Macc-R000000212 - Universalle Sovereigne Origenealle Endigeneous Sovereigne Praesident For The United States For America Sovereign Provoste Marshalle For The United States Militarie

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moorisbt national republic feberal 11obernmente

~ ~ iorietai republicae ea al maurikanoi ~ 'G-

moorisbt bibene anbe national mobement uf tbe bJorlb

nortbbJest amextm / nortbbJest afrita / nortb amtrica I 'tbe nortb gate'
abjoeneng atlantts anbe ameritana tslanb•
~ ~ temple uf tbe moon anbe sun ~ ~
tbt true anbe be'jure naturallee people• - btires uf tbe lanb
~ ~ i.s.I.a.m. ~ ':f)o
unibersallt iobertilJllt origeneallt enbigeneous anriente moorisbe american
sobereigne praesibent for tbe uniteb itatei for amerita
sobereign proboste marsballe for tbe uniteb states militarie

bori.~ ann nettles

juftif, bi}ir, miniftar

whearaz, i, ande and all moorishe amerians are thee sovereigne universalle
origenealle endigeneous naturalle divine law ande goveremente on our anciente
holye sovereigne ancestrall enhicrtted lands at america. we are decedens spiritum
returned alive. we are thee ascendents uf thee graite pharaohs uf kemmett ande uf
thee anciente moabytes ande canaanytes. we are thee soulvent creditors to all
nations on earthe. we are thee exxecutors, addministrators, ministars, klaimants,
heirs ande benefishiaries uf our own vast estate.

whearaz, we are thee sovereigne praesidents and thee sovereign praesidents for the
united states for america for our land. we are manye origeneall eodigeneous
sovereigne governmentes ande nations who are one to endkude thee de jure
moorishe nationale republich fedherall govermentes, thee moorishe american
konsulate and thee sovereign moorishe american konsulare courte. we are
cxxercisinge sovericgne personum jurisdictione, soveriegne territorial jurisdictionc
ande sovereigne subject matter jurisdictione over all matturs, spaice and tyme.

whearaz, we arc nott a parte uf thee capitalism systeme and the capitalism systeme
is subjeckt to us. all uf our land is a reesource fore yours bye thee sovereign
moorishe american govermente; at our wille, as we are thee creditors to all nations
on earthe.

whearaz, we are always and ownlee en thee jurisdictione uf our anciente ancestrall
enheritted estate at all tymes nunc pro tune.

whearaz, we are thee righte full possessors fore all land, all propertie, all naturalc
rcesources aode all kommerce that was fallslie presumed abandoned as there is no
abandoned land, no abandoned propertie, no abandoned naturalc reesources nor
anie abandoned kommerce on our estate. we procklaime salvatione and sovereigne
salvage for all land, all naturale reesources, all kommerce and all living bcinges.
additionallie, all land at america is anciente ancestral buriale land as all was hidden
ande is now revealed to all.

page I of2 macc-r000000212_uniHNall 50\trtigot origrntlt tndigcneou, ancicotc moorisbc amtrica11 so, t rtign pran idt nl for lht united stairs for
1mtric■n; SOHrcignc provo1te manhallc for the united statts military moorish national republic: ftdc:ral go..ernmcnt abor1genal ande end1genous peoples'
documents: northwest amexem I northwest u.frica I north umerica I 'the north gate ' - the moroccan empire • contenental united sta//e.\'; 'temple 1,.f rhe moon untie sun '
/UTIie island' non - domestic non - resident. non sub1ect · moors muurs - beeng the r1ghtjul heir~ ande pr,mogi'mture b1rthr1ght - enherltors ufthe land.

whearaz, our sovereigne righte too our anciente ancestral buriale lands is
unalienablle ande enalienablle. we are enjoined with our sovereigne living lands,
buriale moundes and anciente burieed sites. we bercbye save and salvage our own
vaste estate fore we are tee salvashune fore our lands. we have already begune
praeying on our lands dailee, therefour, we herebye access all our lands ande all
properites, naturale reesources ande all commerce without the United States. our
missionarie worke to uplift falling hyumanitic shalle kontinyue ande our prae tyme
shallc nott bee disstrubcd fore anee reesun. we herebye exxersize all sovcreigne
rightes with access to ande domenionc over all land, all naturale reesources ande all
sovereigne kommerce. we are thee law ande we arc thee governmente.

wbearaz, thee moorisbe american phlag shalle flye publicklee at all terratories on
our land in thee now tymc.

whearaz, thee American Provost Marshalle has beene knowtified.

c/,ronos: dey 6 month june year 2020

ego sum

doris ann nettles, en capitis dimenutio nolo, en propria pe ·uris, en proprio

solo, en proprio lteredes justice vizir ministar northwest am,,,,.?- ,h america north
gate all sovereigne rights all poents en i ·:r
sovereigne anciente ancestral enherited jurij•diction

amrn. amen dico ,obis, qua«umqut alleiga,triti suptr ttrram trunt ligata en Ego en caelo et uaecumqut '!Olvcriti, ,uptr
ttrnun tnunt soluta et ea catlo"
..amen, amen dico vobis, quaecumque alleigaveritis suptr terr1m truat lig1t1 en Ego tn uelo et qua«umque ,olvcritis super
terram enunt solut1 ti en caelo"
~amen, amea dico vobis, qua«umqut alleigl\trilh suptr terram erunt ligata ea [go en caelo et qua«umque solvcriti» ,uptr
tenllm enunt soluta et en caelo"

notice to ogenJ is notice to the prendpa/ and notice to the prencipal is notice to the agmt

moorishe national republic federal governmente

moorishe american consulate
doris ann nettles, en capitis dimenutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris. justice vizir
menister, all rights eksersized at all times
1419 sengeng trees drive near /memphis territory tennessee republic/

page 2 ofl macc-r000000212_ unive"all soHreigne origende tndigtneous 1nciente moori~he american sovereign prat<idenl for tht united ~tatcs for
american; wvereigne pro,o~te marsballe for the united stain military moorisb national republk federal gonrnment abongeNII ande end1genous peoples ·
documenu · nortlmest amexem northwest u(r1ca I north umenca the north gate ' - the moroccan empire - contenental united sta1tes. ·temple ufthe moon ande sun '
'turtle island'· non - dome.we. 110 11 - re.11dent, non sub1ect ; moors I muurs - beeng the r iglriful heir.f unde primogeniture birtlmglrt - enha1tors 1ifthe land

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