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Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

Comparative analysis of the diversity of aerobic spore-forming bacteria

in raw milk from organic and conventional dairy farms
An Coorevitsa,b,, Valerie De Jonghec, Joachim Vandroemmed, Rieka Reekmansa,
Jeroen Heyrmana, Winy Messensc, Paul De Vosa, Marc Heyndrickxc
Laboratory of Microbiology (LM-UGent), Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology, Ghent University,
K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Brewing, Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences, University College Ghent, Voskenslaan 270,
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Technology and Food Unit, Brusselsesteenweg 370, 9090 Melle, Belgium
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Plant Unit, Burgemeester Van Gansberghelaan 96/2,
9820 Merelbeke-Lemberge, Belgium

Received 22 November 2007

Bacterial contamination of raw milk can originate from different sources: air, milking equipment, feed, soil, faeces
and grass. It is hypothesized that differences in feeding and housing strategies of cows may influence the microbial
quality of milk. This assumption was investigated through comparison of the aerobic spore-forming flora in milk from
organic and conventional dairy farms. Laboratory pasteurized milk samples from five conventional and five organic
dairy farms, sampled in late summer/autumn and in winter, were plated on a standard medium and two differential
media, one screening for phospholipolytic and the other for proteolytic activity of bacteria. Almost 930 isolates were
obtained of which 898 could be screened via fatty acid methyl ester analysis. Representative isolates were further
analysed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and (GTG)5-PCR. The majority of aerobic spore-formers in milk belonged
to the genus Bacillus and showed at least 97% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with type strains of Bacillus
licheniformis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus circulans, Bacillus subtilis and with type strains of species belonging to the
Bacillus cereus group. About 7% of all isolates may belong to possibly new spore-forming taxa. Although the overall
diversity of aerobic spore-forming bacteria in milk from organic vs. conventional dairy farms was highly similar, some
differences between both were observed: (i) a relatively higher number of thermotolerant organisms in milk from
conventional dairy farms compared to organic farms (41.2% vs. 25.9%), and (ii) a relatively higher number of
B. cereus group organisms in milk from organic (81.3%) and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus in milk from conventional
(85.7%) dairy farms. One of these differences, the higher occurrence of B. cereus group organisms in milk from organic

Abbreviations: BHI, Brain Heart Infusion; SNA, Nutrient Agar supplemented with 8% Egg Yolk emulsion and 1% NaCl; SSM, Plate Count Agar
supplemented with 4% Skim Milk Powder; CI, confidence interval; FAME, fatty acid methyl ester; TSC, total spore count; GLM, generalized linear
Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Microbiology (LM-UGent), Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology, Ghent
University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
E-mail address: (A. Coorevits).

0723-2020/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140 127

dairy farms, may be linked to differences in housing strategy between the two types of dairy farming. However, no
plausible clarification was found for the relatively higher number of thermotolerant organisms and the higher
occurrence of U. thermosphaericus in milk from conventional dairy farms. Possibly this is due to differences in feeding
strategy but no decisive indications were found to support this assumption.
r 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aerobic spore-formers; Bacillus s.l.; Raw milk; Organic vs. conventional

Introduction factors, will influence the aerobic spore-forming flora of

raw milk. A recent study by Ellis et al. [10] shows that
Aerobic spore-forming bacteria belonging to the dairy cow cleanliness is influenced by housing strategy
genus Bacillus and closely related genera have repeatedly as cows became dirtier in the transition from summer
been linked to spoilage of raw and pasteurized milk and grazing to winter housing, and this was especially true
dairy products [2,5,6,25,43]. Even in commercially for cows on conventional farms. Dairy cow cleanliness is
sterilized milk, spoilage caused by Bacillus species has determined using a validated scoring system, with four
been reported, though this is mostly caused by thermo- anatomical areas taken into account: the flanks, the hind
stable proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes or by reconta- legs, the whole tail and the udder. Knowing that soiling
mination of the sterilized milk during filling [3,18,54]. of the udder and teats is one of the most important
However, several Bacillus species have been isolated that contamination sources of milk for spores [50], the study
form highly heat-resistant spores (HRS) capable of by Ellis et al. [10] supports the hypothesis that housing
surviving industrial ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) milk strategy might influence microbial milk quality. Further-
processing [28,34]. A study by Scheldeman et al. [35] more, Ward et al. [52] found that faecal consistency is
revealed a large diversity of potentially highly heat- also correlated with cow cleanliness. Cows producing
resistant spore-forming bacteria in raw milk (heat large quantities of loose faeces are generally dirtier than
treated for 30 min at 100 1C), with an important fraction cows producing firm faeces. This faecal consistency in
belonging to as yet undescribed species. turn reflects cow nutrition and digestion, adding extra
The heat-resistant nature of the spores of Bacillus support to the hypothesis that feed strategy might
species implicates it is especially important to prevent influence the microbial milk quality, not only by
initial contamination of raw milk at the dairy farm, with composition of the feed but also by its influence on
soil, grass, faeces, feed and milking equipment being faecal consistency.
possible contamination sources. A better insight in the In this study, the aerobic spore-forming flora of raw
factors that influence the introduction of spores into raw milk, produced at five conventional and five organic
milk is crucial to guarantee quality and safety of dairy farms, was compared during two seasons, late
consumption milk and milk products. Earlier studies summer/autumn and winter. The most important
have revealed that the composition of the Bacillus differences between organic and conventional dairy
microbiota in raw milk exhibits seasonal differences [39]. farming are, as already mentioned, feed and housing
For example, Bacillus cereus, one of the most important strategy. While many conventional dairy farmers use
species for the milk industry due to its possible commercial feed concentrate, which usually contains
psychrotolerance and toxin production [47], exhibits imported agricultural products such as soy, organic
high spore counts in milk in summer [4,29]. Housing of farmers feed locally cultivated crops. Also, the grazing-
cows is equally important: soil has been identified as a surface per cow on organic farms is usually higher, and
major source of B. cereus spores and spore counts were cubicles are often bigger. Comparison of the aerobic
significantly higher in milk of cows grazing outside than spore-forming flora in raw milk of conventional and
in milk of housed cows [36]. Also, feed such as silage and organic dairy farming may thus reveal the operational
feed concentrate have been reported to contain high factors influencing this flora.
levels of aerobic spores [36,44]. A relation between
aerobic spore populations in contaminated silage and
raw milk already has been demonstrated by te Giffel Materials and methods
et al. [42]. Moreover, because feed concentrate often
contains cheap, exotic agricultural (waste) products, it is Questionnaire
a potential source of new, unknown bacterial spore-
formers, possibly introducing new properties of resis- Farm management data were collected by interview
tance, spoilage or health risk. questionnaire with the herd owners of the two types of
It is obvious that the operational management on dairy farming, during late summer/autumn and winter.
dairy farms, which determines many of the mentioned Special attention was given to the feeding and housing
128 A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

strategy, in order to reveal the expected operational the bacteria, based on their FAME-profiles, was
differences between conventional and organic dairy obtained using the TSBA database (version 5.0) of the
farming. Microbial Identification System software (MIDI; Mi-
crobial ID, USA). A similarity index of X0.8 (on a scale
Sampling 0–1.0) was considered as a reliable FAME-based
identification. The data were transferred to the BioNu-
Raw milk samples (100 ml) were aseptically collected merics 4.6 software (Applied Maths, Belgium) and
from the farm cooling tank of five conventional and five numerically analysed [7]. To obtain a first grouping of
organic dairy farms at geographically different locations the isolates, a Canberra metric distance matrix was
in the region of Flanders (Belgium) during a late calculated from all FAME-profiles. The distance matrix
summer/autumn and a winter campaign in 2004/2005. was applied in a cluster analysis using the Unweighted
The samples were heated for 10 min at 80 1C to select Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA).
for spore-forming bacteria. Of each preheated milk Initial group margins were chosen at 0.7 Canberra
sample, 80 ml was subjected to chemical extraction, as metric distance. Of each FAME cluster obtained this
previously described by Herman et al. [15]. The resultant way, several isolates were further identified using 16S
pellet was then resuspended in 8 ml Ringer solution rRNA gene sequence analysis.
(Oxoid, UK).

Preparation of DNA
Enumeration and isolation
Bacterial genomic DNA was extracted from pure
To determine total aerobic spore counts (TSCs), cultures as described by Heyndrickx et al. [16].
500 ml of each preheated milk sample was streaked out
on Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) agar plates (Oxoid)
supplemented with filter-sterilized vitamin B12 (1 mg/l) 16S rRNA gene sequencing
(Sigma, USA), and incubated at 37 1C for 72 h. Spore-
forming bacteria were isolated from three different A partial 16S rRNA gene sequence, comprising of the
media, all supplemented with vitamin B12 (1 mg/l): first 400–500 base pairs of the gene, was generated as
(i) BHI, (ii) Nutrient Agar (Oxoid) supplemented with described by Heyrman and Swings [17]. This partial
8% Egg Yolk emulsion (Oxoid) and 1% NaCl (Merck, sequence harbours hypervariable regions within the
USA) (SNA) and (iii) Plate Count Agar (Oxoid) genus Bacillus [12]. Sequencing products were purified
supplemented with 4% Skim Milk Powder (Oxoid) as described by Naser et al. [26], and sequence analysis
(SSM). The latter two are differential media indicating was performed using a 3100 DNA Sequencer (Applied
phospholipolytic (SNA) and proteolytic (SSM) activity Biosystems, USA) according to manufacturer guide-
of bacteria. To isolate spore-formers, appropriate lines. Sequences were assembled using the BioNumerics
dilutions from each sample were streaked on these three 4.6 software. For each assembled sequence, a species
different media, starting from 100 ml of preheated raw allocation was obtained in two steps: (i) using the
milk as well as from 100 ml of the suspension solution online FASTA tool of EMBL (
obtained after chemical extraction of the preheated fasta33/), the 50 most closely related organisms in the
milk. Plates were incubated at 20, 37 and 55 1C for 72 h EMBL sequence database were appraised; (ii) the 16S
to select for psychrotolerant, mesophilic and thermo- rRNA gene sequences of type strains of all species
tolerant aerobic spore-formers, respectively. All visibly retrieved in the FASTA search were collected and
different colonies on BHI were picked and purified by compared to the query sequence using the BioNumerics
sub-culturing. On the differential media (SNA and 4.6 software. Arbitrarily, isolates were assumed to
SSM), only visibly different colonies exhibiting the belong to a given species if 16S rRNA gene sequence
inquired enzymatic activity were sub-cultured. Pure similarity values of the partial query sequence and
bacterial cultures were stored at 80 1C in the Research the type strain sequence of that given species, excee-
collection (R-collection) of the Laboratory of Micro- ded 97%.
biology, Ghent.

Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis Nucleotide sequence accession numbers

Bacterial cultures used for FAME-extraction were A total of 181 isolates were analysed using 16S rRNA
grown as described by Scheldeman et al. [33]. FAME- gene sequences in the present study, and their sequences
extraction and analysis was performed as described by were deposited in EMBL under the accession numbers
Vancanneyt et al. [45]. A preliminary identification of AM910170 to AM910350.
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140 129

(GTG)5 genomic fingerprinting maize, grass and wheat, supplemented with feed
concentrate containing components including or derived
(GTG)5 genomic fingerprinting was performed ac- from soy, rape, coconut, citrus and cacao during both
cording to the principle of Versalovic et al. [48] and as seasons. Also, differences in housing strategy were
described by Van Coillie et al. [46]. Fingerprints were clearly shown by this interview. In winter season, cows
digitally captured, using a Gel Doc 2000 system (Biorad, were mostly stabled day and night for both dairy farm
Hercules, USA), and analysed with BioNumerics 4.0 types. Only at one organic farm cows grazed outside by
software. day. In late summer/autumn, cows from all organic
dairy farms grazed outside during the day and mostly at
Growth temperature analysis night too (at only two of those farms, the cows were
stabled at night). In contrast, cows were housed indoor
All isolates obtained at 20 1C were plated on Tryptone both day and night at two out of five conventional dairy
Soya Agar (Oxoid) and incubated at 7 1C during 7 days, farms in late summer/autumn, and during the night at
giving an indication of psychrotolerance. Growth was another farm.
evaluated after 24, 48, 72 h and 1 week. Isolates were
considered potentially psychrotolerant (hereafter de- Total aerobic spore counts
nominated as psychrotolerant) when growth occurred
within 7 days. An overview of total aerobic spore counts (TSCs) for
each raw milk sample is given in Table 1. TSCs ranged
from undetected (o2 spores ml1) to 42 log10 spores ml1,
Statistical analysis
with a median value of 28 spores ml1. GLM indicated
no significant difference between counts obtained from
Total aerobic spore counts (TSCs) were transformed
preheated raw milk of conventional dairy farms
to log10 counts before statistical analysis. As the
compared to organic farms (P40.05) and between
distribution of colony forming units in petri dishes
counts obtained during the late summer/autumn period
follows a Poisson series, the significant differences
compared to the winter period (P40.05). A trend was
(Po0.05) between counts obtained from the two farm
however observed with higher counts during the late
types and the two isolation periods, were tested using
summer/autumn period for conventional dairy farms.
generalized linear models (GLMs) with Poisson regres-
sion analysis. In case the numbers were below the
detection limit, the detection limit itself was used in A polyphasic approach to identify aerobic spore-
the calculations. The number of isolates obtained from forming bacteria
the two farm types and the two isolation periods were
tested using the same approach. Here, groups of isolates Out of 927 isolates obtained, 898 could be analysed by
obtained on BHI at the three isolation temperatures the standardized FAME method. The remaining 29
were included. Non-central confidence interval (CI) isolates failed to grow under the proscribed culturing
estimation was used to calculate the CI at the 95% conditions for FAME analysis, and were not further
confidence level to determine the relevance of differences identified. Hundred and four isolates belonged to non-
between isolates from organic and conventional farms spore-forming genera Staphylococcus and Micrococcus
and for the percentage of growth after 7 days at 7 1C. All and – to a lesser degree – Rothia, Kocuria, Pseudomonas
analyses were performed in Statistica 8.0 (Statsoft Inc., and Moraxella. Isolation of these non-spore-forming
Tulsa, OK). bacteria from the heat-treated samples may be explained

Table 1. Total aerobic spore counts (TSCs) for each raw milk
Results sample

Questionnaire Organic dairy Conventional dairy

farms farms
All herd owners were questioned about their housing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and feeding strategy during late summer/autumn and
winter. Organic farmers fed their cows locally cultivated Late summer/ 63 36 7 28 16 14 126 134 144 NDa
crops such as maize, trefoil, barley, wheat, grass, autumn
carrots, turnip and chicory, in general supplemented Winter 28 10 o2b 60 o2b 6 58 o2b 18 32
with salt, minerals and seaweed calcium. This was done Results are represented in spores per ml.
during both seasons, although the diet was less diverse a
Not determined.
during winter. Conventional farmers fed their cows b
Not detected, counts below the detection limit of 2 spores per ml.
130 A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

by a more abundant presence of these non-spore- two clusters is necessary. All 17 isolates in cluster C
formers in raw milk as compared to spore-formers, (Fig. 2) required 16S rRNA gene sequence data for
resulting in a small, though significant surviving identification, as similarity coefficients of the MIDI-
population after pasteurization. Furthermore, cocci are identifications were insufficient (o0.8). Cluster C
known to possess a higher degree of heat resistance than proved to be a heterogeneous group representing three
other non-spore-forming micro-organisms [14]. different genera, Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Ornithini-
16S rRNA gene sequence data were used to redefine bacillus, and comprising rarely isolated species as
the initial FAME groups – set at 0.7 Canberra metric – Bacillus galactosidilyticus and Paenibacillus odorifer.
resulting in a dendrogram consisting of 783 isolates in 18 Nevertheless, two subclusters could be distinguished,
clusters (A-R) and 11 ungrouped isolates (Fig. 1). In one containing four isolates with at least 98.4% 16S
order to improve the visual presentation, two hetero- rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strain of
geneous clusters (C and K) were each represented as one Paenibacillus lactis and another subcluster with five
entity. Nevertheless, a more detailed description of these isolates, of which four probably represent an as yet

Canberra metric, UPGMA

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 α β χ δ εφ
I (2)
A (19)
B (13) J (28)

C (17)
K (39)

D (54)

E (5)

L (172)

F (155)

M (56)

N (11)
G (99) O (21)

P (15)
Q (3)

H (25) R (48)
α β χ δ εφ

Fig. 1. Dendrogram of all isolates based on FAME-patterns (Canberra, UPGMA). Names of clusters were assigned based on 16S
rRNA gene sequence identifications. Number of isolates between brackets. (A) Paenibacillus polymyxa; (B) Bacillus oleronius;
(C) Diverse 1; (D) Bacillus licheniformis; (E) Bacillus subtilis; (F) Bacillus licheniformis/Bacillus subtilis group; (G) Bacillus pumilus;
(H) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; (I) Bacillus badius; (J) Bacillus clausii; (K) Diverse 2; (L) Bacillus licheniformis; (M) Ureibacillus
thermosphaericus; (N) Oceanobacillus sp. 2; (O) Bacillus circulans; (P) Bacillus sp. 4; (Q) Bacillus thermoamylovorans; (R) Bacillus
cereus group. (1) 98.3% Paenibacillus terrae; (2) Paenibacillus sp. 4; (3) 99.9% Bacillus simplex; (4) 99.6% Bacillus licheniformis;
(5) 98.4% Paenibacillus lactis; (6) Bacillus sp. 2; (7) 99.5% Bacillus licheniformis; (8) 99.9% Ureibacillus thermosphaericus;
(9) Ornithinibacillus sp.; (10) 100% Oceanobacillus profundus; (11) Brevibacillus sp.; (12) 99.1% Bacillus licheniformis. (Percentage
16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strain of a given species is represented.)
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140 131

Canberra metric, UPGMA



Paenibacillus lactis (4)
98.7% Paenibacillus odorifer
Ornithinibacillus sp.

99.2% Bacillus thermoamylovorans

Bacillus sp.
99.9% Bacillus galactosidilyticus
99.6% Paenibacillus macerans
99.1% Bacillus clausii

Paenibacillus sp. 1 (4) + 98.5% Paenibacillus lautus (1)

99.8% Bacillus thermoamylovorans

Fig. 2. Detail of cluster C (Fig. 1). Grouping based on FAME-patterns, identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data.
Number of isolates between brackets. Percentage 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strain of a given species is

Canberra metric, UPGMA











Bacillus sp. 6 (5)

99.3% Bacillus sporothermodurans

Sporosarcina sp.
99% Brevibacillus invocatus
Bacillus sp. 5 (3)

Lysinibacillus fusiformis (7)

Bacillus silvestris (2)

Lysinibacillus sphaericus (2)
Bacillus sp. 5 (2)

Lysinibacillus fusiformis (6)

Bacillus silvestris (3)

Bacillus sp. 7
Bacillus simplex (2)

Fig. 3. Detail of cluster K (Fig. 1). Grouping based on FAME-patterns, identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data.
Number of isolates between brackets. Percentage 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strain of a given species is

undescribed species within the Paenibacillus genus. The cluster K stood out because of 13 isolates probably
39 isolates in cluster K (Fig. 3) were subdivided in 10 representing four as yet undescribed species, closely
subclusters and 4 ungrouped isolates and also required related to aforementioned species in this cluster.
16S rRNA gene sequencing for a more accurate Almost 70% of all other isolates (n ¼ 509) appeared
identification. Four different genera were represented, to belong to the Bacillus subtilis group, harbouring
Bacillus, Brevibacillus, Lysinibacillus and Sporosarcina, B. subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquefa-
with most isolates belonging to three species, Bacillus ciens, Bacillus atrophaeus and Bacillus pumilus [51],
silvestris, Lysinibacillus fusiformis and Lysinibacillus and were grouped in six FAME clusters (D, E, F, G, H
sphaericus. Apart from the heterogeneous composition, and L). Identification onto the species level for all
132 A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

isolates within these clusters was obtained as follows. BHI-medium showed the highest morphological
When similarity scores exceeded 0.8, the MIDI-identi- diversity of colonies and yielded the majority of isolates
fication was accepted as such. This assumption was (71.2%). Only two species, Paenibacillus cookii (n ¼ 1),
based on the work of Vaerewijck et al. [44], which shows Paenibacillus terrae (n ¼ 2), and two possibly new
that species within the B. subtilis group can be species belonging to the genera Paenibacillus (n ¼ 1)
differentiated from each other based on FAME and Brevibacillus (n ¼ 2), were not isolated from BHI. It
patterns. The MIDI-identification was confirmed or should however be noted that from SNA and SSM only
improved by (i) colony morphology, (ii) (GTG)5-PCR visibly different colonies exhibiting the enzymatic
when available (50% of the isolates were screened) [8] activity were picked up, automatically resulting
and (iii) 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Special care in a lesser diverse collection. Isolates selected from
was required for B. amyloliquefaciens as isolates SNA were later identified as B. licheniformis (n ¼ 14),
belonging to this species could be distinguished from P. cookii (n ¼ 1) and members of the B. cereus group
the other species within the B. subtilis group based (n ¼ 15). Twenty-five percent of all isolates were
on FAME patterns, but were nevertheless misidenti- obtained from SSM medium and were mainly attributed
fied as Paenibacillus macerans by the commercial MIDI- to B. licheniformis (n ¼ 101), the B. cereus group
system with similarity scores around 0.7. The described (n ¼ 17), B. pumilus (n ¼ 40), B. subtilis (n ¼ 14),
approach allowed reliable species identification of B. amyloliquefaciens (n ¼ 8) and P. polymyxa (n ¼ 10).
97.5% of all isolates in clusters D (B. licheniformis), Isolates identified as B. licheniformis and B. pumilus
E (B. subtilis), F (B. licheniformis or B. subtilis), were ubiquitous, being isolated from raw milk from all
G (B. pumilus), H (B. amyloliquefaciens) and L farms included in this study. Isolates possibly belonging
(B. licheniformis). For only nine isolates no unambig- to as yet undescribed species were also retrieved from
uous identification could be obtained. each farm, except from organic farm 3. At this farm,
Paenibacillus polymyxa (cluster A), Bacillus oleronius only 25 isolates were obtained from all media at the
(cluster B), Bacillus badius (cluster I), Bacillus clausii three different incubation temperatures, indicating a
(cluster J), Ureibacillus thermosphaericus (cluster M), generally less diverse aerobic spore-forming flora, as
Bacillus circulans (cluster O) and Bacillus thermoamylo- only visibly different colonies were picked up. Further-
vorans (cluster Q) were each represented by clearly more, Table 1 reveals that TSCs of farm 3 were rather
delineated groups of isolates. The isolates of two low compared to all other dairy farms, during late
remaining clusters, N and P, probably represent summer/autumn and winter. Other species frequently
undescribed species within the genera Oceanobacillus occurring in raw milk (isolated from at least seven farms)
and Bacillus, respectively. Isolates belonging to the were members of the B. cereus group, B. amyloliquefa-
B. cereus group (cluster R) were not further identified, as ciens, B. clausii, B. subtilis and U. thermosphaericus.
other techniques than 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis The influence of seasonal variation and type of dairy
are required to distinguish different species belonging to farm on the aerobic spore-forming microbiota in raw
this group [30]. Until now, six species are described in milk was investigated by incorporating only those
the B. cereus group, namely B. cereus, Bacillus mycoides, isolates obtained from BHI in order to prevent possible
Bacillus pseudomycoides, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus multiple counts of the same strain. Isolates obtained
anthracis and Bacillus weihenstephanensis. at the three isolation temperatures were included.
A generalized overview of all isolates retrieved from
BHI, per isolation parameter, is given in Table 2. For
those isolates that could not be identified onto the
Influence of different isolation and farm parameters species level only a genus name was assigned. Con-
on the aerobic spore-forming flora from milk fidence intervals were calculated for the percentage of
isolates obtained at either organic dairy farms or at
Isolates in this study were attributed to 27 different conventional dairy farms on the total number of isolates
species representing genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, for species that were represented by at least 10 isolates.
Oceanobacillus, Brevibacillus, Lysinibacillus, Ureibacil- One exception is P. lactis (less than 10 isolates), of which
lus, Ornithinibacillus and Sporosarcina. About 7% of all the CI indicates the observed difference is statistically
isolates probably represent as yet undescribed species significant.
within the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Brevibacillus, A large variability in numbers of isolates can be
Oceanobacillus, Ornithinibacillus and Sporosarcina. An noticed, indicating that the farm sampled also plays a
overview of all data is available in a Supplementary major role. Statistical analysis using GLM of the total
Table. For each isolate, the identification based on number of isolates showed a significant difference for
FAME and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis is given, the farm type (Po0.01), but not for the isolation period
together with isolation and farm parameters (isolation (P40.05). In total, more isolates were obtained when
temperature, medium, season and type of dairy farm). sampling from conventional dairy farms (56.3%, CI
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140
Table 2. Overview of all isolates obtained from BHI per isolation parameter (isolation temperature, dairy farm type, isolation season)

Identification n Organic dairy farms Conventional dairy farms

Late summer/autumn Winter Total CI (%) Late summer/autumn Winter Total CI (%)

20 1C 37 1C 55 1C 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C n % 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C n %

B. licheniformis 247 30 25 10 15 26 106 42.9 36.7–49.3 1 30 51 10 22 27 141 57.1 50.7–63.3

B. pumilus 61 2 14 14 8 38 62.3 49.0–74.4 9 9 5 23 37.7 25.6–51.0
U. thermosphaericus 56 2 1 5 8 14.3 6.4–26.2 35 8 5 48 85.7 73.8–93.6
B. clausii 28 8 5 2 15 53.6 33.9–72.5 3 4 6 13 46.4 27.5–66.1
B. circulans 20 1 1 2 6 10 50.0 27.2–72.8 6 3 1 10 50.0 27.2–72.8
B. amyloliquefaciens 19 1 3 4 8 42.1 20.3–66.5 1 4 6 11 57.9 33.5–79.8
B. cereus group 16 5 6 1 1 13 81.3 54.4–96.0 2 1 3 18.8 4.1–45.7
Bacillus sp. 4 15 1 3 4 26.7 7.8–55.1 8 3 11 73.3 44.5–92.2
B. oleronius 13 3 5 8 61.5 31.6–86.1 1 4 5 38.5 13.9–68.4
L. fusiformis 10 1 2 3 30.0 6.7–65.3 2 3 1 1 7 70.0 34.8–93.3
Oceanobacillus sp. 2 9 1 1 11.1 8 8 88.9
B. subtilis 8 3 1 3 7 87.5 1 1 12.5
P. lactis 7 0 0 0–40.9 3 4 7 100 59.0–100
B. silvestris 6 2 2 33.3 3 1 4 66.7
B. thermoamylovorans 5 2 2 40.0 1 2 3 60.0
Bacillus sp. 5 5 0 0 3 1 1 5 100.0
Bacillus sp. 6 5 1 1 20.0 1 2 1 4 80.0
B. simplex 4 1 1 2 50.0 2 2 50.0
Paenibacillus sp. 1 4 2 1 3 75.0 1 1 25.0
P. polymyxa 3 0 0 1 2 3 100
B. badius 2 1 1 50.0 1 1 50.0
P. lautus 2 1 1 50.0 1 1 50.0

Table 2. (continued )

Identification n Organic dairy farms Conventional dairy farms

Late summer/autumn Winter Total CI (%) Late summer/autumn Winter Total CI (%)

20 1C 37 1C 55 1C 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C n % 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C 20 1C 37 1C 55 1C n %

Bacillus sp. 3 2 2 2 100 0 0

Ornithinibacillus sp. 2 1 1 50.0 1 1 50.0
Oceanobacillus sp. 1 2 2 2 100 0 0
L. sphaericus 1 1 1 100 0 0

A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

B. galactosidilyticus 1 1 1 100 0 0
B. massiliensis 1 1 1 100 0 0
B. sporothermodurans 1 0 0 1 1 100
Br. invocatus 1 0 0 1 1 100
O. profundus 1 1 1 100 0 0
P. macerans 1 0 0 1 1 100

P. odorifer 1 1 1 100 0 0
Bacillus sp. 1 1 1 1 100 0 0
Bacillus sp. 2 1 1 1 100 0 0
Bacillus sp. 7 1 0 0 1 1 100
Paenibacillus sp. 2 1 1 1 100 0 0
Paenibacillus sp. 3 1 1 1 100 0 0
Sporosarcina sp. 1 0 0 1 1 100
Total 565 9 84 28 39 51 36 247 43.7 39.6–47.9 10 77 94 37 63 37 318 56.3 52.1–60.4

Identification of isolates is based on FAME and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Isolates that could not be identified onto the species level are named on the genus level. Results are represented in
absolute numbers. For each dairy farm type, an additional column is given with values in percentage per species. CI values are calculated for those species that are represented by at least 10 isolates
and for P. lactis. Used abbreviations: B. ¼ Bacillus, U. ¼ Ureibacillus, L. ¼ Lysinibacillus, P. ¼ Paenibacillus, Br. ¼ Brevibacillus, O. ¼ Oceanobacillus, n ¼ number of isolates, CI ¼ confidence
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140 135

30 30 30

25 25 25

Number of isolates at 37°C

Number of isolates at 55°C

Number of isolates at 20°C

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
late summer/autumn late summer/autumn late summer/autumn late summer/autumn late summer/autumn late summer/autumn
winter winter winter winter winter winter
organic conventional organic conventional organic conventional

Fig. 4. Box plots representing the number of isolates obtained by isolation at 20, 37 and 55 1C for organic and conventional dairy
farms during the late summer/autumn vs. winter period. The median is shown by the square in the box. The boundaries of the box
represent the 25th and 75th percentiles. Whiskers above and below the box indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles. The outliers are
shown as symbols.

52.1–60.4%) than from organic dairy farms (43.7%, CI B. licheniformis (57.1%, CI 50.7–63.3%) in milk from
39.6–47.9%). conventional dairy farms. Isolates possibly belonging to
Considering the thermotolerant spore-formers only as yet undescribed species were mostly isolated at 37 1C
(isolated at 55 1C), the seasonal effect depended on the (58.0%) and at 55 1C (30.0%). These were more
farm type, as illustrated in Fig. 4. More isolates were abundantly isolated from milk from conventional dairy
obtained in the late summer/autumn period in conven- farms (64.0%, CI 49.2–77.1% of isolates) (P ¼ 0.05)
tional dairy farms (Po0.001). This was not observed for and during the late summer months (66.0%, CI
organic farms (P40.05). In the winter period, no 51.2–78.8%) (Po0.05).
significant difference (P40.05) between number of
thermotolerant isolates from conventional vs. organic
Growth temperature analysis
dairy farms was observed. For U. thermosphaericus,
mostly isolated at 55 1C (47 out of 56 isolates) and
66.7% (CI 56.0–76.3%) of all isolates obtained from
representing a quarter (24.10%) of all isolates obtained
BHI at the isolation temperature of 20 1C also grew at
at 55 1C, more isolates were obtained in the late
7 1C after 7 days and were considered to be psychroto-
summer/autumn period on conventional dairy farms
lerant (Table 3). The isolate belonging to Brevibacillus
(P ¼ 0.002).
invocatus and the isolate belonging to Bacillus sp. 5 did
Considering isolations at 20 1C, more isolates were
not grow at 7 1C. Psychrotolerant growth capacity for
obtained in the winter than in the late summer/autumn
isolates belonging to B. licheniformis, B. amyloliquefa-
period (Po0.001) (Fig. 4). For isolations at 37 1C, the
ciens, B. clausii, B. circulans and B. subtilis was strain-
opposite was true (Po0.01). This was observed both in
specific. It is striking that 18.9% (CI 11.4–28.5%) of all
conventional and organic dairy farms (Fig. 4). Members
isolates obtained at 20 1C from BHI were able to grow
of B. amyloliquefaciens were isolated at both 37 1C
abundantly after 24 h, indicating the potential of these
(63.16%) and 20 1C (remainder), and were almost
isolates to spoil dairy products stored at refrigerator
exclusively obtained in the winter period (89.5%, CI
66.9–98.7%) (Po0.01). Members of the B. cereus group
were isolated as frequent at 20 1C as at 37 1C and were
obtained in 87.50% (CI 61.7–98.5%) of the cases in the Discussion
late summer/autumn period (P ¼ 0.01). B. cereus
isolates were also more frequently (81.3%, CI Aim of this study was to compare the diversity of
54.4–96.0%) obtained in milk from organic dairy farms aerobic spore-forming bacteria in milk from conven-
(Po0.05). The exclusive occurrence of P. lactis (only tional and organic dairy farms. In addition, the
isolated at 37 1C) in milk from conventional dairy farms influence of seasonal variation on the aerobic spore-
is noticeable. Also significant, although less obvious, forming microbiota in milk was investigated and
was the higher abundance of all isolates identified as psychrotolerance of isolates was evaluated. For this
136 A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

Table 3. Psychrotrophic growth capacities of all isolates obtained from BHI at the isolation temperature of 20 1C

Species name n Incubation time

24 h 48 h 72 h 7 days % (7 d) CI (%)

B. pumilus 24 3 6 8 24 100 85.8–100

B. licheniformis 21 1 1 1 3 14.2 3.1–36.3
B. clausii 9 2 2 2 3 33.3 7.5–70.1
B. cereus 8 4 6 6 8 100 63.1–100
B. circulans 6 1 4 66 22.3–95.7
B. amyloliquefaciens 5 1 1 3 60
B. silvestris 3 1 3 3 3 100
B. simplex 3 2 3 3 3 100
Bacillus sp. 6 3 2 2 2 3 100
B. subtilis 2 1 1 1 1 50
L. fusiformis 2 1 1 1 2 100
Bacillus sp. 5 1 0
Brevibacillus invocatus 1 0
Oceanobacillus sp. 2 1 1 1 1 100
P. lautus 1 1 100
Sporosarcina sp. 1 1 1 1 100
All isolates 90 17 30 31 60
% 18.9 33.3 34.4 66.7
CI (%) 11.4–28.5 23.7–44.1 24.7–45.2 56.0–76.3

Growth was evaluated at 7 1C after 24, 48, 72 and 7 days. Results are represented in absolute numbers, an additional column with percentages of
strains growing after 7 days given together with CI if appropriate: n ¼ number of isolates, CI ¼ confidence interval.

purpose, a polyphasic taxonomic approach was applied, mostly isolated during late summer/autumn, and
which has become indispensable for a reliable identifica- B. amyloliquefaciens almost exclusively isolated in the
tion to the species level within the taxonomically winter period. The predominance of B. cereus in milk
complex group of aerobic spore-forming micro-organ- during late summer/autumn is confirmed by other
isms. The genus Bacillus contains 147 valid species at the studies [4,6], but to our knowledge there are no reports
time of writing and is one of the most expanding on seasonal variation for the other two species. It is
bacterial groups in the last decade. thought that grazing of cows might influence the
Average spore counts observed in this study B. cereus group concentration in milk, soil being the
(o102 spores ml1) are rather low compared to reported main contamination source then. A reduction of
spore counts in other studies, where averages vary B. cereus group spore concentration could be achieved
between 1 and 103 spores per ml [6,11,23,42,50]. It during the grazing period if the soil contamination of
should be noted though, that spore counts are usually teats could be minimized and teat cleaning optimized.
retrieved with the pour plate method, allowing growth During winter months, feed and bedding are considered
of anaerobic and micro-aerophilic bacteria. Use of the as the main contamination sources as the cows are
streak method in this study could possibly explain the housed indoor in that period [41,49]. Contrary to studies
lower spore counts. Furthermore, hygiene on dairy of Phillips and Griffiths [29] and Sutherland and
farms has increased further since these previous studies, Murdoch [39] a higher amount of psychrotolerant
as indicated by a continuous drop of the total colony strains during the winter campaign was observed in this
count in raw milk, which may have its effect on the total study. McGuiggan et al. [23], on the other hand,
spore count as well. Higher spore counts were observed reported no seasonal variations in psychrotolerant spore
during late summer/autumn in conventional dairy counts. A possible explanation for this discrepancy has
farms. This would confirm earlier reports which not been demonstrated yet, but may be related to
attribute the spore increase in late summer/autumn to different farm practices in different countries.
lower udder hygiene and dietary changes [4,10,20]. The more frequent isolation of members of the
However, other studies report the opposite, i.e. higher B. cereus group at the sampled organic dairy farms
spore counts during winter, attributed to the housing of can be linked to the observed seasonal variation. As
cows [6,39]. already stated, the main contamination source for the
Seasonal variation was observed for three species, B. cereus group is soil to which cows are more exposed
namely U. thermosphaericus and the B. cereus group while pasturing during summer. Indeed, it has been
A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140 137

shown that milk from cows housed indoor during heat treatment of 30 min at 100 1C, selecting for spore-
summer have less chance of becoming contaminated formers with a potential high heat resistance, and using
with B. cereus spores [36]. The interview questionnaire at a similar polyphasic identification approach. Indeed, the
all farms revealed that two out of five conventional temperature at which spores are inactivated has been
dairy farmers housed their cows indoors during summer shown to correlate with the optimal growth temperature
(by day and night), while none of the organic dairy of the vegetative cells [53]. The presence of these
farmers housed their cows during summer (by day). This potentially highly heat-resistant spore-formers in milk
could possibly explain the more frequent isolation of is considered undesirable since they may represent a risk
B. cereus group organisms in milk from organic farms. for survival of UHT-treatments and thus the non-
No decisive explanation could be found for the achievement of commercial sterility requirements [35].
higher occurrence of thermotolerant isolates, especially Also, numerous isolates identified as B. licheniformis
U. thermosphaericus, during the late summer/autumn and one isolate identified as U. thermosphaericus were
period, and to a lesser extent B. licheniformis, in milk retrieved from SNA and SSM, indicating their potential
from conventional dairy farms compared to organic to produce harmful proteolytic and/or phospholipolytic
dairy farms. These differences might possibly be enzymes. Psychrotolerant spore-forming strains are a
correlated with dietary differences between the two major concern to the dairy industry as they are able to
types of dairy farming. The diet of cows from Belgian survive pasteurization and subsequently grow at the
organic dairy farms mainly consists of organic feed storage temperature of milk (4–7 1C) [25,41]. The shelf
composed of agricultural ingredients from local organic life of pasteurized milk and derivatives mainly depends
farming, while cows at conventional dairy farms are fed on the presence and spoilage potentials of these
conventional crops, usually grain, supplemented with psychrotolerant spore-formers. B. cereus is a well known
vitamins, minerals and feed concentrate. The main and extensively studied pathogen and spoiler in the
contamination source of thermotolerant isolates could dairy industry, producing toxins and/or harmful en-
be commercial concentrate feed, as it is often composed zymes [4,32,38]. Although B. licheniformis, B. subtilis
of pelleted (hence heat-treated) and/or imported tropical and B. pumilus are generally regarded as mesophilic [27],
(waste) ingredients. It was shown previously that on the ability of a fraction of their isolates to grow at 7 1C is
average 20% of the aerobic spore-forming isolates from shown here. The dairy farming and industry itself
feed concentrate samples were thermotolerant of which probably select for these psychrotolerant strains due to
several belonged to B. licheniformis [44]. The differences prolonged storage times at 4–7 1C of raw milk before the
in diet could also be the explanation for the higher heating step [25]. The latter three species have also
amount of unidentified isolates in milk from conven- occasionally been linked to incidents of food-borne
tional dairy farms compared to milk from organic dairy illnesses [9]. Isolates of B. circulans, B. licheniformis,
farms (67.3% vs. 32.7%). But possibly other sources B. subtilis and P. polymyxa have been found to produce
exist for particular species such as U. thermosphaericus toxins [13,24]. Haemolytic, phospholipolytic and pro-
in conventional dairy farming; up to now, this species teolytic activity has already been detected in B. subtilis
has only been occasionally isolated from the teat cups strains isolated from cured sausages [21]. It is obvious
in the milking installation [35]. It has indeed been that these psychrotolerant spore-formers pose problems
proposed recently that the composition of a microbial to the dairy industry regarding milk quality and safety.
community in milk can vary according to factors other To achieve a correct identification, in a first step, the
than feeding [1]. isolates were submitted to FAME analysis which is a
Most isolates obtained after incubation at 37 1C were rapid and cheap method to identify bacteria [37]. It has
identified as B. licheniformis, B. pumilus, B. clausii and been shown by Kaneda [19] that Bacillus sensu lato (s.l.)
B. subtilis, indicating the predominance of these species is characterized by a distinctive fatty acid composition,
in raw milk, as largely confirmed by previous studies, enabling straightforward discrimination between these
except for B. clausii [20,29,39,40]. This study is the first aerobic spore-formers and other contaminants in milk.
to report on the frequent isolation of B. clausii in raw Various studies [35,44] report on the use of FAME
milk. Vaerewijck et al. [44] isolated B. clausii strains within the Bacillus s.l. group. Cluster analysis of the
from feed concentrate samples, but not from raw milk. FAME-profiles yielded distinct groups of which repre-
Detection of B. clausii in raw milk provides extra sentatives were further analysed with additional techni-
support for feed as an important contamination source ques to confirm or contradict MIDI-identifications.
of raw milk for spores. All isolates obtained at 55 1C Thus, it could be established that MIDI-identifications
were identified as B. licheniformis, U. thermosphaericus, are generally to be trusted if similarity scores are higher
B. thermoamylovorans and a possible novel Bacillus than 0.7–0.8. An exception was B. amyloliquefaciens,
species closely related to the latter. These four species denominated as P. macerans by the MIDI-identification
have also been isolated from milk, fodder, green crop system (similarity scores around 0.7), but rebutted by
and milking equipment by Scheldeman et al. [35] after a 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and (GTG)5-PCR.
138 A. Coorevits et al. / Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31 (2008) 126–140

Contrary to other non-spore-forming contaminants, isolates probably represent about 14 as yet undescribed
isolates identified as Staphylococcus with both FAME species, of which some, belonging to the genera
data and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, formed a Brevibacillus and Paenibacillus, show putative proteoly-
distinctive subgroup within the Bacillus s.l. group. tic activity indicating the spoilage potential of these
Moreover, several isolates within the mainly thermo- unknown isolates. Reliable identification and determi-
tolerant group L were initially identified, albeit poorly nation of the spoilage potentials of Bacillus species
(MIDI-scoreo0.7), as members of Staphylococcus by (in particular psychrotolerant strains) is of major
FAME, while later 16S rRNA gene sequencing even- significance to the dairy industry. This paper is the first
tually identified these isolates as belonging to the to show in detail that housing and feeding strategies
B. subtilis group. Rilfors et al. [31] showed that at affect the bacterial quality of raw milk in terms of
elevated growth temperatures the fatty acid composition aerobic spore content and diversity and implies the need
of bacterial cell membranes is limited to certain specific for further investigation to exactly point the contamina-
types to prevent the membrane from being to fluid tion sources. Moreover, as changes in farm operational
and leaky, which was confirmed in our study. The management will affect the aerobic spore-forming
major fatty acids of mesophilic isolates identified as microbiota in milk, possibly even select for as yet
B. licheniformis were anteiso-C15:0 (36.7%), iso-C15:0 unknown species, special alertness on microbial milk
(30.1%), anteiso-C17:0 (11.9%) and iso-C17:0 (7.8%). quality is required.
Iso-C16:0 (3.8%), C16:0 (3.7%), iso-C17:0w10c (1.4%) and
C14:0 (0.8%) were also detected. At elevated growth
temperature, the same major fatty acids were repre- Acknowledgements
sented, but in different ratios. Thermotolerant isolates
identified as B. licheniformis mainly contained iso-C15:0 We acknowledge the excellent technical support of
(49.0%), iso-C17:0 (21.0%), anteiso-C15:0 (13.4%) and Caroline Van den Plas. We thank the financial support
anteiso-C17:0 (7.2%). This change in fatty acid composi- of the Ministry of the Flemish Community through the
tion at higher growth temperatures could explain both Research Grant IWT/030846.
the subdivision of B. licheniformis isolates in a thermo-
tolerant group (L) and two non-thermotolerant groups
(D and F), and the unreliable MIDI-identification of the
former. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was con-
Appendix A. Supplementary materials
ducted on representatives of the groups initially
Supplementary data associated with this article can be
delineated by FAME. Heterogeneous clusters (C and
found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2008.
K) were more extensively analysed by sequencing the
16S rRNA gene of all involved isolates. In the B. subtilis
group, colony morphology and (GTG)5-profiles were
used to confirm or repudiate MIDI-identifications, as
16S rRNA gene sequencing of this large group of
isolates would be too expensive and moreover exhibit References
only a limited discrimination. The identification ap-
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