The French Revolution Causes: Chapter 9 Review

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Chapter 9 Review

The French Revolution

Economic – France was broke; Louis has to
call the Estates General; the nobles did not pay
Third Estate – unhappy because they only
got one vote even though they made up the
Storming of the Bastille – prison that the people
took over to get gunpowder; symbol of the
revolution (power of the people)
Oath of the Tennis Court – Third Estate swore to
write a Constitution
Declaration of the Rights of Man – outlined the
freedoms from the Revolution
The Terror – people were killed during the
Revolution (guillotine)
Causes – France still had economic
Robespierre and Jacobins – leader of the
Terror (Robespierre); Jacobins are the men involved
in the Terror
Death of Louis XVI – lost his head and wife
in The Terror
Coup by Napoleon – Revolution ends when
Napoleon seizes power
Reforms – wrote a law code where all males
were equal; women did not have equality
(considered minors); built schools (taught kids how
great he was); created the Bank of France
Downfall… Don’t invade – dictator (people
had no freedoms); used secret police and
censorship (can’t say what you want to say); lost his
army invading Russia (too cold)
Waterloo – Napoleon met his final defeat
Congress of Vienna (Metternich) – leader of
Goals – keep peace in Europe; avoid
Balance of Power – Congress tried to keep
peace by creating a balance of power
Successes and Failures – kept peace for 100
years; but there will be Revolutions (1848)
19th Century Ideologies
Nationalism – love of country; if you don’t have
a country you want one; if you have a country you
want control of your own country
Liberalism – personal freedom, limited suffrage;
laissez faire economics (government stays out of
Conservatism – don’t want change

Revolutions on Latin America – inspired by

Nationalism; wanted freedom from Spain
Toussaint L’Ouverture – freed Haiti from French
Simon Bolivar – freed much of South America
from Spanish control; thought he was a failure
because he was unable to unite South America due
to too many mountains (divided the country)
Industrial Revolution – change from hand made to
machine made goods
Why Britain? – Geographic reasons; coal
and ports (for boats)
Urbanization –growth of cities
Positive and Negative Effects – get more
products (mass production); modern
transportations; modern medicine
Negative ~ pollution and modern weapons (Nuclear)
Communism (Marx and Engels) - Marxism
Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat (class struggle) –
Bourgeoisie owned the factories; Proletariat were
the workers; always fighting each other
Prediction – capitalism will be destroyed;
workers will seize the factories and the wealth
would be shared
Economics (Command Economy) – government
controls what is made, cost, wages
Political – Communism is dictatorship (Russia,
China, North Korea and Cuba)
Malthus and Ricardo – Malthus thought people will
always be starving - famine (too many people);
Riccardo ~ Iron Law of Wages ~ if you pay the poor
more they will have more children so still be poor

Unification of Germany and Italy ~ Nationalism

Germany – divided into many countries for a
long time
Prussia – country that unites Germany
Bismarck “Blood and Iron” – man that
unites Germany through war
Italy – divided into many countries
Piedmont-Sardinia – unites Italy around it
Cavour – leader who unites most of Italy
Garibaldi – Red Shirts (followers) helped
united Italy
The New Imperialism - one country takes over
Causes – Resources are needed; markets –
countries needed to sell their goods
Social Darwinism “White Man’s Burden” –
some races thought they were superior; excuse to
take over people
The Scramble for Africa – Europeans divided
up Africa
Berlin Conference – the Europeans
divide up Africa; paid no attention to where the
tribes were which caused civil wars
Ethiopia and Liberia – stayed
independent; Ethiopia modernized (beat Italy);
Liberia were freed American slaves (America)
British Rule in India
Benefits and Drawbacks – built schools;
brought medicine; built roads
Drawbacks ~ India had no freedom; taught English;
loss of culture
Sepoy Rebellion – anti foreigner; anti
British rebellion
Imperialism in China – Chinese did not want to
buy what the Europeans were selling; British sold
them Opium to correct the balance of trade
Opium Wars – China tried to stop the
Opium trade; they lose to the British (had better
Treaty of Nanjing – unfair treaty to the
Chinese; the Chinese still had to buy Opium and has
to pay an indemnity (lose war and have to pay
money); Europeans got extraterritoriality
Boxer Rebellion – against foreigners; China
was crushed
The Modernization of Japan – build factories
Commodore Mathew Perry’s Visit –
American Naval Commander who forces Japan to
trade with us; Japan realizes they are behind
America and the West
Meiji Restoration – Japan modernizes their
Road to Japanese Imperialism – follow
Imperialism to get resources

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