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Visitors return

Palace Museum opening to

Govt urged to
focus on jobs, Teen star on rise
public after 98­day hiatus consumption He Zhenyu moves closer to getting spot
in English Premier League  SPORTS, PAGE 20

THURSDAY, May 7, 2020

Xi: Nation 
School by the numbers

cannot afford 
Key meeting stresses need to reform
disease prevention and control system
By XU WEI Hubei  province  even  as  it  has switched to epidemic control and
prevention  efforts  on  a  regular
A  key  Party  meeting  on basis. 
Wednesday  stressed  the  need  to The CPC Central Committee has
reform  China’s  disease  preven­ decided to send a liaison group to 
tion and control system and bol­ Hubei to step up guidance and sup­
ster  its  monitoring  and  early port  to  follow­up  containment 
warning capacities for outbreaks efforts in the area, Xi said. 
in  a  bid  to  close  the  gaps  and The liaison group must continue
strengthen weak areas exposed in to  offer  guidance  regarding  the
the COVID­19 pandemic.  rehabilitation  of  recovered Seniors at Wuhan No 49 High School have their temperatures automatically displayed as they return to campus on Wednesday in
The Standing Committee of the patients  and  their  psychological Wuhan, Hubei province, following the easing of restrictions in the Chinese city hardest hit by COVID­19. Seniors at the city’s 121 high
Political Bureau of the Communist counseling  and  press  for  the schools have started their final semester before the gaokao, or national college entrance exam. CHEN XUEZI / FOR CHINA DAILY See story, page 3
Party of China Central Committee, implementation  of  normalized
the country’s top political authori­ containment efforts to prevent the
ty, approved decisions in the meet­ importation  of  infections  and  a
ing to streamline the medicine and
healthcare system and refine laws
and  regulations  on  public  health
possible rebound of the outbreak,
he said. 
Xi  stressed  that  authorities  can
Experts: Treated asymptomatic patients  Country 
and emergency management. 
The Standing Committee heard
a  work  report  by  the  steering
afford  zero  complacency  in  their 
work on all fronts to consolidate the
outcomes of epidemic containment, 
of COVID­19 pose low risk of infection backs WHO
group  sent  by  the  CPC  Central
Committee to oversee the epidem­
ic  response  in  Hubei  province,
and  must  not  undo  all  the  efforts 
that have been made. 
The liaison group must also push
novel coronavirus can be isolated 
from such patients, but the infec­
may continue to be hospitalized if 
they have other active illnesses. 
probe into 
according to a statement released
after the meeting. 
Xi  Jinping,  general  secretary  of
forward  the  enforcement  of  the 
many policies rolled out to support 
economic  and  social  development 
Novel coronavirus patients who
have  turned  asymptomatic  but 
tiousness  of  the  virus  is  signifi­
cantly weakened, Jiang said.
It is highly likely that COVID­19
Ma  Yingmin,  vice­president  of
Beijing  Chaoyang  Hospital,  said 
some patients may have to remain 
virus origin
the CPC Central Committee, empha­ in Hubei to help restore the normal  still test positive for the virus after patients who have been asympto­ hospitalized  for  a  much  longer 
sized at the meeting that the steer­ order  of  life  and  production  at  an  sustained treatment appear to be  matic — including having a normal time due to failed nucleic acid tests. By WANG QINGYUN
ing group has fought alongside the  early date, he said.  unlikely to transmit the virus and  temperature  for  over  10  days,  “Some patients who are not in
people  of  Hubei  and  its  capital,  The meeting also underlined the further treatment may not be nec­ healed lungs verified by scans and  serious  condition  can  be  treated 
Wuhan,  and  prioritized  efforts  to  importance  of  summarizing  and essary, medical experts said.  the appearance of antibodies in the easily and their symptoms disap­ The  Foreign  Ministry  said  on
contain the spread of the outbreak,  employing practices proved to be Despite the low risk of infection blood — are not infectious, even if  pear, but it is difficult for them to  Wednesday that China stands ready 
treat  infected  patients  and  ensure  effective during the epidemic con­ from such patients, whose numbers they test positive for the virus in  pass two straight tests,” he said.  to  continue  close  cooperation  with 
the supply of resources.  tainment in Hubei and Wuhan and are small, they still need to be isolat­ their respiratory tracts, he said.  Liang Zong’an, head of the respi­ the  World  Health  Organization  to 
It has made the utmost effort to closing the gaps and strengthening ed  for  medical  observation  until  Jiao  Yahui,  an  official  at  the ratory  and  critical  care  depart­ find the origin of the novel coronavi­
stem  the  spread  of  the  pandemic  the  weak  areas  that  have  already they test negative, the experts said.  National  Health  Commission’s  ment at the West China Hospital of rus  that  causes  COVID­19,  but  it 
and striven to secure the first line of  been exposed.  Jiang  Rongmeng,  an  infectious Medical  Administration  and  Sichuan University, said there has  firmly opposes any political manipu­
defense  in  the  country’s  epidemic  The  country  must  optimize  its disease expert at Beijing Ditan Hos­ Supervision  Department,  said  in  been no evidence of transmission  lation under the guise of an investi­
containment, which has showcased  emergency  management  and pital, said studies show COVID­19  April that the number of confirmed by asymptomatic patients who still gation of its origin.
China’s strength, spirit and efficien­ patient treatment systems in cop­ patients in recovery test negative for COVID­19 patients in Wuhan, the  test positive for coronavirus after  China  supports  reviews  of  the
cy,  he  said,  adding  that  the  group  ing  with  major  outbreaks  and  in the virus on average within 20 days  city hit hardest by the outbreak in  sustained treatment in China.  COVID­19 pandemic at an appropri­
has made important contributions  the area of public health, and, with of becoming sick and being hospi­ China, had fallen to 47, including  “The  possibility  of  their  infec­ ate time, ministry spokeswoman Hua
to winning the people’s war against  an emphasis on prevention, inno­ talized, but some patients continue  more than 30 who still tested posi­ tiousness cannot be ruled out, but  Chunying said at a news conference.
the pandemic.  vate  in  the  methods  and  ways  to to test positive for over 40 days.  tive after sustained treatment.  chances  of  their  spreading  the  Such reviews are to promote inter­
However, Xi said huge uncertain­ conduct health campaigns, said the “However, testing positive for the It was not necessary to continue virus  are  small,”  he  said,  adding  national  health  cooperation, 
ties still linger over the pandemic,  statement.  nucleic acid of the virus does not  to  treat  those  patients  whose  further research is needed.  improve global public health govern­
given  that  the  momentum  of  its  It  is  also  important  to  improve mean  a  patient’s  body  has  live  symptoms had vanished, she said.  “Most such patients are asymp­ ance and support developing coun­
global spread has yet to be curbed  the  environment  in  rural  and viruses  that  can  be  transmitted,”  Under  the  commission’s  guide­ tomatic and therefore do not need tries  in  enhancing  their  health 
and the country is still seeing infec­ urban areas, improve public health said Jiang, who is also a member of  lines, COVID­19 patients can be dis­ treatment if they do not have oth­ systems so that the world can be bet­
tions  among  clusters  of  people  in  facilities, popularize health know­ the  expert  team  organized  by  charged from hospitals only after  er diseases,” Liang said. “But it is  ter prepared for similar challenges in
certain areas.  ledge  and  promote  a  more  civi­ National  Health  Commission  for  they  show  no  related  symptoms  still necessary to isolate them for  the future, Hua said. 
He  called  for  unrelenting  epi­ lized, healthy and greener lifestyle COVID­19 control.  and  test  negative  twice,  with  at  observation  as  long  as  they  test  “What  we  firmly  object  to  is  an
demic  containment  measures  in among the public, it added. Some research has shown that least 24 hours between tests. They  positive for the virus.” inquiry into the pandemic that pre­
sumes China’s guilt,” she said.
“The issue of the origin is a scien­
Shanghai Disneyland  tific and professional one, and the 
work should be consigned to scien­
tists and experts in disease control 

HEALTH CRISIS  set to reopen next week and prevention,” Hua said, adding 

that such an investigation should be
led by scientists.
TOGETHER By HE WEI in Shanghai
Shanghai  Disneyland  Hotel,  in 
March.  See Ministry, page 4
◆ “We will take a phased approach
Shanghai Disneyland is set to with  limits  on  attendance,  using  Inside
United front displayed become the first Walt Disney Co  an advanced reservation and entry
in pandemic battle theme park to reopen after novel  system,  controlled  guest  density  • Editorial, page 8 
coronavirus­related  closure  as  using social distancing and strict,  • See more, page 10
Editor’s note: Nations are collabo­ China embarks on a steady path  government­required  health  and 
rating in the fight against the novel  to normalcy in daily life and busi­ prevention  procedures,”  he  said. 
coronavirus pneumonia outbreak to  ness activity.  “These include the use of masks, 
limit the damage to people’s health  The  park,  scheduled  to temperature screenings and
and the impact on the global econo­ reopen on Monday, said it  other  contact  tracing  and
my. Here, in the sixth part of a series  Medical workers transfer a COVID­19 patient in Moscow, Russia, on will  follow  a  deliberate  early detection systems.”
titled “One World, One Fight”, we look  Tuesday. The country had reported over 155,000 novel coronavirus approach by implementing  Visitors can check open­
at how countries can work together.  cases as of Tuesday. SPUTNIK VIA XINHUA a  list  of  enhanced  health  ing  hours  and  purchase
and safety measures. tickets starting 8 am Friday
Zhang Hanhui, China’s ambassa­ Bob  Chapek,  who via  the  Shanghai  Resort’s
By REN QI in Moscow  dor to Russia, said the team’s arriv­ became  the  Walt  Disney  Bob online channels and official
al demonstrated the significance of  CEO in February, said on  Chapek travel  partners’  channels. arrives via

mages  from  a  military  cargo the  Sino­Russian  Comprehensive  an  earnings  call  Wednes­ In  the  initial  reopening
plane have been tweeted thou­ Strategic Partnership of Coordina­ day  morning  that  the  decision,  phase,  advanced  ticketing  and  tourism Life, p16
sands of times in Russia.  tion for a New Era. made jointly with local partner  reservations  will  be  required  to 
They show medical experts Defense Ministry plane is occupied  “China and Russia support each Shanghai Shendi Group, follows  maintain limited attendance.  国内统一编号: 
from China sitting with their backs  mostly by supplies sent from China to other  politically  and  morally, “encouraging signs of a gradual  Chapek  said  the  park  has  a CN11­0091         
against the cabin wall, and walking  fight the novel coronavirus outbreak. which  has  set  the  direction  and return  to  some  semblance  of  capacity of 80,000 visitors per day  国际标准编号: 
sideways when they have to visit the Hao Huilong, leader of the Chi­ tone  for  the  two  countries’  joint normalcy in China” and the suc­ and the government has mandat­ ISSN0253­9543  A member of the 
toilet  on  the  eight­hour  flight  to  nese team, which arrived in Russia  fight  against  the  pandemic,”  he cessful  reopenings  of  facilities  ed  they  operate  at  30  percent  邮发代号:1­3 Asia News Network
Moscow  from  Harbin,  capital  of  on April 12, said, “The flight was not said. adjacent  to  the  park,  including  capacity, or around 24,000 visitors. © 2020 China Daily
Heilongjiang province. that good, but we were determined  Disneytown, a shopping, dining  All Rights Reserved
The cabin of the cramped Russian to help our friendly neighbor.” See Efforts, page 2 and entertainment complex, and See Resort, page 4 Vol.40 — No. 12480

SPORT | 14
Getting dropped was really uncomfortable
for Bavuma
Business activity falls
to record low | 9 E

Celebrating Russia’s
part in bringing Nazi
regime to its knees

Recipe: avocado
JOHANNESBURG Zoo keeper Richard Shirinda feeds resident giraffe Madolo, left, and Bunthle carrots by hand, as the tallest land animals in the world are said to be missing human interaction, or at least sometimes. chocolate brownies
| TIMOTHY BERNARD African News Agency (ANA)


‘Paramedics turn down Covid-19 patient’ Covid-19 cases at

prisons could be
Residents outraged as patients isolate in shacks, risking transmission of virus ‘catastrophic’
The patient was advised to stay in his port him when they were told he was “Their failure to quarantine an scribed Covid-19 symptoms and requires ODWA MKENTANE
backyard shack, residents said, but then infected. We made numerous calls to infected person immediately is cause hospital transportation. If the patient
had to be rushed to hospital on Monday the health department and were only for concern. They are allowing them meets these criteria, they will be trans-
OKUHLE HLATI after his condition worsened. assisted on Monday. However, by then to return home where self-isolation or ported.“If a person cannot safely quar- HUMAN rights organisation Sonke Also at the weekend, four Dunoon his health had deteriorated. He had to self-quarantine is not possible, risking antine or isolate at home, they will be Gender Justice says it fears the more
residents who had been admitted to a be admitted to Groote Schuur Hospital. the health and safety of their families accommodated in temporary quarantine than 160 positive Covid-19 cases at
facility were moved back to the informal He could have died. We are not happy and community members at large with facilities where they can do so safely. prisons represent “only the beginning
VULNERABLE residents of densely settlement on Monday – a move ward about the way things were handled.” whom they share communal taps and Someone who cannot quarantine safely of a catastrophic increase in positive
populated areas have slated the Provin- councillor Lubabalo Makeleni said was Philippi CPF secretary Melikhaya toilets. at home must inform the health worker, cases”.
cial Health Department’s quarantine sys- shocking. Gadeni said many others had suffered “We have raised this matter with the who will then be able to make the Two East London inmates died of
tem, saying Covid-19-positive patients Buzwe Khali, a family friend of the similar treatment. “We are aware of department of health and SAPS... they necessary arrangements,” said Bessick. complications arising from Covid-19
who share shacks and communal taps Philippi patient, said: “He got very sick more than five cases of similar nature need to come with a different plan,” Asked if people with whom the this week, taking the number of deaths
and toilets with several people at a time at work last week and was diagnosed in our area, and we have been calling said Gadeni. patient might have been in close contact at facilities to three. One death in the
are either being discharged too soon, or with the virus on Friday. He then started for vastly improved screening in our Emergency Medical Services (EMS) would be traced, she said: “No. We only Western Cape is under investigation.
not removed from communities at all. to get sick on Saturday and got worse on community by the health department spokesperson Deanna Bessick said the initiate contact tracing if someone has Sonke’s national prisons
It comes after Philippi residents Sunday, when he suffered from short- and community health-care workers. patient would be accommodated in a tested positive. co-ordinator Zia Wasserman has called
claimed paramedics did not transport ness of breath. “We believe there is disjuncture in temporary quarantine facility. “However, we ask people who have on the government to release certain
a backyarder who tested positive for “Three ambulances responded at the work of the health department, and “EMS officials are trained... to deter- categories of detainees in order to
Covid-19 to hospital at the weekend. separate times, but all refused to trans- its tracing teams. mine whether a patient has the pre- To page 2 reduce overcrowding and curb the
spread of Covid-19.
“We are highly concerned about
  the spread of Covid-19 in prisons,
and fear that this may only be the

Cleared worker ‘chased away like a dog’ Langa youths pedal extra
beginning of a catastrophic increase in
positive cases.
“This is largely due to the high levels
of overcrowding, which makes social
mile with home deliveries
distancing practically impossible.
SIPHOKAZI VUSO screamed at her and chased her away,” “Furthermore, anecdotal evidence she said.
RFG chief executive Bruce Hender-
UPDATE tells us there are woefully insufficient
supplies of personal protection
A FRUIT factory tray machine oper- son said the HR manager at the fac- equipment (PPE) being distributed
ator who tried to return to work this tory engaged with the employee, and SIPHOKAZI VUSO and people trust us with their groceries among the staff and those detained
week after being in quarantine for explained that she was required to and takeaways,” he said. within the prisons.
Covid-19, said she was “chased away undergo a medical examination and He said a challenge was the fact that While we commend the
like a dog”. had to be tested negative for Covid-19 LANGA youngsters are going the extra they do not have their own working department for its screening campaign,
An emotional Fredouene Schippers before returning to work. mile to serve their community during gear, which would make them easier to we are worried that not enough tests
said she was cleared by Tulbagh Clinic The screening form which she had lockdown Level 4 by using second-hand identify. They also have to repair their are being conducted,” Wasserman said.

to work again, but when she arrived at obtained from the clinic was not suffi- HOTLINE: 0800 029 999 bicycles to deliver food to residents’ second-hand bicycles from time to time. The Western Cape had 52 cases at
the Rhodes Food Group (RFG) factory on cient, Henderson said. doorsteps for only R9. “We are also using two phones, and correctional facilities, of which 49 of
Tuesday, she was told to leave.
She has worked at the factory since
2006, she said.
He said in terms of the directive
from the Minister of Employment and
Labour, an employer may only allow
DAY 42 PAGES 2-4 & 6 Delivery requests to one of “Cloudy
Deliveries” seven members, aged
between 17 and 19, are made telephon-
sometimes we cannot respond to all
the requests. We are happy that we can
bring in innovative ways and provide
the sufferers were officials.
Department of Correctional
Services (DCS) spokesperson
“I got there and people asked me a worker to return to the workplace ically. work for young boys. Our overall goal Singabakho Nxumalo said there were
what I was doing. I told them I came to “if the worker has undergone a med- Residents may either call them to is to have an online delivery shop and 165 cases in the department and
work, and I was then told to go to the ical evaluation confirming that the without any adverse findings. It appears do their grocery shopping on their an app where people can place their health-care practitioners were already
manager’s office. worker has been tested negative for at this stage that the death is not Covid- behalf and, in instances where they orders online. We want to be a reliable on site, providing an array of health
“The manager was rude to me; he Covid-19”. 19 related but the company understands have arrangements with shops and take- alternative to the way we do shopping services. They had been provided with
said I should leave the factory and not “The company is investigating the that a post-mortem will be carried out,” aways, to do pick-up deliveries. or the way the exchange of money and adequate PPE and were attending to
come back. This makes me very sad, I conflict between this directive and the he said. The teens load goods on to a basket goods takes place between vendors and those in need of urgent medical care.
don’t want to go back there now, people Department of Health regulation which Meanwhile, the community has attached to the front of their bicycles customers in black communities, while “DCS is saddened to confirm two
look at me like a dog,” she said. requires employees to be free of Covid- called for a total shutdown of the and deliver to the gate. also having an impact on the lives of deaths of inmates with underlying
Her mother, Hanna, said her daugh- 19 symptoms for 14 days before return- factory, and yesterday they marched Co-founder Colin Mkosi said they young boys in our townships,” he said. co-morbid conditions at an East
ter was tested on April 21 and received ing to work. peacefully before being stopped by work for the elderly and men and Ward councillor Nomtha Dilima said London centre and we send our
her results on April 27. “In the meantime, RFG confirms police. women who do not have the time to the initiative had been well received. sincere condolences to their families.
When she completed her isolation, that once the employee provides the Community activist for the Water go shopping or can’t afford to stand in “The queues are long, and during the “We continue to work with the
she was cleared to go back to work, company with the results of a negative Justice Coalition, Winston Pietersen, long queues. time of the coronavirus they are busy Department of Health, adhering to all
Hanna said. Covid-19 test, she will be allowed to said: “This virus is very dangerous for It provides them with a reliable alter- with deliveries to people’s homes and their guidelines in fighting against this
“The human resource (HR) manager return to work and resume her duties,” our community. native to the way they shop and buy also for community soup kitchens. They pandemic,” Nxumalo said.
started shouting at her and asking her he said. “It’s no longer a workers’ issue. I goods, he said. are trustworthy and they are serving In his Cape Times column Beautiful
what she was doing there when she was Henderson confirmed the death of am worried that the whole of Tulbagh “We wanted to make the lives of Langa. We need to empower them.” Truths this week, legal practitioner
a coronavirus case. an employee who last reported for work is at a big risk, from the community’s Langa residents easier, and to serve The team can be contacted on and listed counsel of the International
“She tried to explain to him that on April 29. standpoint. our community. This has made us wel- 074 882 0306. Criminal Court, Michael Donen SC,
she had the letter from the clinic saying “She had been part of a routine “We will keep on the pressure that comed in the community. Even when
she can come back to work, but he employee Covid-19 screening last week Rhodes must shut down.” we started, we got immense support, See picture, page 3 To page 2


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‘I’m grateful
7 May 2020

for all I’ve

From £1.75 for subscribers

been given’
Hadley Freeman’s

interview G2

test target
that keeps
being missed
highest level for five days – calling into
Rowena Mason question the idea that demand for tests
Denis Campbell would be falling. After the UK death
toll became the worst in Europe on
Matt Hancock’s claim to have tri- Tuesday, a further 649 deaths were
umphed in meeting his goal of 100,000 announced yesterday, taking the total
coronavirus tests a day appeared in to 30,076.
serious doubt last night after the gov- When the health secretary said on
ernment failed for the fourth day in a Friday that he had been successful
row to hit the target ministers believe in reaching his goal by hitting more
is crucial to exiting the lockdown. than 122,000 tests on the day, he
The government’s announcement described the landmark as an “incredi-
of the latest figure came after Boris ble achievement” and said that testing
Johnson set out a new target of capac- was “crucial to suppress the virus”
ity for 200,000 tests a day by the end and would “help us to unlock the
of May – a goal immediately dismissed lockdown”.
by medics and opposition figures as But after hitting the target again
a stunt to distract from yesterday’s
shortfall, with just 69,463 tests car-
on Saturday, the figure has remained
below 100,000 ever since, amid fresh
Death of a
ried out or posted to recipients. With
some doubles, those tests were pro-
shortages of chemical reagent in some
areas – with ministers also accused of
pop pioneer
vided to a total of 57,006 people.
The government has acknowl-
fiddling the figures by including tests
posted out but not yet completed. Kraftwerk’s
edged that large-scale testing and
contact tracing will be vital to end the
A Department of Health and Social
Care source argued the target had Florian
lockdown, but experts warned that always been about showing it was pos-
Britain’s low levels and patchy avail- sible to hit 100,000 if the demand was Schneider
ability for NHS sites and care homes there and claimed it had been lower
meant that would not be possible yet. because the number of people with 1947-2020
The latest figures came as govern- symptoms was falling. “We used the
ment data showed that new infections language originally that we
2  Alexis Petridis Page 17 
had topped 6,000 again – at 6,111 the wanted to show we could

Picnics and rambles set

from anyone from outside their began broadcasting a new, more the public’s daily lives were imposed
household. But government sources nuanced message – “Stay Safe, Save too soon. But in fact compliance was
warned against expecting an immi- Lives” yesterday, in a hint that the much higher than the government had

to be allowed next week nent reopening of the economy, with

one saying: “We just aren’t in a space
of significant changes at all.”
stark “Stay Home, Save Lives” slogan
is set to be ditched in the coming days.
But the communities secretary,
anticipated. The Conservative party’s
election campaign chief, Isaac Levido,
has been helping to draw up the com-
The changes – which are likely to Robert Jenrick, said there could munications plan for “phase two”, as
Boris Johnson announced that restric- leave the public hanging on weather still be localised lockdowns even as Johnson has called it.
Heather Stewart tions would be eased from Monday. forecasts in the hope of conditions restrictions began to lift nationally, Scotland’s first minister,
8 
Kate Proctor With the stringent restrictions due that will make more time out of the indicating there could be “interven- Nicola Sturgeon, has said
Richard Adams to be reviewed today – with details to house possible – were mooted after tions in smaller, micro communities
be announced on Sunday – the prime Johnson said at prime minister’s ques- where you’re seeing the virus take
Picnics, sunbathing and unlimited minister is expected to change the tions that the government wanted to hold again”.
rambles will be among the first activ- rules so people would be able to leave “get going with some of these meas- When the lockdown first began,
ities to be allowed when the lockdown the house repeatedly in a single day, ures on Monday”. some experts were concerned that
loosens, it emerged last night, after so long as they kept a safe distance The government Twitter accounts “fatigue” would set in if restrictions on


HIGH 65, LOW 47 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020 $1.50


Democrats Hogan eases some restrictions,

get GOP prepares to reopen Maryland
support on Public schools to remain closed for rest of academic year
press conference. He added that local
governments can exercise flexibility in
reopening playgrounds and parks.
Hogan said, “but it is thanks to all of
you and your incredible sacrifices that
we are making great progress. … We
Senators buck Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan eased
coronavirus restrictions Wednesday to
Meanwhile, the Maryland Depart-
ment of Health will issue guidelines
are preparing to launch our reopening
plan in order to get people safely back
reluctant Trump allow residents to participate in some
outdoor activities and resume elective
for how to approach and begin offering
elective procedures at the discretion of
to work, safely get our small businesses
back open again, get our economy back
medical procedures, but he closed public hospitals and health care providers, the on track so Maryland and our nation can
BY DAVE BOYER BEARING GOOD NEWS: Maryland schools for the rest of the academic year. governor said. defeat this virus and come back stronger
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday that Effective at 7 a.m. Thursday, residents “Now I realize these are only small and better than ever.”
the state could begin its first stage of may participate in golfing, fishing, boat- steps and that they may be of little In March, Mr. Hogan ordered schools
President Trump is facing a growing reopening next week if coronavirus rates ing, tennis, camping and some other comfort to those who are out of work
rift with Senate Republicans who are continue to level off into next week. outdoor activities, Mr. Hogan said at a and who are struggling financially,” Mr. » see MARYLAND | A5
siding with Democrats on the need to
provide hundreds of billions of dollars in
emergency aid for states and cities that PUBLIC HEALTH
have lost tax revenue during the COVID-
19 pandemic to pay for first responders
and other basic expenses.
Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham
Virus clusters
of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of
Florida said they are inclined to provide
traced back
more aid to states despite the president’s
warning that he opposes more money
for states that have been “mismanaged”
to members
by Democrats.
“No doubt states have been hit pretty
hard,” Mr. Graham told reporters at the
of choirs
Capitol. “If it were set up the right way,
I think it makes sense.”
Singers breathe in
Mr. Rubio said in a Twitter post that
Congress will “have to provide additional
others’ infections
assistance to state & local governments.” BY TOM HOWELL JR.
“Federal taxpayers shouldn’t have THE WASHINGTON TIMES
to pay for pre-Covid19 spending deci-
sions that are irresponsible,” Mr. Rubio Clusters of COVID-19 transmission
tweeted. But he said there is “a baseline from Washington state to Georgia have
of spending on essential government been traced to choir sessions, with sing-
services which we can’t have collapse.” ers who lead worship or entertain com-
Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana is an- munities uniquely vulnerable to the
other Republican who is outspoken respiratory disease.
about the need to provide more aid to Scientists say choir members force-
states. He is suggesting a formula to al- fully emit droplets that other singers
locate funds based partly on how hard breathe in deeply before their cues,
the virus has hit a given state. creating a perfect transmission chain.
But Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, COVID-19, the disease caused by the
FULLY RECOVERED: Sen. Rand Paul (right) wore no protective face mask Wednesday when he talked with Sen. Mike Lee and coronavirus, ripped through a choir
» see VIRUS | A6 others on Capitol Hill. “Of all the people you’ll meet here, I’m about the only safe person in Washington,” Mr. Paul told reporters. in Mount Vernon, Washington, after
an early March practice. Within three
weeks, 45 members had been infected
CONGRESS and two died, even though members
INSIDE avoided direct contact and no one
Crowded airliners
Cancellations contribute to full
Paul claims immunity from COVID-19, seemed ill during rehearsal, according
to local reports.
One of Georgia’s earliest clusters of
planes on fewer flights. A7 leads anti-mask rebellion at Capitol COVID-19 has been traced to a lengthy
March 1 service for a retiring music min-
ister in Cartersville. The Atlanta Journal-
Domestic violence victims BY VALERIE RICHARDSON pandemic America. — or, if they are immune, how complete Constitution reported that at least four
face tougher situations. A5 THE WASHINGTON TIMES Not to worry, he said. or long-lasting that immunity might be.” people who attended the event or were
“I have immunity. I’ve already had “Sen. Rand Paul won’t wear mask, close to someone who did later died.
Safe and healthy screen usage Leave it to Rand Paul, the Senate’s the virus, so I can’t get it again and I says he has immunity to coronavirus de- “It’s been broadcast to us specifically,
still possible in lockdown. A7 leading libertarian and a physician to can’t give it to anybody,” the Kentucky spite lack of evidence,” said USA Today. ‘Please, don’t have any more choirs,’ ” Bu-
boot, to lead the charge against tyranni- Republican told reporters on Tuesday. “I Unbowed, Mr. Paul declared his inde- ford Church of God pastor Joey Grizzle
Taiwan criticizes WHO for cal government leaders calling for their can’t get it again, nor can I transmit. So of pendence from the mask despots. “The told The Washington Times.
exclusion from assembly. A9 previously coronavirus-infected subjects all the people you’ll meet here, I’m about fake news can’t stand that some people His church northeast of Atlanta has
to wear face masks. the only safe person in Washington.” might not need to submit to the new been taking precautions for weeks. Its
Virginia volunteers offer Mr. Paul, the only senator known to He was promptly scolded by outlets authoritarianism of the left because they large choir started work on an Easter
face mask ‘fit tests.’ A12 have contracted COVID-19, touched off such as NBC News, which said Mr. Paul, are immune to coronavirus,” he tweeted. performance in January, but when the
a debate over antibodies and immunity an eye surgeon, “can’t be sure of those “Modern science disagrees.” big day came, it couldn’t join conductor
Temporary morgue opens at when he returned Monday to Capitol claims.” The Washington Post said “no He also had a message for others who Bob Tabor on stage.
Laurel ice skating rink. A12 Hill without the facial cover-ups that one knows whether recovered covid-19
have become increasingly de rigueur in patients are immune to a new infection » see ANTIBODY | A6 » see CHOIR | A6


Jailing of salon operator Military prepares to emerge

exposes rift on reopenings from sick bay, resume training
BY STEPHEN DINAN BY MIKE GLENN pandemic spread to virtually
THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON TIMES every continent and sea lane, but
there are signs from the shores
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he never envisioned a salon Rim of the Pacific, the world’s of Australia to the skies over
owner being jailed for violating his stay-at-home orders, as he largest maritime warfare exer- Denmark that the U.S. military,
lashed out Wednesday at a judge who put a mother behind bars cise, is set to kick off this summer gingerly but inexorably, is getting
for seven days for refusing to shutter her shop. off the coast of Hawaii, but U.S. back to business.
Attorney General Ken Paxton was even more pointed. He military planners say it will have Hosted by the U.S. Pacific Fleet
asked why Dallas County, which has released hundreds of a different feel and look in the age in Hawaii, the biennial multina-
people from its jails to try to limit risks of COVID-19, would of the coronavirus. tional war games, better known
now boost its population by a nonviolent offender who wanted Just like their civilian counter- as RIMPAC, will be exclusively at
to make a living. parts, Pentagon planners are fac- sea. Gone this year are cultural
“A community that released all those people, some of ing a dual challenge from COVID- activities and military exchange
whom committed serious crimes, can certainly stand to 19: trying to get a handle on the programs — not to mention
release one more — a mother whose only crime was oper- raging outbreak among the ranks large-scale amphibious landings
ating a small business in an effort to feed her children,” Mr. while planning for the inevitable by U.S. Marine Corps units.
Paxton said in a letter demanding the release of salon owner day when the lockdown is over. “In these challenging times, it
Shelley Luther. STAYING AFLOAT: The Navy will host the Rim of the Pacific, the world’s Major war games years in is more important than ever that
largest maritime exercises, off the coast of Hawaii again this summer, but the the planning had to be curtailed
» see TEXAS | A10 drills will be held only at sea to protect against a spread of the coronavirus. or scrubbed altogether as the » see PACIFIC | A10


Nuns back at Supreme DeVos’ Title IX changes Pompeo vows to secure Joe Biden has become
Court to dispute birth fortify rights of accused release of Americans an albatross for the
control mandate. A4 on campuses. A7 in Venezuela. A9 Democrats. B1 7 02803 87040 7

INDEX American Scene A8 | Commentary B1 | Comics B8 | Dear Abby A11 | Editorials B2 | Horoscope A11 | Inside the Beltway A2 | Metro A12 | Nation A7 | Politics A4 | Sports B10 | Television A11 | World A9
Air Canada packs ’em in
Physical distancing rules ignored A3

Dog Days
Let Rover have
his catnap C1

T h u r s d a y, M a y 7, 2 0 2 0 s e r i o u s ly w e s t c o a s t s i n c e 1 9 1 2


Drug rings
adapting to
world A5

Ya l e t ow n
guides clients
through DIY
haircuts A6

Dan Wood dons protective gloves after learning he’ll be allowed to reopen his Yagger’s Kits restaurant in mid-May. However, Wood says rules
for reopening may be too restrictive for his small establishment. “We figure we could only have 15 people inside” at a time, he says. Francis Ge orgian

NP Horgan unveils B.C.’s ‘new normal’

Hair salons, beauty salons, more cording to the province. Some in-
Ca na da Offices, stores, shops and parks retail stores, restaurants, cafés, school K-12 classes could resume
Military to reopen as lockdown loosens pubs, provincial parks for day use
only, museums, libraries, parks,
on a voluntary basis before June,
but it’s not until September that
crash victims beaches and office work sites will the province expects to fully re-
honoured at be allowed to reopen in mid-May if open all classrooms — and then
R o b S h aw spread of the coronavirus. they can meet new safety, distanc- likely using alternating days for
ceremony Np1 More than 437,000 people have ing and hygiene guidelines. The students and routine daily health
VICTORIA   British Columbians will asked for government financial likely date is May 14 for provincial screening of all kids.
soon be able to hug loved ones, re- support in B.C. due to COVID-19 parks and May 19 for the rest of the Bars, nightclubs, and casinos
sume socializing, visit restaurants, business closures and social dis- businesses, said Horgan. need more planning before re-
get a haircut and restart some out- tancing requirements. The provin- Non-urgent surgeries, which opening, while conventions, live
door recreation, as the government cial economy has suffered what’s have been postponed the past audiences for professional sports,
loosens COVID-19 restrictions and expected to be its worst decline in two months, are set to resume in concerts and gatherings with more
morphs into a “new normal” that more than 70 years. mid-May, with more details to than 50 people will remain banned
could last for the next year. “It’s been weeks since we’ve seen come today from Health Minister for the foreseeable future or until
Premier John Horgan outlined our friends or families; many feel Adrian Dix. a vaccine is developed.
a plan Wednesday to reopen the confined and alone,” said Horgan. It won’t be until between June “Restrictions on large gather-
economy that he said was only pos- “This pandemic has been tough on and September that hotels, over- ings are here to stay,” said Horgan.
sible because of the sacrifices made all of us. And yet the people of B.C. night park campsites, domestic “It won’t be the flipping of a
in the past two months as people have risen to the challenge with film production, movie theatres switch.”
U. S . stayed at home and reduced the compassion and determination.” and symphonies can reopen, ac- S e e R E O P E N   o n A4

White House to
M a n i t o ba Pa l m e r S i d e - e ff e c t s sp o rt s r e ta i l
keep virus task
force NP4 Robust safety rules Medical resources Blood thinners could Devastated shops
guide cautious in reserve for fear of protect kids from are struggling
reopening A4 second wave in fall A7 sudden death NP3 to survive B5

Trail of genomic breadcrumbs helps

Scene scientists track spread of coronavirus
Science that’s
R a n dy S h o r e

The novel coronavirus driving

change stays in the code as the vi-
rus moves through the population.
The earliest version of the vi-
person undetected for several
weeks, new mutations will occur.
The genome of the virus taken
the COVID-19 pandemic has left rus was isolated from a man who from a person infected directly Yo u t h
both cool a trail of breadcrumbs that allows worked at a wet market in Wuhan, due to travel in China will be very
and cultural C3 scientists to follow its spread from China, in early January. That ge- similar to the baseline genome, Slow return
country to country and through netic code is the baseline to com- with few if any additional muta-
communities. pare with all later samples of the tions. for minor
Food The genetic code of the virus virus. But a sample taken from some- sports B5
Fine dining — referred to by scientists as Those later samples are being one infected weeks later, after
SARS-CoV-2 — is a single strand tracked by, a pub- the virus passed from person to
gets a takeout of RNA about 30,000 characters lic website that draws on genomic person through the community
twist C4 long, written with a four-letter data posted by scientists all over in B.C., could feature several new
alphabet. the world, including British Co- typos, or be more closely related
The virus replicates itself mil- lumbia. The data allows them to to an outbreak in Europe or the
lions of times over when it passes create elaborate family trees that United States.
from person to person, and every show how the virus spreads and And that’s exactly what we’re
once in a while a “typo” creeps to where. seeing in B.C., according to an
0 57040 10035 1 in, which is known as a genetic SARS-CoV-2 appears to accu- analysis of 58 samples sent from
$2.38 plus GST mutation. Usually, the typo isn’t mulate new mutations at a pre- the B.C. Centre for Disease Con-
$3.33 minimum in important enough to change the dictable rate, about twice a month. trol to Nextstrain.
outlying areas function of the virus, but that If the virus passes from person to S e e T R A C K I N G   o n A2

* * * * * * THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXV NO. 107 HHHH $4.00
DJIA 23664.64 g 218.45 0.9% NASDAQ 8854.39 À 0.5% STOXX 600 334.34 g 0.3% 10-YR. TREAS. g 17/32 , yield 0.709% OIL $23.99 g $0.57 GOLD $1,684.20 g $20.20 EURO $1.0795 YEN 106.10

A Mainstay on the Front Line Gets a Salute
Virus Widens
News Rift Between
Business & Finance

ber said it is shedding

about 14% of its work-
U.S., China
force amid the impact of the
pandemic, and Lyft, which Relations between the U.S. cooperative programs with
cut about 17% of its staff last and China, strained for years, Beijing, an analysis of their
week, is responding with ag- have deteriorated at a rapid policies showed.
gressive cost reduction. A1 clip recently, leaving the two Chinese officials, for their
nations facing fewer shared part, are following through on
 The eurozone economy
interests and a growing list of President Xi Jinping’s call last
will suffer “a recession of his-
conflicts, including sniping fall to resist anything they
toric proportions this year”
this week over the coronavirus perceive as standing in the
because of the pandemic,
pandemic. way of China’s rise. They have
EU officials predicted. A9
stepped up military activities
 The Treasury Depart- By Kate O’Keeffe, in the contested South China
ment plans to ramp up auc- Michael C. Bender Sea and intimidation of Tai-
tion sizes of longer-dated and Chun Han Wong wan, a U.S. ally, and state me-
securities and will issue a dia has issued extraordinary
new 20-year bond. A2 The Trump administration public denunciations of Secre-
has moved to involve much of tary of State Mike Pompeo.
 GM eked out a $292
the U.S. government in a cam- On Wednesday, a Chinese
million first-quarter profit
paign that includes investiga- Foreign Ministry spokes-
on stout U.S. truck sales,
tions, prosecutions and export woman challenged Mr. Pompeo
but signaled steep losses
restrictions. Nearly every cabi- to present evidence to support
in the current quarter. B1
net and cabinet-level official his recent claim that the new
 CVS warned of a coming either has adopted adversarial coronavirus came from a Chi-
surge in medical problems positions or jettisoned past Please turn to page A8
unrelated to the coronavirus,
as its data suggest people
are delaying routine care. B1
 The SEC ordered stock
exchanges to give brokers
Ride-Hailing Apps
and investors greater input
into how real-time stock
prices are distributed. B1 Face Bumpy Road
 California canceled a
$600 million mask contract BY TIM HIGGINS
from Blue Flame Medical, a AND PARMY OLSON

politically connected coro-

navirus-supply company. A4 Uber Technologies Inc. and
smaller rival Lyft Inc. are brac-
 Sinclair Broadcasting
agreed to a $48 million
ing for a new reality in ride- PANDEMIC
hailing: fewer passengers for
civil penalty to settle in-
the foreseeable future.
vestigations by the FCC. B2 Students gain leverage in
Uber said Wednesday it is
 The Dow and S&P 500 cutting about 14% of its work- college choice, A3
edged down 0.9% and force, and Lyft, which cut about Emergency services face
0.7%, respectively. The 17% of its staff last week, is re- financial strains, A6
Nasdaq gained 0.5%. B11 sponding to the coronavirus
pandemic with aggressive cost Nursing homes plan
 Samsung’s de facto leader changes for safe visits, A12
cutting to ride out the excep-
said he doesn’t intend to pass
tional challenge to their busi-
down management of the con-
glomerate to his children. B3
Lyft reported first-quarter tancing, altered consumer be-
earnings Wednesday that havior and expected corporate
World-Wide seemed resilient to the worst of cost cutting will be significant
the pandemic, but they only in- headwinds for Lyft,” Chief Ex-
corporated a couple of weeks of ecutive Logan Green said dur-
 U.S.-China relations have the impact, through the end of ing a conference call with ana-
deteriorated at a rapid clip March. In April, as global travel lysts. “Rider demand on our
recently, leaving the two na- ground to a halt and local gov- platform will be down for the
tions trading recriminations ernments ordered people to foreseeable future.”
this week over the coronavi- shelter in place, ridership The pandemic has chal-
rus pandemic while facing plunged 75%, the company said. lenged the very business model
fewer shared interests and a SERVING: Nurses Day was observed across the U.S. on Wednesday. From top, nurses Kim “Even as shelter-in-place or- that supercharged Uber and
growing list of conflicts. A1 Kalwasinski, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Linet Ngete, Swedish Medical Center, ders and travel restrictions are Lyft. They grew into some of
 Trump said the White First Hill, in Seattle; and Victoria Muhammad, Methodist University Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. modified or lifted, we antici- the world’s most valuable
pate that continued social dis- Please turn to page A5
House coronavirus task
force would remain in

How Germany Kept Factories

place, with a new focus on
reopening the country and Europe Braces for a Recession
developing a vaccine. A4
As nations’ debts have soared, the eurozone economy faces

Open Despite the Pandemic

 Senate Republicans are ‘a recession of historic proportions this year,’ threatening the
citing renewed deficit fears bloc’s stability, European Union officials said. A9
as they pump the brakes on
more relief spending, putting Annual change in eurozone GDP Debt as a percentage of GDP
them at odds with Trump’s
push for new initiatives. A4 10% 100 %

 Germany announced a Safety rules, testing and contact tracing helped ward off outbreaks
further phasing out of the
5 75
nation’s lockdown, which
has been among the light- BY TOM FAIRLESS keep its plants open. Just 15 of its 6,700 em-
est in Europe. A1, A10 ployees in Germany have contracted the vi-
MULFINGEN, Germany—When much of rus, the company said. 0 50
 The Education Department Europe’s economy shut down in mid-March, Large parts of Europe have been ravaged
issued the final version of its business kept right on going at Ebm-papst by the pandemic, but Germany has fared bet-
rule for how schools must in- Group, a fan and motor manufacturer based ter. While it has seen roughly the same num-
vestigate and respond to alle- near Germany’s Black Forest. ber of diagnosed infections as similar-size –5 25
gations of sexual harassment Throughout the six-week national lock- neighbors—Italy, Spain, France, the U.K.—it
and assault, bolstering pro- down that now is gradually being lifted, the has registered only about one-quarter as
tections for the accused. A3 family-owned company kept its domestic many deaths. –10 0
 Supreme Court justices factories running at 80% of normal capacity, And German authorities, unlike those in 2010 ’20 2010 ’20
voiced split views over rules said Chief Executive Officer Stefan Brandl. Italy and Spain, gave all factories the option
allowing employers to claim Social distancing, ubiquitous face masks, to stay open through the pandemic. More Note: 2019 is an estimate; 2020 and 2021 are forecasts. Source: European Commission

religious exemptions from in-house Covid-19 tests and contact-tracing than 80% of them did so, and only one-quar-
when employees fell ill helped the company Please turn to page A10
covering birth control in their
health-insurance plans. A3
 Israel’s top court ruled
that Netanyahu can form a
government while under in-
Four-Legged City Dwellers Roam
While Humans Are Stuck Inside
Silver Lake Makes Big Tech Bets
While Rivals Sit Out the Crisis
dictment, removing a final
hurdle to his bid to remain in i i i
power as he goes on trial. A11
 Trump vetoed a resolution Coyotes, foxes, toads venture out during
that would limit the presi-
dent’s ability to take military lockdowns; ‘they were here all the time’ BY MIRIAM GOTTFRIED began pushing for Mr. gripped the world and threw
action against Iran without Dorsey’s replacement, Mr. its economy and financial mar-
approval from Congress. A3 At times when shares of Durban called the CEO, the kets into chaos, and re-estab-
BY JAMES HOOKWAY cisco’s Twin Peaks neighbor- Twitter Inc. slipped over the people said. A week later, lished Silver Lake and Mr. Dur-
hood. “To see a coyote in past few years, Silver Lake Co- Twitter made public a $1 bil- ban as dominant tech investors
CONTENTS Markets..................... B11 Add to the list of what broad daylight in what is typi- CEO Egon Durban would make lion investment from Silver after a period in which Soft-
Banking & Finance B10 Opinion.............. A15-17
Business News...... B3 Sports....................... A14 we’ve learned about our com- cally one of the most touristy discreet inquiries about buying Lake that paved the way for an Bank Group Corp. and others
Crossword.............. A14 Technology............... B4 munities during the coronavi- places in San Francisco was the social-media company, agreement with Elliott allow- challenged their supremacy.
Heard on Street. B12 U.S. News......... A2-3,6 rus lockdown: Wilderness is just mind blowing,” he said. whose share price has some- ing Mr. Dorsey to keep his job. Together with Sixth Street
Life & Arts...... A12-13 Weather................... A14
Management.......... B5 World News........... A11
not as far as it seems. In fact, the animals have times lagged behind its popu- The Twitter investment es- Partners, Silver Lake invested
It turns out boar, deer, coy- been in and around the city larity and cultural significance. tablished a playbook Silver $1 billion in Airbnb Inc. on April
otes and birds have been right since the early 2000s, after But Twitter Chief Executive Lake has returned to repeat- 6 after the home-sharing plat-
> under our noses all along. California restricted the use of Jack Dorsey was never inter- edly throughout the coronavi- form was battered by a wave of
Cornelius Gati, a research snares and poison bait. They ested in selling, people famil- rus crisis, one in which it cancellations. Two weeks later,
scientist at Stanford Univer- largely kept out of sight. But iar with the matter said. moves quickly to shore up a Silver Lake joined Apollo Global
sity, stumbled across some now, said Janet Kessler, who Then in late February, after brand-name technology com- Please turn to page A6
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
coyotes while out walking as has been watching them for 13 activist investor Elliott Man- pany. That has made the firm
All Rights Reserved part of his permitted exercise years, the same coyotes are agement Corp. built up a siz- one of the most active deal  KKR posts loss, but outpaces
near his home in San Fran- Please turn to page A2 able position in Twitter and makers since the pandemic the market................................ B10
VOL. 60 NO. 23 ( 毎週日曜日発行 ) 昭和 36 年9月8日 第3種郵便物許可 | ISSN 2188-0794 © THE JAPAN TIMES, LTD., 2020
日曜日 JUNE 7, 2020 Consumption tax included (本体価格¥255) ¥280

Your world around you

North Korean
lose a key

Japan’s crippled tourism
industry is forced to rethink
its strategy amid a pandemic
Page 2 >>

A divided
Hong Kong
is fighting for
its identity

Food: Nifty nattō Lifestyle: Rain check Media: Bright future

A homemade recipe A primer on preparing Understanding
could change your your home for Japan’s the influence of a
mind about fermented rainy and humid political dynasty
soybeans Page 10 summer Page 12 Page 15

Also inside today > World page 6 | Week in Review page 8 | Opinion page 16 | Diversions page 17 | Weather page 18 | Sports page 19
PRICE $3 EXMOUTH / N-W / E.STATES $4.20 *INC GST | JUNE 7, 2020

PAGES 14-17

PAGES 29-31
Tens of thousands of Australians rally for Black Lives Matter PAGES 4-5


7 . J UNI 202 0 NR. 23 D 2 D5 6112 4,50 EURO



Lufthansa-Chef Spohr über den Gibt es einen Durchbruch im Auf Andernachs Grünflächen Die Herzogin von
Rettungspakt mit dem Staat. Fall der 2007 verschwundenen wächst Obst und Cambridge und die Macht
Geld & Mehr Dreijährigen? Leben Gemüse für alle. Wohnen der Abtrünnigen. Leben

Amerika in
Schwarze berichten vom Unrecht.
Ein Cop erklärt, was schiefläuft.
Rechtsextreme wollen den Rassenkrieg.
Politik, Sport, Feuilleton

Illustration Thomas Fuchs

Die EZB soll sich erklären Kritik an Trump

Washington will wohl Soldaten aus Deutschland abziehen
Nach dem Karlsruher Urteil: Der Bundestag will das Europaparlament beteiligen In der großen Koalition gibt es scharfe lung nun Polen. Ministerpräsident Ma-
Kritik an den angeblichen Plänen der teusz Morawiecki äußerte am Samstag
Abgeordnete von Regierung und Oppo- niedrige Zinsen – berücksichtigt hat. mon hat deshalb die EZB schriftlich ge- ven Ansatz“, und der SPD-Abgeordnete amerikanischen Regierung, 9500 Solda- die Hoffnung, dass ein Teil der abgezo-
sition im Deutschen Bundestag wollen Zugleich wurde angeordnet, dass Bun- beten, ihre internen Beratungen zu den Christian Petry sagte, der vorgeschlage- ten aus Deutschland abzuziehen. Die Plä- genen Soldaten in seinem Land statio-
mit dem Europäischen Parlament zu- destag und Bundesrat „verpflichtet sind, Wirkungen ihrer Kredite öffentlich zu ne Weg könne „helfen“. ne zeigten, „dass die Trump-Administra- niert werde. Der außenpolitische Spre-
sammenarbeiten, damit Deutschland auf eine Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung machen. Wenn sie das täte, würde nach Mit einer Antwort der EZB ans Euro- tion eine elementare Führungsaufgabe cher der Unionsfraktion, Roderich Kie-
weiter an den Anleihekaufprogrammen durch die EZB hinzuwirken“. Simons Ansicht wohl klar, dass sie die paparlament könnte die erste Forderung vernachlässigt: die Einbindung der Bünd- sewetter, warnte jedoch vor einem sol-
der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) Das Urteil bringt Deutschland nach Prüfung, die Karlsruhe vermisst, tatsäch- aus Karlsruhe erfüllt werden: Dass die nispartner“, sagte Unionsfraktionsvize Jo- chen Schritt. Eine Stationierung in Po-
für EU-Länder teilnehmen kann. Uni- den Worten der Grünen-Abgeordneten lich durchgeführt hat. Die Bank ist ver- Bank darlegt, wie sie die Verhältnismä- hann Wadephul der F.A.S. Alle profitier- len gefährde die Nato-Russland-Grund-
on, SPD, Grüne und FDP verfolgen Franziska Brantner in eine „Zwickmüh- pflichtet zu antworten. ßigkeit ihrer Kredite geprüft hat. Wie ten vom Zusammenhalt des Bündnisses, akte, in der die Atlantische Allianz sich
nach Informationen der F.A.S. einen ge- le“: Einerseits verlangt es, auf eine „Ver- Union, SPD, Grüne und FDP unter- aber kann der Bundestag die Forderung nur Russland und China wollten Zwist. verpflichtet hat, keine substantiellen
meinsamen Ansatz, um dem jüngsten hältnismäßigkeitsprüfung“ bei der EZB stützen diesen Vorschlag. Für die CDU erfüllen, auf die EZB einzuwirken, Die Pläne seien ein „Weckruf an uns Eu- Truppenteile dauerhaft an ihrer Ostflan-
Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts „hinzuwirken“. Andererseits verbietet sagte der Vorsitzende des Europaaus- ohne ihre Unabhängigkeit zu verletzen? ropäer, auch sicherheitspolitisch unser ke zu stationieren.
über die EZB nachzukommen. die verbriefte Unabhängigkeit der Zen- schusses Gunther Krichbaum, so könne Hier könnte helfen, dass das Europapar- Schicksal selbst entschiedener in die Der frühere Kommandeur der ameri-
Die Karlsruher Richter hatten festge- tralbank jede Einflussnahme. man „die nötige Stellungnahme der lament mit dem Bundestag verzahnt ist. Hand zu nehmen“. Die stellvertretende kanischen Landstreitkräfte in Europa,
stellt, dass die EZB versäumt habe, die Als Lösung zeichnet sich eine Idee EZB erreichen“. Der haushaltspolitische Manche Europaabgeordnete nämlich SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Gabriela Generalleutnant Ben Hodges, sagte der
„Verhältnismäßigkeit“ ihres milliarden- des CDU-Europaabgeordneten Sven Si- Fraktionssprecher Eckhardt Rehberg können an Ausschusssitzungen des Bun- Heinrich nannte den Mangel an Kommu- F.A.S., die Zahl der für den Abzug vorge-
schweren Kaufprogramms von Anlei- mon ab. Er schlägt vor, dass nicht der merkte an, er sehe hier einen „gangba- destags teilnehmen. Der Abgeordnete nikation „erschreckend“. sehenen Truppen lasse keine strategi-
hen im Euroraum (PSPP) zu prüfen. Bundestag eine Erklärung der EZB ver- ren Weg“, und Brantner, die europapoli- Simon könnte damit die Antwort der Gegenwärtig stehen etwa 34 500 ame- schen Überlegungen erkennen. Das gel-
Die Richter verboten Deutschland, an langen solle, sondern das Europaparla- tische Sprecherin der Grünen ist, sprach EZB auf seinen Brief in den Bundestag rikanische Soldaten in Deutschland. Soll- te auch für die kurze Frist, in der er erfol-
diesem Programm weiter teilzunehmen, ment. Dieses hat nämlich anders als die von einem „Ausweg“. Der Parlamentari- einbringen. Rehberg von der CDU ten die Pläne umgesetzt werden, würde gen solle. Der Abzug werde die Einsatz-
falls die EZB nicht darlege, dass sie die nationalen Parlamente durchaus das sche Geschäftsführer der FDP-Fraktion meint, der Bundestag könne dann „in ei- bis September knapp jeder Dritte abzie- bereitschaft der alliierten Streitkräfte in
Wirkungen – etwa hohe Mieten und Recht, Fragen an die EZB zu richten. Si- Florian Toncar sieht einen „konstrukti- ner Debatte dazu Stellung nehmen“. ul. hen. Profitieren will von der Entwick- Europa beschädigen. lohe./ul. Seite 8

Kunstmesse Art Festnahmen in Castorf befolgt Zehntausende

Basel abgesagt Missbrauchsfall Hygieneregeln gegen Rassismus
Die weltweit wichtigste Kunstmesse, In einem schweren Fall von Kindes- Der Berliner Theaterregisseur Frank Zehntausende Menschen haben am
die Art Basel, die Ende Juni ihr 50. Ju- missbrauch hat die Polizei Münster Castorf will sich nun doch den be- Samstag in Deutschland gegen Rassis-

biläum gefeiert hätte, hat am Samstag elf Verdächtige festgenommen. Drei hördlichen Hygieneregeln unterwer- mus und Polizeigewalt demonstriert.
auch ihren Ausweichtermin im Sep- fünf, zehn und zwölf Jahre alte Jungen fen, um weiter inszenieren zu können. Zu einer Kundgebung in Berlin ka-
tember abgesagt. Damit reagierte die seien als Opfer identifiziert worden. Im November wird er am Berliner En- men nach Polizeiangaben 15 000 Teil-
Messeleitung auf das Ausstehen von Der Hauptbeschuldigte ist ein 27 Jah- semble das Stück „Fabian oder Der nehmer, in München waren es Wer lieben kann, ist glücklich
Schweizer Regularien für Großveran- re alter Mann aus Münster. Gegen Gang vor die Hunde“ nach dem Ro- 20 000. Auslöser war der Tod des
staltungen in der Pandemie sowie ihn und sechs weitere Beschuldigte, man von Erich Kästner herausbrin- Schwarzen George Floyd in den Ver-
wachsenden Druck ihrer Kunden. darunter seine 45 Jahre alte Mutter, gen. Wegen der Corona-Pandemie einigten Staaten bei einem Polizeiein-
Gut fünfzig Galeristen hatten zuletzt wurde Haftbefehl erlassen. Die Er- sollte das für März geplante Stück ei- satz Ende Mai. An manchen Stellen
die Absage gefordert. Viele hatten be- mittler hätten „unfassbare“ Bilder se- gentlich auf längere Zeit verschoben wurde der wegen der Corona-Pande-
reits durch den Ausfall der Art Basel hen müssen, sagte der Leiter der Er- werden. „Dann war es Castorf aber mie geltende Mindestabstand nicht
Hongkong im Februar Geld verloren. mittlungen, Joachim Poll, am Sams- dringlicher, die Premiere möglichst eingehalten. Auch in Hamburg,
Mit stark reduziertem Publikum und tag. Mindestens vier der Männer sol- bald herausbringen zu können, auch Frankfurt, Mannheim und Stuttgart
ausbleibenden Gästen aus Übersee wä- len wechselweise den fünf- und den wenn er dann mit den Hygieneregeln gingen Tausende auf die Straße. In
ren jetzt die Kosten für Miete und zehnjährigen Jungen in einer Garten- umgehen muss“, sagte der Intendant Hamburg kamen zu zwei Kundge-
Transport kaum zu decken gewesen. laube in Münster über Stunden sexu- des Berliner Ensembles, Oliver Reese, bungen insgesamt 14 000 Menschen.
Die Absage bedroht einen essentiel- ell missbraucht und die Taten gefilmt der F.A.S. Ende April hatte Castorf Erlaubt waren nur 800. Im Anschluss
len Teil der Infrastruktur des globalen haben. Die Mutter des Hauptbeschul- die staatlichen Vorgaben noch abge- an die friedlichen Proteste in der In-
Kunsthandels in der Existenz. Die digten sei Nutzerin der Hütte; sie soll lehnt und betont, er wolle sich „von nenstadt kam es zu Auseinanderset-
Schweizer Messegesellschaft steht den Missbrauch in Kauf genommen Frau Merkel nicht mit weinerlichem zungen zwischen Demonstranten
nicht erst seit dem Zerfall ihrer Uh- haben. Bei dem Zehnjährigen handelt Gesicht sagen lassen, dass ich mir die und der Polizei. Drei Beamte wurden
renmesse Baselworld unter Druck es sich um den Sohn der Lebensge- Hände waschen muss“. Reese sagte, verletzt. Eine Polizeisprecherin sagte, Video
und wird von privaten Investoren um- fährtin des Hauptbeschuldigten. Der das Theater habe keinen Druck auf einige Vermummte hätten Banner
worben. Im Vorteil sind regionalere Fünfjährige sei der Sohn eines Be- den Regisseur ausgeübt. „Frank Cas- entrollt mit der Aufschrift „Bullen-
Formate wie das Berlin Gallery Week- schuldigten aus Staufenberg, der torf lässt sich zu nichts bringen, er schweine“ und „ACAB“, was für „All
end oder die Viennafair, die beide im Zwölfjährige der Neffe eines Beschul- bringt sich höchstens selbst dazu“, sag- cops are bastards“ („Alle Polizisten
September stattfinden wollen. kjr. digten aus Kassel. dpa te er. boll. Seite 24 sind Bastarde“) steht. dpa
Fotos Jens Gyarmaty, Picture Alliance, Frank Röth, Wildlife

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Hostel environment Raise the flag The right thing

With travel options limited, Israel unites to celebrate Spike Lee’s first Netflix
try affordable local options its medical heroes movie – ‘Da 5 Bloods’
Page 6 Page 10 Page 16

Nissenkorn moves Berlin ups pressure on Israel to nix

forward today annexation amid calls for sanctions
on emergency German FM expected in
powers bill upcoming visit to warn PM
• By YONAH JEREMY BOB sis-level coronavirus trends, • By LAHAV HARKOV, its alliance with Israel and its
it appears that despite heat- RACHEL WOLF respect for international law.
The government will start ed debates in the Knesset for and KHALED ABU TOAMEH News of Maas’s visit comes
moving forward with a the last 10 weeks, the gov- as Palestinian Authority
new coronavirus emergency ernment still prefers to have German Foreign Minister Prime Minister Mohammad
powers bill on Sunday, Jus- the Shin Bet (Israel Security Heiko Maas is expected to Shtayyeh on Friday called on
tice Minister Avi Nissenkorn Agency) take a key role. visit Israel this week to warn the EU to impose sanctions
announced over the week- No other democracy has Israeli leaders against moving on Israel to prevent it from
end. used their intelligence agen- forward with annexing parts extending its sovereignty to
cies to perform such surveil- of the West Bank. parts of the West Bank.
lance, though many have Maas plans to meet with
pressed their citizens to vol- Foreign Minister Gabi Ashke-
untarily download an appli- nazi, Prime Minister Benja- Pelosi: Annexation
cation to their cellphones to min Netanyahu and Alternate will undermine
be surveilled. Prime Minister and Defense
Others have convinced DEMONSTRATORS PROTEST against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to annex 30% of Minister Benny Gantz before US security, Page 2
the West Bank last night at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. (Amir Cohen/Reuters) heading to Amman.
cellphone companies to
hand over citizens’ data to Netanyahu has said he will
follow coronavirus trends. bring sovereignty in the West He also called on the EU to

Thousands protest against

Nissenkorn emphasized Bank to a vote in the coming recognize a Palestinian state
the bill’s aspects which will weeks, which the coalition on the pre-1967 lines, with
limit emergency powers and agreement would allow him east Jerusalem as its capital.

annexation in Tel Aviv

protect privacy. to do as early as July 1. EU High Representative for
AVI NISSENKORN The provisions he flagged This would coincide with Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) included: the Knesset and Germany taking the Council has released several state-
the courts will continue of the European Union’s pres- ments warning Israel of apply-
to function even during a • By RACHEL WOLF against peace, a crime against democracy, a idency, which rotates every ing its laws in the West Bank,
Some of the key param- general nationwide corona crime that will cost us blood,” said Meretz six months, and presiding and representatives of many
eters of the bill are still emergency absent some A joint demonstration of Jews and Arabs leader Nitzan Horowitz. over the UN Security Council European countries, includ-
unclear and may evolve additional specific reason, protesting against annexation took place in “This has nothing to do with what is good for a month. ing Germany, have echoed
during the impending the right to protest is pro- Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on Saturday night. The German government those remarks in statements
Knesset debate over it, but tected, policemen cannot “The annexation is a war crime. A crime See PROTEST, Page 7 is concerned that the move
overall, it normalizes many enter a residence without a will force it to choose between See PRESSURE, Page 7
of the emergency powers warrant and initially a coro-
the state has been using na emergency is supposed to
since March, while impos- last only 30 days.
ing some greater degree of Additional limits that
limitations. Nissenkorn noted were: the
Regarding the key ques-
tion of who will monitor cri- See BILL, Page 7

Coronavirus cases
climb exponentially
Seven residents of senior living center
test positive • 106 schools closed
• By MAAYAN HOFFMAN However, it should be noted
that the number of people
The number of coronavirus being tested for the virus has
cases in Israel is exponentially nearly tripled. The Health
growing. Over the weekend, Ministry reported that more
between 7 p.m. Thursday and than 16,160 people were test-
the same time Saturday, 257 ed on Friday and more than
people were diagnosed with 7,000 on Saturday by 7:30
COVID-19. Among the newly p.m., with the expectation
infected are seven residents of that more people would be
a senior living facility in Or screened by midnight.
Yehuda. The increased screening
comes on the backdrop of
a change in testing policy,
WHO updates rolled out by newly appoint-
advice on wearing ed Health Minister Yuli Edel-
masks, Page 3 stein. Now, people with or
without coronavirus symp-
Testing to increase toms can request screening.
today, Page 4 Previously, testing was des-
ignated for those who were
in quarantine and showed
“We need to assume that symptoms. For asymptomat-
we are in an outbreak of ic cases, people were eligible
unknown magnitude,” said to be tested only if they had
outgoing Health Ministry stayed in the vicinity of a con-
director-general Moshe Bar firmed coronavirus patient
Siman Tov during recent inter- for more than 15 minutes or
nal deliberations, according had returned from a country
to the Hebrew media site N12. with a high rate of infections.
He said that the number of Although there are more
coronavirus cases continues patients, the increased test-
to expand and that “it will ing rate means that still only
take time until we understand around 1% of those tested are
the extent” of the challenge. found to have coronavirus.
Sources in the meeting Experts believe that if Israel
claimed he used the term maintains an infection rate of
“second wave,” which he later one to less than one, restric-
denied. tions can continue to be lift-
Three more people died ed. If the rate hits even 1:1.1
over the weekend, bringing or 1:1.2, then another lock-
the total to 295. Of the 2,407 down could be necessary.
active cases, some 21 are intu- Prime Minister Benjamin
bated. Netanyahu said on May 4 that
if Israel saw more than 100
new patients per day that a
lockdown could be reinstated,
but no such move has been

See CLIMB, Page 7 ART
JUNE 7, 2020
4,5 © All rights reserved 2020

@Gulf_News Gulf News #GulfNews


What about the other

more resistant virus?
Stars step up against racism Future Foundation
develops ventilator
Israeli war crimes show that Chrissy Teigen is helping bail protesters, M061 prototype was designed
Palestinian lives don’t matter while John Boyega, Rihanna speak out and developed in eight weeks

UAE backs Egypt’s new

This is how
malls in Dubai

Libya peace initiative

are controlling
crowds at
full capacity | P 3

he UAE yesterday an- Truce from tomorrow: The
nounced its full sup- Egyptian plan proposed a applications
port for Egyptian ef- ceasefire starting tomorrow now open

forts being made to Negotiations: The for all ages | P 3
bring about an im- agreement includes a call
mediate ceasefire in Libya, and for negotiations in Geneva
return to the political track to and the exit of all foreign
end the crisis. SPORT
fighters from Libya
The Ministry of Foreign Af- UAE is ready
fairs and International Coop- LNA military duties:

2011 to step in as
eration affirmed that the UAE The plan calls for
stands with all efforts that seek disbanding of militias and
an immediate end to the fight- the handing over of arms so hosts of
ing in Libya, and return to the Libyan dictator that the Libyan National Army Indian Premier
political track led by the United Muammar Gaddafi ... can carry out its military and
Nations in a manner that guar- security responsibilities League 2020 | P 15
was overthrown

antees Libya’s sovereignty away
Transition: It calls for the
from all external interference.

formation of an elected
The UAE statement came after
presidential council in
Egypt’s President Abdul Fattah
which Libya’s three regions
Al Sissi announced a new initia-
is the population of would be represented and it
tive for Libya, which proposes an
Libya, a country in the will rule during one-and-a-
elected presidential council.
half years of transition period
Maghreb region followed by elections
Foreign diplomats

witness agreement
Several foreign diplomats,
including US, Russian, French

and Italian envoys attended.
Speaking alongside Libyan Turkey is sponsoring terrorism in front of the world
National Army (LNA) chief Khal- and is transferring terrorists from one place to
ifa Haftar, and eastern parlia-

ment head Aguila Saleh in Cairo,
another within the Middle East and North Africa.”
Al Sissi said: “There can be no
stability in Libya unless peaceful
means to the crisis are found that Khalifa Haftar | Libyan National Army chief
include the unity and integrity of
Even as a decision regarding when and the national institutions.” disbanding of militias, so that and “prolong the conflict.’’ He NATION
how schools will welcome back students “The initiative could be a new the so-called Libyan National urged his host, Al Sissi, to work
start in Libya.” Army and other security agen- to force Turkey to withdraw its 10 Gulf News
after the summer break is still under cies can “carry out their re- forces and the mercenaries it
Unification of all financial reports
review, local administrators are preparing sponsibilities”, Al Sissi said. has sent.
scenarios that could take various forms if
and oil institutions Commander Haftar said that There was no comment from that made
The plan also includes the Turkish intervention would the UN-supported government a difference
the institutions reopen this September | P4 unification of all Libyan finan- increase regional and interna- based in Tripoli. — Agencies
cial and oil institutions, and the tional polarisation over Libya SEE ALSO P8 amid gloom | P5

Saudi Arabia records 3,121 new

infections, tally nears 100,000
34 more deaths raise
the toll to 676; 39
more mosques shut 2.5 MILLION TESTS 400,402
after suspected cases For the second day in a people died of virus
row, the UAE has reported across the globe
more Covid-19 recoveries as of last night
than infections — 724
BY TAWFIQ NASRALLAH against 626 cases — and

Staff Writer one death. On Friday,
there were 765 recoveries

audi Arabia yesterday re- and 624 cases. The UAE
ported 3,121 new infec- also confirmed that more people infected,
tions, the highest single- than 2.5 million tests have and 3.385 million
day increase in the kingdom, been conducted so far. recovered
as the total number of cases SEE ALSO P3-5
approached the 100,000 mark.
The latest figures raised
the confirmed patients in the to 71,791, and 34 deaths rais- have closed down 39 mosques
kingdom to 98,869, of which ing the toll to 676. anew after infections were
26,402 are active and 1,483 Riyadh continues to lead suspected among worshippers
are believed to be in a critical the cities in number of cases or those in charge of the facil-
condition. with 900 people testing posi- ities. Last week, Saudi Arabia
The Saudi ministry of tive yesterday, followed by reopened mosques except in
health also reported 1,175 re- Jeddah, with 572 infections. Makkah.
SR 5.00
Pakistan: Rs 100.00

coveries, pushing the number Meanwhile, authorities SEE ALSO P8 & 12



Why India’s
BD 0.500
RO 0.500
Rs 40.00

urban outbreak
is turning into

a rural health
Dh 5.25

crisis? | P 2

DOMINGO 7 DE JUNIO DE 2020 | Año XLV | Número 15.666 | EDICIÓN MADRID | Precio: 2,80 euros

Lecciones de tres brotes:

CIENCIA 70 años de la conquista del
cómo se contagia el virus P30 Annapurna, la montaña maldita P38 Y 39

Las primeras
con mascarilla
bordean la ley
Organizar los comicios
en Galicia y País Vasco
es un rompecabezas
normativo y sanitario
El próximo 12 de julio se celebra-
rán las elecciones autonómicas
en Galicia y en el País Vasco. Se-
rán las primeras elecciones con
mascarilla. Las costuras de la Ley
Orgánica del Régimen Electoral
General (LOREG) se están forzan-
do para facilitar el voto en condi-
ciones de seguridad sanitaria y a
la vez evitar una caída de la parti-
El ministro de Sanidad, Salvador Illa, el viernes, en el interior del ministerio, en Madrid. / SAMUEL SÁNCHEZ cipación. PÁGINA 16


Tareas claras
“Visto lo visto, todos hemos


llegado tarde a esto”

Presidente de Mapfre


El ministro de Sanidad, Salvador
“Hay que
Las protestas responden a una vieja herida no curada de
Illa, recibió a EL PAÍS el viernes.
una sociedad en donde aún impera un racismo estructural
romper el
Se reconoce cansado. Lleva desde
marzo recluido en Madrid, sin ver confinamiento
a su familia, que vive en Cataluña.
Insiste en que los pasos que dio el
Gobierno respondieron a lo que
había que hacer con los datos que
Vivir siendo negro en EE UU mental”
tenía. Sostiene que “ha sido un rit- AMANDA MARS, Washington la población negra en ese país. recuperación económica de ma- El presidente de Mapfre, Antonio
mo frenético de toma de decisio- Las protestas desencadenadas Un ciudadano negro tiene dos yo tras la hecatombe del coro- Huertas, considera que, tras aban-
nes donde era peor no decidir que en EE UU por la muerte en Min- veces más posibilidades de mo- navirus se siente la brecha: el donar el confinamiento físico,
decidir”. Y añade: “Visto lo visto, neapolis de George Floyd a ma- rir de un ataque al corazón que paro entre los blancos ha baja- “hay que superar el mental”, es
todos llegamos tarde a esto. To- nos de la policía hunden sus raí- un blanco no hispano, hay cin- do del 14,7% al 13,3% mientras decir, “salir afuera para entender
do Occidente. España, Italia, ces en una vieja herida no cura- co veces más presos negros que que para los negros sube del la sociedad”. También se muestra
Francia, Alemania, EEUU... Es da: la discriminación que vive blancos e, incluso, en la tímida 16,7% al 16,8%. PÁGINAS 2 Y 3 preocupado por evitar “una gene-
una cura de humildad para to- ración perdida” sin oportunida-
dos”. PÁGINAS 22, 23 Y 24 OPINIÓN Lo único que me sorprende es que haya tardado tanto Susan Neiman P4 des tras la crisis. PÁGINAS 46 Y 47


¿Debe haber una La economía

vicepresidencia del narco echa
científica? raíces en el sur
Conocer para actuar Dos investigadores Solo en cannabis esta
plantean cambios industria mueve
Suscríbete a los hechos políticos 1.300 millones de euros
Gobiernos, Parlamentos y parti- A pesar de la presión policial, el
dos deben incorporar científicos negocio de la droga se extiende
para tomar las decisiones ade- por la costa andaluza. Es una in-
cuadas en emergencias como la dustria con epicentro en el Cam-
que ha provocado el coronavi-
rus, sostienen los investigadores
La agonía y po de Gibraltar que solo en canna-
bis mueve 1.300 millones y que el
Rafael Yuste y Darío Gil, que pro- resurrección del estado de alarma no ha logrado
ponen incluso crear vicepresi- detener. Málaga es un imán para
dencias científicas. doctor Moreno las bandas mafiosas.
La dichiarazione di guerra Ottant’anni fa Visti da vicino Cate Blanchett Calcio Balotelli ci ricasca
l’annuncio del Duce che ci portò al disastro w
tra set, famiglia e tappeti rossi
Il Brescia vuol licenziarlo

LA STAMPA DOMENICA 7 GIUGNO 2020 ‹‹‹∞>Vµ’>i¤>∞àÃ



Washington in marcia per Floyd: assediati i palazzi del potere

i meritiamo un sorri-
so», ha detto Giuseppe
Conte festeggiando la
riapertura dei confini regionali
del 3 giugno. Purtroppo c’è poco
da sorridere e nulla da festeggia-
re. All’appuntamento della ripar-
tenza arriva un Paese stremato dal
virus. In tre mesi di lockdown è ri-
masto fermo il 30 per cento del va-
lore aggiunto della Nazione e il 35
per cento della sua forza lavoro.
Secondo la Banca d’Italia il Pil
2020 potrebbe crollare del 9 per
cento nella migliore delle ipotesi,
del 13 nella peggiore. Sono in cas-
sa integrazione 7 milioni di lavora-
tori, e a fine anno ne potrebbe re-
stare a casa per sempre almeno 1
milione. Il 60 per cento delle parti- DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES/AFP RAMELLA / SYNC-STUDIO
te Iva ha già perso un terzo del fat- Manifestanti sfilano per le strade di Washington MASTROLILLI — PP. 2-3 Sit-in contro il razzismo in piazza Castello per Floyd FAMÀ — P. 5
turato di un intero anno. Quattro
famiglie su dieci fanno fatica a pa-
gare le rate del mutuo della casa,
quattro cittadini su cinque presen-

L e truppe americane erano al co-
mando di tre futuri generali del-
la Seconda guerra mondiale, Dou-

D all’assassinio di Floyd, un uo-
mo nero soffocato per 8 minu-
ti e 46 secondi sotto il ginocchio di
tano domanda di prestito statale glas MacArthur, George Patton, un poliziotto bianco, è nato un mo-
garantito sotto i 25 mila euro e ven- CAMBIA LA STORIA Dwight Eisenhower. PER LA RAZZA UMANA vimento globale, antirazzista e an-
gono respinti dalle banche. GIANNI RIOTTA – PP. 2-3 RULA JEBREAL tifascista. – P. 17
Ha ragione il governatore Igna-
zio Visco: molti hanno perso la vi-
ta, molti piangono i loro cari, mol-
via libera al decreto azzolina. I pediatri: riaprire subito gli spazi per i giochi L’INTERVISTA
ti temono per la propria occupazio-
ne, nessuno deve perdere la spe-
ranza. Ma in che cosa dobbiamo
sperare? Con tutta la buona volon-
tà, la settimana appena conclusa
promette assai poco per l’estate,
ancora meno per l’autunno (e la-
Lockdown, allarme bimbi
sciamo stare l’anno prossimo, che
è materia per aruspici). Tutti i ten-
tativi fatti per allungare lo sguar-
do al di là delle nostre miserie quo-
tidiane sono falliti. Il 2 giugno ce
“Gravi danni psicologici” Altolà della Meloni:
Così ripartirà la scuola, l’ora di 45 minuti e nelle aule studenti a rotazione
lo siamo bevuto in un amen. Il Ca-
po dello Stato ha provato a riempi- con questo premier
re di senso la Festa della Repubbli-
dialogo impossibile
ca, dando voce alla crescente vo- I pediatri lanciano l’allarme: dopo COSA NON VA NELLE LEZIONI IN REMOTO remetto che non sono una mi-
lontà di ripresa e di rinascita che il lockdown cresce il disagio psico- soneista, non odio il nuovo,
pure esiste nell’Italia profonda. logico per i bambini. La Camera SOLO IN CLASSE non odio il web, adoro il mio AMEDEO LA MATTINA

Di fronte al “nemico invisibile”, dà il via libera al decreto Scuola e Mac, credo al contrario che siamo «Non ho motivo di dubitare della
ha parlato di unità morale, di con- la ministra Azzolina traccia le li- C’È AMORE fortunati a vivere in quest’epoca, e lealtà di Berlusconi. Lui pensa di
divisione di un comune destino,
di spirito costituente.
nee guida in vista della riapertura
di settembre. CAPURSO, GALEAZZI
PER LA PAROLA sono entusiasta, anche se poco
dialogare col governo, ma si rende-
rà conto che non è possibile». Così
CONTINUA A PAGINA 17 E TOMASELLO – PP. 6-7 NADIA FUSINI CONTINUA A PAGINA 17 la leader di FdI, Giorgia Meloni. – P. 9


Londra e lo Ior: vi spiego la guerra vaticana

potere e denaro, dilatatosi all’om-

«G li italiani celano i soldi delle

offerte in tanti cassetti na-
bra di san Pietro dai tempi di Paolo
VI, fortificatosi con Wojtyla prima e
y(7HB1C2*LRQKKN( +"!"!]!"!_

scosti, noi dobbiamo trovarli. Subi- ancor più con Ratzinger poi. Bergo-
to». Eravamo nel novembre del glio non si sorprese né scompose.
2014, a Santa Marta, Francesco ri- Ne aveva già viste tante in Argenti-
leggeva il resoconto riservato dei na. Da cardinale a capo dei gesuiti
fondi paralleli finora trovati: 600 mi- accertò che metà dei loro depositi in
lioni di euro mimetizzati tra deposi- banca erano investiti nientemeno
ti, fondi, fondazioni, riserve non che in aziende produttrici di armi.
contabilizzate. Un magma nero di CONTINUA A PAGINA 11 AGASSO JR — P. 11
Protestas Borensztein
El kirchnerismo
retoma su
EE.UU. marchó marcha triunfal
por Floyd
Van der Kooy
Reclamo masivo, La cuarentena
que se repitió en fisurada
Londres y París
P. 22
Carlin Gaby Herbstein
En Washingon. Miles El virus La fotógrafa que
de estadounidenses,
contra el crimen
americano retrata el espíritu
racista de los policías. SPOT

Un toque de atención para

la solución argentina de los
problemas argentinos

Domingo 7.6.2020

Tema del día ● La estrategia del Gobierno con la ayuda social CAUSAS POR CORRUPCIÓN

La Magistratura
El bono de $ 10.000 sigue en dará prioridad
a 300 juicios
junio y planean mantenerlo antes de tratar
los de Cristina
después de la pandemia El titular del organismo, Alberto
Lugones, dijo que hay una larga lis-
ta de casos que se deben resolver
El Gobierno pagará desde mañana la dos por el parate de la cuarentena. En antes de los que complican a la vi-
segunda cuota del Ingreso de Emer- esa línea, diseñan un padrón de unos Récord: 983 contagios cepresidenta. Son causas por nar-
gencia que cobran 9 millones de fami- dos millones de personas (sin ningún comenudeo y juicios por delitos
lias. Y prepara un tercer pago corres- ingreso) para que sigan cobrando los
Es la cifra más alta en un menores en las provincias, que de-
pondiente a junio para hogares afecta- $ 10.000 cuando pase el Covid-19. P. 8 día. Y hubo 16 muertes. ben resolver distintos jueces. P. 41

INSTAGRAM El Personaje

La jueza que
heredó a Griesa
Lleva la causa YPF en Nueva York.
En la Corte que complicó al país,
podrían recibir las demandas de los
bonistas si se llega al default.P. 42

Del Editor
Ricardo Kirschbaum
Fútbol sin público. Messi, feliz ayer,
otra vez en el estadio del Barcelona.
Periodismo en el
Seis días para volver a disfrutar a Messi país donde no se
El sábado próximo vuelve el fútbol en la liga de España. Y el Barcelona enfrentará al Mallorca. Messi difundió una foto suya discuten los hechos
en el estadio Camp Nou. Y despejó el rumor de que estaba lesionado. “Qué ganas de jugar acá, cómo lo extrañaba”, dijo. P. 54 P. 3

premier parc
à rouvrir
ses portes
Dimanche 7 juin 2020 1,20 € No 24435 SOMME

Après l’école,
des vacances

se Retrouver POLICIÈRES PAGE 8

autour d’elles
Premier rassemblement familial post-confinement,
cette fête des mères a une saveur particulière. PAGE 5

Les aujourd’hui, retrouvez notre Le centre équestre
Recettes aman page spéciale Fête des mères !

veut passer l’obstacle




(DOMINGO) » Número 20.834 » 76 páginas » R$ 4,00


Fotos: Arquivo Pessoal

em tempos
de pandemia
O Correio conta histórias de namorados
A reputação nas redes sociais que aproveitaram as limitações impostas
pelo novo coronavírus para viverem, sob o mesmo
Com tanta gente conectada e isolada, a responsabilidade, teto, as responsabilidades de um casamento. Eles
aliada à solidariedade, deve ser o norte de quem usa a web acreditam ter encontrado a alma gêmea.

A solidão de
No álbum mais
GDF fecha comércio e
proíbe eventos em
recente, Só, a cantora
e compositora
resume o isolamento
social e a incerteza do
futuro. Artista
também homenageia

Ceilândia e Estrutural
Moraes Moreira.

Diante de mais um recorde no número nhã, o funcionamento de lojas, parques, medida, vista com surpresa por empre- áreas, onde a covid-19 faz estragos. Nas
de contaminados pelo novo coronaví- igrejas, clubes, feiras e museus em Cei- sários e moradores dessas regiões, acen- últimas24h, o DF registrou 1.642 casosda
rus, o Governo do Distrito Federal sus- lândia — que concentra o maior núme- deu o alerta sobre a possibilidade de as doença e mais seis mortes. No total, são
pendeu, por três dias, a partir de ama- ro de casos —, Pôr do Sol e Estrutural. A restrições serem replicadas para outras 15.850 infectados e 192 óbitos. PÁGINA 17

Fotos: Ana Rayssa/CB/D.A Press; Minervino Júnior/CB/D.A Press e Arquivo Pessoal

Decisão do governo de
Leonardo Aversa/Divulgação
esconder dados da covid
SargentodaPM remete a atos da ditadura
mataamulher A determinação do presidente Jair Bolsonaro para que o Ministério
O feminicídio ocorreu na da Saúde restrinja as informações públicas sobre contaminados e
casa da família, em mortos pelo novo coronavírus provocou críticas em série. Secretários
Ceilândia, onde o policial estaduais de saúde dizem que, ao maquiar os números, o governo
militar disparou contra estimulará ainda mais a disseminação do vírus. O ministro Gilmar
AdrianaValéria Alves de Mendes, do STF, afirma que“a manipulação de estatísticas é manobra
Oliveira e, em seguida, tirou de países totalitários”. Ontem, mais 904 brasileiros perderam a vida por
a própria vida. PÁGINA 19 causa da covid-19. Já são 35.930 vítimas da doença. PÁGINAS 6 E 7

Chip Somodevilla/AFP

Ciclista morre
Embriagado, jovem de
21 anos provocou o
acidente fatal na BR-020.
A colisão aconteceu a
100km/h, entre Sobradinho
e Plano Piloto. Motorista
está preso. PÁGINA 19

O mundo de punhos cerrados
Pelo 12º dia, manifestantes tomaram as ruas de diversas
Com seus líderes cidades dos Estados Unidos, como a capital, Washington (foto),
na mira da Justiça, e de outros países para protestar contra a morte do negro
Centrão faz os cálculos George Floyd, assassinado por um policial branco. PÁGINA 15
políticos do apoio explícito ao
governo Bolsonaro. PÁGINA 5


Dubeux Nova geração em Danielle Veldman, Andrey Paiva, Guilherme
Pagani e Sérgio Zuazo estão entre os Segurançareforçada Como o coronavírus

Em tempos de 100 novos médicos que anteciparam a para os protestos alcança o cérebro
pandemia, miséria formatura para reforçar a luta contra a
covid-19. Experiente, Marli Sartori (acima) Força Nacional coloca 300 ho- Pesquisadores tentam descobrir
e racismo, é preciso, mais do
aprova a medida. PÁGINAS 20 E 21 mens à disposiçãodo Governo do a forma de chegada e as conse-
que nunca, transformar a
DF para conter violência em atos quências da covid-19 ao principal
sociedade. PÁGINA 12
marcados para hoje. PÁGINAS 2 E 3 órgão do corpo humano. PÁGINA 16


Prices may vary in areas outside metropolitan Washington.

Less humid 83/63 • Tomorrow: Sunny 83/63 C14 Democracy Dies in Darkness sunday, june 7 , 2020
SU V1 V2 V3 V4

. $3.50

Thousands throng D.C., vowing to be heard

Improved access to sites
eases tension, lifts spirits


More than 10,000 people

poured into the nation’s capital
on the ninth day of protests over
police brutality, but what awaited
this sprawling crowd — the larg-
est yet in Washington — was a
city that no longer felt as if it was
being occupied by its own coun-
try’s military.
Gone were the 10-ton, sand-
colored tankers in front of Lafay-
ette Square and the legions of
officers braced behind riot
shields, insisting that citizens
stay away. In fact, few police were
visible anywhere. And when pro-
testers did see law enforcement
— authorities in camouflage,
grouped in twos or threes and
seldom armed — they did not
scream abuse, as many of them
had in previous days.
Few of Saturday’s demonstra-
tions were choreographed, as
protesters flowed from one im-
promptu gathering or march to
another. Those who came out in
Washington — and San Francisco,
see protests on A10

In Trump’s feud
Astrid Riecken For The Washington Post
with Bowser,
Rallygoers pack Washington near the U.S. Capitol and throughout the city on Saturday in the largest demonstration in the region so far to demand
an end to police brutality and racial oppression. In the District, protesters wonder whether the momentum will endure. Story, A11
overtones of race
and power
Political reckoning
Black police chiefs walk line BY D AVID N AKAMURA,
to e≠ect change from within Will the protests roiling America bring actual change? AND F ENIT N IRAPPIL

The first night of major unrest

BY A RELIS R . H ERNÁNDEZ “You are right,” Riley said. “Not BY D AN B ALZ and what kind of country do we pouring in reaction to one more in Washington had exploded in
AND S COTT W ILSON only would you not have a job, AND G REG M ILLER want to be? killing of an unarmed black chaos on May 29, with protesters
you’d be locked up.” The knee on the neck became person seemed to take on a and Secret Service officers bat-
The day that George Floyd’s In the past six years, as Black All week, the images of an as real as it has long been sym- desperate, new urgency in a tling outside the White House. At
cries for his mother reverberated Lives Matter has emerged as a American reckoning accumu- bolic. The viral image of George year of cascading crises: im- 8:30 the next morning, Mayor
across the country, Chief William national movement to confront lated — peaceful demonstra- Floyd gasping for breath, a po- peachment, pandemic, massive Muriel E. Bowser and her senior
T. Riley III walked up to a group of police brutality against people of tors calling for racial justice; liceman atop his limp body, unemployment and racial up- aides huddled on a conference
his officers discussing the horror color, the job of leading a depart- phalanxes of riot police poised fused with the historic meta- heaval. call for an update from the city’s
they had seen. ment while black has become far for clashes; urban centers phor that for 400 years has President Trump caused the police chief.
“You know, chief, we already more complex, politically sensi- aflame with scattered violence; described the violence and rac- first of these crises and com- Eleven minutes later, they
know if anything like that hap- tive and personally painful. a moat of metal erected around ism aimed at black Americans pounded the others with his were interrupted — by a number
pened with us, we wouldn’t have a Black police executives face the the White House; a president — the original sin of a great conduct. His often incendiary of angry tweets from President
job,” one officer said. exhausting work of leading orga- demanding military suppres- nation. words, his divisive record on Trump. Praising the federal offi-
Riley, a black police chief who nizations that have historically — sion of an “angry mob” before Whether these events will issues of race, seemed to act as cers, Trump warned protesters of
was hired to transform the force in and often disproportionately — theatrically brandishing a Bi- move the country closer to its accelerant to the forces that the “vicious dogs” and “ominous
Inkster, Mich., after the suburban arrested, beaten and killed people ble. long-cherished ideal of equality swept this week across the weapons” at their disposal. Then,
Detroit city settled a police brutal- who have the same color skin as The scenes laid bare the may be years in the answering, American landscape. It was the as the mayor’s chief of staff read
ity lawsuit in 2015, had trouble they do. This amounts to a cruel struggle for unity against deep- but the past days have suggest- president who echoed the the tweets out loud, Trump lam-
hiding his delight. But he re- paradox: Becoming law enforce- ening division in America 2020. ed that something is changing. words of a racist police chief basted Bowser.
mained firm. see chiefs on A13 By week’s end, the unfolding The protests reached into every from the 1960s in a tweet saying Trump wrote that the Demo-
events — at times uplifting, at corner of the United States and that “when the looting starts, cratic mayor “who is always look-
Worldwide movement Youth protesters times shocking — crystallized touched nearly every strand of the shooting starts.” ing for money & help, wouldn’t
Demonstrators fill the streets in Teens are among those making around one overriding issue: society. The protests began in Min- let the D.C. police get involved.
cities around the globe. A7 their voices heard. C1 What kind of country are we, What began as one more out- see reckoning on A8 see trump on A26

Voices from the pandemic

The pandemic hit, and this car became BY G REG J AFFE More coverage
India: A lockdown brings great
‘The fires were home for a family of four. hardship — and generosity. A17

he pandemic had forced
them from their home. Hurricanes: Virus fears could keep
everywhere’ Now they’re fighting to get out. Then they had run out of
money for a motel. That left the
people from evacuating. A19
Seeking answers: Five months in,
car, which is where Sergine Luc-
Paul Swann, on the ien, Dave Marecheau and their
science is still largely stumped. A20
death of his mother, two children were one recent Back to work: Reduced hours, less
night, parked in a lot that was pay and amplified anxiety. A21
Darlene Krawetz tucked behind a row of empty Schools: Students across the world
storefronts. are returning to class. A22
AS TOLD TO E LI S ASLOW Sergine eyed some men gath- Motor vehicles: Services in the
ering by a fence in the opposite
D.C. region are slowly resuming. C2
I didn’t think she could die like corner of the blacktop.
this. Even once her fever hit 104 “I just heard some f-bombs,”
and her heart started racing out she said.
of control, my mind wouldn’t go “I’m not worried,” Dave re-
there. Every time she got another plied. New deaths in
bad diagnosis, I would tell her: Days earlier, Dave had started the U.S., by day
“You’re fine. This is a $14-an-hour construction job As of 8 p.m. 726
An oral the low point. We’ll and expected to collect his first
history of manage and get paycheck in the morning. If all Cumulative
covid-19 and through it.” She went as planned, this would be deaths 2,500
those was so healthy. She their last night sleeping in the 108,585
affected. practically lived at car.
the farmers mar- “I see a guy doing drugs over 2,000
ket. The virus got into her lungs there,” Sergine said, glancing at
and her heart and her liver, and I the huddle of men.
still thought she was going to “Ginnie, this is a good spot,” 1,500
beat it. I was giving her CPR, and Dave insisted. average
I was telling myself: “This can’t The spot was six miles from the
kill her. This won’t kill her.” main gate of a shuttered Walt
I caught myself doing the same Disney World, the engine of Or-
thing at her funeral this week. lando’s vast tourism economy, 500
Eve Edelheit For The Washington Post
I’ve never been to a funeral be- which in the best of times had
fore, and it was all so weird. There Sergine Lucien, Dave Marecheau and their children spend another night in their 15-year-old struggled to keep its armies of

was a prayer and a poem, and that car, this time at a McDonald’s in Kissimmee, Fla. Dave lost both of his jobs in March. see car on A14 0
Feb. 29 June 6
see voices on A16

Apartments................Insert Classifieds........................G8 Lotteries............................C3 Stocks................................G6
Arts.....................................E1 Comics.........................Insert Outlook..............................B1 Travel...............................E17 SAVE CONTENT © 2020
The Washington Post / Year 143, No. 185
Business.............................G1 Editorials/Letters ......... A27 Obituaries..........................C8 World News .................... A25 SUNDAY COUPON INSERTS
Because we are a minority and nobody speaks up for us, every time our people do wrong and
the RCMP go and make their call, they always seem to use excessive force. And that has to stop.
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam, who says he and his wife were assaulted by RCMP officers. Story, A2


‘Keep up the momentum’

Peaceful protesters return to the streets, demanding action on racial injustice


Protesters take a knee in Nathan Phillips Square before marching in one of two Toronto demonstrations on Saturday against racism and police violence.

Thousands join marches Massive turnout in D.C.

in Toronto with a message as movement sparked by
for police, political leaders Floyd death grows wider
Thousands of peaceful protesters standing by the new, fortified fencing at
returned to the streets of Toronto for a Lafayette Square near the White House
second consecutive day, and a second on Saturday afternoon, wearing a shirt
straight weekend, to rally against racism that read “Black Mom Magic.” Asked
toward Black and Indigenous people in why she came to join the racial justice
Canada and North America. protests, she just pointed to her son
There were two marches Saturday af- OLIVIER DOULIERY AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Nicholas.
ternoon: one that began at Nathan Phil- “We’re here to protest all the injustice
lips Square and criss-crossed the down- in this country,” 13-year-old Nicholas
town core, and another that started at said. “We want to bring awareness to
Trinity Bellwoods Park and headed to everyone — all the Black people that
Queen’s Park for an hours-long demon- have been killed by bad cops, even ones
stration. There was still a small group that haven’t been recorded and justice
marching in the early evening. hasn’t been brought to them.”
Protesters at Nathan Phillips Square And how did Nicholas feel right now?
emphasized racism is not exclusive to “Powerful,” he said.
the United States, days after Premier If there is strength in numbers, then
Doug Ford said Canada doesn’t have the Saturday’s crowds on the streets of
same “systemic deep roots” of racism as Washington were by a fair measure the
its neighbour. STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR RICK MADONIK TORONTO STAR largest and most powerful yet. An esti-
“There are many people who do not mated 200,000 people, outraged by
accept that this occurs,” said Nicholas George Floyd’s death 12 days earlier at
Thompson, a member of a grassroots the hands of Minneapolis police, gath-
group called Stop Killing Black Lives ered in the newly renamed Black Lives
who organized the march from Nathan Matter Plaza near the White House, be-
Phillips Square. “The premier said that fore the steps of the Lincoln Memorial,
this doesn’t really exist … there are many and on the grounds of Capitol Hill. They
people who believe that this doesn’t ex- marched through residential and com-
ist, and we can’t have that change if we mercial neighbourhoods all across the
don’t have the acknowledgment first. city, in a movement against police bru-
That is critical.” tality and in favour of racial justice,
The protest was the first for Nardia chanting “Black Lives Matter.”
Campbell, whose father and fiancé live April Phillips, a 47-year-old navy veter-
in the U.S. “People think racism doesn’t an, drove three hours from Norfolk, Va.,
exist here,” she said outside city hall. STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR to join the call for change.
Top: Protesters gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Saturday.
PROTEST continued on A8 Middle, bottom: Toronto marches set out from city hall and Trinity Bellwoods. ANALYSIS continued on A9

Health-care workers share
Eight minutes,
experiences of racism, A6 46 seconds
Toronto’s long history How George Floyd’s
of anti-racist protest, IN1
Commissioner’s statement
killing ignited a global
on Black players could be a powder keg, A10
turning point for NFL, A15


CMYK Nxxx,2020-06-07,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
Today, less humid, cooler, sun giving
way to clouds by the afternoon, high
78. Tonight, partly cloudy, low 60.
Tomorrow, mostly sunny, high 78.
Weather map appears on Page A25.

VOL. CLXIX . . . No. 58,717 © 2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2020 $6.00

Fierce Protectors of Police

Impede Efforts at Reform
Unions Using Their Outsize Political Power
Resist Checks on Officers’ Behavior
This article is by Noam Scheiber, labeled soft on crime by the un-
Farah Stockman and J. David Good- ions, or more serious conse-
man. quences.
Over the past five years, as de- When Steve Fletcher, a Minne-
mands for reform have mounted apolis city councilman and fre-
in the aftermath of police violence quent Police Department critic,
in cities like Ferguson, Mo., Balti- sought to divert money away from
more and now Minneapolis, police hiring officers and toward a newly
unions have emerged as one of the created office of violence preven-
most significant roadblocks to tion, he said, the police stopped re-
change. The greater the political sponding as quickly to 911 calls
pressure for reform, the more de- placed by his constituents. “It op-
fiant the unions often are in resist- erates a little bit like a protection
ing it — with few city officials, in- racket,” Mr. Fletcher said of the
cluding liberal leaders, able to union.
overcome their opposition. A spokesman for the Minneapo-
They aggressively protect the lis Police Department said he was
rights of members accused of mis- unable to comment.
conduct, often in arbitration hear- A few days after prosecutors in
ings that they have battled to keep Minneapolis charged an officer
behind closed doors. And they with murder in the death of
have also been remarkably effec- George Floyd, the president of the
CHLOE COLLYER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ALYSSA SCHUKAR FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES tive at fending off broader change, city’s police union denounced po-
using their political clout and in- litical leaders, accusing them of
United in Protest, From Coast to Coast fluence to derail efforts to in- selling out his members and firing
A vast wave of demonstrations took place across the United States on Saturday, including in, clockwise from top left: Washington; crease accountability. four officers without due process.
While rates of union member- “It is despicable behavior,” the
Manhattan; St. Paul, Minn.; and Seattle. They were part of a growing, coalescing movement to fight systemic racism. Page 23. ship have dropped by half nation- union president, Lt. Bob Kroll,
ally since the early 1980s, to 10 wrote in a letter to union members
percent, higher membership rates obtained by a local reporter. He
among police unions give them re- also referred to protesters as a
As Heroes Die, In the Pandemic, as Ever, ‘I Will Give You Rest’ sources they can spend on cam-
paigns and litigation to block re-
“terrorist movement.”
Mr. Kroll, who is himself the
Who Will Carry began to pray. form. A single New York City po-
lice union has spent more than $1
subject of at least 29 complaints,
has also chided the Obama admin-
By ELIZABETH DIAS Ritual of the Last Rites United
The coronavirus has led the
million on state and local races istration for its “oppression of po-
Europe’s Torch? conscious
Beyond the glass lay a man, un-
in the electric blue light, Changes but Endures
States to the valley of the
shadow of death. In just three
since 2014.
In St. Louis, when Kim Gardner
lice,” and praised President
months, a microscopic particle Continued on Page 22
shrouded in tubes. His family was was elected the top prosecutor
has laid bare human mortality.
not allowed to visit. His body four years ago, she set out to rein
By JASON HOROWITZ The entire nation has worked to
could not be touched. difficult hours a priest, and in the city’s high rate of police vio-
ROME — For years, Gildo Ne- avoid death, shutting down cities,
The Rev. Ryan Connors stood at through him God, would come to lence. But after she proposed a
gri visited schools to share his masking faces in the streets, and
the door watching, his Roman col- their aid. unit within the prosecutor’s office
stories about blowing up bridges isolating the dying from their
lar barely visible beneath his face On this Tuesday morning, in the that would independently investi-
and cutting electrical wires to sab- loved ones in their final hours.
shield. gate misconduct, she ran into the
otage Nazis and fascists during intensive care unit at St. Eliza- And yet, more than 100,000 people
Since the coronavirus pan- powerful local police union.
World War II. In January, the 89- beth’s Medical Center, all that Fa- have died, and often, died alone.
demic began, he had gone to the The union pressured lawmak-
year-old made another visit, leav- ther Connors knew about the pa- Many rituals, a guide through
bedsides of Covid-19 patients ers to set aside the proposal,
ing his nursing home outside Mi- across the Boston area to perform tient was his name, and that his life’s most sacred moments, have which many supported but then
lan to help students plant trees in one of the oldest religious rituals family had called for a priest. been impossible. Children said fi- never brought to a vote. Around
honor of Italians deported to con- for the dying: the Roman Catholic He had a clear plastic bag with a nal goodbyes to dying parents the same time, a lawyer for the un-
centration camps. practice commonly called last cotton ball containing a few drops through windows or on FaceTime, ion waged a legal fight to limit the
But at the end of February, as rites. of holy oil. He carried a photocopy if they bid farewell at all. Only ability of the prosecutor’s office to
Europe’s first outbreak of the co- For centuries, priests have of pages from a liturgical book. rarely have religious leaders been investigate police misconduct.
ronavirus spread through Mr. Ne- physically anointed the dying At 10:18 a.m., he slid open the allowed into hospitals and nursing The following year, a leader of the
gri’s nursing home, it infected with oil to heal body and soul, if door. He walked over to the bed, homes. Families attend funerals union said Ms. Gardner should be
him, too. not in this life, in the next. Many careful to avoid the tubes on the on Zoom. removed “by force or by choice.” DAVID DEE DELGADO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Shut inside, he grew despond- Catholics have spent their entire ground. The country is facing a deeply Politicians tempted to cross po- A police officer at the demon-
ent about missing the usual pa- lives trusting that in their most He stretched out his hand, and Continued on Page 8 lice unions have long feared being strations in New York City.
rades and public speeches on Ita-
ly’s Liberation Day, grander this
year to mark the 75th anniversa-
ry. But the virus canceled the
April 25 commemorations. Mr.
Taking a Knee: In the G.O.P.,
Negri died that night.
“The memory is vanishing, and From Sidelines Some Weigh
the coronavirus is accelerating
this process,” said Rita Magnani,
who worked with Mr. Negri, at the
To Front Lines A Biden Vote
local chapter of the National Asso-
ciation of Italian Partisans. “We
are losing the people who can tell By KURT STREETER By JONATHAN MARTIN
us in first person what happened.
It is a simple gesture, swaddled WASHINGTON — It was one
And it’s a shame, because when
in outrage and long-endured grief, thing in 2016 for top Republicans
we lose the historical memory we
that gained powerful currency to take a stand against Donald J.
lose ourselves.”
through the protest against police Trump for president: He wasn’t
Time and its ravages have al-
brutality and racial injustice led likely to win anyway, the thinking
ready cut down the lives and
by quarterback Colin Kaepernick went, and there was no longstand-
blurred the memories of a genera-
on the fields of the National Foot- ing conservative governing
tion that saw close up the ideolo-
gies and crimes that turned Eu- ball League. agenda that would be endan-
rope into a killing field. Taking a knee. gered.
The virus, which is so lethal to Across the nation these last The 2020 campaign is different:
the old, has hastened the depar- hard, uncertain days, demonstra- Opposing the sitting president of
ture of these last witnesses and tors have turned to the gesture on your own party means putting
forced the cancellation of anniver- city streets. At a nighttime march policy priorities at risk, in this
sary commemorations that of- in Minneapolis on Wednesday, a case appointing conservative
fered a final chance to tell their crowd of 400 knelt for nearly five judges, sustaining business-
stories to large audiences. It has somber minutes. On the same day, friendly regulations and cutting
also created an opportunity for RYAN CHRISTOPHER JONES FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES George Floyd’s son, Quincy Ma- taxes — as well as incurring the
rising political forces who seek to The Rev. Ryan Connors praying over a Covid patient at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Boston. son, walked through a crowd at volcanic wrath of Mr. Trump.
recast the history of the last cen- the site where a white police offi- But, far sooner than they ex-
tury in order to play a greater role cer had pinned his father to the pected, growing numbers of
ground by a knee to the neck. prominent Republicans are debat-
in remaking the present one.
Throughout Europe, radical
right-wing parties with histories
Spared Virus’s Havoc, but Not the Economic Pain There, before a makeshift memo-
rial, Mr. Mason dropped to a knee.
ing how far to go in revealing that
they won’t back his re-election —
of Holocaust denial, Mussolini in- The gesture has even been or might even vote for Joseph R.
even started — again with little ployment data highlights the
fatuation and fascist motifs, have made sporadically by law enforce- Biden Jr., the presumptive Demo-
By MICHAEL H. KELLER sign of the virus. sharp disconnect between ex-
gained traction in recent years, ment officers, members of the Na- cratic nominee. They’re feeling a
and STEVE EDER The coronavirus has killed treme economic pain and limited
moving from the fringes and into more than 100,000 Americans and tional Guard and by prominent fresh urgency because of Mr.
health impact from the pandemic Trump’s incendiary response to
parliaments and even governing In Corpus Christi, Texas, many brought much of the economy to a politicians as an act of solidarity
in many parts of the country. It is a or effort to pacify. the protests of police brutality,
coalitions. people strain to name anyone in- grinding halt. Though all 50 states split that presents local officials In New York, a police com- atop his mishandling of the coro-
The Alternative for Germany is fected with the coronavirus. In have begun to reopen against a and businesses with difficult mander knelt with activists out- navirus pandemic, according to
looking to capitalize on the eco- east central Wisconsin, members bitter partisan backdrop, in many
nomic frustration the coronavirus choices even after Friday’s en- side Washington Square Park. In people who spoke on the condition
of the Y.M.C.A. express frustra- parts of the country the dual
crisis has triggered. In France, the couraging jobs report suggested Portland, Ore., officers in riot gear of anonymity to disclose private
tion with a distant health crisis health and economic calamities
hard-right National Rally had the more of the country was returning knelt before demonstrators, some discussions.
that shut down the group’s com- are not playing out in parallel.
country’s strongest showing in to work. of whom responded by walking to- Former President George W.
munity services. In western Col- A New York Times analysis of
the last European Parliament orado, the summer recreational coronavirus infections, official Some business owners and ward the officers to shake their Bush won’t support the re-elec-
Continued on Page 7 season was canceled before it layoff notices and federal unem- Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 24 Continued on Page 19


A Convention Derailed How Corporations Fail Blacks Fire Island Won’t Be the Same
President Trump and the G.O.P. are Black executives discuss their private In the Pines, gay clubs are closed, but
moving to largely shift the proceedings fears and their disappointments with many people are keeping their summer
outside North Carolina. PAGE 17 corporate America. “We seem to have shares. Can they social distance? PAGE 1
hit a wall,” one said. PAGE 1
Defending Democracy Abroad Summer Camp as Guinea Pigs
With the United States in turmoil, diplo- INTERNATIONAL 14-16 AT HOME Entrepreneurs are swamping camp SPORTS 30-31
mats struggle to make the case for directors with sales pitches for services
human rights overseas. PAGE 21 A Grim Turn in the Amazon Talking to Kids About Racism to screen for the coronavirus, with your ‘Not the Hometown’ I Knew
Deforestation has surged as Brazil fo- Discussing race needs to start early in children as test subjects. PAGE 1 In an essay, Arizona Cardinals wide
cuses on the pandemic, raising the risk life, and there is no shortage of books receiver Larry Fitzgerald Jr. writes of
of worse fires than a year ago. PAGE 14 that can help keep the complicated present-day unrest and recalls a more
Conflicted Soul of the West conversation moving. PAGE 5 peaceful time in Minneapolis. PAGE 30
In his first installment of a series on Girl’s Death Shakes Iran On ‘The King of Staten Island’

overlooked or under-read American The beheading of a 14-year-old has set SUNDAY REVIEW Pete Davidson of “S.N.L.” is trying to tie
writers, A.O. Scott considers the individ- off a national debate: Do women and the many strands of his life together in
ualistic spirit of Wallace Stegner. PAGE 1 children have a right to safety? PAGE 15 Jamelle Bouie PAGE 5 this film by Judd Apatow. PAGE 6

raised THE U.S.,
in pain, CALLS
hope, FOR
Since George Floyd’s
death, a national Peaceful protests
reckoning is unfolding spark long-overdue
in American cities. discourse on police
brutality and
By Laura King,
Kurtis Lee
institutional racism.
and Jaweed Kaleem
By Sarah Parvini,
DALLAS — America is Melissa Etehad,
having a conversation with Tracy Wilkinson,
itself, in voices that ring with Alex Brandon Associated Press Maria L. La Ganga
rage, despair — and, some- THOUSANDS converged Saturday on the newly named Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House in and Kevin Baxter
times, hope. Washington, D.C., to protest the killing of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police.
For nearly two weeks, They jammed onto the
street protests have surged Brooklyn Bridge. Flowed
across the country, leaping past the White House, newly
cities and towns in an elec- fortified to keep the nation’s
trifying arc, reverberating citizens at bay. Forced city
far beyond the Minneapolis officials to close Chicago’s
street corner where a white famed Lake Shore Drive.
police officer put his knee on Marched on USC, Sunset
the neck of a black man, Boulevard, Beverly Hills,
George Floyd, and kept it Los Angeles City Hall, San
there for nearly nine min- Pedro, Huntington Beach.
utes. Tens of thousands of
That image — and all it demonstrators took to the
evoked about America’s dis- streets across the country
turbing past and troubled Saturday — in some cities,
present — was seared into for the 10th straight day — to
the collective conscious- protest the killing of George
ness. Floyd’s last words — “I Floyd, a black man who died
can’t breathe” — were at May 25 in Minneapolis with a
once a dying man’s tragic white police officer’s knee on
plea and a distillation of his neck.
multiplying national bur- The protesters de-
dens. manded justice. They called
“The bubbles we all have for racism and police brutal-
been living in have popped,” ity to end. They were loud.
said Denita Hawkins, a laid- They were boisterous. And
off fitness instructor from they were peaceful.
the Cleveland suburb of There were no apparent
Strongsville, Ohio. A 35- incidents of vandalism or
year-old black woman, a looting, no broken windows
mother of two sons, or stolen goods. And for the
Hawkins wept when she, like most part, the throngs of law
countless others, witnessed enforcement officers in riot
Floyd’s fatal arrest on video, gear stood down. Unlike ear-
on Facebook. lier in the week, there were
8:46. The minutes and Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times no reports of tear gas, rub-
seconds it took a grown man A RELATIVE of Breonna Taylor, right, is hugged by another woman after speaking to protesters in Bever- ber bullets or police batons
to stop moving. At protests ly Hills. Taylor, an emergency medical technician, was killed by police in March in her Louisville, Ky., home. connecting with flesh in
everywhere, the number be- most U.S. cities.

Marching as a multicultural front

came a rallying cry. Marking Mayors marched. Nurses
the clock’s tick, protesters, waved signs, wore masks,
on city streets and park handed out hand sanitizer.
lawns, lie prone, hands be- Denver Broncos football
hind their backs as if cuffed. players and staff joined pro-
“America was founded on testers leaving the Colorado
slavery, but it’s never truly
sought to address this hor-
Protests attract diverse allies, some first-timers, to racial justice cause Capitol. Law enforcement
agents in some cities took a
rific past,” said Lee Daugh- knee — the near universal
erty, the owner of a land- friend. “I am emotionally and phys- Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency medi- sign of anti-racist protest,
mark now-shuttered By Leila Miller ically exhausted yet I continue this cal technician who was shot by thanks to former San Fran-
LGBTQ-friendly bar in Dal- fight,” she wrote, demanding that oth- Louisville, Ky., police in her apart- cisco 49ers quarterback
las. “We must put a mirror Throughout his life, Alan Mich- ers not be complacent in the face of ment. On social media, Michnoff Colin Kaepernick.
up to the face of America, noff ’s engagement with racial justice racism. found link after link to resources for In a perfectly California
and not put it down.” issues had been “next to none.” While “That just struck a chord with me,” people seeking to support the move- touch, a white Tesla parked
In this fraying, fraught the 30-year-old North Hollywood resi- Michnoff said. “A lot of people have ment. in the middle of Sunset Boul-
moment, long-held assump- dent had always been aware of police been saying that. Just hearing it over “I felt I had no choice but to partici- evard, and its occupants
tions and presumptions brutality against black people, he had and over again, and it being perhaps pate in something so important,” he handed out water and food.
about public life in this coun- not actively spoken up. the right time, it finally hit for me.” said, holding up a cardboard sign that At Hollywood and Vine, Jose
try have suddenly become Last weekend, as the George Floyd He donated to local bail bond funds read “Silence is violence” at a protest Lagunas waved a rubber fac-
part of long-overdue daily protests swelled nationwide, some- and signed petitions demanding in front of the North Hollywood police simile of President Trump’s
discourse: about race and thing changed. Michnoff came across charges against the officers involved station Thursday. head on a stick. “If there’s
[See Voices, A11] a passionate Instagram post by a in Floyd’s death and that of Breonna The protests [See Allies, A10] [See Protests, A9]

COLUMN ONE Biden: No one

can ignore Trump bars some
This man of letters delivers racial injustice

Chinese students
The presidential
candidate writes that
all must play a part in
Nothing stops San Clemente carrier from his rounds combating systemic
racism. OP-ED, A19 tions deemed to support
By Brittny Mejia L.A., Bay Area Universities alarmed China’s “military-civil fusion
strategy.” That strategy, the
by order, which U.S.

on split paths order says, involves Chinese
efore the start of his shift, James The state’s biggest calls security measure. efforts to acquire foreign
Daniels taped the latest note of metropolitan areas technologies to advance
gratitude to workstation No. 31. reopen at different China’s military capabili-
In the nearly 16 years he’s By Teresa Watanabe ties.
delivered mail, the letter carrier In a news briefing last
has received hundreds of notes of apprecia- Unrest on both President Trump’s re- week, State Department of-
tion. But over the last couple of months, as sides of border cent decision to halt entry of ficials stressed that Chinese
the world changed around him, so did their some Chinese graduate stu- students and scholars pur-
tone. Guadalajara protest dents to the U.S. is sowing suing legitimate studies
In April, a month after Gov. Gavin New- against death of man broad anxiety, particularly here would continue to be
som ordered Californians to stay at home in police custody has in California, as universities welcomed and that the or-
to slow the spread of COVID-19, a family parallels. WORLD, A3 fear they could lose an es- der will affect only a small
along his San Clemente route wrote a note Weather sential source of research number who could be used
that began, “Dearest Angel man James you Cloudy, then sunny. talent. by the People’s Liberation
are a blessing.” L.A. Basin: 79/61. B10 U.S. officials say that Army to divert or steal sensi-
It included Psalm 91, a fitting hymn for Trump’s order, which took tive technologies.
this era, its words associated with times of effect last week, is aimed at “American universities
hardship: Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times safeguarding national secu- and research laboratories
“Do not be afraid of the terrors of the MAIL CARRIER James Daniels, 59, rity by barring Chinese grad- should not be used to con-
night, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor watches for cross traffic as he walks 7 85944 10300 9 uate students and research- tribute to PRC goals of mili-
dread the plague that [See Daniels, A12] his route in San Clemente, Calif. ers associated with institu- [See Students, A13]

BUSINESS INSIDE: Many people return to work, but the outlook for others is hazy. A16

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