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ping ping
tracert traceroute
display show
display interface show interfaces
display routing-table Show ip route
Display ip interface Show ip interface
Display version Show version
Display bgp routing-table Show ip bgp
Display clock Show clock
Display port-mapping Show port
dir flash: (on user view mode) Show flash
Display logbuffer Show logging
Display snmp-agent statistics Show snmp
Display fr pvc-info Show frame-relay pvc
Display users Show users
Display lldp neighbor Show cdp neigh
Display arp Show arp
Display mac-address Show mac-address
System-view Conf t
quit exit
return end
Display qos policy interface Show policy-map interface
display current-configuration write terminal (sh run)
Display saved-configuration Sh startup
Display startup [No command available]
Reset saved-configuration Write erase
save Write mem (or wr or copy run start)
clear counters
Reset counters interface  
? ?
telnet telnet
Super pass cipher (system mode) Enable secret (conf mode)
term debu Term mon
clock clock
undo no
debugging/undo debugging debug/no debug
Save safely copy running-config
terminal monitor terminal monitor
screen-length disable terminal length
undo screen-length disable  
undo terminal monitor terminal no monitor
reset acl counter all clear access-list counters
reboot reload
shutdown shutdown
boot bootrom boot
hwtacacs scheme Aaa
undo terminal monitor terminal no monitor
hwtacacs scheme (in conf command) tacacs-server
tftp-server (in conf command) snmp-server
bgp router bgp
rip Router rip
reset ip fast-forwarding clear ip cef
reset ip routing-table statistics clear ip route *
protocol all
Reset bgp all Clear ip bgp
display diagnostic-information Show tech
Display nat session Sh ip nat translation
display controller (but not relevant for Show Controller
non-modular chassis)
Display atm pvc-info sho atm pvc
Debug atm all (very dangerous – debug pvc nego
might crash router)
Display ike sa sho crypto isakmp sa
Display ike peer sho crypto isakmp key
Display ike proposal sho crypto isakmp police
Interface G0/0/1  
 Clear configuration this Default interface G0/0/1

Forzar puerto POE en router para alimentar un


Por defecto esta opción está deshabilitada, pero para habilitarla usamos el
siguiente comando:

poe force-power enable

Y deshabilitamos con:

undo poe force-power enable

Esto se aplica desde el nivel de configuración tal como el siguiente ejemplo:

<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] interface ethernet 2/0/0
[Huawei-Ethernet2/0/0] poe force-power enable

Con esto, el equipo POE debería funcionar, de no ser así, puede ser algún daño
directo al equipo POE o al puerto del router.

Paso 2 Configurar dispositivos de red para comunicarse entre sí.
# Agregue interfaces del S5700-1 conectado a PC1 y PC2 a VLAN 103 (VLAN utilizada por
datos cableados). Configure Eth-Trunk 1 entre el S5700-1 y la CA y agréguelo a la VLAN 103.
[HUAWEI] sysname S5700-1
[S5700-1] vlan batch 103
[S5700-1] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type access
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port default vlan 103
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit
[S5700-1] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port link-type access
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port default vlan 103
[S5700-1-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] quit
[S5700-1] interface eth-trunk 1 //Configure an Eth-Trunk to improve
network bandwidth and reliability.
[S5700-1-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport gigabitethernet 0/0/1 0/0/4
[S5700-1-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type trunk
[S5700-1-Eth-Trunk1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 103
[S5700-1-Eth-Trunk1] quit
# En el S5700-2, agregue GE0 / 0/2 conectado a AP1 a VLAN 100 (administración VLAN) y
VLAN 101 (servicio VLAN), y GE0 / 0/3 conectado a AP2 a VLAN 100 (administración VLAN) y
VLAN 102 (servicio VLAN). Configure Eth-Trunk 2 entre el S5700-2 y la CA y agréguelo a
VLAN 100, VLAN 101 y VLAN 102.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname S5700-2
[S5700-2] vlan batch 100 to 102
[S5700-2] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type trunk
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port trunk pvid vlan 100
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 101
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port-isolate enable //Configure port
isolation to reduce unnecessary broadcast packets in the VLANs or
prevent direct Layer 2 communication between WLAN users of different
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit
[S5700-2] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port link-type trunk
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port trunk pvid vlan 100
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 102
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] port-isolate enable
[S5700-2-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] quit
[S5700-2] interface eth-trunk 2
[S5700-2-Eth-Trunk2] trunkport gigabitethernet 0/0/1 0/0/4
[S5700-2-Eth-Trunk2] port link-type trunk
[S5700-2-Eth-Trunk2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 to 102
[S5700-2-Eth-Trunk2] quit
# Configure el Eth-Trunk 1 entre el AC y el S5700-1 conectado a los usuarios cableados y
agregue el Eth-Trunk 1 a la VLAN 103. Configure el Eth-Trunk 2 entre el AC y el S5700-2
conectado a los usuarios inalámbricos y agregue el Eth-Trunk 2 al VLAN 100, VLAN 101 y
VLAN 102. Agregue GE1 / 0/1 que conecta la CA a la red de la capa superior a VLAN 101,
VLAN 102 y VLAN 103
[HUAWEI] sysname AC
[AC] vlan batch 100 to 103
[AC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk
[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 101 to 103
[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[AC] interface eth-trunk 1
[AC-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 1/0/4
[AC-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type trunk
[AC-Eth-Trunk1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 103
[AC-Eth-Trunk1] quit
[AC] interface eth-trunk 2
[AC-Eth-Trunk2] trunkport GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 1/0/5
[AC-Eth-Trunk2] port link-type trunk
[AC-Eth-Trunk2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 to 102
[AC-Eth-Trunk2] quit
Paso 3 Configure la AC como un servidor DHCP para asignar direcciones IP a PC, AP y STA.
# Configure the AC to assign IP addresses to APs from an interface address pool.
[AC] dhcp enable
[AC] interface vlanif 100
[AC-Vlanif100] description manage_ap //Configure description for the
VLANIF interface to help users know the interface functions.
[AC-Vlanif100] ip address 24
[AC-Vlanif100] dhcp select interface //Configure an interface address
pool to assign IP addresses to APs.
[AC-Vlanif100] quit
  # Configure el AC para asignar direcciones IP a las PC del grupo global de direcciones.
[AC] interface vlanif 103
[AC-Vlanif103] description manage_pc
[AC-Vlanif103] ip address 24
[AC-Vlanif103] dhcp select global //Configure a global address pool to
assign IP addresses to PCs.
[AC-Vlanif103] quit
[AC] ip pool 103 //The detailed configuration mode for the IP address
[AC-ip-pool-103] gateway-list
[AC-ip-pool-103] network mask 24
[AC-ip-pool-103] quit
# Configure the AC to assign IP addresses to the STAs from the global address pool. The AC
assigns IP addresses to STAs connected to AP1 from the address pool VLANIF 101 and to
STAs connected to AP2 from the address pool VLANIF 102.
AC] interface vlanif 101
[AC-Vlanif101] description sta_pool1
[AC-Vlanif101] ip address 24
[AC-Vlanif101] dhcp select global
[AC-Vlanif101] quit
[AC] ip pool 101
[AC-ip-pool-101] gateway-list
[AC-ip-pool-101] network mask 24
[AC-ip-pool-101] quit
[AC] interface vlanif 102
[AC-Vlanif102] description sta_pool2
[AC-Vlanif102] ip address 24
[AC-Vlanif102] dhcp select global
[AC-Vlanif102] quit
[AC] ip pool 102
[AC-ip-pool-102] gateway-list
[AC-ip-pool-102] network mask 24
[AC-ip-pool-102] quit

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