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Week 14 - Additional Packet Tracer Lab Activities

Accessing the WAN

Chapter 8: Network Troubleshooting

Activity/Lab Title Handout Learning Objectives

• Test connectivity.
• Discover PC configuration information.
Packet Tracer Network
Activity • Discover the configuration information of the Exploration: Discovery and
Instructions default gateway.
Skills Practice Documentation
• Discover routes and neighbors in the network.
• Draw the network topology.
• Gather network documentation.
Packet Tracer Troubleshooting
Activity • Test connectivity. Exploration: Network
Instructions • Gather data and implement solutions.
Skills Practice Problems
• Test connectivity.
Packet Tracer Troubleshooting • Find and correct all network errors.
Activity Exploration: Enterprise • Verify that requirements are fully met.
Skills Practice Networks 2 • Document the corrected network.
Packet Tracer Troubleshooting • Find and correct all network errors.
Activity Exploration: Enterprise • Verify that requirements are fully met.
Skills Practice Networks 3 • Document the corrected network.
• Configure Frame Relay in a hub-and-spoke
Packet Tracer topology.
Exploration: Skills Integration Activity • Configure PPP with CHAP and PAP
Skills Integration Challenge Instructions authentication.
Challenge • Configure static and dynamic NAT.
• Configure static and default routing.

1 Compiled by Peter Smith 2014

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