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Caffeine Consumption

1. Do you consume a drink of caffeine every day?

____ YES
____ NO

2. Do you use caffeine to not fall asleep?


3. Does your body have any reaction to not taking caffeine? (Example: headache,
fatigue, etc.)?
____ YES
____ NO

4. Could you go 48-72 hours without caffeine?

___ YES
___ NO

5. Do you consume more caffeine than water?

___ YES
___ NO


Do you consume a drink of caffeine every day? 7 3
Do you use caffeine for not to fall asleep? 8 2
Does your body have any reaction for not taking
caffeine? (Example: headache, fatigue, etc.)? 4 6
Could you go 48-72 hours without caffeine? 5 5
Do you consume more caffeine than water? 1 9

Analyzing this survey we can say that most people take caffeine to be able to stay
active day by day. The important thing is not to abuse and take it in a controlled
way as it could bring diseases to our body.

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