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Write your correct answer:



Name the homologous series of compound J:

​ lcohol​__​____________________________________________________________________

b. Compound K is an unsaturated hydrocarbon and compound L is a saturated hydrocarbon.

Describe an experiment to differentiate compound L and K.

(1)pour 2cm3 of K and L separately into two test tube.

(2)add a few drops of Bromine water separately into the test tube

(3)shake the two test tubes.

(4)The brown colour of Bromine water in the test tube that contains K will become colourless solution.

(5)The brown colour of Bromine water in the test tube that contains L will remain unchanged.

c. Name the process to change compound J to compound K.

Dehydration process

d. Name the reagent Y used to change compound J to compound M.

Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution

e. Name the compound K and compound L

Compound K: ​_Butene_​_______________________

Compound L: _​Butane​________________________

f. Name the homologous series of compound:

K: __​Alkene​_________________________

L: __​Alkane​________________________


Name the process I in the diagram: _​Combustion Process_​_________________

b. What is the name of process II? ___​Oxidation​___________________

c. Name the compound Y.__​_Proplypropanote_​_________________________

d. Write the chemical equation to change alcohol J to propanoic acid.

C3H8O + 2[O] ------ > CH3CH2COOH +H2O

e. What is the name of process III?


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