Listening 2 Name: 1

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Listening 2


1 Listen to a conversation between Jess and Tim. Then tick (✓) the sentences T (true) or F (false). (5
1. Banksy is an American graffiti artist. ...... ......
2. In New York, he made about 20 pieces of art every week. ...... ......
3. People in Central Park didn’t know the paintings were real. ...... ......
4. People usually pay about £20,000 for a Banksy painting. ...... ......
5. Banksy got £140,000 for his paintings in Central Park. ...... ......

2 Listen again and complete the sentences. (5 points)

1. Banksy was in New York for one …………………… .
2. People can buy copies of Banksy’s paintings at …………………… around the world.
3. The paintings in Central Park cost …………………… .
4. Banksy sold …………………… paintings in Central Park.
5. The mother bought …………………… paintings for her children.

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