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Honda Innovations Design Thinking

The Quickstart Guide

Hello! Thank you for your interest in Honda Innovations Design Thinking. The team created this
with you in mind and hope that it'll be helpful as you create new products, services, and
experiences that bring joy to people.

The Quickstart Guide is our recommendations for what to do with the Starter Kit.

Step 1) Read the first chapter

Read the first chapter of the Guidebook to learn about the fundamentals of Honda Innovations
Design Thinking.

Step 2) Try an activity with others

Try an activity or two with others in a working session. Use the activity instructions and
printable worksheets or templates as a guideline for conversations and collaboration. Here are
a few good ones to start with. Choose the one that best fits where you are in your projects.

Problem Identification: Identify an initial problem statement and initial criteria for idea
generation. Start with Problem Framing and MoSCoW.

Empathy Building: Build empathy for your users by diving deep into their behaviors and
motivations. Start with Persona and Current Journey Map.

Idea Generation: Explore ideas and create a vision of the future experience. Start with
Jam Session, Dot Voting, and Storyboard.

Test Driving Ideas: Create an experiment to test drive your ideas and validate or
invalidate your riskiest assumptions. Start with Riskiest Assumptions, Experiment Canvas,
and Guerilla Testing.

Step 3) Connect for guidance

Reach out for support, anytime. We're here to help. Email us at with any questions or comments that you may have.

Step 4) Share your story!

We believe in the value of storytelling to influence others. Tell us about your experience with
design thinking and how it has been meaningful for you.

Step 5) Keep doing it

Design Thinking is a mindset; it is the perspective we have and approach we take when solving
complex challenges. We believe in learning by doing and the best way to get better is to try.

Honda Innovations Design Thinking

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