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Exp.No : 2(a) Date :

Aim: To determine sensitivity of error detector (Synchro transmitter and receiver pair)


1) Synchro transmitter and receiver pair kit.

2) Multimeter

3) Patch chards

Synchro: A synchro is an electromagnetic transducer commonly used to convert angular position of

a shaft into electrical signal. It is commercially known as ‘autosyn’.


Consider the simple synchro transmitter shown in Fig.1. Its construction is similar to that of three
phase alternator. The stator is of laminated silicon steel and is slotted to accommodate a balanced
three phase star connected winding. The rotor is dumbbell construction and is wound with a
concentric coil. An AC voltage is applied to rotor winding through slip rings. Let an AC voltage

v r=V r sin ω c t

Figure-1 Schematic diagram of Synchro transmitter

be applied to the rotor of the synchro transmitter shown in figure-1. This voltage causes a flow of
magnetizing current and because of transformer action, voltages are induced in each of the stator
coils. As the air gap flux is sinusoidal distributed, the flux linking any stator coil is proportional to the
cosine of the angle between rotor and stator coil axes and so is the voltage induced in each stator
coil. The stator coil voltages are of course in time phase with each other. Thus we see that synchro
transmitter acts like a 1-phase transformer in which rotor coil is the primary side and the stator coils
forms the three secondaries. Let the V s1n , Vs2n and Vs3n respectively be the voltages induced in the
stator coils S1,S2 and S3 with respect to neutral. With respect to figure-1 for certain angle of θ Vs1n ,
Vs2n and Vs3n are given as

The three terminal voltages of stator are

Vs1s2=Vs1n - Vs2n ............(1)

Vs2s3=Vs2n - Vs3n..............(2)

Vs3s1=Vs3n - Vs1n..............(3)
Thus it is seen that input to the synchro transmitter is the angular position of its rotor shaft and the
output is a set of three single phase voltages given by above equations (1),(2) and (3). The figure
depicting synchro error detector is show in figure-2 where the output of the synchro transmitter is
applied to the stator windings of a synchro control transformer. The synchro control transformer is
similar in construction to a synchro transmitter except for the fact that the rotor of the control
transformer is made cylindrical such that air gap is uniform.
Figure-2 Synchro Error detector

Let the rotor rotate through an angle θ shown in figure-2 and let the control transformer rotate in
the same direction through an angle α resulting in a net angular separation of φ = (90 0- θ + α)
between the two rotors. Also we see that the output of synchro error detector is a modulated signal.
The modulating signal representing information regarding the lack of correspondence between the
two rotor positions and the carrier wave is the ac input to the rotor of the synchro transmitter. This
type of modulation is known as suppressed modulation.

em(t) = Ks(θ-α)......(4)

where Ks is sensitivity of the error detector.


To study synchro transmitter

1. Connect R1 and R2 terminals of transmitter to the single phase supply and put ON the
main supply shown in fig 3.
2. Rotate the rotor until the voltmeter connected between S1 and S3 reads the position of
pointer on the disc, the corresponding value is electrical zero of transmitter rotor.
3. By varying angle of transmitter note down the terminal voltages across S1S2, S2S3 S3S1
respectively for a complete cycle. Measure the angle from electrical zero.
4. Plot the graph Vs3 versus θ as shown in fig 4.

Note: Synchro receiver switch should be off

Panel Diagram for Synchro Transmitter Receiver

Fig 3: Panel Diagram of Synchro Transmitter Receiver pair Kit

Table 1: Tabular column for Synchro Transmitter Characterstics

S.No Rotor position Vs3s1 (volt)


Fig: 4 Model Graph Synchro Transmitter Characteristics

To study synchro transmitter & receiver pair

1. Connect S1 S2 S3 terminals of transmitter to S1 S2 S3 terminals of receiver pair respectively as

shown in fig 2.

2. ON the main supply, transmitter and receiver.

3. Connect the voltmeter across receiver and set transmitter rotor and receiver rotor in electrical
zero position.

4. By varying error note down receiver field voltage

5. Plot the graph Erf versus θR as shown in fig 4.

Table 2: Tabular column for Synchro Transmitter Receiver pair

S.No Receiver Field Rotor Position

Voltage(Erf ) (degree)

Fig: 4 Model Graph of Synchro Transmitter Receiver Pair Characteristics



Viva voce:

1) Tell the Significance of Error detector

2) Name the relation between angular displacement and voltage in a

transmitter of synchro

3) Define the Electrical Zero position of synchro pair

4) Tell the applications of error detector

5) Explain Faraday’s Laws

6) Interpret the Angular displacement for one cycle of rotation of rotor

7) Define Transfer function in error detector

8) Observe and tell the shapes of rotor in transmitter and Receiver

9) Define Sensitivity

Exp.No : 2(b) Date :

Aim: To determine the transfer function of Thermal system (electric furnace)


Display and sensor interface unit

Electric furnace

Temperature sensor

Power modulator unit


Consider the simple thermal system shown in Fig.1. Assume that the tank is insulated to eliminate
heat loss to the surrounding air, there is no heat storage in the insulation and liquid in the tank is
kept at uniform temperature by perfect with the help of a stirrer. Thus a single temperature may be
used to describe the thermal state of the entire fluid. Assume that the steady state temperature of
the inflowing air is θi and that of the outflowing air is θ. The steady-state heat input rate from the
heater is H. The air flow rate is assumed to be constant. Small signal analysis is used to obtain a
linear model.

Let ΔH (J/min) be a small increase in the heat input rate from its steady-state value. The
increase in heat input rate will result in increase of the heat outflow rate by an amount ΔH 1 and a
heat storage of the liquid in the tank by an amount ΔH 2. Consequently the temperature of air in the
tank and therefore of the outflowing liquid rises by Δθ (°C). Since the insulation has been regarded as
perfect, the increase in heat outflow rate is only due to the rise in temperature of the outflowing air
is given by

∆ H 1=Qs ∆θ

Where Q = steady liquid flow rte in kg/min and s = specific heat of the liquid in J/Kg °C.

The above relationship can be written in the form

∆ H 1= -------- (1)

Where R= is defined as the thermal resistance and has the units of °C/J/min.

The rate of heat storage in the tank is given by

d (∆ θ)
∆ H 2= Ms
d (∆ θ)
Where M=mass of the liquid in the tank in kg; and = rate of rise of temperature in the tank

The above equation can be expressed in the form

d(∆ θ)
∆ H 2=C -------- (2)

Where C=Ms, is define as the thermal capacitance and has the units of J/°C. For the system of fig. 1,
the heat flow balance equation is

∆θ d (∆ θ)
∆ H =∆ H 1 +∆ H 2= +C
R dt

d (∆ θ)
RC + ∆ θ=R ∆ H -------- (3)

Equation (3) describes the dynamics of the thermal system with the assumption that the
temperature of the inflowing liquid is constant.

In practice, the temperature of the inflowing liquid fluctuates. Thus along with a heat input signal
from the heater, there is an additional signal due to change in the temperature of the inflowing
liquid which is know as the disturbance signal.

Let ∆θi be change in the temperature of the inflowing liquid from its steady-state value. Now in
addition to the change in heat input from the heater, there is a change in heat carried by the
inflowing liquid. The heat flow equation, therefore becomes

∆ θi ∆ θ d (∆ θ)
∆ H+ = +C
R R dt

RC ( ∆ θ ) +∆ θ=∆ θi + R ∆ H -------- (4)

Let us now relax the assumption that the tank insulation is perfect. As the liquid temperature
increases by ∆θ, the rate of heat flow through the tank walls to the ambient medium increases by

∆ H3=

Where Rt is the thermal resistance of the tank walls. Equation is then modified to

∆ θi ∆ θ ∆θ d (∆ θ)
∆ H+
( +
R Rt
d( ) R'
Or R' C
∆ θ +∆ θ=
R( )
∆ θi + R ' ∆ H

' RR t
Where R = = effective thermal resistance due to liquid outflow and tank walls (it is a parallel
R+ Rt
combination of R and Rt).

It is still being assumed above that there is no heat storage in the tank walls. Relaxing this
assumption will simply add to the thermal capacitance C.

Fig.1. Thermal system

Experimentation Procedure:

1) Connect temperature sensor ouput at sensor interface terminals on the kit

2) Set the desired temperature
3) Supply the heating coil form Triac controlled 230V ac supply
4) Note down the process variable form display
5) Notedown temperature at intervals of 10sec till a steady temperature is reached


S.No Time (Sec)


Plot time vs temperature

Obtain time constant, final value and steady state error from the plot

Time constant,τ =¿ sec

Final value =

Steady state error =

Obtain transfer function

∆θ 1
= =
∆ H 1+ τs


Observe the analogous electrical parameters and draw equivalent electrical network

Viva Questions:
1) Define Basic law applied in modelling of thermal system
2) Interpret the order of the system
3) Tell the definition of time constant
4) Give the Formulas for initial and final values of a system
5) Define steady state Error
6) Tell the Analogous Electrical Elements for the above taken Thermal
7) Interpret the Relation Between Time and Temperature of Thermal

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