Anne of Avonlea Study Guide 1

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Anne of Avonlea Study Guide from a Christian Perspective

Compiled by Amanda Kaake 2011

While organizing a local homeschool book club, I had the hardest time finding a free study guide for the book, Anne of
Avonlea. My readers are generally ages 9 and up. Thus, the study you will find below will be geared towards the younger

A few things to note:

1. This study is from a Christian perspective and ties in bible verses.
2. You will notice that the children using this study guide are asked to find a specific location on the map more than once.
This is to not only get them more in the habit of using maps, but get them more familiar with the areas that are being talked
about. We all know that doing things more than once helps us remember them.
3. It is highly possible that I have missed some words that should be looked up or missed out on some questions that you
think should be asked. I do apologize for this. If you have anything you think would be good to add to a future edition,
please feel free to email me at I have purposely left a few things out that might be a little
too much for younger children.
4. All pictures in this study were found in online searches. I do not own rights to any of these pictures.

All in all, I hope this is useful for you and your children. Have a blessed day and remember, never stop reading!

~Amanda Kaake
Chapter 1: An Irate Neighbor
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: 7. What is tea time and what
countries partake in this lovely
irate 1. What kind of teacher do you
think Anne is?
8. What does “being square”
2. Who is Mr. Harrison and where
poplars mean?
did he come from?
demurred 9. What does “getting into hot
3. Why did Mr. Harrison get so
mischief water” mean?
upset? What did Anne do to
yankee help rectify the situation?
4. Who is Ginger and Dolly?

Places to Find on a Map: 5. Anne seems to have a quick Activities:

temper. Can you find and read
Prince Edward Island Have your very own tea time for a
a bible verse that talks about whole week at the same time every
Charlottetown being quick to anger? day if possible.
New Brunswick 6. What is a kindred spirit?
White Sands
Chapter 2: Selling in Haste and Repenting in Leisure
Questions to Ask:
Words to Look Up: 1. What is a wooded hollow? Activities:
comrade 2. What is “educating public Purchase or gather some geranium
sentiment”? seeds and plant them.
3. What kind of flowers does Anne
hope to plant? Draw a picture of Anne chasing
Places to
4. What did Anne see that “spoiled the Jersey cow. Can’t you just
Find on a
the landscape”? imagine how exhilarating and
tiring that must have been while
5. What do you think Ms.
Carmody wearing her cumbersome and
Montgomery meant by calling
New beautiful dress?
Anne “impulsive Anne”?
6. What is a “peace offering”?
How about baking a cake and
7. Has there ever been a time when
taking it to someone.
you made a very hasty decision
and made a mistake in the
Chapter 3: Mr. Harrison at Home
Words to Look Up: 3. As soon as the parrot saw Anne, 7. Who did Anne make friends
he said something that was rude with by the end of this chapter?
and embarrassing to Anne.
sheepishly What does the bible say about
quelling the tongue (in James) and how
we need to be careful about Activities:
what we say? Do you think we
A lot of talk was made about Mr.
vexed should all live like a parrot is
Harrison’s oat fields. Mark
riding on our shoulder every
something yummy out of oats. At
the end of this e-book, there are
4. What did Mr. Harrison mean some recipes for oats that are our
Questions to Ask: when he said “tut, tut”? families favorites. Choose one of
1. What is a spruce tree? Why do 5. Why did Anne wash Mr. those or make your own. For older
these kind of trees not lose their Harrison’s dishes in “several children, learn the differences
“leaves” or change color in the waters”? between the different kinds of oats.
6. Why did Ginger not eat the food
2. What does “donned his coat” Anne offered him?
Chapter 4: Different Opinions
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
lingering 1. What do you think Anne meant Anne talks of Violet Vale,
aspirations when she said “that fateful Willowmere, and Lover’s Lane; all
morrow”? places that she and Diana had
named themselves. Pick a few
earnestness 2. What does it mean if someone is
places close to your own home and
eminently give them new names.
philosophically 3. What is corporal punishment?
indignantly 4. What job did Anne, Gilbert and
Anne drinks ginger tea that
tenaciously Jane all have?
Marilla has made for her. Ginger
pessimistic 5. What are the “3 R’s”? *Just for has some amazing health benefits.
moms - Check out The Three R’s Have you ever tried ginger tea,
by Ruth Beechick. sugared or fresh ginger? If not, ask
Places to Find on a Map:
your mother if you can try some
Newbridge this week.
White Sands
Chapter 5: A Full-Fledged School ma’Am
Words to Look Up: scornfully 3. Anne got an unexpected visit
from one of the parents. Do you
traversed faltered remember who and why they
preceding aristocratic came to visit?
perceive plebeian 4. What is another name for wild
revised impertinence
painstakingly waylaid
commonplace gumption
hostile Anne was so descriptive when she
discomfit Places to Find on a Map: talked about each child. Take out a
sheet of paper and brainstorm
chap Newbridge about one or more people in your
innumerable family. Write down that person’s
name in the middle of the page
surmounted Questions to Ask: and circle it. Now draw little lines
pallid 1. Anne memorized a speech for coming out from the circle all over
the first day of school. Have the paper. On those lines, write
coquettish descriptive words about that
you ever memorized
commemorate something? The bible talks person. You can also use a
about us hiding God’s word in thesaurus to find more exciting
exquisite our heart so we might not sin forms of the words you’re using.
against Him. Find a verse today For instance for my daughter I
and memorize it. might write: tall, sandy blonde
mechanically hair, sparkling blue eyes, bubbly
2. Who is Anthony Pye and why personality, impressive
admonishing does Anne want to help him? imagination, etc...
Chapter 6: All Sorts of Conditions of Men...And Women
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: having right now. Compare the
answers and see what you find.
ahtrill Prince Edward Island
6. Mr. Blair did not come to the
myriads Toronto door right away when Diana
pensioners Montreal and Anne knocked. Why is
that? Was Anne able to help
enterprise him?
fortnight Questions to Ask: 7. Anne took advantage of
laurels 1. What do you think Anne meant Lorenzo’s good attitude that
when she said “Oh this is a day day. Do you think it was an
conclave left over from Eden...”? honest thing to do? Why or
reprehensible why not?
2. Do you remember the names of
faltered the two books Mrs. Charlotte E.
Morgan wrote? If you were to
optimist write a book, what delicious
provocative name would you give it? Activities:
gingerly 3. What group was Gilbert Blithe Go out and canvas your
president of? What was the neighborhood. However, instead
indignant group for? of asking your neighbor for
trepidation something, how about taking them
4. What does it mean to “call on” a homemade treat instead? What a
wiles someone? lovely way to show them God’s
5. Eliza thought the summer was love!
hot while Catherine thought it
was lovely and warm. Ask
everyone individually how they
feel about the weather you are
Chapter 7: The Pointing of Duty
Words to Look Up: think it is always our duty to tell
somewhat what we think they
fancies Activities:
are doing wrong? Look in the
wayward bible with your parents and see The end of this chapter talks about
scornful what God’s word has to say doing things we may not like to
about this. do, but it’s sometimes good for us.
toleration Our family enjoys watching the
aggrieved 3. While in conversation, Gilbert Duggar's from time to time. One
mentions he wants to help add
pervaded day in their household, the girls
knowledge to the world. Anne and boys switched chores. It made
monotonous on the other hand wants to add for a very interesting day. How
“some beauty to life” in the
vivid about switching off chores with
form of joy or happiness. If you
assented someone in your family for either a
could pick either of these things, day or a whole week. When you
or something different, what have completed this task, sit down
would you pick? How would
Questions to Ask: with your family and discuss the
you like to influence those things you found to be more
1. What reasons does Gilbert give around you? challenging than what you had
for loving teaching? 4. What is a lumber camp? imagined. Let each person know
2. Mrs. Peter Blewett thought it her how grateful you are for all the
5. Anne mentioned “it does people
duty to tell Gilbert what Mr. work they do for you and your
good to do things they don’t
Spencer thought of his teaching family. moderation” What do
methods. As Christians, do you you think she meant by that?
Chapter 8: Marilla Adopts Twins
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: 5. Can you just imagine the fuss
Lauretta must have made when
sere 1. Who is Matthew's "imported
Davy dropped the caterpillar
nag orphan".  Why do you think
down her back.  If you've read
perpetual Rachel called her that?
Anne of Green Gables, do you
remember an instance where Anne
hastened 2. What did Davy have a hard time
shrieked in the middle of a quiet
novelty doing?
room.  If so, do you remember
what happened?
irreproachably 3. What do you think "mirth and
mortification mischief" means?
6. Davy said "I feel sorry now
myself," admitted Davy, "but the
comporting 4. What do you think was meant
trouble is I never feel sorry for
forlorn when the book talks about Davy
doing things till after I've did
nondescript and says "The same consideration
them."  What do you think Davy
diversion induced him to submit meekly to
could do to think more before he
the other details of his toilet".
acts?  Who should he talk to?  
Aren't you glad that no matter
what, God always loves us!
Chapter 9: A Question of Color
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 3. Anne says “everything that’s
worth having is some trouble”.
deliberately Carmody What do you think she means
avenged by that?
taciturn Questions to Ask: 4. What was the lower-road and
solitude why didn’t people travel on it at
1. Anne tells Mr. Harrison that the times?
personified reason he does not like Mrs.
Lynde is because he doesn’t 5. What do you think “the muse of
bandbox tragedy” means?
understand her. What do you
unmerciful think about that? There is a 6. What was the horrible disaster
averred saying I heard from my mother. that struck that the whole town
It says “Be kind, for everyone was talking about?
quenched you meet is fighting a hard
mortifying battle” by Plato. Sometimes
people act in ways that we do
contraries not think is lovely. Talk with
aggrieved your parents and see how we
indignation should treat people who act this
way. What does the bible say
animadverted about it?
magistrate 2. What was Davy looking for
veered when he reached down into the
Chapter 10: Davy in Search of a Sensation
Words to Look Up: beseechingly 4. Davy mentioned to Marilla that
he shouldn’t have to pray until
coquette skeptical he was old enough to be of
prima donna importance to God. What does
the bible say about that? Does it
banished Questions to Ask: say we can’t be useful to God till
merriment 1. Anne was talking audibly to the we’re older?
trees. Have you ever gone out
timid in God’s creation and had such
ransacked lovely and overwhelming
feelings rush over you? Instead Activities:
indicative of talking to the nature, how
venture about talking to God, the creator Get out a sketch book and draw a
of nature; thanking him for all picture that has something to do
falsehoods the beautiful things he’s created! with God’s creation.
boded 2. Why was Anne so upset about
subdued what Davy had done?
shamefaced 3. Davy talks about telling
“whoppers”. Some people
impenitent would call those white lies.
aghast What does the bible say about
telling something that isn’t true?
asservated Is one lie worse than another?
Chapter 11: Facts and Fancies
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: It’s your world so make it how you
wish. Remember, in make believe,
monotonous 1. Which letter written to Anne do
the sky is the limit!
you find the most interesting?
2. Anne talks about how she has a It is very important to use correct
compositions favorite student in her class. grammar. Red the sentence below
noontide Does the bible make mention of and find out why. Can you think
us having favorites? If so, what of any funny sentences with
does it say? grammatical errors like this one?

Places to Find on a Map: Activities: Let’s eat Grandpa.

Montreal In Paul Irving’s letter, he talks in or
Newbridge detail about people and places that Let’s eat, Grandpa.
do not exist. Can you write a 4-5
paragraph letter to your family
explaining a make believe world?
Chapter 12: A Jonah Day
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
impertinent 1. Why do you think an felt like the day
swagger was flat, stale and unprofitable even Look up what it might be like to go to
icily before she got out of bed? school in a one room schoolhouse. If
frigidly possible, visit a historical place like
provocative 2. What is a coal scuttle? Greenfield Village or Crossroads
mirth Village and visit a one room
stealthily 3. Anne was in a horrible mood schoolhouse. You can also find many
confiscated because she had a horrible toothache; of these schoolrooms online. Have a
abashed thus making the others around her feel day where you pretend you're living
overawed horrible. How does our bad moods back in time. What would it be like?
transfixed affect those around us? What does Take pictures if you can and share
hysterics the bible say about how we are to act them with us at the end of the year tea
odoriferous in situations like these? party.
unabashed 4. Why was St. Clair late to school? Marilla had made some plum puffs and
insolently gave them to Anne at the end of her
bravado 5. What is a "Jonah day" as Anne calls "Jonah day". Anne very much enjoyed
disconsolately it? Have you ever had a Jonah day? them. How about finding a plum puff
impish Isn't it wonderful that tomorrow is recipe online and making them. http://
always a new day!
Chapter 13: A Golden Picnic
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
practicalities 1. Anne wanted to change her In this chapter, spring was
birthday to the spring, although described so clearly. If you have
rollicking we know that no one can really time, write a couple paragraphs
harrowing do that. What month were you about an ideal day in a season of
born in and what is so special your choosing. Try to be as
blithe about that month? Think of at descriptive as possible.
sagely least 3 things about the month
you were born in.
perpetrate If the weather is nice, have a
2. Anne said that they would wear
malicious “rubbers” when going out in the special outdoors picnic. If not
west spring day. What did she ideal, have a special picnic
conscientiously indoors. You can find recipes for
mean by “rubbers”?
raiment most of the foods made in these
3. What do you think “Anneish books at the below link.
tremulous philosophy” is?
eloquent 4. Anne mentioned the first “gift” archives/category/recipes
athwart their day had given them. What
was that gift?
minstrel 5. Anne and her friends found
elephants ears growing in the
woods. Have you ever seen
elephants ears before? If not,
have your parents help you look
them up online.
Chapter 14: A Danger Averted
Words to Look Up: personage 5. In previous chapters, Davy has been
quite a handful. Anne mentions
cumbered genially Davy has much improved in his
Tories heiress _______________________.
curtly askance 6. What did Davy think the catechism
meant when it said “preserves”?
meddle trifle
7. What had the A.V.I.S. in such an
catechism uproar?
marauding Places to Find on a Map:
popadoured Charlottetown
complacent British Columbia Activities:
grotesque Newbridge Have you ever tasted plum jam? If
hubbub not, ask your parents if you can either
reputed Questions to Ask: purchase or make some.
indignation 1. What is “Providential knowledge”?
eloquently 2. Marilla has had an ongoing health Most of this chapter has to do with a
problem. What did the doctors say
nefarious about her health issues in this drug company wanting to post their
valiantly chapter? advertisements on a fence. Pick one
vanquished 3. What event was getting ready to item you really enjoy using and make
take place in this chapter? either a video, audio or printed
4. Anne said she was a “red-hot” advertisement for that product.
besieged conservative”. What is a
Chapter 15: The Beginning of Vacation
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
reengaged 1. Who did Anne meet along Mrs. Allan said “True
beckoned the way to Matthew’s grave? friendship is a very helpful
Why was he there?
disposition thing indeed, and we should
2. Why do you think Paul said
scrupulously that porridge would be the have a very high ideal of it, and
lore death of him? never sully it by any failure in
garret 3. What do you think about this truth and sincerity....Friendship
quote from Mrs. Allen, “Well,
pilgrimage we all make mistakes, dear, IS very beautiful...” It seems
so just put it behind you. We that today people do a lot less
should regret our mistakes letter writing. How about
and learn from them, but
never carry them forward writing a letter to a dear friend
into the future with us.” of yours. Make sure to use
4. The twins uncle wrote to your best penmanship.
them. What did he say in his
letter? Will they be going to
live with him soon? 8
Chapter 16: The Substance of Things Hoped For
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
garret 1. What was the only snack Davy Davy did a double somersault. Can
was allowed to have between you do a single, double or even triple
heedless meal times? somersault?
vex 2. Davy was confused about where
festal heaven actually is. Do you
know where heaven is? What Anne was planning out a fancy feast
affectation does the bible have to say about for her soon to arrive company. Not
selfpossessed it?
only was she making plans on what
3. Anne found out she was to have food they were going to eat, she did a
company. Who was planning to
come and visit her? lot of cleaning and decorating as well.
Have you ever planned an event for
4. What were Anne and Diana your household? If it’s allright with
hoping to prepare for their
honored guest? your mom and dad, plan a special
event. Plan out what you’ll have to
5. What does “apple pie order” eat, what needs to be cleaned,
decorations you’d like to use and even
6. What does it mean to “dress” a possibly some lovely background
bird? Do you put a dress and
lovely shawl on it? instrumental music.
Chapter 17: A Chapter of Accidents
Words to Look Up: ruefully getting ready the day of the event.
lustrous roguishly What was the first disaster that took
6. All in all, Anne made the best that
antimacassars Places to Find on a Map: she could out of the situation. What
sheaf Canada would you have done in her place?
dismal United States
veritable Charlottetown
bower Toronto Activities:
allusion If you made plans for a dinner party
emanating Questions to Ask: from the above chapters activity, now
is the time to execute it.
mute 1. What is horsehair furniture?
mortification 2. Can you identify these plants?
shrouded Snowballs, roses, ferns, bluebells,
peonies and honeysuckle.
3. What do you think “toilet rites” are?
misgivings 4. What was Diana afraid she
wouldn’t be able to do while Mrs.
dolefully Morgan was there? What was she
forenoon afraid she might do?
ominously 5. Everything seemed to be going so
splendidly at first when Anne was
Chapter 18: An Adventure on the Tory Road
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
economical 1. What do you think this means, “so It was mentioned that Marilla is
wide sometimes is the gulf between economical. What ways is your family
perplexity theory and practice”? economical? Can you think of one
vantage more thing you could do to be more
2. What was Anne and Diana’s signal economical? What does the bible say
precarious that they needed to speak to one about Christians being economical?
another at once?
3. What was Anne in search of? Did
vehemently she find it? Diana had a nickname of Diana the
pilgrimage Faithful. This definitely speaks to her
4. Diana is called “Diana the faithful”. character. Sit down with your family
lathes Why do you think she is called that? and try to think of a positive nickname
tableau 5. Anne got herself in quite a that goes along with each person’s
predicament once again. How did character.
Miss Copp respond when she
Places to Find on a Map: returned home to find an stuck?
Carmody 6. What do you think cowcumbers
Chapter 19: Just a Happy Day
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 5. Why was Gilbert afraid of
telling Anne how he felt about
advisability White Sands her?
restraining 6. What do you think a bedtick is?
endeared Questions to Ask:
consultation 1. Who did Anne have tea with
and what did she hope to eat for
tea? Activities:
congenial 2. Paul asked Anne if she thought Have you ever had or made
rebukingly he was “wrong in his upper shortbread before? It’s most
sauntered story”. What do you think that delightful! If it’s ok with your
means? parents, go ahead and make some
melancholy shortbread today. Make sure to eat
3. Paul got a picture of his “little
inscrutable it next to a cup of good tea.
mother” for his birthday gift.
Where did he display it and
why did he put it there?
limpid Anne and Paul talk about the
4. Anne absolutely adores Birch features Paul has from both his
palpable trees. Do you have a favorite mother and father. What features
virtuously plant or tree? If so, what is it? do you have from your mother
and father?
Chapter 20: The Way it Often Happens
Words to Look Up: conversationalist 4. What does the book mean when it
says that Anne “compounded”
betimes epigrams some freckle cream?
blithely monopolize 5. What does “rising to the occasion”
admonished incompatible mean? Have you ever had to rise to
the occasion?
futility Places to Find on a Map:
asservated New York
Anne compounded a cream to get rid
accoutered Questions to Ask: of some of the loveliness God has
betook 1. What does it mean to “drink the given her. How about making
loveliness in”? something to enhance what God has
whither given you. It’s very easy to make
2. Davy has been told he’s a very homemade
copiously handsome boy and is hoping it
veritable stays that way. What does the bible
say about beauty? Does it say it
auspicious will last?
proverbial 3. What did Marilla mean when she
quarantined thought she had “escaped the snare
of the fowler”?
Chapter 21: Sweet Miss Lavender
Words to Look Up: heedlessness 8. It’s often said that you associate
someone’s name as being nice or
compact not by the way that person acts.
sympathetically Questions to Ask: What will you do to make your
name sound lovely for those who
interred 1. Who attended school for the first know you?
2. Why did Davy get so upset at
prestige Milty? Men are protectors of
irreverent women in all ways. Davy was Activities:
being a protector, wasn’t he?
bewilderment Miss Lavender’s house sounds so
3. Why didn’t Dora want to go lovely! It reminds me of a lovely and
dubiously upstairs alone? quaint cottage I saw while driving
perpetual 4. Anne took the wrong fork in the around Ann Arbor. I went to go find it
lances road and ended up in a place she again, but realized I had bad directions
had never seen before. Have you and have not seen it since. Anne
remote ever gotten lost before? If so, what describes Miss Lavender’s house very
did you do about it? well. Get out your drawing supplies
rapture and draw Miss Lavender’s home.
peculiar 5. Who is Charlotta the Fourth and
what is her real name?
personage Plant some lavender this coming
6. Why did Miss Lavender call her
handmaiden home Echo Lodge? spring if you don’t already have some
in your garden. It smells lovely, is easy
spinster 7. How did Miss Lavender get her to grow and comes up yearly on it’s
name? own (perennial).
Chapter 22: Odds and Ends

Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: Questions to Ask:

peculiar England 1. Anne said Miss Lavender may be
one of those people that never grow
insight “the States” old. What do you think she means
slandered by that?
exert 2. All Mrs. Lynde’s children live out
west. Where is “out west”?
3. Marilla told Davy to not pull
consumption anymore feathers from the chickens.
executor Why did Davy want the feathers?
4. What happened to Davy and Dora’s
5. What did they think about living at
Green Gables forever?
Chapter 23: Miss Lavender’s Romance
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: 6. How did you feel when Paul meant
dubiously 1. Upon first sight of Miss Lavender, Mrs. Lavender?
fervent  what did Anne say she looked like?
intuition 2. Miss Lavender wishes to be 17
sequestered again.  With that, Anne mentions that Activities:
predictive Miss Lavender is 17 at heart.  My
Anne and Miss Lavender had made
wittier grandma made mention to me once some peanut candy. I am assuming
lamentably that she still feels like she's a girl of 18 they were talking about something
traversed but has a body of an old lady.  What do much like peanut brittle. Ask your
candidly you think all this means? mom if it’s ok to make some peanut
brittle. IF it is, use your own recipe,
concluded 3. Miss Lavender says "Some are born ore the recipe at the end of this ebook
reconcile old maids, some achieve old in the Recipes and Links section.
indigestible maidenhood, and some have old
sedate maidenhood thrust upon them."  What
eaves is meant by this?
whimsically 4. Hearing what happened to Miss
meditatively Lavender and Mr. Irving was heart
commonplace breaking.  What does the bible say
provoked about loving someone?  Does it say we
coquettish are to not forgive them and "make
predilection them pay" till our bad mood is over?
simile 5. What is a "chip off the old block"?
Chapter 24: A Prophet in His Own Country
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 7. What did the A.V.I.S. have to be
ascribed Charlottetown happy about despite all the other
embody Prince Edward Island damage from the storm?
sneer White Sands
Questions to Ask: Activities:
scandalously 1. What are the "Avonlea Notes"? Do you know what to do in the
dispassionately 2. Why did Marilla think Anne was case of an emergency? Talk with
complacently risking her life? your parents and act out what
sweltering 3. Davy and Dora got a bit of earth you'd do in case of a fire,
syntax to plant a garden in. What was the earthquake, and tornado. It's very
menacing difference in Davy and Dora's important to know what to do when
apertures gardens? disaster strikes.
unabated 4. Why did Anne let school out
transformation early?
impassible 5. The hail was vicious and thick!
trifling What was the smallest size hail
discrepancy that was described?
6. Did anyone or anything get hurt
in the storm? If so, please explain.
Chapter 25: An Avonlea Scandal
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 6. Why did Mr. Harrison marry
sorroly Scottsford, New Brunswick Mrs. Harrison?
lament 7.  This is the second story in this
idle book where a couple was broken
Questions to Ask:
nimbly up (one forever) over pride.  What
1. What were Matthew's favorite
surmounted does the bible say about pride?
beflowered 2. What is a bandbox?
beplumped 3. What did you think when you
proverbial found out Mr. Harrison was
matrimonial married?
masquerading 4.  Davy said that Mr. Harrison
jubilantly had shaved even though church
indignantly wasn't that day.  Why do you think
delicacy some men only shaved on
cantankerous Sundays?
raspier 5. What do you think "sundry rents
mortified and tatters" were?
Chapter 26: Around the Bend
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 6. How did Anne's students react
unobtrusively Charlottetown when they found out she was
betokened East Grafton resigning?
ruefully Carmody 7. What does "Turkfashion" mean?
ambitions Have you ever sat like this before?
resignation Questions to Ask:
opined 1. What sad event took place as
monotonous soon as this chapter started?
resignation 2.  Where was Gilbert going?  Did
manse Anne follow suite and go to the
vexed same place he did?
deportment 3. Why was Anne hesitant about
pining leaving Marilla?
bestow 4. What were Marillia's plans for
Mrs. Lynde?
5.  What do you think "new-
fangled" means?
Chapter 27: An Afternoon at the Stone House
Words to Look Up: Places to Find on a Map: 8. What was Anne hoping to do in
entreated England order to cheer up Miss Lavender
Questions to Ask:
1. Why caused Paul to fall into the Activities:
queried brook at school? It’s easy to make instant pudding.
reverie 2. What does Mrs. Harrison keep Why not try making some pudding
presentiment in her pantry just for young from scratch like Marilla would
unwholesome visitors? have.
dyke 3. What did Davy want to eat every
transmuted day?
alchemists 4. Where did Anne and Paul go
betook together?
elusive 5. Why did Paul think it was safe to
evasive go with his Grandma’s opinions
potentialities over Anne’s?
induce 6. What did Anne and Charlotta
disconsolately the Fourth admire?
7. Why was Charlotta the Fourth
concerned over Miss Lavender?
Chapter 28: The Prince Comes Back to the Enchanted Palace
Words to Look Up: Questions to Ask: Activities:
acquitted 1. Anne gave the students a semi- Anne made mention that a "chapter in
infatuation annual test.  What does semi-annual her life" had closed; meaning she was
rigmarole mean? ending teaching for now and
colloquial 2.  How did Anne feel about leaving beginning a new chapter by starting
eccentric the school and no longer being their college.  If your life were a book, what
precepts teacher?  Do you think she mad mixed chapters would be in your book.  Write
demure feelings about it? down at least 3.
vexed 3. What did Anne think she had
waylaid learned from the children?
peregrination 4. What did Anne help Miss Lavender
unequivocal make that put a sparkle back in her
astar eye?
5. Who came to visit Paul and why
was he so excited?
6. What did Anne compare a blooming
Places to Find on a Map: love to?
Newbridge 7. What do you think "in prose"
Afghanistan means?
8. What wonderful thing happened (or
was presumed to have happened) at
the end of this chapter?
Chapter 29: Poetry and Prose
Words to Look Up: 2. What did Miss Lavender intend to read to them.  At the same time, it
do with her beautiful stone home after instills the importance of a godly
foreordained she got married and moved away? person full of good character.
traipsing 3. Why was Anne somewhat upset
transfiguring about Diana being in love? Activities:
byronic 4. Anne thought that "while he's nice
melancholy and jolly...he's just Fred Wright".  Why Have you ever thought about what
pensive  do you think she said that? your future wedding might be like?  IF
seclusion you're mom says it's ok, go ahead and
superior For moms - If your daughter is older, think of what you might like your
how about having a conversation with wedding to be like and talk with your
her on what the world sees as love; a mother about it.  Maybe even make a
fancy or a feeling vs. real love (an list and start collecting pictures.  A
Places to Find on a Map: action, never ending).  There are so marriage that is God-centered is the
many fairy tales that have made many most wonderful marriage of all and
Boston something to really look forward to.  
San Francisco a girl think she has to have those fuzzy
feelings all the time or she's not truly Most importantly, pray for your future
Pacific Coast spouse, that God will direct you.  
Spain "in love".  What a tragedy this has
become.  Maybe also read up on what
real love is in the bible.  Following up Moms - be sure to not squash any of
with character qualities that she your daughters pre-marriage dreams.  
should see in a young man she might This is her time to dream and have
Questions to Ask: fun.  It's your time to be there to listen,
one day be engaged to.  There is a
1. Paul said he didn't want his new lovely book called. The Person I giggle and pray for her future spouse.
mother to be like all the "other" people.   Marry: Things I'll Think Long About
What did he mean by that? Before I Say, "I Do".  It's a lovely book
that even young children can have
Chapter 30: A Wedding at the Stone House
Words to Look Up: 6. What happened as soon as the
lares Places to Find on a Map: happy couple was pronounced
penates West Grafton man and wife?
erstwhile 7. What did you think about the
superfluous Questions to Ask: ending of this book?
congenial 1. Where were both Anne and
philosophically Gilbert moving to?
2. What flowers did Miss Lavender It was made mention that Charlotta
regime looked like one of Raphael’s angels.
spoil not like. Have your parent find a painting of
3. Why was Charlotta the Fourth in Raphael's angels (Sistine Madonna)
agog and do a quick lapbook on the artist,
vim such a tizzy when Anne and Diana Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino.
roused arrived?
Mom - Some of Raphael’s paintings
unpropitious 4. Anne had spent the night at are nude. Please be careful when
Echo Lodge and was awoken very looking up the angels - make sure
rapturously children are not around.
tremulous early by Charlotta the Fourth.  
delectation Why was she awoken so early?
plunder 5. Have you ever heard someone
guerdon say "it's raining cats and dogs"?  
What does that mean?
Recipes and Links
Recipes 1/4 cup raw agave nectar (or
2. Mix baking soda, 1 teaspoon of
the water and the vanilla. Set
Chocolate Oat Cake modified by aside.
2 teaspoons baking soda
Amanda Kaake 3. Mix sugar, 1 cup water and
1/2 teaspoon salt
Ingredients: corn syrup in a 3 quart pan. C
3/4 cup olive or coconut oil
1 cup old fashioned oats 4. Cook over medium heat, stirring
1 1/2 cups boiling water 3/4 cup honey occasionally to 240 degrees on
2/3 cup rapadura, sucunat or a candy thermometer.
chocolate chips
demera (I used rapadura aka
5. Stir in butter or margarine and
whole cane sugar)
1/2 cup softened butter Directions?
2 large eggs 6. Cook, stirring constantly to 300
3/4 cup honey 1. Mix dry ingredients first, then degrees. Watch it carefully so
1 3/4 cups unbleached flour add wet ingredients. Make sure it doesn’t burn!
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda to stir very well till everything is
totally combined. 7. Remove from heat immediately
1 heaping tablespoon cocoa and stir in baking soda mixture.
1/2 teaspoon sea salt 2. Pour into a greased cake pan
and press down firmly to make 8. Pour 1/2 of the candy mixture
Directions: sure bars stay together after onto each cookie sheet and
1. Mix together water, oats and they are baked. spread out quickly until it is
rapadura. Let sit for 10 minutes. about 1/4 inch thick.
3. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20
2. While the above mixture is 9. Cool and break into pieces.
minutes or till the top is puffy
sitting, mix together the softened
and soft. Do not brown or they
butter and eggs in their own
will turn out hard.
separate bowl.
3. After the 10 minutes is up, add 4. Cut while still warm.
the egg and butter mixture to Links
the oat mixture and stir well.
4. Add in the rest of the
ingredients and stir well till all is a great place to
Peanut Brittle from
ingredients are combined well. listen to Anne of Avonlea being
5. Grease pan with coconut oil (or read to you.
your preferred oil) and pour Ingredients:
batter in pan. 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
6. Bake at 325 degrees for 35-40
minutes till cake is set. 1 teaspoon water archives/ has all kinds of
1 teaspoon vanilla extract wonderful pictures, recipes and
Optional: I like to sprinkle more on the book, Anne of
chocolate chips and chopped nuts 1 1/2 cups sugar Avonlea. It was a great resource
on the top. It really makes the 1 cup water to me in making this ebook. If
cake! It takes the place of there’s a recipe in the Anne
1 cup light corn syrup
frosting. books, you can almost be sure
3 tablespoons margarine or they are posted here.
Granola Bars modified by Amanda
Kaake 1 pound shelled and un-roasted http://
Ingredients: is
another lovely site filled with all
4 cups oatmeal things “Anne”. You will find books,
2 cups unbleached flour movies, pictures and more. You
1. Butter 2 cookies sheets and can also purchase “Anne” items
1-2 tablespoons flax meal, oat keep them warm. here.
bran or wheat germ (optional)

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