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Amendment Description Own words/Real life

1 Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right now lots of people are using their
Assembly, Press, and Petition right of Petition to protest for George Floyd.

2 Right to keep and bear arms We are allowed to own a firearm not to
shoot people but to protect yourself.

3 prohibits the government from This is very important because it would be

using private homes as quarters a mess if any soldier could go into any
for soldiers without the consent house to set up camp for war
of the owners

4 prohibits search and seizure Police need a warrant to be able to go

without a warrant through your personal things and/or arrest
you which I believe is very important

5 innocent until proven guilty, sets When you are a suspect for a crime they
out rules for indictment cannot say you are guilty until they can
prove which is very important because lots
of people get locked up that are actually

6 protects the right to a fair, When convicted of a crime or a suspect

speedy, private trial, and a you are able to have a fast trial in which
lawyer you can prove your innocence. Lots of
people cannot afford a lawyer to help them
fight their case so it's important they will be
appointed one if they cannot get their own.

7 right to trial by jury The jury system is, in my opinion, great.

People who are in a trial have to convince
12 people to choose either guilty or
innocent. It is fair.

8 prohibits excessive fines or bail Punishments have to fit the crime and
as well as cruel and unusual within the constitution.

9 protects rights not enumerated in This amendment I feel is so important for

the constitution situations that go between the lines of the
constitution and you will feel safe since you
are protected.

10 limits the powers of the federal The government could take over if they
government weren’t limited so this is more than

11 makes states immune from This is really important for people that don’t
lawsuits by people not living in even live in the U.S.

12 revises presidential election I personally do not like how the president

procedure gets elected, so I feel better knowing there
is revises going on

13 abolishes slavery Slavery was hands down horrible and I am

glad to live in a world where it has been

14 defines citizenship and deals Anyone who is born in the U.S. is and
with post-civil war issues should be a citizen.

15 guarantees the right to vote for Voting is very important when you are a
any race, religion, etc. citizen. It gives you a chance to choose
who you feel is most fit to lead this country.

16 prohibits excessive taxes without Taxes are important but can become a lot
justification of money and some people just don't have
that much.

17 establishes direct election of U.S. I think Popular vote is the best way of
senators by popular vote voting because that shows who really won.

18 prohibits manufacturing or selling I think alcohol should be allowed for people

alcohol in the U.S. (prohibition) of the legal age to consume with their own

19 guarantees women the right to Women are equal with men and should
vote always be so they should get to vote along
side men.

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