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Slide One

Introduced yourself and title of topic to be discussed.

Slide Two
Read the title “Ethically Correct Actions that would have been taken by Gucci
Gucci Company should have reviewed and introduced a favorable working conditions
schedule for female workers and should reassigned them to simpler tasks as well as there
would be restriction for overtime working for pregnant women with compensation.
Employees should have been allowed to work freely without restrictions that incapacitated
their productivity. For instance, the firm should have abandoned the provision requiring
employees to get permission before taking a break to buy snacks.
the company should also have to act ethically by prioritizing the employee’s interests such as
providing best fit working environment for employees and overtime hours should be paid

Slide Three
Read the title “Utilitarianism Theory”
The theory established that the outcome of an action determines whether it is right or wrong.
If an activity creates happiness in society, then the action was right. If an activity creates
displeasure, then the action was improper.
Similarly, forcing employees to work overtime without reasonable pay could made them
unhappy due to reason that employees are always willing to work as per the provisional
guidelines of a firm and their benefits. In this case, Gucci's actions created discontentment to
a lot of people; hence they were wrong.

Slide Four
Read the title “Conclusion”
It is hereby concluded that Gucci Company acted against the provisions of the due process
rights of the employees and leads towards the unhappy workforce as company violated the
workers’ rights by exposing them to an unconducive working environment that caused bodily
harm, such as miscarriage.
They were not allowed to buy snacks or catch a drink without obtaining permission from the
management, hence, the workers’ rights to exercise their will was also limited by the
restrictions imposed by the company.

Slide Four
Say thanks to all and greeting.

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