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124th year | no. 43,070 ISSN 0289-1956 © THE JAPAN TIMES, LTD., 2020 |




Where we want to American women
go when this is all bear the brunt of
over | PAGE 12 layoffs | PAGE 5
月 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2020

土 Consumption tax included (本体価格¥209) ¥230

As PM faces criticism, Tokyo governor seen as ‘leader who gets job done’

Olympic delay, virus

fuel Abe-Koike rivalry
ernor but also on her future return to national
FFocus politics,” said Yu Uchiyama, a political science
KYODO professor at the University of Tokyo.
Nonetheless, Uchiyama cautions there is
A month after a coronavirus-forced post- simmering resistance within the LDP Tokyo
ponement, Japan remains far from staging a chapter over support for Koike, saying it
“safe and complete” Olympics and Paralym- remains an open question as to whether the
pics in Tokyo in the summer of 2021. recent thaw will continue.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has had to face Critics say Koike is using her increased
up to a roughly tenfold rise in coronavirus media exposure as leverage ahead of the
infections in Japan this month, an increas- gubernatorial election.
ingly stretched health care system and slow- She recently scored a partial victory, in a
ing economic activity as the country toils face-off with the central government, over
under the nationwide state of emergency Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike and Prime Minister the scope of business closures that should
he declared earlier in April. Shinzo Abe meet at his office on March 26.  be targeted under the state of emergency.
The global coronavirus pandemic that led KYODO The 67-year-old former television news Gov. Yuriko Koike urges residents to further isolate themselves through Golden Week to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further in the
to a one-year delay of the Olympics has laid anchor also gives regular COVID-19 updates capital, during a news conference on Friday at city hall in Shinjuku Ward.  RYUSEI TAKAHASHI
bare an intensifying rivalry between Abe — one of his major legacies. on YouTube, in Japanese and English, and

Stay home for the holidays: Koike

criticized for his slow response to the crisis The increased spotlight on Koike gives has appeared with popular YouTuber Hika-
— and Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike, who is busy Abe good reason to worry about a rerun of kin to reach out to young Japanese whose
polishing her “commander-in-chief” image. the political drama that started unfolding cooperation is vital in preventing an explo-
“Koike is coming off as a leader who gets when the then-LDP member ran for Tokyo sive surge in infections in a city of about 14
the job done on coronavirus while Abe’s governor in 2016. million people.
leadership is being questioned,” said Naoto
Nonaka, a professor at Gakushuin Univer-
Koike is widely expected to seek a second
term in the July 5 gubernatorial election.
That contrasts with the 65-year-old Abe,
who has failed to brush aside criticism about
Governor dissatisfied to send one member of the family instead
of going in groups. She also asked for further
¥500,000 while those with two or more can
receive up to ¥1 million. The city began tak-
sity and specialist in comparative politics. Since running for governor without party his “too little, too late” response to the coro- with social distancing cooperation from businesses, many of which ing applications on Wednesday and will do
navirus outbreak, while media polls show
“He may not like it, but he has to work with
her to make the Tokyo Olympics a success.”
approval, Koike has been at odds with the
LDP’s Tokyo chapter, which she criticized as his support ratings have fallen. results, stresses urgency have been partially or completely closed since
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of
so until June 15.
As of Friday afternoon, Tokyo had
“It’s shaping up to be a very tough year a “black box,” clashing over high-profile issues The recent posting on social media of a emergency for some urban areas on April 7. reported more than 3,600 cases of COVID-
for Abe because we know that the economy including the relocation of the Tsukiji fish video, in response to one by Japanese singer RYUSEI TAKAHASHI In an effort to make self-isolating a little 19, with more than 12,300 cases recorded
is going to get worse and worse, and all the market. Koike also founded a political party, Gen Hoshino, showing him relaxed, petting STAFF WRITER more enjoyable, the city created a website nationwide.
while it’s anybody’s guess when the corona- unsuccessfully taking aim at the Abe admin- his dog, sipping from a teacup and reading a portal sharing content created in collabora- Osaka Prefecture announced on Friday
virus pandemic will end,” he said. istration in the 2017 Lower House election. book, backfired despite his intent to deliver Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike pressed residents tion with artists like celebrity “cleaning con- the names of six pachinko parlors that didn’t
The postponement, announced March Her supporters dominate the Tokyo Met- the message that staying home is necessary Friday to step up social distancing efforts sultant” Marie Kondo. comply with requests to close or reduce busi-
24, has created issues, from what to do with ropolitan Assembly and she works closely to curb the number of new cases. over the next two weeks after previous coun- “I’m alarmed that efforts to contain the ness hours while the national emergency is
additional costs for the ¥1.35 trillion ($12 bil- with members of Komeito, the LDP’s junior “Protecting the capital means protecting termeasures produced unsatisfactory results. virus have been insufficient,” economic revi- in effect.
lion) Olympics, to how to inject life into an coalition partner. Japan,” Koike told reporters in late March, The governor asked residents to especially talization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told Tokyo Gov. Koike said the city reached out
economy teetering on the edge of recession After the International Olympic Com- after meeting with Abe at his office. refrain from traveling or going out during reporters after a meeting with the govern- to more than 40 pachinko parlors in the capi-
amid the spread of the coronavirus. mittee announced the postponement of Abe’s term as head of the ruling party runs Golden Week, one of the busiest holiday ment’s virus panel on Wednesday. tal that are still running but has not made it
What remains the same is the necessity for the games, signs emerged of the LDP local through September 2021, and if the Tokyo seasons. Nishimura said coronavirus countermea- clear whether she plans to publicize their
close coordination between the central and chapter and Koike burying the hatchet over Olympics are held as planned it is highly “Unfortunately, this year’s Golden Week sures are falling short of the government’s names if they don’t comply.
metropolitan governments, or Abe and Koike. a long-standing confrontation. likely he will remain prime minister. won’t be so golden,” Koike said during a goal to reduce human contact by 80 percent. On Friday, the Foreign Ministry raised its
The Summer Games are of great impor- On March 27, LDP members sitting in the Before the change to the Olympic schedule, news conference on Friday. “The actions we Moving forward, the central government travel advisory for 14 countries to Level 3,
tance to Abe, who still recalls the 1964 Tokyo metropolitan assembly approved a budget there was speculation that Abe would dissolve take now will determine how soon we can may allow prefectural governors to impose warning against travel to these areas as the
Olympics he saw at the age of 10, which were plan for the first time in three years. the House of Representatives for a snap elec- return to normal life.” stricter measures on pachinko parlors and new coronavirus continues to spread glob-
meant to showcase Japan’s recovery from the Abe’s close ally Toshihiro Nikai, the LDP’s tion, with the nation basking in the afterglow Starting Saturday, people in the capital other businesses that aren’t complying with ally. The list includes Russia as well as the
ashes of World War II. secretary general, supports Koike, who he said of the Tokyo Games. Political observers now have been urged to isolate themselves, avoid requests to shut down or reduce hours dur- United Arab Emirates and other countries
Having failed to deliver on his promises to has been doing a “terrific job” as governor. say an election in the spring of 2021, prior to nonessential outings and practice social dis- ing the national emergency. in the Middle East,
resolve postwar diplomatic issues with Rus- For Koike, too, forging good working rela- the sporting showpiece, is a possibility. tancing even further leading up to May 6, On Wednesday, the capital announced a Japan is also expected to impose an entry
sia and North Korea, and attain his goal of tions with the LDP and the Prime Minister’s As recently as March 28, Abe said his focus when the national emergency declaration ¥357 billion supplementary budget to com- ban on foreign travelers arriving from these
constitutional revision, Abe, who heads the Office has its merits. was on containing the coronavirus, adding “I is slated to be lifted. pensate small and midsized businesses that countries. The National Security Council,
Liberal Democratic Party, is seen as counting “It may be the case that Koike is setting her will put (the election issue) out of my head Koike asked residents to limit trips to the comply with the countermeasures. Com- headed by the prime minister, is expected
on the Olympics from July 23 next year as sights not only on another term as Tokyo gov- completely.” grocery store to once every three days, and panies with one location can receive up to to finalize the decision soon.

Foreign students fear COVID-19 jobs impact
WORLD 5-8 MASUMI KOIZUMI Some experts have echoed those fears,
OPINION 9 STAFF WRITER suggesting that if the crisis lasts long enough
to inflict more damage on small and midsize
Given the strength of his degree, master’s enterprises, foreign students are likely to find
student Han Jae-kyeng didn’t think secur- themselves in a tough spot, as those tend to
ing a job offer would be so hard — at least be the firms where they find work.
not until the virus crisis hit. In addition to the language and cultural
“I think the coronavirus has had a signifi- differences, Han thinks that the ongoing pan-
cant impact on foreign students,” said the demic may have made the recruitment of
aspiring plant engineer from South Korea, international students “even riskier” because
who is hoping to work here in Japan after of the perceived possibility they might flee
graduating next spring. back home.
But recently while job hunting Han has “I don’t want to blame the coronavirus,”
faced unexpected difficulties; a rejection said Han, who speaks fluent Japanese.
after the final interview from one company But “it may be natural for companies to
Emperor’s Cup cuts most clubs and, from another, the last-minute post- hire Japanese students, rather than ‘risky’
Only two J. League teams will join 48 amateur ponement of a job interview. foreign students.”
clubs in nation’s annual tournament The failure at the final interview, even eign workers because the graying country A job fair in Tokyo Morgan Thweatt, a student from the U.S.
SPORTS, PAGE 11 though the selection process had seemed is facing severe labor shortages. And com- organized by the who is studying at Hitotsubashi University,
to go along well, made him and his career panies desperate for talent expanding their Saudi Arabian acknowledges that “unemployment affects
Coronavirus outbreak updates advisors wonder whether the coronavirus recruiting activities to overseas colleges was Embassy   KYODO everyone” in Japan, but also feels she has “a
was affecting the company’s hiring plans in not so rare. bit more worry” as a foreign student.
For news and reference
some way. However, as the COVID-19 outbreak con- Thweatt, who wants to become a recruit-
information about the The company did not give a reason for the tinues to take a serious toll on the Japanese ment consultant here, agrees with Han that
COVID-19 outbreak, see rejection. economy, Han and other foreign students the COVID-19 factor makes international
our special dedicated web Before the health crisis, many Japanese hoping to find jobs here now fear they will students seem like “less certain of a bet.” 0120-87-3333
page: firms had been looking to attract more for- be the first to miss out. Continued on page 3 ->

Masks made creative
Villagers prosper Travelers plan to
remain close to Fashionistas put best face
Tourism, agricultural programs raising home for holiday forward in time of pandemic
incomes in Yunnan mountains LIFE, PAGE 12 BUSINESS, PAGE 5 WORLD, PAGE 7

April 25 ­ 26, 2020


Li seeks resolute efforts 
to invigorate demand
By XU WEI al  principle  of  pursuing  progress while  ensuring  stability,  adhere  to 
the  new  development  philosophy 
Premier Li Keqiang has called for and make appropriate adjustments 
resolute efforts to expand domestic  to its macro policy regulations with 
demand with multiple measures to  normalized  containment  measures 
promote  the  rebound  of  consumer  in place, he said. 
spending  and  spur  the  growth  of  He reiterated the need to stabilize
online retail sales to stabilize China’s  the job market, ensure the well­being
economic fundamentals and restore  of the public, protect market entities,
growth.  guarantee  the  security  of  food  and 
Speaking  at  a  symposium  with energy, stabilize industry and supply 
heads of six provincial governments  chains and ensure the normal opera­
via  video  link  on  Thursday,  Li  also  tions at the primary level in pursuing
underlined  the  importance  of  high­quality development. 
expanding effective investment and  To drive the recovery of the econo­
making  good  use  of  special  bonds  my and shore up the job market, Chi­
issued  by  local  governments  while  na must protect its vast number of 
driving up private investment.  market players, Li said. 
He said that China’s efforts to con­ He urged local authorities to carry
tain  the  COVID­19  pandemic  have  out and fine tune the various aid poli­
secured key outcomes, with its social  cies and help businesses, especially 
and economic order seeing a quick­ smaller  ones  and  those  of  the  self­
ened restoration progress — a hard­ employed, to survive the pandemic. 
won result.  The reopening of businesses must
Scientist shows space achievements of the nation via a livestreaming program on Thursday to mark China Space Day. TANG KE / FOR CHINA DAILY “The outbreak has brought about be accelerated to prevent the loss of 
an unprecedented shock to the Chi­ jobs, he said, adding that more sup­

Xi: Build ‘great space power’
nese economy. Under such circum­ port  in  the  job  market  must  be 
stances, we need to stand on a firm  extended to key groups such as col­
footing and stabilize the fundamen­ lege graduates, migrant workers and 
tals. Only in this way can we buy the  military veterans. 
time we need to get through the diffi­ Li highlighted the role of reform
culties and win the future for the Chi­ and  opening­up  and  transforming 
nese economy,” he said.  economic growth in ways to sustain 
Planetary exploration program named than 20 models of carrier rockets.  The name represents the Chinese The  pandemic  pushed  China’s growth, saying that stabilizing indus­
In  2016,  China  designated  April people’s relentless pursuit of truth,  economy into its first contraction in  try and supply chains is now a priori­
Tianwen, or Quest for Heavenly Truth 24  as  China  Space  Day.  Space  the country’s cultural inheritance of  decades in the first quarter, with the  ty in the foreign trade sector. 
authorities  and  major  contractors  its understanding of nature and the  gross  domestic  product  shrinking  The  country  must  roll  out  more
By ZHAO LEI new  heights  in  space  science  and  organize  events  around  the  date  universe, as well as unending explo­ 6.8 percent from a year ago. concrete steps to improve the busi­ technology.  each  year  to  commemorate  the  rations  in  science  and  technology,  However, the rebound in March of ness  environment,  make  proactive 
"(You should) strive to strengthen nation’s accomplishments in space.  officials said.  major  economic  indicators,  includ­ efforts  to  develop  advanced  manu­
President  Xi  Jinping  extended and  expand  our  space  exploration  This year’s events were mainly held  The country’s first Mars mission, ing  retail  sales  and  factory  output,  facturing and emerging sectors and 
greetings  to  elder  scientists  who  and make our country a great space  by  teleconferencing  or  livestream­ which is expected to take place in  indicated that the nation’s recovery  foster new growth engines, he said. 
participated  in  the  country’s  first  power as soon as possible," the presi­ ing due to the impact of the novel  coming months, was named Tian­ has gained a firmer footing.  The premier also underscored that
satellite program 50 years ago and  dent wrote.  coronavirus outbreak.  wen 1, the administration said.  The country must fully size up the the government will expand its secu­
said  he  expected  space  industry  Xi also wrote that he was in the The annual China Space Confer­ It  also  released  the  planetary difficulties going forward and face its rity network for the unemployed by a
workers to learn from their prede­ village  of  Liangjiahe  in  Shaanxi  ence is scheduled for Fujian prov­ exploration  program’s  emblem,  challenges head on, Li said.  large margin to ensure the public’s 
cessors’ spirit and strive to build the  province  50  years  ago  when  he  ince in the second half of the year,  which incorporates the elements of  It is important to follow the gener­ well­being. 
nation into a stronger space power.  heard about the launch of China’s  according  to  the  China  National  China, cooperation and capability in
Xi,  also  general  secretary  of  the first satellite. He told them he was  Space Administration.  deep­space expeditions. 
Communist Party of China Central 
Committee  and  chairman  of  the 
very excited about the great news. 
He  recalled  that  the  scientists’
China is now a major player in
the international space arena. The 
According to the administration,
the  country’s  first  Martian  probe 
Medical supplies reach Ukraine
Central Military Commission, wrote enterprise, diligence and persever­ country  carried  out  more  space  will conduct scientific investigation 
a  letter  in  reply  to  some  distin­ ance inspired the whole nation at  missions  in  2019  than  any  other  of the Martian soil, geological struc­
guished  Chinese  space  scientists  that time and exemplified the Chi­ nation,  with  32  successful  orbital  ture, environment and atmosphere 
who participated in the Dongfang­ nese people’s spirit of striving.  launches.  as well as water. 
hong 1 mission half a century ago.  On  April  24,  1970,  the  first  Chi­ Also, on Friday, the China Nation­ The robotic probe will consist of
He  said  new  generations  of  space  nese  satellite,  Dongfanghong  1  or  al Space Administration announced three parts — the orbiter, lander and
industry workers should learn and  The East is Red 1, was carried aloft  that the country’s planetary explora­ rover. The rover will have six wheels 
uphold the spirit of those who took  by  China’s  first  carrier  rocket  —  tion program has been named Tian­ and four solar panels and will carry 
part in the making of the nation’s  Long March 1.  wen, or Quest for Heavenly Truth.  13  scientific  instruments.  It  will 
first nuclear weapon, ballistic mis­ The mission made China the fifth The program was named after a weigh more than 200 kilograms and
sile and satellite.  nation  to  independently  design,  long poem by famous ancient poet  will work about three months on the
A number of decorated space sci­ build and launch a satellite, after the Qu Yuan of the Kingdom of Chu dur­ planet, said Sun Zezhou, the probe’s 
entists, including Sun Jiadong and  Soviet  Union,  the  United  States,  ing the Warring States Period (475­ chief designer at the China Acade­
Wang Xiji, recently wrote the letter  France and Japan. The 173­kilogram 221  BC).  He  is  known  for  his  my of Space Technology. 
to Xi to express their expectations  spacecraft worked 28 days before it  patriotism  and  contributions  to  Ye  Peijian,  a  leading  scientist  in
for China’s space sector.  ran  out  of  power,  but  the  satellite  classical poetry and verses, especial­ deep­space exploration at the acade­
In his reply, Xi encouraged space still travels in its orbit.  ly through the poems of the Chu Ci  my,  said  the  probe  is  expected  to 
industry professionals to overcome  China  has  since  sent  over  500 anthology, also known as Songs of  land on the Martian surface before 
difficulties and hardships to achieve spacecraft aloft and developed more Chu.  July 2021.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and other officials walk
by an Antonov­225 Mriya cargo plane on Thursday after its arrival

US to get $484b more in stimulus with medical supplies from China at an airfield in Gostomel, outside

Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

By AI HEPING, SCOTT REEVES  ing  the  COVID­19  outbreak,  ran  2.6 million as of Friday, according 

and BELINDA ROBINSON  out of money last week. In a previ­ to the World Health Organization.
in New York

 The United States House of Rep­
ously approved $2.2 trillion relief 
package,  $349  billion  had  been 
allocated for the PPP.
As the US House approved the
$484  billion  relief  bill,  the  next 
funding battle in Congress will be 
Coupon offers may grow 
resentatives approved a new $484 
billion economic stimulus bill that 
will provide more money for hos­
The new relief package comes
as the novel coronavirus outbreak
continues  to  sweep  the  nation 
for state governments hard hit by 
the  pandemic.  Senate  Majority 
Leader  Mitch  McConnell,  a 
to rejuvenate economy
pitals and small businesses as job  and  devastate  the  economy.  Republican  from  Kentucky,  said 
losses surge due to the COVID­19  About  4.4  million  workers  filed  states could “use the bankruptcy  By ZHOU LANXU uted  online,  typically  have  offered 
pandemic and companies call for  claims  for  unemployment  bene­ route” rather than receiving mon­ discounts of 10 to 50 percent in desig­
more support. fits for the week ended April 18,  ey from the federal government — nated sectors like restaurants, tour­
With some lawmakers wearing the US Labor Department report­ a  suggestion  denounced  by  the  China’s local governments may be ism,  automobiles  and  other  retail 
face  masks  and  some  wearing  ed on Thursday, with small busi­ governors of New York and New  mulling  more  coupon  distribution  sectors.
gloves,  members  of  the  House  nesses  struggling  to  retain  their  Jersey,  two  states  pounded  by  programs, which have worked well  The  amount  distributed  is  to
INSIDE returned to Capitol Hill on Thurs­ employees. COVID­19. in  unlocking  pent­up  consumer  exceed 1 billion yuan ($141 million) in
day  and  gave  an  overwhelming  About  26  million  people  — Current  law  prohibits  states demand, experts said on Friday. each of three provinces — Zhejiang 
Art purveyors 388­5 approval to the relief bill that equivalent  to  about  one  in  five  from  filing  for  bankruptcy,  Unlike  stimulus  checks  or  cash and Guangdong, as well as Hubei, the
adapt to online was already passed by the Senate.  full­time  workers  in  the  US  —  although  cities  and  other  local  payments  sent  to  households  by  hardest­hit mainland province.
US  President  Donald  Trump have  filed  jobless  claims  since  governments  can  use  Chapter  9  authorities in the United States and  Shanghai  residents  may  see  a
world to survive said that he was “grateful” for the  mid­March,  when  the  pandemic  bankruptcy to restructure debt if  Europe, coupons have been used by  record­setting  amount  in  new  cou­
bill’s approval. He said he would  led  states  to  issue  stay­at­home  allowed by their states.  local governments in China to boost  pons,  as  the  local  government 
Life, p10
sign the measure on Friday. orders to limit the spread of the  US  Treasury  Secretary  Steven consumption  more  directly,  buffer­ announced on Thursday that the city
The package will provide more disease and much of the economy  Mnuchin said he is aware of con­ ing  downside  economic  risks  from  will launch a shopping gala starting 
than  $310  billion  in  additional  shut down. cerns about the spiraling federal  the COVID­19 pandemic. on May 5. Participating e­commerce 
国内统一编号:  funding  for  the  Paycheck  Protec­ The  novel  coronavirus  had debt  from  pandemic­related  As  of  Friday,  local  authorities  in giants Alibaba, Meituan and Suning 
CN11­0091          tion Program to boost small busi­ killed some 50,000 people in the  funding bills passed by Congress,  most provincial­level regions on the  reportedly have agreed to offer a total
A member of the 
ness lending, as well as $75 billion  US  and  infected  over  869,000,  but he said interest rates are low  mainland have started or announced  of 5.2 billion yuan in coupons.
邮发代号:1­3 Asia News Network for  hospitals  and  $25  billion  for  according to a late Thursday tally  and the need to boost the econo­ coupon  distribution  programs  for  “The coupon programs have been
virus testing. by Johns Hopkins University.  my during the shutdown calls for  their  residents,  according  to  media  critical in buffering the sudden drop 
© 2020 China Daily The  PPP,  designed  to  provide Globally,  the  COVID­19  pan­ quick action. reports. in demand,” said Liu Xuezhi, a senior
All Rights Reserved loans to small businesses to keep  demic  had  killed  nearly  182,000  The coupons, funded by local gov­
Vol.40 — No. 12470
their workers on the payroll dur­ people while infecting more than  See Stimulus, page 2 ernments or enterprises and distrib­ See Coupons, page 2
2020년 4월 25일 토요일
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대한항공 아시아나 위기에 단련된 한인, 실리콘밸리 맹활약

2조9천억 긴급지원 미국 실리콘밸리에서 뛰고 있는 한
인 출신 창업자들이 코로나19 사태에
도 불구하고 약진하고 있다. 주로 소프
코로나로 모두 움츠릴 때
공격적 사업확장 인수합병
가를 기록했는데, 이제
시작한 지 1년 된 초짜
스윗은 지난 3월 한 달에
트웨어와인공지능(AI)회사를설립한 만1568명의신규사용자
채팅 광고 협업 스타트업
산업은행 수출입은행 공동 끌어 쓸 수 있다. 이들은 미국의 혹독한 코로나19 확산 를 700개 기관으로부터
이번 긴급 유동성 공급은 앞서 정부 기류 속에서도 움츠러들지 않고 현 상 단기간에 선두업체들 위협 얻어냈다. 이주환 스윗
마이너스통장 식 대출하고 가 산은에 설치하기로 한 기간산업안 황에 맞는 역발상 경영 전략을 통해 대표는 지난해 1년 동안
김동신 이주환 이창수
대한항공 ABS도 매입키로 정기금이 가동되기 전까지 급한 불 두드러진 성장세를 보이고 있다. 불구하고다른사업을조정해가면서영 센드버드 대표 스윗 대표 올거나이즈 대표 달성했던 숫자를 불과 한
을 끄기 위한 조치다. 당장 대한항공 글로벌 채팅 솔루션 시장에서 1위를 상회의 솔루션 제조사인 라운디 인수 달 사이에 경신하고 있
KDB산업은행과 수출입은행이 대 은 현재 보유하고 있는 6000억원의 현 차지하고 있는 스타트업 센드버드 는 에 공을 들였다. 대응한 결과 1분기에 경영 목표치를 20 다 고 말했다.
한항공, 아시아나항공에 총 2조9000 금이 이르면 5월 둘째주 바닥날 위기 준비해왔던인수 합병(M&A)을코로 광고를 효과적으로 전달하기 위한 ~30% 상회했다 고 말했다. 기업 내부에 흩어져 있는 문서 속에
억원의 신규 유동성을 공급한다. 코 에 처했다. 국회 절차 등을 거쳐 기간 나19 시점 이후에 발표했다. 김동신 센 AI 핵심 알고리즘을 공급하는 몰로코 기업용 협업 솔루션을 제공하는 스 서 AI로 답변을 찾아주는 AI 서비스를
로나19로 직격탄을 맞은 대형 항공 산업안정기금이 본격적으로 역할을 드버드 대표는 최근 매일경제와 전화 도 코로나19 팬데믹 상황에서 재빨리 타트업 스윗 도 최근 성장이 두드러진 개발 판매하는 올거나이즈 도 올 1분
사들에 대해 본격적인 지원사격에 나 하는 시기는 일러야 5월 말이 될 전망 인터뷰에서 사람들의 채팅 수요가 계 대응한 사례다. ▶관련기사 A4면 다. 이 회사는 실리콘밸리 소재 기업들 기에 최고 매출을 경신했다. 이창수 올
선 것이다. 이동걸 산업은행 회장은 이다. 연말까지 대한항공은 3조8000 속 증가하고 대화 형태가 문자에서 음 안익진 몰로코 대표는 코로나 팬데 을 상대로 방문 영업을 해왔는데 코로 거나이즈 대표는 우리의 솔루션이 재
이번 조치는 코로나19 극복을 위한 억원, 아시아나항공은 1조8000억원 성 영상으로 확장된다는 것은 자명한 믹이 가장 먼저 발생한 중국의 트래픽 나19 사태가 발생하면서 디지털 영업 택근무직원들의업무효율성을높여주
기간산업 지원의 시발탄 이라고 규모의 자금을 확보해야 한다. 미래변화 라고설명했다. 이 때문에 김 (인터넷 사용량)이 빠르게 올라가는 으로 발 빠르게 전환했다. 스윗의 경쟁 다 보니 코로나 사태에도 좋은 성과를
강조했다. ▶관련기사 A3면 대한항공과 아시아나항공은 자금 대표는 여러 주주들이 코로나19 충격 것을 보고 다른 나라도 중국의 패턴을 사인 대형기업 슬랙 이 지난해 4분기 낸 것 같다 고 말했다.
24일 산은과 수은은 금융시장 경색 지원에 상응하는 고통 분담에 나서야 을 감안해 다시 생각하라 는 만류에도 따라갈 것으로 판단했다 며 유연하게 에 평균 1667명의 월간 신규 사용자 증 실리콘밸리/신현규 특파원
으로 유동성 위기에 빠진 대한항공과 한다. 최대현 산은 기업금융부문 부
아시아나항공에 각각 1조2000억원, 행장은 항공사 자체적인 자본 확충
1조7000억원을 긴급 지원한다고 발 과 경영 개선 등의 자구노력과 일자리
표했다. 유지를 위한 고용 안정 등 노사 공동 전국민 재난지원금
대한항공의 경우 일종의 한도대출 노력을 요구했다 고 말했다. 최 부행
이지만, 다양한 용도로자금을활용할 장은 또 도덕적 해이 방지책으로 대 내달13일부터 지급
수 있다. 2000억원은 긴급운영자금으 표이사 등 고액 연봉자들 임금 제한,
로 투입한다. 또 산은 수은은 대한항 배당 자사주 취득 금지 등 용도 외 자 강민석 청와대 대변인은 24일 긴급
공 자산유동화증권(ABS)을 7000억 금 유용을 못하도록 조치했다 고 설 재난지원금과 관련해 5월 11일부터
원 정도 인수하고, 전환권이 있는 영 명했다. 이와 함께 대한항공은 채권 신청을 받아 13일부터 지급할 준비를
구채 3000억원을 6월에 인수할 예정 단과 협의해 사업부 재편, 자산 매각 하고 있다 고 밝혔다. 기초생활수급자
이다. 아시아나항공에는 1조7000억 등을 검토할 계획이다. 또 산은 수은 등 취약계층 270만가구에 대해서는 5
원의 한도대출을 열어줬다. 한도대출 은 경영에 대한 책임이 드러날 경우 월 4일부터 현금 지급을 준비 중이라고
이란 일종의 마이너스통장 으로 필 오너가 사재 출연 등을 추가로 검토할 밝혔다. ▶관련기사 A2면
요할 때 정해진 한도 내에서 자금을 방침이다. 최승진 김강래 기자 이는오는 29일까지 추가경정예산안
이 국회에서 통과된다는 것을 전제로
한 계획이다. 야당의 협조를 압박하기
황금연휴 경주 거제까지 객실 매진 위해청와대가선제적으로지급시점을
확정했다는 해석이 나온다. 강 대변인
은 이 모든 일정은 국회에서 추경안이
4월말~5월초 국내여행 실 움직임이 이어지고 있다. 코로나 통과돼야 가능하다 며 부디 추경안의
24일 서울 강남구 경기고에서 학생과 학부모들이 드라이브 스루 와 워킹 스
19 청정 지역인 제주와 강원 지역의 학력평가 시험지 드라이브 워킹스루 전달 루 방식으로 올해 첫 전국연합학력평가 시험지를 배부받고 있다. 경기고는 이 조속한심의와통과를국회에당부드린
코로나 방역 최대 고비 방이 동이 난 가운데 방을 구하지 못 방식으로 학생 400여 명이 시험지를 수령했으며, 나머지 학생들은 집에서 파일을 내려받아 시험을 치렀다. ▶관련기사 A17면 다 고 강조했다.
한 여행족의 발걸음이 전국 휴양지로 청와대 고위 관계자는 기초연금
이달 30일 부처님오신날부터 5월 5 향하고 있다. ▶4월 13일자 A1면 보도 장애인연금 수급자, 기초생활수급자
일 어린이날까지 최장 6일간 이어지
는 황금연휴 를 앞두고 전국 주요 휴
특히 경남권은 코로나19 사태 이전
인 작년 5월 연휴 분위기를 완전히 회
라임 수사 급물살 … 정치권 겨누나 270만가구는 계좌번호가 확보돼 있
다 며 이들에게는 신청 없이 계좌로
양지의 호텔 리조트 객실이 모두 동 복했다. 한화리조트는 4월 초까지 바로 송금이 가능하다 고 말했다. 지
이 났다. 방역당국은 고강도 사회적 30%대에 머물렀던 경주 리조트 예약 이종필 김봉현 등 핵심 검거 지 관심이 모아진다. ▶관련기사 A5면 전 스타모빌리티 회장(46)도 약 5개월 원 금액은 기존대로 4인 가구 기준
거리 두기가 생활 방역 체계로 완화 률이 황금연휴 95%대까지 급등했고, 24일 서울남부지검 형사6부(부장검 간 도피한 끝에 붙잡혀 이날 경찰 소환 100만원 이다.
된 가운데 코로나19 확진자 감소 추세 부산(해운대)과 거제는 100% 만실
배후인물 수사에 관심 집중 사 조상원)는 라임 부실 펀드 설계자이 조사를 받았다. 김 전 회장은 23일 저녁 한편 정부는 긴급재난지원금 지원
가 한순간에 무너질 수 있는 민감한 기록을 세우며 이미 객실이 동이 났 자 도주한 지 5개월 만에 검거된 이종필 에 이 전 부사장 등과 몸을 숨기며 지내 대상을 전 국민으로 확대하기 위한 2차
변곡점이라는 판단에 촉각을 곤두세 다. 경기권의 산정호수도 100% 풀부 1조원 이상 투자자 손실을 낸 라임 전 라임자산운용 부사장(42)을 소환 던 빌라 근처에서 잠복 중이던 경찰에 추경 규모를 기존 7조6000억원에서 11
우고 있다. ▶관련기사 A6면 킹이다. 사태 핵심 피의자들이 전격 검거되면 조사했다고 밝혔다. 이 전 부사장은 지 붙잡혔다. 검경의 라임 수사는 가속페 조2000억원으로 늘리겠다고 밝혔다.
24일 여행 레저 업계에 따르면 코 한편 정부는 극심한 부족 현상을 빚 서 향후 라임 수사에 속도가 붙을 전망 난 23일 밤 서울 성북구의 은신처에서 달을 밟을 전망이다. 특히 횡령한 자금 구윤철 기획재정부 2차관은 이날 국회
로나19 사태로 짓눌렸던 국민의 나 었던 마스크 물량에 여유분이 생겨 공 이다. 특히 이들을 비호하는 세력이 있 라임 사태의 또 다른 피의자인 심 모 전 을 정 관계 로비 자금과 유흥업소 접대 예산결산특별위원회에 추가 재원은
들이심리 가한번에폭발하면서여행 적마스크 구매량을 매주 1인당 3장으 다는 의혹이 꾸준히 제기된 만큼 뒤를 신한금융투자팀장과함께경찰에체포 비용 등으로 사용한 것으로 알려진 김 약 3조6000억원의 국채를 발행해 조달
족의 발길이 끊겼던 서해와 남해는 물 로 확대하기로 했다. 봐준 정 관 재계 유력 인사들에 대한 됐다. 전 회장의 입에서 어떤 이름이 나올지 하겠다 며 이 같은 계획을 공개했다.
론 내륙 지역까지 호텔 리조트 만 신익수 여행 레저전문기자 이지용 기자 검찰과 경찰의 수사가 이어질 수 있을 라임 전주(錢主) 로 알려진 김봉현 관심이 집중된다. 김유신 기자 박용범 기자
$2.90 I Saturday, April 25, 2020
Gascoyne, Shark Bay $3.00, Pilbara, Kimberley $3.90. GST INC.


Driveway services keep Anzac
spirit alive even amid virus era
EXCLUSIVE LANAI SCARR Like generations of sol-
FEDERAL POLITICAL EDITOR diers before him dating back
to World War I, pictured left,
For thousands of veterans Mr McPherson says his
such as John McPherson, thoughts will be for “the
Anzac Day commemorations blokes I’ve known and the
today will be strangely differ- ones who didn’t come home”.
ent — yet perhaps never And despite the restric-
more relevant as the nation tions imposed by the
unites in the face of an
invisible enemy. CONTINUED PAGE 4



EXCLUSIVE PETER LAW lon McLachlan this week wrote to based in the quarantine zones for REVEALS
& STEVE BUTLER State and Territory leaders about eight weeks and undergo weekly
“Project Return” — which would testing. It’s understood Darwin is

Perth could become the capital of see hotels and resorts converted also under serious consideration
the AFL with clubs housed in into strictly controlled villages in alongside Melbourne. Crown Perth
Olympic-style villages under a one or two cities. And Premier and Joondalup Resort have been
hubs plan to restart the season Mark McGowan has confirmed identified as suitable WA locations.
next month. The West Australian Perth is a “frontrunner”. Under FULL REPORT
can reveal AFL chief executive Gil- the plan, players and staff would be MUST-READ REPORT PAGE 9 PAGE 3

PERTH 16-24 Shower or two. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy, 12-25. Yesterday: 13.7-22.8 Weather details P104
Samstag, 25. April 2020 · Nr. 97 / 17 D 2 HERAUSGEGEBEN VON GERALD BRAUNBERGER, JÜRGEN KAUBE, CARSTEN KNOP, BERTHOLD KOHLER 3,20 € D 2954 A F. A. Z. im Internet:

Schwachstelle Kämpfer für den Sozialstaat Die größte Peinlichkeit der Corona-Krise
gefährdet Von Jasper von Altenbockum

viele Handys
ie Geduld der Politik ist be- rus effektiv zu bekämpfen. Was wohl
merkenswert, mit der sie die die Gesundheitsämter dazu sagten,
bth./lid. BERLIN/NEW YORK. Das Entwicklung einer Tracking- wenn bei ihrer verzweifelten Suche
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Infor- App zur Ermittlung von Infektionsket- nach Infektionsketten Datenschutz
mationstechnik (BSI) hat dazu aufge- ten verfolgt. Während das Leben so vor Infektionsschutz ginge? Im Argu-
rufen, die auf iPhones und iPads stan- gut wie stillsteht, reihenweise Grund- ment, die App werde aber nicht ge-
dardmäßig vorinstallierte E-Mail- rechte eingeschränkt werden und von nutzt, wenn sie Datenschutz vernach-
App „Mail“ umgehend zu löschen. einer Situation die Rede ist, die es seit lässige, steckt pure Angstmacherei.
Grund seien schwerwiegende Sicher- 1945 nicht mehr gegeben habe, macht Das Bedürfnis, das Coronavirus zu be-
heitslücken in dem Programm, die es die Speerspitze des digitalen Zeital- siegen, ist übergroß. Schon aus Selbst-
Angreifern ermöglichten, E-Mails zu
lesen und zu manipulieren. Das Amt
ters was? Sie ergeht sich im Nerd-Ge- schutz würde die App als Geschenk
widersprach gegenüber dieser Zei- zänk, das über den Tellerrand ihrer des Himmels wahrgenommen.
tung der Darstellung des Herstellers selbstverliebten Überwachungshyste- Auch die Stichworte „China“ und
Apple, dass die Sicherheitslücken rie nicht hinausreicht. Die App entwi- „Südkorea“ laufen ins Leere – es gibt
„kein unmittelbares Risiko“ für die ckelt sich zur größten Peinlichkeit der europäische Staaten, die eine App ent-
Nutzer darstellten. „Wir sind der An- Corona-Krise. wickelt haben und keine Überwa-
sicht, dass Apple generell einen gu- Der „Chaos Computer Club“ hat si- chungsstaaten sind. Sie böte zudem
ten Job macht beim Schutz seiner Ge- cher recht, wenn er in seinem offenen die Möglichkeit, Lebensweisen wie-
räte. Aber zum gegenwärtigen Zeit- Brief darauf hinweist, dass eine dezen- der zuzulassen, die vorerst verantwor-
punkt bleiben wir bei dem Aufruf, die trale Speicherung der Daten die Vari- tungslos sind. Nicht zuletzt die Kom-
App vorläufig zu löschen“, sagte ein ante wäre, die mehr Sicherheit vor un- munen sehnen die App herbei, um
Sprecher. Ein Update, welches die Si-
cherheitslücke schließt, gibt es noch befugtem Zugriff böte. Worauf der besser auf die „zweite Welle“ vorberei-
nicht. Angreifer müssen dem BSI zu- Club nicht eingeht, sind die Wünsche tet zu sein. Wie hoch muss die Zahl
folge lediglich eine E-Mail mit kom- der Epidemiologen an eine solche der Infizierten erst sein, damit die
promittierendem Code an Nutzer App – dezentral sind sie auf die App-Strategen endlich zur Vernunft
schicken. Deshalb sind dem Amt zu- Schnelle nicht zu verwirklichen. Eben- kommen? Wenn es stimmt, dass nur
folge „Tausende iPhones und iPads so wenig gehen die Kritiker des euro- mit Google und Apple eine taugliche
von Privatpersonen, Unternehmen päischen App-Projekts darauf ein, App in Sicht ist – dann eben mit Goo-
und Behörden akut gefährdet“. Diese dass datenschutzrechtliche Scheuklap- gle und Apple. Aber schnell sollte es
Zahl dürfte zu niedrig gegriffen sein, Norbert Blüm gestorben – Der Mensch sehnt sich nach Si- lang kämpfte er in den Regierungen von Helmut Kohl für den pen nicht dazu angetan sind, das Vi- gehen.
denn Marktforschern zufolge hat
Apple allein im vergangenen Ge-
cherheit, vor allem dann, wenn die Kraft nachlässt, also im Al- Sozialstaat. In einer Zeit, da es modern wurde, den Markt auf
schäftsjahr auf der Welt mehr als 185 ter. Nicht nur durch seinen berühmten Satz von der sicheren die Politik wirken zu lassen, stand der nicht eben hünenhafte
Millionen iPhones verkauft. (Siehe Rente, die sich keineswegs als so stabil herausstellen sollte, Mann an der Seite der kleinen Leute. Nun ist er im Alter von Verschnaufpause, bestenfalls
Wirtschaft, Seite 19.) gab Norbert Blüm vielen Menschen dieses Gefühl. 16 Jahre 84 Jahren gestorben. Seiten 10 und 19 Foto Stefan Finger
Von Hendrik Kafsack

ines ist seit dem kurzen und de- kurz oder lang ohnehin einen Schul-

Barnier „besorgt“ über Stillstand monstrativ harmonischen vier-
ten Video-Gipfel der Staats-
und Regierungschefs der EU-Staaten
denschnitt erforderlich machen dürf-
te. Sollte Italien seine Kredite also oh-
nehin nicht zurückzahlen können,

in Verhandlungen mit London

aus Anlass der Corona-Krise klar: Die wäre es dann nicht ehrlicher, auch
unselige Debatte über Eurobonds ist dem Steuerzahler in Deutschland,
In der Stadt, in der die beendet. Eine Vergemeinschaftung Schweden oder den Niederlanden ge-
Corona-Pandemie begann, von Schulden, für die im Extremfall genüber, dem Land gleich Zuschüsse
haben viele Chinesen einen Deutschland allein hätte geradeste- zu geben?
schlimmen Verdacht.
Briten gegen Verlängerung der Post-Brexit-Übergangsphase / Dringender Appell hen müssen, wird es nicht geben. Klar ist aber auch, dass in dem Fall
Politik, Seite 3
Selbst Italiens Ministerpräsident Gui- kein Geld zurückflösse, um die von
T.G. BRÜSSEL. Der EU-Chefunterhänd- Das Vereinigte Königreich hat die EU und von den Parlamenten ratifiziert wor- seppe Conte beharrte am Donnerstag der EU ausgegebenen Anleihen zu be-
ler für die künftigen Beziehungen zum Ver- im Januar politisch verlassen, bleibt bis den ist. Auf dieser Grundlage verhandelt nicht mehr auf dieser Forderung. dienen. Diese Lücke müssen Deutsch-
Dürre schon im Frühjahr einigten Königreich, Michel Barnier, hat Ende des Jahres aber im Binnenmarkt. Barnier. Die britische Regierung ist nicht Stattdessen soll der „Wiederauf- land und die anderen Hauptbeitrags-
Wieder hat es im April viel zu sich nach der zweiten Verhandlungsrunde Eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist um bereit, Wettbewerbsregeln rechtssicher bau“ wohl nun über den EU-Haushalt zahler der EU irgendwann füllen. Die
wenig geregnet. Vor allem in „enttäuscht“ und „besorgt“ gezeigt. Bei ein oder zwei Jahre ist bis Ende Juni mög- festzulegen sowie die Europäische Men- der Jahre 2021 bis 2027 finanziert wer- Kommission erwägt offenbar, dafür
den für die Europäische Union wesentli- lich, wenn sich beide Seiten darauf eini- schenrechtskonvention und das Primat den. Sollte er sich an zwei Prozent der schon den übernächsten EU-Haushalt
Ostdeutschland sind Wälder chen Themen habe es keinerlei Fortschrit- gen. Die EU nehme die britische Haltung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs bei der
und Landwirtschaft bedroht. Wirtschaftsleistung orientieren, könn- 2028 bis 2035 anzuzapfen, oder doch
te gegeben. Die britische Seite sei nicht be- „zur Kenntnis“, sagte Barnier. Bis Ende Auslegung europäischen Rechts anzuer-
Politik, Seite 4 reit gewesen, sich auf fundamentale Fra- Juni blieben nur zwei Verhandlungsrun- kennen. Auch bei den Fischereirechten te er mit seinem Volumen alle ande- noch umfangreichere EU-Steuern ein-
gen auch nur einzulassen, sagte Barnier in den. Man müsse bis dahin hart arbeiten habe es „keinen Fortschritt“ gegeben. Der ren EU-Haushalte zuvor weit in den zuführen – womit sie sich an der Gren-
Schatten stellen. Kommissionspräsi-
Warum spielen wir? Brüssel. Nur in einem Punkt schuf London
nach seinen Worten Klarheit: „Die briti-
und dann auch die wirtschaftlichen Fol-
gen einer Entscheidung bedenken. Mit
EU-Chefunterhändler pochte außerdem
darauf, dass London – wie vereinbart – dentin Ursula von der Leyen will An-
In der Isolation haben Brett- sche Regierung hat uns in dieser Runde ge- „politischem Willen, Realismus und gegen- Zollkontrollen in Nordirland für britische fang Mai konkrete Vorschläge dafür Hunderte Milliarden
und Kartenspiele Konjunktur. sagt und bestätigt, dass sie jegliche Verlän- seitigem Respekt“ könnten die „ernsten Waren vorbereitet. Ein britischer Regie- vorlegen. oder gleich Billionen?
Sie erzählen uns von der Welt. gerung der Übergangsphase ablehnen wer- Schwierigkeiten“ überwunden werden. rungssprecher nannte die in Videokonfe- Doch eines ist schon jetzt gewiss:
de.“ Es gehe aber nicht, dass London eine London lehnt es weiterhin ab, die Ver- renzen geführte Verhandlungsrunde „kon- Auch eine Finanzierung des Wieder- Zuschuss oder Anleihen?
Und wir dabei von uns. Verlängerung ablehne und zugleich „die handlungen auf der Grundlage der Politi- struktiv“. Bei der Überwindung der Kluft
Feuilleton, Seite 11
aufbaufonds über den Haushalt läuft Der Streit geht weiter.
Diskussion in wichtigen Bereichen ver- schen Erklärung zu führen, die mit Pre- zwischen beiden Seiten habe es aber nur darauf hinaus, dass die EU gemein-
langsamt“, bemängelte der Franzose. mierminister Boris Johnson vereinbart „begrenzten Fortschritt“ gegeben.
schaftliche Anleihen ausgibt. Schließ-
In der Corona–Falle lich ist nicht geplant, dass die Staaten ze des EU-Rechts bewegt, das der Ge-
Die Menschen müssen wieder
Stimmung der Wirtschaft so schlecht wie nie
den Fonds komplett über ihre Zahlun- meinschaft die Aufnahme von Schul-
arbeiten, die Kitas aber bleiben gen an Brüssel finanzieren. Das wäre den verbietet.
zu. Familien, häufig die Mütter, angesichts der wirtschaftlichen Ent- Die Prognose ist keineswegs ge-
geraten an ihre Grenzen. wicklung auch illusorisch. Die EU soll wagt, dass alles auf eine Kombination
Geschäftsklima-Index auf historischem Tiefpunkt / Union weiter im Höhenflug dafür Anleihen ausgeben, die über aus Krediten und Zuschüssen hinaus-
Wirtschaft, Seite 21
den Haushalt abgesichert werden, läuft. Das richtige Verhältnis soll nun
F.A.Z. FRANKFURT. Die Stimmung der die Arbeit gut mache, acht Prozent sahen Die Bundeswehr wird kommende Wo- und dabei vom Triple-A-Rating der die Europäische Kommission in den
Vom König zum Bittsteller deutschen Unternehmen ist auf einen his- das anders. Mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel che 25 Millionen Schutzmasken in China Gemeinschaft profitieren. Der Vorteil beiden kommenden Wochen finden –
Für den deutschen Profifußball torischen Tiefpunkt gefallen. Der am Frei- waren 83 Prozent der Befragten zufrie- abholen und mit Großraumflugzeugen
für Deutschland liegt vor allem darin, eine Aufgabe, um die sie nicht zu be-
tag vom Münchner Ifo-Institut veröffentli- den. Bei den persönlichen Zustimmungs- nach Deutschland bringen. Wie das Kom-
verändert sich die Perspektive. che Geschäftsklima-Index stürzte von werten konnten sich unter anderem der mando Streitkräftebasis mitteilte, werden dass es in diesem Verfahren „nur“ mit neiden ist. Andererseits winkt der
Die neue Frage ist: Wird das 85,9 Punkten im März auf 74,3 Punkte im CSU-Vorsitzende Markus Söder, Finanz- ab Montag drei ukrainische Antonow- seinem Anteil am EU-Haushalt haf- EU-Kommission auch, rein institutio-
Publikum den Daumen heben? April ab – der niedrigste jemals gemesse- minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) und Gesund- Transporter in Leipzig landen, die jeweils tet. nell betrachtet, großer Lohn: Hat von
ne Wert und zugleich der stärkste jemals heitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) verbes- zwischen 6,5 und zehn Millionen Masken Viel entscheidender als die Frage, der Leyen mit dem Ansatz Erfolg, den
Sport, Seite 34
gemessene Rückgang. Nie zuvor beurteil- sern. Nordrhein-Westfalens Landeschef transportieren. Der Flug erfolgt im Rah- ob der Wiederaufbaufonds über – Wiederaufbau über den EU-Haushalt
ten die rund 9000 befragten Unterneh- Armin Laschet (CDU), der auf eine ra- men der Corona-Hilfeleistungen für das böse formuliert – Corona-Bonds im zu finanzieren, liefe dies – anders als
Mit Mutter im Homeoffice men ihre derzeitige Geschäftslage wie schere Lockerung der Kontaktbeschrän- Gesundheitsministerium, das die Masken Gewand klassischer Eurobonds oder in der Finanzkrise vor zehn Jahren,
Junge Berufstätige ziehen in auch ihre Aussichten für die nächsten Mo- kungen als andere Unionspolitiker ge- beschafft hatte. Erstmals nutzt das Vertei- EU-Bonds finanziert wird, ist inzwi- als die Staaten viel untereinander aus-
nate derart pessimistisch. drungen hatte, verlor dagegen an Zustim- digungsministerium für eine Lieferung schen aber ohnehin der Streit dar- machten – auf einen spürbaren Macht-
der Corona-Krise oft zurück in Die Zustimmung der Deutschen zum mung. Wäre am Sonntag Bundestags- dieser Größenordnung den Nato-Vertrag
ihr Elternhaus. Das birgt auch über, ob die Staaten das Geld als Kre- zuwachs der Kommission hin.
Corona-Krisenmanagement der Bundes- wahl, käme die Union laut der Umfrage zur Abwicklung übergroßer und dringli-
Konfliktpotential. regierung ist derweil weiterhin sehr groß. auf 39 Prozent. Die Grünen verloren zwei cher Fracht. (Siehe Seiten 2 bis 6, 10, dit oder Zuschuss bekommen. Das ist Dennoch ist es eine ebenso wenig
90 Prozent der Befragten gaben in der am Punkte (18 Prozent), die SPD einen (16 Deutschland und die Welt, Feuilleton, Sei- kein Detail, wie es EU-Ratspräsident gewagte Prognose, dass der Streit zwi-
Beruf und Chance, Seite C 1 Charles Michel nach dem Video-Gip- schen den Mitgliedstaaten im An-
Freitag veröffentlichten ZDF-Politbaro- Prozent), die AfD ebenfalls einen auf ten 11 und 16 sowie Wirtschaft, Seiten 19
Briefe an die Herausgeber, Seite 31 meter-Erhebung an, dass die Regierung neun Prozent. bis 22, 24 und 28 bis 30.) fel glauben machen wollte, um den po- schluss an den Vorschlag der Kommis-
sitiven Gesamteindruck der Video- sion in voller Wucht wiederaufflam-
Konferenz zu wahren. Im Gegenteil: men wird, zumal ja nicht nur noch die
Der Konflikt hat das Potential, das ge- Frage zu klären ist, wie das Verhältnis
Gericht: Viertklässler noch Trump gibt merkwürdige Grenzübertritt für Europol: Pädophile samte „Wiederaufbaupaket“ zu Fall von Krediten und Zuschüssen ausge-
nicht zurück in die Schule medizinische Ratschläge Familienbesuch möglich im Netz in Krise aktiver zu bringen. Italien, Spanien, Frank- staltet wird. Auch das Volumen des
reich, kurz die Länder des europäi- Wiederaufbaufonds bleibt umstritten.
ahan. FRANKFURT. Hessens Viertkläss- sat. WASHINGTON. Der amerikanische bub./Lt. BERLIN. Für Bürger in den klau. FRANKFURT. Die europäische Po-
schen Südens, fordern Zuschüsse. Sie Die Spannweite der Vorstellungen
ler müssen doch nicht von Montag an wie- Präsident hat mit Bemerkungen zur Be- Grenzgebieten gibt es nun Erleichterun- lizeibehörde Europol registriert seit Be-
der in die Schule. In einer Eilentscheidung handlung von Covid-19 Fassungslosigkeit gen. Familien, die auf beiden Seiten der ginn der Corona-Krise eine Zunahme von wollen keine Kredite, die sie – wann reicht von einigen hundert Milliarden
setzte der Hessische Verwaltungsgerichts- hervorgerufen. Donald Trump nahm den Grenze zu Frankreich und der Schweiz ver- Delikten im Zusammenhang mit kinder- auch immer – einmal zurückzahlen bis zu beinahe zwei Billionen Euro.
hof am Freitag die Schulpflicht für die be- Vortrag eines Fachmanns zum Anlass, um teilt leben, können sich trotz der Grenz- pornographischen Inhalten im Internet. müssten. So wie die Corona-Krise als Die Staats- und Regierungschefs müs-
troffenen Grundschüler einstweilen außer am Donnerstagabend eigene Vorschläge kontrollen wieder sehen. Das Bundesin- „Die Täter suchen mehr und mehr Materi- Plage über sie kam, soll das Geld aus sen klären, nach welchen Kriterien
Vollzug, da er einen Verstoß gegen den all- zu machen. Der Regierungsbeamte hatte nenministerium stellte klar, dass der al im Netz und tauschen untereinander Brüssel als Segen über sie kommen. die EU das Geld aus dem Fonds vertei-
gemeinen Gleichheitsgrundsatz sah. Es erklärt, dass Bleich- und Desinfektionsmit- grenzüberschreitende Besuch der Kernfa- mehr und mehr“, sagte Exekutivdirekto- Die Nordeuropäer um Schweden und len soll und wofür. Und dann müssen
sei kein hinreichender Grund ersichtlich, tel den Erreger etwa auf trockenen metalli- milie uneingeschränkt möglich sei. Eltern rin Catherine De Bolle im Gespräch mit die Niederlande hingegen wollen nur sie sich auch noch auf das EU-Budget
weshalb die Schüler der vierten Klasse an- schen Flächen rasch abtöteten. Trump sag- dürfen Kinder, von denen sie getrennt le- dieser Zeitung. Außerdem seien Pädophi- Kredite vergeben. Bundeskanzlerin 2021 bis 2027 selbst einigen, was
ders behandelt werden sollten als die übri- te, es wäre interessant, zu prüfen, ob es ei- ben, fortan ohne Angabe weiterer Gründe le bereit, die Notsituation von Kindern in Angela Merkel hielt sich in dieser Fra- schon in Vor-Corona-Zeiten, als die
gen Jahrgangsstufen, heißt es. In Hessen nen Weg gebe, „wie wir so etwas machen besuchen. Ein Grenzübertritt ist auch der Krise auszunutzen. Darüber hinaus ge auffallend zurück. Wirtschaftskraft nicht überall sank,
sollten von Montag an eigentlich sämtli- könnten – durch Injektion oder eine Art möglich, um älteren Angehörigen beizu- registriert Europol einen starken Anstieg
che Abschlussklassen zurück in den Unter- Säuberung“. Es klinge für ihn „interes- stehen, selbst wenn diese nicht krank an Cyberkriminalität und Produktpirate-
Tatsächlich spricht nüchtern be- schwierig genug war. So war der vier-
richt. (Kommentar Seite 10.) sant“. (Siehe Seite 6; Kommentar Seite 10.) sind. (Siehe Seite 5.) rie. (Siehe Deutschland und die Welt.) trachtet einiges dafür, das Geld als Zu- te Corona-Video-Gipfel bestenfalls
schuss zu vergeben. Der Schulden- eine harmonische Verschnaufpause
stand von Staaten wie Italien oder Spa- auf der wohl noch langen Suche nach

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APRIL 25, 2020
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@Gulf_News Gulf News #GulfNews


Crude awakening for Enjoy gaming with your kids ‘May God protect
fossil fuel industry you and your family’
US oil futures’ crash exposes Tired of cartoons? Here’s a guide Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed
vulnerability of global economy to video games for the whole family wishes residents on Ramadan

Arab coalition
extends Yemen
ceasefire by a
month to stem
outbreak | P 9


Mystery as
lower death
rates seem
to defy global
virus trend | P 11



■ Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services yesterday launched a mobile testing unit for Emirati girl
the elderly and people of determination. The converted ambulance is equipped with four reunited with
paramedics and a self-sterilising device. The UAE reported 525 new cases yesterday
after carrying out over 32,000 tests, with eight deaths and 123 recoveries. SEE ALSO P3 parents after
50-day wait | P4

VIRUSWARRIORS disinfectant idea

Fury over Trump’s
From health-care workers and policemen to
Health experts warned people not to drink
or inject disinfectant yesterday after US
drivers, laundrymen and delivery boys, these President Donald Trump suggested doing
heroes risk their health in the line of duty | P5 so could cure Covid-19. “Is there a way we
can do something like that by injection,
inside, or almost a cleaning?” Trump said on
Thursday. He yesterday signed a bill providing
$484 billion of financial relief to employers Amid signs virus broke out BUSINESS
and hospitals buckling under the strain of earlier, Americans ask: Did I
UAE currency
already have Covid-19? P2
a pandemic that has claimed over 50,000 exchanges face
World: Philippines wants its
lives and one in six US jobs. Meanwhile, Spain nurses to come home P10 remittance dip
recorded the lowest new deaths — 367 — in India: Anti-Muslim anger as job losses
nearly five weeks, while France and Italy also threatens virus fight. P11
take a toll | P 14
Antonin Kélian Kallouche, Virendra Saklani & Clint Egbert/Gulf News
made progress in slowing the outbreak. | P10

Kareem Dubai public transport
gets new awareness signs
SEE MORE Dubai has launched a unified directory
of safety and etiquette signage in public
transport and other public spaces in the wake
of Covid-19. The directory identifies two types
of guidelines to be displayed at all entry and
exit points of metro and bus stations as well
as customer happiness centres. RTA will
Nation: Eat correctly to fix 170,000 stickers bearing the new icons
boost your immunity P4
at metro and bus stations and in vehicles,
Middle East: First Friday
prayers in Jerusalem including on trains, buses and taxis | P 3
devoid of crowds P9


In pictures: Muslims mark

Ramadan around the world
Food guide: 18 iftar
deliveries to order at home
SR 5.00
Pakistan: Rs 100.00


IFTAR 18:50
BD 0.500
RO 0.500
Rs 40.00

Fajr 04:26 Shuruq 05:44

Dhuhur 12:20 Asr 15:49
Maghrib 18:50 Isha 20:08

IMSAK 04:15 (Sunday)

Add 4 minutes for Abu Dhabi, deduct 4 minutes
Dh 5.25

for RAK and 6 minutes for Fujairah


SÁBADO 25 DE ABRIL DE 2020 | Año XLV | Número 15.623 | EDICIÓN MADRID | Precio: 2,00 euros

BRASILMoro dimite como ministro La obra literaria de

por las injerencias de Bolsonaro P3 Joseph Roth ya es de todos


Sanidad: “La
la dirige
el Gobierno”
Las autonomías solo saldrán del
confinamiento cuando hagan test
a toda persona con síntomas
ORIOL GÜELL / ELENA G. SEVILLANO número más bajo en un mes. Es-
Barcelona / Madrid to hace vislumbrar la desescala-
Los datos invitan a cierto opti- da, que empezaría a partir del
mismo: España registró ayer 10 de mayo, tras el último perio-
367 muertos por coronavirus, el do de estado de alarma previsto.
La cuestión es cómo se aban- LA COSECHA SIN MASCARILLA. Las medidas para evitar contagios no han llegado a todos los
donará el desconfinamiento y rincones. En la imagen, unos trabajadores recolectaban el jueves en Campo de Cartagena (Murcia) sin
mascarillas ni respetar la distancia de seguridad. / PEDRO MARTÍNEZ
Urkullu plantea qué territorios lo harán antes.
El asunto se abordó ayer en el

celebrar las Consejo Interterritorial de Sani-

dad, una reunión a la que acudie-
elecciones ron representantes del Ministe-
La comunidad médica advierte del peligro para la salud
rio de Sanidad y responsables que entrañan las estrambóticas sugerencias de Trump
vascas en julio autonómicos. Según determina-
dos parámetros internaciona-
El lehendakari, Iñigo Urku-
llu, propuso ayer en el Parla-
les, Murcia y Canarias son las
comunidades mejor preparadas
para volver a la normalidad.
“Por favor, no coman detergente
mento vasco celebrar en julio
las elecciones autonómicas,
aplazadas por la crisis del co-
“Pero el mensaje fue eviden-
te”, señala una fuente que acu-
dió a la reunión. “El proceso lo
ni se inyecten desinfectante”
ronavirus. El presidente de la van a pilotar ellos [en alusión al
Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Ministerio de Sanidad]”. Su titu-
descarta por ahora decantar- lar, Salvador Illa, también había PABLO GUIMÓN, Washington servicio de emergencias del Esta-
se por una fecha para los co-
micios gallegos. PÁGINA 10
sido claro al respecto: “La deses-
calada la dirige el Gobierno”.
Las sugerencias de Donald
Trump para combatir el coronavi-
EE UU estimula do de Washington avisó de inme-
diato a la población: “Por favor,
Entre las condiciones que se im-
pondrán a las regiones es que
rus escandalizaron ayer a la co-
munidad científica. El presidente
su economía no coman pastillas de detergente
ni se inyecten ningún tipo de de-
Ayuso se tengan capacidad suficiente pa- animó a investigar aberraciones con tres billones sinfectante”. En Estados Unidos
ra elaborar tests a todo pacien- como inyectar desinfectante y luz el virus ya ha matado a 50.000
aparta de los te con síntomas PÁGINA 16 directamente en los enfermos. El de dólares P35 personas. PÁGINA 2

barones del PP
que pactan con Una tarea casi imposible: cómo reunir
el PSOE miles de estudiantes sin que se contagien
La presidenta de la Comuni-
El rompecabezas de
dad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz
Ayuso, rechaza pactar con el
PSOE, desmarcándose de
Para estar unidos montar la Selectividad
otros barones del PP proclives
a acuerdos en Ayuntamientos
y autonomías. PÁGINA 11
Suscríbete a los hechos ELISA SILIÓ, Madrid nos, repartidos por toda España.
Anulados los partidos de fútbol, Un consorcio integrado por re-
los conciertos de música y las presentantes de las universida-
Lagarde y fiestas populares, solo destaca
en la agenda una convocatoria
des públicas y de los Gobiernos
autónomos estudia cómo actuar
Von der Leyen capaz de congregar a miles de
personas en plena crisis del coro-
para conseguir guardar la dis-
tancia de seguridad y no conta-
frente a Merkel navirus: la Selectividad, que reu- giarse en los exámenes, en el ac-
nirá, entre el 22 de junio y el 10 ceso a los centros y en el trans-
en la UE P 34 35 ÁGINAS Y
de julio, a más de 217.000 alum- porte público. PÁGINAS 22 Y 23

Cultura Addio ad Aldo Masullo Drive in Da Gardone alla Florida Ibrahimovic Primo big in campo
il filosofo morale sceso in politica w
Al cinema in auto contro il virus
Fa gol in Svezia senza lockdown




il saluto del direttore intervista al ministro degli esteri: la battaglia in europa è appena iniziata. colao premier? non esiste

Di Maio apre: sul Mes si può trattare
Il governo prepara un piano da 150 miliardi: Iva immutata, ci sarà un riordino delle detrazioni
MASSIMO GIANNINI Standard & Poor’s non declassa l’Italia ma il giudizio resta a soli 2 punti dal livello spazzatura

envenuto in un giornale ANDREA MALAGUTI VERSO LA FASE DUE
perbene». Era una fine Luigi Di Maio usa il tono impersona- LE INTERVISTE
gennaio del 1995, e l’Av-
vocato mi accoglieva così nel suo uf-
le di un matematico che enuncia un
teorema, ma, se potesse, direbbe
4 maggio, autocertificazione addio
ficio alla Fiat di Corso Marconi. Il
Lingotto sarebbe “rinato” più tardi,
che l’Italia è stanca di essere trattata
dall’Europa come l’unghia rotta di
Servirà solo per uscire dalla Regione IL LEADER DELLA CGIL

a rinverdire i fasti di Torino. “La

Stampa”, invece, era rimasta la
una mano sporca.– P. 3 SERVIZI – PP. 2-11 Landini: ma ora

stessa da più di un secolo. Non solo

il gioiello di famiglia degli Agnelli,
la prossima sfida
ma un patrimonio prezioso della
città e del Paese. Un grande quoti-
diano costruito su un equilibrio ma-
Il 25 Aprile di Mattarella: come allora, insieme possiamo farcela è aprire le scuole ROBERTO GIOVANNINI
gicamente “glocal”. Radicato nella ROMA
storia, nella cultura e nell’econo- Dopo una lunga trattativa nottur-
mia del suo territorio, ma sempre na Maurizio Landini non nascon-
proiettato sui fatti, le tendenze e i de la sua soddisfazione: «A marzo
cambiamenti del mondo. avevamo detto che si lavorava so-
Io ci arrivai chiamato da Ezio lo se c’erano condizioni di sicurez-
Mauro che allora la dirigeva, e che za. L’accordo che abbiamo firma-
di lì a poco si sarebbe trasferito a to dice che nelle aziende che non
“Repubblica” (dove due anni dopo assicurano livelli adeguati di sicu-
sarei rientrato anch’io, per poi pas- rezza scatta lo stop dell’attività». Il
sarcene altri 23). Un andare e un leader della Cgil aggiunge: «Tutte
tornare che si è ripetuto spesso: da le parti sociali assumono il princi-
Mario Calabresi a Maurizio Molina- pio che la sicurezza e la salute del-
ri, che ora mi passa il testimone. A le persone sono l’elemento centra-
conferma di quanto siano intreccia- le per rilanciare il Paese. Ma ora bi-
te le vicende di queste due testate, sogna riaprire le scuole». – P. 7
diverse ma unite da una trama iden-
titaria comune, fatta di laicità e mo-
dernità, di azionismo e di civismo, IL CANDIDATO AL DOPO MERKEL
di senso dello Stato e di fedeltà ai
principi delle liberal-democrazie
Roettgen: a Roma
Oggi sono di nuovo qui, proprio
nel giorno della Festa di Liberazio-
occorrono sussidi
ne dal fascismo, che di quell’identi-
tà condivisa è elemento costituti-
e non altri prestiti
vo. Torno richiamato da John El- FRANCESCA SFORZA
kann, che ringrazio per la stima e la
fiducia. E torno con lo stesso orgo- Primo uomo politico della Cdu ad
glio di allora. Perché in questo, gra- annunciare ufficialmente la sua
zie ai direttori che mi hanno prece- candidatura alla guida del parti-
duto e nonostante le novità che to per il dopo-Merkel, Norbert
l’hanno caratterizzata, “La Stam- Roettgen è un convinto sostenito-
pa” è quella di sempre: un giornale ANSAANSAANSAANSA re del fatto che l’Italia abbia più bi-
perbene. Ma torno anche con la Il Tricolore issato sulla guglia maggiore del Duomo di Milano, accanto alla Madonnina AMABILE, DE LUNA E MAGRI — PP. 14-15 sogno di sussidi che di prestiti.
consapevolezza di quanto sia buia Presidente della Commissione
l’ora che viviamo. I camion militari Esteri del Bundestag, ex ministro
con le bare per le strade deserte di PER RINASCERE MIGLIORI PIANO: BASTA ODIO E RANCORE dell’Ambiente, non si fa illusioni
Bergamo e le fosse comuni scavate sul fatto che i nazionalismi non
nella nuda terra di Hart Island. S’IMPONE LA SOLIDARIETÀ ECCO LA NUOVA LIBERAZIONE tarderanno a riaffacciarsi sulla

BUONGIORNO Bokassa e i merli FELTRI

E allora ci siamo messi lì e ci siamo interrogati: che significa- mento nell’europarlamento per stracciare tutti i trattati
to avrà? Siamo agilmente giunti alla risposta: nessuno. Ov- (c’è dentro da oltre un lustro, trattati stracciati: zero). L’er-
vero Beppe Grillo che una sera di bacillifera primavera sco- rore sarebbe adesso attaccare con la geremiade del Movi-
pre l’incantamento per l’Europa non vuole dire niente. Scri- mento e del suo sacerdote che cambiano idea, perché il Mo-
ve un tweet, in coda al munifico vertice comunitario, per in- vimento e il sacerdote le idee non possono cambiarle, non
timare l’altolà, sta succedendo qualcosa, forse l’Europa co- avendone. L’unica, qui, è la réclame al premier, per il resto
y(7HB1C2*LRQLNN( +"!"![!?!,

mincia a diventare una comunità, ed è tutto merito di «Giu- si buttano a capofitto nelle loro suggestioni. L’onestà. La ri-
seppi» (la i finale è sua e di Trump). Si potrebbe ora traccia- voluzione bucolica. I miracoli della canapa. Grillo legge
re la biografia del neo europeista, da quando, in compa- uno studio dell’Università di Tura secondo cui i merli au-
gnia di Luigi De Magistris, andò a Strasburgo a sostenere mentano lo strato dell’ozono e decide che la salvezza del
che dare i soldi all’Italia era come «darli a Bokassa» (illustre mondo sono i merli, fino alla successiva monografia sulle
dittatore della Repubblica centrafricana che si credeva Na- proprietà antiossidanti dei calzini di cotone. E dopo un po’
poleone e sedeva su un trono a forma di aquila tempestato finisce che anche il fervido populista comincia a cercare un
di perle e cristalli) a quando progettò l’ingresso del Movi- populismo meno bamboccino.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:1 Edition Date:200425 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 24/4/2020 19:07 cYanmaGentaYellowb

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Revealed: Cummings sits on

secret science advisory group
Severin Carrell
David Pegg
Felicity Lawrence were warned
The prime minister’s chief political
adviser, Dominic Cummings, and a
last y
data scientist he worked with on the
Vote Leave campaign for Brexit are
on the secret scientific group advis-
of risk
ris of
ing the government on the Covid-19
pandemic, according to a list leaked
to the Guardian.
It reveals that Cummings and Ben
Warner were among 23 people pre- Exclusive
sent at a crucial convening of the Nick Hopkins
Scientific Advisory Group for Emer-
gencies (Sage) on 23 March, the day Ministers wewere warned last year that
Boris Johnson announced a nation- the UK needed
need a robust plan to deal
wide lockdown in a televised address. with a pandemic
pande virus and its poten-
Multiple attenders told the Guard- tially catastro
catastrophic social and economic
ian that Cummings and Warner had consequences in a confidential Cab-
been taking part in the group’s meet- inet Office briefing
b leaked to the
ings as far back as February. The Guardian.
inclusion of Downing Street advisers The detailed
detail document said even
on Sage will raise questions about the a mild pandemic
pande could cost tens of
independence of its scientific advice. thousands o of lives, and set out the
There has been growing pressure on must-have “capability
“c requirements”
Downing Street in recent days to dis- to mitigate tthe risks, as well as the
close more details about the group, potential dam
damage of not doing so.
which provides scientific advice to the It comes as the UK’s hospital death
upper echelons of govern- toll from coronavirus
coro heads
5  6 
ment during emergencies. towards 20,0
20,000. Less than

The best New short stories Support

noise- By Michael the NHS
Morpurgo and with our
cancelling Jacqueline exclusive
headphones Wilson print
Money Review Page 26

Dix morts
du coronavirus
à l’Ehpad
de Conty
Samedi 25 avril 2020 1,50 € No 24393 PICARDIE


MASQUES Du bon usage

Ils nous des drones


enfin !
Des masques seront
disponibles pour
le grand public le 4 mai.
Ceux que les buralistes
vendront dès le 30 avril
sont fabriqués en Picardie.
Photo PQR
$,%&*%'9::: :



Lautaro Cambios en el planeta
El desquite de
El pase que los animales
puede sacudir 865 En oníricas escenas en todo el mundo, a poco de estrenarse
la cuarentena, bestias y peces se lanzaron a la reconquista

a Europa
del planeta. Entrevistamos a dos filósofas en bioética -la
francesa Corine Pelluchon y la mexicana Paulina Rivero
Weber- sobre las premisas de un nuevo fair play entre las
especies. Además, un recorrido por recientes antologías que
reúnen relatos sobre fieras reales e imaginarias.

Y pueden ¿CUÁLES
beneficiarse PANDEMIA?
Los datos sobre contagiados y
muertos cambian todos los días Vuelve la serie
otros clubes.
e inciden en la política sanitaria.
Tres expertos analizan la

P. 46
complejidad de las estadísticas,
su historia e impacto global.

de Ricky Gervais SPOT

Un toque de atención para

la solución argentina de los
problemas argentinos

Sábado 25.4.2020
- PRECIO: 90,00

Tema del día ● Freno judicial para el proyecto del impuesto a la riqueza
El Gobierno se
La Corte rechazó por baja de futuros
acuerdos junto
unanimidad el planteo a los socios
del Mercosur
de Cristina Kirchner La Argentina anunció a Brasil, Uru-
guay y Paraguay que no participará
de los acuerdos comerciales que el
bloque negociaba con Corea del Sur,
La Corte Suprema de Justicia rechazó cuenta. Cristina reclamó un aval legal Del Editor Canadá e India. Y dijo que se debe a
por 5 votos a 0 el pedido de la vicepresi- para avanzar con el proyecto del im- Ricardo Roa la baja económica por el coronavi-
denta para que el Tribunal avale la posi- puesto a la riqueza, para que no pueda rus. La decisión abre una crisis en la
bilidad de realizar sesiones en el Senado ser cuestionado en la Justicia. La ex pre- De qué hablan los que región. El Presidente estuvo ayer con
en modo virtual. Y señaló que es la Cá- sidenta había criticado por anticipado a dirigentes del Grupo de Puebla. P. 36.
mara Alta la que debe decidirlo por su la Corte y al Procurador. P. 32. hablan por Cristina
Gritos y cuchillos.
Los presos, desafiantes
en el techo de la cárcel.
Salto en el número
de contagios, pero
ningún positivo en
los tests rápidos
Ayer fue el día con más contagios
desde que empezó la pandemia:
172 infectados. Los casos llegaron a
3,607. Con 11 muertos, las víctimas
son 176. En el primer día de los análi-
sis masivos rápidos en Constitución
no hubo ningún caso positivo. P.18.


Bolsonaro perdió
a otro ministro: se
fue el ex juez Moro
Sergio Moro, el ex juez que lideró el
Nueve horas de tensión en Devoto caso Lava Jato, renunció a la cartera
de Justicia. Se complica la situación
Los presos tomaron la cárcel y desafiaron a la Policía desde los techos. Arrojaron piedras e hirieron a una decena de agentes. de Bolsonaro y el ex presidente Car-
Reclamaron por el riesgo del coronavirus. Y al final de la tarde, el Gobierno les prometió una mesa de diálogo. P. 16. doso habló de juicio político. P.24.

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Trump threatens
to block virus aid
to Postal Service
approximately four times,” he
demands increase said.
in shipping prices Trump for years has alleged the
Postal Service has charged too
little for packages and personally
Analysts: Drastic spikes pushed the head of the agency to
would boost competitors charge far more to ship goods for
big online retailers. Several ad-
ministration officials, speaking
BY L ISA R EIN on the condition of anonymity,
AND J ACOB B OGAGE have said Trump’s criticism of
Postal Service rates is rooted in a
President Trump on Friday desire to hurt Amazon in particu-
threatened to block an emergen- lar. They have said that he fumes
cy loan to shore up the U.S. Postal publicly and privately at Amazon
Service unless it dramatically founder Jeff Bezos, who owns
raises shipping prices on online The Washington Post, for news
retailers, an unprecedented move coverage that Trump believes is
to seize control of the agency that unfair.
analysts said could plunge its But raising USPS prices so
finances into a deeper hole. sharply may not have the impact
“The Postal Service is a joke,” the president desires, analysts
Trump told reporters in the Oval said, as it would put Postal Ser-
Office. To obtain a $10 billion line vice prices far above those of UPS
Kevin D. Liles For the Washington Post of credit Congress approved this and FedEx, allowing them to raise
Qaadir Larke, owner of the Quad Barbershop outside Atlanta, gives Brandon Lewis a haircut Friday, the day it reopened for business. month, “the post office should prices a little and still gain mar-
raise the price of a package by see post office on A18

Ga. businesses reopen, with jitters Outcry, warnings over

Owners, employees are
is time to remove the shutdown
orders that have kept much of the
country indoors.
response to the pandemic has left
many in her shop with difficult
choices. “The ones that are going
Trump’s new cure idea
WAYCROSS, Ga. — Only a handful weighing revenue against Jamie McQuaig glanced at the back to work right now are the
of the 18 hairdressers who work at the potential health risks two cosmetologists, clad in ones that have got to. They’ve got BY P HILIP R UCKER, that has claimed the lives of more
Salon Cheveux came in on Friday. masks, coloring customers’ hair to feed their children. They’ve got J OSH D AWSEY, than 50,000 Americans. The Food
They donned masks, spaced their and wondered whether coming to pay their mortgage.” Y ASMEEN A BUTALEB and Drug Administration warned
workstations apart and screened back to work was the right deci- Gov. Brian Kemp (R) was one of AND L ENA H . S UN Friday against the use of hydroxy-
inbound customers by phone reopened in Georgia, which is sion for her family, her salon or the last governors to issue a state- chloroquine — the anti-malarial
with the dedication of hospital moving faster than any other her state. wide stay-at-home order to help The federal government drug that Trump repeatedly has
admission nurses: Any fever re- state to ease restrictions amid the “I do feel like it’s too soon, but it see georgia on A5 scrambled Friday to stave off a promoted as a “game-changer”
cently? Or contact with someone novel coronavirus pandemic. As a will probably always feel like it’s potential wave of public health miracle cure for covid-19 — be-
sick? Can you wear a mask? result, Georgia has become a flash too soon because we’re all scared Dining out: Some proprietors have emergencies sparked by Presi- cause it has been found to cause
It was the first day businesses point in the battle over whether it of the virus,” she said. The nation’s reservations about reopening. C1 dent Trump’s dangerous sugges- serious heart rhythm problems.
tion that injecting bleach or other At Thursday night’s White
household disinfectants into the House coronavirus news confer-
body might cure people of the ence, Trump used his pulpit to

China’s vow novel coronavirus.

It was only the latest dubious
medical tip from a president
float the idea of injecting a disin-
fectant into one’s body “almost as
a cleaning” — a prescription that

shredded in struggling to contain a pandemic see trump on A4

Hong Kong Strokes are More coverage

power grab striking younger, Immigration: Stephen Miller’s
long-term vision for new order. A3
symptomless Grim mark: Trump touts progress
covid-19 victims as U.S. deaths top 50,000. A6
Hydroxychloroquine: FDA warns
HONG KONG — Martin Lee has BY A RIANA E UNJUNG C HA against malaria drug. A7
tangled with the Chinese Com- Immigrants waiting: Trump’s order
munist Party countless times in Thomas Oxley wasn’t even on means plans are put on hold. A8
his decades-long fight to achieve call the day he received the page
free elections in Hong Kong and to come to Mount Sinai Beth Elective surgeries: Procedures will
enlist Western support for the Israel Hospital in Manhattan. resume in some parts of N.Y. A12
city’s democratic ambitions. There weren’t enough doctors to
Last weekend, the police came treat all the emergency stroke Small-business aid: AutoNation
knocking. Seven officers ap- patients, and he was needed in took millions, says it will repay. A16
Melina Mara/The Washington Post
peared at Lee’s home and arrest- the operating room.
ed the 81-year-old for participat- Unharvested lettuce spoils in a California field. The Trump administration has announced a The patient’s chart appeared Fewer eyes on kids: Abuse reports
ing in an unauthorized protest $19 billion effort to help the struggling agriculture sector and distribute food to those in need. unremarkable at first glance. He plummet in Montgomery County. B1
last year that 1.7 million people took no medications and had no
attended. More than a dozen history of chronic conditions. He New deaths in 2,021
other democracy activists were
detained the same day.
The arrests buttressed a week
Full fields, empty refrigerators had been feeling fine, hanging
out at home during the lockdown
like the rest of the country, when
the U.S., by day
As of 8 p.m. 2,500

of coordinated actions by Beijing suddenly, he had trouble talking

Farmers dump as food banks struggle. There’s a plan to bridge the gap. Cumulative
that experts say have redefined and moving the right side of his
the status of Hong Kong. The body. Imaging showed a large deaths 2,000

effect was to demolish the “one BY L AURA R EILEY insulated bags as food service employees, volun- blockage on the left side of his 51,176
country, two systems” frame- teers and substitute teachers hand milk and meal head. 1,500
work that prohibits Beijing’s in- Farmers in the upper Midwest euthanize their packets through the windows. Oxley gasped when he got to
volvement in local affairs and is baby pigs because the slaughterhouses are back- Across the country, an unprecedented discon- the patient’s age and covid-19
supposed to afford the financial ing up or closing, while dairy owners in the nect is emerging between where food is produced status: 44, positive. 1,000
center a high level of autonomy. region dump thousands of gallons of milk a day. and the food banks and low-income neighbor- The man was among several
“The very important story is In Salinas, Calif., rows of ripe iceberg, romaine hoods that desperately need it. American farm- recent stroke patients in their 30s
not my arrest,” Lee, who helped and red-leaf lettuce shrivel in the spring sun, ers, ranchers, other food producers and poverty to 40s who were all infected with
draft Hong Kong’s mini-constitu- waiting to be plowed back into the earth. advocates have been asking the federal govern- the novel coronavirus. The medi-
tion, the Basic Law, said in an Drone footage shows a 1.5-mile-long line of ment to help overcome breakdowns in a food an age for that type of severe 0
interview after being released on cars waiting their turn at a drive-through food distribution system that have led to producers stroke is 74. Feb. 29 April 24
bail. “What really concerns me is bank in Miami. In Dallas, schools serve well dumping food while Americans go hungry. As Oxley, an interventional 4,429 probable deaths added in bulk by New
that the basic promise of Hong north of 500,000 meals on each service day, cars Late last week, the Trump administration neurologist, began the procedure York have been included in the total but are not
see hong kong on A15 rolling slowly past stations of ice chests and see food on A22 see strokes on A7 reflected in the daily count.


 Trusting yourself Stuck at  25 years ago As rom-coms the nation the world
home, and recovering from a reached their zenith, along Biden, on voting Canadian attack
Democrats’ presumptive nominee The girlfriend of the gunman in the
lifelong eating disorder, one came “While You Were says he believes the president will nation’s deadliest shooting gave
woman struggles to protect Sleeping,” released this week try to delay the Nov. 3 election. A2 crucial information, police say. A10
herself from more than just in 1995. The cast and crew the world Real estate
the coronavirus. Magazine reflect on a film that became Meghan’s day in court Agents get creative
an unexpected classic. A hearing began in England over Among the home-selling tactics:
Family affair A dad and his the duchess’s suit about tabloids’ tours over video chat and hand-
three teenagers on the Arts & Style publication of a letter. A10 washing stations.
European trip of a lifetime

business news ............................................. a16 CONTENT © 2020
find themselves locked down comics ............................................................. c5 The Washington Post / Year 143, No. 142

in beautiful Nice, France, for opinion pages...............................................A19
23 hours a day. Travel obituaries ...................................................... B6
Keith negley Buena Vista Pictures/Everett Collection world news..................................................a10
REGIÓN METROPOLITANA: $1500 Regiones I, II, III, XI, XII y XV: $2500
Regiones de la IV a la X y XIV: $1600


Vida, obra y Al Pacino

Cumple 80 años
muerte de trabajando en nuevos
una pyme proyectos y sigue
Patrimonio La historia del desplome engrandeciendo su
Edificios emblemáticos de una empresa de leyenda en Hollywood.
que esperan una climatización. | C 18

Iván Aróstica, expresidente del Tribunal Constitucional, se refiere a la situación interna de la institución:

“La crisis del TC se debe a nombramientos por criterio


político y a las críticas de ser una tercera cámara”
Pleno realizado ayer decidió crear una comisión de tres ministros para encauzar el conflicto interno. La instancia
hará un levantamiento de los problemas que aquejan a la magistratura y propondrá soluciones. | C 8 y C 10
Controversia por aplicación
de examen de salud fuera de
protocolo a isleños que volvían
Presidente Piñera se Coyunturas agudizaron su complejo estado financiero: en avión a Rapa Nui. | C 2
reunió con líderes gremiales:

Gobierno anuncia Enjoy es la primera gran Manifestaciones

de vecinos y
proyecto de ley para
poder dar créditos
empresa que solicita su obligan a cerrar
residencia sanitaria
en O’Higgins | C 6
preferenciales a reorganización judicial tras .......................................

compañías grandes
> “Cada vez que cae una empresa, chica,
mediana o grande, afecta a otras. Y eso
protestas sociales y pandemia Carlos Montes,
senador socialista:
“La oposición requiere
otra etapa; no hablo aún
es algo que tenemos que considerar”,
dijo el ministro de Economía, Lucas de un proyecto común,
Palacios. Ejecutivo estaría haciendo los
Compañía suma seis mil trabajadores Situación de la cadena pone pero al menos una
y opera casinos y hoteles en 10 en alerta al sector turístico, vocería conjunta”. | C 12
“últimos ajustes” a la iniciativa. | B 5
ciudades de Chile, además de uno de los más afectados por Cynthia Viteri,
Mendoza y Punta del Este. el impacto del coronavirus. alcaldesa de la ciudad
más golpeada por el
virus en Sudamérica:
al Ministerio de Justicia: “Los países están viendo
Sérgio Moro deja el de lejos lo que pasa en
Guayaquil, pero cualquier
cosa se puede esperar”.
gabinete en Brasil y | A5

acusa “interferencia DC defiende video

política” de sobre coronavirus
tras crítica del
Jair Bolsonaro ministro Mañalich
de incurrir en
> Su salida podría derivar en una “errores básicos”

investigación judicial y detonar la | C 13

dimisión del titular de Economía. | A4 .......................................


Registra más de 500 enfermos

Inédito juramento EPISCOPAL

de abogados por Obispos

Punta Arenas: Alto videoconferencia convocan a un
“pacto social”
número de contagios Casi 90 licenciados en Derecho realizaron ayer el tra-
dicional juramento ante la Corte Suprema. Vestidos
por efectos
la convierte en foco de formalmente, de pie, con su mano en alto y usando
mascarillas —hoy indispensables para evitar el riesgo del covid-19 | C 6
preocupación sanitaria de contagio del covid-19— se comprometieron a de- .......................................

sempeñar fielmente su profesión. Sin embargo, ningu-

no de ellos estuvo de manera presencial en la ceremo- Diputados Jackson

> Arica y Mejillones son otras dos nia. Solo el presidente del tribunal, Guillermo Silva, y Boric insisten en
comunas que están mostrando llegó a la sala del Pleno. El resto de los ministros y los rebaja inmediata de
incrementos importantes de casos. | C1 postulantes participaron por internet. | C 10
50% a dieta de altos
cargos del Estado
| C 14
Casi dos mil personas han sido hospitalizadas: Proceso a cargo de Agencia de Calidad: .......................................

Pese a la pandemia,
Más del 90% de los pacientes Prueba de diagnóstico que hoy se lleva a cabo
polémica velada de
graves por covid-19 padece se aplicará al volver a clases boxeo en Nicaragua

alguna enfermedad crónica incluirá arista socioemocional .......................................

> La alta prevalencia en Chile de diabetes, obesidad, hipertensión, > El instrumento también permitirá evaluar, sin nota, los niveles de Frase del día
así como también de tabaquismo y alcoholismo, es una variable aprendizaje de Lenguaje y Matemática, y retroalimentará a los
que eleva la posibilidad de enfrentar cuadros más serios. | C 1 profesores con orientaciones pedagógicas. | C 4
Liderazgo en
la emergencia

Salidas masivas
Alcaldes de comunas
litorales piden endurecer
Factores de riesgo
Bajas temperaturas y un ambiente húmedo
aumentan la mortalidad por coronavirus. | A 6
… así como EE.UU. ha
contribuido durante gene-
raciones a que el mundo
sea más saludable, pacífico
y próspero, también
lideraremos el combate
contra esta pandemia
controles y restricciones enemiga…”.
de desplazamiento en la BAXTER HUNT,
previa de un nuevo fin de encargado de Negocios a.i. de
EE.UU. en Chile, en su
semana largo. | C 2 columna para “El Mercurio”.


7°/22° 22 242 1111 Suscripciones El Mercurio Edición de 52 páginas
Parcialmente despejado 600 339 6000 Avisos clasificados Revistas 64 páginas 419 ofertas de autos.



Moro sai atirando,

denuncia Bolsonaro
e caso vai ao STF
Ed Alves/CB/D.A Press Evaristo Sá / AFP

● PGR pede ao Supremo que abra inquérito para investigar acusações do ex-ministro
● CelsodeMellorelataráoprocessoquevaiapurarsupostainterferência políticanaPF
● Parlamentares da oposição articulam pedido de impeachment contra o presidente
A demissão do delegado Maurício Valeixo, do comando da Polícia Federal, foi a gota d'água. Indignado, Sergio Moro decidiu deixar, também, o Ministério da Justiça e da Segurança Pública. O
anúncio da saída dele, com fortes acusações a Bolsonaro, estremeceu o Planalto. Em pronunciamento à imprensa, Moro — que se tornou uma espécie de herói nacional devido à implacável
atuação como juiz da Lava-Jato — lembrou que assumiu o cargo com a promessa de que teria carta branca para montar a equipe e aprofundar o combate ao crime no país. E ressaltou que o
deixava, agora, por não concordar com as tentativas do presidente de interferir na PF para controlar investigações. “Tenho que preservar a minha biografia”, afirmou. Gravíssima, a denúncia
levou o procurador-geral da República, Augusto Aras, a pedir a abertura de inquérito no STF. Cercado de ministros, Bolsonaro reagiu dizendo que o ex-juiz queria garantir uma vaga no Supremo,
e logo foi contestado por Moro. Parlamentares da oposição e instituições de classe, como a OAB, anunciaram a intenção de entrar com pedido de impeachment contra o chefe do Executivo.

José Cruz/Agência Brasil

Em rota de colisão com ala militar, Marco Aurélio vê Denise Rothenburg

Guedes pode ser o próximo a sair revelações como
Enquanto inquérito rola no STF, governo
tentará tourear a oposição no Congresso

”muito sérias”
Crise política faz Bolsa cair 5,51% Para o ministro do STF, as Carlos Alexandre
É improvável que Moro tenha acusado
e dólar bater novo recorde: R$ 5,65 acusações de Moro sugerem que
Bolsonaro pode ter cometido
sem ter provas sólidas contra Bolsonaro
crime de responsabilidade ao
Amigo dos Bolsonaro, Ramagem tentar acesso a relatórios da PF.
“Vejo um quadro muito grave e
Ana Maria Campos
Moro expôs contrariedades com
deve deixar a Abin para assumir PF que gera perplexidade”, afirmou. Secretário de Segurança do DF

PÁGINAS 2 A 7, 9 E 16

Ana Rayssa/CB/D.A Press

Prazer de comer Liberação de
em casa culto no carro
Remédio que evita trombose reverte danos pulmonares em
pacientes graves, mostra pesquisa brasileira. Mais da metade
dos voluntários recebeu alta após quatro dias. PÁGINA 14
Como a quarentena fez apreciadores
de bons pratos resgatarem o gosto
e mais lojas
de montar o banquete no conforto Decreto do GDF permite reuniões
Brasiltemquase53milcasos do lar à espera de quitutes como os
do chef David Lechtig, proprietário
religiosas em estacionamentos,
com os fiéis nos veículos, e também
O país contabiliza 3.670 mortes pela Covid-19, sendo 357 de um restaurante mexicano. o Cine Drive-In. Armarinhos e
confirmadas ontem. O DF atingiu 1.140 infectados, mas o comércio de tecido estão na lista.
número de mortes é o mesmo de quinta-feira: 26. PÁGINAS 8 E 15 PÁGINA 15


As many as four million Canadians are going to be applying for the CERB
and will see just how precarious their own situation is. With that real, lived
experience, we can rally the centre to implement a basic income for everyone.
Floyd Marinescu, universal basic income advocate, sees opportunity for lasting change. Story, IN1


It started with an argument and an assault on his girlfriend. It ended 13 hours later
and 100 kilometres away. Drawn from the accounts of police, survivors and
witnesses, the narrative of the killing of 22 people in rural Nova Scotia is chilling

A killer’s trail of terror

By the time the RCMP brought an end to Gabriel

Wortman’s rampage, above, he had killed 22
people, including Const. Heidi Stevenson. Police
say he was able to elude capture for so long
because of the fake RCMP cruiser he used, below.


NOTE TO READERS: This story contains I I I

graphic details that some may find disturbing “We learned that he was also known
Wortman and his longtime girlfriend got into
to own several vehicles that looked like
an argument Saturday night. They had had bad
STEVE MCKINLEY police vehicles.”
HALIFAX BUREAU fights before, according to friends. This one es-
RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell calated into something else. Wortman assaulted
As police cruisers raced to respond to reports of
a shooting in the small community of Porta- the woman and bound her.
pique, N.S., last Saturday night, they turned off At some point, she was able to flee into the
the dark Highway 2 running parallel to the woods.
shores of Cobequid Bay and plunged south- street lights and homes set back from the road, It was later that a 911 call came in about a
bound into the usually even darker depths of cradled by the woods around them, where only shooting in the area.
Portapique Beach Road. 100 residents or so live year-round. Police arrived to a chaotic scene. Officers found
Only, on this night it wasn’t so dark. It started with an argument and an assault of a man who said he had been shot while driving
Flames roaring from fully engulfed houses lit his girlfriend. It ended 13 hours later and 100 by someone in a passing vehicle “that looked like
up the area. Bodies lay in the road. Moments kilometres away, when Wortman stopped to put a police vehicle.”
earlier, great blasts split the night with the sound gas in the car of a woman he’d just killed. “Just imagine,” said Tom Taggart, a councillor
of what residents now believe was the explosion On Friday, after five long days of partial an- with the Municipality of Colchester which en-
of burning gas tanks. swers and informational reticence, the RCMP compasses Portapique. “Imagine the panic, the
Officers in this Nova Scotia community had laid out the facts they have put together in the fear and the anxiety the residents and the police
just come across the beginning of a trail of death killing of 22 people in northern Nova Scotia, an trying to protect them must’ve felt.”
and destruction that would, by its end, be un- act carried out by a 51-year-old denturist. Taggart said he spoke to one resident who
matched in modern Canadian history. The narrative — drawn together from the ac- described the scene as “like a war zone.”
Gabriel Wortman’s killing began here, in this counts of police, survivors and others — is chill-
quiet neighbourhood — a community with no ing. SHOOTINGS continued on A12


One of Ontario’s first COVID-19 patients Ford names five GTA

to be intubated leaves the ICU, to applause

long-term-care homes
that will get help
from military, A3
MEGAN OGILVIE breathless, Lam began to worry she had charged Wednesday to cheers and ap-
HEALTH REPORTER COVID-19, even though Egypt had yet plause from hospital staff, who were Scotiabank Arena
At first, Linda Lam explained away the to become a hot spot for the virus. among the first in the province to treat a transformed into
deep fatigue that left her feeling weak Then, on March 2 — one day after critically ill patient with COVID-19 and giant kitchen, A18
and worn out. finding out she tested positive — Lam’s who took extraordinary steps to keep
The 70-year-old from Richmond Hill cough worsened, and soon she was their patient alive. Start over and build
had just returned on Feb. 20 from a struggling to breathe. Her son, Kevin, Doctors at Mackenzie Health believe
two-week sightseeing cruise on the Nile rushed her to Mackenzie Richmond Lam is one of the first patients in Onta- a better care system
River and it would take time, she rea- Hill Hospital, where she was quickly rio with COVID-19 to be intubated. She for seniors. Olive, B1
soned, to shake the jet lag and recover escorted to the intensive care unit. is also among the few people worldwide
her usual energy. “That was it. I haven’t seen her since.” to have received an experimental drug, MORE COVERAGE INSIDE
But a few days later, after she woke up Lam spent more than seven weeks in Updates at
with a constant cough that left her the ICU before she was finally dis- RECOVERY continued on A15


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CMYK Nxxx,2020-04-25,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
Today, morning sunshine then
clouds increase in the afternoon,
high 62. Tonight, cloudy, showers
late, low 46. Tomorrow, rain, chilly,
high 50. Weather map, Page B9.

VOL. CLXIX . . . No. 58,674 © 2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2020 $3.00


Businesses Tiptoe Into a World of Masks,
Gloves and Uneasy Customers
ATLANTA — Weeks after a ents to stay home.
deadly virus reordered daily life in Not everybody listened.
America, shuttering most busi- Chris Edwards opened his At-
nesses and forcing most people in- lanta barbershop on Friday at 7
doors, three states on Friday took a.m., just as he did before the pan-
tentative steps toward something demic swept the country. He wore
resembling normalcy. But across a blue surgical mask and
Georgia, Alaska and Oklahoma, it squeezed his hands into latex
was anything but business as usu- gloves that barely covered his
al. palms. He did not think he would
A barber giving a trim in Atlan- be busy, given the controversy
ta, with a face mask and latex over the governor’s order to let
gloves in place, was dressed more shops like his reopen in Georgia.
like a surgeon preparing for an ap- And yet a modest stream of
pendectomy. Beauty salons were customers soon arrived, some
asking customers to sign legal braving the wait inside in chairs
waivers before they had their hair
spread several feet apart, others
colored or curled. And Georgia of-
hanging out just outside the door
ficials recommended that salon
or in their cars.
JOSEPH RUSHMORE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES owners perform temperature
checks at their entrances. “I didn’t think I would be
A barber in Broken Arrow, Okla., on Friday, the first day that some nonessential businesses could reopen in parts of the country. slammed,” Mr. Edwards, 47, said.
The openings triggered pas-
sionate criticism, some of it com- “Some people are scared to get
ing from residents and business out. I get it.”

Trump Speech Dire Warnings as President Pushes Sham Cures owners and some from much
higher places. Gov. Brian Kemp’s
The relaxed rules varied in the
handful of states that took initial
order for Georgia was criticized as steps this week to reopen. Most of
Creates a Risk Mr. Trump said after a presenta-
Uproar at a Suggestion tion from William N. Bryan, an
This article is by Katie Rogers,
premature this week by President
Trump, who has generally ex-
the nation was being far more cir-
cumspect, aware that the United

At West Point Disinfectants May

acting under secretary for science
Christine Hauser, Alan Yuhas and
at the Department of Homeland
Maggie Haberman.
pressed eagerness to open the
American economy. In Atlanta,
States has turned into the country
with the highest number of known
Security, detailed the virus’s pos- Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms cases. Although there are signs
land, so many callers flooded a Heal the Sick sible susceptibility to bleach and went on national television on Fri- that the alarming growth in
By ERIC SCHMITT alcohol. day morning to urge her constitu- Continued on Page A8
health hotline with questions that “One minute,” the president
and ANNIE KARNI the state’s Emergency Manage- said. “And is there a way we can do
WASHINGTON — For Presi- ment Agency had to issue a warn- cation System, said in an inter- something like that, by injection
dent Trump, who adores the pomp
and precision of military ceremo-
ing that “under no circumstances”
should any disinfectant be taken
view. “It can definitely be a fatal
inside or almost a cleaning? Be-
cause you see it gets in the lungs
E.U., Yielding
nies, this was the year he would fi-
nally get one of the special perks
of being president — delivering
to treat the coronavirus. In Wash-
ington State, officials urged peo-
Even the makers of Clorox and
Lysol pleaded with Americans not
and it does a tremendous number
on the lungs. So it would be inter- To Irate China,
ple not to consume laundry deter- to inject or ingest their products. esting to check that.”
the commencement address at
West Point, the only service acad-
gent capsules. Across the country
on Friday, health professionals
The frantic reaction was
prompted by President Trump’s
Dr. Deborah L. Birx, the White
House’s coronavirus response co-
Stifles Critique
emy where he has not spoken. sounded the alarm. suggestion on Thursday at a ordinator, was sitting to the side in
But the graduation was post- Injecting bleach or highly con- White House briefing that an “in- the White House briefing room,
poned because of the coronavirus, By MATT APUZZO
centrated rubbing alcohol “causes jection inside” the human body blinking hard and looking at the
the cadets were sent home and of- BRUSSELS — Bowing to heavy
massive organ damage and the with a disinfectant like bleach or floor as he spoke. Later, Mr.
ficials at the school were not sure pressure from Beijing, European
when it would be held or even blood cells in the body to basically isopropyl alcohol could help com- Trump asked her if she knew
burst,” Dr. Diane P. Calello, the bat the virus. about “the heat and the light” as a Union officials softened their criti-
whether it was a good idea to hold cism of China this week in a report JAMES ESTRIN/THE NEW YORK TIMES
it. medical director of the New Jer- “And then I see the disinfectant, potential cure.
sey Poison Information and Edu- where it knocks it out in a minute,” Continued on Page A5 documenting how governments Complaints to 311 have risen,
The Naval Academy, for its part, push disinformation about the co-
decided it was too risky to recall suggesting darkening moods.
ronavirus pandemic, according to
its nearly 1,000 graduating mid- documents, emails and inter-
shipmen to Annapolis, Md., for a views.
commencement. Those graduates
will have a virtual event. But the
Worried about the repercus-
sions, European officials first de-
Fraying Nerves
Air Force Academy, in contrast to
the other schools, sent home its
underclassmen, locked down its
layed and then rewrote the docu-
ment in ways that diluted the fo- Dishearten City
cus on China, a vital trading part-
seniors on campus, moved up
graduation, mandated social dis-
ner — taking a very different
approach from the confronta-
As Crisis Drags
tancing — and went ahead with
plans for Vice President Mike tional stance adopted by the
Pence to be its speaker. Trump administration. By MICHAEL WILSON
And so last Friday, the day be- The initial European Union re-
port, obtained by The New York A walk in the park brings tense
fore Mr. Pence was to speak at the flare-ups: Back off, you’re too
Air Force ceremony in Colorado, Times, was not particularly stri-
dent: a routine roundup of pub- close. Oh really? Then stay home.
Mr. Trump, never one to be up- A loud neighbor, once a fleeting
staged, abruptly announced that licly available information and
news reports. annoyance of urban life, is cause
he would, in fact, be speaking at for complaint to the city. Wake at
West Point. It cited Beijing’s efforts to cur-
tail mentions of the virus’s origins noon, still tired. The city’s can-do
That was news to everyone, in- resilience has given way to resig-
cluding officials at West Point, ac- in China, in part by blaming the
United States for spreading the nation and random tears.
cording to three people involved In Queens, Nicole Roderka, 28,
with or briefed on the event. The disease internationally. It noted
that Beijing had criticized France knows she must wear a mask out-
academy had been looking at the side, fears the anxiety it might
option of a delayed presidential as slow to respond to the pan-
demic and had pushed false accu- bring, and sets it aside. In Brook-
commencement in June, but had lyn, Lauren Sellers grinds her
yet to complete any plans. With sations that French politicians
used racist slurs against the head teeth at night; there are sores in
Mr. Trump’s pre-emptive state-
of the World Health Organization. her mouth from the stress. When a
ment, they are now summoning
The report also highlighted Rus- 3-year-old boy in Manhattan’s In-
1,000 cadets scattered across the JAMES ESTRIN/THE NEW YORK TIMES
sian efforts to promote false wood section, Eli McKay, looked
country to return to campus in
New York, the state that is the cen- Taking the Funeral to the Mourners health information and sow dis- around and declared, “The virus
trust in Western institutions. is gone today, we can go see my
Continued on Page A7 The body of Jesse James McLellan, who died of Covid-19, was brought near his home in Brooklyn. friends,” his mother replied as if
“China has continued to run a
global disinformation campaign from one of his picture-book fan-
to deflect blame for the outbreak tasies: “Maybe tomorrow.”
of the pandemic and improve its A feeling of sadness shot
Pressure Rises for Biden’s Pick to Be Not Only Female, but Black international image,” the initial re-
port said. “Both overt and covert
through with frayed nerves could
be felt in conversations in and
tivate black voters, helping Mrs. “Kaine brought good and solid tactics have been observed.” around the city as the coronavirus
Clinton recreate the coalition that credentials,” said Minyon Moore, But China moved quickly to outbreak in the world’s epicenter
backed former President Barack
Seeking Running Mate a key adviser to Mrs. Clinton who block the document’s release, and dragged toward its sixth week, its
Four years ago, Senator Cory the European Union pulled back. end still too far off to see.
Booker of New Jersey made his
Obama in 2008 and 2012.
But Mrs. Clinton had won the
Who Can Rally Base participated in the selection
process. “But the difference be- The report had been on the verge “This is the week where I feel
vice presidential pitch to Hillary Democratic nomination with sub- tween a Cory and Tim Kaine of publication, until senior officials like I have accepted this, and giv-
Clinton at her Washington home, stantial black support, and some could’ve closed the enthusiasm ordered revisions to soften the en up,” Euna Chi of Brooklyn
months before she faced Donald J. of her advisers argued that many tion. After weighing the strengths gap. Looking back on it, it’s fair for language. wrote in an email. “My daily com-
Trump in the November election. black voters would already be en- and weaknesses of Mr. Booker, people to ask if we should’ve fac- “The Chinese are already mute to the couch feels ‘normal.’ ”
Mr. Booker, the only African- ergized by Mr. Trump’s divisive among others, she chose Senator tored enthusiasm more into it.” threatening with reactions if the The journey that began in
American to make Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy and appeals to white Tim Kaine of Virginia, a white No two presidential cycles are report comes out,” Lutz Güllner, a March with an us-against-it unity,
shortlist, argued that the presence conservatives, according to sev- moderate widely seen as a safe, completely analogous, but as for- European Union diplomat, wrote with homemade masks and do-it-
of a black running mate would mo- eral people involved in the selec- traditional pick. Continued on Page A20 Continued on Page A14 Continued on Page A12


Justice Dept. Eyes Media Leak A More Intimate Draft Day Learn a Difficult Dance
A review of the inquiry into links be- Minus its usual pomp, the N.F.L. draft Though the choreographer Merce Cun-
tween Russia and the Trump campaign showed viewers a general manager’s ningham is known for his tricky coordi-
has uncovered “troubling” findings, the children, a coach’s sublime landscape nations, the solo “50 Looks” is possibly
attorney general suggested, without and some curious decorations. PAGE B8 his plainest. In a rare move, it is being
going into further detail. PAGE A19 broken down and taught online. PAGE C1
First, Block the Green Cards Revisiting the masterful coaching of
Get Your Gown Ready
An International Affair Stephen Miller, the architect of Presi- Phil Jackson is one delight in the Netflix So Many Still Lives The Metropolitan Opera will throw an
The pandemic led to the closing of the dent Trump’s immigration agenda, told series on the Bulls dynasty. PAGE B8 Fifteen photographers documented, At-Home Gala on Saturday — starry,
border between their countries, but two conservative allies there is more to with intimate images and essays, their live-streamed performances that, in
lovers manage daily trysts. PAGE A16 come. PAGE A21 experiences dealing with isolation contrast to opera’s usual grandeur, will
BUSINESS B1-7 largely be filmed with phones. PAGE C1
during the pandemic. A special section.
Brazil’s Justice Minister Resigns Biden and D.N.C. Join Forces What Ate Up All the Cash

Sergio Moro, a popular crusader The Democratic National Committee Major restaurant chains poured money EDITORIAL, OP-ED A22-23
against corruption, quit with a rebuke and the Biden campaign will merge into stock buybacks and dividends,
of President Jair Bolsonaro. PAGE A16 their fund-raising efforts. PAGE A21 leaving them vulnerable. PAGE B1 Bret Stephens PAGE A23

Trump’s medical
musings prompt
frantic warnings
federal lawmakers and the
White House says Consumer Product Safety
Commission warned Ameri-
media ‘irresponsibly’ cans not to try cleaning
reported his words, products as medicine.
“Cleaning products are
which FDA and others poisonous, America! Make
say could be deadly. sure you keep those cleaning
products in their original
By Eli Stokols bottles and locked up out of
sight and out of reach of
kids!” the agency tweeted,
WASHINGTON — A attributing the warning to
slew of federal and state its mascot, Quinn the Quar-
agencies — and the makers antine Fox.
of laundry bleach — issued The Food and Drug Ad-
an implicit rebuke to Presi- ministration warned that
dent Trump on Friday, using two anti-malarial
warning the public that his drugs that Trump has re-
off-the-cuff medical advice peatedly touted as thera-
and off-the-wall musings in peutic could have poten-
nightly White House brief- tially lethal side effects, cit-
Tami Chappell AFP/Getty Images ings could endanger even ing a new study that showed
ZENAS STALWORTH works out Friday at a reopened gym in Lilburn, Ga. The mayors of Atlanta and more lives as the country’s increased mortality among
other urban centers, as well as President Trump, have condemned Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening plan. coronavirus death toll patients in an experimental
passed 50,000. trial.

Georgia lifts its lockdown

A day after Trump Other agencies and offi-
sparked a furor when he in- cials publicly cautioned
correctly suggested that Americans not to test sup-
household disinfectant posed therapeutics for
could be used as an “injec- COVID-19 without a medical
tion inside” to kill COVID-19, professional’s guidance.
the disease caused by the co- “A reminder to all Ameri-
Many think it’s risky and premature. But for some salons and ronavirus, health officials, [See Trump, A6]

other small businesses, the time has come to get back to work.
By Jenny Jarvie
lifting restrictions on gyms,
barber shops, hair and nail
salons, tattoo parlors and
State deploys the
National Guard to
MARIETTA, Ga. — Be- bowling alleys after a
fore 8 a.m., the women wear- monthlong shutdown to halt
ing masks and bandannas the spread of COVID-19 —
began to line up gingerly out- the move did not exactly

aid nursing homes

side the Three-13 Salon, Spa mark a return to normalcy.
& Boutique, taking care to With COVID-19 still
keep a six-foot distance from spreading across the state —
one another. its death toll climbed by 35
In the middle of a deadly on Thursday — many salons
viral pandemic, some and tattoo parlors remained tywide.
needed trims and root shut as business owners By Matt Hamilton, On Friday, state and local
touch-ups. Others craved worried about the health Alex Wigglesworth, officials announced new
pedicures, blowouts and risks of reopening. Some John Myers and measures aimed at tackling
face waxes. opened their doors to reveal Melanie Mason the surging fatality rate
Outside the double glass scenes out of science fiction, through more aggressive
doors, an employee took with skeleton crews spaced For weeks, public health regulations and help from
their temperatures with an six or even 12 feet apart, officials have struggled to the California National
infrared thermometer, wearing nitrile gloves and slow the deadly spread of the Guard, which will go into
asked whether they had had surgical and N95 masks. coronavirus through nurs- nursing homes to boost
a cough or fever, then han- Many local officials and ing homes. staffing levels.
ded them a small sticker infectious-disease experts At one facility in Tulare Dr. Barbara Ferrer, the
with a red check mark. Michael Mathes AFP/Getty Images have warned that reopening County, 15 have now died. county’s public health direc-
As Georgia became the CARTER VU checks a treatment on a customer too early without more test- The death toll has reached18 tor, touted an order that ex-
first state Friday to reopen a on Friday, his first day back at his eponymous ing could lead to a surge in at a Yucaipa nursing home, pands testing to both symp-
broad swath of businesses — Atlanta hair salon after a four-week lockdown. [See Georgia, A8] 14 at a Pasadena facility and tomatic and asymptomatic
17 at a convalescent hospital staff and residents, bans
in Bell. And nursing homes visitors, suspends commu-
account for an increasing nal dining, and requires staff

New normal, new rules for sports fans

share of deaths in Los Ange- and residents alike to wear
les County: more than 40% of protective equipment. The
the 851 who have died coun- [See Guard, A10]

Face masks, thermometers, distancing could become routine at games

serve as a sporting version of big changes. cession stand? It might
By David Wharton the old-fashioned drive-in “People enjoy being in a come hermetically sealed.
movie. stadium, I get that,” said The further we remain from
When pro soccer returns Fans will watch the game Karin Michels, chair of epi- a reliable treatment or vac-
to Denmark, ending its together — or, at least, in demiology at UCLA’s Field- cine for coronavirus, the
COVID-19 hiatus as early as close proximity — chanting ing School of Public Health. more extreme things could
next month, games will be and singing from their cars. “It’s possible, but the experi- get, experts say. Imagine
played in empty stadiums, Images of this unorthodox ence will be different.” teams of ushers wearing
but the FC Midtjylland team crowd will be shown inside The new normal at ball- masks and gloves, con-
has devised a way to get fans the venue so players won’t parks could involve more stantly wiping down railings.
involved. feel so alone. than cheering through face Or security guards threat-
The club will erect mas- If that sounds odd, the masks. It could mean having ening to eject anyone who
sive video boards outside its U.S. should take note. When your temperature checked violates social-distancing Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
MCH Arena, facing a park- American sports return, and as you enter and sitting with rules. GUARD SGT. Joseph Schlitz enters the Hollywood
ing lot where more than spectators are eventually al- empty seats on either side. “What happens when Premier Healthcare Center, which has had dozens of
2,000 designated spots will lowed back in, there could be That hot dog from the con- [See Sports, A4] coronavirus cases among staff and residents.


A teacher’s crisis role lasts ‘all day, all night’ U.S. death toll
surpasses 50,000
As another milestone
was passed Friday, sev-
Hudnall Elementary School shut eral state and local econ-
By Paloma Esquivel down, its 400 students among the omies reopened, some

6.1 million K-12 California students over the warnings of
t’s just past 8 a.m. at the Ingle- whose campuses are closed. health experts. NATION, A5
wood elementary school After every bag is claimed on
where sixth-grade teacher this recent Friday, Ngissah will help Potty training
Aba Ngissah has taught for give out laptops. In the afternoon,
seven years. she goes home, washes her hands amid a pandemic
The blinds on classroom win- and changes her clothes to protect The outbreak has led to a
dows, normally open, are drawn, her elderly mother, who is staying diaper shortage for mil-
and hundreds of parents and stu- with her. About 1 p.m., she’ll sit lions of families as some
dents, rather than rushing for the down at her computer and begin race to get their kids up
start of class, are lining up outside her real job. to speed. CALIFORNIA, B1
the front gate waiting for food. “You just keep going all day and
Ngissah is starting her day in all night,” she says.
the cafeteria — against a backdrop That’s just what it means to be a
of giant tissue-paper flowers that teacher right now.
are slowly falling apart more than a Nothing — not her classroom Weather
month after she and her students experience, her skills as a teachers Sunny and hot.
made them for Read Across Ameri- union organizer nor her work intro- L.A. Basin: 91/64. B6
ca Day. She works quickly along- ducing online learning tools — Printed with soy inks on
side other volunteer teachers and prepared Ngissah for this moment partially recycled paper.
Inglewood school district staff, when her classroom would be
filling hundreds of brown paper locked and her students sent home
bags with boxed cereal, sand- Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times to isolate themselves against the
wiches, milk, apples and cookies. SIXTH-GRADE teacher Aba Ngissah prepares free bags of food novel coronavirus.
It’s been about a month since on a recent morning at Hudnall Elementary School in Inglewood. [See Teacher, A10]

BUSINESS INSIDE: Closures of several meat plants spur concerns of a global shortfall. A7

Reopening the U.S.

Economy Even if
The Pandemic Endures
Flowers to Power
Your Garden
******* SATURDAY/SUNDAY, APRIL 25 - 26, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXV NO. 97 HHHH $5.00

News Chief to
Retire at
The End
T he FDA said two ma-
laria drugs touted by
Trump and some doctors for
use against the coronavirus
are linked to heart problems
Of June
and should only be used on Stankey to take reins
hospitalized patients or as
part of clinical trials. A1 from Stephenson just
 Health experts and the as new streaming
maker of Lysol issued warn-
ings after Trump speculated service set to launch
about using disinfectants
inside the body, comments BY DREW FITZGERALD
that he later walked back. A6

AT&T Inc. Chief Executive

 The U.S. death toll from
Randall Stephenson said he
the coronavirus surpassed
would step aside at the end of
50,000 as some states be-
June, handing leadership of one
gan reopening parts of their
of the world’s largest media
economies. Trump signed
and telecommunications com-
stimulus legislation. A5
panies to a longtime deputy
 Esper told Navy officials amid the coronavirus pandemic.
that he wasn’t ready to sign Company veteran John
off on a recommendation Stankey will succeed Mr. Ste-
to reinstate the USS Theo- phenson, who turned 60 this
dore Roosevelt’s captain. A3 week. Mr. Stephenson has
A barber worked with a client in Decatur, Ga., on Friday, after the state permitted many businesses to reopen. spent most of his 13 years as
 Trump indicated he plans
chairman and CEO piecing to-

Big Stores Hold Off Reopening

to use a coronavirus-relief
gether a modern media busi-
law as leverage to force the
ness by scooping up DirecTV
Postal Service to raise rates
and then Time Warner, remak-
for package delivery. A2
ing the telephone company

As States Ease Restrictions

 Online donations to that launched his career.
Democratic candidates and He had long been preparing
causes dropped off in the to retire at some point this
latter part of March. A4 year but in October said he
would remain in charge
 America’s allies have
through “at least” 2020 after
been reluctant to fill the gap
Even as Georgia becomes ders or curbside pickup. an activist investor challenged
left by the U.S. decision to
halt funding for the WHO. A7
the first in a number of states
set to restart their economies
By Heather Haddon,
Sarah Nassauer
Big chains say their phased
reopening plans will rely on THE his strategy. After a truce was
brokered, the succession plan-
 The pandemic has dealt
a blow to the Catholic
after coronavirus closures,
many big companies remain
and Esther Fung state and local guidelines, along
with infection rates, their own
CORONAVIRUS ning proceeded, setting the
scene for the 57-year-old Mr.
Church’s finances, threaten- hesitant to open their doors. their doors closed. market analysis and consumer PANDEMIC Stankey to take over as CEO
ing its charitable activities. A7 With the reported U.S. death Regardless of state orders, surveys. Many large retail loca- just as the company’s new
toll from the pandemic surpass- Macy’s Inc., Gap Inc. and TGI tions aren’t profitable if the streaming service, HBO Max,
Tests measure efficacy
Business & Finance ing 50,000 on Friday, some Fridays Inc. are among big na- number of shoppers who can
of homemade masks, A2
is slated to launch.
states have begun lifting re- tional chains saying they would safely enter is restricted to just “John will be an outstand-
strictions that kept many non- sit out the early phase of re- a handful of people, consultants Producing mac and cheese ing CEO for this company, and
 Many national chains essential businesses closed. In opening, citing health concerns say. at a safe distance, A5 I couldn’t be more confident
say they will sit out the Georgia, officials on Friday al- and uncertain customer demand. Retailers that have opened or pleased in passing him the
Warnings about internal use
early phase of reopenings lowed businessess such as bar- Other businesses, including Best are working to reassure shop- baton,” Mr. Stephenson said of
of disinfectants, A6
as states ease restrictions, ber shops, bowling alleys and Buy Co. and Starbucks Corp., pers. Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. his successor in a video to
citing health concerns and gyms to open, although many will also continue in lockdown opened some stores this past Pandemic squeezes Catholic AT&T’s staff.
uncertain demand. A1 across more populous areas mode, keeping stores closed to week in South Carolina, Iowa, Church finances, A7 Mr. Stankey, like the man he
such as metro Atlanta kept shoppers and fulfilling online or- Please turn to page A5 Please turn to page A12
 AT&T chief Stephenson
said he would retire at the

Behind Oil-Price Gyrations,

end of June, handing leader-
ship of the media and tele- Banks Make Weak Fed Partner
communications giant to
Changes since the financial crisis mean banks are less able to
longtime deputy Stankey. A1

A Frantic Search for Storage

move money through the economy, including by lending. B1
 The pandemic is expected
to delay the return of Boeing’s Nonbank lenders dominate $30 billion
737 MAX until at least late consumer loans.
summer or early fall, adding to
Consumer-loan value
the firm’s financial strain. B1
 The FCC ordered four
Online-only Stranded tankers lurk offshore as refineries close, producers struggle
Other nonbank
Chinese state-owned tele- 20
Credit union
communications operators
Bank BY BENOIT FAUCON AND DAVID HODARI tion system. Oil markets broke down this
to explain why it shouldn’t
week as buyers vanished for lack of storage
revoke their U.S. licenses. A3
During his daily stroll along Southern Cal- space. At one point, the squeeze was so in-
 U.S. stocks rose, with the ifornia’s Seal Beach, film-industry executive tense, sellers with oil at a key U.S. delivery
Dow adding 1.1%, but all three Josh Haynie usually sees little but surfers point in Cushing, Okla., were paying buyers
major indexes lost ground for and the occasional marine mammal. to take the stuff off their hands.
the week after two consecu- These days the vista also includes around Prices have since stabilized a bit and were
tive weeks of big gains. B11 20 oil tankers. trading Friday afternoon at around $16 a
He worries the interlopers could collide barrel for the U.S. benchmark. But storage at
 Facebook is rolling out
with the private yachts that ply these wa- Cushing is on track to be fully in use by mid-
a new video-chat feature to
0 ters. “We are not Galveston, Texas,” he says. May, threatening similar price drops if buy-
rival Zoom, part of a suite
2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 The world may have to get used to oil ers can’t find alternatives.
of new offerings aimed at
turning up in unusual places. An enormous The math is unforgiving. The world nor-
homebound users. B3 Source: TransUnion glut of crude sparked by the coronavirus mally produces 100 million barrels of oil a
 AmEx more than tripled pandemic and the resulting collapse in de- day. With much of the industrialized world
its provision for credit mand has overwhelmed the global distribu- Please turn to page A10
losses and its CEO said
the pandemic weighed on
cardholder spending. B3
 Verizon said that the
For Adults Bunking With Parents,
Pandemic Brings Flashbacks
FDA Warns of Danger EXCHANGE
From Virus Treatment
pandemic slowed its core
wireless business in the
i i i
March quarter. B3
Mom and Dad eavesdrop on video calls;
BY THOMAS M. BURTON virus, the drugs are often used
NOONAN ‘like I am at home on summer break’ AND JARED S. HOPKINS with the antibiotic azithromy-
What Comes After cin—a combination that could
WASHINGTON—The Food cause heart problems, a panel
The Covid Storm? A15 BY JENNIFER CALFAS with his parents, who are ex- and Drug Administration convened by the U.S. National
cited to have him. warned that two malaria Institutes of Health has
Before Brad Malone starts “It feels like I am at home drugs touted by President warned.
CONTENTS Markets..................... B11
Books..................... C7-12 Obituaries............... A12 his 9:15 a.m. call for work each on summer break in middle Trump and some doctors for Thousands of Covid-19 pa-
Business News...... B3 Opinion.............. A13-15 day, his parents offer some school,” said Mr. Malone, who treating the new coronavirus tients world-wide have signed
Design & Decor. D5,8-9 Sports........................ A16 words of encouragement. a few weeks ago drove about are linked to serious heart up for studies exploring
Food......................... D6-7 Style & Fashion D2-3
Gear & Gadgets D11-12 U.S. News............. A2-3
“Traffic shouldn’t be too 45 miles from his condo in At- problems and should only be whether antimalaria drugs
Heard on Street...B12 Weather................... A16 bad,” they quip from the lanta to ride out the coronavi- used on hospitalized patients fight off infections of the new
kitchen table. rus pandemic with his parents. or as part of clinical trials. coronavirus, according to a
The 32-year-old now logs “Being 32 and under your The chemically similar Wall Street Journal review of
> into work at the Georgia Tech parents’ roof—it’s strange,” he drugs hydroxychloroquine and a clinical-trial database, and BEER GLUT
Athletic Association from the said. chloroquine pose heart- thousands more are taking the A million unsold kegs
room in which he grew up Young adults around the rhythm dangers, including the pills as part of their treat-
playing videogames, at his par- country have fled to their par- too-fast heartbeat called ven- ment.
pose a $1 billion
ents’ house in Loganville, Ga. ents’ homes amid the pan- tricular tachycardia, the FDA Researchers have drawn up problem that’s rippling
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved His daily commute consists of demic, returning to childhood said. In treating Covid-19, the plans to enroll about 200,000 across industries B1
a walk upstairs after breakfast Please turn to page A10 disease caused by the corona- Please turn to page A6

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