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Valmonte vs.

de Villa [GR 83988, 24 May car subjected to search/check-up without a

1990] court order or search warrant. They further
contend that the said checkpoints give Gen.
En Banc, Padilla (J): 10 concur, 1 on leave
Renato de Villa and the National Capital
Region District Command a blanket
Facts: On 20 January 1987, the National
authority to make searches and/or seizures
Capital Region District Command (NCRDC)
without search warrant or court order in
was activated pursuant to Letter of
violation of the Constitution. In the Supreme
Instruction 02/87 of the Philippine General
Court's decision dated 29 September 1989,
Headquarters, AFP, with the mission of
Valmonte’s and ULAP’s petition for
conducting security operations within its
prohibition, seeking the declaration of the
area of responsibility and peripheral areas,
checkpoints as unconstitutional and their
for the purpose of establishing an effective
dismantling and/or banning, was dismissed.
territorial defense, maintaining peace and
Valmonte and ULAP filed the motion and
order, and providing an atmosphere
supplemental motion for reconsideration of
conducive to the Constitutional Law II, 2005
said decision.
( 85 )Narratives (Berne Guerrero) social,
economic and political development of the
Issue: Whether checkpoints serve as a
National Capital Region. 1 As part of its duty
blanket authority for government officials for
to maintain peace and order, the NCRDC
warrantless search and seizure and, thus,
installed checkpoints in various parts of
are violative of the Constitution.
Valenzuela, Metro Manila. Ricardo C.
Valmonte and the Union of Lawyers and
Held: Nowhere in the Supreme Court's
Advocates for People's Right (ULAP) filed a
decision of 24 May 1990 did the Court
petition for prohibition with preliminary
legalize all checkpoints, i.e. at all times and
injunction and/or temporary restraining
under all circumstances. What the Court
order witht the Supreme Court, seeking the
declared is, that checkpoints are not illegal
declaration of checkpoints in Valenzuela,
per se. Thus, under exceptional
Metro Manila or elsewhere, as
circumstances, as where the survival of
unconstitutional and the dismantling
organized government is on the balance, or
and banning of the same or, in the
where the lives and safety of the people are
alternative, to direct the respondents to
in grave peril, checkpoints may be allowed
formulate guidelines in the implementation
and installed by the government. Implicit in
of checkpoints, for the protection of the
this proposition is, that when the situation
people. They aver that, because of the
clears and such grave perils are removed,
installation of said checkpoints, the
checkpoints will have absolutely no reason
residents of Valenzuela are worried of being
to remain. Recent and on-going events
harassed and of their safety being placed at
have pointed to the continuing validity and
the arbitrary, capricious and whimsical
need for checkpoints manned by either
disposition of the military manning the
military or police forces. Although no one
checkpoints, considering that their cars and
can be compelled, under our libertarian
vehicles are being subjected to regular
system, to share with the present
searches and check-ups, especially at night
government its ideological beliefs and
or at dawn, without the benefit of a search
practices, or commend its political, social
warrant and/or court order. Their alleged
and economic policies or performance; one
fear for their safety increased when, at
must concede to it the basic right to defend
dawn of 9 July 1988, Benjamin Parpon, a
itself from its enemies and, while in power,
supply officer of the Municipality of
to pursue its program of government
Valenzuela, Bulacan, was gunned down
intended for public welfare; and in the
allegedly in cold blood by the members of
pursuit of those objectives, the government
the NCRDC manning the checkpoint along
has the equal right, under its police power,
McArthur Highway at Malinta, Valenzuela,
to select the reasonable means and
for ignoring and/or refusing to submit
methods for best achieving them. The
himself to the checkpoint and for continuing
checkpoint is evidently one of such means it
to speed off inspire of warning shots fired in
has selected. Admittedly, the routine
the air. Valmonte also claims that, on
checkpoint stop does intrude, to a certain
several occasions, he had gone thru these
extent, on motorist's right to "free passage
checkpoints where he was stopped and his
without interruption", but it cannot be denied of security agencies or police organizations,
that, as a rule, it and organization or maintenance of reaction
involves only a brief detention of travellers forces during the election period.
during which the vehicle's occupants are COMELEC also issued Resolution No. 2327
required to answer a brief question or two. providing for the summary disqualification of
For as long as the vehicle is neither candidates engaged in gunrunning, using
searched nor its occupants subjected to a and transporting of firearms, organizing
body search, and the inspection of the special strike forces, and establishing
vehicle is limited to a visual search, said
spot checkpoints. Pursuant to the “Gun
routine checks cannot be regarded as
Ban”, Mr. Serrapio Taccad, Sergeant at
violative of an individual's right against
unreasonable search. These routine Arms of the House of Representatives,
checks, when conducted in a fixed area, are wrote petitioner for the return of the two
even less intrusive. Further, vehicles are firearms issued to him by the House of
generally allowed to pass these checkpoints Representatives. Petitioner then instructed
after a routine inspection and a few his driver, Arellano, to pick up the firearms
questions. If vehicles are stopped and from petitioner’s house and return them to
extensively searched, it is because of some Congress. The PNP set up a checkpoint.
probable cause which justifies a reasonable When the car driven by Arellano
belief of the men at the checkpoints that approached the checkpoint, the PNP
either the motorist is a law-offender or the searched the car and found the firearms.
contents of the vehicle are or have been Arellano was apprehended and detained.
instruments of some offense. By the same
He then explained the order of petitioner.
token, a warrantless search of incoming and
outgoing passengers, at the arrival and Petitioner also explained that Arellano was
departure areas of an international airport, only complying with the firearms ban, and
is a practice not constitutionally that he was not asecurity officer or a
objectionable because it is founded on bodyguard. Later, COMELEC issued
public interest,safety, and necessity. Lastly, Resolution No.92-0829 directing the filing of
the Court's decision on checkpoints does information against petitioner and Arellano
not, in any way, validate nor condone for violation of the Omnibus Election Code,
abuses committed by the military manning and for petitioner to show cause why he
the checkpoints. The Court's decision was should not be disqualified from running for
concerned with power, i.e. whether the an elective position. Petitioner then
government employing the military has the questions the constitutionality of Resolution
power to install said checkpoints. Once that
No. 2327. Heargues that “gunrunning, using
power is acknowledged, the Court's inquiry
or transporting firearms or similar weapons”
ceases. True, power implies the possibility
of its abuse. But whether there is abuse in a and other acts mentioned in the resolution
particular situation is a different "ball game" are not within the provisions of the Omnibus
to be resolved in the constitutional arena. In Election Code. Thus, according to
any situation, where abuse marks the petitioner, Resolution No. 2327 is
operation of a checkpoint, the citizen is not unconstitutional. The issue on
helpless. For the military is not above but the disqualificationof petitioner from running
subject to the law. And the courts exist to in the elections was rendered moot when he
see that the law is supreme. Soldiers, lost his bid for a seat in Congress in the
including those who man checkpoints, who elections.
abuse their authority act beyond the scope
of their authority and are, therefore, liable
criminally and civilly for their abusive acts.
Issue: Whether or Not petitioner can be
validly prosecuted for instructing his driver
Aniag v. Comelec, 237 SCRA 424 to return the firearms issued to him on the
basis of the evidence gathered from the
Facts: In preparation for the synchronized warrant less search of his car
national and local elections, the COMELEC
issued Resolution No. 2323, “Gun Ban”,
promulgating rules and regulations on Held: A valid search must be authorized by
bearing, carrying and transporting of firearm a search warrant issued by an appropriate
or other deadly weapons authority. However, a warrantless search is
on security personnel or bodyguards, on not violative of the Constitution for as long
bearing arms by members as the vehicle is neither searched nor its
occupants subjected to a body search, and as Virgilio Usana. They asked the driver,
the inspection of the vehicle is merely identified as Julian D. Escaño, to open the
limited to a visual search. In the case at bar, door. P03 Suba seized the long firearm, an
the guns were not tucked in Arellano’s waist M-1 US Carbine, from Usana. When
nor placed within his reach, as they were Escaño, upon order of the police, parked
neatly packed in gun cases and placed along Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., the other
inside a bag at the back of the car. Given passengers were searched for more
these circumstances, the PNP could not weapons. Their search yielded a .45 caliber
have thoroughly searched the car lawfully firearm which they seized from Escaño. The
as well as the package without violating the three passengers were thereafter brought to
constitutional injunction. Absent any the police station Block 5 in the Kia Pride
justifying circumstance specifically pointing driven by PO3 Nonato. Upon reaching the
to the culpability of petitioner and precinct, Nonato turned over the key to the
Arellano, the search could not have been desk officer. Since SPO4 de los Santos was
valid. Consequently, the firearms obtained suspicious of the vehicle, he requested
from the warrantless search cannot be Escaño to open the trunk. Escaño readily
admitted for any purpose in any proceeding. agreed and opened the trunk himself using
It was also shown in the facts that the PNP his key. They noticed a blue bag inside it,
had not informed the public of the purpose which they asked Escaño to open. The bag
of setting up the checkpoint. Petitioner was contained a parcel wrapped in tape, which,
also not among those charged by the PNP upon examination by National Bureau of
with violation of the Omnibus Election Code. Investigation Forensic Chemist Emilia A.
He was not informed by the City Prosecutor Rosaldos, was found positive for hashish
that he was a respondent in the preliminary weighing 3.3143 kilograms. Virgilio T.
investigation. Such constituted a violation of Usana and Jerry C. Lopez, together with
his right to due process. Hence, it cannot be Julian D. Escaño, were charged before the
contended that petitioner was fully given the Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch
opportunity to meet theaccusation against 64, in Criminal Case 95-936 with violation of
him as he was not informed that he was Section 4, Article II of Republic Act 6425, as
himself a respondent in the case. Thus, the amended. Escaño and Usana were also
warrantless search conducted by the PNP is charged in Criminal Cases 95-937 and 95-
declared illegal and the firearms seized 938 with illegal possession of firearms and
during the search cannot be used as ammunition in violation of Presidential
evidence in any proceeding against the Decree 1866. The cases were consolidated
petitioner. Resolution No. 92-0829 is and jointly tried. In its Decision of 30 May
unconstitutional, and therefore, set aside. 1997, which was promulgated on 17 June
1997, the trial court convicted Escaño,
Lopez and Usana in Criminal Case 95-936,
People vs. Escano, Usana and Lopez Escaño in Criminal Case 95-937, and
[GR 129756-58, 28 January 2000] Usana in Criminal Case 95-938. Escaño
filed on 19 June 1997 a Notice of Appeal,
First Division, Davide Jr. (CJ): 4 concur but on 16 July 1997, he filed a Manifestation
Facts: On 5 April 1995 and during a and Withdrawal of Appeal, which was
COMELEC gun ban, some law enforcers of granted by the trial court in its Order of 17
the Makati Police, namely, PO3 Eduardo P. July 1997. Usana and Lopez filed a Notice
Suba, PO3 Bernabe Nonato, SPO4 Juan de of Appeal on 30 June 1997, manifesting
los Santos, and Inspector Ernesto Guico, therein that they were appealing to the
were manning a checkpoint at the corner of Supreme Court and to the Court of Appeals.
Senator Gil Puyat Ave. and the South Luzon Considering the penalties imposed, the
Expressway (SLEX). They were checking decision in Criminal Case 95-936 was
the cars going to Pasay City, stopping those appealed to the Supreme Court, while the
they found suspicious, and imposing merely Court of Appeals took cognizance of the
a running stop on the others. At about past appeal from Criminal Case 95-938. In its
midnight, they stopped a Kia Pride car with Order of 30 June 1997, the trial court gave
Plate TBH 493. P03 Suba saw a long due course to the appeal and ordered the
firearm on the lap of the person seated at transmittal of the record in Criminal Case
the passenger seat, who was later identified 95-936 to the Supreme Court and the
record of Criminal Case 95-938 to the Court
of Appeals. Accordingly, it is only the appeal belonged to Escaño; (2) the trunk of the car
from the judgment in Criminal Case 95-936 was not opened soon after it was stopped
that is before the Supreme Court. and after the accused were searched for
firearms; (3) the car was driven by a
Issue: Whether the search conducted on policeman from the place where it was
Escano’s car is illegal, and whether the stopped until the police station; (4) the car's
evidence acquired therein would be trunk was opened, with the permission of
sufficient to convict Lopez and Usana for Escaño, without the presence of Usana and
possession of illegal drugs. Lopez; and (5) after arrival at the police
Held: The Court has ruled that not all station and until the opening of the car's
checkpoints are illegal. Those which are trunk, the car was in the possession and
warranted by the exigencies of public order control of the police authorities. No fact was
and are conducted in a way least intrusive adduced to link Usana and Lopez to the
to motorists are allowed. For, admittedly, hashish found in the trunk of the car. Their
routine checkpoints do intrude, to a certain having been with Escaño in the latter's car
extent, on motorists' right to "free passage before the "finding" of the hashish sometime
without interruption," but it cannot be denied after the lapse of an appreciable time and
that, as a rule, it involves only a brief without their presence left much to be
detention of travelers during which the desired to implicate them to the offense of
vehicle's occupants are required to answer selling, distributing, or transporting the
a brief question or two. For as long as the prohibited drug. In fact, there was no
vehicle is neither searched nor its showing that Usana and Lopez knew of the
occupants subjected to a body search, and presence of hashish in the trunk of the car
the inspection of the vehicle is limited to a or that they saw the same before it was
visual search, said routine checks cannot be seized.
regarded as violative of an individual's right
against unreasonable search. In fact,
these routine checks, when conducted in a
fixed area, are even less intrusive. The PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v.
checkpoint herein conducted was in VICTOR DIAZ VINECARIO, et al. 420
pursuance of the gun ban enforced by the SCRA 280 (2004)
COMELEC. The COMELEC would be hard
put to implement the ban if its deputized On the night of April 10, 1995, as about
agents were limited to a visual search of fifteen police officers were manning
pedestrians. It would also defeat the a checkpoint at Ulas, Davao City pursuant
purpose for which such ban was instituted. to COMELEC Resolution No. 2735,
otherwise known as the COMELEC gun
Those who intend to bring a gun during said
ban, a motorcycle with three men
period would know that they only need a car on board namely appellant Victor Vinecario
to be able to easily perpetrate their (Vinecario), Arnold Roble (Roble) Gerlyn
malicious designs. The facts adduced do Wates (Wates) sped past of the police
not constitute a ground for a violation of the officers. When they were ordered to return
constitutional rights of the accused against to the checkpoint, a police officer asked
illegal search and seizure. PO3 Suba what the backpack contains which the
admitted that they were merely stopping appellants answered that it was only a mat.
cars they deemed suspicious, such as those The police officers suspected that it was a
whose windows are heavily tinted just to bomb and when appellant opened the bag it
see if the passengers thereof were carrying turns out that its contents were marijuana.
guns. At best they would merely The three were then brought to the police
station and later to Camp Catitipan and
direct their flashlights inside the cars they
there they were investigated by police
would stop, without opening the car's doors
officials without the assistance of counsel,
or subjecting its passengers to a body following which they were made to sign
search. There is nothing discriminatory in some documents which they were not
this as this is what the situation demands. allowed to read. The Regional Trial Court
Despite the validity of the search, the Court rendered them guilty for transporting,
cannot affirm the conviction of Usana and possessing and delivering prohibited drugs
Lopez for violation of RA 6425, as under Article IV of Republic Act No. 6425
amended. The following facts militate (Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended
against a finding of conviction: (1) the car by Republic Act No. 7659), and imposing
upon them the penalty of reclusion person, is actually Rolando Dural, a
perpetua. member of the NPA liquidation squad, who
was positively identified as one who is
ISSUE: responsible for the killing of two (2) soldiers.
Dural was transferred to the Regional
Whether or not the search upon the Medical Services of the CAPCOM, for
appellants and the seizure of the alleged security reasons.
1,700 grams of marijuana violated there As a consequence of this positive
constitutional right against unreasonable identification, Rolando Dural was referred to
search and seizure. the Caloocan City Fiscal who conducted an
inquest and thereafter filed with the
HELD: Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City an
information charging Rolando Dural alias
Although the general rule is that motorists Ronnie Javelon with the crime of "Double
and their vehicles as well as pedestrians Murder with Assault Upon Agents of
passing through checkpoints may only be Persons in Authority."
subjected to a routine inspection, vehicles A petition for habeas corpus was filed with
may be stopped and extensively searched the Court on behalf of Roberto Umil,
when there is probable cause which justifies Rolando Dural, and Renato Villanueva,
a reasonable belief of the men at which was subsequently approved by the
the checkpoints that either the motorist is a former. However, Roberto Umil and Renato
law offender or the contents of the vehicle Villanueva posted bail before the RTC of
are or have been instruments of some Pasay City where charges for violation of
offense. Warrantless search of the personal the Anti-Subversion Act had been filed
effects of an accused has been declared by against them, and they were accordingly
the Court as valid, because of existence of released. The petition for habeas corpus,
probable cause, where the smell of insofar as Umil and Villanueva are
marijuana emanated from a plastic bag concerned, is now moot and academic and
owned by the accused, or where the is accordingly dismissed.
accused was acting suspiciously, and PETITIONER:
attempted to flee. In light then of Vinecario Asserts that his detention is unlawful as
et al.‘s speeding away after noticing their arrests were made without warrant
the checkpoint and even after having been and, that no preliminary investigation was
flagged down by police officers, their first conducted, so that the information filed
suspicious and nervous gestures when against them are null and void. It clearly
interrogated on the contents of appears that he was not arrested while in
the backpack which they passed to one the act of shooting the two soldiers nor was
another, and the reply of Vinecario, when he arrested just after the commission of the
asked why he and his co-appellants sped said offense Seemingly, his arrest without
away from the checkpoint, that he was a warrant is unjustified.
member of the Philippine Army, apparently ISSUE:
in an attempt to dissuade the policemen Whether or not the arrest, detention, and
from proceeding with their inspection, there denial of petition to habeas corpus of the
existed probable cause to justify a petitioner amounts to deprivation of his
reasonable belief on the part of the law constitutional right to liberty, and hence null
enforcers that appellants were offenders of and void.
the law or that the contents of RULING:
the backpack were instruments of some NO,
offense. An arrest without a warrant under Section 5
paragraphs (a) and (b) of Rule 113 of the
Rules of Court, as amended, is justified
when the person arrested is caught in
G.R. No. 81567 July 9, 1990
flagranti delicto (“in the act of committing an
offense”) or when an offense has just been
committed and the person making the arrest
et al. vs. FIDEL V. RAMOS.
has personal knowledge of the facts
indicating that the person arrested has
The Intelligence Operations Unit of the
committed it.
Capital Command received confidential
The record of the instant cases would show
information about a member of the NPA
that the persons in whose behalf these
Sparrow Unit being treated for a gunshot
petitions for habeas corpus have been filed,
wound at the St. Agnes Hospital, QC. Upon
had freshly committed or were actually
verification, it was found that the wounded
committing an offense, when apprehended, deemed to have waived his objection when
so that their arrests without a warrant were he entered his plea, applied for bail, and
clearly justified, and that they are, further, actively participated in the trial without
detained by virtue of valid information filed questioning such arrest. Accused-appellant
against them in court. claims that the presence of all the elements
Further, dural was arrested for being a of the offense of possession of dangerous
member of the NPA, an outlawed drug was not proved beyond reasonable
subversive organization. Subversion being a doubt since both actual
continuing offense, the arrest of Rolando and constructive possessions were not
Dural without warrant is justified as it can be proved. He asserts that the shabu was not
said that he was committing an offense found in his actual possession, for which
when arrested. The crimes of rebellion, reason the prosecution was required to
subversion, conspiracy or proposal to establish that he had constructive
commit such crimes, and crimes or offenses possession over the shabu. He maintains
committed in furtherance thereof or in that as he had no control and dominion over
connection therewith constitute direct the drug or over the place where it was
assaults against the State and are in the found, the prosecution likewise failed to
nature of continuing crimes. prove constructive possession.
Issue: Whether or not the court a quo
The arrest, therefore, need not follow the gravely erred in finding the accused-
usual procedure in the prosecution of appellant guilty of violation of section 11,
offenses which requires the determination Article II, RA 9165 despite the failure of the
by a judge of the existence of probable prosecution to prove the commission of the
cause before the issuance of a judicial offense charged beyond reasonable doubt?
warrant of arrest and the granting of bail if Ruling: The SC acquitted accused-
the offense is bailable. Obviously, the appellant of violation of sec. 11(2) of RA
absence of a judicial warrant is no legal 9165. The prosecution in this case clearly
impediment to arresting or capturing failed to show all the elements of the crime
persons committing overt acts of violence absent a showing of either actual or
against government forces, or any other constructive possession by the accused-
milder acts but equally in pursuance of the appellant.
rebellious movement. The elements in illegal possession of
dangerous drug are: (1) the accused is in
possession of an item or object which is
identified to be a prohibited drug; (2) such
People vs Dela Cruz 571 SCRA 469 possession is not authorized by law; and (3)
Facts: the accused freely and consciously
On November 15, 2002, charges against possessed the said drug. On the third
accused-appellant were made before the element, the court have held that the
RTC for Illegal Possession of Firearm and possession must be with knowledge of the
Ammunition and Possession of Dangerous accused or that animus possidendi existed
Drug. The RTC acquitted accused-appellant with the possession or control of said
of illegal possession of firearm and articles.
ammunition but convicted him of possession In the instant case, there is no question that
of dangerous drugs. On December 7, 2005, accused-appellant was not the owner of the
accused-appellant filed a Notice of Appeal nipa hut that was subject of the buy-bust
of the RTC Decision claiming that: (1) the operation. He did not have dominion or
version of the prosecution should not have control over the nipa hut. Neither was
been given full credence; (2) the accused appellant a tenant or occupant of
prosecution failed to prove beyond the nipa hut, a fact not disputed by the
reasonable doubt that he was guilty of prosecution. The target of the operation was
possession of an illegal drug; (3) his arrest Boy Bicol. Accusedappellant was merely a
was patently illegal; and (4) the prosecution guest of Boy Bicol. Since accused-appellant
failed to establish the chain of custody of was not in possession of the illegal drugs in
the illegal drug allegedly in his possession. Boy Bicol’s nipa hut, his subsequent arrest
The CA sustained accused-appellant’s was also invalid. The warrantless arrest of
conviction. It pointed out that accused-appellant was effected under Sec.
accusedappellant was positively identified 5(a), Rule 113 of the Rules on Criminal
by prosecution witnesses, rendering his Procedure, arrest of a suspect in flagrante
uncorroborated denial and allegation of delicto. For this type of warrantless arrest to
frame-up weak. As to accused-appellant’s be valid, two requisites must concur:
alleged illegal arrest, the CA held that he is
(1) the person to be arrested must execute
an overt act indicating that he has just ISSUE:
committed, is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit a crime; and (2) such WON the arrest without warrant of the
overt act is done in the presence or within accused is lawful and consequently
the view of the arresting officer. The WON the evidence resulting from such
prosecution was not able to adequately arrest is admissible.
prove that accused-appellant was
committing an offense. Although accused- HELD:
appellant merely denied possessing the
firearm, the prosecution’s charge was weak YES. Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules on
absent the presentation of the alleged Criminal Procedure provides for the
firearm. His arrest, independent of the buy- instances where an arrest without warrant is
bust operation targeting Boy Bicol, was considered lawful. The rule states:
therefore not lawful as he was not proved to
be committing any offense. Arrest without warrant, when lawful. — A
peace officer or private person may, without
PEOPLE V. SUCRO 195 SCRA 388 a warrant, arrest a person:

FACTS: (a) When in his presence, the person to be

arrested has committed, is actually
l Roy Fulgencio, a member of the INP, Kalibo, committing, or is attempting to commit an
Aklan, was instructed by their Station offense;
Commander to monitor the activities of
appellant Edison Sucro, because of (b) When an offense has in fact just been
information gathered by Seraspi that Sucro committed, and he has personal knowledge
was selling marijuana of facts indicating that the person to be
l As planned Roy Fulgencio monitored the arrested has committed it; (Emphasis
activities of the accused under the house of supplied)
Regalado and near the chapel where the
accused was selling marijuana to a group of An offense is committed in the presence or
persons around 5 pm. within the view of an officer, within the
l Pat reported this to their station commander meaning of the rule authorizing an arrest
and instructed him to continue his without a warrant, when the officer sees the
monitoring. offense, although at a distance, or hears the
l At about 6:30 P.M., Pat. Fulgencio again called disturbances created thereby and proceeds
up Seraspi to report that a third buyer later at once to the scene thereof.
Identified as Ronnie Macabante, was
transacting with appellant. From the records of the case, Fulgencio
l At that point, after Macabante bought from the saw Sucro three times dealing drugs inside
accused, they pursue Macabante and told the chapel where he is 2 meters away
them he bought it from herein accused- monitoring his nefarious activities then after
appellant. the 3rd deal, the police intercepted the buyer
l The police team was able to overtake and Macabante and when confronted by the
arrest appellant at the corner of C. Quimpo police, Macabante readily admitted that he
and Veterans Sts. The police recovered 19 bought the marijuana from Sucro.
sticks and 4 teabags of marijuana from the Therefore, Sucro had just committed an
cart inside the chapel and another teabag illegal act of which the police officers had
from Macabante, personal knowledge, being members of the
l Accused appealed that the marijuana teabags team which monitored accused-appellants
were seized without serving upon him a nefarious activity.
search warrant.
l The accused-appellant contends that his arrest The accused questions the failure of the
was illegal, is a violation of his rights police officers to secure a warrant
granted under Section 2, Article III of the considering that Fulgencio himself knew of
1987 Constitution. Sucro's activities even prior to the former's
l He stresses that there was sufficient time for joining the police force. Fulgencio reported
the police officers to apply for a search and Sucro's activities only three days before the
arrest warrants considering that Fulgencio incident.
informed his Station Commander of the
activities of the accused two days before As the records reveal, Fulgencio and Sucro
March 21, 1989, the date of his arrest. had known each other since their childhood
years and that after Fulgencio joined the whereupon the two tried to run away but
police force, he told the accused-appellant were unable to escape because the other
not to sell drugs in their locality. Hence, it is lawmen had surrounded them. The
possible that because of this friendship, suspects were then searched. One of them,
Fulgencio hesitated to report his childhood who turned out to be the accused was found
friend and merely advised him not to with a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson
engage in such activity. However, because revolver with six live bullets in the chamber.
of reliable information was given by some His companion had a fan knife. The
informants that selling was going on every weapons were taken from them.
day, he was constrained to report the matter
to the Station Commander.

On the other hand, the failure of the police

officers to secure a warrant stems from the
fact that their knowledge acquired from the
surveillance was insufficient to fulfill the Issue:
requirements for the issuance of a search
warrant. What is paramount is that probable
cause existed.             Whether or not the accused
constitutional right against unreasonable
The general rule is that searches and search and seizure is violated
seizures must be supported by a valid
warrant is not an absolute rule... Among the Ruling:
exceptions granted by law is a search
incidental to a lawful arrest under Sec. 12,
            The Supreme court held that par(a)
Rule 126 of the RCP which provides that a
section 5 Rule 113 of rules of court requires
person lawfully arrested may be searched
that a person be arrested 1 After he has
for dangerous weapons or anything which
committed or while he is actually committing
may be used as proof of the commission of
or is at least attempting to commit an
an offense, without a search warrant.
offense 2 In the presence of the arresting
Since the arrest was considered valid, the
evidence presented is admissible in
evidence.             These requirements have not been
established in the case at bar at bar. At the
Hence, this Court is convinced that time of the arrest in question, the accused
appellant Edison Sucro had indeed was merely “looking from side to side” and
committed the offense charged. The trial “holding his abdomen”. There was
court's decision must be upheld. apparently no offense that has just been
committed or was being actually committed
or at least being attempted by Mengote in
their presence.
            Par. B. is no less applicable
People of the Philippines vs. Rogelio because it’s no less stringent requirements
have not been satisfied. The prosecution
Mengote y. TejasG.R. No. 8759, June 22, has not shown that at the time of arrest an
1992 offense had in fact just been committed and
that the arresting officer had personal
Facts: knowledge of facts indicating that Mengote
had committed it. All they had was hearsay
information from the telephone caller, and
            a telephone call was by Western about a crime that had yet to be committed.
Police district that here were three – ACQUITTED
suspicious-looking persons at the corner of
Juan Luna and North Bay Boulevard in
Tondo Manila. A surveillanve team of
plainclothesmen was dispatch to the place.
They saw two men “looking from side to People v. Luisito Go 406 Phil. 804
side” one of whom is holding his abdomen. YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
They approached these persons and
identified themselves as policemen,
On October 22, 1992, at around 10:00 Bagadiong. The police officers saw pieces
o'clock in the evening, SPO1 Mauro of glass tooters and tin foils on the backseat
Piamonte and SPO3 Candido Liquido, and floor of the car. They asked accused-
members of the Intelligence and Follow-up appellant why he had these items, but he
Unit of the Calamba Police, went to the did not say anything. Instead, accused-
police outpost at Crossing, Calamba, appellant suggested that they talk the
Laguna, to follow up an intelligence report matter over, and intimated that he had
that methamphetamine hydrochloride, or money. SPO3 Liquido replied that they
shabu, a regulated drug, was being supplied should talk at the police headquarters.
there. Police civilian agent Ronnie Accused-appellant took out an attaché case
Panuringan arrived and reported to them from the car and opened it. There were two
that he saw accused-appellant Luisito Go, black clutch bags inside. Accused-appellant
also known as "King Louie", enter the opened the first bag, which contained shiny
Flamingo Disco House with two women. white substance wrapped in cellophane.
Panuringan said that he spotted a gun The second bag contained P120,000.00 in
tucked in accused-appellant's waist. cash.
Together, the three policemen proceeded to
the Flamingo, which was located about a The police officers brought accused-
hundred meters away from the outpost. appellant to the police station. When they
arrived at the precinct, they turned over the
When they arrived at the Flamingo, the attaché case together with the two black
police officers informed the owner that they clutch bags to the investigator. The
were conducting an "Operation Bakal," investigator found eight cellophane bags
whereby they search for illegally possessed containing granules suspected to be shabu
firearms. The owner allowed them in and in one of the clutch bags. When the attaché
told a waiter to accompany them. They went case was opened, the police officers found
up to the second floor of the disco. The that it also contained three glass tooters, tin
waiter turned on the lights, and the police foils, an improvised burner, magazines and
officers saw accused-appellant and his lady newspapers.[1]
companions seated at a table. They
identified themselves and asked accused- Consequently, two Informations were filed
appellant to stand up. When the latter did against accused-appellant before the
so, the policemen saw the gun tucked in his Regional Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna,
waist. SPO1 Piamonte asked for the license Branch 34. The first Information, which was
of the gun, but accused-appellant was docketed as Criminal Case No. 3308-92-C,
unable to produce any. Instead, accused- charged accused-appellant with violation of
appellant brought out the driver's license of Article III of R.A. 6452 (Dangerous Drugs
a certain Tan Antonio Lerios. SPO1 Act), committed as follows:
Piamonte confiscated the gun, which was
later identified as a 9mm Walther P88, That on or about October 22, 1992 at Brgy.
Serial Number 006784, with a magazine I, Crossing, Municipality of Calamba,
containing ten (10) rounds of live province of Laguna, and within the
ammunition. Accused-appellant was invited jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
to the police precinct for questioning. above-named accused, not being
authorized/permitted by law, did then and
On the way out of the disco, accused- there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously
appellant asked permission to bring his car, have in his possession, control and custody
which was parked outside. The police 750 grams of methamphetamine
officers accompanied accused-appellant to hydrochloride known as "SHABU", a
his car, a Honda Civic with license plate regulated drug, in violation of the above-
number TCM-789. Through the windshield, stated law.[2]
SPO3 Liquido noticed a Philippine National
Police identification card hanging from the The other Information, docketed as Criminal
rearview mirror. He asked accused- Case No. 3309-92-C, charged accused-
appellant if he was a member of the PNP, appellant with violation of P.D. 1866,
and he said no. The police officers asked committed as follows:
accused-appellant for his driver's license
and the registration papers of the vehicle, That on or about October 22, 1992, at
but he was unable to produce them. When Flamingo Beerhouse, Crossing, Municipality
accused-appellant opened the door, SPO3 of Calamba, Province of Laguna and within
Liquido took the ID card and found that the the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
same belonged to SPO4 Zenaida accused above-named not being licensed or
authorized by law, did then and there Accused-appellant assails the validity of his
wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have in arrest and his subsequent convictions for
his possession, custody and control one (1) the two crimes. Both the trial court and the
caliber .9mm marked "WALTHER" with Court of Appeals found that the arrest and
serial number 006784 with one (1) subsequent seizure were legal. A review of
magazine loaded with ten (10) live the records at bar shows no reason to
ammunitions of same caliber, in violation of depart therefrom.
the aforementioned law.[3]
The constitutional proscription, that no
After a joint trial, the lower court rendered person shall be arrested without any
judgment convicting accused-appellant in warrant of arrest having been issued prior
the two criminal cases, to wit: thereto,[8] is not a hard-and-fast rule. The
Rules of Court and jurisprudence recognize
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby exceptional cases where an arrest may be
rendered finding the accused in Criminal effected without a warrant.[9] Among these
Case No. 3308-92-C, to be GUILTY beyond are when, in the presence of a peace
reasonable doubt of having in his officer, the person to be arrested has
possession of 750.39 grams of committed, is actually committing, or is
methamphetamine hydrochloride, a attempting to commit an offense; or when
regulated drug. He is hereby sentenced to a an offense has in fact just been committed,
penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years and and the arresting officer has personal
one (1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine knowledge of facts indicating that the
of TWELVE THOUSAND (P12,000.00) person to be arrested has committed it.
PESOS; and in Criminal Case No. 3309-92-
C, the accused is also found GUILTY In the cases at bar, the police saw the gun
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of tucked in appellant's waist when he stood
Illegal Possession of Firearm, and is hereby up. The gun was plainly visible. No search
sentenced to suffer an imprisonment was conducted as none was necessary.
of reclusion perpetua. Accused-appellant could not show any
license for the firearm, whether at the time
Considering that the accused appears to be of his arrest or thereafter. Thus, he was in
detained at the Makati Police Station, jailer, effect committing a crime in the presence of
Makati Police Station is hereby ordered to the police officers. No warrant of arrest was
commit the accused to the New Bilibid necessary in such a situation, it being one
Prison, Bureau of Correction, Muntinlupa, of the recognized exceptions under the
Metro Manila. The bond posted by the Rules.
accused in Criminal Cases No. 3308-92-C &
3309-92-C, are hereby ordered cancelled.[4] As a consequence of appellant's valid
Accused-appellant appealed his conviction warrantless arrest, he may be lawfully
in Criminal Case No. 3309-92-C directly to searched for dangerous weapons or
this Court, considering that the penalty anything which may be used as proof of the
imposed was reclusion perpetua, which commission of an offense, without a search
appeal was docketed as G.R. No. 116001. warrant, as provided in Rule 126, Section
12. This is a valid search incidental to the
On the other hand, accused-appellant lawful arrest.[10] The subsequent discovery in
brought his appeal of the judgment in his car of drug paraphernalia and the
Criminal Case No. 3308-92-C before the crystalline substance, which was later
Court of Appeals.[5] In an Amended Decision identified as shabu, though in a distant
dated February 21, 1996, the Court of place from where the illegal possession of
Appeals affirmed accused-appellant's firearm was committed, cannot be said to
conviction but modified the penalty imposed have been made during an illegal search.
by the trial court by sentencing him, in As such, the seized items do not fall within
addition to imprisonment of six (6) years the exclusionary clause, which states that
and one (1) day to twelve (12) years, to pay any evidence obtained in violation of the
a fine of six thousand pesos (P6,000.00), right against warrantless arrest cannot be
citing Section 8 of R.A. 6425, with used for any purposes in any proceeding.
subsidiary imprisonment in case of  Hence, not being fruits of the poisonous
insolvency.[6] Hence, this petition for review, tree, so to speak, the objects found at the
docketed as G.R. No. 123943. scene of the crime, such as the firearm, the
shabu and the drug paraphernalia, can be
The two cases were consolidated.[7] used as evidence against appellant.
Besides, it has been held that drugs
discovered as a result of a consented PNP to the effect that Luisito Go y Ko was
search is admissible in evidence. [12] not a licensed gun holder, accused-
appellant claims that he was not the person
Under P.D. 1866, the essence of the crime alluded to therein because the correct
is the accused's lack of license or permit to spelling of his middle name is not "Ko" but
carry or possess firearm, ammunition, or "Co." Whatever the correct spelling of his
explosive. Possession by itself is not name is, the fact remains that he had no
prohibited by law.[13] In prosecutions for license on the day the gun was found in his
illegal possession of firearm, the element of possession. All that he could present then
absence of license to possess the firearm was a photocopy of his application for gun
may be established through the testimony of license,[23] which is not the equivalent of a
or a certification from a representative of the license. Appellant testified that he presented
Firearms and Explosives Bureau[14]of the a firearm license to the police, [24] but he
Philippine National Police (FEB-PNP), could not produce that alleged license in
attesting that a person is not a licensee of court. If appellant was indeed a licensed
any firearm.[15] In this case, a representative gun holder and if that license existed on
of the FEB-PNP testified that accused- October 22, 1992, he could have easily
appellant was not a holder of any gun presented it to the police when he was
license.[16] Moreover, a certification[17]to that asked for his papers inside the disco, or if
effect was presented to corroborate his the alleged license was in his car, he could
testimony. These pieces of evidence suffice have easily shown it to them when they
to establish the second element of the went to his car. Otherwise, he could have
offense of possession of unlicensed easily asked his lawyer or relative to bring
firearms.[18] However, in a vain attempt to the license to the police precinct when he
exculpate himself, accused-appellant was being investigated. Despite several
presented for the first time an alleged opportunities to produce a license, he failed
firearm license, which was described as to do so. In fact, during trial, he never
"Annex 2" of his petition. Accused- presented any such license. And on appeal,
appellant's counsel admitted that said he could only submit for the first time and
document was not presented below "for for unknown reasons an alleged photocopy
some reason."[19] Whatever those reasons of a purported license. The only plausible
are, he did not specify. The document, conclusion that can be drawn is that there
however, is dubious. It is too late in the day was no such license in the first place.
for accused-appellant to proffer this very Hence, his guilt of illegal possession of
vital piece of evidence which might firearm was duly established.
exculpate him. First, the reception of
evidence is best addressed to the trial court Accused-appellant's guilt for illegal
because it entails questions of fact. It should possession of shabu has likewise been
be emphasized that this Court is not a trier proven beyond reasonable doubt. The white
of facts.[20] Second, the document marked crystalline substance found in his
as "Annex 2" of the petition in G.R. No. possession, upon laboratory examination,
123943 is not the license referred to, but an were positively identified as
order of the trial court resetting the date of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu,
arraignment.[21] Third, there is attached to a regulated drug.[25]
the petition a firearm license[22] which is a
mere photocopy and, as such, cannot be The bulk of accused-appellant's defense
appreciated by this Court. Indeed, revolves around the factual findings of the
considering that this was the one piece of trial court. It should be recalled that factual
evidence which could spell accused- findings of the trial court, if supported by
appellant's acquittal of the unlicensed evidence on record, and particularly when
firearm charge, and assuming that, as affirmed by the appellate court, are binding
shown in the face of the license, it was on this Court.[26] As discussed above, the
issued on October 7, 1992, there should be records substantiate the trial court's and the
no reason for its non-production during the appellate court's findings as to accused-
trial. Fourth, and most importantly, the appellant's culpability. There is no reason to
genuineness of the purported license depart from these findings as no significant
becomes all the more suspect in view of the facts and circumstances were shown to
Certification issued by the FEO-PNP that have been overlooked or disregarded
accused-appellant was not a licensed which, if considered, would have altered the
firearm holder. outcome of the case.[27] Moreover, questions
as to credibility of witness are matters best
Anent the certification issued by the FEO- left to the appreciation of the trial court
because of its unique opportunity of having finding accused-appellant guilty beyond
observed that elusive and incommunicable reasonable doubt of illegal possession of
evidence of the witness' deportment on the firearm is AFFIRMED, with
stand while testifying, which opportunity is the MODIFICATION that he is sentenced to
denied to the reviewing tribunal.[28] an indeterminate penalty of two (2) years,
four (4) months and one (1) day of prision
In the case at bar, the trial court found: correccional, as minimum, to four (4) years,
two (2) months and one (1) day of prision
The narration of the incident by the police is correccional, as maximum, and a fine of
far more worthy of belief coming as it does P30,000.00. The decision of the trial court
from law enforcers who are presumed to finding accused-appellant guilty beyond
have regularly performed their duties and reasonable doubt of illegal possession of
were not demonstrated to have been unduly 750.39 grams of shabu and drug
biased against the accused.[29] paraphernalia, is likewise AFFIRMED with
the MODIFICATION that he is sentenced to
Similarly, the Court of Appeals held that: an indeterminate penalty of six (6) years
and one (1) day, as minimum, to twelve (12)
(T)he findings of fact of the trial court are years, as maximum, and to pay a fine of
generally respected by the appellate court, P12,000.00. The shabu and subject drug
unless they are found to be clearly biased or paraphernalia seized from appellant shall be
arbitrary. We do not find any in these cases. destroyed as provided by law.

The crime of illegal possession of firearm, SO ORDERED.

committed in 1992, regardless of whether
the firearm is low powered or high powered,
was punished with the penalty of reclusion
perpetua to death, as provided in P.D. 1866.  Larranaga vs CA G.R. No. 130644 March
However, under R.A. No. 8294, which took 13, 1998
effect on July 6, 1997,[31] the penalty was
lowered to prision correcional in its Facts: Petitioner Larranaga was charged
maximum period and a fine of P30,000.00, if with two counts of kidnapping and serious
the firearm[32] is classified as low powered. illegaldetention before the RTC of Cebu
In this case, the unlicensed firearm found in City. He was arrested and was detained
appellant's possession was a 9mm Walther withoutthe filing of the necessary
pistol, which under the amendatory law, is Information and warrant of arrest. The
considered as low powered. Inasmuch as petitioner allegedthat he must be released
the new law imposes a reduced penalty and and be subject to a preliminary
is, thus, more favorable to accused- investigation. Howeverpending the
appellant, the same may be given resolution of the Court for the petition for
retroactive effect.[33] Therefore, accused- certiorari, prohibitionand mandamus with
appellant is sentenced to an indeterminate writs of preliminary prohibitory and
penalty of two (2) years, four (4) months mandatory injunction filedby the petitioner,
and one (1) day of prision correccional, as RTC judge issued a warrant of arrest
minimum, to four (4) years, two (2) months directed to the petitioner.
and one (1) day of prision correccional, as
maximum, and a fine of P30,000.00. Issue:

On the other hand, the crime of illegal 1.Whether petitioner is entitled to a regular
possession of regulated drug, under the law preliminary investigation.2.Whether
in force at the time of the commission of the petitioner should be released from detention
offense in this case, was punished by pending the investigation.
imprisonment of from six (6) years and one
(1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine Held:
ranging from P6,000.00 to P12,000.00,
 regardless of the amount of drugs 1.Yes. Our ruling is not altered by the fact
involved. Hence, accused-appellant is that petitioner has been arraigned
sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of six onOctober 14, 1997. The rule is that the
(6) years and one (1) day, as minimum, to right to preliminary investigation iswaived
twelve (12) years, as maximum, and to pay when the accused fails to invoke it before or
a fine of P12,000.00. at the time of entering aplea at arraignment.
Petitioner, in this case, has been actively
WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court
andconsistently demanding a regular 1.            Whether a petition for certiorari
preliminary investigation even before hewas under Rule 65 is the proper remedy.
charged in court. Also, petitioner refused to
enter a plea during thearraignment because 2.            Whether the petitioner is guilty of
there was a pending case in this Court child abuse, under RA 7610.
regarding hisright to avail of a regular
preliminary investigation. Clearly, the acts
of petitioner and his counsel are RULING:
inconsistent with a waiver.
Preliminaryinvestigation is part of
procedural due process. It cannot be waived
unlessthe waiver appears to be clear and 1.            No. The SC held that the petitioner
informed.2.No. The filing of charges and the adopted the wrong remedy in assailing the
issuance of the warrant of arrest against CA’s affirmance of his conviction. His proper
aperson invalidly detained will cure the recourse from the affirmance of his
defect of that detention or at leastdeny him conviction was an appeal taken in due
the right to be released because of such course. Hence, he should have filed a
defect.The originalwarrantless arrest of the petition for review on certiorari. Instead, he
petitioner was doubtless illegal. wrongly brought a petition for certiorari.
Nevertheless, theRegional Trial Court
lawfully acquired jurisdiction over the person
of thepetitioner by virtue of the warrant of
arrest it issued on August 26, 1993against The special civil action for certiorari is
him and the other accused in connection intended for the correction of errors of
with the rape-slay cases. Itwas belated, to jurisdiction only or grave abuse of discretion
be sure, but it was nonetheless legal. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Its principal office is only to keep the inferior
court within the parameters of its jurisdiction
or to prevent it from committing such a
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction. As observed in
G.R. No. 169533, March 20, 2013 Land Bank of the Philippines v. Court of
Appeals, et al. "the special civil action for
certiorari is a remedy designed for the
FACTS: correction of errors of jurisdiction and not
errors of judgment. The raison d’etre for the
rule is when a court exercises its
jurisdiction, an error committed while so
The petitioner, George Bongalon, was
engaged does not deprived it of the
charged of child abuse, an act in violation of
jurisdiction being exercised when the error
Section 10(a) of Republic Act No. 7610. He
is committed. If it did, every error committed
allegedly struck Jayson, a minor, with his
by a court would deprive it of its jurisdiction
hand and slapped him on the face after the
and every erroneous judgment would be a
latter threw stones at George's daughter.
void judgment. In such a scenario, the
administration of justice would not survive.

The RTC found George guilty as charged.

This was affirmed by the CA, but the said
Hence, where the issue or question involved
court modified the penalty.
affects the wisdom or legal soundness of
the decision–not the jurisdiction of the court
to render said decision–the same is beyond
The petitioner elevated the matter to the SC the province of a special civil action for
via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, certiorari. The proper recourse of the
ROC. aggrieved party from a decision of the Court
of Appeals is a petition for review on
certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised
ISSUE: Rules of Court.
It is of no consequence that the petitioner
alleges grave abuse of discretion on the
G.R. Nos. 141943-45 November 13 ,2002]
part of the CA in his petition. The allegation
of grave abuse of discretion no more appellee,
warrants the granting of due course to the vs.
petition as one for certiorari if appeal was DIOSDADO RECEPCION Y PALASO
available as a proper and adequate remedy. (deceased), FELIPE DELA CRUZ Y
At any rate, a reading of his presentation of REYES,
the issues in his petition indicates that he AUDIE DONA Y BINAN, ALFREDO
thereby imputes to the CA errors of BARACAS Y CONCEPCION, EDUARDO
judgment, not errors of jurisdiction. He PALACPAC Y ROSALES,
mentions instances attendant during the BERNARDO RANARA Y MORATALLA (at
commission of the crime that he claims large),
were really constitutive of justifying and JOEMARI DELOS REYES Y
mitigating circumstances; and specifies
reasons why he believes Republic Act No.
7610 favors his innocence rather than his appellants
guilt for the crime charged. The errors he FACTS:
thereby underscores in the petition · on July 28, 1999, eight persons allegedly
concerned only the CA’s appreciation and conspired to kill and actually killed 5
assessment of the evidence on record, customers of Sabungan Fastfood
which really are errors of judgment, not of & Videoke
jurisdiction. · A waitress in said bar testified as to the
incident and identified the accused as the
persons responsible
· Another witness who worked as a waitress
2.            No. The SC held that petitioner is
in a restaurant across the scene of the
not guilty of child abuse, but rather of the crime testified and identified
crime of slight physical injury only. the same offenders
· After the shooting, the accused boarded a
jeepney owned by Ruben Labjata and made
Despite the procedural transgression, the him drive to Tarlac
court continued to rule on the substantive where they freed the driver and boarded a
issue. According to the SC, the records did tricycle driven by Conrado Marquez
not establish beyond reasonable doubt that ® Both drivers positively identified the
the laying of hands by George on Jayson perpetrators
· Around lunchtime on 29 July 1999, after
had been intended to debase the "intrinsic
the police invited the jeepney driver and the
worth and dignity" of Jayson as a human tricycle driver for
being, or that he had thereby intended to questioning, the area was cordoned off
humiliate or embarrass Jayson. The records · the group, along with FO1 Felipe dela
showed the laying of hands on Jayson to Cruz, surrendered after several calls by the
have been done at the spur of the moment police
and in anger, indicative of his being then · Taken into custody were Felipe dela Cruz,
overwhelmed by his fatherly concern for the Joemari delos Reyes, Audie Dona, Alfredo
personal safety of his own minor daughters Baracas, Eduardo Palacpac,
who had just suffered harm at the hands of Bernardo Ranara, Robert Alfonso, and
Jayson and Roldan. With the loss of his Dominador Recepcion; Diosdado
self-control, he lacked that specific intent to Recepcion, then a special agent of the
Narcotics Command, was intercepted at the
debase, degrade or demean the intrinsic
national highway of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija,
worth and dignity of a child as a human
on board a tricycle
being that was so essential in the crime of · At the police station, Labjata identified his
child abuse. Considering that Jayson’s passengers, namely, Audie Dona, Alfredo
physical injury required five to seven days of Baracas, Diosdado
medical attention, the petitioner was liable Recepcion, Bernardo Ranara, Eduardo
for slight physical injuries under Article 266 Palacpac, Dominador Recepcion, Joemari
(1) of the Revised Penal Code. delos Reyes and Robert
· The accused were charged with multiple
murder, violation of Presidential Decree
(P.D.) No. 1866, and robbery
in band in three separate accusatory
· The indictees, when arraigned, pled "not
guilty" to all the charges and interposed alibi
as a defense
· the court a quo found the several accused
guilty of multiple murder but acquitted them
in the charge of illegal
possession of firearm and robbery in band
because of insufficiency of evidence
ISSUE: whether or not the arrest made
without a warrant was valid
· The arrest of appellants has been made in
"hot pursuit," an exception from the rule that
warrantless arrests are
· In any event, appellants can no longer
assail the illegality of their arrest since such
a claim has not been
brought up before or during the arraignment
® The failure to timely move for the quashal
of the Information on this basis operates as
a waiver of the

right to question the supposed irregularity of

the arrest.

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