Global Review Chapter 5 Classical Civilizations

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Global Review Chapter 5

Classical Civilizations
Empire – a state that has a lot of different people

Geography - mountains
City-States – Sparta (military) and Athens (idea
of democracy-only males would vote)


“Golden Age” – good time philosophy (Socrates)

Alexander the Great & “Hellenistic Culture” –

conquers much of the known world; Hellenistic
culture was Greek, Persian and Egyptian mixture of
Republic – elect people to vote for you
Twelve Tables - laws
Engineering – aqueducts, roads
Julius Caesar – overthrew the Roman Republic
and is assassinated 5 years later
Pax Romana – Roman peace
Fall of Rome – western empire falls due to
German invasion
Geography – monsoons (seasonal wind that
brings a lot of rain or drought)
Caste System – the social classes of India
Mandate From Heaven – the emperor thought
he got his power from God
Great Wall – built to keep their people out
Silk Road - trade

Major Religions
Polytheism – belief in many Gods
Monotheism – belief in one God; three
religions: Islam, Judaism, Christianity
Animism – see spirits in nature (mountain,
Hinduism – India; believe in reincarnation
(come back to this world) Caste system –
Untouchables ~ bottom caste
Priests ~ top caste
Confucianism – China; Book titled Analects; idea
was to keep order in society by 5 relationships:
1.Ruler and subject: subject had to listen to the
ruler but ruler had to take care of the subject
2. Husband and wife: wife had to obey husband
but husband had to take care of wife
Believed in Filial Piety ~ loyalty to family

Buddhism – India, China and Japan

We can be happy if we get rid of desires; In order to
get there follow the Eight Fold Path and Four Noble
Truths. Goal was to get to Nirvana (spiritual

Judaism – monotheism – Torah is the Holy Book

Christianity – monotheism – Bible is the Holy
Book; Martin Luther splits the Church
c. Eastern Orthodox

Five Pillars of Faith
1.You have to believe in one God (Allah)
2.Must go to Mecca once in a life time
3.Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca
4.Must give to the poor (Alms giving)
5.Believe Mohammed is the Prophet of
6.Fast during Ramadan
Qu’ran (Koran) – holy book
Shintoism ~ Japan
Worship nature; stunt growth of trees (Bonzai)

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