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Global II Midterm Review

Use of Reason – goal was to improve
society using brain, progress was
John Locke
Natural Rights ~ we all have the
rights to life, liberty and property;
we get these rights because we are
human beings
Social Contract ~ deal between the
people and government;
government must protect the rights
of the people; people should revolt
if the gov’t takes away their rights
Consent of the Governed ~ the
people control the government
Philosophes – French philosophers of
the Enlightenment
Montesquieu – power should be
divided in government; 3 branches
Spirit of the Laws – Montesquieu’s
Rousseau -
General Will ~ what’s in the
common interest of the people;
gov’t should do what is in the
interest of the people
Diderot & Encyclopedia – organized
the encyclopedia
Voltaire -
Deism – God is not involved in
this world
Free Speech – you can say and
write what you think
French Revolution (1789)
Economic Problems – the country was
BROKE; the people were short of
food and jobs
Third Estate – 97% of France; group
that will start the French Revolution
First and Second Estates – First ~
clergy (church) Second ~ nobles
Calling of the Estates General &
Problem with Voting – the country
was broke; each estate only got one
Oath of the Tennis Court – Third
Estate says they will write a constitution
Storming of the Bastille – prison that
shows the power of the people;
symbol of the French Revolution
Declaration of the Rights of Man –
state the freedoms of the French
Women’s March on Versailles –
women stormed the kings palace
Constitution of 1791 & Why
Revolution Continues – creates a
limited monarchy; people still didn’t
have food
The Reign of Terror – takes place
during the French Revolution; killed a
lot of nobles
Robespierre - leader
Jacobins – group behind the terror
Law of Suspects and Price
Controls – they could arrest people
who might commit a crime; set a
maximum price on bread
Why the Terror Ended – things got
Rise of Napoleon ~ comes to power at
the end of the Revolution
Coup d’etat – came to power during
quick seize
Why people supported him? –
military victory; people wanted peace
and order after 10 yrs of the
Reforms – Law Code ~ Napoleonic
Code – every man is equal but not
women they were considered minors
Downfall (Waterloo) -
Congress of Vienna (Metternich)
Goals – to keep peace (balance of
power) in Europe; to avoid revolutions
Concert of Europe – countries work
together to keep peace; first step
toward the League of Nations
Why a failure? – there will be
revolution because you can’t bottle up
19th Century Ideologies
Conservatism – believe in king,
nobles and church; don’t want CHANGE
Liberalism – wanted limited suffrage;
wanted gov’t to stay out of economy
Nationalism – love of own country; if
you don’t have a country you want
one; if you have a country you want
to control your own country
Industrial Revolution
Why Britain? – Britain had the
resources; COAL was the most
important resource; Geographic:
England had good ports
James Watt & Steam Engine –
perfected the steam engine;
Urbanization – growth of the cities
Middle class grows as well
Capitalism and Laissez-Faire
Economics – government leaves the
economy alone; no regulation; supply
and demand determine prices – based on
Adam Smith – creates Capitalism
Malthus – “there will never be enough
Ricardo – Iron law of wages ~ if you
pay the poor more, the poor will have
more children and will still be poor
Socialism – idea that wealth created by
factory (some) should be shared by
Communism – attack on capitalism; all
the wealth from factories should be
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels –
founders of Communism
Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat –
bourgeoisie are owners of the
factories; proletariat are the workers
Goal – the proletariat (workers)
should overthrow the owners; the
wealth of the owners should be shared

19th Century Revolutions

~1830 France Against Charles X
~1830 Belgium Independence
~1848 Most of Europe
~France Against Louis Philippe –
Louis Napoleon comes to power
~Austria—Hungarians want
independence of Austria led by Louis
Kossuth (Nationalism)
~Germany fails to Unify under the
Liberal Frankfurt Assembly
~Ideas that Get Discredited – Liberalism;
limited suffrage
Latin America - Revolutions
Inspiration – American Revolution
and French Revolution inspired the
Toussaint L’Ouverture – leads a slave
revolt against the French in Haiti
(foreigner); inspired by

Latin America
Simon Bolivar & Jose’ de San Martin
– free Latin America from Spanish
Why Latin America fails to unify? –
Mountains (geography); different

Unification of Germany and Italy

Realpolitik – doing what can be done;
Germany – unifies; Nationalism
Prussia – country that unifies
Bismarck and “Blood and Iron” –
unifies Germany
Wars of German Unification
Italy (Piedmont Sardinia) – unifies;

Cavour – unites Italy; country that

unites Italy is Piedmont- Sardinia
Mazzini – creates “young Italy”; goal
was to unite Italy; Nationalists
Garibaldi “Red Shirts” – attacks
Sicily and adds Sicily to Italy
New Imperialism
Causes –countries want resources
(coal) to run the factories; countries
want markets (place to sell stuff)
“White Man’s Burden” & Social
Darwinism – Europeans must
modernize the rest of the world;
Social Darwinism ~ some races are
better than the rest
Scramble for Africa – Europeans take
over Africa; they had better weapons
in order to do this
King Leopold of Belgium and the
Congo – tried to help the common people
Berlin Conference – Europeans divide
up Africa; the borders of Africa paid
no attention to the tribes which led to
civil war
Survival of Ethiopia & Liberia –
Ethiopia modernized; Italy fails to
take them over (Ethiopia has
weapons); Liberia was made of freed
American slaves
British take Over of India - Positive:
healthcare, education, roads
Negative: Indians lost
culture, freedom and
Sepoy Rebellion – Indians try to fight
back against the British (foreigners)
Chinese Imperialism – balance of trade
Balance of Trade – China did not
want to buy things from the British
Opium Wars – China did not want to
buy opium from British; China loses
Treaty of Nanjing – unfair treaty that
Chinese were forced to sign; China
had to pay money; British don’t have
to follow their laws; China had to
keep buying opium
Boxer Rebellion – The Chinese try to
throw foreigners out and fail
Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)

Japanese Modernization
Commodore Mathew Perry’s Visit –
Americans forced Japan to trade with
them; Japan realizes they are behind
the west (technologically)
Meiji Restoration – Japan modernizes
their country; build factories to get
weapons and ships
Japanese Imperialism – Japan has
factories and now need resources

The Great War (World War I)

Rival Alliances
Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria,
and Italy) & Triple Entente (France,
Britain and Russia)
“Balkan Powder Keg” – A lot of
nationalities in the Balkan
Assassination of Arch Duke Francis
Ferdinand – IMMEDIATE cause of

Pan-Slavism – All Slavs should stick


German Blank Check – German

promises Austria total support if they
go to war

Schlieffen Plan’s Failure – Germany’s

plan of WWI; wanted to beat France
first; fails because Russia attacks
Germany faster
Stalemate – no one was winning
WWI; trench warfare

Withdrawal of Russia - Russia makes

peace and leaves the war; Germany
thought they were going to win

Why Germany Lost? – they were

fighting too many countries at once
Treaty of Versailles
What war it Ended: Ended WWI
War Guilt & Reparations – Germany
blamed for causing war; they had to
pay a lot of money for losing
How German’s felt about the Treaty –
unfair; Treaty of Versailles is a cause

League of Nations – goal was to keep

peace; US refuses to join
Russian Revolution
1905 Revolution
Causes: Russia lost war against
Japan; Bloody Sunday
Results: Nicholas II gives Russia a
duma (congress)
1917 Revolution (February)
Causes: Russia was losing WWI;
not enough supplies (weapons); Czar
Nicholas II was very weak; Rasputin;
food shortages and rioting women
Results: Czar abdicates

1917 Revolution (October)

Lenin’s Promises:
1. LAND – peasants can have the land
2. PEACE – gets out of WWI
3. BREAD - everyone will have food
Bolshevik Victory: Bolshevik’s
seized power (coup); Bolshevik’s were
communists; ordered death of the Czar

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