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Madison Staat

Mrs. Aaker

Ap Lang

2020 March 10

Felons and Rattlesnakes satire essay

In Americanus’ passage, “Felons and Rattlesnakes” he gives a sarcastic argument in

order to portray a deeper real message. During this time, prisoners were being sent to the newly

found Americas while under Britain's order because they wanted the area to become more

densely populated. There were many conflicts because of this happening with the average

citizens who live there and how the prisoners invading might affect their lives. Throughout the

text, the author attacks the government and people with power in order to make a change and

make them realize that sending the criminals to their home to live in their towns, states, etc. can

have dangerous consequences on the people already inhabited there such as more unnecessary

crime or death brought about.

The author starts off his writing by attempting to almost please Britain and refer to the

people of authority as though they are their care-takers and need them for survival. This is

present when Americanus refers to Britain as “our Mother Country” who has taken on a

“parental Concern” for the well being of America (paragraph 2, Americanus). This is an obvious

act of sarcasm used in a way to appeal to a mother-like figure through a metaphor. He compares

a mother to Britain to show they have quite a lot of control and authority over America but also

seem to “care” about the people when truly they do not; they simply only care about the money

and rewards that come back to themselves. The author carries on this pleasing tone as practically
gives thanks to the government for bringing these horrible people about as he gives his “highest

Returns of Gratitude and Duty” towards them (Paragraph 2, Americanus). He thanks them

providing, providing an ironic twist because what they did not in any way help the normal people

living there, in fact it only made their lives more stressful. The people must continuously be

cautious of their surroundings and who they interact with in order to sustain a non-threatening

lifestyle due to these bad people coming into what was their safe space. Furthermore, the author

concludes his first line of reasoning by transitioning to why these people are so worrisome and

how one might solve this dilemma.

Americanus begins he new topic structure with the use of comparison and rhetorical

questions. The author goes into how the “old Law, Thou shalt bruise his Head” was used as a

death penalty for snakes, but then continues to how even though those reptiles are “mischevious”

there is a possiblity of changing “their Natures, if they were to change the Climate;” (Paragraph

3, Americanus). With this, is a comparison of the unlawful individuals with such a creature as a

snake, showing the creepy and dangerous tendencies of the animal hinting to the thought that the

prisoners could break at any time and attack an innocent person. There is also a religious appeal

included which goes back to the Bible, stating that snakes are satanic beings and should be killed

due there evil minds and actions, further implying the prisoners are the same way. The author

then comes to the conclusion that if these bad people are going to be living here the citizens

might as well expect goury outcomes to their family members as ge asks “what is a Son now and

then corrupted and hang’d… or a Child’s Brains beat out with an Axe,” (Paragraph 5,

Americanus). He goes into detail about the dramatics and how Britain does not seem to care

whatsoever about these serious outcomes that could occur within the country.

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