Euroexam SZ

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Task 1

Where do you come from?
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Could you tell us a bit about your family?
Why do you take a Euroexam?

What do you most like about your job?
What was your dream when you were a child?
Do you like your boss? Why or why not?
What role does technology play in our life?
What technological changes have taken place in your lifetime?
What do you think has been the mot useful technological invention?
What is the weather like today?
How important to you is good weather?
What is your favourite season? Why?

Task 2
Picture description

Task 3
1. you bought a new car several months ago, but now find that you are unable to make
the payments. Ask your friend what you should do.
2. you are on the university campus. Ask you friend to explain to you how to get to the

3. Your house is next to the airport and the noise is driving you crazy. Ask your friend
what you should do.

Task 4
What do you think is the secret of a long and healthy life?
What can be done to help the homeless in your country?

What makes a great boss?

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