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Madison Staat

Mrs. Aaker

AP English Language

2020 April 16

Obama Inaugural Address essay

In this speech, Barack Obama introduces himself as he has just become the 44th

President of the United States of America and with that comes a lot of resilience and strength as

a person in order to run an entire country. During his years of presidency, he found order and

made justice in certain problematic areas of our nation as he states he would in this address. He

continues in this standpoint as he talks about the struggles Americans face as individuals and as a

whole. He does not dismiss these issues, instead he brings light to them and makes them known

to the public that these are problems everyday people endure and that together we may resolve

them with his new found office authority. Obama continuously conveys his argument that now

that he is President he will do everything in his power to make the best out of his years and really

create change where it is needed in the weaker parts of the country's foundation. He shows this

through acknowledging the people and standards the U.S.A was founded upon, bringing up the

current situations of crisis, and his plan to solve these dilemmas.

Obama begins his speech on a strong note by first providing gratitude to the people who

came before him that helped create what this country has become as of then. He talks about how

in the past even through rough patches of power or just difficult times “we, the people have

remained faithful” to both the country and the “ideals” (Obama, paragraph 3). Through the

statement of ‘we, the people’ President Obama references the Declaration of Independence, the
very basis of our union and the place of which he gained his principles. He brings that document

into light to almost justify his upcoming plans of action and show that all citizens and people of

authority are in this together to create a better society in general for the future. The author then

appeals to patriotism by conveying his gratitude as he thanks, “President Bush for his service to

our nation” (Obama, paragraph 2).

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