 2020
Permits 7th July 2020
Search and finalization of new routes 29th July 2020
Purchase quotation of new bus 10th August 2020

Approval from government officials 7th October 2020

Development and execution of Mobile app 15th October 2020
and website
Installation of new buses in transit terminal 2nd November 2020
Handover of the projects 25th November 2020

7. Price

The estimated costs throughout the project is outlined below:

Items Cost Estimation (CAD)

Acquisition of new buses. $750000
Maintenance of Old buses a routes $100000
Labour cost $2000000

Legal and professional fees $100000

Software Development Costs and $500000
Maintenance costs
Total costs $1650000
Contingency reserves $350000
Total Price $200000

8. Risks

Potential Risks Impact of risk Mitigating Actions

Level of Acceptance of digitization of Medium to High Executing the system phase
ticketing system and introduction of wise
mobile app and website by people Marketing of the app so that
people can be aware of the
Purchase of new buses (Cost) Medium Negotiation with Ministry of
transportation and Ontario
Utility risk (Fuel Crisis, System failures) Low Maintenance of inventory,
negotiating with alternate
Legal issues Low Lawyers are hired in contract

9. Expected benefits

The outcome of this project will provide readiness and convenience to the potential customers

who wishes to take the bus services for commuting. This proposal will provide a detailed

information about digitalized ticketing services and 24/7 bus services. In this proposal we are

trying to implement bus services around the clock with minor changes which will provide ease to

the customers. As we all know how stringent it is to stand in line for hours just to get a bus pass

updated which most of the customers find time consuming. For this problem we have introduced

a new way in which customers’ need not stand in a line to get their bus passes. We have come up

with an idea to introduce a GOVA transport services mobile application and a website.

This application will indeed cater to the customer services, for example, if any one has to get

their bus passes updated, it can be done through the app or website. Plus we have not completely

removed the offline services which cn be helpful for the elderly people who are not habituated

with latest technologies. This will render to increase the frequency of the customers to use this

bus services which will ultimately increase the profits of the organization.

Secondly we have also come up with 24/7 bus services which will help the customers who rely

late night transportation facilities. Weekend mid night bus services will be more reliable for the

professionals, youngsters and people working night shifts can render to this services. The

implementation of new schemes with special rates and number of rides will increase the

reliability of the customers. For example, the customers who do not regularly use the bus

services hesitate to purchase a bus card worth $75, for such customers we can provide them with

a new scheme which includes 25 rides for 30 days costing $35.

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