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Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Entrepreneurship Assignment
[Document subtitle]


SUBMITTED BY: Mirza Aqeel Ahmed


DUE DATE: JUNE 01, 2020

Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Discussed group students name and their detail

i. Focus Group 1.
Student Name University Department Session

Samiullah Arshad UET Electrical Eng. 2016

Zohaib butt UET Chemical Eng. 2017

Hassam kalimullah UET Mecatronics 2016

Zeeshan Ahmed NUST Civil 2019

Arslan khan Punjab university Chemical Eng. 2017

ii. Focus Group 2.

Student Name University Department Session

Aziz Malik FAST CS 2016

Zeeshan Farooq UET Faisalabad Electrical Eng. 2017

Rehman khalid Karachi university Mechanical Eng. 2019

Asim Raza UET Geological Eng. 2018

Khalil Ahmed GIKI Electrical Eng. 2016

Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

iii. Focus Group 3.

Student Name University Department Session

Nasir Hussain UET Taxila Software Eng. 2019

Ahmed Raza UET Ksk MSc Chemistry 2018

Usama shah NUST Home Economics 2016

Zumer ALI Uni. Of Karachi Zoology 2019

Mazhar Ali Indus Uni. Karachi B.Tech Civil 2018

Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Focus Group 1 Discussion

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
I have already paid for my university fee before the outbreak, yes my parent/guardian lose or experience cut
in salary during Covid 19
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes, my graduation gets delayed. All the future plans are in danger due to this pandemic. It is really causing
serious threats to my academic life.
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Yes, it seriously effect my social life. As I am a party lover now I really miss my gatherings with my friends.
I really miss my favorite food of different restaurants.
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
yes it did affect my daily routine. Especially my sleeping routine has badly effected due to this pandemic.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
I am just trying to go with the stream. But I really has taken some precautionary measures to prevent myself
from this fatal pandemic.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
A. In past my university fee were paying through savings accumulate at the end of months.
Nowadays in pandemic situation, especially lock down weeks results cut and delay of parent
salary leads the unstable situation to pay the upcoming university fee. Not hostelite.
B. Both cut and delay in salary.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Yes it really effect my social life. I really miss my friends gatherings.
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
Spared more time for spiritual progress.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
A. Extra burdon expenditures had prohibited
B. Make friendship with books
C. Rejoined healthy activity 'gardening'
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
My fees were paid at the start of the semester. My father is retired from government job and he was getting
his pension.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes my semester was postponed for about 3 weeks because the university didn’t start the online classes
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
I was connected to my friends through Facebook and WhatsApp
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
I was busy in daytime in online classes and then in some domestic work. I don’t usually go out so it was safe
for me to stay at home.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Expenses of my house are entirely depend on father’s pension although my brother new job was terminated
because of lockdown
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Focus Group 2 Discussion

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
Ans 1
I do not live in hostel and my university fee had been paid before this coronavirus. My father shop was
closed due to lockdown
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Ans 2
My semester duration is delayed and my university hasn’t started online classes yet
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Ans 3
I was unable to meet my friends and relatives also because it was restricted to meet people outside in
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
Ans 4
It was very difficult to purchase something for iftar because almost every shop was shut
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Ans 5
My father used his savings to support his family like I think everyone’s father has been doing. My education
was affected by covid-19
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
My father faced great difficulty to pay my fees because of this virus . his salary was cut as every business
was closed
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
My university started online classes right after Hec announced and yes the experience of online classes was
totally different from taking class in classroom
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
My friends were in touch with me via social media
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
My Ramadan routine was almost same , spending time on mobile phone talking to my friends
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
My father used his savings he had saved for difficult time in this trouble. It was good that university started
online classes in order to continue the study.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite)
and university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or
experience cut in salary during Covid 19?
Answer 1: Iam not hostelite and my university fee was paid when semester started. My father had burden on
him regarding expenses of household accessories.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Answer 2: Experience of online classes is very different and it was my first experience but it is okay. Classes
are going on daily basis. I hope my degree will not be delayed
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Answer 3: I spend time with my friends on chatting and video call. On eid, we all cousins gathered and I
also met with my friends
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
Answer 4: It was kind of scary to go outside and buy grocery for ramzan while living with covid 19 around
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Answer 5: My study was continued via online classes. It didn’t affect me personally, while socially it did
that I managed to stay connected to my friends through social media lika whatsapp, facebook etc.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite)
and university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or
experience cut in salary during Covid 19?
I had paid my semester fee and hostel fee, so no issue. Yes we had to face salary issue because of
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes, our semester was greatly affected by covid19. It extended about a month
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Yes I couldn’t meet my friends and family because of lockdown
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
It was like horrible to fast in Ramadan because of fear of covid19 like we cannot get medicine if we get sick
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
I became aware of staying away from people. My father had to spend his savings because of short in
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Focus Group 3 Discussion

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
My fees were paid at the start of the semester. My father is retired from government job and he was getting
his pension.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes my semster was postponed for about 3 weeks because the university didn’t start the online classes
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
I was connected to my friends through Facebook and WhatsApp
4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
I was busy in daytime in online classes and then in some domestic work. I don’t usually go out so it was safe
for me to stay at home.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Expenses of my house are entirely depend on father’s pension although my brother new job was terminated
because of lockdown
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite)
and university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or
experience cut in salary during Covid 19?
Owing to the prevailing economic situation of country due to COVID 19, my father lost his job and I
was unable to pay my hostel dues and university fees and my whole academic career is at the verge of
great risk
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in
online classes)
It’s always harder to study and restrict yourself to academic activities when you are not going to
university and unable to fee that peer pressure. So yes, the COVID 19 has affected my academic life in
many aspects as I am not following any timetable at home.

3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Who doesn’t want to go out and have gossips with friends but this ruthless lockdown! This has bring a lot
frustration and chaos in my life as it’s been a while since I met them.

4. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
As we are not having our lectures at universities and not observing any outdoor activity due to cove 19 this
has impacted routine to a great extent. I spend all night on my phone and sleep till noon.

5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Since my father lost his job during the pandemic I started thinking of earning money by a freelancing
platform. I wrote them some academic articles and they paid me for that. this is how I managed my
academic expenses.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
I have already paid for my university fee before the outbreak, yes my parent/guardian lose or experience cut
in salary during Covid 19
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes, my graduation gets delayed.
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Yes seriously I really miss my best friends gathering. Those gossips and all the time talking about the future
plans etc.
4.How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
It reall disturbed my daily routine. My sleeping routine was badly effected due to this pandemic. Being
at home all the time is not an easy task.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
I took some really precautionary measures as this pandemic is very dangerous and can cause serious health
issues. Avoid too much news and social media. Reading books these days to enhance Islamic knowledge.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite)
and university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or
experience cut in salary during Covid 19?
Yes, it is a fact during such pandemic a middle-class family suffers in terms of economic stability I
belong to a middle-class family so yes it affected my life but due to HEC scholarship my hosted fee and
university fee already submitted. Yes, my father’s salary cut for covid fund.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in
online classes)
It suffers a lot specially in an area where no proper internet is there. It actually piles up burden on such
students. Yes, this situation has affected our academic life we are facing a delay in semester and internships.
Moreover, quality of education is dropped to a pathetic level.

3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Due to lock down and threat of Corona no one can freely visit their relatives and friends too. Everyone is
afraid of it. it has affected the social life as well as I haven't met my friends, teachers and Seniors for 2
4.How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
It totally changed the daily routine. Ramzan went good as there were no burden of classes and exams
however, daily routine is disturbed as there is no university. Online classes, social media, no iftar parties.
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
I can just wait and pray to Allah, May these days over soon. I think the situation is still manageable but if
the same situation continues then it will be an uphill task to deal such circumstances. I had to manage. I
didn't find any other way to face the issues. by the help of the local organization and friends I reached at

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite)
and university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or
experience cut in salary during Covid 19?
Yess Economical issue raising day by day. My father experience cut in salary.
My Fater is a government job holder he gets pay every month only five percent of his pay has been
cut from his salary.
2. Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in
online classes)
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

No because I am hafize quran I am searching more knowledge about Quran.

3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
No because I am a hostelite now I am spending my time with my family living in my home. I am very happy
to be with my family in this difficult time.
4.How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
Boring life and not proper routine our work and other activities. Very boring days spend. it makes me lazy
and all the time i was sleeping so it disrupts my social life as well as daily study routine..
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Until now i am just trying to utilize my time with books and on social media to reduce my laziness and
reduce the impact on my social life..and i am also trying to spend my time with my family members as well.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your economic life (in terms of paying hostel fee (if you are hostelite) and
university fee and other related purchases to you).Did you or your parent/guardian lose or experience
cut in salary during Covid 19?
My father is a tailor due to lockdown his shop is also closed that sway we are facing economical problems
following the house and fee issues.
2.Did Covid 19 affects your academic life? (In terms of delay in semester, your performance in online
Yes, this is my first year at university and now I this it will goes to five-year degree. There is no online
classes yet from our university.
3. Did Covid 19 affect your social life? (In terms of not being able to meet with relatives and friends)?
Now, I am in my village and due to lockdown, I am unable to meet with friends and relatives properly.
obviously In quarantine days I cannot visit my relatives
4.How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine especially Ramadan routine?
As my daily academic routine already disturbed but due to sudden change in location and lockdown my
daily routine totally changed. But in Ramadan I feel lockdown gave me a good chance to practice Islamic
5. How did you manage above mentioned economic, academic, personal and social impacts on you
during Covid 19?
Due to some concession in lockdown economic impact slightly decreased but academic, personal and social
impacts are remain same and not manageable in current circumstances.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Interview # 01
Interview Questions:
Economic Impacts:

1. How did Covid 19 affect your ability to pay the university fee and hostel fee (if you are hostelite)?
‘I am in the last semester of my graduation; I had already paid my university fee of all semesters before this
pandemic. So, this Covid 19 thing did not greatly affect my ability to pay university fee.’

2. Are you a jobholder (Yes or No).if yes, did you lose your job or had cut/delay in salary? If you are
not doing job, did your Parents or guardians lose job or experience cut/delay in salary?
‘Yes, I am a jobholder and working as a freelancer. I did not lose my job exactly but after this pandemic the
freelance market worsen and there are few jobs as compared to earlier which results cut in earning.’

3. How did Covid 19 impact your household purchases like clothes for Eid or stationary/books etc.?
‘It did not greatly affect my household purchasing as I am working currently on freelance market and
earning enough money to buy my domestic goods and Eid clothes online.’

4. How would you manage above mentioned economic effects of Covid -19?
‘I did not do anything extraordinary to cope up with these economic effects but I become more vibrant on
freelance market and trying to provide more effective work to enhance my profile rank so I get more jobs
and earn more money.’

Academic impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 impact your academic life?
‘It is greatly impacting my academic life as I am not able to go outside and get physical education. This has
caused an anxiety and depression as it disturbed my study and education pattern.’

2. Did your university switch to online classes early as compared to other universities? How would it
affect the duration of your semester?
‘Yes, my university switched to start online classes but not too early, as we were schemed to pass out at the
end of May, but due to this pandemic and online classes now we will pass out at the end of June.’

3. Do you like the idea of online classes? If yes why and if not why and how did it impact your
academic performance and what were your ways to manage it.
No, I do not like an idea of online classes because in our country majority students belong to lower middle
class and poor family and they don’t have enough resources and facilities for online education.’

Impact on daily routine:

1. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine? And do you like your routine in Covid 19 or not and
‘It has enormously impacted my daily routine. My sleeping routine is more vulnerable by this pandemic. I
did not like this routine as it is boring and rough.’
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

2. How did Covid 19 impact your routine in Ramadan? How was this Ramadan different from
previous Ramadan?
‘As I told, my sleeping pattern has become vulnerable due to this pandemic. So in Ramadan I normally
woke up until sehri and then after done sehri going for sleep and sleep until iftar.’

3. What were your ways to cope up with above changes in daily routine?
‘I did not do anything to cope up with this routine. I live it as it is going.’

Social impacts:

1. How did Covid 19 affect your social life in terms of not being able to meet with relatives and
friends? Did you like the idea of self-quarantine?
‘It did not impact largely as I usually go to visit my friends and relatives after a while. I don’t like an idea of
self-quarantine as it restricts us around four wall which cause stress, depression and anxiety,’

2. How did you cope up with social effects of Covid 19?

‘I normally go to visit my friends and relatives and also call them in my home. We keep do social gatherings
for gossiping and mind relaxation.’
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Interview # 02
University: University of Engineering and Tecnology, Lahore
Department: Environmental Engineering

Interview Questions:
Economic Impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 affect your ability to pay the university fee and hostel fee (if you are hostelite)?
I am a hostelite and Covid 19 greatly affect to me and my family to pay the university fee because my father
is a daily wage earner and he can not manage to pay such a maount of fee now immediately.

2. Are you a jobholder (Yes or No).if yes, did you lose your job or had cut/delay in salary? If you are
not doing job, did your Parents or guardians lose job or experience cut/delay in salary?
Yes I am a job holder although I did not lose a job as it is a part time job but this pendemic really effect the
my salary and it is on hold for some time due to the worsen condition of market.

3. How did Covid 19 impact your household purchases like clothes for Eid or stationary/books etc.?
It did not effect much because I am not a shopping lover but I have enough money to buy necessary things
for eid and daily use.

4. How would you manage above mentioned economic effects of Covid -19?
I did not do anything speciall to cope up with these effects but I do started freelancing to bear the economic
effect as possible as I can.

Academic impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 impact your academic life?
Yes it is really impacting my academic life as semester is already very late. Secondly I am not use to online
classes and exams structure. So it is really a hectic routine for me.

2. Did your university switch to online classes early as compared to other universities? How would it
affect the duration of your semester?
‘Yes, my university switched to start online classes but not too early, as we were schemed to pass out at the
end of May, but due to these pandemic and online classes now we will pass out at the end of June.’

3. Do you like the idea of online classes? If yes why and if not why and how did it impact your
academic performance and what were your ways to manage it.
No, I do not like an idea of online classes because in our country majority students belong to lower middle
class and poor family and they don’t have enough resources and facilities for online education.’
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Impact on daily routine:

1. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine? And do you like your routine in Covid 19 or not and
It has a huge effect in my daily routine. As I can not go outside for daily exercise. My traditional academic
life is not possible now due to this pandemic.

2. How did Covid 19 impact your routine in Ramadan? How was this Ramadan different from
previous Ramadan?
This Ramadan was very different form others. As my daily habits changed I have become more like couch
potato. Daily 3 to 4 hours of watching TV. Sleeping pattern disturbed .

3. What were your ways to cope up with above changes in daily routine?
I tried to maintain my daily routine activities as much as possible.

Social impacts:

1. How did Covid 19 affect your social life in terms of not being able to meet with relatives and
friends? Did you like the idea of self-quarantine?
‘It did not impact largely as I usually go to visit my friends and relatives after a while. I don’t like an idea of
self-quarantine as it restricts us around four wall which cause stress, depression and anxiety,’

2. How did you cope up with social effects of Covid 19?

‘I normally go to visit my friends and relatives and also call them in my home. We keep do social gatherings
for gossiping and mind relaxation.’
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Interview # 03
University: University of Central of Punjab, Lahore
Department: Business Studies (BBA)

Interview Questions:
Economic Impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 affect your ability to pay the university fee and hostel fee (if you are hostelite)?
I'm a day scholar so there is no worry about the hostel fee. But as usuall my parent pay my university fee.
And I've already pay the university fee before the Covid - 19.

2. Are you a jobholder (Yes or No).if yes, did you lose your job or had cut/delay in salary? If you are
not doing job, did your Parents or guardians lose job or experience cut/delay in salary?
Yes, I'm a job holder. Yes I lose my job due to Covid - 19. My parents also lose their job. We have some
savings by which we met our expenses.

3. How did Covid 19 impact your household purchases like clothes for Eid or stationary/books etc.?
It greatly affect our house hold needs and purchase. In this eid we only purchase the clothes of young
members of our family. No purchase of any sort of stationary item.

4. How would you manage above mentioned economic effects of Covid -19?
My parents have some savings which prove like a blessing in these days. We met all of our expenses with
the help of savings which we made last years.

Academic impacts:

1. How did Covid 19 impact your academic life?

It greatly affect our academic life as we are not able to go out side and purchase any sort of stationary item
and even we are not able to go universities.

2. Did your university switch to online classes early as compared to other universities? How would it
affect the duration of your semester?
No, my university didn't switch to online classes early in this situation. As a result we have to cover a lot of
syllabus in a very short time.

3. Do you like the idea of online classes? If yes why and if not why and how did it impact your
academic performance and what were your ways to manage it.
Yes, I like this idea. Because it is the only solution to complete the degree in its right time. Although it is
difficult and we are facing it first time but with the time we get habbit of it.

Impact on daily routine:

Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

1. How did Covid 19 impact your daily routine? And do you like your routine in Covid 19 or not and
My daily routine become too much bored as I've nothing to fo in home these days. My sleeping hours are
increase but it is not good for me.

2. How did Covid 19 impact your routine in Ramadan? How was this Ramadan different from
previous Ramadan?
There is no such a great joy of Ramadan due to this panademic as it is in the last years. But I understand it
and continue my routine with full of joys.

3. What were your ways to cope up with above changes in daily routine?
I switch toward the cooking in order to get myself busy. As it is also very fruitful for me in my future. So I
spend most of my time in kitchen.

Social impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 affect your social life in terms of not being able to meet with relatives and
friends? Did you like the idea of self-quarantine?
It did not affect it very greatly because all of my relatives and dear persons are situated close to my house.
So it is very easy for me to visit them when I want to be.

2. How did you cope up with social effects of Covid 19?

Firstly I did not mesh my mind toward this situation. I continue all my works with full of joy and never think
about this pandemic that it has changed my routine.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Interview # 04
University:University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Department: Civil Engineering

Interview Questions:
Economic Impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 affect your ability to pay the university fee and hostel fee (if you are
A. In past my university fee were paying through savings accumulate at the endof months.Nowadays in
panedemic situation, especially lock down weeks results cut and delay of parent salary leads the
unstable situation to pay the upcoming university fee.
B. Not hostelite.
2. Are you a jobholder (Yes or No).if yes, did you lose your job or had cut/delay in salary? If you
are not doing job, did your Parents or guardians lose job or experience cut/delay in salary?
A. No.
B. Both cut and delay in salary.

3. How did Covid 19 impact your household purchases like clothes for Eid or stationary/books etc.?
Extra burdon expenditures had prohibited.
4. How would you manage above mentioned economic effects of Covid -19?
Academic impacts
1. How did Covid 19 impact your academic life?
Mostdegree academic period had suspended.
2. Did your university switch to online classes early as compared to other universities? How would it
affect the duration of your semester?
A. No
B. Disturbed
3. Do you like the idea of online classes? If yes why and if not why and how did it impact your
academic performance and what were your ways to manage it.
A. Yes, with certain limits.
B. In my opinion Numerical and Experimental based classes required self presence for better and
effective learning.Also internet availability isone most important and nonneglectable issuse.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Impact on daily routine:

1. How did covid 19 impact your daily routine? And do you like your routine in Covid 19 or not and
Helped in making effective natural routine.
2. How did Covid 19 impact your routine in Ramadan? How was this Ramadan different from
previous Ramadan?
A. Spared more time for spiritual progress
B. Full of real Ramadan philosophy
3. What were your ways to cope up with above changes in daily routine?
Happy with passed routine
Social impacts
1. How did Covid 19 affect your social life in terms of not being able to meet with relatives and
friends? Did you like the idea of self quarantine?
A. A tedious journy.
B. No
2. How did you cope up with social effects of Covid 19?
Make friendship with books.
Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Interview # 05
University: University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Department: Chemical department

Economic Impacts:
1. How did Covid 19 affect your ability to pay the university fee and hostel fee (if you are hostelite)?
Answer : My father and brother are not going to thier jobs and not getting paid this straightly affects my
universoty fees.
2. Are you a jobholder (Yes or No).if yes, did you lose your job or had cut/delay in salary? If you are
not doing job, did your Parents or guardians lose job or experience cut/delay in salary?
Answer: No i m not a job holder.
3. How did Covid 19 impact your household purchases like clothes for Eid or stationary/books etc.?
Answer: Due to covid 19 we are buying less clothes and unnecessary shopping.
4. How would you manage above mentioned economic effects of Covid -19?
Answer :my parents always plan for these type of situations and managed to save some money.
Academic impacts
1. How did Covid 19 impact your academic life?
Answer. Covid just ruined my academics life.. Universities failed to provide usefull means of studying.
Everything tey are doing is just for thier own financial benefit. We are losing our grades as well.
2. Did your university switch to online classes early as compared to other universities? How would it
affect the duration of your semester?
Answer. Yes my university are using online platform for classes but thier services are crap. It does not affect
the duration of my semester.
3. Do you like the idea of online classes? If yes why and if not why and how did it impact your
academic performance and what were your ways to manage it?

Amswer: No i strongly against the online education system.

Entrepreneurship Assignment 2016-PE-44

Impact on daily routine:

1. How did covid 19 impact your daily routine? And do you like your routine in Covid 19 or not and
Answer : I missed my those busy days outside my home. Covid 19 brings alot of free time. To do just
nothing. O dont like my daily routine.

2. How did Covid 19 impact your routine in Ramadan? How was this Ramadan different from
previous Ramadan?

Answer. Covid 19 not grestly i. Pact my ramadam just taraweeh amd salah are changed.
3. What were your ways to cope up with above changes in daily routine?

Answer : I try to use this free time to learn something nee every day like cooking.
Social impacts
1. How did Covid 19 affect your social life in terms of not being able to meet with relatives and
friends? Did you like the idea of self quarantine?
Answer. Covid 19 does effect social life of everyone. We are not supposed to meet over loved ones. But it
is the requirement of time. We should understand the dangers of covid. Self quarentine is good idea.

2. How did you cope up with social effects of Covid 19?

Answer: luckily we are not living in the age of stones. We cam still talk communicate and see each other.
Internet makes our quarentine easy.

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