Completed Review Europe WWII 3-14-14

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Global II Review


Totalitarian ~ government has total control of its people (Stalin and Hitler)

Fascism ~ dictatorship; private property is protected

Collectives ~ large government farms (Stalin)

Purges ~ Stalin killed many of his people

Kulaks ~ wealthy farmers killed by Stalin

Gulag ~ Russian prison

Atheism ~ not believing in any God (Communist)

Chancellor ~ leader of Germany

Reichstag ~ German government (also a building)

The Fuhrer ~ title Hitler called himself (“the leader”)

Inflation/Hyper-Inflation ~ money decreases in value

Putsch ~ “coup” (quick seize of power) in German

Gestapo ~ German secret police

Appeasement ~ giving in to an aggressor hoping they will be satisfied

Blitzkrieg ~ lightning war

Luftwaffe ~ German airforce


Mussolini “Il Duce”

(leader in Italian)

Problems facing Italy




~afraid of Communist Revolution

March on Rome by the Black Shirts 1922 – how Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

Difference between Fascism (Hitler, Mussolini) and Communism (Lenin, Stalin)

Fascism ~ dictatorship

Protects private property

Communism ~ dictatorship; government controls all factories; wealth shared


Stalin vs. Trotsky in the Soviet Union

~Stalin wins over Trotsky for power

5 Year Plans

~Stalin’s plan to build heavy factories in Russia; to pay for it he exported food and Ukrainians starved


~Stalin made large government controlled farms in Russia; disaster for farming in Russia

The Great Purge

~Stalin began to kill people he thought were against him (millions of people)

The Search for Peace in the 1920’s

League of Nations ~ goal was to keep peace after WWI; US refuses to join

Dawes Plan ~ tried to fix the bad inflation and helped Germany pay the reparations

Washington Naval Treaty ~ limited amount of battleships countries could have

Kellogg-Briand Pact~ agreement that outlawed war

Rise of Hitler in Germany & the Third Reich (Hitler called Germany)

Problems with the Weimar Republic ~ government Hitler overthrew

1. Signed the Treaty of Versailles ~ Germans hated that Treaty; made Hitler unpopular
with the German people
2. Too democratic ~ allowed for a lot of political parties; Nazi’s
3. It was legal to be dictator ~ constitution said in time of trouble there could be a
4. Hyper-Inflation ~ really bad inflation

Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch ~ Hitler tried to take over Germany (coup)

Mein Kampf ~ Hitler’s book

1. Germans were the Master Race

2. Germans needed more room (head East

NAZI Party ~ Hitler’s political party; tried to appeal to everybody

The Great Depression caused the rise of Hitler; things got so bad that people looked to Hitler for

The Reichstag Fire ~ event where Hitler became dictator; blamed the fire on the Communists

Coming of WW II

Reasons for Appeasement (Neville Chamberlain) ~ behind the policy of appeasement; to give in; the
memory of WWI is the main reason why they did not want to fight; Hitler seemed reasonable

Examples of Appeasement:

1. Japanese Invasion of Manchuria – League of Nations does nothing

2. German re-armament 1935 –builds its military and England and France do nothing
3. Italian Invasion of Ethiopia – 1936; League of Nations does nothing
4. German re-occupation of the Rhine Land 1936 – England and France do nothing
5. German Annexation of Austria(Anschluss)- 1938; League of Nations does nothing
6. Munich Conference & The Sudetenland –Hitler wanted the Sudetenland (Czech);
Germans were living there
Munich Pact ~ Hitler is given the Sudetenland but must promise to not take any
more land; within a few months he breaks the Munich Pact;
“Peace for our Time”~ Neville Chamberlain ~ leader of England who made peace
with Hitler

End of Appeasement

1. Breaking of the Munich Pact ~ Hitler takes over the rest of the country

2. The Polish Corridor (Danzig) and the Invasion of Poland ~ Hitler attacks Poland and
WWII begins

Reasons for the Nazi-Soviet Pact right before WW II Begins ~ to divide up Poland
Why Germany Beat France? “BlitzKrieg”; France did not want to fight

The Battle of Britain ~ Air battle where Hitler tried to beat Britain with its air force; failure

Why Hitler Invades Russia? – Resources (oil) and land

Why Japan Attacks America at Pearl Harbor? ~ US refused to trade with them (Embargo); hoped to defeat us
in one day

Why Soviets defeat Germany? ~ winters; Russia had more people and land; Stalin had no factories

Stalingrad ~ turning point of the war; Germans are badly defeated

D-Day June 6th 1944 ~ American invasion of France

Final Defeat of Germany and Fate of Hitler ~ Soviets take Berlin (capital of Germany) and Hitler kills himself

The Defeat of Japan

Turning Point with Japan ~ The Battle of Midway ~ Japanese lose most of their aircraft carriers

Island Hopping – US takes a few Islands on the way to Japan (not fight every island)

The Manhattan Project ~ research and development of atomic bombs

The use of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ~ First on Hiroshima then Nagasaki; Japan

Post-War Planning

Yalta Conference ~ FDR, Stalin and Churchill formed an agreement to establish post war boundaries;
divide up Germany

United Nations ~ countries come together for peace

US, China, France, England and Russia; try to solve global problems

Nuremberg Trials ~ Nazi’s on trial for “War Crimes”

“Crimes Against Humanity” – if you follow orders that can be crimes you will be charged

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