S07.s1 - Ejercicio 2 (Worksheet - Groups)

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This week we have an interview with famous Cuban musician, Compay Pelaez.

Compay Pelaez, thank you for this interview.


This year, you are now 98 years old! Tell us about your early life.
Well, I (2) ......... in Cuba (3) ......... 1917. My family (4) ......... very poor. We (5) .........nothing. (6) ......... nine
children in the family. We (7) ......... to school because (8) ......... no money.

When (9) ......... to play music?

I can’t remember. It was a long time (10) ......... . I think I (11) ......... my father play the guitar, so I (12) ......... to
learn it. My father was a very good (13) ......... . We played together in the early years.

Where did you play?

First we made music in the streets. People danced and they (14) ......... happy. We also played (15) ......... the cafés.
Many people came to listen to us there. We also played at(16) ......... and (17) ......... .

What kind of music did you play?

We played (18) ......... and Cuban music because everyone wanted to dance. I (19) .........classical music, but I
didn’t play it.

You gave a big (20) ......... in Amsterdam in 1998 and you became famous at the age of 81. Now your music
is famous all over the world.
Yes. I’m very happy that people still like my music.
1 A. I’m sorry. B. No problem! C. You welcome. D. Don’t worry about it.
2 A. was born B. borned C. born D. were born
3 A. at B. on C. in D. for
4 A. was B. had C. is D. have
5 A. have B. didn’t have C. has D. had
6 A. There were B. There was C. there were D. There have
7 A. did go B. didn’t went C. did went D. didn’t go
8 A. there were B. had C. there was D. was
9 A. did start you B. did you start C. were you start D. started you
10 A. before B. at C. years D. ago
11 A. see B. sees C. saw D. was saw
12 A. decide B. was decide C. were decide D. decided
13 A. musician B. rap C. music D. degree
14 A. were B. was C. is D. are
15 A. at B. in C. on D. to
16 A. football game B. TV show C. tennis match D. weddings
17 A. basketball game B. festivals C. tickets D. salad
18 A. rap B. heavy metal C. baseball D. jazz
19 A. am interested in B. was interest in C. was interested in D. was interested into
20 A. concert B. stadium C. rock star D. wardrobe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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