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Student Name
  University Name

Part A

Task 2. Success or failure of Big Data adoption by Apple, and why Apple was
successful (or unsuccessful) in their integration of the Big Data approach.

Frequently Apple is seen on the forefront of cutting-edge revolutions, so it likely should

not be an unexpected phenomenon that the organization utilizes enormous information
broadly and the concept of big data. Nevertheless, it was not generally along these lines
that management of Apple was utilizing Big Data. Ever since its inception, Apple has
been a pioneer in technological revolutions and its propogation of Big Data is a similar
move. The underlying advantage of Big Data and related technologies is a sweeping
improvement in the performance of the firm by discovering valuable insights. However,
this comes with a change in organizational culture and decision-making models (Frisk,

Big data uses inductive statistics and concepts from nonlinear system identification to
infer laws (regressions, nonlinear relationships, and causal effects) from large sets of data
with low information density to reveal relationships and dependencies, or to perform
predictions of outcomes and behaviors. It is indicated by Provost and Fawcett (2013) that
experiencer and intuition is replaced by data-driven decisions enhancing the asset
utilization. Different organizations such as Google were vigorously engaged with the
concept of big data analytics years prior to the management of Apple followed the
footsteps, however Apple has worked resolutely to make up for lost time to the
competitive market dynamics.

Presently, the organization has gotten entangled in big data, with the innovation driving a
large number of their most significant choices. The facts demonstrate that Apple remains
profoundly cryptic about how they utilize big data much of the time, however that hasn't
kept some intriguing bits of knowledge from being uncovered. By figuring out how
Apple is utilizing analytics of big data, different organizations can show signs of
improvement with regards to the perspective on how best to use the staggeringly versatile

Obviously, Apple is in a favorable position in contrast to numerous different

organizations. Their items are exceptionally well known, yet they're as of now intended to
catch important information. That is the way the organization can accumulate data on

clients generally effectively. It's every one of that information that assists Apple with
deciding how best to move toward new service offerings and items. One zone specifically
that has gotten a lift from big data is application structure. Applications can be seen as the
valuable instruments numerous individuals have on their tablets and cell phones, and
those devices can gather information on precisely how individuals use them. This is a
significant qualification to make, since before, product designs focused on driving
individuals to utilize applications a specific way. Presently, Apple can find how
individuals are utilizing applications, all things considered, and adjust future plans to fit
with client propensities.

A similar thought for improving application plans can be utilized for delivering Apple
gadgets. Apple currently has heaps of information on how clients utilize the iPods,
MacBook’s, and iPhones, giving them exceptional data, they would then be able to utilize
when planning new items or the most recent forms of existing gadgets. The whole point
behind utilizing big data right now is to improve the client experience. This likewise
permits Apple to try out new characteristics prior to launch and figure out what
purchasers would favor before discharging an item to a mass crowd.

One region of specific interest in regards to the utilization of big data is wearable
innovation, and in tis regard Apple is planning to investigate a new area with its as of late
discharged Apple Watch. While Apple has just been gathering information on its clients,
it currently can do as such at a record pace. The Apple Watch can possibly reform
wearables all in all as well as information gathering. Apple would now be able to catch
information on what clients do during the day. This is for the most part done as an
approach to gauge and improve individuals' wellbeing. Sensors can gather data, for
example, what number of stages an individual stroll, their temperature, the amount they
eat, and various different elements that are then sent to Apple's information distribution
center for cautious investigation. This innovation is still in the beginning periods,
however the potential behind it is interesting.

In order to effectively harness the power of big data, organizations are required to extract
two types of information from the data collected: firstly, they need to withdraw the
information they know is there for preconceived goals (Frisk, 2017). Netflix has always
embraced using data to drive decision-making since its beginnings as an online DVD
rental service; data showed a DVD rental business was not sustainable in the long term,
driving the decision to move to streaming and how to make it lucrative (Marr, 2015).

Secondly, they need to mine previously unknown insights (Frisk, 2017) which, because of
the access to new data points, showed them that creating original content would draw in
new subscribers. Being able to extract and adapt these two types of information and make
decisions based on the results can lead to unexpected opportunities, thus increasing the
potential for greater profits.

Truth be told, the capability of enormous information with the Apple Watch has led to an
organization among Apple and IBM intended to capitalize on advanced wellbeing data.
Utilizing enormous information investigation, Apple plans to gather data on entire
populaces to quantify wellbeing and improve ways of life. This data might be utilized to
treat ailments, forestall the fast spread of ailments, and even give better security against
preventable affliction. The organization is likewise hoping to utilize huge information to
make wellbeing related versatile applications, which would then be able to be utilized
with Apple gadgets. All things considered, Apple has just start to expose what it is
equipped for with enormous information, and wearable gadgets might be the territory that
sees the most improvement in the coming years.

These models don't address Apple's utilization of enormous information including iTunes,
their new spilling music administration, or the iCloud, however unmistakably huge
information assumes a key job in a large number of Apple's procedures and specialized
advancements. With the assistance of enormous information examination and Hadoop
cloud, Apple has situated itself as not only a standout amongst other tech organizations
around, however perhaps the best organization time frame. That rule will probably
proceed into the future as Apple uses huge information in new and energizing manners.
Task 3. Present a judgement regarding the ability to provide the positive ROI
(return on investments) for companies investing in Big Data analytics.

At the point when utilized adequately, big data can be exceptionally valuable including for
associations as it can possibly empower new opportunities. All in all, there are numerous
benefits of implementing Big Data that result into positive ROI for Apple Inc. According to
Frisk (2017) when firms simplify and speed up with their decision-making processes using
Big Data, it leads to greater profitability. The old slogan of Apple was ‘Think Different’, and
they apply this philosophy in their application of Big Data. The management of Apple use the
massive amounts of data collected on their users to put content they will probably enjoy right
in front of them, which is a well-known fact. Apparently, Apple produced applications trying
to find the elements that make a model popular among consumers. As per Mallinger and
Stefkl (2015) when Apple faces an option of strategic business decisions, the valuable
insights gained from analytics of big data can help identify the most feasible path.

So as to assess the effectiveness of a venture, the ratio Return on Investment (ROI) also
known as Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) or Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) -
are utilized to quantify the profits made by implementing an investment such as Big Data
(Phillips, 1997). The dispatch of the Apple Watch might quicken this procedure in a
sensational manner – if, the same number of observers are stating is conceivable, it ends
up being the gadget which at long last carries wearables into the standard. Intended to be
worn throughout the day, and to gather a more extensive assortment of data on account of
extra sensors, significantly progressively close to home data is accessible for

Just as situating itself as an "empowering influence" of Big Data in others' lives, it has
likewise been put to use in its own inward frameworks. Apple has frequently been cryptic
about the procedures behind its customarily most noteworthy quality – item structure.
Anyway, it is realized that Big Data additionally has an impact here. Data is gathered
about how, when and where its items – Smart telephones, tablets, PCs and now watches –
are utilized, to figure out what new highlights ought to be included, or how the manner in
which they are worked can be changed to give the most agreeable and consistent client

The Siri voice acknowledgment highlights of iDevices have demonstrated mainstream

with clients as well, and this is likewise fueled by Big Data. Voice data caught by the
machine is transferred to its cloud examination stages, which think about them close by a
large number of other clients entered directions to assist it with getting better at
perceiving discourse designs (AI) and all the more precisely coordinate clients to the data
they are looking for. Apple keeps this data for a long time – disassociated from your
genuine character and doled out with a one of a kind mysterious pointer, as an admission
to guaranteeing protection.

Like its biggest rivals, Apple likewise offers cloud-based stockpiling, processing and
profitability arrangements, for both customer and business use. A month ago, it was
accounted for that it had obtained FoundationDB, a famous restrictive database design
generally utilized for Big Data applications. It is believed this could be accustomed to
bring expanded expository ability over its suite of online administrations, for example,
iCloud, Apple Productivity Works (once in the past iWork) and its up and coming
gushing music administration. This is done by assessing the huge amount of qualitative
data with the help of big data analytics rather than using long-winded interview sessions
(OutsideInsight, 2018).

Intending to catch a portion of the market ruled by Pandora, Spotify and Google Music,
this administration will be based on the innovation obtained by their buy a year ago of
Beats Music. Beats created calculations intended to coordinate clients with music they are
probably going to appreciate tuning in to, likewise to proposal motors utilized by Amazon
and Netflix. Deals through Apple's iTunes administration has declined as the prominence
of gushing administrations has usurped downloading as the most loved strategy for
getting to music on the web. The new help, expected in June, is Apple's endeavor to get a
cut of this activity.

Apple may have been slower in its take-up of Big Data and examination than huge
numbers of its opponents, yet it has obviously observed that it needs to have a big
influence in its future on the off chance that it needs to remain in front of the pack. It
appears to be likely that it will attempt to utilize it to move away from depending on
immensely costly, wordy item discharges to drive its development as a business, and
towards the more natural, continually recovering model of development supported by its
rivals in the product and administrations markets. In the event that Apple can merge its
trademark greatness in structure and ease of use with creative employments of Big Data
examination, it could keep on astonishing us with items and administrations which
become socially imbued in regular day to day existence, much the same as the iMac, iPod
and iPhone – guaranteeing it remains the world's most significant brand for quite a while
to come

As far as future of Big Data and its ROI in future are convened, big data infrastructure on
demand is elastic which means that cloud-based databases and storage scale both ways
with usage, so we only buy and use what we need. In addition, Big data with big
processing at the edge. When data gets fast and large, the solution is not always to build
bigger infrastructure to store it all. It is often to throttle the data at the source, so only
interesting data is stored. With ten security cameras on all day, the answer is not watching
240 hours of footage - it is only storing data when someone is in the frame.

To add on, Big data hardware becoming commoditized in favor of smart software.
Interoperability generally beats closed systems. And in the era of scalable faceless cloud-
based infrastructure, proprietary hardware has a bleak future. Big data coming in new data
structures. Flat files and tables will continue to be ubiquitous, but look out for a lot of
more spatial data, graph and network data and possibly triple stores. Not to mention the
varied - often unstructured - content that resides within those data structures.

And finally, and possibly most importantly, big data enabling big analytics. Contrary to
what some vendors will say, storing data (‘big’ or otherwise) is of limited value on its
own. It is what is done with the data that matters. Solid, value-creating analytics can start
long before big data is pristine, and the ROI of data is not driven by how big our big data
clusters or datasets are. It is driven by how it is applied through a combination of
intelligent applications built by analysts, data scientists, and data engineers - then
consumed by analytically savvy leadership or deployed to customers and partners.

To conclude, making effective use of big data analytic technology for making efficient
decision-making in the business context positively impacts on the profitability of Apple.
Apple can be seen as a leading example of a company who gained massive market share
and consumer insights by applying the valuable dynamics of big data for making
customer-driven product choices. The management of Apple understand that its very
important to make valuable insights from huge collected data and make it noise-free
before applying the underling insights.
Part B
Reflective Statement

Before starting this semester, I had little or no idea about the underlying dynamics of Big
Data and how its has changed the concept of consumer-driven technologies. After listening
and attending the seminars and lectures of Big Data and by seeing practical examples and
case studies of Big Data application, I have gained profound understanding of Big Data, how
it impacts consumerism, technology and helps companies around the globe in making
effective decisions.

After going through multiple case studies, I was surprised to realize that big shots of industry,
such as Apple, Google, and Netflix use Big Data. When I think of projects requiring text
analysis of large data repositories, such as an international car manufacturer’s customer
service transcript over a 10-year period, I would think of that as "big data" in my particular
profession. Clearly, this is quite different than "big data" that an astrophysicist, for example,
would be dealing with.

Using my example, I would suggest that all large consumer products and manufacturing
companies (e.g. Revlon, Toyota, Maytag, Pfizer, etc.) and service providers (Bank of
America, State Farm, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Columbia Pictures, etc.) Would be dealing
with a "big data" situation when conducting market research. Public figures like those
running for office would also be potential users of big data. Any entity that provides a
product or service for a mass audience would be a potential big data user given this example.
I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture of Hans-Josef Jeanrond who provide valuable information of
the careers in Big Data analytics. The variety of applications of big data instigated my

I also learned that my belief is that data is indeed the future. All companies will eventually
implement machine learning algorithms, predictive modeling, and analytics into your
platform, completely removing all manual processes with automated ones. It is sensible to
predict that marketing, advertising, and customer outreach will become more personalized as
an increased amount of people data is collected and more information on each customer is

All in all. The module was very insightful and enjoyable for me and added a lot to my
learning curve. The newly learned dynamics behind big data raised my interest so much that
now I am researching into how we as consumer can apply big data and benefit from it in the
long-run. I will continue to research on and study the techniques and applications of big data
analytics in future as well.

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