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The Grand Descent of

Volume 1

INTRODUCTION 5 Chapter 7 150

PREFACE 7 Kalpataru
The Power of Manifestation
Chapter 1 13 Chapter 8 157
An Introduction Third Eye AwakeningSM
Chapter 2 79 Opening the Cosmic Command Center
Avatar Shastra Consciousness Chapter 9 187
The Grand Descent of Superconsciousness The Bioenergetics of the Cosmos Parakaya Pravesham
Published by Nithyananda University Press | Copyright © 2016
Expansion of Consciousness into Another
Chapter 3 85
ISBN: 978-1-60607-190-8 Akashic Readings Chapter 10 192
Printed in India | First Edition 2016 Einstein’s Space-Time Continuum The Science of Miracles
Levitation, Teleportation, Materialization
Nithyananda University Chapter 4 103
9720 Central Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763 USA Prana Pratishtha Chapter 11 218 Breathing Life into Matter Nithya Spiritual HealingSM
The Science of Quantum Healing
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Chapter 5 111
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including Chapter 12 243
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, Realigning Human Physiology
without the prior written permission of the publisher. Face-to-face with the Cosmos
The Mind of the Cell
This book is not a platform, guide or instruction for learning or
practicing any meditation, siddhi, process, asana, kriya, diet, or other Chapter 6 127
technique that is described or pictured in this book. Any such technique Chapter 13 291
included in this book is for illustrative and informative purposes only Nirahara Sammyama
and should be practiced only under the guidance of a trained teacher or The Power of Initiation
Acharya. To learn more, please contact Going beyond Food



Revealing the Science of Spirituality The results continue to intrigue the world of medical science, but
we now have growing proof (called ‘pramana’ in Vedic philosophy)
that a range of extraordinary abilities do lie latent in us, just outside
Is it possible to live a superhuman life in this human body? the sphere of our current experience. Not to be awakened by effort
alone, these abilities (known in Sanskrit as siddhis) also demand of
Are some individuals really wired differently from the rest of us?
us a courageous life of intense integrity, authenticity, deep devotion
Does such an awakened state as ‘enlightenment’ really exist? to seeking the Truth and an unquestioning surrender to the flow
Are the expressions of an enlightened consciousness scientifically of Existence - the Divine, the Tao, God, or whatever else we may
quantifiable? choose to call that most intimate mystery of our lives.
Can spiritual states be transmitted from Master to disciple? Poised delicately on the border of the scientific and the mystical,
these phenomena serve to remind us, as Einstein was to famously
observe, that science without religion is lame, while religion without
For centuries, science and spirituality have been battling it out on
science is blind. It also leaves us with the unsettling realization that
these issues of perennial importance for humanity, attempting to
we may be much more than we can ever imagine - divine beings
find a unified thread of existence. Although spiritual teachers have
merely enjoying a human experience, slumbering spiritual giants
always maintained that enlightenment is a ‘real’ phenomenon, and
only awaiting the touch of inner awakening from the Avatar.
a perfectly realizable goal for all of us, the scientific community
has naturally been unwilling to accept this without solid proof. It is
only in the recent past that science has made a sustained effort to This book is meant for educational purposes only. It strives to be
demystify the ancient mystic yogic sciences, and to gather sound a bridge between spirituality and modern science. It aims to be
scientific evidence that explains why the spiritually super-evolved a guiding light with which the scientific community can further
are endowed with ‘powers’ that the rest of us can only dream explore the uncertain territory of human possibilities and cosmic
about. mysteries.

His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been endeavoring Many of the statements and conclusions in this book are directly
to bridge the gap between traditional Vedic wisdom and modern supported by Hindu scriptural references and/or documented,
science by putting Himself under the scanner, so to speak. A preliminary scientific studies. However, for many conclusions
dedicated team of doctors and researchers have put significant and findings, science has yet to catch up with the declarations
time, expertise and resources into the effort to decode, document, of the rishis, the ancient seers of the Vedic tradition, who orally
analyze and present these events for the benefit of science and transmitted the experiential Reality to disciples seeking the highest
humanity. truth. Further, the book includes never-before revelations from
authentic mystical sources like the Akashic Records, and the direct
‘experiential expressions’ of the Avataric consciousness, which
we are still endeavoring to record, comprehend and quantify

AVATAR SHASTRA 4 5 Introduction

His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a Living
Incarnation with unimaginable superhuman powers.
Recognized today as a clear, legitimate, apolitical
voice of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, He is revered as
a living Avatar of Superconsciousness by millions
As a Mahamandaleshwar (spiritual head) of

Mahanirvani Peeth, the world’s most ancient apex ince the advent of Man, there has always been an intense Consciousness as a study in science became a point of interest for
body of Hinduism, He is rapidly emerging as a curiosity to learn about the nature of the universe we dwell philosophers, and spirituality and found very few scientists willing
powerful voice influencing Hindu philosophical in, and the nature of the human that dwells in this universe. to consider Consciousness as a science by itself.
thought currents. His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, with his direct experiential
It was always believed that there is one underlying principle or
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a powerful spiritual understanding of the nature of Consciousness — from the
order that governs all the laws of Nature.
healer, an unforgettable orator, a youtube icon, a microcosm to the macrocosm — has revealed a unified, universal
However, the questions related to ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ took understanding of the very fabric of our existence, connecting
prolific author and the spiritual head of a global socio-
on greater importance than the great question of ‘Why’, possibly flawlessly Consciousness and the energy of Consciousness, with
spiritual organization. He is also heir to a 5000-year-
becuase, at this stage, the answer to ‘Why’ very often entered the physics, chemistry and biology, as well as integrating medicine and
old lineage of enlightened yogic masters who live and realms which science was insufficiently equipped to deal with. health seamlessly.
train on the sacred mountain of Arunachala in southern
This led to a disintegrated approach to science, with each aspect The current book, in its first volume, introduces us to the science
India. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an adept in the
or question being developed as a separate end in itself, and giving of the descent of Superconsciousness, and the sacredness behind
mystical yogic sciences whose fulcrum is the safe and
itself different names like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. the advent of an Avatar, giving us both — an objective analysis that
natural awakening of the mighty Kundalini shakti, our is scientifically deduced and a profound subjective revelation that
own highest potential energy. At the periphery of these sciences were unanswered questions and
is beyond logical thresholds — helping us understand the nature
unquestioned answers that did not fit the mathematical model of
of Consciousness (to the extent possible) through a language we
In a landmark energy expression on our planet, He science as currently understood.
understand as modern science and modern medicine.
is awakening the Kundalini of hundreds of thousands
However, the laws of Nature are integrated in their minutest
of people, who are often sitting halfway across the Never before have medicine, biology, physics and other sciences
operation. In fact, even the underlying science operating in the
globe, with just a glance, a touch or a wave of His been seamlessly integrated as a single thread of knowledge unifying
living cell follows the cosmic laws of Nature, which science terms
all the forces of nature, and beyond.
hand. as physics and chemistry.
With a vision to raise the consciousness of humanity,
He is working tirelessly to awaken individuals and
communities to their highest possibility - a life of
completion, power, bliss and Advaita, Oneness.


It is a great opportunity for all of us to come close to Swamiji. I can
only say that you can achieve everything, but you need undivided
devotion to Swamiji, undivided devotion to the spirit within you
- and whatever message you carry back from him, live up to that

~ (Late) Sri Ashok Singhal ji

Former International President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad

His HolinessParamahamsa Nithyananda with Sri 108 Mahant Narendra Giri ji, President of Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad, who heads the largest His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda with (Late) Sri Ashok Singhal ji,
apex body of Hinduism with 13 major Akhadas as its members former International President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad

People are not yet aware of the energy of Swamiji. In reality, Swamiji Most revered Swamiji, my Gurudeva!
With other Spiritual Visionaries is the svarupa (form) of Bhagavan (God), and we are offering prayers This land of Bharat is a spiritual land. The people (of the world)
not just to a Guru, but to an embodiment of Bhagavan. I am sure that don’t understand what spirituality is. Today, where else in the entire
Swamiji must have done intense penance (tapas) in his childhood world will you find spirituality? The rest of the world is completely
Several news channels had approached me to share my opinion about
and merged into God, as a result of which he is expressing this divine materialistic.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji. I told them:
power of God.
‘Swamiji is the backbone of Sanatana Dharma. For the protection We believe in atma. We believe in karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana
I consider myself fortunate to be connected to a great ascetic saint
of our Sanatana Dharma, Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji has yoga, communion with the Lord Himself, and the various paths
like Swamiji. It is my belief that on the strength of tapas and dhyana
enhanced the honor of Sanatana Dharma by spreading it not just in leading to the realization of the great Lord. We believe in self-
(meditation), man becomes transformed into the Divine. On coming
India, but all over the world. realization, and we believe that it is only through the spiritual
to his ashram and seeing the austerity, penance and strength of
When I met Swamiji for the first time, I felt that there is a shakti honorable Nithyananda Swamiji, I felt that I have truly come into the path that we can realize the great Creator, the great Creation. It
(divine power) in him that attracts people. I do not hesitate to say that presence of a Divine Being (Divya Purusha).” is only through spiritual practices that we can achieve this great
his love, his character and his conduct are the qualities of a great saint. realization, and it is this for which man is born; this is the ideal of
~ Sri 108 Mahant Narendra Giri ji, Hon. President of Akhil life, the real goal of life. We are particles of God Himself, the spirit
One day Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji is going to be called Bharatiya Akhada Parishad Himself, (and each of us needs to) realize the spirit within ourselves.
the ‘Vishva Guru’ (the Guru of the whole world) and he is going to be
the spiritual guide for the world, and peace will spread in the whole President of 13 Akhadas, leading the largest apex body of And India is the place with Swamis like the great Sri Nithyananda
world! The way he is growing, one day he will be the chief of Sanatana Hinduism with over 1 million sadhus or saints, and running major Swamiji. Of course, other Swamijis are there - but in this country it
Dharma. is rare to find those who not have only themselves realized, but who
temples, ashrams (monasteries) and gurukuls (Vedic educational
can make others realize also. And here is Swamiji, who is not only a Letter fromSri Narendra Giri ji expressing his admiration for His
institutions) in India realized soul, but has the capacity to make others realize the real ‘I’ Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s spiritual penance, strength and
within you, the Reality within you – which is very, very rare. contribution to Sanatana Hindu Dharma and to humanity.


His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda with Bryan Williams, University of New Mexico
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda with Sri 1008 Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Sukhdevananda ji of Atal Akhada Sri Sri Sri Dr. Shantaveera Mahaswamiji, pontiff of Kolada Matha Author of ‘A Glimpse Into the Meditating Brain’
Mahasamsthana, Karnataka, India (Pic courtesy

The most auspicious events happen on our planet by the will of the Just as this concern, this love, rises in the heart of the mother on Whenever humanity falls into suffering and pain, Ishwar (the Divine) (The Indian Swami examined in Dr. Krishna’s (scientific) study was
Divine. It is the good fortune of this land that the manifestation seeing her child, the compassionate Guru feels an intense concern Himself does austerities (tapas) for their upliftment. Ishwar is the Paramahamsa Nithyananda, as can be verified by the reference
of Divine energy in the form of Acharya Sri Mahamandaleshwar on seeing the living beings, and takes them into his heart and embodiment of the Divine Light. Nithyanandaji Maharaj is seated as to Nithya YogaSM, which Paramahamsa Nithyananda founded
Sri Swami Nithyananda ji Maharaj has happened in this place makes them taste the nectar of spirituality. This is the grace of the the embodied Divine Light, spreading world peace and serving the
and presented to the world)
(Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam), which was once a compassionate mother-like Guru . whole of humanity from India. Nithyanandaji is a treasure-house of
forest. jnana (sacred knowledge). Here we can see a template for the mental and spiritual state we aspire
I am overjoyed to see such a great yogi, a mahapurusha (elevated
to: fully organized neurological activity, expanded use of the higher
There is a shruti (Vedic mantra) – te tenaiva brunute – It is chosen by soul), delivering spiritual teachings through so many centers around For an idol to become a deity, it has to go through so much. But once
brain centers, and the ability to consciously transition at will from one
Itself (to) come here and reawaken the fortune of this land! the world and transforming the lives of so many people, wiping a good deity is created, people appreciate it. Nithyanandaji Maharaj is
level of amplitude to another.”
their tears and suffering, reaching out to them in their homes by the now seated as that great deity. We are here to support him in all his
Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “The sacred knowledge efforts to serve humanity. I pray to the Lord to grant him a long and
power of his words. He is indeed doing a great spiritual service to the ~ A Glimpse Into the Meditating Brain by Bryan Williams, University
gets destroyed by the influence of Time.” This knowledge had been active life, and let all support him. Aum Shanti!”
people. I offer my gratitude to Swamiji. of New Mexico (excerpt from an invited talk given at the Morning Star
destroyed by the effect of Time, and the time had come for it to be
reestablished, so It got him. ~ Sri Sri Sri Dr. Shantaveera Mahaswamiji, pontiff of Kolada Center for Spiritual Living, Norman, Oklahoma, USA on June 7, 2009)
~ Sri 1008 Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Sukhdevananda
ji, Atal Akhada Matha Mahasamsthana, Karnataka, India
While associating with Nithyananda ji Maharaj, I have seen that there Source:
is so much spiritual activism in him. Why will a self-realized being, a Spiritual head and guide of 13 Akhadas (apex bodies of Hinduism)
yogi, a sannyasi, a dedicated jnani (wise soul) involve himself in the
activities of the world; why will he build temples or buildings? This
is out of His compassion for all the jivas (living beings). He feels the
concern, ‘The sweet that I have eaten must be fed to all’.

AVATAR SHASTRA 10 11 Preface

Chapter 1
An Introduction

Every once in a millennium, His is the power and the onus

a Being graces our fragile planet, to awaken humanity
the sheer power of whose presence from the darkness of ignorance
turns the tide of humanity’s spiritual evolution. into the light of bliss and Enlightenment.

When such a Being A Being of such cosmic proportions walks among us today
lives and moves among us, revered by millions as
millions are drawn towards Him a living Avatar of Superconsciousness.
beyond their understanding,
intuitively sensing in Him Playing in our dimension
the fragrance of their own inner awakening. as a teacher, healer, yogi, mystic,
social visionary, spiritual guru and guide,
the Divine in human form. unfolds the joyous leela of His Avataric advent,
manifesting a conscious revolution
An Avatar has no purpose. in the destiny of over seven billion humans,
Just as the rain is drawn to the parched earth and innumerable other sentient beings
He is drawn to our plane in other states of evolution.
compelled by nothing but boundless compassion
to fulfill the longing of a million hearts. And what does He teach?
He hears the ardent cry that asks to break free Only this:
of the pain and misery of countless lifetimes, “I am not here to prove that I am God.
of every human limitation. I am here to prove that YOU are God.”

12 13 Chapter 1: Avatar
T he word ‘‘Avatar’ (from the Sanskrit word ‘avatarati’)
means ‘one who has descended’. In this case, the word
specifically refers to the one who has descended from
the very fabric of the Cosmos, the universal Consciousness. The
descent of Consciousness into the material embodied form with
idaṁ śarīraṁ mama durvibhāvyaṁ | sattvaṁ hi me hṛdayaṁ
yatra dharmaḥ || pṛṣṭhe kṛto me yad adharma ārād |
ato hi mām ṛṣabhaṁ prāhur āryāḥ ||
~ Śrimad Bhāgavatam, 5.5.19
The Five Actions of the Divine
As per the Vedic texts, the Absolute Divine, Isha performs five
sacred acts or panchakrtya – shrishti (creation or projection of
Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals:

When the pure conscious energy, the supremely

matured soul, assumes a human body, that is an Avatar.
The Cosmos Itself chooses Its body and plays the divine
the Cosmos), sthiti (maintenance of the Cosmos), laya or samhara drama (leela).
the apparent attributes of a human being is the actual descent My transcendental cosmic body (sac-cid-ananda- vigraha)
(dissolution or withdrawal of the Cosmos at the end of every Cosmic
looks exactly like a human form, but it is established on When The Avatar comes down to the human plane and
that happens. This is a conscious descent, as it happens from cycle), tirobhava (veiling the Reality) and anugraha (liberating all
existential Reality; it is not a material human body. It is indeed expresses the ultimate Truth, He is ages ahead of His
the pure intelligence, compassion and energy of the universal beings through Grace).
inconceivable and non-cognizable. I am not forced by Nature time.
Consciousness, which pervades all the dimensions of space-
to accept a particular type of body; I assume a body by My own To perform the first four sacred acts, Isha does not require our
time. Truth is never like a parrot talking; it is like a lion roaring.
will. Within My heart is found dharma, the cosmic truth and permission or involvement. But to bless us and grace us with
righteousness. liberation or enlightenment, He requires our cooperation. For When the lion roars, you have to wake up! When the
The English word ‘incarnation’ (lit. ‘one who has entered Avatar roars with the Truth and transforms and raises
this compassionate purpose of showering living beings with His
flesh’), which means one who has accepted a material body, is Far beyond My heart, I have abandoned irreligion (adharma). humanity, you have to wake up from the unconscious
anugraha, Divine grace, Isha becomes the embodied Ishvara and
sometimes used as a translation for the word Avatar. However, Therefore, due to all these cosmic qualities, people pray and sleep of delusion and ignorance!
descends to the human plane as the Avatar. The Avatar inspires
this word does not convey the full meaning of the sacred word connect with Me as Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personification,
humanity by His own divine acts, His life and His teachings.
‘Avatar’. and Aryah, the best of all living entities.
Acting as the Jagadguru, the world teacher, He guides and initiates
Srimad Bhagavatam, the great Vedic scripture that precisely Brahma Sutras, the authority on Vedanta, reveal that the Avatar humanity to take the unfathomable leap into Superconsciousness.
records and reveals the happening of various Avatars of the past, does everything ‘appearing like a wordly man, simply as a Divine
The average human being, being limited by his sensory perceptions
present and future, describes the Avatar in Its complete form. play, a Cosmic sport:
and mental conditioning, finds it hard to conceive of the concept
The description is in the words of the Avatar Sri Krishna - for who
lokavattu līlākaivalyaṁ (Brahma Sutras, 2.1.33) of a formless Consciousness or God (called ‘Nirakara Brahman’).
but the Avatar himself can fully grasp his own glory?
At the same time, when the Universal Consciousness or God
descends assuming a human form (as ‘Akara Brahman’), he finds it
even more difficult to comprehend that he is now in the presence
of an Avatar.

In the Bhagavad Gita (9.11), it is declared:

avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam |
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mama bhūta-maheśvarwam || 9.11 ||
Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form.
They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord
[maheshvara] of the whole creation.

14 15 Chapter 1: Avatar
Vedic Civilization – Incubator of Avatars Based on the dimensions (known as ‘rays’) which they possess, master of countless universes, He is splendidly manifest in His
Avatars are classified as: imperishable and blissful abode. The amsha incarnations are said

I n an era lost in timelessness, in the lush plains of the Sarasvati

river in India, thrived a legendary civilization that conquered the
boundaries of space and time with the power of knowledge.
At a time when the human race elsewhere on the planet was still
dwelling in caves, this civilization had already evolved a precise
Purna Avatar - 16 dimensions e.g. Sri Krishna
Lila Avatar - 14 dimensions e.g. Sri Rama
Amsa Avatar - 12 dimensions e.g. Adi Shankaracharya
Garga Samhita, the sacred Vedic text that extols the glory of Avatars,
to oversee the execution of the Lord’s mission (in the world). The
amshamsha incarnations are understood to perform the work of
executing those missions.

In the various avesha incarnations, the Divine enters a jiva, an

individual body, executes His mission, and then departs. His kala
cosmology whose tenets modern science is only just beginning to describes the Avatars in Canto 1, text 16-27. The great sage Narada incarnations teach and establish the principles of religion and then
comprehend. explains that the Lord descends in six forms: disappear.

This Vedic civilization, the world’s oldest living civilization, still

amśamśo’mśas tathāveśaḥ kalā purnaḥ prakathyate |
flourishes in the Indian sub-continent. It gave to the world the vyāsadyaish ca smṛitaḥ śaṣṭhah paripūrnātmah svayam || 16 ||
Why Avatar?
sciences of Vedic mathematics, astronomy, navigation, medicine, 1. Amshamsha (a part of a part) When positive consciousness declines, when collective
yoga and above all, the sacred science of the Self. It is also the
2. Amsha (a part) negativity increases, O Bharata, at these times, I Myself
only civilization to have produced a living lineage of Avatars and
3. Avesha (entrance into a jiva) happen in every age. To protect the pious and to annihilate
enlightened beings that continues to grace our planet till today.
the wicked, to re-establish righteousness, I Myself appear,
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is revered by millions 4. Kala (a full part) age after age.
worldwide as the living Avatar of superconsciousness of our time, 5. Purna (full or complete)
~ Bhagavan Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, 4.7-8
who lives and moves among us today. He is heir to the 5000-year- 6. Paripurnatama (absolutely complete)
old lineage of enlightened yogic masters who live on the sacred Sometimes, when the created world has to be sustained, I Myself
mountain of Arunachala in southern India, which is revealed in the The amshamsha incarnations begin with Marichi, the amsha
assume name and form and initiate manvantaras (great eras of
scriptures as a spiritual incubator, where Avatars can assume a incarnations begin with Brahma, the avesha incarnations begin
time) and provide the earth with appropriate divine personalities
human form and descend to our frequency from the pure space of with Parashurama and the kala incarnations begin with Kapila and
and sages, who set examples to be followed and indicate the path
Consciousness. Kurma.
of progress.
pūrno nṛsimho ramaś ca śvetadvīpadhipo hariḥ |
I end also the unlimited increase of beings, whenever it happens. For
Types of Avatar vaikunṭho’pi tathā yajno nara-narāyanaḥ smṛitaḥ || 18 || this sake, I take the form of Rudra (the destructive and rejuvenative
The Smrti-shastra explains that the purna incarnations are: aspect of God). I create the bad, in order to highlight and promote
Karana means cause. Karya means effect. Karya Brahman, also the good; and in order to protect the good, I set certain limits, both
known as hiranyagarbha, is the creative aspect of the Divine. 1. Nrsimha to the good and the bad, for they would otherwise stray into wrong
Avatars descend from karya brahman. Devi Bhagavata Purana, 2. Rama ways and inflict great harm.
the historical Vedic text which reveals the nature of Devi or Shakti,
3. Lord Hari, the ruler of Shvetadvipa Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
the creative energy of the Cosmos, states that there cannot be any
descent of an Avatar directly from karana brahman, since it is a 4. Vaikuntha Once one is established in infinite Consciousness, one
field of potentiality. 5. Yajna becomes silent, and though knowing everything, goes
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Trimurtis, belong to the karya 6. Nara-Narayana about as if he does not know anything. Though he might
brahman. Brahma is the creative aspect, Vishnu is the preservative be doing a lot of things in several places to all outward
The paripurnatama or absolutely complete form of the Lord is
aspect and Shiva is the rejuvenating aspect of the universe. appearances, such a one will remain as if he does
Sri Krishna, who is the original Supreme Divinity Himself. As the

AVATAR SHASTRA 16 17 Chapter 1: Avatar

Signs (or Science) of Recognizing the and providing powerful evidence of the Knowable dimensions

Avatar 3. Revelations from the Avatar Himself – which offer a glimpse

of the Unknowable dimensions, as no other observer exists
It is important to understand at the very outset that the multiple in our time with an experiential understanding of this state.
dimensions of an Avatar (including His attributes and powers) These words, however, are powerfully supported by the sacred
fall into three broad categories: texts and scriptures, which are the revelations of the Avatars
down the ages. Hence the many scriptural references included
1. KNOWN (which can be intellectually understood, recorded in this volume.
or quantified in some way)
The uniqueness of His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
2. KNOWABLE (which cannot be recorded, but whose existence is that He has consistently allowed His known dimensions to
can be deduced by their effects) be measured and analyzed by modern science to the extent
3. UNKNOWABLE (which can be neither recorded nor deduced, possible, for the purpose of taking science to the next level and
but can only be grasped experientially by an observer in the for the benefit of humanity.
same space) He is also the only known Avatar in history to frequently reveal
The existence of these three categories has necessitated the the ultimate Truth in the language of modern science, effortlessly
bringing together of three kinds of recordings in this volume, bridging the chasm between science and spirituality. In a later 1. Some Attributes of the Avatar 2. Some Siddhis or Mystic Powers of the
chapter of this book, Paramahamsa Nithyananda will personally
with some natural overlap in their purposes:
explain the ‘mystic science’ (if we may call it that) behind this
1. Kalpataru (Wish-fulfilment)
1. Modern scientific research reports – which accurately record, process.
Anima : Ability to be as small as one wants
analyze and present the Known dimensions of the Avatar 2. Perpetual Completion (Enlightenment)
2. Sharing by devotees – who describe the effects experienced Mahima : Ability to be as big as one may desire
3. Healing (Realigning the bio-memory)
in the presence of the Avatar, supporting the scientific research
Laghima : Ability to become light to any degree
4. Deeksha Akarshana (Transfer of bio-energy)
Garima : Ability to become as heavy as
5. Akashic Readings (Accessing past and future) desired

6. Vijnana Akarshana (True knowledge) Prapti :  Ability to reach any desired point in
7. Shiva Akarshana (Space of Shiva) Prakamya : Ability to have anything as soon as
1. KNOWN (which can be intellectually understood, recorded or quantified in some way) one desires it
8. Shakti Akarshana (Kundalini energy)
2. KNOWABLE (which cannot be recorded, but whose existence can be deduced by their effects) Ishatva : Ability to create things as one wants
9. Ardhanarishwara (Beyond all duality)
Vashitva : Ability to influence everyone and
3. UNKNOWABLE (which can be neither recorded nor deduced, but can only be grasped everything, even to conquering
10. Susadha (Beyond pain)
experientially by an observer in the same space)
11. Divyasharira (Divine body)
12. Surabhi (Fragrant physiology)

AVATAR SHASTRA 18 19 Chapter 1: Avatar

A glimpse of His Holiness
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
The life-story of an Avatar is a divine drama or
leela-maanusha vesham – the human role assumed for the sole
purpose of furthering the Cosmic play.

Even though He is established as the Source of all knowledge, the

Avatar joyously and innocently enters into the unfolding drama of
His own life.

Manifestation of Form
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda chose to manifest His
human form in the home of the devout Hindu couple Arunachalam
and Lokanayaki in the ancient temple town of Tiruvannamalai in
South India. He spent a joyful childhood as part of a large, affluent
and philanthropic family, in whose home saints and wandering
mendicants were always welcomed and honored.

Arunachala, the sacred mountain that draws seekers from around

the world like a magnet, was the young Avatar’s first love. Home
to wizened yogis, mysterious siddhas and enlightened sages like
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, the ancient mountain provided the
perfect training ground for His first experiments with the Self, God,
and the universe.

AVATAR SHASTRA 20 21 Chapter 1: Avatar

Early experiments with the Self Maharshi), Yogi Ramsurat Kumar and Mataji Vibhutananda Puri
(Mataji Kuppammal), who introduced Him to Vedanta and Sri Vidya
From the beginning, Paramahamsa Nithyananda was drawn to
to awaken Him to hitherto unknown dimensions of Consciousness, Realization of Avataric Mission
worship. and transform His life forever.
Divine worship, temple culture, mysticism, yoga and meditation. A lifetime of intense meditation, yoga, study and austerities
Alongside His studies at school, Paramahamsa Nithyananda also Enlightenment at twelve After this experience, which happened in the presence of the
finally came to its fruition on 1st January 2000, in an explosion of
trained in authentic yoga from an accomplished yoga master and sacred hiill Arunachala, Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s seeking to
One evening, while ‘just playing’ with meditation at the tender Consciousness which revealed to the 22-year-old His phenomenal
siddha (energy adept) named Yogiraj Yogananda Puri (Raghupati pursue the spiritual path was greatly intensified. Carrying the pure
age of twelve in the lap of the mighty Arunachala, Paramahamsa Avataric mission on our planet.
Yogi), whom he fondly remembers as the one who introduced fire of seeking in Him at all times, He successfully completed His
Nithyananda had a profound spiritual experience of Enlightenment, Sharing His attributes and powers is the greatest gift an Avatar can
Him to the forgotten mystic sciences of ancient India – levitation, diploma in Mechanical Engineering, and in the same year, fulfilled
the rarest experience of Oneness or Advaita with everything. give to humanity. Carrying the compassion and responsibility of
teleportation and materialization, among others. Under his tutelage, His lifelong yearning by plunging into sannyas (monastic life).
Paramahamsa Nithyananda successfully completed advanced In an explosive vision encompassing 360 degrees in all directions, a Cosmic mother and father to awaken every soul, Paramahamsa
During and after His monastic training, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
levels of yoga and meditation training. He was suddenly able to see in a single panoramic sweep, the hill Nithyananda has ensured the manifestation of His own divine
wandered as a parivrajaka, a spiritual mendicant, throughout India.
in front of him, a temple that stood behind him, the rocks to the attributes and siddhis in thousands of his followers through the
In parallel, Paramahamsa Nithyananda also started studying the Regal in His austerity, His whole life turned over to the bounty of
right and the town’s main temple to the left, the sky above and the powerful process of deeksha or initiation. This is the ultimate
Vedic scriptures, Puranas and Upanishads under the guidance of Existence, the young mendicant covered thousands of kilometers
rock on which He sat! Cosmic inheritance that humanity can receive from the Guru who
various spiritual teachers. He encountered many holy men and on foot, visiting holy shrines, learning from numberless evolved
is the embodiment of pure Oneness or Shuddhadvaita.
women in the town of Tiruvannamalai and received invaluable This phenomenal vision was immediately followed by the direct souls and frequenting sacred pilgrimage spots.
teachings and experiences from them. Prominent among them experience of Himself in all that He saw - every stone, every plant,
were Annamalai Swami (a direct disciple of Bhagavan Ramana in all directions - above, below and beyond. This experience was
One of the early photos of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, after His realization of His Avataric mission

AVATAR SHASTRA 22 23 Chapter 1: Avatar

Science behind the Avatar’s attributes and powers

Purnatva (Perpetual Completion) Through a structured program called Inner Awakening® lasting 21
Kalpataru particles of energy in perpetual vibration (spanda), exactly like the
days, Paramahamsa Nithyananda guides participants to the space
fabric of space-time (universal consciousness), as explained by the The ultimate state of Enlightenment is the no-mind state, or to put of completion through yoga, practical teachings, deep cleansing
Kalpataru is a wish-fulfilling divine tree described in the Hindu string or M theory (see page 81). it more accurately, the state in which the observer is dissociated processes, and a battery of 21 powerful energy initiations (energy
puranas (historical epics). The Avatar is known as a kalpataru due
In quantum terminology, a thought is also a packet of energy, and from his emotions and thoughts, leading to a significant drop in the darshans).
to His special attribute of fulfilling the wishes of devotees through
during the initiation, the devotee’s concentrated thought is now in number of thoughts created.
a blessing or initiation. This gives participants an unforgettable glimpse of Enlightenment,
Entanglement (see page 106) with Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s For the seeker, the sincere practice of Unclutching® or the conscious and further practice establishes them in the state of perpetual
Normally, any person would be generating hundreds of thoughts no-mind space, which is the very fabric of space-time (universal dissociation from thoughts, leads to a state of purnatva or completion, Completion or Living Enlightenment.
from every cell of his body. During a process of meditation, the Consciousness). This creates the strongest possibility of the desired by virtue of freeing him from the influence of the endless stream of
devotee is asked to make a conscious resolution (sankalpa) and manifestation happening in the shortest possible time. thoughts and mental patterns that continuously spur one to action
hold on to that one wish he would like fulfilled immediately.
and trap one in the insidious web of karma.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is in sahaja samadhi, the natural space
of no-mind or pure Consciousness. This space contains virtual

AVATAR SHASTRA 24 25 Chapter 1: Avatar

Spiritual Healing Deeksha Akarshana
The spiritual healing process is nothing but realigning the human The attribute of initiation or deeksha is unique to enlightened
physiology at the gross, molecular and genetic levels - which masters and Avatars.
correspond to the physiology, muscle-memory and bio-memory.
As an Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is able to initiate the
Non-alignment at any of these levels leads to ill-health or disease,
disciple into achieving entrainment or coherence with His own
which can be reprogrammed by a transfer of bio-energy from the
attributes, by transferring to the disciple immense quantities of
Master to the person requiring healing, effecting changes not only
pure Cosmic energy in the form of bio-energy.
at the physical, but also at the molecular and genetic levels.
Special deekshas like Third Eye AwakeningSM, which involves
Comprehensive and structured studies over the past several years
activating the ajna chakra (the subtle energy center between
have demonstrated the complete realignment of the physiology,
the eyebrows and encompassing most of the brain) is among
through changes in:
the most extraordinary of the siddhis (mystic powers) that
4 Mitochondria levels (battery of the cells) Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been bestowing on sincere
4 Alteration in gene expression through up-regulation of seekers.
beneficial genes and down-regulation of deleterious genes.
4 Increase in the number of stem cells in the body, leading to
anti-ageing and health
4 Increase in the enzyme telomerase, which is necessary for
maintaining chromosomal integrity and is a strong marker for
health and longevity
4 A significant overall reversal in symptoms of fatigue, lifestyle
disorders, auto-immune disorders, psychosomatic disorders
and certain malignancies

AVATAR SHASTRA 26 27 Chapter 1: Avatar

Akashic Readings ever happened, are happening and will happen in the Cosmos. Shiva Akarshana At the molecular level, the biological energy ATP is produced by
They are stored in the hiranyagarbha (Cosmic womb) or karya the mitochondria. At the particle level, the energy of the biological
Einstein’s theory of special relativity has already proven that Space brahman in a coded form. Whenever an Avatar requires the secret Shaiva Agamas, the authoritative scriptures revealed directly by systems is called Kundalini Shakti.
and Time are intractably linked, and that time exists as a dimension details of past and future events, it is through the hiranyagarbha Lord Shiva, declare that we are all nothing but Shiva Himself.
This energy is stored and distributed through holding centers called
along with every aspect of space. Thus, past, present and future that the Akashic Records are accessed.
Hence the mantra ‘Shivoham (Shiva I Am)’ or ‘Nithyanandoham chakras into all aspects of the beings, via subtle channels or nadis,
exist simultaneously.
The different names and forms of God in the Hindu scriptures are (Eternal Bliss I Am)’ are used interchangeably, as the Avatar of which are 72,000 in number.
Classical information is stored in the form of bits. At the quantum nothing but the various manifestations of the same underlying Paramahamsa Nithyananda is nothing but Shiva Himself, as are all
An Avatar’s physical body is fueled directly by the Kundalini
level, information is stored in the form of qubits. Qubits are nothing Cosmic principle. of us.
shakti, which is the expression of the macrocosmic energy in the
but elementary particles containing information woven into the
KALABHAIRAVA is the energy or the very fabric of the cosmic Realigning our physical, mental and psychological states to be in individual (microcosm). He has the capacity to transfer his energy
Space-Time fabric.
Space-Time dimension. From time to time, Kalabhairava, through tune with Shiva can be done in one of two ways. to the disciple until the disciple reaches a state of being able to
Akashic Records are the energy records of all the events that have the agency of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, provides access to the access his own kundalini shakti through the entangled connection
In the first way, which is the long route, years of practice involving
Akashic Records to one and all, for their specific needs or benefit. with the Avatar.
the body, the mind and the psychology may lead us to the cognition
Akashic Readings on Birth, Death and other topics, channeled of Shivoham, either in this birth or thereafter.
through Paramahamsa Nithyananda, can be found on this link:
In the second way, infusing the space of Shivoham can be done
in a scientific manner, by harnessing the energy pattern of the
Cosmos represented by the Sri Chakra Mandala, and the use of
Vijnana Akarshana specific sounds like the Shodasi Mantra to raise the disciples en
masse to the space of Shivoham. In the last one year, thousands of
True knowledge, intuition and right cognition are the specific disciples have been initiated into the rare process of SHIVOHAM
attributes needed for a being to get enlightened. (experiencing the space of Shiva).
Paramahamsa Nithyananda effects this in His disciples through
special processes involving initiation, teaching and transforming Shakti Akarshana
the disciple to live in a state of Completion, which decreases the
number of normal thoughts, and increases clarity and energy. Unlike the binary system of classical information transfer (0/1), at
the level of quantum mechanics, qubits of information or energy
Opening of the third eye or ajna chakra allows for the expansion of
can exist simultaneously in Advaita – the state of being non-binary
the five koshas (our energy bodies (see page 161) which normally
or non-dual.
exist in a contracted state due to vyasti (the wrong perception of
the existence of individuality). The potential energy of the Cosmos, which is in a constant state of
emergence (spanda or virtual particles) is called Shiva.
The opening up of cognition through right sakshi (observation)
leads to a reversal of the koshas, due to the right cognition of the The instantaneous manifestation, which is in the form of pure
state of samasti (involving all). energy itself, or in the form of matter, is Shakti. This follows the
laws of science underlying the principle of conservation of energy.
This allows the expanded vijnanamaya kosha to cognize the
visual perceptions even with blindfolded or closed eyes. Further The systems of biology (living beings) also run on the scientific
expansion, as in the case of an adept Yogi would allow the siddhi of principles of physics and chemistry. The conversion of the physical
parakaya pravesham to manifest, as in the very famous example of energy of the Cosmos into biological energy can happen at the
Adi Shankaracharya (see page 188). molecular or particle level.

AVATAR SHASTRA 28 29 Chapter 1: Avatar

His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s medical
test report dated 08-09-2014 proves beyond
doubt that His male hormone (testosterone) level
is far less than even that of a child.
At the time of this test, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
was a medically fit 38-year-old adult male.

Ardhanarishwar Serial studies of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s physiology over the

Union of Shiva-Shakti years have conclusively shown the endocrine status equivalent to
a six or seven year old child.
An Avatar is the physical manifestation of the metaphysical union
Thus, the observer is likely to conclude that His physiological
of Shiva-Shakti. He exists in the state of pure Consciousness (Shiva)
and psychological state is that of a young child, who does not yet
even as He manifests as an embodied form (Shakti).
identify with gender in the same way that adults do.
Physically, the grace exhibited, and other attributes ranging from
However, a significant difference exists between the two.
hairline to form, all point to a state of Ardhanarishwar, revealing
the simultaneous expression and perfect poise of masculine In a child, the concept of gender/sex exists in seed form, though
and feminine energies. However, it goes without saying that He not yet expressed.
is beyond any identity, let alone gender identity. Being in a state
of pure Advaita, He carries no concept of ‘I’ or ‘you’ and male or The Avatar is at the opposite end of the spectrum, having
female. transcended the limiting idea of all duality through the realization
of Shuddhadvaita or the pure Oneness of the Self.

30 31 Chapter 1: Avatar
Susadha residents) and disciples.
I was just focusing on the pain!
It appears that He had chosen this unique way to reveal yet another
Described in the Linga Purana, Susadha translates as ‘one who
siddhi – as is the usual leela (Divine play) of the Avatars! Legal name: Ishwar Sairam
helps to calmly bear pain.’ This attribute applies not only to the
Avatar, but also to his disciples, who would have a similar capacity Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains this experience with typical Spiritual name: Nithya Parameshananda
to calmly bear pain. simplicity: Age: 6 (at the time of the incident)
Scientifically, pain is described as an unpleasant sensation caused “There was no pain because there is no conflict between Location: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru
by a noxious stimulus, and mediated along certain nerve fibers Aadheenam
the muscle-memory and the attitude to life. Always
into the brain where it is interpreted as such. In other words, the approach life with acceptance and gratitude.” Student of Nithyananda GurukulSM, India
perception of pain requires a noxious or harmful stimulus, a neural
pathway from the point of stimulus to specific parts of the brain, This is an example of the rare state of permanent Unclutching® or
Sahaja Samadhi. (excerpt from video sharing – edited)
and the cognition and interpretation of the stimulus as pain.
Over the years, several students of Nithyananda GurukulSM have Hi, I am Ishwar, I am six years old, and I am going to explain
The perception of pain is strongly linked to previous experience, about how I broke my hand.
emotion and anxiety, all of which are stored in the limbic system. fallen and broken bones without experiencing any pain whatsoever.
At least three incidents of disciples manifesting the attribute of Once I went to my friend’s house in the ashram during the
susadha have been documented in this volume. holidays. I was sitting on the corner of a plastic chair, and lost my
The Avatar reveals another siddhi through the balance and fell off with such force that I broke my hand.

leela of a compound fracture Bigata Vajra I went up to the third floor to our apartment in the ashram, and
told my mom that my hand was disconnected. I was not crying, I
A striking example of the Avatar being beyond pain was revealed was just focusing on the pain.
Bigata Vajra is the ability to spontaneously return to health under
on 14 June 2011, when Paramahamsa Nithyananda was on His usual any conditions, referred to in the Linga Purana as a quality of My dad and mom rushed me to Swamiji and told Him that I had
rounds of horse-riding in the serene environs of the Vaidya Sarovar Shiva Himself. This quality was demonstrated in December 2015, broken my hand. Swamiji immediately asked an assistant to call
sacred pool on the Bengaluru Aadheenam campus. an ambulance and take me to the hospital.
when Paramahamsa Nithyananda defied medical science with a
On suddenly seeing a large group of devotees who had just arrived spontaneous recovery from the dreaded dengue. In the hospital they took me to the operation theater and did
to pay their respects to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the horse took This demonstrates not only a very strong immune system, but also something... after that I was in the hospital for four days and
In December 2015, while in Phuket, Thailand for conducting the Inner then came back home.
fright and lost his balance, throwing off the rider. the ability to dissociate from fever and pain to perform the normal
Awakening® ShivohamTM program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
vigorous duties of the day, and also the spontaneous healing of the
The entire episode, including Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s rising developed high fever and body ache. Immediately after informing
disease without any medical intervention.
to His feet with a smile, speaking normally and just saying, ‘It is a his physician, He dissociated from the pain and fever, and for the
fracture, let’s go to the hospital....” has been video-recorded. next 15 days continued with the Shivoham process without any
rest, and without any sign or symptom of the condition.
At the hospital, an X-ray revealed that Paramahamsa Nithyananda
had sustained a Type 1 Open Fracture (compound) of both bones of Meanwhile, the blood test for dengue was performed in Phuket,
His right forearm (radius and ulna). and also later repeated in Bengaluru about a month later. The
test report showed very high level (>4 times) the normal of IgG
Normally, such fractures cause excruciating pain. However, antibodies, which suggested a recent severe dengue infection.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda smiled and said that there was no However, the first blood counts in Phuket were low, but became
pain! From the moment of the fracture till the conclusion of a major completely normal by the second blood test in Bengaluru (within a
surgery lasting eight hours to fix the fracture, no painkillers were X-ray of Ishwar revealing the broken bone
gap of about 3 weeks).
used, and He was talking normally with His ashramites (monastery

AVATAR SHASTRA 32 33 Chapter 1: Avatar

I felt no pain after the bike accident No pain even with a fracture! Divyasharira or Divine Physiology have repeatedly noticed the increased sensitivity to touch, which
in normal human beings also means a high level of sensitivity to
pain (as both are similar neural phenomena). But in the case of
Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Yogananda The Sanskrit word ‘divyasharira’ is sometimes translated as ‘divine
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the heightened touch-sensitivity is
Name: Parthipan S Swami body’, but the phrase hardly conveys the full scope of the original
simultaneously associated with the absence of the cognition of
Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order pain.
Location: Nithyananda Peetham, The seemingly physical form assumed by the Avatar when He
Bengaluru Aadheenam descends to the human frequency is called a divyasharira. Though Surabhi
Location: Bengaluru, India appearing similar to the human form, the physiology is far from
Email: A simple and innocent attribute of the Avatar’s divyasharira is the
that of the average human being in areas of crucial significance.
maintenance of the human form in a pure state, allowing for a
While several great masters and saints are known to have fragrant smell to emanate from the body. Small children always
After I attended Life Bliss Program Level 1, one day I was driving A couple of years ago, I fractured my hand. attained divyasharira while leaving the body, like Sant Jnaneshwar, smell nice, and with age and maturation, changes occur in human
my bike to the office, and in one place, suddenly, my bike skidded physiology to produce a combination of noxious odors and
Naturally, it was very painful. So during the daily darshan I requested Ramalinga Vallalar, Tirujnanasambandar, and more recently,
and I was thrown off it, and fell away from my bike on the side of
Swamiji for healing. Swamiji blessed me, and the excruciating pain Paramahamsa Yogananda, it is rare to find an Avatar who exhibits pheromones.
the road.
disappeared in an instant. so visibly the qualities of the divyasharira while living and moving
When I realized I was falling, I silently called out to Swamiji for An Avatar like Paramahamsa Nithyananda, while having attained
I was scheduled to go for a surgery, but Swamiji blessed me saying freely in the human frequency.
help. physical maturity, lives in the physiological and psychological
that there will be no need for it. As He said, the bone correction was
Ancient yoga texts like Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita childlike state of innocence, thereby producing a divine fragrance
After I fell down, I realized that I had forgotten to lift the side-stand done without the need for a surgery.
and driven this far. I got hit in the joints of the hand, but surprisingly prescribe a series of asanas, pranayama and bandhas that act as similar to the jasmine flower or pure sandalwood.
As I had just recovered from chicken pox, the doctors did the primary steps towards the attainment of a divyasharira.
there was no pain at all, and in fact I felt a cool sensation there!
correction on the fractured arm without administering anesthesia.
I used to be the kind of person who always made a big fuss about Although in theory, it is possible to attain a divyasharira through Sandal fragrance from Swamiji’s body
The doctors were awestruck to see how composed I was throughout
even a small wound, and I could not tolerate pain at all in my life. intense yogic practices alone, sustained over several janmas (births),
the procedure!
But that day I realized it is possible to live life without feeling any Spiritual Name: Dr. Sri Nithya
a mere glimpse of the attributes and powers of the divyasharira
pain! This experience happened only because of Swamiji. Later I shared with them that thanks to Swamiji’s blessings, I Pranananda Swami
reveal that it is not actually a human body that has been perfected
absolutely did not feel any pain!
I was fully healed in about a week’s time. though yogic disciplines, but rather the pure manifestation of the Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order
supreme Consciousness itself, uncorrupted and incorruptible by Location: Nithyananda Peetham,
its descent into the frequency of matter. Bengaluru Aadheenam
Two of these altered states of physiology have already been Email:
discussed with reference to the attributes of Ardhanarishwara
and Susadha. There are other several significant differences which
During the early days of the ashram, I used to be Swamiji’s personal
differentiate the divyasharira from the normal body. secretary and also taking care of His personal seva.
QEEG recordings of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s brain have On multiple occasions, after Swamiji gave energy darshan to large
demonstrated Entrainment and the ability to control the brain crowds during some program, I have noticed sandal fragrance
waves at will, unlike in His normal counterparts (this attribute has coming from Swamiji, and also from the clothes used by Him, while
taking them out for washing the next day.
been discussed in detail in later chapters).
At that time I don’t know that this is also a special siddhi that is
Moreover, there is an intense sensitivity to smell, sound and manifested by Avatars!
touch. Physicians who examined Paramahamsa Nithyananda

AVATAR SHASTRA 34 35 Chapter 1: Avatar

When the energy of Kalabhairava manifests in Paramahamsa
Nithyananda, there is a visible expansion of His body, which can
be measured in centimeters.

At quantum levels, expansion of the vijnanamaya kosha allows for

extra-sensory cognition like blindfolded reading and 360-degree
vision, and extends up to parakaya pravesham.

A Body of Light and Sound
Laghima is a siddhi manifesting as immense lightness.
Another interpretation of the term ‘divyasharira’ is: a body of light
At Newtonian levels, it manifests as intermittent levitation by
and sound.
disciples through the awakening of Kundalini energy.
The concept of the creation of the universe from Light (Shiva) and
At quantum levels, thoughts are reduced to zero, giving a sense of
Sound (Shakti) was expressed in the Vedic sciences thousands of
immense lightness in the being.
years prior to the evolution of modern science.

Traditional science looks at wave and particle as a duality. Today

Siddhis (Mystical Powers) of the Avatar The state of mind of perpetual Samadhi is a mind filled with
virtual particles (vacuum) as opposed to thoughts, which are real
we agree that all elementary particles exist simultaneously as both
particles or quanta (packets) of energy. When one is not weighed
particle and wave, and matter too is nothing but energy with form.
Anima down by thoughts and emotions, an immense lightness is felt. This
The Vedic term ‘Light’ stands for the particle phenomenon, and is experiential for disciples at both the Newtonian and quantum
‘Sound’ for the wave phenomenon – hence the eternal dance and The word ‘anima’ is a derivative of the word ‘anu’. Anu does levels.
romance of the inseparable Shiva-Shakti described by the Vedic not stand for atom, but rather refers to the smallest indivisible
seers, or ‘saint-ists’, as Paramahamsa Nithyananda chooses to call elementary particle.
In quantum physics, structural particles are divided into quarks
(like protons and neutrons), as well as leptons (like electrons). Garima manifests as the siddhi of becoming as heavy as desired.
The primordial Sound described in Vedic science is the ‘unstruck
sound’ (anahata dhvani). The word ‘anahata’ itself means ‘that Like a Neutron star, massive condensation of elementary
Interactive particles are photons, gluons and perhaps gravitons.
without a cause’ – which, in other words, is nothing but the Primary particles would possibly lead to an object with a small mass but
Cause itself, as only the Cause itself can be causeless; everything A fundamental aspect of an Avatar is the ability to understand and immense weight. This siddhi is yet to be scientifically evaluated on
else is an effect of the Cause. The Primary Cause being Shiva, the merge with the very substance of the Cosmos, which in physics Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his disciples.
Primary Sound too is nothing but Shiva Himself, or Shiva-Shakti, means the ability to interact with the forces of elementary particles.
which is particle and wave at the same time.
Thus the siddhi of anima allows for the process of quantum Prapti
Thus, in a single superb stroke, Vedic science condenses the entanglement, which we will study in further sections related to
theories of western particle physics, eastern cosmogony and deeksha, darshan and prana pratishtha. Prapti siddhi manifests as the ability to reach any desired point in
universal spirituality into one poetic word. The divyasharira, being space and time – in any dimension, in the past, present or future.
the very fabric of space-time, is nothing but the simultaneous and Mahima In this siddhi, nothing is too far away or too near, and one has
non-dual existence of wave and particle. access to everything, everywhere.
Mahima is a siddhi manifesting as an expanded state, and can be
observed at both Newtonian and quantum levels. The application of this siddhi could be as simple as an ability to

36 37 Chapter 1: Avatar
read a mind, to accessing the Cosmic Archive, to the more complex Prakamya Vashitva
phenomenon of the linga sharira (subtle body) entering another’s Swamiji’s form disappeared before our eyes!
body for the sake of either experiencing the other’s cognition, or Prakamya is the ability to precipitate a desired reality from the Though the literal meaning of Vashitva siddhi is the ability to
altering the bio-memory of a willing disciple. infinite possibilities available in Existence. subjugate or control others at will, the real manifestation is the
quantum entanglement of Avatar’s energy with that of the disciple,
It also manifests as the ability to penetrate the various subtle states For devotees, it translates as Kalpataru or the power of wish- Name: Vadvatee Enal
at the level of elementary particles.
of consciousness of others (like dream state, deep sleep state, fulfilment through the bestowing of boons.
Location: Trinidad & Tobago
meditative state) and resolve inner conflicts, bestow healing or This process of entanglement manifests its effects in almost all
boons, or simply bless with darshan. processes, including spiritual healing, Kundalini AwakeningSM and
Devotees regularly report having received darshan and healing
Ishatva literally means possessing absolute lordship.
from Paramahamsa Nithyananda in their dreams and visions during
meditation, often before having ever seen or heard about Him in Ishatva actually denotes the power to influence the natural forces,
their waking state. as well as convert matter into energy and vice-versa at will. During the NithyanandohamSM program in December 2015, one
day Swamiji took us to the beach. He himself went to the water, and
It will be impossible to ever completely document the tremendous In Patanjali Yoga Sutras, it is said: suddenly, in the whole area where he was standing, there were huge
changes effected during deep sleep, when the Avatar penetrates waves and the water was just crashing onto the shore!
the causal layer of the devotee and erases the karmas (root patterns After we moved away from the water, Swamiji went to the shore
bhūtajayaḥ ॥ 3.44॥
and incompletions) of lifetimes in a single compassionate stroke. and sat with us for a little while. He sat in silence but we all felt
The only accounts we have are of devotees who underwent Near By focused meditation on the true nature of the gross and subtle his presence. I was gazing at him in silence – when suddenly he
Death Experiences (NDEs), who recall having been approached by manifestations, their sequence and meaning, (one) gains mastery disappeared, vanished, just like that!
Paramahamsa Nithyananda immediately after clinical death, and over physical matter.
I blinked my eyes several times and squinted my eyes, because I
asked if they would like to return to the physical plane. While the It expresses as the siddhi of manifestation (Materialization) or moving was totally baffled by this. I decided that I have to look again to
majority prefer to move on, a rare few return to tell the astounding objects or information from one place to another (Teleportation) as see if this is true. I looked at him intensely again, and again he
tale. disappeared! I could see the chair he was sitting on, I could see all
per the laws of quantum mechanics. Teleportation can involve the
the people around him who assist him - but he vanished. I looked
During the Samskara Dahana meditation process, which is part movement of information, an object or a being. again and it happened again. Three times I saw him - or I should
of the Inner Awakening® program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda say I didn’t see him!
These phenomena have been studied extensively on Paramahamsa
enters the energy space of all the participants with their consent Nithyananda and the divyashareeris (energy channels) through How it happened was, he just started to fade away and then
in order to cleanse their bio-memory of its patterns, incompletions whom He materializes objects. In his Avataric form, Paramahamsa disappear, then he would fade back in, like some sci-fi movie or
and karmas. something! I spoke to a few people about it later, and was relieved to
Nithyananda has materialized or teleported over 4000 objects
know that two other people besides me had also seen him disappear!
The effect of this can be easily studied by the alteration of gene ranging from powder like vibhuti (sacred ash) to hard structures in
expression in the participants, which has shown up-regulation of the form of material objects, to distant places.
beneficial genes and pathways and down-regulation of harmful There are also significant eyewitness accounts of Paramahamsa
genes and pathways after this initiation. Nithyananda’s command over the natural forces like rain and snow
Akashic Readings or the accessing of information from the (a few accounts have been shared in this volume).
hiranyagarbha (Cosmic Archive) by crossing the barriers of space
and time, which Paramahamsa Nithyananda occasionally performs
for the benefit of devotees, is a rare and advanced expression of
the mastery over the subtle frequencies of matter.

AVATAR SHASTRA 38 39 Chapter 1: Avatar

Swamiji created an unseasonal We witnessed Swamiji stopping the rain
snow-shower for us in Kailash in the Himalayas

Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Atma Spiritual name: Ma Nithyapriyananda

Pujananda Swami Swami

Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order

Email: Email:

I had the good fortune to travel to Mt. Kailash with Swamiji in This incident happened during our yatra to the Himalayas with
August 2012. Swamiji in 2004. Our group had assembled in an open spot for the
evening lecture and darshan, when it suddenly started raining quite
During the yatra (pilgrimage), many of the devotees from India
heavily. There was no place to turn for shelter, and all of us and our
expressed a desire to experience a snow shower, since they had never
equipment were quickly becoming wet.
seen snow in their lives.
Suddenly Swamiji announced that not only would the rain stop
One night during the darshan at Manasarovar, Swamiji said that
immediately, but the whole place would become dry in a few
Kailash itself was celebrating our presence, and as a sign of blessing
from Kailash, there would be a snow shower the next day.
Just as He said, the rain immediately stopped, and most surprisingly,
Our chief travel guide, who was a local person, said there was no
the ground dried up rapidly, and within just a few minutes, we
way we could expect snow, as the season for snow was more than
were able to sit on the ground and enjoy our evening session with
three months away. Some of the devotees were disappointed about
It would be quite impossible to explain this scientifically, but that is
I noticed that Swamiji just smiled at him quietly and said, ‘OK’.
life around Swamiji!
I thought to myself, ‘The guide knows the weather, but Swamiji
Very grateful to have been a part of this happening.
knows God!’

The next morning, just as we were getting ready to leave, we were

graced with a beautiful snow shower! It was completely unseasonal,
and a sure sign of Swamiji’s power to influence Nature, which I have
noticed earlier also on many occasions!

The surprised guide then said that we will not be able to have
darshan of Kailash, since the weather had turned cloudy. But just
as Swamiji got out of his caravan at the vantage point, the clouds
suddenly parted and revealed Kailash!

I heard Swamiji’s joyous cry of ‘Har Har Mahadev!’ and only then
realized what had happened – Kailash had listened to Swamiji’s
request and given us darshan. What a power!

AVATAR SHASTRA 40 41 Chapter 1: Avatar

What sets apart an Avatar from a Jivanmukta? Scientific Studies on the Avatar Measuring Autonomic Functions
It is important to understand the differences between an AVATAR, On 29th April 2005, Dr. Juan Acosta-Urquidi & Associates from
For over a decade, from 2004 to date, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
who is a descent from GOD to MAN, and an ENLIGHTENED BEING Sound Health Designs, Wichita, KS, USA, recorded autonomic
Himself has undergone a series of scientific studies on His
or JIVANMUKTA, who is an ascent from MAN to GOD. functions like heart rate variability along with simultaneous EEG.
An Avatar, being of conscious descent, is a pure vehicle for the The heart rate variability (HRV) is a technique to measure the
Cosmic purpose. His attributes and powers (siddhis) are mere Imaging Brain Activity activity of the sympathetic or the parasympathetic nervous system.
external manifestations that serve His Avataric mission. In 2004, a team of scientists led by Dr. Murali Krishna, MD, During healing, HRV tests were conducted simultaneously on
On the other hand, a human being, through sincere practice, can President, Integris Mental Health Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the recipient. There was an
achieve siddhis (though in the process, he sometimes gets deluded conducted a series of state-of-the-art tests, including a PET Scan obvious difference in the HRV readings before healing began. As
that they are an end in themselves). He can also experience the to study Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s neurological systems. soon as healing was initiated, both Paramahamsa Nithyananda
state of jivanmukti (liberation while in the body), through the grace Using the advanced technology of Positron Emission Tomography, and the recipient showed exactly the same graph, both in time and
of the Guru or spiritual preceptor. Once enlightened, he may take or PET Scan, the activity of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s brain in space with a robust sympathetic arousal.
up teaching the science of enlightenment to others or choose to the state of Samadhi was studied in detail. The conclusion was that during healing, there is complete
simply ‘be’.
There was a significant enhancement in activity of the lower portion entrainment of the autonomic nervous system of Paramahamsa
Both an Avatar and an enlightened being would have experiential of the mesial frontal area of the cerebral cortex. Nithyananda with that of the recipient.
and cognitive knowledge of the sacred texts and sciences. On
the other hand, a scholarly pundit would be able to superficially This region is the starting point of the ajna chakra or the Third Eye
interpret and intellectually debate on the sacred texts and sciences and connects to the limbic system and the rest of the cerebral
without having the experiential component. cortex.

As most of the sacred texts are deliberately written in a coded At the same time, the rest of the cerebral cortex was in a complete
form called sandhya bhasha, they are difficult to interpret correctly state of rest.
without experiential understanding.

A significant difference between the Avatar and the jivanmukta Measuring Brain Waves
is that while both might be able to demonstrate siddhis, only the The technique of quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) was
Avatar has the power to transmit them to others. utilized to study the various brain waves, viz, alpha, beta, theta and
Paramahamsa Nithyananda not only demonstrates all attributes delta.
and powers of an Avatar, but has also successfully transmitted In a normal person, all the waves are present in different regions of
many of them to thousands of disciples. the brain in different moments of time.

Due to His state of perpetual samadhi (sahaja samadhi),

Paramahamsa Nithyananda demonstrated complete entrainment
of all the brain waves, with the entire brain shifting fluidly from one
brainwave pattern to another. This degree of synchronicity that
contains over 100 billion neurons and even more interconnections
is impossible to reproduce by any normal person under any

AVATAR SHASTRA 42 43 Chapter 1: Avatar

Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR)
On 26th April 2006, Dr. Juan Acosta-Urquidi simultaneously
studied Paramahamsa Nithyananda and a participant during a
healing session, to measure a sensitive parameter of autonomous
arousal called Galvanic Skin Resistance or Response.

Another technique to read the autonomic nervous system, the GSR

readings showed an increased level of sympathetic arousal during
healing. This is consistent with the HRV tests done separately in
other labs.

It is important to realize that Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the

only Avatar who has agreed to be scientifically evaluated, both in
terms of His own body as well as the changes He brings about in
other beings. However, it is astonishing to note that His Avataric
attributes and powers are exactly as defined by the 5000-year-
old Hindu yogic sciences after extensive observation and study.
Now it is being tested and proven by modern science also.

This valuable data will set the benchmark for establishing the
attributes and the powers of a true Avatar.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda states clearly that His purpose and

vision is not only to reveal the sacred secrets, but also to establish
the truth behind the science as one that is observable, reproducible
in not only His presence, but also as a multi-centric science
reproducible across the globe.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda Himself has been the subject of
scientific studies since 2004, and over the past decade, an
enormous amount of data about not only His altered state of
neurophysiology, but that of His disciples as well, has continued
to be recorded. This impressive array of data will be presented
systematically in this chapter, as well as in the chapters to follow.

AVATAR SHASTRA 44 45 Chapter 1: Avatar

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Chapter 2

The Bioenergetics of the Cosmos

The Physics of the Cosmos suns. This in fact is just a rough estimate of the size of the universe,
which incidentally is not finite, because it is constantly expanding
in acceleration.

T he whole purpose of science is to get to the bottom of the

truth of all that exists, and find a common thread which
explains everything. In science, the fundamental concept
would be called a model, and a perfect model that explains
everything is called ‘the Theory of Everything’.
Now, within a galaxy, everything moves. In the universe, all
galaxies are in motion. In effect, the earth moves 2500 miles every
2 minutes around the sun, and the sun moves 20,000 miles around
the center of our galaxy. Thus, a person or object sitting absolutely
motionless on earth is actually in motion all the time.

It is always elegant to have a single model or law that explains Early concepts of space were limited to three dimensions (X, Y and
all the forces of nature. Of course, no model is perfect, and what Z axis), on the assumption that any point marked in space would
signifies a good model in physics is: be stationary, and therefore its exact location or speed could be
easily mapped out.
• It is simple enough, but not any simpler
Einstein soon realized that nothing was really stationary and all
• It contains very few elements which are arbitrary or adjustable
readings were based on the location of the observer. At the same
• It explains all the existing observations time it was shown that the speed of light is exactly the same,
regardless of the frame of reference. Thus, it was understood that
The perfect model would be called the Theory of Everything, but is
time and space are intertwined, as time too is a dimension like
yet to be elucidated.
It is important, both in terms of science as well as metaphysics, to
Thus, the fourth dimension of time was added (future-past) apart
understand some basic facts relating to space, time, motion and
from the usual left-right, front-back and up-down dimensions of
space. This is called Einstein’s theory of special relativity.
At the very gross level, scientists estimate that there are more than
Theoretical physics developed further and it was soon realized
100 billion galaxies, with each galaxy having more than 10 billion

AVATAR SHASTRA 78 79 Chapter 2: Consciousness

that space-time is not flat, but is actually curved. This curvature The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Structured Understanding or Cognition
is due to the presence of mass and energy in space-time, and
the effect is known as gravity.
One of the paradoxes of quantum physics is called the Heisenberg All understandings, regardless of the nature of the object being
Uncertainty Principle, which asserts that at any given point of studied, fall into the following four categories:
The Forces of Nature observation, either the position or the
4 Perception: All that we can see and
velocity of a particle can be established,
The next phenomena that need to be understood are the forces measure with our limited senses
but never both.
of Nature. The forces of Nature are divided into four classes: 4 Facts: Going beyond our limited
4 Gravity An important consequence of this is that
perception using technology or inference
there is no such thing as empty space.
4 Electro-magnetism to have a better understanding of the
4 Weak interactions Space always has a minimum continuous nature of the object being studied
4 Strong interactions energy called the vacuum, which is subject
4 Truth: Understanding the laws of nature
to quantum jitters or vacuum fluctuation.
Entanglement is a concept in quantum mechanics related to the within the construct of space-time, with
That is, particles and fields quivering in
particle theory. Particle theory says that all matter is made up of complete logical understanding
and out of existence. This is the principle of
virtually identical particles of four different classes. spanda, resident in the universal conscious 4 Reality: An experiential understanding
energy, Shiva. of the nature of all objects of the universe,
4 Quarks e.g. protons and neutrons
intuitive and therefore not limited by logic.
4 Leptons e.g. electrons and its neutrino The particles of energy creating the spanda
are called virtual particles, and unlike real As modern science continued to push its
The above two are called elementary particles. Particles that are
particles, can only be inferred. boundaries, knowledge (jnana) moved from the level of perception
involved in exchange of energy are called exchange particles,
to facts and at some points touching aspects of truths. This however,
like: So far, we have considered the standard model of 4 dimensions
currently appears to be the limit of what science can understand
of space-time. As physics went deeper into the structure of even
4 Photon, related to electromagnetic interaction and explain of the Nature of the Cosmos.
smaller or the smallest of particles, a mathematical realization took
4 Gluon, related to strong interaction within the nucleus place - Space is not made up of particles, but rather patterns of
of an atom vibrations that have length, but no height or width. This was called Consciousness
the String Theory.
4 Graviton, related to gravity - the only particle that lacks Derived from Latin, it means, ‘Knowledge of things together’.
experimental evidence for its existence As theoretical physics progressed, it became apparent that the
string theory is consistent only if space has ten dimensions or In the biological sciences, to be conscious means to be awake, with
When any two elementary particles come into contact with the capacity to interpret sensory input from the sense organs and
eleven time–space dimensions. This is now called the M theory,
each other, they get entangled in such a way that, if one motor reactions derived out of the interpretations of the sensory
which contains not only vibrating strings, but also points, two-
were to study one particle for its location or its velocity, one input.
dimensional membranes, three-dimensional structures, and so
can accurately predict that the second entangled particle has
on, up to 9. In Vedic science, they are called the Dasha Mahavidya
instantaneously developed the same velocity, regardless of Naturally, this would imply the inclusion of thought, emotion and
(Shakti or Energy) in ten directions, in addition to Kala or Time.
its location. The only difference between the two is that if one cognition. Biology follows the laws of physics and chemistry.
has an entity called spin in a particular direction, the entangled Science is searching for a common principle governing all the laws
particle has a spin in exactly the opposite direction (mirroring). of nature; the same principle would also govern biological systems
and consciousness.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

AVATAR SHASTRA 80 81 Chapter 2: Consciousness

When applied to a limited sentient being, this implies that Eleven Dimensions of Consciousness space, but can still exist without other dimensions including
Consciousness is that aspect of biological energy that brings the obvious ones – depth, length and breadth. For instance, in
awareness to the existence of all aspects of nature around it. parallel dimensions (parallel universes in astrophysics), beings
A physicist of Indian origin, Amit Goswami, recently published
that exist in space without time are called Devatas.
Obviously, this has a very wide connotation, way beyond an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement
the western concept of consciousness, which is limited to affects people. He had two people meditate together, and In quantum terms, thought too is energy (a packet or quantum of
wakefulness, sensory and motor inputs and outputs, and the then separated them in two chambers (one person in each) energy). Every cell of our body produces thought in the form of
ability to interpret the limited input. where they couldn’t see or hear one another. When one person signals, which may be electrical, chemical or otherwise. These
had a light strobed at his eye, it caused the firing of a certain can be measured in TPS (Thoughts Per Second). The normal TPS
frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the of the average human being can be hundreds or thousands of
other person’s brain also fired, even though he never saw the thoughts. Some thoughts are processed through the volition of
Vedic Concept of Consciousness light. This proves that the energies of people intuitively affect part of the brain, while others are processed unconsciously. Some
each other. thoughts which the brain determines as unwarranted noise are
The Vedic concept of Consciousness has always been not processed, allowing one to pay attention to what is considered
(Reference: Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and
experiential and intuitive, using a top-down model for priority at that time.
a Way to Get There from Here) by Bruce H. Lipton & Steve
scientific exploration.
Bhaerman ) A TPS of zero is the state of Advaita or Enlightenment. Here the
Vedic science declares experientially and unequivocally that energy of thought (particles) is no longer present. However, based
all aspects of the universe are Consciousness, and matter is on quantum mechanics, a vaccum state cannot exist, and thus,
Vedic Science of Consciousness
simply projected Consciousness. virtual particles are created to occupy the space of the cell.
Vedic sciences have always maintained that Consciousness
In Vedic metaphysics, pure Consciousness pervades As discussed earlier, space is made up of strings of potential energy,
is the very substance of space-time, and has nothing to do
everything, being potential, with the bursting forth of subtle which are in constant vibration (spanda) leading to the creation
with living or non-living aspects of matter. As humans, we
vibrations (spanda), a characteristic of Shiva, until such time of virtual particles. This is the very basis of the Vedic truth of
are inextricably bound to the laws of space, time and other
as there is an emergent manifestation of the energy which is Consciousness.
called Shakti.
During the process of entanglement, our TPS comes down to zero,
Paramahamsa Nithyananda has clearly defined the existence
This is strongly akin to the concept of the all-pervasive and the virtual particles of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s no-mind
of 11 dimensions of Consciousness (space-time). As per His
vibrational string theory with vacuum fluctuation — spanda state become our reality.
elucidation, Space can exist by itself without anything else.
— of virtual particles (Shiva) and manifestation with real
On the other hand, time can exist only in the presence of
particles (Shakti). This is unlike western physics and biology,
which completely differentiate the conscious energy of a
being from the substance of the Cosmos (String or M theory).

The Vedic concept of the actual commonality of

Consciousness, be it in the fabric of space-time (Shiva), or
the individual being (jiva), is obviously a more elegant and
scientific model for the definition of Consciousness.

AVATAR SHASTRA 82 83 Chapter 2: Consciousness

Deeper Truths about the Eleven Q: Am I right in saying that length and breadth are visual, while
Chapter 3
depth is physical?
Dimensions of Consciousness
Akashic Readings
No. All the three dimensions are the same. For the sake of utility,
Revelations from the Avatar you are giving each a name. I can just call them D1, D2, D3.

(Below are a few excerpts from a unique Q&A session with His
Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Even a cursory reading of
these excerpts will reveal how shockingly different the Reality is
Q. Are all three dimensions necessary for our senses to perceive Einstein’s Space-Time Continuum
an object?
from the comfortable everyday world that we perceive.)
For you, it is necessary, since that is what you believe.

If I remove any one of these dimensions, you can still see the object,
Q: Swamiji, would it be correct to visualize the three dimensions
but you will not be able to touch or feel it.
of an object (length, breadth, depth) as three axes – like X, Y and
Z axes? And what is the relationship of these physical dimensions If I remove any two dimensions, you can touch and feel it, but you

to the dimension of Time? will not be able to see it.
t the time of Newtonian physics, space was considered as time would stand still, and vice-versa.
Yes, you are correct. But you think that all these dimensions (length, For example, the length and breadth of this mic can be left here, purely three-dimensional, measured in three axes viz X, This allows the Avatar to access the happenings both in time
breadth, depth) are interconnected, because you have never and the depth alone can be teleported to some other place. Then, Y, Z. Time was considered as separate from space, and as (kala) and space (akasha or desha), as there is no such thing as
perceived any of them separately. But they are separate. if you put your hand here (Paramahamsa Nithyananda moves His a single line that was infinite in both directions. past, present or future in the physics of Consciousness where He
hand across the mic), it will cross the mic, but your hand will not
Where the X, Y and Z axes touch - that is Time. If you just pull out operates. As a power, it manifests as the siddhi of prapti.
be obstructed; it will not hit anything. All this changed when Einstein introduced the theory of special
that ‘pin’ of Time, these three lines can be independent wherever The ancient Hindu scripture, the primary Upanishad, Isha Vasya
relativity, which showed that time and space are interconnected;
you want. But at the other point, to which the depth alone has been teleported, Upanishad, describes the space of pure Consciousness as below:
that time too is a dimension of specific events that take place not
if you put your hand there, you will hit something, but nothing will
only along the coordinate of space, but at different points of time. tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike |
be seen.
This led to the concept of four-dimensional space time continuum. tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||
Q. Why are we not able to perceive these dimensions separately,
One cannot curve space (space is curved due to gravity) without
while You can do that? That moves and That moves not. That is far off, That is also near.
involving time as well. Thus, time also has a shape.
Q: Can you drive an object to another dimensions? That is the inner space of all this, and That is also the outer space
Your mind keeps jumping so rapidly from one dimension to the According to Stephen Hawking, time is pear-shaped. This is of all this.
other that it creates the illusion that they are interdependent. It is Yes, that is what I do during teleportation. because everything including light bends due to gravity. Thus an
the same as how your eyes perceive the three leaves of a rotating event taking place very far away would be seen on Earth after The ancient Vedic seers or Rishis were adept in the concepts of
Changing the three dimensions by applying force is mechanical
fan as continuous with one another. millions of years (the time taken by light to reach Earth) and the space-time.
engineering. Changing the three dimensions by dismantling them
For example, when you see the length of this mic before me, you is teleportation. light would have been bent while traversing billions of galaxies. In the Vedic tradition, ‘KALABHAIRAVA’ has been denoted as the
will not remember its depth. When you see the depth of this mic, To put this simply, in Newtonian terms, imagine a three-dimensional Lord of Space and Time, or the energy that controls space and time.
When I pull the ‘time’ pin out, the object disappears from your
you will not remember its breadth. It takes only a micro-millisecond space filled with innumerable dots representing points of time. Thus The word ‘kala’ stands for time, and the word ‘bhairava’ is derived
view. When I pull the ‘space’ pin out, it goes to the space I want.
to jump from one to the other– but the jumping is still there. time, whether past, present or future, would be represented in these from:
Then I put back the ‘space’ pin first, and then the ‘time’ pin - and
the object reappears before your eyes at the destination. innumerable dots within the framework of the three-dimensional
When you jump from depth to breadth, breadth to length, length 4 Bha - denoting ‘Bharana’ or maintenance of the world
space. Mathematically, this may not be entirely accurate, as Space
to space, space to time, time to depth – that is called Time.
(His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda smilingly ends the itself is curved; however, for explanation purposes, it serves as a 4 Ra - denoting ‘Ravana’ or withdrawing of the world
session, perhaps after witnessing the shocked expressions on the good model. Thus, if one were to cover space at the speed of light,
faces in His audience!) 4 Va - denoting ‘Vamana’ or projection of the world

AVATAR SHASTRA 84 85 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

The Miller-Urey Experiment The Universe is far too efficient to be operating without creative
intelligence. If not for this field, evolution would be random, and
By the 1950s, scientists around the world were earnestly exploring the highly narrow combination of conditions, which support life on
the origin of life, and the kind of environment that led to its planet Earth, would be beyond the possibility of coincidence. Dr.
emergence. Laszlo calls this force the Akashic Field, pointing out that the ancient
Rishis exactly describe the qualities and abilities he has observed
In 1953, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey, working at the
first-hand. In his book, Science and the Akashic Field, he states:
University of Chicago, conducted an experiment which has now
come to be known as a classic investigation that resulted in some “In the Sanskrit and Indian cultures, Akasha is an all-encompassing
of the most interesting findings on the origin of life. medium that underlies all things and becomes all things. It is real,
but so subtle that it cannot be perceived until it becomes the many
In the ‘Miller-Urey Experiment’, scientists Miller and Urey simulated
things that populate the manifest world. Our bodily senses do not
the experimental conditions that scientists believed were present
register Akasha, but we can reach it through spiritual practice. The
during the formation of our planet. This experiment showed that
ancient Rishis reached it through a disciplined, spiritual way of life,
organic compounds such as amino acids, which are the building
and through yoga.”
blocks of life, could have been created from inorganic compounds
Thus, Kalabhairava is one who brings about the srishti, sthiti and Modern science echoes the voice of the Vedas that existed during the early stages of our planet, and which are
samhara (creation, maintenance and destruction) of the Universe. known to exist in outer space even today. Akasha: The Single Source of Everything that
The post-Einsteinian explosion in modern science has opened
Significantly, the conditions described here are almost identical to Exists
new vistas in the understanding of energy, the interchangeability
Akasha – the Energy of Space those described in the Rg Veda several thousand years ago.
of matter and energy, and the concept of Consciousness as the Dr. Laszlo goes on to quote the great sage of India, Swami
substratum of the universe. Vivekananda, who says:
‘Akasha’ is a Sanskrit word denoting the fifth and most subtle of the
natural elements known to us - ether or space.
What is the nature of Consciousness?
The ancient Vedas, which give a precise description of the origin of “According to the philosophies of India, the whole universe is
our Universe, state that in the very beginning, the universe was just The most exhaustive research to date in the western world has composed of two materials, one of which they call Akasha.
Most people are familiar with the first four natural elements: air,
a gaseous mix. Following this, there was a period of torrential rains been set forth by Ervin Laszlo, Nobel Prize nominee and 2001
fire, earth and water. The fifth element, variously referred to as It is the omnipresent, all-penetrating Existence. Everything that has
which resulted in the cooling and formation of Earth, followed by winner of the Japan Peace Prize. In his breakthrough work on the
space, ether or spirit, is in reality, the parent element from which form, everything that is the result of combination, has evolved out
the evolution of various forms of plant and animal life, and finally nature of Cosmic Consciousness, Dr. Laszlo echoes the ancient
the others spring, and into which they all ultimately dissolve. of this Akasha. It is the Akasha that becomes the air, the liquids,
the human being. Vedic seers when he describes an energy field that records and
Akasha is described in the Vedic scriptures as the Cosmic Ocean of the solids; it is the Akasha that becomes the sun, the earth, the
energy, containing all possibilities. ākāśādvāyuḥ vāyorāgniḥ agner āpaḥ adbyaḥ pṛithivī I transmits all the information generated by any event, organism or
moon, the stars, the comets; it is the Akasha that becomes the
It is not a coincidence that one of definitions of Akasha is ‘spirit’ or pṛithivyā ouśadhayaḥ ouṣhadhīyo-annam annāt puruṣaḥ II human body, the animal body, the plants, every form that we see,
Consciousness. Ancient mystics understood that space is nothing Dr. Laszlo and his fellow researchers postulate that the Big Bang everything that can be sensed, and everything that exists. At the
~ Taittriyopaniṣad, Brahmānanda Vallī
but Consciousness, and every molecule in the universe carries the creation model is insufficient to explain many conundrums of beginning of creation there is only this Akasha. At the end of the
From Ether emerged Air, from Air appeared Fire, from Fire came quantum physics. He offers an alternate theory: that the Big Bang cycle all melts into the Akasha again, and the next creation similarly
possibility for Consciousness.
Water, from Water came Earth. From Earth came vegetation, from is only one of many phenomena that sprang from a meta-universe proceeds out of this Akasha.”
vegetation came food, and from food came the human being. or ‘metaverse’, which has always existed and will continue to exist.
Swami Vivekananda adds: “In Akasha, all attributes of the manifest
“The most fundamental element of reality is the quantum vacuum, world merge into a state that is beyond attributes: the state of
the energy-and information-filled plenum that underlies, generates Brahman. Although it is undifferentiated, Brahman is dynamic
and interacts with our universe and with whatever universes may and creative. The cycles of samsara, of being-to-becoming and
exist in the metaverse.” becoming-to-being, are the leela (divine play) of Brahman: its play

AVATAR SHASTRA 86 87 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains:

The Whole, the Cosmos, comes from the Whole.

Even when it emerges, It does not get separated; it
continues to be established in the Whole. When It
goes back, it goes back to the same Whole. Out of
the Whole, came out the Whole. Even if the Whole
is removed from the Whole, the Whole remains as

From the Infinite, sprang this universe and many other

universes. Yet no proof exists as to how the universe was
created. The stories of creation in various religions and
cultures point towards a Supreme Energy that created the
universe, and is responsible for its smooth functioning.

Science talks about the Big Bang that caused the universe,
but the same theory does not explain how Big Bangs still
continue. For every Big Bang that creates new stars and
galaxies in some part of the universe, there is a black
hole somewhere else, resulting in the disappearance of
stars and galaxies. For every birth there is death; for the
unborn there is eternity.

of ceaseless creation and dissolution.” The Whole that emerges from the Whole Yet how did the original birth happen? Vedic wisdom
reveals to us that the birth of the universe never did
Dr. Laszlo observes that this perspective is new to Western thinking,
The Upanishads are the most ancient sacred scriptures in happen. Taitirriya Upanishad, declares – satyam jnanam
which holds that the ultimate nature of reality is material. However,
the history of the world, revealed by Lord Shiva, the Cosmic anantam brahma – truth, reality or pure knowledge,
he acknowledges that modern Western science has stumbled
Consciousness, to the seers of the Vedic tradition, at a time when infinity is Brahman, the Source of everything.
upon this truth in its own way: “What the new physics describes
human civilization was still in its infancy in most other parts of
as the unified vacuum - the seat of all the fields and forces of the So, the universe is always there. There is no Creator or
the world. They are the very voice of the Cosmos, the breath of
physical world - is in fact the most fundamentally real element of Created apart from that unborn Consciousness, Brahman
Mahadeva, grasped intuitively by the seers during altered states of
the universe.” * – which is Truth or ‘Isness’ (satyam), which is knowledge
Itself (jnanam), which is infinite (anantam), which is beyond
In this quantum vacuum, which the Vedic tradition calls Brahman,
The Upanishads are the distilled essence of the Vedas, containing time and space (nithyam), and is verily the essence and
you can see the analogy of the Cosmic Ocean. Every quark, every
the most sublime yet intimate revelations about the highest Truth source of everything that exists.
particle of energy, leaves an imprint of its being-to-becoming, as
and nature of the Self, the Universe and the Divine.
well as the reverse journey.
The Isha Upanishad opens with an invocation that reveals the
*Reference: Laszlo, Ervin, Science and the Akashic Field, second
depth of Vedic wisdom:
edition, Inner Traditions 2007
auṁ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṁ pūrṇāt pūrṇamudacyate I
The living deity of Lord Kalabhairava at
pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate II Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, India

AVATAR SHASTRA 88 89 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

Akashic Readings recorded in the Akashic Records. The Science behind Akashic Readings
Decoding the Language of the Cosmos The process of decoding these energy records is known as Akashic
Reading. We have already explained the scientific concept of the Space-
As we saw earlier, Akashic Records are the mystical energy records Time continuum. As Time exists simultaneously as a dimension of
Mystics compare the Akashic Records to an unimaginably
of all the events that have ever happened, are happening and will Space, all energy or information (energy is nothing but subjective
vast library of information. Recently, with the advent of cyber
happen in the Cosmos. information) is waiting to be decoded depending on the parameters
technology, the Akashic Records have been compared to a
and objects used. To explain this with a simple analogy – electricity
Just as a boat leaves a wake in the water as it passes, each action, mammoth supercomputer system. The code in which it is written
is coded energy and is decoded in an object called a light bulb, and
thought and emotional impulse in us leaves a trail of energy; an is beyond any language used on Earth, but the reading is revealed
thus manifests as the light.
imprint on the Cosmic Ocean. These energy trails are recorded in the language of the reader.
in the Akasha; they are inscribed on the ether. Every event that At a classical level, all information is stored in bits (in computer
has ever occurred anywhere to any entity, no matter how tiny, is Gift from the Vedic Civilization language as a binary of 0 and 1), which is then decoded by the
software of the computer.
Who were the Vedic seers who gifted us the treasures of the
Akashic Readings? As mentioned earlier, at the quantum level, information is stored
as qubits. These qubits of information are present across the entire
The Vedic civilization, the world’s most ancient living civilization, fabric of the Cosmos, and represent the entire information held
flourished millions of years ago on the lush plains of the Sarasvati within the Cosmos in time and space.
River in what is now Northern India.
Interestingly, at the quantum level, the binary system exists as 0 and
A civilization of spiritual giants with superhuman mystical powers, 1 separately, but happens simultaneously and concurrently, such
it gave to the world a host of highly sophisticated sciences and arts, that both 0 and 1 exist at the same time.
including astronomy, astrology, mathematics, navigation, medical
and surgical expertise, and the Vedic language Sanskrit, which is Information regarding past, present or future of a quantum nature is
also the natural language most suitable for computer programming. available, waiting to be decoded, but at the present moment, there
(Reference: exists no technology (in science), which can work as a true quantum
html) computer and has the software to understand all the information
and underlying principles of the Cosmos.
The technology used by this civilization was astounding, revealing
feats of engineering and architecture that challenge modern skills Biologically, the human brain has been likened to the equivalent of
and technologies. a quantum computer.

In the Vedic Age, no boundaries existed between the material and An Avatar in the form of a being like Paramahamsa Nithyananda is
mystical realms of life. Working for inner growth hand in hand able to access the qubits of information stored across the Cosmos
with outer abundance and success, the Vedic civilization left us an as Akashic Readings, as He Himself is both the software and the
unimaginable legacy of inner and outer treasures. hardware, the subject and the object of the quantum universe.

During this period, Akashic Records were freely accessed to find

answers for everything, from the mysteries of the universe to the
causes of personal karma. Unfortunately, the power to commune
with the Cosmos is a lost science today, with the key to this infinite
source of information in the hands of the rare Avatars.

AVATAR SHASTRA 90 91 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

Each Individual’s DNA holds his personal you collected is called your microcosmic bio-memory. It determines the form as well as the potential diseases
is only this part that scientists are able to analyze and and skills we can have. Scientists are very clear that
Akashic Records understand as ‘known DNA’. what we think is not our original blueprint, because we
are able to study only one part of the DNA till now. The
The Garuda Purana describes the avatars (embodied forms) assumed Understand: your body is the ultimate matter which can
other, unrevealed part, which scientists have not been
by the immortal formless Lord during the various cycles of time. The happen in the frequency of planet earth. The ultimate
able to study, or logically understand its function, they
Avatars evolve and expand from fish (matsya) to amphibian (kurma) machinery which is possible to happen in this planet’s
have labeled as ‘junk DNA’ or ‘shadow DNA’.
to animal (varaha) to half-man-half-animal (narasimha) to the pygmy frequency, has happened to you. Celebrate its existence.
man (vamana) to the tool-wielding civilized man (Parashurama) to Scientists are absolutely right when they say there are
You assume almost all kinds of bodies in so many births
the highly evolved and dharmic being (Sri Rama) to the purnavatar two parts in the DNA, and one part, which they are able
before you take a human body. So all the memories,
(Sri Krishna). After the advent of Sri Krishna begins the age of man to study, is responsible for the form and diseases. The
experiences, possibilities, of all the bodies put together
as a seeker, an enlightened being and a world teacher (Buddha). The other part is what is responsible for our spiritual gifts. I
happens in the human body. ALL possibilities, all
last Avatar (Kalki) is said to arrive at the end of Kali Yuga to destroy tell you: the other part is what carries all the siddhis and
memories, all experiences, are available in your body.
the collective negativity and establish Satya Yuga on our planet (the superhuman powers.
age of Living Enlightenment). Many times you have lived the life of fish or bird. So if
I can say, the part which is already discovered is junk
a fish can swim, you can also swim! If a bird can fly,
daitya-raakshasa-naashaartham matsyapurvam yathaa-bhavat DNA! The part which is not yet discovered, or maybe
you can also fly. You may think, then why I am not able
I can use the word ‘yet to be realized’ – it is this part
kurmo varaaho nrharirvaamano rama urjitah II 10 II to fly? Because you chose some other memory more
that contains information about who you really are on
strongly and dropped this flying memory too deep. You
yathaa dasarathi-raamah krsno buddho’tha kalkyapi a level of spiritual beingness. It is that part to which I
just need to awaken it; that’s all! Nothing else is needed
tathaa vyakto’vyaktarupi aaseedaadir-gadaadharah II 11 II give the name ‘jeevatma’ - the individual consciousness
but awakening it. If the awakening can happen, simply
or ‘individual self DNA’. It is that part which carries our
(Garuda Purana, 1.86.10-11) human beings can learn flying.
divine personality.”
These powers are not something unique to a few people;
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: it is a birthright for everybody. I am not interested in Science of Gotras
feeding fantasies to you. I am giving you the vision. It is
The Vedic scientists discovered thousands of years ago
possible! It is possible. All possibilities are there in your The science of gotras was used by the Vedic Rishis (perfected
that the fish is the first individual body that has the capacity
body. sages) to transmit coded information across generations, in order
to collect and transmit samskaras or engraved memories
and behavioral patterns through the DNA. Of course, even Scientists refer to our inactive genetic material as ‘junk DNA’ to make available specific knowledge that was put into these genes
before the fish body, you can collect samskaras, but they because it has no obvious function, but open-minded investigation for decoding at an appropriate time in the future.
are not transmittable. Please understand, as a fish, any has proven that biology does not furnish any ‘junk’ tissue in nature. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
engram you collect is transmittable. Before that, it is so All organs and substances have a purpose, although they may be
subtle, so negligible, that it cannot be transmitted. hidden from us at the moment. Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals Researchers say that with the inter-dimensional 12-strand
that, far from being ‘junk’ tissue, it is this ‘Divine DNA’ that holds the DNA activation, you can have access to ten times the
That is why, in the Vedic tradition, we call the first information that is available from your DNA! That is what
key to the mystical powers we all possess, but have forgotten how
incarnation as matsyavatar. From there the avataras, the I mean when I say that you can download anything from
to use.
incarnations, expand and grow. the Hiranyagarbha. It is nothing but the cosmic archives.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
Whatever engrams you collected when you had the fish
body will be passed to the next body and further bodies Science says that the human species has evolved with
that you assume. From the fish body till now, whatever a two-stranded DNA which is found in every cell, which

AVATAR SHASTRA 92 93 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

We carry our lineage from other planets and other areas Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
I experienced the huge Kalabhairava form
of the universe in our DNA. The imprint of our earthly
As I said, all the information you collected from all of I witnessed Swamiji subtly change in size
ancestral lineage is also held within our DNA. This is of Paramahamsa Nithyananda
your births is in your DNA. You can access some of this
what we call the gotra in our Vedic tradition.
information just to understand your own past actions,
Each of you belongs to the gotra of one of the rishis. The and not to waste time doing the same actions again
Name: Sureka Radhakrishnan Name: Todd Otten
gotra is the code which contains components of that and again, thinking you will have some joy or benefits at
rishi’s space in you. If you belong to ‘Bharadwaja’ gotra, the end of this action. If you have done a certain action Location: Toronto, Canada Location: USA
it means that the energy and experience which the rishi and you did not receive the joy which you wanted, but if
Bharadwaja had is there in you also. If you take up the you forget that, you will be trying it again and again in
mantras and practices which Bharadwaja practiced, various ways. But if you remember that you did not have
you can immediately decode your DNA and access the the joy you expected, you will not try it again. You will not
Akashic Records. Gotra is the password available to you waste your time on it again. In that way, accessing the
I got the darshan of the huge form of Kalabhairava during the During the Inner Awakening program in Varanasi in May 2015,
to access the huge Akashic Records. Akashic Records by reading the DNA code will be useful Kalabhairava darshan and Akashic Readings in Tiruvannamalai. I witnessed Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji subtly change in
for you to become enlightened.” Suddenly, I saw him like he grew very tall and big, and his head was size on different occasions. There were numerous times when he
Akashic Readings - the way out of karma nearly touching the roof of the hall. looked much bigger to me - like he grew multiple sizes, from smaller
to huge!
I started jumping and levitating. I tried to control myself, but I
The science of genetics has advanced to the level that you can realized that the pull of the current is beyond the inner and outer At times it seemed he would be about ten percent smaller and take
study the structural code of your gene i.e. the DNA code material boundary of myself. It gave me the feeling of disconnecting from the on a more feminine energy about his appearance. At other times
outer world, but at the same time I was connected and aware of he looked approximately ten to fifteen percent larger and had a
by completely sequencing the genome. However, while we know
the outer world even with my eyes closed, and I was able to see my stronger masculine energy and appearance.
what genes are present, science has yet to decode all the genes inner self with absolute powerful silence.
present in the human being. Those genes which science has not The biggest shift I saw was in the sacred river at the Kumbh
The whole experience is wordless; only the feeling can justify Mela location in Nasik. Seeing him in the water at the end of the
assigned a specific purpose are simply labeled as non-functional
Kalabhairava Darshan! ceremony, especially when he was walking out, he seemed larger
or ‘junk’ DNA. than ever, maybe twenty to twenty-five percent larger. His energy
Thrice during the Akashic Readings, he has revealed to me about
and appearance at this time transcended feminine or masculine
But the entire gene sequence of the human body itself is not my personal life, and the path that I will be heading.
and was radiating that of a god.
unchangeable. It is in fact dynamic, and possesses its own
Amazing power of the Divine!
intelligence, which is why less than 30,000 genes (of which
only 10,000 are functional at any given time) can perform all the
functions and create all the structures of a complex entity like a
human being, who is made up of 50 trillion cells.

AVATAR SHASTRA 94 95 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

I saw Swamiji’s form extending up to the Cosmos I experienced the huge power of Kalabhairava I saw Swamiji’s body expanding before my eyes I saw Swamiji as nearly 8 feet tall

Name: Dinesh Gupta Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami

Name: Vadwatee Enal Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order Name: Srikrishna Venigalla
Location: Trinidad & Tobago Sadhanananda
Location: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Location: St. Louis, USA
Location: Singapore Aadheenam


During my first Inner Awakening in 2014, at the Kalabhairava During Inner Awakening at Varanasi in May 2014, Swamiji
During the Himalayas yatra led by Swamiji, many of us saw a When Swamiji gave Kalabhairava darshan in the Bidadi ashram,
darshan, I saw Swamiji as tall as the roof. During the same Inner completed a Kalabhaiarva darshan and sat down and immediately
rare and miraculous sight. As we climbed higher, Swamiji’s body we were watching it on 2-way video conferencing from St. Louis in
Awakening, my sister Sumatee offered Maheshwara Puja to Swamiji, started darshan. I was the first to go for darshan - and it was the
began to expand, and He started walking very slowly and stepping the USA.
and during the puja I saw Swamiji get tall, and his head reached the most intense energy experience I have ever had!!
carefully, as if He was walking inside a balloon. It was something
Cosmos, and I saw lots of stick-like people’s figures jumping up and During the darshan, I saw Kalabhairava as close to 8’ tall, and
I literally felt His power could have just thrown me across the entire like the videos I had seen of astronauts walking on the moon.
down, but only the selected ones got to go with him. maybe more than 300 lbs!
length of the hall - SO SO much energy. My clothes literally flew in
I believe that at that altitude, the samadhi state and physical
It took me some time to place the pieces together of how I got to one direction and me in another! When He just moved his hand, the Kundalini energy was so intense
expansion become so deep that the anti-gravity forces started taking
where I am now, and I realize that he was with me all along. Thank that I started levitating. This my personal experience.
It was so beautiful - I stayed in that bodha for the next 24 hours.. over... He appeared huge to my eyes, and it would have been scary,
you Swamiji, you chose me and I feel totally blessed. I am yours
with a smile on my face... O so precious!! except for the undeniable evidence and understanding that He was
in a state of obvious bliss and peace.

I felt I was looking up at something huge! I experienced Swamiji in a huge form during
He was towering over me I experienced Kalabhairava’s huge form Shivoham process
expressing through Swamiji
Jinda Bacho, Germany

Name: Bhavya Venigalla

I experienced my first ever darshan during the Nithyanandoham Name: Carolyn Sigman Name: Sheela
program with Swamiji in December 2015. Location: St. Louis, USA
Location: USA Location: Hosur, India
When I was kneeling in front of Swamiji to receive darshan, I looked
up feeling as if something very huge is in front of me. It felt that I
was looking up at something very high, even though Swamiji was When I first saw Swamiji as Kalabhairava, I was in shock! I am
sitting down before me! I never forget that moment. I had never 6’2”, and when I went up for darshan, he was just towering over me. I attended the Inner Awakening program conducted by Swamiji at While doing the Nithya Dhyan meditation, I saw Swamiji in a huge
experienced something like that, very mystical, unexplainable. It felt like he was at least 8 feet tall. Varanasi in India during October 2015. form.
I never shared any personal details, but Kalabhairava said what During the Kalabhairava darshan given by Swamiji, I saw and I had the same experience of seeing Swamiji in a huge size during
was going to happen in the future, and it happened exactly as he experienced Kalabhairava’s huge form expressing through Swamiji! the Shivoham process. Whenever I touch the sacred banyan tree
said! It was an amazing experience! at the Bangalore ashram, I see a vision of it in a huge size and
golden color. Thank you very much Swamijii for giving me these
experiences and this divine life!

AVATAR SHASTRA 96 97 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

Kalabhairava: Energy of Space and Kalabhairava is a dimension of Shiva
I won the Lotto just as Kalabhairava predicted!
Each of us has multiple dimensions. For example, when you are
writing, you are a writer. When you are painting, you are a painter.
Kalabhairava is revered in Hinduism as the personification of Name: Abirami Paramanathan
But in every action, you are there.
the energy of Space and Time.
Location: Toronto, Canada
In the same way, Shiva has multiple dimensions. Each action of
He is known as ‘the dark one’, because he not only represents Email: Shiva liberates people in different ways.
the 4% of visible matter of the Cosmos (which is seen because
of light), but also the remaining 96% of dark matter and dark In the ancient Hindu scriptures called the Puranas, there is a
energy (unseen even with light) (see page 105). description of how Brahma (the Creator) becomes arrogant. So
an aspect or dimension of Shiva emerges from Him and cuts off
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: At a time when I did not know what to do with my life, Swami
Brahma’s head, removing his ego and makes him enlightened. This
Nithyananda took the time to help me in many ways. Swamiji
If you look at the Kalabhairava deity in our ashram, looked at my horoscope and told me I will always have lots of action of Shiva’s energy came to be known as Kalabhairava.
you will see that He is standing on the Time shaft money. I wondered how this would be, since I wasn’t working and
Each action of the Divine, each action of an Incarnation, becomes
- the Dharma chakra or wheel of Time. This is to did not have much money.
an independent energy.
express that he is the Lord of Time, and also the one
In August 2013, when my mother and I did the 10-day Inner
who is beyond Time! His left leg faces forward, and Awakening program, I asked Swamiji if I can ask Kalabhairava Shiva’s action of cutting Brahma’s head and giving him enlightenment
His right leg steps backward. The right leg represents about the Koteeshwara Yogam (millionaire possibility) in my became an independent energy called Kalabhairava. Shiva’s action
the future. The left leg represents the past. So He is horoscope. Swamiji told me to ask Kalabhairava. With so much of destroying the negativity of Daksha and liberating him from
saying, ‘Past comes before future!’ compassion Swamiji brought Kalabhairava to us, and I asked his negative patterns becomes an independent energy called
Kalabhairava the question, and this was His reply.
Veerabhadra. Shiva’s action of teaching in silence to the Sanakaadi
When you start connecting with Kalabhairava
Rishis and giving them enlightenment became Dakshinamurti. Each
and start worshipping the divine energy called
action of the Divine becomes one form, one energy.
Kalabhairava, He removes your ego and makes you
Kalabhairava Darshan
Those who have witnessed the energy of Kalabhairava land on
Paramahamsa Nithyananda during the darshan have vouched for
the sudden changes they observed in His physical dimensions -
including height and size.

A simple physical exam done by a team of doctors before and

during the darshan recorded significant changes in height, weight
and muscle dimensions occurring in just a few seconds (the time
As predicted by Kalabhairava, within two years my family won the taken for the energy to express in the physical body).
Lotto lottery (where the chances of winning are 1 in 14 million)!
A doctor who was part of the team which measured Paramahamsa
Nithyananda’s vital statstics before and during the Kalabhairava
darshan stated that this was a ‘medically impossible difference’.

AVATAR SHASTRA 98 99 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

Deeper Truths of Akashic Readings He utters - everything is completely different! Even I don’t know
Kalabhairava revealed my husband’s
Revelations from the Avatar what He is going to do.
abdominal problem about which he had not Swamiji revealed my past life story
(Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks to participants just before shared to anyone!
a ‘Kalabhairava darshan’ during the Inner Awakening program in Name: Megan Bishop
Q. Swamiji, kindly excuse my asking, but how is it that Kalabhairava
Varanasi, India in 2015) sometimes speaks to us in English? Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Mayatitananda
Name: Arthi Desai
Q. Dear Swamiji, how do You actually access When He lands, Kalabhairava uses the Location: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru
the information of past and future from the Location: California, USA Aadheenam
software, the language, that this brain already
Cosmic Archives? Does it appear in a written has. But even then, the word structure is Email:
form? completely unknown to me, as many of you
may have noticed. The data normally available
Even past-present-future is only one more
to me, with which I am relating to you all right My daughter and I attended the Inner Awakening program in I have been a single mother, raising my son by myself for ten years.
knowledge which is there in the hiranyagarbha
now, is kept under lock and key. Kodaikanal, India, in July 2012. My husband had gone quite insane and then vanished. My son and
(the Cosmic information archive) – it is only a
I were haunted by this incompletion.
perception. It can be accessed. And same way, even the ethics! You have to During the Akashic Readings, Kalabhairava (Swamiji) told my
be very careful when you ask a question to daughter that the discomfort in my husband’s abdomen would go During an Akashic Reading a few years ago, I asked Swamiji, “What
The downloading happens through something away on its own soon. happened to my son’s father, and were we together in a past life?”
Him. He will tell everything! If you ask about
like a strong gold color umbilical cord – one
end of it is in my ananda gandha chakra, and an incident in your life, He will tell everything My daughter and I were not aware of any problem that my husband “Yes!” was the immediate reply. Swamiji said that we were together
related to the incident. Everything! He will not had. in a past life. The same events happened, he tormented me and
the other end in open space with no end – the
be socially correct. My way of living, my way of in desperation I committed suicide. However, when my husband
hiranyagarbha. After the session, we called my husband, who was in the USA at
realized what he had done, he also committed suicide. He was being
responding, everything goes! He just brushes that time, and checked if there was a problem. He then told us that
held in that ‘hell’ that souls who commit suicide go to, waiting out
When the information first lands, it will be them aside. All this goes! And what He does, he had been experiencing a discomfort in the abdomen for the past
the time that he should have spent in a human body.
as a sound; then it becomes language, then He does! 3-4 days, but it was not severe enough to go and see the doctor. He
it becomes Sanskrit, then English, and then it was certainly surprised to know that we knew about it! He also said that I would be carrying evidence on this body of my
But just as He tells the truth, He also gives the past life suicide, which was by hanging.
enters the body. By the time I vomit it out, it The next morning, we spoke to Swamij about it and He once again
solution you need. I tell you, all His solutions
will be my customized version! told us that the problem would go away by itself. It is true: I was born with the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around
are successful. I can vouch for the Truth of His my neck.
This is the mystical science behind Akashic Readings. words. This (Varanasi) is Kalabhairava’s home. Let us have His My husband, on the other hand, was curious. So he went to the
doctor, who gave him antibiotics. But the problem persisted even Swamiji explained that many birthmarks are signs of past life
darshan in His home. Seeing the lion in His cave... let us see what
after two courses of antibiotics. Finally, it went away on its own, traumas. So I stopped being mad at the doctors who delivered me,
He does! just like Swamiji told us at first! thinking they were the reason the birth took so long. In fact, they
Q. Swamiji, how does Kalabhairava’s energy express through You? saved my life!
(after darshan)
When Kalabhairava lands (on this body), I don’t feel that somebody
Q.Darshan was magnificent, electrifying and uplifting! Thank you
else has entered into me, but I feel as if ten thousand Nithyanandas
have entered into me! The same me, but ten thousand-fold. The
whole body language, verbal language, the way He laughs, looks, When Kalabhairava lands, I can see the amount of joy He brings -
everything - I can see it is different! But I don’t feel there is somebody not only in me, but in the whole breathing space, the whole hall. It
else operating through me at that time. I just feel that I myself have is… unexplainable, inexplicable. It is what it is!
become manifold. Other than that, everything - the body language,
Of course, you have to thank only Kalabhairava for everything. I am
the verbal language, the way He looks, the way He talks, the words
only the instrument He is using.

AVATAR SHASTRA 100 101 Chapter 3: Akashic Readings

I discovered my link with my father though
Kalabhairava revealed His footprints on my head Chapter 4
an Akashic Reading

Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Atma

Spiritual name: Sri Nithya
Sundareshwarananda Prana Pratishtha
Age: 12 (at the time of the incident)
Location: USA
Student of Nithyananda GurukulSM
Breathing Life into Matter

As a child, I was strongly attached to my dad, and as long as he was During an Akashic Readings session in Kodaikanal, the children of
around I would feel safe and more comfortable with life. Around the age Nithyananda GurukulSM got an opportunity to ask their questions to
of 50 his life took a radical spiritual turn and he became a healer. Kalabhairava. I asked Kalabhairava, ‘I heard that footprints appeared on
the Dalai Lama’s skull, showing the directions to the next Dalai Lama…
One morning when he was alone in his office, he began experiencing a
what is the science and the reason behind this?’

heart attack. He later shared with me that he met the attack fearlessly,
nergy. The stuff that our universe is made of. We breathe, humanity the grace of Indra, the god of Lightning, Agni, the god
and survived through prayer alone. Recently, during an Akashic Reading, Kalabhairava replied, ‘All enlightened beings and incarnations leave their
I asked Kalabhairava about his interest in India. Kalabhairava said that body in this way only. Shave your head, I will show you my footprints!’ live and move in a heaving ocean of energy. of Fire, Varuna, the god of the Oceans, and Maruta, the god of the
in a past life, he was a student of Totapuri, Sri Ramakrishna’s teacher. I When I shaved my head, I found that indeed there was a clear mark of Wind, among thousands of other gods.
had to research this after receiving this information, and the connections footprints on the crown of my head!’ There was no way anyone could Every sign of existence in this universe, from the throbbing of
make perfect sense. This explains so much my deep connection to him! have seen that other than Kalabhairava himself! But although they appeared similar, the philosophy of the Vedas
life in our bodies to the mighty Cosmic forces that roll the galaxies,
was in fact far from the simplistic faith of the pantheist. This
is nothing but the movement of energy.
civilization, flourishing millennia ago along the banks of the divine
Seen through the eyes of the physicist, planets, plants and people river Sarasvati in India was the most advanced that our planet has
Swamiji predicted my friend’s marriage
Kalabhairava healed me of my secret problem are just energy vibrating at different frequencies. All we are, really, ever seen. They gifted to the world the sciences of mathematics,
four years in advance is energy - and yet, we are also the wonder of form! Form brings astronomy, natural medicine, yoga, grammar, and above all, the
Name: Devi beauty and romance into our life. sacred science of the Self.

Location: Coimbatore, India Spiritual name: Ma Ananda Priya Nayaki Man has always been fascinated by the delightful play of color, The Vedic civilization upheld a non-dualistic or Advaitic view of life
size and shape that creates our lovely universe. The extraordinary that easily encompassed the dimensions of Einsteinian relativity,
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
I would like to share a friend’s experience that happened at Kalabhairava richness of Creation reveals to us that God is indeed an artist. Just quantum physics and beyond - making it the most elevated
darshan. She is also Swamiji’s devotee and was in love with a guy, but as the rainbow reveals to us the colors hidden in pure light, the philosophy that the human mind has ever conceived.
was not able to marry him due to severe opposition from her family. innumerable forms of the world reveal to our eyes the existence of
I attended Inner Awakening in December 2012. During the It also evolved a precise cosmogony, whose tenets modern
She had Kalabhairava darshan in 2011 and asked Swamiji about when Kalabhairava Darshan and Akashic Readings, Kalabhairava told the Formless Lord.
science is only just beginning to comprehend. Millennia before
she would get married. Swamiji replied that she will get married in me: ‘The disease you think you have - which you don’t have - will
December 2015, to the same person who she is in love with now. The ancient cultures of the world were by nature pantheistic, science proposed the theory of the vibratory universe, the Vedas
be gone from today.’ I was amazed, as I had told almost no one of a
certain problem I had. There was no way He could know that - except worshipping the Creator through his creation. In the legendary were already describing how the universe began as a spanda, a
Four years later, she got married to the same guy in December 2015, Vedic civilization of India, everything in the world was considered
that He knows everything! subtle vibration, in the Divine mind.
just as Swamiji predicted. There were a lot of struggles with her family,
sacred, a spark of the flame of the Divine. Trees, mountains and
but they both finally overcame all struggles and got married as per His God is omniscient and this was demonstrated to me that day. Rippling out to encompass space and time, swirling into denser
blessings. animals were equally revered as expressions of the Divine, as were
He healed me of one aspect of that disorder, and I am forever grateful. vortices of energy, and finally condensing into the gross expressions
the forces of Nature like wind and water.
of matter, this Cosmic energy went on to become the stars, the
The Rg Veda, the most ancient of the Vedic texts invokes upon earth, the oceans - and ourselves.

AVATAR SHASTRA 102 103 Chapter 4: Prana Pratishtha

deity, becomes an independent intelligence, a direct vehicle of the
Cosmic energy, capable of answering prayers, healing ailments
and granting boons.

Every day, thousands around the world are witnessing the

powers of prana pratishtha in the living idols energized by
Paramahamsa Nithyananda. With a word of blessing or a wave of
his hand, Paramahamsa Nithyananda empowers these deities from
thousands of miles away to heal and bless devotees, and even to
materialize sacred items like rudraksha beads and holy ash.

Science behind Prana Pratishtha

Modern science and astrophysics have already established that
the entire universe is made up of only 4% quantifiable matter. The
remaining 96%, as yet only mathematically postulated, is called
dark matter and dark energy.
The suffusion of Cosmic energy into the deity excites the atomic
But in reality, dark matter is neither dark, nor is it matter as we structure and moves the electrons into higher orbitals. This is
understand. It is actually a form of as yet unmanifested energy. nothing but the spanda or subtle vibration of Cosmic energy which
And even the 4% matter is nothing but energy which has been is now on the verge of manifestation (Shakti).
perceived or scientifically labeled as matter!
A devotee who enters this space is instantly able to connect to this
At the very gross level, matter can be considered either insentient energy of the deity, and is thus able to realign his bio-memory with
(non-living) or sentient (living). For example, a piece of rock is this infusion of Cosmic energy.
considered non-living, whereas plants, animals and humans are
As mentioned earlier, the renowned Vedic text, the Taittiriya symbolize this very idea: that the Divine lies hidden in everything, considered as living.
Upanishad, symbolically describes the descent of the Divine into everywhere - awaiting only the touch of awakening. This process
But at an atomic level or even sub-atomic level, all that exists
the world of form. of awakening is known in Sanskrit as ‘prana pratishtha’, literally
in matter are subatomic particles, which look and behave
meaning, the establishing of life-breath.
The concept of ‘many gods’ unique to the Vedic tradition stems from exactly the same in non-living and living matter. In fact, they are
this view that everything in the world, including oneself, can be a A qualified Hindu priest may perform ‘agama pratishtha’ or ‘mantra indistinguishable from each other. It is only the level of life-energy
worthy vessel for the Divine energy. To commune directly with this pratishtha’, invoking the deity’s energy through sacred chants that is different in a rock and plants and humans.
energy is not easy for the average human mind, but to connect with and proper ceremonies, and inviting it to enter into the idol. But
Amongst all living beings, only humans carry the possibility
it through a beloved form is a joy for the devotee. When the Hindu significantly, only an Avatar or an enlightened being is authorized
of accessing the Cosmic energy and storing it in their bodies as
worships his ishtadevata (chosen deity), he is hardly worshipping to perform prana pratishtha, which is the direct infusion and
Kundalini energy.
the idol itself. Instead, he is in direct communion with the Divine permanent establishing of life-force in matter.
energy expressing through that idol - a subtle truth that many miss An Avatar, as a storehouse and channel of this universal energy,
When an Avatar performs prana pratishtha on an idol, He not
who condemn the worship of idols in the Vedic tradition. can transfer it to another being (through initiation), or into a so-
only brings it to life, but transmits to it His own enlightened state
called insentient structure, such as a deity made of stone, metal or
The 330 million deities that make up the Hindu pantheon of gods of being. Such an idol, now rightly called an archavatar or living
other materials.

AVATAR SHASTRA 104 105 Chapter 4: Prana Pratishtha

Paramahamsa Nithyananda performs the sacred ritual of prana pratishtha to the larger-than-life granite deity of Sri Nithyananda Venkateshwara at Sri
Nithyanandeshwara Devasthanam, Bengaluru Aadheenam, India

What exactly happens during Prana Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: Process of Prana Pratishtha
There are various reasons for choosing the material of the deity
Pratishtha? Each deity which goes through the prana pratishtha Installation of the Cosmic energy or prana pratishtha is done by
as well. Materials like granite can hold and radiate the energy
process is in entanglement with the higher Truth. bringing this energy down through the five elementary energies of
Just as somebody whose kundalini is awakened is in for thousands of years. On the other hand, deities made of a
This deeply mystical process can be explained to some extent by Nature or Pañca Mahabhuta.
entanglement with me, in the same way, the deity is also combination of five sacred metals or panchaloha can hold and
the principle of quantum entanglement. Entanglement is a term
in entanglement with me. It is in entanglement with that The energy is first brought into the Space element (akasha) through radiate much more energy than granite, but they can hold the
used in quantum theory to describe the way that particles of
aspect of the Cosmic energy that it represents. meditation (visualization), into the Air element (vayu) through energy only for a few hundred years.
energy or matter can become correlated to predictably interact
mantras (chanting), down to the Fire element (agni) through homas
with each other, regardless of how far apart they are. A colossus of extraordinary yogic powers, Paramahamsa The precise structure of the temple and the geometrically
(fire offerings), down to the Water element (apas) in the kalasha
Nithyananda has the rare ability to subtly force matter to enter harmonious form of the deity also help in the process of
This means, the state and actions of one of these particles can (water pot), and finally to the Murti, the Earth element (prithivi).
into entanglement with His own superconscious energy, and thus entanglement, along with the subsequent pujas (offering of
instantaneously influence the state and actions of other particles
become an alive, conscious power. Once the cycle of entanglement The Avatar can choose the manifestation of the energy that He gratitude) and the kriya pada, sacred rituals, which are techniques
with which it is entangled, through the process of interference.
is established, the idols energized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda wishes to install in a particular deity. He can choose to empower given by Avatars as per the agamas to tune our internal energies to
Entanglement is one of the many mysterious truths that Newtonian practically become extensions of Himself, no matter where they the deity with wealth energy, health energy, completion energy, those of Existence.
science could not even have imagined, for it questions the concepts are located physically. By virtue of being in entanglement with the karma-exhausting energy, or any other type of energy. Since time
of time, space and reality itself. Avatar, they become pure channels of Cosmic energy, functioning immemorial, Avatars and enlightened masters have installed
with independent intelligence, yet in instantaneous contact with various aspects of the divine energy in various deities to fulfil the
His own superconscious space. Thus, even in the physical absence needs and desires of humanity.
of the Avatar, a devotee is able to connect to the Cosmic energy
via the deity.

AVATAR SHASTRA 106106 107 Chapter 4: Prana Pratishtha

concentrated energy.
I have become receptive to the Swamiji materialized
Whenever a person creates a thought or sankalpa (conscious
energy from deities offerings for my home deities
resolution) in the presence of a concentrated energy, that thought is
projected onto the world as Reality. This process can be compared
placing a film strip in front of a projector light. When projected Name: Abirami Paramanathan
Name: Vilangadu Dasarathi
onto the screen, it appears as reality before our eyes. This is why
Location: San Jose, USA Location: Toronto, Canada
we say that whatever we wish for in front of a deity comes true.
Email: Email:
Only a being who can function without the help of His body is
capable of creating a true sanctum, one that will bless, heal and
manifest miracles in exactly the way He does. Because Avatars
do not need a body to execute their work, they can continue to I live in Canada. In my home, we have two deities of Shiva and
do the things they do, even after they leave their physical body. I have been with Swamiji since March 2008. Devi (Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari) which have
The sanctum and deities created and energized by them radiate been energized by Swami Nithyananda.
I perform the daily puja at the Nithyananda Vedic Temple in San
inexhaustible energy, and nurture everybody who seeks it. Jose, CA. In 2011, when Swamiji first started teleporting prasad (sacred
offerings) from the Bidadi ashram in India to all his energized deities
I am so grateful that Swamiji has healed my body-mind system to around the world, my deities also instantaneously received kumkum
Conclusion be receptive, so that I can experience the cosmic energy flow from (holy vermilion), and the Shiva deity received vibhooti (holy ash)
the living deities. also. It was really a stunning and unforgettable experience to receive
In a world diseased with doubt and challenged by the epidemic Swamiji’s prasad, which had travelled thousands of kilometers in a
Recently I noticed how when I touch the deities of Ganesha, Devi
of spiritual impoverishment, in a world struggling to escape the few seconds and materialized on our deities!
Meenakshi and Swamiji’s padukas, such an intense flow of energy
confines of ordinary human existence through addiction, illusion happens, which is so healing. I noticed that the energy from each On 7th May 2011, during the morning satsang, Swamiji blessed
and death, mystic phenomena like these serve to remind us that deity is different, and sucks away all the incompletions, leaving me all His temples and satsang centers to receive Meenakshi’s and
Wish-fulfillment through deities whether we accept it or not, believe it or not, know it or not, we so light! Sundareshwara’s prasad of chandan (sandal paste).
inhabit a planet showered with Grace, where humanity can aspire I am so happy to receive this gift from Swamiji. During the meditation, I felt intense energy on my eyes.
The energies of an ordinary human being get exhausted whenever to touch divinity ,and where everything that exists - as the Isha
they are repeatedly expressed. For example, grief or joy exhausts After the meditation, my mother noticed something yellow on
Vasya Upanishad tells us - are indeed the thousand forms of the
when expressed through tears; the pitta (fire element) of the body my eyelids. When I went to the mirror, I saw that chandan had
one all-embracing Consciousness. appeared on my eyelids!
exhausts itself through anger; the lust energy exhausts itself through
sexual act, the power of speech exhausts itself in his very saliva We do not use chandan in our home, so I was really shocked, and
the moment words are uttered. All these energies of expression when we tested it, we found that the chandan was real and fragrant.
become exhausted as soon as one uses them. I thank Swamiji for giving us these experiences, which are beyond
my comprehension and capabilities.
An Avatar’s energy of expression cannot be exhausted through any
of these means (or any means), because He is the inexhaustible Thank you Swamiji.
Source of energy in human form. That is why He is the ultimate
human form fit to perform prana pratishtha.

Once a deity has been ‘awakened’ through the process of prana

pratishtha, it becomes a concentrated energy. Whatever action we
perform in this space is very intense, due to the presence of this

AVATAR SHASTRA 108 109 Chapter 4: Prana Pratishtha

Chapter 5

Face-to-Face with the Cosmos

he word ‘darshan’ means ‘to have a glimpse of.’

Darshan is traditionally used to describe the moment when

we behold a deity, an Avatar, a saint or an enlightened
Darshan can manifest in many forms
1. Physical - in the presence of an enlightened Master or an Avatar

2. Physical - in the presence of an energized deity

The experience of darshan is highly revered in the Vedic tradition, 3. Perceptual - An intermediate level (between 2 & 3) would be the
as just seeing such a being can cleanse the karmas of lifetimes, and darshan of the ishtadevata or deity in the form of the Master (e.g.
create a deep and lasting transformation in the receiver. people seeing Sai Baba or Meenakshi in Swamiji’s form). This is not
directly perceiving, but using the existing form to project / perceive
Darshan is something far beyond mere physical ‘seeing’. Like many
the desired form. It could be a mental projection which is the result
mystical Sanskrit words, it is a word that cannot be translated;
of a deep yearning on the part of the devotee, or an actual vision
rather, it has to be experienced.
granted by the deity or saint, who makes himself available on the
astral level.
Darshan is ever-present
4. Perceptual - in the form of a previous incarnation now no longer
in the physical body e.g. Mahavatar Babaji.
Darshan is actually the powerful superconscious vibration that is
present around an Avatar at all times. 5. Perceptual - in the form of the image of a deity (ishtadevata).
Perception can happen in the waking, dream or meditative state.
Although we usually speak of ‘getting’ the darshan of an evolved
soul, an Avatar does not actually ‘give’ darshan - He simply radiates 6. An instantaneous and direct intuitive grasp of the formless
darshan. Just as the sun continuously radiates light, whether consciousness. This is rare; it usually happens through the
anybody is present to receive it or not, the Avataric consciousness intervention of the Guru, or very rarely, spontaneously. This is
is forever radiating its presence. The auspicious moment when called Anupaya.
each receiver is able to ‘catch’ it becomes the moment of darshan
for that individual.

AVATAR SHASTRA 110 111 Chapter 5: Darshan

Science of Darshan My life is like a dream come true Entanglement, Entrainment,
The breathing space of an Avatar is like an extension of His physical Nandini, Tumkur, India
body. It is a living healing energy field. A receptive devotee can Phone no: 91-9910717649
The science of quantum entanglement, entrainment and
momentarily experience the expanded space of the Avatar, or a
enlightenment can be elucidated further.
deity energized by Him. This allows the transmission of Cosmic
I had many problems in life. My father was an alcoholic, my
energy into the devotee’s space. Infusion of this energy results in
sister was divorced with a child who was getting into a street
quantum entanglement, and causes the neurons of the devotee to gang, my mother was sick, and my father’s business was bad. I
mirror the space of perpetual completion radiating from the Avatar struggled to run both my father’s business and my own tailor
In physics, quantum entanglement usually occurs between
or energized deity, at a biological level. shop.
energetic subatomic particles.
Mirror neurons are special neurons that can observe and mimic I had very severe pain during periods, to the extent that I would
vomit and faint and would have to go to the hospital. A thought too is nothing but a small packet of energy released by the
the actions of other neurons through imitation. But unlike classical
cells in the form of subatomic particles. Scientifically, the thought-
imitation, mirror neurons can activate and process all the observed I came to a weekend program of Swami Nithyananda and wrote
free space of an Avatar would be filled with virtual particles, unlike
movements or information without the physical act of imitation. about all my problems to Swamiji. When He read my letter at
darshan, he blessed me and promised me that he would take care that of a thought-ful human mind.
That is, the entire body can silently and without movement,
of everything.
recreate what is happening elsewhere, through a process of The absence of thoughts in the Avatar would not allow
direct observation. This is what happens during darshan as well as Within just three months, my menstrual pain completely entanglement to be transferred from the thought energy of the
deeksha, which we will discuss later. stopped, and I have had normal periods ever since then. devotee into the Avatar’s mind. On the other hand, due to the
My father suddenly stopped drinking and began to take care of high energy of the Avatar, the virtual particles having no thought
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
his business. Money began to flow into his business. patterns would rush to fill the space of the devotee, entangling
“When you come in my breathing space, suddenly, your My own business also suddenly took a jump start, and within six
with the devotee’s thought particles and creating entangled virtual
mind gets entangled with my no-mind. Entanglement months I was able to completely pay off the loan I had taken to particles in the devotee, leading to a temporary no-mind state.
is only in the thought level. If your muscle-memory start it.
Darshan also has lasting effects, because the quantum correlation
During quantum entanglement, the entangled particles acquire between the two systems (ie. the Avatar and the disciple) survives
gets entangled with my muscle-memory, it is called
My sister’s son stopped fighting and suddenly began to study well oneness in action, irrespective of their separation in space. This their separation in time as well as space. So the Avatar’s space
entrainment. And if your bio-memory gets entangled in school. Today he is a healthy, respectful young man. is what Albert Einstein termed ‘spooky action at a distance’, and continues to influence the disciple’s space for an extended period
with my bio-memory, it becomes enlightenment.
My sister got a job training and also started a successful business. offers an explanation for the phenomenon of long-distance healing after darshan. This would explain the delayed effects of darshan
Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment
by the Avatar. recorded in certain devotees, who continue to experience an
becomes enlightenment.” Today I am happy, healthy and financially comfortable. My life
is like a dream come true! accelerated speed of healing of diseases for weeks or sometimes
months following a single darshan.
I offer my gratitude every day to Swamiji.

The simultaneous and synchronous movement of energy in two or
more biological systems is called Entrainment. This phenomenon
can easily be studied on the brain waves using the EEG technique.
A similar process can happen at all cellular levels (not just neurons),
and would still be considered Entrainment.

AVATAR SHASTRA 112 113 Chapter 5: Darshan

life force called the biological energy. An Avatar being a pure
expression of Cosmic energy, His very core physiology is different
Swamiji healed my incurable I have not felt this good in 30 years
at the genetic level from that of a normal person. Transmission of skin-nervous disorder
the Avatar’s bio-energy into the disciple effects the fundamental
physiological changes necessary for the disciple to experience the
Name: Vimal Patel Name: Graciela I. Rodriguez
state of Enlightenment.
Location: Austin, USA Location: Cd. Juarez, Mexico

How to receive Darshan Email: Email:

The important thing in darshan is not ‘what to do’, but ‘how to be’.
As mentioned earlier, darshan cannot be given, but it may be ‘drawn’ I used to have an abnormal tissue on the skin, near the throat,
I had a mysterious skin-nervous disorder, which was only recently
from the Source by the receiver, by tuning into this superconsicous labeled a disease by the CDC, due to its unknown and controversial for three or four years. After receiving darshan and blessings from
vibration. nature. It is so controversial that only a few physicians even try to Swamiji, the growth fell off by itself!
treat patients within the USA, while others look the other way. My diabetes has also improved much and I know it will completely
Darshan is a powerful cleansing process that brings up the
unconscious mind to the receiver’s conscious scrutiny. The intense Symptoms ranged from unfamiliar particles arising from the skin disappear soon.
vibration of darshan causes the hidden layers of the unconscious to and unexplainable skin cuts, to major nervous system problems, To tell the truth, I have not felt this good in 30 years!
which caused me to experience what felt like bugs crawling, electric
erupt, releasing both physical and psychic blocks in the receiver’s
jolts, high sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies (from any
system and cutting through the layers of unconscious negative electronic item), muscle aches and fatigue.
patterns built up over lifetimes. His physiology can actually change
in the presence of the Cosmic Consciousness, and his bio-memory
I was very confused, frustrated, scared and shocked by what was My deep depression disappeared in a moment
happening; I had no clue what was going on, and when, if at all,
effortlessly ‘learns’ the expression of enlightenment. I would be rid of this. The entire situation caused a lot of tension
within my family, as I chose unorthodox natural treatments. Finally, Rupa, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
For the receiver who is ready, darshan can be the moment of
this condition prevented me from going to work for a long period
permanent and irreversible transformation. of time.
Darshan in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s words: After Swamiji compassionately blessed me during Pada Puja When my aunt died, I went into total depression and was crying all
darshan and gave me the assurance that He would take care, I was the time. I thought that there was no more life for me without her.
“I always say, ‘Darshan is the enlightenment technique
healed completely in less than three months! Yes, what CDC labels Within four days after her death, Swamiji came to Seattle and I
for lazy people!’ as ‘incurable’ was now completely healed by the grace of the Master! attended the Nithyananda Spurana Program. The energy darshan
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says beautifully, ‘If you I don’t even want to think about what would have happened to me at the end of the program was simply amazing. I told Swamiji that
if Swamiji was not with me! His compassion and blessings have no I am very sad. He just gave me a compassionate hug. At that very
want to scare away some birds sitting on a tree, you
limits. I am so grateful, and even now, simply beyond words! moment, I could feel that all my sadness suddenly disappeared! It
don’t have to do it one by one. Just clap loudly once, and was surely not a normal hug from a human being; it was like a hug
all the birds on the tree will fly away.’ Thank you Swamiji, Thank you! Pranam to Your lotus feet! from God!

In the same way, in the Master’s presence, you don’t I was just in bliss after that, and I could see the huge difference
have to work on your samskaras (engraved memories) between before the commencement of the program and after
one by one. You don’t have to work so hard! The Master’s completing the program. Amazing! Thank you Swamiji…
Enlightenment I have no words for your compassion.
powerful darshan is the one ‘clap’ that can destroy all
At the tiniest of biological levels, which are molecular or sub- your samskaras once and for all!
molecular, energy is stored and transmitted in the form of the

114 115 Chapter 5: Darshan
Preparation for Darshan In fact, this space of approaching darshan is akin to an internal Darshan in Large Congregations If you keep five such mirrors in front of a single light, the
tirtha (pilgrimage), which is far superior to the external tirtha. illumination is going to be five-fold, because five mirrors
Large congregations influenced by the presence of Avatars or are reflecting the light, and the whole area is lit intensely.
The Darshanopanishad, which is part of the Sama Veda, clearly Darshan serves as a conduit for the constant inflow of Cosmic saints, or massive events like the Kumbh Mela (the largest spiritual
spells out the preparation a devotee can make to get the maximum energy, allowing one to maintain continuous awareness in all the congregation on the planet) open up the space of the seeker or Now, if 10,000 mirrors are kept in front of the same light,
out of darshan: states of being - wakefulness, dream, deep sleep and beyond. devotee due to the highly charged atmosphere and the mirror- can you even imagine what will happen?
♦♦ Tapas (Spiritual discipline) neuron effect happening on millions of people at the same time.
Once darshan has become a complete initiation within the receiver, In the same way, when 10,000 people sit in the
♦♦ Santosha (Completion)
it is possible to receive darshan in any of these states. Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes this phenomenon: Master’s presence in an unclutched® space, the same
♦♦ Astikya (Conviction in the existence of the Divine)
Superconsciousness is reflected 10,000-fold, and an
♦♦ Dana (Benevolence towards all) The Master is like a radiating light. Your body and mind is intense Superconscious energy field is created. If 10,000
♦♦ Ishvara Pujana (Gratitude to the Divine) like a mirror. When you sit in an unclutched® way in the bodies and minds focus themselves on the Master’s
♦♦ Siddhanta Shravana (Listening to the Truth) Master’s presence, all your bodies and minds become Consciousness, it becomes equivalent to 10,000
♦♦ Hri (Humility) mirrors reflecting the Master’s Consciousness. They get enlightened beings sitting in samadhi. This is what I call
♦♦ Mati (Faith built on conviction) focused like laser beams, aligned and polarized towards creating Shambhala on planet Earth!
♦♦ Japa (Constant remembrance of the Divine) the Master’s Consciousness. So his bio-energy is simply
transmitted into you. Your body becomes light and just
flows in the ether.

AVATAR SHASTRA 116 117 Chapter 5: Darshan

I got a job again with Swamiji’s blessings Impossible to express in words My stomach pain was healed in a dream! Swamiji healed my alcoholism
through a dream darshan!
Legal name: Magdalena
Legal name: Mayooran Jeyalogainthiran Legal name: Subha Kalyanasundaram
Spiritual name: Sanghavasini Spiritual name: Ma Nithya
Location: Doha, Qatar Location: Atlanta, United States Avantikananda
Location: Canada
Email: Email: Location: Wroclaw, Poland


It all happened a few years back, somewhere around 2011-2012. Receiving Swamiji’s darshan is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. For nearly a year, I was suffering with severe stomach pain, followed I had big issue with alcohol addiction for a few years.
Pretty much any word I utter to try to explain it will not do it any by diarrhea at least 4 to 5 times in a day.
My dad passed away in 2008, I was halfway into my University The nature of my work was such that I had free access to alcohol,
studies, and my sister was in school. We had very difficult times. My Doctors did all kinds of tests but were not able to diagnose the cause and I never refused to drink when invited. Alcohol made me feel
mom and my sister lived together. I was in Malaysia. I visited them I am filled with intense joy and love which is impossible to express for the condition. bad, but even then I continued to drink, especially to release my
every year during my break. in words. I believe that this is just a taste of my true nature, anxiety.
unobscured by the mind and ego. I decided to request Swamiji for healing when he visited the USA.
Once when I went back home for holidays, I saw that my mom One night, Swamiji came to me in my dream and spoke to me, and
was listening to Swamiji’s commentary on The Bhagavad Gita, and Thank you Swamiji, for making it so easy and possible for us to Towards the end of 2009, Swamiji visited North Carolina. I went showed me how bad that habit was for me. The most incredible
some of his discourses. Some of them I helped download for her, but experience our divinity beyond our human conditions, and for there and attended a one-day program called ‘Kalpataru.’ I had thing is that I had never been in Swamiji’s physical presence until
I didn’t ask her why she was listening to his speech. permanently unlocking the doors to our highest potential!” decided to ask him to heal me during darshan. then! After that dream, I started naturally losing the attraction to
But finally, when it was my turn and I went near Swamiji, I just felt alcohol, and soon dropped it.
She used to tell me how his discourses are good for life and
everything. I just nodded my head and didn’t take it seriously. Both it to be too silly to ask such a great incarnation to heal my stomach Later on, I had a privilege to spend one year in Swamiji’s ashram,
my mom and my sister started following Swamiji’s teachings and pain! So I did not ask him anything. I just received his blessings and and I can confirm that my life has changed a lot in a positive way
they said they could really feel his Presence. He is there with them came back to Atlanta. and is still changing every day.
and guiding them. I said, “It’s up to you guys. I won’t say anything.
A couple of days later, Swamiji appeared in my dream! In my dream, In deepest gratitude to Swamiji!
It’s your wish to follow your own way.”
I told him about my stomach pain, and he touched my stomach
Last year I attended an online program with Swamiji in Sri Lanka lightly and said, “You will be alright.”
via two-way conferencing. At that time, our family was financially
very weak, as I had been out of a job for a very long time. An explosion of bliss The next morning I woke up and found that I do not have that pain
The first time I got to speak to Swamiji online during darshan, I
What a miracle!! He healed me in my dream! I feel worthy and happy
asked him, ‘When will I get a job?’ Rose Mary Benzaquen, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Till today, I have never experienced that pain again.
Swamiji blessed me and said, ‘You will get a job within one month.’ Tricia Royall, Scottsdale, AZ USA
Words are not enough to convey my gratitude to my Swamiji. His
As he said, I did get a job within one month! When I an in the Master’s presence, it is so easy to enter into
compassion is beyond words.
meditation. Or it is an explosion of energy and bliss..! In Swamiji’s presence, the smiles begin… I feel this life of mine is worth
My gratitude to Swamiji for blessing me with a job when my family
living… such a great relief that He is walking the planet with me. I feel
and I really needed it. Swamiji always makes me feel complete.
worthy and happy!!

AVATAR SHASTRA 118 119 Chapter 5: Darshan

I received many visions from Swamiji blessed me in a dream though Swamiji gave me darshan before I ever met Him! He called me to him in a dream vision
Swamiji before his real-life darshan! I had not seen him
Devi, Coimbatore, India Name: Radhika Panikar
Name: Vimal Patel Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya
Name: Sharmila Malla
I first came to know about Swamiji in 2014 from a friend, and was Location: Austin, USA Priyaadvaitha
Location: Nepal aspiring to meet Him in person. The first time in my life, I prayed
Email: Location: USA
to Him before sleep and went to bed. It was a very simple prayer of
just 1 minute, asking for His blessings. Email:

That night in my dream, I saw Him walking towards me, with his
one hand up as if He is blessing me.
Even before ever having Swamiji’s darshan, I would frequently see On the night of Ganesh Chaturthi in 2010, before I met Swamiji,
Even before meeting Swamiji, I used to be a meditator and received Till then, I never met Him in person. I hadn’t watched His discourses flashes of Swamiji smiling during my meditation. I had a vision. I remember wearing white and running down a
many visions from Swamiji, in my meditation and during dreams. in Youtube , and I didn’t even have His photo. I only know His name path with many others. I remember feeling like a child running to
and nothing else. But He graciously responded to my simple prayer Another vision I had was of Swamiji sitting on his seat, smiling and
One day in dhyan (meditation), I saw the form of Swamiji sitting her parents’ house to play. That was the exact feeling of joy and
and visited me in my dream. in bliss! He then turned to his right, picked up a clear white water-
in his dark brown kavi robes, and behind him was Durga Devi freedom, with no agenda!
bottle that was on a stand and drank some water, during what
standing with her many hands, and a beautiful white swan with a Later I came to know that He visits His devotees in ethereal form seemed like a meditation session. I remember also sitting in a car with a sannyasi in the front seat. As
golden anklet walking in front of him. during sleep. we passed in the car, I saw a black statue to my left. I couldn’t make
Later I saw some videos of Swamiji on youtube, but had not had a
At that time I wondered who he was! A week later, I attended NKY session at Bidadi and got His blessings out exactly what it was! It seemed like a man and woman together.
chance to meet Him physically.
in person. The next feeling I had was I was like in a magnetic field! I felt a
Years later, after meeting Swamiji physically, I came to know that I One day I was very sad. I felt that I was so alone that there was
was blessed with that vision on Ardhanarishwara Day (signifying He gave me energy darshan and cured a long-standing illness which perfect state inside my skin, which did not waver for a second. It
nobody there to support me.
the fusion of the cosmic masculine and feminine energies, Shiva and I had for almost 10 years. was like a permanent state of joy - something beyond joy!
Devi). I immediately picked up a photo of Swamiji which I kept with me,
Next, I run into a hall and I see Swamiji with a turban welcoming
knowing He is the only one there for me. I grabbed it and hugged it,
Another day, while traveling with my husband in a car, I happened all of us. He says something which I cannot hear, but I remember
placing it in my heart area.
to close my eyes for a few minutes. I had a vision of Swamiji dancing three words, “Come to me!”
very swiftly and putting a red flower garland on me. Immediately, I felt an intense amount of heat and energy in my
There are lots of people in the hall, singing English and Hindi
In another vision, Devi appeared from the right side of Swamiji and
A blessing in itself heart area. It was so much energy!
devotional songs, and suddenly, people start to dance. Swamiji
got fused back with him. Swamiji was wearing a tiger skin in that I was a little shocked, because I was not expecting it, and didn’t even was sometimes there and sometimes He disappeared! I began to
vision. know it could happen! dance with some lady, and then I break away and dance in the
Glenn Walbridge, Sedona, USA
most beautiful, ecstatic and uninhibited way, without boundaries,
One day, I woke up from sleep hearing Swamiji’s super-loud laughter I’ve never had an experience like that from a ‘mere’ picture. I felt as joyfully! The dream ended and I woke up feeling the perfect pitch of
– HAHAHAHAHA! Only much later, only when I experienced my if He was physically there, giving me darshan and healing. happiness still resonating in my skin.
first Kalabhairava darshan with Swamiji, I came to know that as During darshan, I realized that receiving the fully focused attention
of a realized Master is a blessing in itself. And knowing that just Thank you Swamiji for the experience! Later, when I visited the Bengaluru Aadheenam for the very first
Kalabhairava, he laughs like this.
through a request, I can ask this monumental power to focus on my time, I walked to the temple and saw the Dakshinamurthy deity
I am grateful to Swamiji for granting me these beautiful visions and specific need, is just amazing to me. and I felt as though He smiled at me. This was the beginning of my
experiences even before I met Him physically. journey with Swamiji - or the ‘official’ beginning as I knew it then,
I have experienced complete protection and support, and I know of God knows how many lifetimes!
that it was purely Swamiji’s grace and I had no part in it.

AVATAR SHASTRA 120 121 Chapter 5: Darshan

Swamiji revealed himself in a dream! Swamiji came to me two years before I heard of him

Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda

Name: Vadwatee Enal
Location: Bengaluru, India
Location: Trinidad & Tobago

In my early twenties, about two years before I ever saw Swamiji’s During December 2009 Inner Awakening, we had one process of I have had too many experiences with Swamiji even before knowing Around April 2014, I had the vision of a Swami walking with me
picture or heard His name, I had a dream that I was standing on the Zen Sitting at the same location at the ashram (Manasarovar) that about him, but don’t know how to put them in words. But I will try wherever I was going, I thought I was hallucinating.
edge of a small pond, surrounded by people. truly stunned me. Ashramites who were dressed as I saw in my to share a few!
Around July 2014, I had visions of this place with a long walkway
dream joined us for the process.
Some wore orange robes and others were dressed in white with In September or October 2012, my sister Sumatee Enal was leading to a wall and a big tree behind it. There were men in orange
yellow and orange scarves. They were all staring at a small round When the process began, Swamiji was taken to the small round conducting shraadh homa for the first time. clothes running around busily. I did not know what this was about.
island in the middle of the water. island in the middle of the Sarovar on a paddle boat.
I did not know Swamiji then. I was sitting with the rest of my family Then in August 2014 my sister Savitri who lives in Austin, Texas,
HE was sitting on that island. I kept thinking about my dream. while the homa was happening and suddenly I went into a trance. told us about this Swamiji she was listening to, and that she and a
friend were going to meet him in India.
As soon as I saw Him, I felt an intense burning urge to reach Him. I was silently crying, thinking I would never “reach Him,” because I felt someone behind me; I could only see his frame and he was
It was so overwhelming that I literally jumped into the water and even after finding Him alive and in form, I was still on the sidelines, hugeee!!!!!, talllll!!!!, and a tiger skin was around his waist. I Before I really understood what was happening, everything was
started to swim towards that island. He was still unreachable. perceived him to be Lord Shiva, but he seemed different. He asked lined up for me to do Inner Awakening in October 2014! My sister
permission to do something with my spine, and for some reason I Sumatee paid for me, arrangements were made to take care of our
I could hear the people on the shore yelling at me to come back, and Suddenly, He took the microphone, and said something like, “This just said Yes! mother and home, and everything just happened.
then He announced in a booming voice, “Come! Come! Come!” is a sweet suffering for you. I’m right here, so close, but still so far
away. Come! Come! Reach Me!” I felt something move in my spine, and from that day my visions When I met Swamiji physically for the first time in October 2014
I swam harder, then heard Him laughing, “Why haven’t you reached
were very pronounced. Many, many incidents happened, too much IA, we did pada puja on the very first day of IA, first thing in the
Me yet?” Somehow, though, no matter how fast I swam, He only got In that moment, I realized this was a technique, and that reaching to share. morning. During the pada puja I saw that this was the tall person
further away. Him would be not only realizing a goal; it would be realizing total who came to me in 2012!
fulfillment. In February-March 2014, I started to make preparations to travel,
He also laughed, saying, “I’m right here, but so far away.” ie. getting my passport in order, etc., but I had no clue why.
I started to swim even more furiously, trying as hard as I could, in
vain, to get to Him. Finally, I woke up.

AVATAR SHASTRA 122 123 Chapter 5: Darshan

Swamiji materialized in my home one morning! Swamiji healed my nightmare by entering it!

Name: Abirami Paramanathan

Name: Ma Nithya Swaroopananda
Location: Toronto, Canada
Location: LA, USA

Swami Nithyananda has helped and is helping me in many ways.

The very first time Swamiji made Himself known to me in this I tried to speak but no words came out of my mouth – I had no I heard about Swami Nithyananda in 2009 from a family friend
lifetime was in a dream darshan. voice! who asked me to watch his YouTube videos.
It was pre-dawn time, around 4:30 am in the month of February I vividly remember pinching myself with my left hand on the upper At that time, for 3 years, I was suffering from powerful nightmares
in 2004. I awoke to find a strangely dressed person wearing saffron forearm of my right hand to check whether what I was seeing was that sometimes shook me physically. After the very first day of
robes, with long shoulder-length hair, standing at the foot of my bed real or my imagination. After a few moments of our exchange, I watching one of his YouTube videos, I was again suffering with a
and smiling at me. closed my eyes and re-opened them, and He was no longer there. nightmare that was shaking me physically in my bed. I felt I was
You can imagine the medley of emotions churning within me - fear, Later that month, a friend of ours who had just returned from inside a horror movie. I was able to see so much chaos happening
curiosity, shock, apprehension. My husband, totally oblivious, was India shared with me about a particular Swamiji’s program to visit in the nightmare.
fast asleep on the other side of the bed. Columbus, Ohio, and asked whether I would like to invite Him to Then I saw a small light in the middle of the nightmare. This small
my home for a meal. I immediately gave my consent there and then, light kept getting bigger and bigger, until it covered the whole area
I vividly remember staring back into those mesmerizing eyes and
without even bothering to consult with my husband. in front of my vision. Inside this light I saw Swami Nithyananda
eager to unfold and understand this mysterious visitor. Even though
I had all along been connected with religious missions, and had She went and brought two books for me that she had just received. sitting like Lord Shiva, with a tiger skin on his shoulders.
seen sadhus and saints before, the person in front of me was very I took the books and turned one of them around, and saw a small Then He said very powerfully in Tamil, “Athai ippa niruthu” which
different from them. picture of Swamiji. Something in my heart just jumped right out means “Stop that NOW”. As soon as He said this, the nightmare
and connected with that photograph – it was the same person who vanished, and the screen became very calm, and I went into deep
My elder brother and father were both very dear to me and not alive
had appeared before me a few days ago! sleep after a very long time.
any more. For a moment, He resembled my brother and then next
moment, my father. I don’t know how to express it, but it was an instantaneous The next day I shared this with my mother and said, “This Swamiji
connection. I felt such overwhelming joy. Again, I did not share is very powerful”.
I had been in deep depression trying to figure out what I was doing in
this with anyone, not even with the friend who gave me the books.
this lifetime and not making much sense of it all. I do not remember I met Swamiji physically for the first time about three months after
I left, went home and read both the books, back to back – I can’t
for how long I stared back into those deep, compassionate eyes, but this incident.
remember how many times.
it was long enough to fill me with ease and comfort.
Later, I had the good fortune to see Swamiji physically when He
traveled to the USA and attend many of His programs, and have
now become a lifelong devotee of Swamiji!

AVATAR SHASTRA 124 125 Chapter 5: Darshan

Chapter 6

The Power of Initiation

I n the field of science, all that exists, whether manifest or

unmanifest, is called a probability. Everything in life remains
a probability (wave function), until that moment when an
observer observes it, thereby collapsing the probability wave into
a particle. This concept of quantum mechanics applies as much to
Deeksha is the direct transfer of spiritual energy by an Avatar
through a look, a word or a touch, which destroys the ignorance of
the initiate or disciple.

As thousands of people are discovering at Paramahamsa

Nithyananda’s life-changing programs, an Avatar can, with a single
sub-atomic particles as to obviously visible structures like trees,
gesture, cause a spontaneous, incredible transformation on every
rocks, humans, etc.
level: the miraculous healing of diseases, the cognition of subtle
truths, mystical experiences, the completion of karmas, conscious
Deeksha or initiation is a scientific technique wherein the Avatar
ecstasy and restful awareness can happen in a matter of minutes!
collapses the infinite possibilities and probabilities of our mundane
existence into the single reality of peak existence or enlightenment. Deeksha is the most effortless and blissful way to raise one’s
spiritual frequency. A moment’s initiation received in a mood of
The human being is a composite structure of body (matter), mind
intense surrender can bring about more irreversible transformation
(subtler matter) and pure Consciousness - which is nothing but an
in one’s life than years of meditation and spiritual practice.
exact replica of the universe itself.

Naturally, the peak possibility of our existence is to merge our Types of Deeksha
individual ‘self’ with the universal energy of the Cosmos, where
differentiation no longer exists, and the state of Advaita is The Guru can initiate one in three ways:
♦♦ Through a look (nayana deeksha or chakshu deeksha)
♦♦ Through a word (mantra deeksha)
Deeksha is the Seed of Possibility ♦♦ Through a touch (sparsha deeksha)

The Sanksrit word deeksha is derived from the root ‘da’ (to give)
and‘kshi’ (to destroy ignorance) – which loosely translates as

AVATAR SHASTRA 126 127 Chapter 6: Deeksha

Levels of Deeeksha
Deeksha works on three levels:

4 The conscious mind

4 The unconscious mind

4 The physical body and brain

Even in the absence of a Guru, the conscious mind can be cleared

by the right teachings, by removing the wrong ideas and taking in
clear, correct ideas.

The unconscious mind can be cleansed by cathartic processes and

meditation techniques.

But ultimately, for the software change to be permanent, the

hardware also has to change. The very brain grooves have to
change to hold and radiate the experience of living enlightenment.

It is now known that the brain can actually rewire itself to

accommodate newly-learnt programs on a permanent basis. This
complete phrase or shloka.
is called neuroplasticity. This is the process that happens in the
The repetition of the mantra given by the Guru is called japa. brain through deeksha.

There exist various levels of japa, from the gross external recitation
Nayana Deeksha Every nayana deeksha results in spontaneous healing, cognitive (vaikhari) to mental recitation (madhyama), to the subtle effortless
shifts and spiritual clarity, proving again and again that time and repetition (paraavak). This is the ultimate form, also known as
For the receptive disciple, who has already expanded his inner space are no barriers to the power of an Avatar’s initiation. ajapa-japa or spontaneous japa, which allows the bio-energy of
space, a mere look from the eyes of the Guru into the eyes of the Cosmos to flow into the system, realigning the bio-memory
the disciple transmits the Cosmic energy from the Guru into the and muscle-memory to reach the desired goal, which can be
Mantra Deeksha
disciple, often allowing the disciple a transient experience of the anything from health to enlightenment.
entire Cosmos (brahmanda). Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
For highly receptive seekers, even a side-glance from the Guru’s Manah trayate sa mantrah Sparsha Deeksha
eyes is an initiation. Such a glance is revered in Vedic tradition as
The words or truths which show the way to man’s mind This is a technique of initiation wherein the Master initiates
‘guru kataaksham.’
are mantras. Mantra is the way to liberation, the way to the disciple through touch, using his thumb or palm to directly
Today, thanks to modern video-conferencing technologies, the higher Consciousness, the way to higher experiences. transmit his bio-energy into the disciple’s system. The bio-energy
devotees around the world gather daily in Nithyanandeshwara so transferred awakens the kundalini energy or resident potential
The word ‘mantra’ is a derivative of the word ‘maatrika’, sounds
Hindu Temples (Aadheenams) and global satsang centers to energy of the disciple.
which carry a specific conscious vibrational energy. They may
receive nayana deeksha from Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
be as small as a single syllable or bija mantra (seed syllable), or a

AVATAR SHASTRA 128 129 Chapter 6: Deeksha

When the Guru touches and initiates a person, not only is the Thus, initiation or Deeksha involves the laws of physics, chemistry
software of enlightened physiology downloaded into him, but the and biology, all at the same time.
hardware, the brain itself, is tuned to hold this new software. If he
is completely open during the touch, the software of enlightened Science behind the three types of
physiology can be downloaded into him, changing the very
physiology. His body learns that it can be better than what it is now. Deekshas
With the energy of the Master, both the hardware and software
can be totally changed. Let us now take a deeper look at the science behind the three types
of deekshas or initiations:
The inflow of pure Cosmic energy that happens through the body
of a living Avatar is bio-energy. Such an uninterrupted flow of bio-
energy can happen in us only after all the blockages in our channels
Nayana Deeksha
and energy centers are purified. Nayana Deeksha, which does not involve touch and can be
The deepest of these blockages, some of which are inherited conducted across large distances, would use the principle of the
(genetic), and some of which are strong enough to influence the presence of mirror neurons in the disciple being able to reflect the
function of our genes (gene expression), are referred to as bio- energy projected by the living Avatar. This form of initiation begins
memory, and are usually difficult to cleanse without the help of at the level of the brain, leading to entrainment and coherence of
a guru or a living Avatar. The more superficial blockages created the projected energy from the Avatar.
by our fears, emotions and mental patterns are called muscle- During deeksha, the projected bio-energy from the Avatar could
memory, and can be worked upon through meditation or cathartic be in the form of a sankalpa (a conscious concentrated energy),
techniques under the guidance of the Guru. a nissankalpa (a pure intentionless energy), or the release of bio-
Science of Deeksha
Deeksha is a deeply mystical process, but it can be explained to
some extent using quantum mechanics and molecular biology
(Quantum Biology). Physical energy follows the laws of physics,
be it Newtonian or Quantum. Thus, the fundamental principles
like the conservation of energy remain the same. The sum total
It is now known that every cell of the body produces a small Mantra Deeksha
quantity of energy in the form of photons, which travel at the speed
of the energy in the universe is always the same; energy can be In Mantra Deeksha, the chanting of the special mantra creates
of light. In a normal cell, the quantum of photons is very small or
transformed from one form to another, but can never be destroyed subtle vibrations which are in tune with the ambient Cosmic energy
negligible; however, in an Avatar, the quantum of photons could
permanently. of Shiva, with spanda as a fundamental potential energy on the
be so high as to make a visual and physical impact on the disciple.
Once energy reaches a biological system, like a human being, it is In fact, the explanation of Shiva’s Third Eye burning the negative verge of manifesting as Shakti.
transformed into various forms and expressions of the biological elements of Nature by its mere opening is suggestive of the power
During Mantra Deeksha, the Avatar intuitively selects the seed
energy, which may be electrical or chemical in nature. This in of a coherent laser beam.
syllable or mantra that resonates with the natural vibrational
turn changes the expression of the very physiology of the cell at a frequency of the disciple, and impregnates it with His own pure bio-
molecular level, which can express as changes in gene, signaling energy, which will automatically raise the disciple to the next level
proteins, the formation of usable energy in the form of ATP and so

AVATAR SHASTRA 130 131 Chapter 6: Deeksha

of Consciousness. The mantra may be the name of the disciple’s If I do the process using this hoom sound, all your lust
ishta or favored deity (for the devotionally oriented disciple) or an memories will fall into proper cognizance. It means,
Upanishadic truth (for the intellectually oriented disciple), or even you will take cognizance of it as much as your natural
just a seed syllable which works at the pure level of being. prarabdha can allow.

It must be mentioned here that the entire transmission of sacred All your muscle-memories can be opened only if the
knowledge and sciences in the Vedic tradition was through an password is aligned. Otherwise it will be chaos. You
awe-inspiring oral system of memorization and reproduction. The won’t know which memory will open up in which context,
shastrapalakas (protectors of the sacred scriptures) passed on this because it is not under your control. Sometimes, a person
legacy of information down the ages through their commentaries who creates love in you will create anger instead, and
on the shruti (divine revelations), which were known as smriti. people who have abused you will create romance in you.

The reason for the oral transmission of the Truth was evidently not a When I tune your muscle-memory, thousands of
lack of efficiency or sophistication, as a succinct and highly evolved unnecessary muscle-memories will be practically
written tradition also flourished in parallel with it, in the form of flushed out of your system, and only those memories
the Vedas and Upanishads. Rather, it worked on the principle that which you want to cherish will remain alive.
Sound is the most fundamental unit of energy which allows for the Paramahamsa Nithyananda says (as part of a process):
transition into matter. During oral communication, not only is the Now I am going to guide you using some unique powerful Sparsha Deeksha
meaning of the words communicated, but the very vibrations of the sounds, and inject those sounds into your muscle-
word are imprinted in the bio-memory of the receiver or student. memory to clean it out. You will see how even the small In Sparsha Deeksha, the Cosmic energy already present as bio-
knots in every muscle-memory are removed. energy (Kundalini Shakti) in the Avatar or Guru is directly transferred
Sanskrit being a highly sophisticated and phonetic language, the
to the disciple, leading to the opening up of the dormant energy of
very sounds are embedded with the subtle aspect of their meaning. Understand: your entire muscle memory is made out of the disciple and awakening him achieve his true potential.
Thus, a truth transmitted orally from a Guru to a receptive disciple sound. Each muscle-memory, emotion, experience, has
would directly penetrate and alter the bio-memory of the disciple, certain passwords. With the energy transfer, changes take place at the chemical level
without even the need for active participation from the disciple’s in the disciple, initiating the production of signaling molecules,
logical faculties. For example, your whole lust muscle-memory is neurotransmitters (like hormones) etc.. This in turn works at the
experienced through only one sound – ‘hoom’. Unless very basis of molecular biology by transforming and realigning the
Mantras (syllables carrying a conscious vibration), shastras that sound is awakened, your lust memories cannot be genetic material of the cell, allowing it to express healthy desirable
(expositions of the Truth), stotras (expressions of devotional removed. Same way, all your love memory is recorded products and suppress those that are deleterious to the body. We
ecstasy) and sutras (compact spiritual techniques) were all with the password ‘lumm’. will be looking extensively at the effects of sparsha deeksha in later
transmitted orally from Guru to disciple as part of a committed
Even if you have a thousand memories, a thousand chaters of this book.
learning process. Apart from embedding the meaning of the words
in the bio-memory of the disciple, this form of transmission carried documents related to a particular emotion, you cannot
the power to raise the vibrational frequency of the learner, simply retrieve even one memory out of your computer if you Techniques of Deeksha
through his listening and repetition. Learners were frequently ‘eka- don’t have the password. Mantras are the passwords of
santa-grahis’, able to imbibe and reproduce an entire lesson after your body. Deekshas at the initial level include:
a single listening. Several students of Nithyananda GurukulSM have Your body is not just a computer; it is a live internet 4 Shiva Deeksha - being initiated into the lifestyle of Shiva
also demonstrated this rare capability. connection. If you have the passwords, you can download
information not only from your own bio-memory, but 4 Shravana - pure Listening
from the Cosmic bio-memory itself! 4 Purnatva - Completion

AVATAR SHASTRA 132 133 Chapter 6: Deeksha

The Yajur Veda, a primary sacred text of the Vedic civilization, spiritual fulfillment.
4 Vak siddhi – manifestation through the power of words Kundalini AwakeningSM – Power and declares:
Kundalini has found an honored place in every philosophic tradition
4 Healing - opening of the ananda gandha chakra Purpose of all Deekshas Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde of India – whether Yoga, Vedanta or Tantra. For millennia, yogis,
4 Third Eye Awakening SM
- opening of the ajna chakra or brow rishis and siddhas – the enlightened spiritual scientists of India -
Our understanding of deeksha would be quite incomplete without As in the individual, so in the Cosmos, as in the Cosmos, so in the
energy center individual. have given their lives to enrich the science of awakening Kundalini.
a comprehensive grasp of Kundalini AwakeningSM, which is the
There are deeper levels of initiation which confer various siddhis power and the purpose behind all deeekshas. And what, indeed, is that mighty force which governs the Cosmos? To understand kundalini, we must first understand ourselves.
on advanced disciples, which are given on an individual basis. This Through the human body flow 72,000 subtle energy channels
is called shaktipat, and is effective only when bestowed by a living Vedic philosophy gave to this force the name KUNDALINI. Kundalini called ‘naadis’. Of these channels, the most prominent is sushumna,
Kundalini – the Macrocosm within the Microcosm literally means ‘the coiled one’, meaning, the infinite untapped
Avatar. which runs from the tip of the spine to the crown of the head.
potential of the universe. Running alongside the sushumna on either side and criss-crossing
The Vedic world-view is shaped by the principle of the universal
hologram, where the tiniest sub-atomic particle holds the key to When Kundalini manifests at the universal level, she is known it at intervals are the ida and pingala naadis. Kundalini energy or
the secrets of the entire Cosmos. A hologram is a complex structure as Para Kundalini, the supreme power of the Cosmos. When she Shakti is said to ‘sleep’ in each of us in the muladhara chakra, the
wherein every part is a complete and faithful reflection of the plays in the individual, she is Kula Kundalini, the gracious mother, energy center at the base of the spine. The goal of all kundalini
Whole. As a fragment of this universal hologram, every individual the life-force that nourishes his body, the energy that empowers yoga is to awaken and guide this energy safely up the sushumna
is a perfect microcosm, a flawless and adequate representation of his mind, and the conscious power that guides him to his ultimate naadi to the sahasrara, the energy center on the crown of the head,
the Cosmos. where Shiva or pure Consciousness resides. The blissful union of

AVATAR SHASTRA 134 135 Chapter 6: Deeksha

Energy and Consciousness, Shakti and Shiva is Enlightenment, the to harness the cosmic powers to live more complete, fulfilled and (drugs/ herbs), mantras, spiritual discipline or through samadhi.
culmination of all spiritual effort. blissful lives. It marks the rite of passage for the human to evolve
For the seeker, Kundalini can be awakened in different ways:
into the Divine.
through intense yogic practices lasting a lifetime or longer; through
Kundalini - our own ultimate potential In the Yogini Tantra it is said : rare and sometimes dangerous medicinal preparations, through
the tireless repetition of certain mantras, or through deeksha –
Kundalini is known by many names – the universal energy, the great As soon as the Kundalini awakens, the person’s inner grandeur
the direct transmission of spiritual energy by an awakened being.
cosmic mother, the creative force of the universe. But the simple and glory can be clearly perceived.
Of these, deeksha is the most effortless (and certainly the most
truth is that Kundalini is the highest potential of every individual,
In the yoga-vedanta tradition, a vast and precise science beautiful) way to awakening.
the ultimate expression of creative genius, the great possibility of
encompassing thousands of techniques exists to awaken and utilize
each individual’s inner awakening. One can better appreciate the incomparable gift of deeksha from
this enormous latent potential. In Vedic India, this knowledge was
the Avatar, when one learns about the spiritual effort otherwise
The sleeping kundalini is a metaphor for the unawakened potential accessible to all. As a consequence, today’s ‘mystical’ sciences like
necessary to purify the nadis and experience siddhis.
inside us. Without first awakening kundalini, it is impossible to levitation, teleportation and telepathy were common knowledge
awaken the pratyekatma chaitanya, the individual consciousness. among the people, and enlightenment was the natural state of The authoritative yoga scripture Hatha-Yoga Pradipika by
being. Svatmarama declares:
The awakening of Kundalini opens us up to the greater Reality
that exists beyond our limited individual selves. It empowers us Living in complete harmony with the flow of Life itself, these people caturaśīti-pītheshu siddhameva sadābhyaset ।
dvāsaptati-sahasrānām nādīnām mala-śodhanam ॥1.41॥
ātma-dhyāyī mitāhārī yāvaddvādaśa-vatsaram ।
sadā siddhāsanābhyāsādyogī nispattimāpnuyāt ॥ 1.42॥
Of the 84 asanas, siddhasana should be practiced, which purifies
the 72,000 nadis. The yogi who constantly contemplates on
the Self, eats moderately and practices siddhasana for 12 years
found joyous expression as creators and leaders in the outer world achieves the yoga siddhis.
and enlightened mystics in the inner world. Today, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is gifting these siddhis to
In course of time, our increasing reliance on the faculties of logic hundreds of thousands of sincere seekers, who need to do nothing
and reasoning led to the suppression of these mystical faculties, more rigorous than spend a few hours in His presence in the space
and this sacred science retreated from homes and monasteries of restful awareness!
into the few secret recesses of the yoga-vedanta tradition in the
Indian sub-continent, where it is preserved in its authentic form to The right time is Now
this day.
The Vedic calendar reveals that our planet is poised for the next
Paths to Kundalini Awakening SM big leap in Consciousness. With humanity becoming ripe for
transformation, what the world needs today is the compassionate
In the Kaivalya Pada of his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lists the different
presence of Avatars and enlightened kundalini adepts who can guide
ways to attain the siddhis resulting from the awakening of Kundalini.
humanity into a safe and natural global Kundalini AwakeningSM.
Janma aushadhi mantra tapah samādhijāh siddhayah (4.1)
The human body and brain are already wired to experience a
The mystical powers can happen by birth, or through medicines complete Kundalini AwakeningSM - and yet, in our generation, how

AVATAR SHASTRA 136 137 Chapter 6: Deeksha

many have the superbly trained body and mind that can withstand empower and transform the person’s life. Enhanced awareness Kundalini AwakeningSM by the Avatar: Nithyananda, Kundalini AwakeningSM might be well on its way to
the rigors of such a powerful explosion of Consciousness? levels, greater creativity and extraordinary abilities start to express, becoming the ultimate natural steroid for the human race, triggering
like levitation, teleportation and materialization. This influx of Scientific Studies and sustaining powerful positive changes in virtually every area of
That is why the first instance of Kundalini AwakeningSM is always,
superconscious energy also visibly reverses aging, and improves our lives.
ALWAYS a pure gift from the spiritual Guru. To put to rest all speculation that what we are seeing might be
immunity to disease.
hypnosis or mesmerism, a series of scientific tests were performed Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
He takes a triple responsibility: first, to stir awake the enormous
Kundalini is not just a blind force like electricity. It is a conscious on Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s disciples as well as willing
spiritual power of Kundalini by the resonance-pressure of His own “Kundalini AwakeningSM has to be first experienced
spiritual power of cosmic proportions that knows where to go participants during a meditation retreat, under strict medical
powerful superconscious vibrations; second, to guide this energy in the presence of the Master who has mastered this
and what to do. Once awakened, Kundalini rips through millions surveillance and controlled conditions (which will be discussed at
safely through the subtle neural pathways of the spine towards our science. Techniques like Completion or meditation are
of years of our human conditioning, firing brand new neurons in length in a later section of this volume).
crown center, and above all, to shield and protect our fragile body like medicine - you can get them over-the-counter. But
our brain, opening up unknown strands of our DNA, flooding us
and mind, that might otherwise almost certainly be devastated by The results were astonishing. Kundalini AwakeningSM is more like a surgery - it has to
with superhuman energy, retracing our mental blueprint, wiping
this sudden influx of Cosmic force. be done as an in-house process.
out our most obstinate karmic patterns, and catapulting us to a In the first such experiment, within seconds of Paramahamsa
The Shiva Samhita declares: whole new level of existence. By awakening the Consciousness of Nithyananda awakening their kundalini energy, brain functions in Understand, Kundalini AwakeningSM amplifies whatever
each individual, Kundalini opens the doors to a global revolution of the subjects leapt up the scale, instantly recording sharper focusing is inside you. So, if your Kundalini is awakened when you
Supta guruprasadena yatha jagarti kundali
Consciousness. abilities, faster parallel processing and higher alertness levels. Most are still carrying a lot of incompletions and suffering in
Tatha sarvani padmanibhidyante granthayo’pi cha (4.12) your system, those incompletions will become a reality
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: significantly, while their brain was going into overdrive,the subjects
When the sleeping Kundalini is awakened by the Guru’s grace themselves remained in a state of complete relaxation comparable in your life, which will be dangerous and difficult to
Then are all bondages pierced (broken) Time and space does not bind Kundalini energy. with the states of deep meditation or sleep. manage.
Time and space serve Kundalini energy.
But the strongest proof of the effects of Kundalini AwakeningSM It is like this: if you start running or jogging after being
Ascent of Kundalini comes from the post-activation studies conducted on these bitten by a poisonous snake, that poison will spread all
individuals. These studies revealed that elevated levels of cognitive over your body. Likewise, after drinking an energy drink,
When Kundalini ascends the spine through the sushumna nadi (the For those of us who are merely watching, the extraordinary effects
and mental function endured in all the subjects for weeks after the jogging will cause that energy to spread all over your
main channel of subtle energy), it results in a huge energy influx of Kundalini AwakeningSM can seem like nothing short of a miracle
initial activation. Long term post-activation benefits were found to body. In the same way, if there is an incompletion inside
into the brain. As it flows from the thalamus to the cortex, Kundalini – or a hoax.
include better learning abilities, more effective problem-solving you and your Kundalini is awakened, that would not be
sets up a powerful energy loop, awakening the latent, unused, good for you.
But Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: and decision-making, and even apparently unrelated benefits like
non-mechanical parts in the brain, mainly the limbic system and
There are no miracles. enhanced interpersonal relationships. Only when you are under the guidance of the Master
All miracles are perfectly scientific happenings, based (Guru), either directly seen by him physically, or through
The limbic system is that part of the brain which is associated with
on natural laws that we do not yet understand. Implications two-way video-conferencing (nayana deeksha), can he
memories linked to emotions. It is also that part of the brain which take responsibility for your safe Kundalini AwakeningSM,
corresponds largely to the Third Eye or ajna chakra, which is the To awaken your Kundalini energy, you don’t need to The implications of these findings in a vast range of areas like without any after-effects or side-effects, misuse or
6th or the final chakra in the body (the 7th chakra known as the have faith in me. It is not a prerequisite for me to awaken depression therapy, functional enhancement, mind-coaching, abuse of the Kundalini energy in you. During the 21-day
sahasrara chakra or brahmarandra is not exactly a chakra, but a your Kundalini energy. Maybe, for you to retain the memory-training, personal development, stress-management Inner Awakening® program, you can safely awaken
subtle opening allowing the union of the kundalini energy with extraordinary experiences and expression of Kundalini and drug-rehabilitation are inestimable. If a brief spell of Kundalini your Kundalini and reap all the benefits, without any
the Cosmic energy). The opening of the ajna chakra allows for the energy, you may need to trust some of my words and AwakeningSM is actually impacting normal people in such powerful dangerous side-effects.”
unclutching of memories from its associated emotions, allowing practice some techniques and teachings, that’s all. and permanent ways, can we imagine the impact of sustained
for ‘Completion’ or making peace with life. Otherwise, faith is not a prerequisite at any level. awakening on the spiritual course of our planet? However, Paramahamsa Nithyananda also observes that the
Actually, nothing is a pre-requisite! It is all just a casual physiological and psychological changes triggered by Kundalini
With increasing levels of coherence, the whole brain comes alive, In the hands of advanced spiritual adepts like Paramahamsa AwakeningSM, however radical they may be, cannot match the
play – a leela, that’s it!
turning into a super-conductor of conscious energies that heal,

AVATAR SHASTRA 138 139 Chapter 6: Deeksha

Kundalini AwakeningSM and the How does a thought become an engram or a bio- Can Kundalini AwakeningSM alter our thought-
Physiology of Thoughts memory? patterns?
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
Contrary to what was once believed, the brain is not the only center
where our neural responses are stored. There is now growing A thought is simple. It rises and falls. It does not leave a Yes and no.
evidence that our thoughts - which are no more than electrical mark inside you. For example, if a thought comes to you
Our thoughts carry a miniscule physical weight that can
signals whizzing along our neural pathways - are stored in our - I would like to have a coffee - that is just a thought, not
be a drag on our bodies. Everybody has experienced how
cellular and somatic memory, resulting in permanent changes in a pattern or engram.
we feel heavy on certain days, and light as a feather on
the way our body and mind influence each other.
But if you fulfil this thought every time by the action of certain days - even though our physical weight remains
Somatic memory includes three types of memories: engraved drinking coffee, after a few days it becomes an engram. the same! This shows that our thoughts and engrams
memories (engrams), muscle-memories and bio-memories. That is, you start craving for that particular action - you can actually pull us down. Kundalini AwakeningSM or
start feeling, how I wish that I could have a coffee!... initiation have the power to temporarily free us of our
Engrams are bio-chemical changes that occur in our neural tissues
Engram is like flowing water… it creates a certain binding engrams.
as the result of a powerful or persistent reaction to any situation.
movement in your mind.
An engram is not an ordinary memory, but more like a photograph But if the negative patterns continue to be encouraged,
of a situation or event, complete with the emotional response After some weeks, you actually start feeling afraid that if they can return and persist even after Kundalini
that accompanied it. Engrams exist just below the level of our you don’t get your coffee in the morning every day, you AwakeningSM. The first initiation is an inspiration, a
consciousness, influencing our emotional responses without our will have a headache! This means that this thought is glimpse of a different space, an encouragement to
knowledge. solidifying like water becoming ice - it has become part return again and again to that high-energy space. With
of your muscle-memory. repeated initiation, we are constantly exposed to that
While engrams affect our emotional responses alone, muscle-
elevated space. Gradually, our muscle-memory starts
silent transformation of Consciousness, which is what Kundalini memories are memories that have become so deeply embedded After one year, if you keep pursuing this habit, one day
enjoying this space, and it becomes part of our bio-
AwakeningSM is actually about. When the kundalini is awakened, all in our system that they can recreate the physical symptoms if you don’t get your coffee in the morning, you will
the old mental and physical patterns are broken, destroyed. A new accompanying these emotions, like those experienced during ACTUALLY get a headache! When a pattern becomes
higher pattern, a conscious pattern, is evolved, which is completely strong fear or anger. Muscle memories are also responsible for our so solid that it starts affecting you physically, it is called
based on freedom and liberation. He declares time and again: performing repetitive mechanical actions that do not require our bio-memory. Bio-memories are tough like crystal and
conscious intervention, like typing or cycling. are very difficult to break!
This cognitive shift, this understanding, this realization
that you are beyond body and mind, this realization that Bio-memories are memories that are locked into our cells. They
you are a conscious existence which is eternal - this is carry hereditary memories, past-life memories and memories
the most remarkable effect of Kundalini AwakeningSM. that have become part of the very fiber of our current personality
through constant repetition for years. Both physical and mental
Even as these extraordinary happenings are taking the scientific
patterns can become part of our bio-memory. Bio-memories have
community by storm, Paramahamsa Nithyananda Himself lives and
the power to trigger physical actions like fight or flight. Mental
moves as one among us, teaching, healing, initiating and working
states like depression and anxiety can quickly become part of
tirelessly to preserve the mystical science of Kundalini, one of the
our bio-memory if we are not careful. Bio-memories are not only
innumerable spiritual treasures of the millennia-old Yoga-Vedanta
unconscious, but are usually untraceable to any particular source
traditions of India that might be humanity’s only hope for liberation
in the centuries to come.

AVATAR SHASTRA 140 141 Chapter 6: Deeksha

My eyesight has improved greatly after My experience of Kundalini AwakeningSM
Kundalini AwakeningSM
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Gopikananda
Name: Ana Belén Hernandez Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order
Location: Mexico DF, Mexico Location: Nithyananda Peetham,
Email: Bengaluru Aadheenam


I have experienced so many healing miracles thanks to Swami When Swamiji first started initiating devotees into kundalini
Nithyananda, and so many more are happening in my life right awakening and levitation, I thought my kundalini was not
now, that I don’t know what to share! awakened, as I was not experiencing physical levitation. Swamiji
assured me that it is already awakened, but I was not sure if he was
After the Kundalini Awakening initiation from Swamiji during
just consoling me!
Inner Awakening, my short-sight (myopia) has improved greatly.
Then one day during an IA darshan session, Swamiji was sitting on
Before Inner Awakening, I used to sleep for 9-12 hours, but now I
the stage. He called me to the stage and asked me to stand facing
need only 4-5 hours of sleep.
him, with one palm facing him and the other palm turned towards
I can see that my whole body is changing after IA. I have lost weight the hall, which was packed with people.
and become more flexible too!
He gently pressed with one finger on the center of my palm which
was facing him, and asked me to turn and look at the hall. I turned
around and was shocked to see that the entire hall of people was
levitating and jumping crazily, from the energy that I was channeling
towards them with the other palm!

Then I understood that whether I show the external signs or not,

Deeksha and the Brain As mentioned earlier, apart from the brain and neural pathways, we
have a network of 72,000 nadis or subtle energy channels through
when the Avatar gives deeksha, there is no way anybody can miss
which Kundalini energy and the subtle information essential to our
the experience! Thank you Swamiji for this realization! Neuroplastic science says that your brain has the ability to create
conscious evolution can be transmitted.
new grooves and pathways, which means that the possibility for
becoming a new Consciousness exists. Of these, the kurma nadi, a channel running from the tip of the
middle finger right up to the heart, is the channel through which the
Initiation can change not just your mind, but your very brain.
glimpse of Enlightenment is revealed by the Master and received
With initiation, your brain develops subtle grooves to hold and
by the disciple during initiation.
radiate the energy of Enlightenment. If it is only a psychological
transformation, it could leave you after a few weeks or months.
But initiation does not lead to just psychological transformation; Deeksha changes Gene Expression
it leads to physiological transformation. The experience becomes
your very bio-memory, so there is no more scope for conflict. The human genome has now been sequenced, and it is now
established that all humans have approximately 25,000 - 30,000

AVATAR SHASTRA 142 143 Chapter 6: Deeksha

A gene is the fundamental blueprint of a living organism, which Every deeksha (initiation) at the Inner Awakening® program is an
can encode several proteins and signaling pathways for life to exist extraordinary spectacle of energy play that could last for hours.
and continue. At any given time, only 10,000 genes are expressed During deeksha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda creates an explosion
(operational) in normal life. of superconscious energy, using divyashareeris (mediums or
energy channels) to intensify the spiritual process. Releasing more
It has been shown that during the Inner Awakening® initiations,
than 15 times the usual power through His body, He channels it
the gene expression changes to such an extent that the genes
through the divyashareeri to reach the participants from every
which cause an increase in energy, stem cell count and health
are up-regulated, while those that are harmful, such as genes
causing cancer and autoimmune disorders, are down-regulated in The group energy during deeksha is so intense that most
all participants. This is the visible effect of the bio-energy of the participants receive the initiation spontaneously, even before they
Avatar’s deeksha transforming the bio-memory of the disciple. are touched and initiated. For the participants, deeksha is a never-
before experience of intense Kundalini AwakeningSM in a perfectly
Deeksha awakens your DNA safe environment.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:

Medical science has established that we have 12 strands of DNA,
but only two of these strands are active. An Avatar is a being who When the energy channels sit in a circle around me,
has awakened all 12 strands of His DNA. Through deeksha, an Avatar in a mood of deep devotion and surrender, I am able
can simply alter your existing DNA and activate your unused DNA to penetrate right through their physical bodies. They Significance of Deeksha from a Living When a sincere seeker or disciple sits in a deep, relaxed mood, not
become divyashareeris, extensions of my own physical only does the Guru come alive with the disciple, but the disciple
body. So when a participant enters this elevated space,
Master also comes alive with the Guru. Both experience fulfillment, and the
The true purpose of this so-called ‘junk DNA’ is to support a multi- he is enveloped by my physical body itself, not just my transmission of the lamp happens automatically. This is Deeksha.
dimensional consciousness, and deeksha awakens this possibility. Deeksha is revered in the Vedic tradition as the ultimate gift that a
energy body. If he is totally open and receptive, I can
Master can confer upon his disciple.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: use that high-possibility moment to simply wipe out his Deeksha manifests your deepest desires
negative bio-memories and create a blissful, strong bio- In the ancient Hindu text, Rudrayamala Tantra, Lord Shiva says:
Deeksha is like an intense downloading into you. When memory through karmic cleansing and reprogramming. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
your DNA is activated, the knowledge, consciousness To the extent that the participant is receptive, he can The one who is not initiated does not attain liberation nor a better
and information contained in the macrcosmic experience physical and mental transformation.” future. So by all efforts, one should get initiated by Guru. I just infuse energy into you and blast your self-doubt like
bio-energy can be effortlessly transmitted to you without a balloon. That is what I call initiation.
Only from a fire can another fire be lit. Only from a living Master
any conventional methods. With every new strand
can the transmission of the lamp happen. A Master who exists on Deeksha has the power to open up your real desires
awakened, you start experiencing many things: freedom Deeksha from an Avatar is an infallible process effecting the same the subtle plane may be able to offer the disciple spiritual guidance, and empower them to become reality, destroying your
from negative engrams, intellectual and spiritual clarity, changes in everyone, irrespective of the external manifestations. but for the experience to settle in him as a physical reality, it has doubts and fears which are coming in the way.
physical health, anti-ageing and extraordinary powers.
to be transmitted from a body which is vibrating at the same
As part of a survey, a qEEG measurement was done on a devotee If your blueprint is carrying a desire for money, it will
frequency as his own. Only the already reprogrammed DNA of the
who showed no external signs of levitation (see page 142). It was
Karmic Cleansing and Realigning living Master can transmit that frequency and reprogram his DNA.
open up and fill you with money; if your blueprint is to
found that even though she experienced no physical movements, seek God or Guru, you will have that; if your blueprint is
Only a living bio-memory can share its experience directly with
her brainwaves changed in exactly the same way as the brainwaves to search for extraordinary powers, you will have that.
During Inner Awakening®, participants receive a series of powerful the disciple’s, through a look, a word or a touch of initiation.
of levitators. This proved that even though she was physically
initiations on 21 consecutive days. This ensures that the physical Please understand: the brahmi bee makes the worm
static, her brainwaves too were responding equally to the influx of When the disciple melts down and sits with a deep trust, the
and mental transformation experienced during the program are into a bee just by the buzzing sound it makes. The hen
Cosmic energy. connection between him and the Master happens – this is deeksha.
rendered long-lasting or even permanent. makes its egg into a chicken by its physical presence.

AVATAR SHASTRA 144 145 Chapter 6: Deeksha

The crocodile, tortoise and fish hatch their eggs just by is like a spoke of the wheel, all attached to the central
remembrance! The Master ‘hatches’ you through all hub which is the source of Cosmic energy. So every time
these three. I initiate one person in the group, the same energy is
instantaneously transmitted to the entire group.
The first level is through his teachings and words. The
second level is through his initiation and touch. Then, So when you sit in 21 sessions of Inner Awakening®, say
wherever you are, you are constantly connected to him. as part of a group of 100 participants, you are actually
You remember him and he goes on remembering you. receiving 21 x 100 = 2,100 initiations!
Through the constant remembrance of you wherever you
Group initiation has one more benefit. When I initiate
are, he hatches you into a new being. He makes you into
you, I loosen and activate your bio-memory, preparing it
his very Self.
for learning new things. So when you see somebody else
expressing an extraordinary power like levitation, your
Benefits of Group Deeksha bio-memory learns that such a possibility exists. Within
a few days, your bio-memory picks up that particular
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: power - even if you have not received that particular
Group deeksha is a tremendous experience! initiation from me. This happens due to the presence of
mirroring neurons in your brain.
When a cohesive group of people sit together in a mood
of meditation and receptivity, their systems fall into a When you live in a sangha or spiritual community where
deep harmonious resonance with one other. The whole many such powers are continuously expressed, your
group is like one organic entity. Moreover, each of you is bio- memory simply opens up and starts living its highest
individually in entanglement with the Source. Each of you possibilities.”

AVATAR SHASTRA 146 147 Chapter 6: Deeksha

age that you can’t read through your Third Eye; you will simply
open your Third Eye and start reading! You will simply start doing it. Enjoying yoga with zero effort!

Awakening your God particle Name: Anu Deshpande

Even awakening your bio-memory awakens only your powers. Spiritual name: Ma Nithya
Awakening your bio-energy awakens the very God particle in you.
Location: Singapore
During Inner Awakening®, to awaken your bio-memory, I use
sound and light, that means verbalization and visualization. To Email:
awaken your bio-energy, I use Silence and UnclutchingSM.

Silence is the absence of verbalization; UnclutchingSM is the absence

of visualization. After attending NithyanandohamTM, I am every day exploring and
enjoying the gifts showered by Swamiji, with zero effort on my part.
Please understand: to use Silence as a technique, you should have
My personal experience is that having a body that can hold the high
a mind which does not even touch or pollute the Silence when it
experience is critical. When you have a guru like Swamiji who can
picks it up and uses it. That means, your mind should be in utter
take you into the space of enlightenment in an instant, it is just
silence, and it should be able to move and make whatever it wants smart to use all possible ways to hold that energy! You need both
Deeper Truths about Deeksha do on the level of Possibility, many circus people will be doing it;
happen, while remaining in that same silence. knowledge and personal experience. Just knowledge also cannot
Guinness Record holders will be doing it. That does not mean they
Revelations from the Avatar keep your inspired continuously.
are enlightened or spiritually aware of themselves. In the same way, to use UnclutchingSM as a technique, your mind
should be such that it doesn’t pollute the Unclutching even when It is truly a joy to be in a body that is your friend, as you complete
All the knowledge required for you to run your day-to-day life In fact, there are many people living on railway platforms because and grow more and more authentic. Koti pranams Swamiji!
it is picking up the Unclutching to use it. Even if you visualize
is recorded in your muscle-memory. All the cognitions based on of poverty; their body automatically masters the art of eating only
Unclutching, it will be polluted.
which you make basic life decisions are recorded in your bio- once a day, but they survive, and they manage to eat and digest
memory. whatever they get on the roadside. But that does not mean they Only a person who is able to be silent without using the word
are spiritually awakened. It is only that the possibility existing in ‘silence’ can use Silence as a technique. Only a person who is
Awakening your muscle-memory by completing with your the muscle-memory has been awakened. But in the Nirahara unclutched without visualizing Unclutching can use Unclutching as
unnecessary patterns, and reprogramming it the way you want. SammyamaSM, I awaken your Consciousness to make your Nirahara a technique!
awakens your multiple POSSIBILITIES. Awakening your bio- successful. It does not happen at the level of muscle-memory.
memory by completing with your wrong cognitions about life, If you want to see this drama of Mahadeva, this leela of Mahadeva,
and reprogramming it the way you want, awakens your multiple When you transform your root cognitions about yourself, about the if you want to experience what He does with the power of Silence
POWERS. people around you, about life, about God, about the world, about and Unclutching, come to NithyanandohamTM!
money - all the basic cognitions you carry - suddenly you will see
that not possibilities alone, but powers will also start expressing in
Possibilities are not Powers you.
Please understand: POSSIBILITIES are different; POWERS are When any completion is done at the level of bio-memory,
different. Anything which you can directly express through your Consciousness is directly opened up. When your bio-memory
own practice, without conscious intervention, without the need is completed, naturally, it works directly on Consciousness, and
for conscious energy to enter into you, without the need for multiple powers are expressed. For example, you just need to
enlightenment energy enter into you, is a Possibility. Whatever you complete with the cognition given to you accidently in the young

AVATAR SHASTRA 148 149 Chapter 6: Deeksha

Chapter 7 While a belief or expectation is usually unconscious, when we
become conscious of it, it can be called an intention or a conscious
resolution (sankalpa) about how we want to experience our
world. With the power of intention, we can make the transition

Kalpataru from a limited victim mode to an empowered space, where we

consciously take control of our reality.

As Paramahamsa Nithyananda wisely says, the universe is a

The Power of Manifestation perpetual ‘Tathaastu’ (‘So be it’). It is always blessing your intentions,
so be careful what you ask for!

Deeper Truths about Kalpataru

Revelations from the Avatar
Shiva, the Quantum Field the result of the collective (albeit unconscious) expectation of its
observers. This perennial and persistent collective delusion (if we
may call it that) is what the Vedic scientists term ‘Maya’. The Universe is a perpetual ‘Tathaastu’
Quantum physics declares that it is the act of observation that
precipitates any event into existence. The quantum field (Shiva) is A significant point to understand here is that ‘observation’ is not a Listen: your reality of God, your reality of yourself, your reality of
a field of infinite potential or ’infinite wave forms of probability’ in a mere mechanical act, but carries an inherent belief or expectation society, your reality of the universe - everything is experienced by
state of rest, from which the observer manifests his own reality at about what is being observed. Even an insentient machine carries you as per the inner space you carry.
every moment through the very act of observation. This is known an ‘expectation’, because it has been designed for a certain
as the ‘Observer Effect’. The universe is a huge wave of ‘Tathaastu!’ (‘So be it!’)
purpose. For example, a machine designed to record waves will
record waves and not particles - because that is what it ‘expects’ So put a little intelligence, time and energy into consciously creating
This truth of the ‘participatory universe’ was well-known to the
to record. the right space in you.
Vedic rishis, who called the phenomenon ‘drishti-shrishti’ (creation
as per one’s belief). Vedic scientists went a step further, and Your inner space is the mirror of your reality. The inner space you
declared that the observer and the observed arise simultaneously Science of Manifestation entertain becomes your reality. I don’t even want to say it becomes
during the act of observation. The very mind that is observing it your reality; it IS your reality. This truth is the greatest liberation you
causes the event or object to manifest from the quantum field of This concept of belief or expectation is important for us to can receive!
infinite possibility. In other words, there is no objective reality ‘out understand the science of Manifestation.
there’, independent of our observation. This revelation has been The moment I utter this truth, don’t feel powerless. Instead,
Usually, we all carry an unconscious belief or expectation of what understand that it is your own inner space; so you have the power
supported by recent research studies on String Theory in quantum
the world or life or the future can be. But because we are not aware to change it. Complete all the unconscious negative beliefs you are
physics. According to quantum physicists, a particular event or
of the power of the beliefs and expectations we carry, we think carrying.
object simply ‘pops’ into reality from this field of possibility, based
that all the information coming at us from the external world is
on the observer and his observation. Don’t bring your past record to deny your highest future possibility.
objective. In every moment that we engage with life, we keep It is so unfortunate that we continue to cherish self-destructive
So then, one might ask, does no such thing as a physical world projecting the same ideas back on life, which in turn influences the If you failed in some effort in the past, understand that it was because thoughts, sometimes unconsciously and sometimes consciously.
exist, outside of the observer and his observation? The unsettling feedback we receive from life, and further reinforces our life-view, you did not have the right space at that time. So the problem is with You are already continuously manifesting your reality, but
answer is that even the physical world persists solidly only as in an endless loop of self-deception and self-destruction. not having had the right space; not with the truth itself. So now, try unfortunately, most of the time it is unconscious manifestation.
with the right space. You will see that world responds responsibly.

AVATAR SHASTRA 150 151 Chapter 7: Kalpataru

All your diseases, your dissatisfaction, the untoward incidents in Your muladhara chakra has a certain innate energy. If you add Dhaarana is not just concentration. It means the readiness of your world by the constant deflection of your thoughts. In the outer
your life – all are your manifestation. Any untoward incident caused integrity to this energy, it will become visualization. Without mind to express whatever it carries in its womb. world, Raman Effect creates the blue color. The inner world effect
to you can be changed completely. The power of Manifestation can integrity, that energy will remain as fantasy. Whether whatever of that same phenomenon creates a black color. That is why, when
play any way you want. Your inner space is so powerful that you you visualize is going to become reality or not depends on your you look in. you see the black color; darkness. Maybe we can call
Kalpataru Darshan – making you into a Kalpataru
can just make anything happen. Whether it is the great realities of integrity. Your verbalization only becomes visualization when this the Maya Effect!
the Cosmos, or the realities of life, or the realities of mind, the space you have integrity. Only then it becomes reality. When the nada The ability to speak into the listening of the Cosmos is Kalpataru.
The Maya Effect is nothing but the deflection caused by your restless
you create, creates the reality. (verbalization power) joins with bindu (visualization power), the
Please understand, the causal body is where all your engrams, mind. If you can look through the Maya Effect, you can see the
kala (creativity) happens. Verbalization is the Cosmic feminine
Harnessing the Energy of Manifestation all the possibilities of the mind, are stored. The causal body is reflection of the macrocosmic stars in the microcosm (individual)
energy. Visualization is the Cosmic masculine energy. When they
available to you when you fall asleep, or when you raise yourself to and alter things as you want, and change your life as you want.
both meet, the creation of the Cosmos happens.
Manifestation is the science of consciously altering the reality as the higher state of consciousness.
you want, and experiencing the reality as you want. Anybody who has the ability to penetrate the Raman Effect and
Dhaarana – power to express your chosen reality When you fall asleep, because you are in a state of unconsciousness, see the stars in the sky during the daytime, will have the capacity
Manifestation is one of the oldest and most fascinating of sciences: whatever you project in your dream does not have much impact to penetrate your Maya Effect and alter the reflections of those
how an idea can be chosen, put into the Source from where your The peak of yoga is samadhi, enlightenment. on your real life (or whatever you think of as your real life). But stars in you. If somebody can look through the deflections and
very body has manifested, and manifested as reality. when you enter into altered or higher states of consciousness, restlessness of your mind, and alter the reflections of the grahas
The last level before samadhi is the expression of mystical powers.
even though you access the same causal body, any idea you create (planets), naturally the whole flow of your life can be altered.
Please understand: your body has manifested from a certain energy
which was in your mother’s womb. If you are carrying a female The Vedic scientists were well aware of the significance of has a tremendous impact on your real life. It can become reality.
The science of seeing the reflection of the cosmic stars in the
body, you have the same energy in your own womb. If you have a possessing mystical powers only after the seeker is already tuned This is the difference between sleeping and dhaarana.
macrocosmic body and predicting your future is astrology. The
male body, you carry the same energy in you at least to reproduce to living his life with the highest possible conscious coherence.
Dhaarana is the capacity to use the extraordinary capabilities of science of altering the reflection of the microcosmic stars in the
a body in a female womb. Either way, there is a seed energy which Otherwise, the human mind can go astray and cause chaos with
your mind, which are there in seed form, to create, express and macrocosm, and making that in tune with what you want in your
manifested your body. If you put any idea into that seed energy, it these powers.
manifest whatever you want as reality in your life. life, is the science of giving boons.
can manifest that idea also into reality. That is why, even in his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali takes you in a step-
When you know the science of dhaarana, you become a Kalpataru. That is exactly what I do in the Kalpataru Darshan.
In Sanskrit we have a very beautiful word, hiranyagarbha - the by-step way.
Whatever anyone wants, you will be able to give them.
Cosmic womb. Any ideas which are planted in this womb become I look into your eyes and stop the deflection and restlessness
First, you need to understand the laws of the life (yama) and raise
reality immediately. Any idea which directly adds to your life is During the Kalpataru Darshan, I am not just fulfilling the one boon created by the Maya Effect in your inner space. Then I ask you,
yourself to the highest possible conscious coherence (niyama).
from hiranyagarbha. All of you have the ability, the capacity, to put for which you ask. I am teaching you this science. I push you to the ‘What do you want?’
Then, you learn to balance your body (through asana), prepare your
an idea into the hiranyagarbha and make it into reality. superconscious state, which creates an explosion of energy in your
muscle -memory to radiate Consciousness (through pranayama), The moment you say what you want, I say, ‘Alright, tathaastu.’
system. When you enter into that state, you will have both - the
The energy of Manifestation is such that can cause so many of your and then awaken the ability to absorb prana without breathing
intelligence to create the right idea, as well as the power to make All the grahas (planets) suddenly alter themselves and align to this.
desires to become reality, even without your taking any action. The (through pratyahara).
it into reality. I don’t need to alter the grahas themselves; I only need to alter their
kundalini which is in you, is responsible for the manifestation of Only after this, he talks about how to express extraordinary reflection in you, and the flow of your life changes automatically.
your body and your mind. If your Kundalini energy is simply added capabilities through your body and mind through dhaarana. He is Sacred Secrets of Kalpataru Darshan
to your desire, it will become reality. This is the sacred secret of all the miraculous happenings that you
taking us to a non-return mystical zone, where mysticism is a living
Understand this very subtle truth: you are a complete miniature experience during the Kalpataru Darshan!
Your kundalini is like a Kalpataru. Once your Kundalini is awakened, science, a lifestyle.
of the macrocosm. All the stars reflect in your inner space. The
anything you ask is immediately granted. So any idea you want to dhāraṇāsu ca yogyatā manasaḥ (2.53) reflections of those stars in you are responsible for the flow of your
make into reality, take it to the level of your kundalini shakti. When life. They are are responsible for the deflection and the restlessness
After the veil which covers the inner light is removed, the mind
you are having a levitation experience or a kundalini experience, which is created in you.
becomes fit to express all that it carries inside.
any idea you sow deeply inside becomes reality as soon as possible.
The Raman Effect in the outer world also happens in the inner

AVATAR SHASTRA 152 153 Chapter 7: Kalpataru

My mother’s eye problem was healed in just one I have been healed of PCOD My baby daughter was healed
No more miscarriages!
Kalpataru darshan (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) of inflamed adenoids

Name: Dr. Srilekha Karthik Name: Suvedha

Legal name: Hema Malla
Legal name: Sudharsini Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Yoga Samudra
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Devaroopananda
C/o Sharmila Malla
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Location: Bengaluru, India
Location: Bengaluru, India
Location: Hong Kong

My baby daughter Joshitha was having very disturbed sleep with I was married for five years with no children.
severe cough at nights for almost 4 months continuously, due to
I had had two miscarriages, and a lot of complications in conception.
inflamed adenoids. No medical therapy, be it allopathy or Ayurveda,
My mother Hema Malla is 54 years old, and has had a long-term I had been suffering from PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder), was offering any relief. I met Swamiji in 2009 during a Kalpataru darshan.
eye problem. For over 15 years, her eyes would get very tired every which is a severe health disorder.
day. She had to keep resting her eyes many times a day. Otherwise One day, during Kalpataru darshan, I requested Swamiji for I requested his healing for a comfortable pregnancy and a healthy
she would feel heaviness and a pricking sensation in her eyes, and During a Kalpataru darshan, I got blessings from Swamiji to healing. He kept his hands on her neck region and declared, ‘She baby, and Swamiji healed me and assured me that he would make
this was going on for years. attend the Inner Awakening program. After that things started to will be healed this moment!’ it happen.
move smoothly and I could overcome all the issues and attend the
No doctors were able to diagnose or heal her. program. That night, she slept “like a baby”, as the saying goes. She continues After this I conceived, and had a beautiful and healthy pregnancy
to have peaceful, undisturbed sleep at nights, much to the relief of period. I had an absolutely painless normal delivery. The doctors
We attended a Kalpataru darshan with Swamiji via two-way video Just after 21 days of healing from Swamiji during Inner Awakening, the family too! themselves were surprised to see this.
conferencing from Hong Kong. Swamiji gave my mother distance all my health issues disappeared and my health has been restored.
healing and blessings from the Bidadi ashram in India via video- So many positive changes have happened in me, and even people We offer our sincere gratitude to Swamiji for this healing blessing. By Swamiji’s grace, we were blessed with a divine girl child on the
conferencing. After just one darshan, my mother had no longer had around me can feel it! Life has become so smooth and more blissful auspicious day of Makara Sankranti in 2010. My husband Pradeep,
that eye problem. in all circumstances. my little daughter Nithyeshwari and I feel so blessed, and we offer
our gratitude at the feet of our Master.
I am so grateful to Swamiji for healing my mother! There are no words to express my gratitude to Swamiji, as each and
every moment I feel the joy of being blessed by the Divine.

My deep gratitude to the lotus feet of the master Paramahamsa


AVATAR SHASTRA 154 155 Chapter 7: Kalpataru

I have forgotten about my sinus headaches Swamiji got me the best job I’ve ever had Chapter 8

Name: Jyothi Atluri

Third Eye AwakeningSM
Name: Vimal Patel
Location: Chennai, India

Location: Austin, USA
Opening the Cosmic Command Center

I was suffering from chronic sinus headaches for about 10 years.

During one Kalpataru darshan, I requested Swamiji for healing. After being stuck at a dead-end job for many years, I knew I had to
have a change in my career. I wrote to the ‘Kalpataru Corner’ on the
He gave me an apple and blessed me. It has been over five years now,
ashram website and requested Swamiji’s blessings for the following:
and I have never had a sinus headache since then! I have practically
forgotten that I used to suffer from these headaches earlier!

I have not experienced that chest pain again

1) A job that I will be content with

2) A job with a specific salary (which I mentioned in my request)

3) A job located out of state in Texas

Just three weeks later, an opportunity fell in my lap to move to

T he ancient Vedic tradition gave the name Ajna Chakra
(the sixth chakra) to the Third Eye. In yogic literature, it is
described as a subtle centre of consciousness in the region
between the eyebrows.
It is described to be the size of a thumb (angushtha maatra) and
appears like a steadily burning light (deepa shikhaakaara). It
represents the eye of Enlightenment (jnana netra).

Modern Neuroscience and the Third Eye

Austin, Texas, to take up a Channel Sales role with a very well- The word ‘ajna’ means ‘command’. The practice of meditation
known Fortune 100 IT Software-solutions provider! You just cannot
Name: Pushpa Vohra allows it to become the command centre for the being, who Based on the visible evidence of the effects of meditating on the
make this up! I was ecstatic!
receives instructions from Shiva Himself. It is also known as the Ajna Chakra, it is possible to postulate the neurophysiological
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Prema Manjari
I was around a supportive management team, had the flexibility to command center because, once this chakra is activated, it gives the pathways and structures involved in it.
Location: Billimora, Gujarat, India be creative and take up new projects, and an environment that was individual the power of clairvoyance, and the ability to control and
very energetic! Several studies have been done on Paramahamsa Nithyananda,
influence the forces of Nature, as well as his own lower disposition.
Picture coming to work in the morning with loud music playing and ranging from FMRI to PET Scan to qEEG. The studies clearly show
In the year 2011, I came with my daughter Kavyaroopini to Bidadi people throwing footballs and basketballs around. Who needs coffee continuous heightened activity in the infero-medial prefrontal
ashram to attend Inner Awakening program. The next day, when when there is all this energy? Ancient references to the Third Eye cortex, and a simultaneous state of total restfulness with awareness
we went for the morning satsang, when the curtain opened and I I liked this job so much that I would regularly wake up at 5 am to across the entire brain, suggesting complete entrainment of neural
saw Swamiji, I fell completely silent; I just couldn’t speak. The only Patanjali speaks on this power in his Yoga Sutras:
come to work, and gladly stayed late when I needed to. I worked activity.
thought that came to mind was, ‘That is my Guru.’ with skilled professionals and was able to learn a lot from them. pravr̥tty-āloka-nyāsāt
During the IA, when we were celebrating Meenakshi Tirukalyanam, This job really enabled me to take control of the direction of my
career. sūkṣmā-vyāvahita-viprakr̥ṣṭa-jñānam ॥ 3.25॥
suddenly I felt a striking pain in my left hand and chest, and I
started sweating profusely. When I went for Kalpataru darshan, I My deepest gratitude to Swamiji for making this happen for me. By redirecting the inner vision (one achieves) the knowledge of
told Swamiji about the pain, and asked Him whether I should go subtle, veiled and remote (objects and events).
for the yoga classes. He just tapped my left shoulder to heal me
and said, ‘You are alright. You can go for the yoga class.’ From that The ancient Yogi Sri Goraksanath of the Nath Sampradaya of
day till today, I have never experienced that chest pain again. This Shaivism refers to the Third Eye as ‘bhruchakra’ in his work,
is because of Swamiji’s blessings. My heartfelt gratitude Swamiji! I
Goraksha Vachana Sangraha (‘bhru’ meaning the eyebrows).
know YOU are always with me.

AVATAR SHASTRA 156 157 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Studies done at Harvard on long-time meditators also showed a Meditating on the Third Eye produces all the effects of calmness, Process of Third Eye AwakeningSM Meditation using a blindfold
degree of restfulness awareness. well-being and thoughtlessness, while at the same time increasing
awareness and cognition through unhampered processing by the The process of activating the Third Eye as described by The application of the blindfold completely cuts off any sensory
The key difference between the two studies was: Paramahamsa Nithyananda includes:
cerebral cortex, which is no longer weighed down by emotions inputs in the form of photons falling into the retina of the eye.
1. The amplitude of the brain waves was extremely high when and random thoughts.
In the outer world, the maximum sensory input is through the visual
tested on Paramahamsa Nithyananda, and even his disciples, Initiation or Deeksha
This would allow us to conclude that the ajna chakra or the Third Eye system. Meditating in the darkness of the blindfold on the third eye
during Kundalini energy activation.
consists of the entire complex of the limbic system, starting from allows one to focus with minimal distraction, while simultaneously
This is the process of directly transmitting the bio-energy (Kundalini
2. All qEEG studies done at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam during the infero-medial pre-frontal cortex, and involving not only all the activating the pineal gland (which produces melatonin in darkness).
energy of the Avatar) into the area of the Third Eye, located between
Kundalini awakening showed high-amplitude waves across the known structures of the limbic system like the hippocampus and
the two eyebrows of the recepient. Melatonin is responsible for re-adjusting the circadian rhythm of
spectrum. In comparison, meditators across the world showed amygdala, but also the pineal gland and the rest of the volitional
the body, and has significant anti-ageing benefits.
normal amplitude of the waves. brain involved in intuition, cognition, etc.
3. The sense of calmness, well-being and thought-less-ness Depending on the effects manifested, different parts of the cerebral
happens when the emotional component of a thought or cortex would presumably be involved at different times (for The meditation consists of visualizing a light or golden light
memory is separated from the memory itself, thereby allowing instance, in blindfolded reading, the primary visual cortex would within the third eye, which directly connects with Paramahamsa
for a reduction in the number of thoughts. be involved). Nithyananda’s third eye.

The limbic system is that part of the brain which is at the junction Timed meditation is performed alternatively, with eyes closed and
of the mechanical or involuntary system, and the highly evolved eyes opened for three rounds.
system which is the seat of the intellect, logic and cognitive
processing (neo-cortex).

AVATAR SHASTRA 158 159 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Effects of Third Eye AwakeningSM Yogic Science of Chakras and Koshas
♦♦ Blindfolded reading Stands for GURU Nirahara Paramahamsa Jyotisha
♦♦ Enhanced intuition The traditional chakras are six in number, starting from the
♦♦ Increased IQ muladhara at the base of the sacrum to svadhisthana, manipuraka, Shaft of Golden Light Vajra Danda
♦♦ Ability to use all aspects of the brain’s potential anahata, visuddhi and ajna chakra along the length of the spine.
♦♦ Parakaya Pravesham - the ability to enter and The sahasrara or brahmarandra is not a chakra, but a channel Anandamaya Kosha Sikhara
understand the other being. connecting the pindanda (microcosm) with the brahmanda
♦♦ Many other siddhis (mystical powers) as well as health (macrocosm).
Vijnanamaya Kosha Anukuntba Pita Punyagara
Upper Chakras and Koshas Manomaya Kosha Bramaraguha

Goraksanath has described additional chakras above the

brahmarandra, and they are named as below. Pranamaya Kosha Urdhva Randra

Nithyananda GurukulSM children initiated and trained directly by 7. Urdhava Randra (corresponding to the Pranamaya kosha)
Paramahamsa Nithyananda explore the powers of the Third Eye Sahasrara (opening)
8. Bhramaraguha (where prana and manas cease - corresponding
to the Manomaya kosha) Ajna Chakra

9. Anukuntba Pita Punyagara (Causeless “I” Consciousness -

corresponding to the Vijnanamaya kosha) Vishuddha Chakra

10. Sikhara (Kailasa - corresponding to the Anandamaya kosha)

Anahata Chakra
11. Vajra Danda (Maya Shankini Nadi)

12. Nirahara Paramahamsa Jyothista (Guru or Devi Meenakshi - Manipuraka Chakra

according to Sri Ramana Maharshi (dvadasanta)
Swadisthana Chakra
(Reference: Goraksha Sathaka by Gorakshanath)
Meditation process to awaken the Third Eye in adults In the image alongside, the koshas are represented from inside Muladhara Chakra

Adi Shankaracharya in Vivekachudamani describes the koshas or

energy bodies as below:
These sheaths are something like peels of onion growing one over preceding. By resolving each kosha into that which immediately
the other. Accordingly, the annamaya kosha is permeated by four succeeds it, we are led to the knowledge of the Brahman, which is
koshas: the pranamaya and the rest. The pranamaya kosha is beyond cause, and effect and realize our oneness with it.
permeated by three koshas, the manomaya by two koshas and the
Third Eye AwakeningSM demonstration with blindfolded reading vijnanamaya by one kosha. In this manner, each outer kosha is full
Third Eye power demonstration to a live audience by Nithyananda by an initiated 9-year-old Nithyananda GurukulSM child at
GurukulSM Balasants (students) of that which is within, i.e., the succeeding one being internal to the
Business Advocacy Summit, Washington D.C., USA

AVATAR SHASTRA 160 161 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Size of the Koshas Neuroscience and Third Eye AwakeningSM
♦♦ Annamaya Kosha is the size of the body.
♦♦ Pranamaya Kosha is the size of Dvadasanta, that is
12 fingers’ breadth – antar (internally and bahir (externally) – as
described in Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.
♦♦ Manomaya Kosha is as much as the mind can expand
♦♦ Vijnanamaya Kosha is the expansion of cognition by
awakening of the Third Eye. Distance varies from blindfolded
reading to Parakaya Pravesham.
♦♦ Anandamaya Kosha is what connects Pindanda to
Deeper Truths about Third Eye
Brahmanda (microcosm to macrocosm).
Goraksanath clearly describes the bifurcation of the sushumna
nadi in the medulla oblongata (reticular activating system). Revelations from the Avatar
So, one line of sushumna nadi goes directly from the medulla (From Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s talks on the subtle truths of
through the brain into the brahmarandra. Third Eye AwakeningSM over the years)

The second line of the bifurcation of the susumna, along with

the ida and pingala, goes directly to the middle of the forehead Celebrate the Unknown
(bhrumadhya) with the ida and pingala opening into the right and
One of the biggest misunderstandings which happenS in your life
left nostrils via the olfactory bulbs, which are part of the limbic
is, you trying to grasp you!
Listen: you cannot understand you - you can only experience you.
The sushumna takes a turn in the front corresponding to the medial
So, if you try to grasp you through any conceptualization, intellectual
prefrontal cortex and goes right up through the limbic system (ajna)
understanding or in any way, it will always be a misunderstanding.
to enter the brahmarandra.
If you are not comfortable with the vast, beautiful, amazing you,
This hollow is usually open unlike the first line, which is usually then you are not celebrating the extraordinary you. Even though
closed. During liberation, the two hollows are united opening into you are not able to hold or grasp the vast you, don’t try to create an
the tenth gate. image about you. If you see the vast you, you will be fearful.

Thus, the expansion of the vijnanamaya kosha in Third Eye The Upanishads beautifully teaches how to be loving and respectful
AwakeningSM leads to cognition via the entire limbic system, and Pre-frontal
towards the Avyakta - the Unknown. Much of you is Avyakta
involves the visual cortex in associated visual areas of the brain in Cortex - unknown to you. When you are afraid of the Avyakta outside,
blindfolded reading. surely you will be afraid of the Avyakta inside.

If the next dimension would be hearing without the ears, then the When you understand that your unknown is your own unknown,
same system, along with the auditory cortex would be activated. you will not have fear about your unknown. You will not be afraid
Thus, different dimensions of Third Eye AwakeningSM would activate of anything which is your own. You will get comfortable with you.
different parts of the brain, essentially leading to the potential ability You will explore, embrace and love those unknown parts of you.
to utilize 100% of the brain’s functional capacity.

AVATAR SHASTRA 162 163 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Bridging Physical and Mystical Worlds Consciousness, the more you become Consciousness. What we
call karma is nothing but the deep-rooted unconscious patterns
Third Eye is the bridge between the physical world and psychic and incompletions which force you into a vicious cycle of fear,
and cosmic space. All the extraordinary powers, psychic powers,
greed and pain for lifetimes. When you start using the powers of
are achieved through Third Eye AwakeningSM. All the extraordinary
your Consciousness freely, the unconscious parts of your mind
powers are lived when your Third Eye is completely awakened.
are brought under the light of your Consciousness, and they
Understand: whatever you are seeing with these two eyes is not
automatically dissolve, clearing the karmas.
reality and not enough. Third Eye makes you see the higher reality
externally in your day-to-day life, and internally in your life and
death journey. Third Eye AwakeningSM makes you immediately Secret of Omnipresence
experience God.
The word ‘omnipresent’ needs to be understood.
The Third Eye is a direct bridge to God. Third Eye is not just an
eye; it is the very source of your Consciousness. If you align your When your presence is loosened in your body, you become
thinking based on the principle of Advaita, Oneness, all your energy omnipresent. If you are caught inside one nervous system, your
will become centered on Third Eye, all your energy will become presence is limited to just what you feel as you - that one small
stable in your Third Eye. The functioning of your Third Eye will enter body. If you start loosening yourself, if you practice getting in
into the next frequency. or out of that one system, two things happen to you: one, you
start becoming omnipresent; two, you experience tremendous
Destroy Karmic Patterns and Incompletions love and compassion, because you start feeling your presence
everywhere. You start feeling yourself happening everywhere, so
The more you use the Third Eye, the more the patterns and engrams the tremendous love and compassion to the Whole happens.
engraved in your brain will start getting completed, because you
are continuously working with Consciousness. The more you use

Third Eye vision is ‘Conscious Seeing’ Your Personal Door to the Cosmos
If you can see something through the eyes, you can experience it Third Eye is like a door to Cosmos. You can receive anything from
with your physical body. If you can see something through your the Cosmos though the Third Eye. Same way, you can send any
mind, you can experience it, understand it, with your mental body. If command to the Cosmos through the Third Eye. Anything sent
you can see something with your inner space, your consciousness, through the Third Eye to the Cosmos is immediately, immediately
you can control it as the Lord of it. Even blind people continue to experienced! Third Eye is not just the brow center; it is the Browsing
see in their inner space. Whether you are blind or have physical Center also! Just like how you can upload or download anything
eyes, you continue to see through your inner eyes. Third Eye through the Internet world through an internet browsing center,
vision is nothing but ‘Conscious Seeing’! It activates the non- through the Third Eye you can download and upload anything in
mechanical parts of your brain. That is why you start experiencing the Cosmos. It is the Cosmic browsing center. Any Akashic Records
extraordinary powers like telepathy, materialization, teleportation can be downloaded by you when you open your Third Eye.
and clairvoyance.

AVATAR SHASTRA 164 165 Chapter

1: Avatar
8: Third
: Introduction to the
Eye Awakening SM
Patanjali explains in Yoga Sutras: 1. Magic tricks – These are plain entertainment - they are not
siddhis and nothing is wrong in them.
kāyendriyasiddhiraśuddhikśayātḥ tapasaḥ (2.43)
When the body and sense organs are ripened by tapas (the 2. Black magic – Even if you do it for entertainment, it is dangerous
purification process), all the impurities are eliminated from them, and can have adverse effects on both you and the person on whom
and extraordinary powers express because of the ripening of the you are doing it.
bio-memory. 3. Ucchaadana – if you use it rightly for the right purpose you will
‘Kaayendriya siddhi’ is the process of the body and sense organs not have a problem, but if you use it wrongly for the right purpose
getting ripe. I don’t want to translate the word siddhi as extraordinary (or rightly for wrong purpose) you will have a problem.
powers; I want to translate it as ‘getting ripe.’ For example, if your 4. White magic – these are the siddhis. They may delay
eyes are ripe, you can see extraordinary things. When your senses enlightenment, but will give you intelligence about when to perform
are ripe, automatically the extraordinary powers happen in you. them and when not to perform them.
Literally, the master’s presence is cooking all of you intensely every 5. Miracles which happen in the Presence - these are the leela of
day. Intense boiling is happening! Even this levitation is nothing but the Divine; they do only good all the time.
the method of ripening your senses.
Miracles and beyond
When you make your senses ripe, you live with them joyfully!
Narayana Swami, a siddha in my native town of Arunachala, used
Make Miracles your Lifestyle to say very beautifully, ‘Extraordinary powers are given to you to
show you that the ordinary life is not worth living.
Being a good human being is good, but it is not great! That is not
For example, imagine how it would be if you could suddenly break
the end of human possibilities. You are designed for extraordinary
this huge hall like a small bamboo stick and fold it and put it in
powers and capabilities. You cannot talk about the power of seeing
your Consciousness? It is possible! This is an extraordinary power.
to a born-blind man. How much ever you talk, he won’t be able to
This whole hall can be melted like a wax model and put into your
understand what is going to happen when he gains his vision. In the
Consciousness just through a sound vibration. When you can do
same way, I can’t talk about the Third Eye to you till your Third Eye
this, it proves that the ordinary reality is a not a worthwhile reality;
is opened! When you awaken the Third Eye, your whole life will
it is not the solid reality.
be different. What ordinary people call intuition will become your
lifestyle. What people normally call spiritual powers will become Whenever you break the ordinary rules, it is extraordinary. But the
your very lifestyle! ability to break the ordinary rules and make yourself extraordinary
is not supposed to bring extra ego; it is supposed to show you that
How to recognize real miracles the ordinariness itself is worthless, and that is why you are able to
break it! It breaks your attachment to your current reality. And that
The miracles you see fall into five categories: magic tricks, black is the exact lesson you need to learn.
magic, white magic, ucchaadana and Happenings of the Presence.
If you know these five categories clearly, whenever you see any
extraordinary happening, you will know to which category it
belongs, and whether you want to have it in your life.

AVATAR SHASTRA 166 167 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Advaita: Password to Third Eye AwakeningSM Students of Nithyananda GurukulSM and sangha members demonstrate the power of
One of the greatest gifts to mankind would be the ability to have Third Eye AwakeningSM to spiritual visionaries, doctors and celebrities, among others.
Third Eye AwakeningSM, which, apart from leading to several manifest
powers, using a very standardized protocol-based technique of
initiation and training, all of which happens while being in the right
space of Advaita.

In Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s own words:

The software for the Third Eye AwakeningSM has been

programmed to only work from the space of Advaita (the
right context) and cannot be misused with the wrong space
or intention, as the password to this power has been coded
into the Advaitic space of consciousness.

With His Holiness Sri Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham With (Late) Sri Ashok Singhal ji, International President of VHP
When we do not understand the science behind a power or siddhi,
we usually interpret it as something either magical or mystical, but in
any case, definitely difficult. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has not only
clearly demonstrated these powers Himself, but has actually made
them accessible to all His devotees.

A simple concept like ‘listening’, which means paying attention

and cognizing, not only with all the physical senses, but using the
very energy of our being, is in itself, a simple yet powerful siddhi.
In this way, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is making available at least
Student performing a demonstration for doctors at Pragya Hospital Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon introduces the demo in the USA
400 demonstrable, reproducible abilities to all His disciples. During
the Simhasta Kumbha Mela in 2016, He intends to reveal at least
70 powers described in the Shivajnana Upanishad. At the time of
compiling this volume, 32,000 adults and children worldwide have
been initiated into the science of Third Eye AwakeningSM

Read more:
Secrets of Third Eye AwakeningSM
Demo by Nithyananda GurukulSM student during Inner Awakening® Demo by adult sangha member during Inner Awakening®

AVATAR SHASTRA 168 169 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

For me, there is no difference between a
wish and a will I am learning from Yogamata every day!

I am enjoying drawing while blindfolded! Spiritual name: Ma Yogamata Spiritual name: Ma Shivajnana (mother of
Age: 9

Name: Anne-Marie Casu Third Eye AwakeningSM Student of Nithyananda GurukulSM

Location: USA

Location: France

Shivoham Inner Awakening participant,

When I do blindfold reading, it looks like everything is just coming Yogamata is showing me every day what it means to believe in
May 2015
like an image. It just pops up and goes. How I look at it is, just yourself and know that you can do anything.
like an image - sometimes an image, or sometimes like how I look
Anything is really possible! The way she approaches life or tackles
around, like with my normal two eyes. You should be first self-
problems is so beautiful and inspiring. She expresses so much
After Swamiji’s initiation, I am able to recognize shapes and letters. confident when it comes, then with that confidence it will benefit
intelligence and maturity; she is able to learn new subjects so
you with everything.
I am a sketch artist, and I am enjoying drawing while blindfolded quickly after the initiation.
and seeing if all the elements are in the right place! For me, there is no difference between a wish and a will. For
Only our self-doubt is stopping us example, when I want a toy and I wish for it, then it just happens. I We knew that when we enrolled her in the Gurukul, Swamiji was
going to teach her to be successful and a better human being - but
just wish, I want a Lego and it just happens.
we never expected this!

Spiritual name: Ananda Komala

Location: Canada Unimaginable intelligence has opened up

I can read languages which I don’t know!
Shivoham Inner Awakening participant, in the Gurukul students
I had an OBE during my initiation! May 2015
Name: Sharanya Sridhar
Spiritual name: Ma Prajnana
Shaktivel, Mumbai, India Age: 16
When Swamiji initiated us, I immediately noticed that with the Age: 13
Shivoham Inner Awakening participant, May 2015 children in the hall, it seemed like it just started happening on its Location: Bengaluru, India
Student of Nithyananda GurukulSM
own! Some of them were even reading complete sentences. Student of Nithyananda GurukulSM
It all started with a clear, intense sensation between the eyebrows
Children do not have the self-doubt that adults have, so it simply
that made the entire body feel light. A cool intense energy was
happens for them. Swamiji has opened up this science for everybody;
experienced the moment Swamiji started the initiation, which got After initiation from Swamiji, not only are the Balasants (Gurukul
now it is up to each of us to open ourselves and receive it fully.
profound as the time passed. After Swamiji awakened my Third Eye, I am able to read comfortably
students) reading blindfolded in English, they have started reading
even when blindfolded.
It became a powerful experience, and what felt like a few minutes in languages which they cannot read even with their eyes open –
of an out-of-body experience (OBE) turned out to be a good 40 The most surprising thing is that I am able to read languages like like German, Hindi, etc! Also, some of them are able to comfortably
minutes. I never expected that this will happen! Tamil and Gujarati, which I normally don’t know how to read! read off a sheet of paper which is kept elsewhere!
After these experiences, I feel that I have transformed a lot.
Also, a lot of fifth graders got promoted to tenth grade, and are now
preparing for their Board exams! Due to Third Eye AwakeningSM,
unimaginable intelligence has opened up in all Balasants.

AVATAR SHASTRA 170 171 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

I detected a patient’s kidney stones using my Behavioral Analysis of Nithyananda ‘Can you take care of it?’ The student said yes and went away.
My intuition has increased a lot Sridevi was observed allowing students to be self-directed in
awakened Third Eye GurukulSM Children the classroom, assigning work with time limits that were flexible,
Name: Poornima and students could pace themselves - play or sleep, play with
Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya beads, and do whatever, so long as they finished the assignment
Swaroopapriyananda Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya Debbie Chance according to the parameters.
Location: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Mahayogananda PhD in Education
Aadheenam School Administrator, Winston-Salem
Location: Singapore Re-direction
Forsyth County Schools
Shivoham Inner Awakening participant, May
Shivoham Inner Awakening® participant, North Carolina, USA
2015 Students clearly respected Sridevi and frequently asked questions
May 2015
and formed small groups to accomplish tasks. One student who
“had a stick” in the back of the class for three different periods
As soon as I started gazing into Swamiji’s Third Eye, I felt a pulsation, A few days ago, I went to the Muruga temple near my house during (and was clearly off task) was immediately re-directed by Sridevi
like a heartbeat, in the area of my own Third Eye. my morning walk. One young lady around 27 or so sat near me General observations to produce his work. He happily complied.
and was talking to her husband about pain near her back/abdomen
When He instructed us to close our eyes, the pulse intensified, and Gurukul students were mature and very respectful of the adults, of
area for many days.
I saw some swirling golden light in the center of my inner vision. me and of each other. Restful awareness
I just remembered Swamiji’s initiation and scanned her with my
After the meditation, I was surprised to be able to immediately, third eye and was 1000% sure she had kidney stones. I could see the They were highly attentive and conscious of the needs of other Basically the group functions as a WHOLE and they appear to be
accurately trace shapes on a page while blindfolded, and also my right kidney inflamed. I interrupted them and told her to go to a students, and were frequently observed dressing, helping, nurturing
intuition increased a lot. able to sit quietly for long periods of time in restful awareness.
renal specialist at once as her right kidney was inflamed.
and problem-solving with each other. This was regardless of age; There is no picking-on, harassing, fighting, put-downs, as one
Also, since Swamiji awakened my Third Eye, I no longer need to I gave my number and told them to get moving right away. Just a even young students assisted older ones and helped teachers as would expect in a ‘normal’ school. On one occasion dinner was
turn on the lights to do things like get ready for bed or see where I’m few minutes back the husband called me up and said they decided to well.
going at night. late, and they waited quietly for over an hour with no complaints.
head to A&E unit at Singapore General Hospital just in case what I
So if you’re thinking of going to Inner Awakening®, just jump into said was true. After tests the doctors confirmed she had stones in the
it - these 21 days will be the best, most transformational, awe- right kidney and a condition called Pyelonephritis due to which the De-escalation of conflict
inspiring days of your life. Swamiji’s presence is priceless - it has to kidney shows inflammation. The doctor told them had they delayed
be experienced! by some more days --she’d have to lose her right kidney!!! There was no competition or comparison, and no aggression
except for a few times, which was immediately solved by a self-
The way Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda works is simply
beyond words. The husband was like, “But how did you know???” I appointed group of ‘de-escalators’ who intervened quickly, asking
said, “I did not - but HE does & HE shows”. questions like, ‘Are you in the space of Shivoham?’ Or, ‘How can
you get in the space of Shivoham now?’
That whole family wants to see Swamiji and take his blessings once
the treatment is done. Just an ordinary walk out can turn out to be One young student was observed crying and hitting another older
life-saving for someone!
student multiple times. This older student just ‘took the hits’ and
moved away. Within five minutes, he had ‘completed’ with the
de-escalators, and moved on.

Response to pain
School Administrator Sridevi was presented with a student with
a pain in the body. She asked the students, ‘What is pain?’ and

AVATAR SHASTRA 172 173 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Adult-type behaviors Incident of rose plants in the Nithyananda Soon he started reading so fast, it was as if the picture popped
into his head as soon as the light was off, even while I was still
Students assume responsibility for adult-type behaviors like re- GurukulSM garden dropping thorns handing him the book to read! He then continued to read three
directing, advising, questioning and actively listening to each other. A surprising incident that was brought to our notice was that the more pages in total dark, describing the pictures in the book and
One 7-year-old after finishing his report, spelling and printing children’s garden of the Gurukul had dropped their thorns after reading the captions under the pictures as well. I think that he was
correctly, got up walked over to another student and helped him to being counseled by the students, and assured them that there was as shocked as I was, that he could read in total darkness! He was
write and spell for his report. Another 11-year-old frequently directed no danger to them, and no need to keep their thorns to defend not only reading in the dark, he was triple blind-folded.
the whole class, “Everyone be in the space of listening”. Of course, themselves.
It is interesting note that the student initially expressed hesitation
everyone listened, and the re-direction happened easily.
I personally investigated this with my team, spending some time in about reading in the dark, since on an earlier occasion, he was
the garden during the students’ counseling session. able to read at dusk, with very minimal natural light, with a triple
Completion Students enjoy mangoes from the mango tree in the Gurukul garden which
gave a multifold yield upon their request blindfold. He had just grabbed the book, put it on the top of his head,
and started reading correctly as well as identifying the pictures.
Students also take responsibility Observation
for helping one another ‘complete’
Students sat with their rose for approximately 20-30 minutes per
themselves by asking relevant
day. Some caressed the leaves, some sat quietly, some talked to
The Third Eye Can Read in Utter Darkness February 28, 2015, 7:05 pm IST
questions to facilitate each other’s
understanding of the completion each other, yet they were sitting casually... not praying, speaking February 9, 2015, 6.45 pm IST I took Kalpalatha, aged 10, to be tested with triple blindfold in the
process. Students would not allow to the plant or exhibiting any obvious behavior... yet the majority of
Ma Yogamata, aged 9, was the first dark.
themselves or others to be in the the plants had dropped their thorns.
Gurukul student to read in the complete Kalpalatha asked to be blindfolded 7 times, and appeared to be
space of powerlessness. Completion dark with a triple blindfold. She was not
happened constantly. They appeared confident that she could read in the total darkness. When we turned
only able to read the letters, but was also off the lights, she immediately started reading without hesitation,
to be a self-correcting, inter-woven network of completion. able to identify the color of the letters. and identified all words and pictures correctly. She in fact read the
whole book fast and fluently, as if she was reading normally, with
Living Enlightenment as the goal eyes open and lights on.
February 27, 2015, 7 pm IST
Students challenge each other to grow into higher states of It is interesting to note that on an earlier occasion, she also had a
My assistants and I guided a student cognition that she would be unable to read in the dark. But this time
social and emotional functioning by actively facilitating the
by name Brahmasukha Maharaj into a around, she was very confident that she would be able to read
thinking/understanding of the common goal: Living in the state of
completely dark room for blindfolded perfectly in the dark, due two main reasons:
Enlightenment. Students used a common language that was based
on the common goal of living in a state of balanced emotional 1. Ma Yogamata and Brahmasukha Maharaj had already done it
maturity. At first, he appeared concerned that he
may not be able to read in the complete dark. He was encouraged 2. She had already read Swamiji’s mind in the interim (she said that
Where else would you find over 100 students of all ages in one big if she can read His mind, then this should come very easily)
and reminded of his possibility by another student.
room, sitting together, eating together, just being together, in such
silence? Then immediately, after we turned out the lights, he started telling As we continued to test more children, the amazing thing we found
what was happening in the picture book, saying, ‘There is a cat or is that each one’s success was based in the success of the others...
tiger, gold color with white, coming down the stairs with his head a kind of ripple effect!
up.’ I turned on the lights, and to my amazement, this is exactly Paramahamsa Nithyananda described this phenomenon as the
what was in the book! individual’s muscle-memory ‘learning’ the extraordinary possibility.

AVATAR SHASTRA 174 175 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Whole-Brain Activation Studies on Overview of test-taking behavior
Nithyananda GurukulSM Students It Is very important to document the way in which the student
approaches this test, because (according to the testing protocol) it
reflects the way the student approaches life itself.
Bender-Gestalt II Test ♦♦ Students consistently avoided complaining and approached
each event with composure and alertness.
The Bender-Gestalt Test is a determinant of ♦♦ They exhibited extremely meticulous precision in
transposing the Gestalt forms.
neurological functioning. It assesses the level of
♦♦ They consistently took much more than the average amount
whole brain activation; the students’ ability to see of time to transpose the Gestalt. On the average it took a
the “big picture” and recall the details of it. total of two hours per student: one hour to copy all twelve
It is not just an IQ Test. Gestalt forms, and one hour to recall them.
♦♦ If an examinee takes a large amount of time to complete the
The test is in two phases. geometric figures, it demonstrates a methodical approach
In the first phase or ‘copy phase’, students are first asked to copy to tasks, low compulsive tendencies, and low symptoms
12 images of various complexities. This ‘copy phase’ reflects the of depression. In the modern world, delayed gratification
students’ visual motor intelligence and maturity. In the second is considered one of the highest assets of an employee.
phase or ‘recall phase’, students need to remember all of the The observed ability of delayed gratification was the most
images previously drawn without seeing them. The recall phase impressive result of the Bender Gestalt II test.
Extraordinary possibilities expressed by Nithyananda
reflects the students’ visual recall intelligence. The recall image is ♦♦ The other outstanding attribute in Bender Gestalt II results
GurukulSM students scored based on the level of recall ability. Of the 75 students who was the superior memory ability of students. It is very
have taken the Bender Gestalt II test so far, the average percentile unusual for students to remember such a high number of
As a result of Whole-Brain Activation, Nithyananda GurukulSM students regularly
rank of Copy Phase is 95.07 and Recall Phase is 86.91. Gestalt forms. Each gurukul student attended to the test
demonstrate an astonishing range of abilities spontaneously, with hardly any
formal training, including advanced yoga postures, traditional music and dance, card carefully, and persistently transposed the Gestalt
Note: These extremely high scores are indicative of above average
sculpture, clay modeling, jewelry making and crochet, among others. form; remaining calm, cool and collected. They initially
results compared to other students who were used to norm this
test. approached each Gestalt form with a keen observation
and analysis of the form, and then exhibited a steady
perseverance, attending to minute details.
Incidental observations ♦♦ The students appeared to be in the deep state of restful
As a result of utilizing the Bender Gestalt II, observations of the awareness as they performed the memory recall aspect.
process of students responding to each test card were recorded. They showed no signs of confusion, neither were they
Observations included: Idiosyncratic personality style, needs, conflicted nor agitated. They consistently exhibited
conflicts and defenses, level of maturation, coping methods, presence of mind. Because of their deep ease, the clarity
psychological strengths and weaknesses, openness to new varieties of their memory was obvious. These impressions indicate
of learning experiences, and the ability to profit from them. strong mental stability, persistence, attention to detail, high
motivation and emotional maturity.
The superior level of precision is evident in the high percentile
ranking scores listed in the tables.

AVATAR SHASTRA 176 177 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

AVATAR SHASTRA 178 179 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM
AVATAR SHASTRA 180 181 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM
Slosson IQ Test 50% of the students with total English immersion fell into the
category of Genius and Very Superior Intelligence (IQ Score of 120
The Slosson Intelligence (IQ) Test is a well-respected and highly and above).
validated intelligence test worldwide. It measures the following
categories: general information, similarities and differences, The average difference between the chronological age and the
vocabulary, comprehension, digit span, arithmetic, visual motor intellectual age is 2.7 years ahead.
capacity, and auditory memory. After all testing is completed, the Note: The MAE (Mean Age Equivalent) of Nithyananda GurukulSM
examiner will do an item analysis on consistently missed items students is much higher than their peers who were used to norm
and categories in order to provide feedback for future instructional this test.

Since the Slosson is a highly verbal test, the test administrator

observed that many of the IQ scores were not accurate because
of lack of English language immersion. The results pertaining to
students with total English immersion have been reproduced here.
(Note: The number of years each student has practiced English has
been recorded.)

AVATAR SHASTRA 182 183 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Intellectual Maturity compared to Exact 4. Sharanya and Lopamudra were asked the question number
153: ‘What is a panorama?’ Neither student knew the definition,
Age so the item was marked incorrect. The examiner then visualized a
panoramic scene on top of Mount Everest. Both of these students
83% of the students are intellectually 1 to 6 year(s) ahead of their described the scene in detail, including snow, mountains and sky.
actual age (as of students tested so far)

53% of the students are intellectually 2 to 6 year(s) ahead of their

actual age (as of students tested so far)

Unique Observations
1. One student, Brahmasukha, IQ 144, who was very proficient in
blindfolded reading, correctly answered the question, ‘Who was
Longfellow and what did he do to become famous?’ When the
examiner asked him, ‘How did you get this answer?’, he said it came
spontaneously to him. This ‘spontaneous knowledge’ acquisition
needs to be studied further. There could be a correlation between
blindfolded reading and spontaneous knowledge acquisition.

2. Another proficient blindfold reader, Lopamudra, IQ 123, after

getting question number 181 incorrect, asked me if she could read
the answer through the examiner’s mind. The question was, ‘Who
wrote the following: Much Ado About Nothing?’ She blurted out
the letters S H A K E S and S P E A R, then she said M A I L L I
W (William), which is of course the correct answer. This student
has been studied doing blindfolded reading on many occasions,
and it has been observed that many times she reads the letters

3. Sharanya IQ 119, who was also a proficient blindfold reader, after

getting question number 181 incorrect, asked me if she could read
the answer through the examiner’s mind. For the question, ‘Who
wrote the following book: A Tale of Two Cities?’, she read the letters
C H A R L E S D I C K E N S, and she was able to get the answer for
two other authors as well.

AVATAR SHASTRA 184 185 Chapter 8: Third Eye AwakeningSM

Chapter 9

Parakaya Pravesham
Expansion of Consciousness into Another

T he exact translation of ‘Parakaya Pravesham’ is ‘to be

manifest in another body’.

This is a siddhi or yogic power which has several practical

applications, depending on the extent of presence possible into
pranamaya and the rest. The pranamaya kosha is permeated by
three koshas, the manomaya by two koshas and the vijnanamaya
by one kosha. In this manner, each outer kosha is full of that which
is within, i.e. the succeeding one being internal to the preceding.

By resolving each kosha into that which immediately succeeds it,

the other being.
we are led to the knowledge of the Brahman, which is beyond
In the Vibhuti Pada of his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes this siddhi cause and effect, and realize our oneness with it.
in the following way:
Vedanta Prabodha explains how this happens, through the concept
bandha-kāraṇa-śaithilyātpracāra-saṁvedanāccacittasya of sakshi.
paraśarīrāveśaḥ ॥3.38॥
When one wishes to read the mind of another, or cognize the
By the loosening of the causes of bondage (to one’s own body) physical experience of another, the technique applied would be
and the intuitive grasp of the passages of expansion, (happens) to expand the koshas, such that the vijnanamaya kosha and the
the entering into another body. manomaya kosha are at the level of the recipient’s own koshas.

Traditionally, the five koshas are:

To understand Parakaya Pravesham, we must first understand the ♦♦ Annamaya kosha
concept of the koshas. ♦♦ Pranamaya kosha
♦♦ Manomaya kosha
Adi Shankaracharya, the great incarnation, describes in
♦♦ Vijnanamaya kosha
Vivekachudamani the koshas or energy bodies as below:
♦♦ Anandamaya kosha
These sheaths are something like peels of onion growing one over
These are all subtle layers of energies overlapping each other, with
the other.
the anandamaya kosha on the inside in a normal incomplete human
Accordingly, the annamayakosha is permeated by four koshas: the being, and expanding outwards as completion happens, allowing

AVATAR SHASTRA 186 187 Chapter 9: Parakaya Pravesham

the anandamaya kosha to merge Ida and Pingala, pass along the right and left sides of the forehead An Avatar, being in oneness with Nature, the Manifested
with the universal consciousness - and meet together and are joined with the Sushumna between the Consciousness, therefore, both with form and formless can easily
the brahmanda (macrocosm). two eyebrows. convert matter into energy and back into matter again.

This can be easily experienced after From there the Ida goes to the left nostril and the Pingala to the This allows the subtle aspect of the body to completely merge with
the inititation into a fully awakened right. From the medulla, the Sushumna is bifurcated: another and experience the physical life through the merged body.
ajna chakra (Third Eye), wherein
(1) One line passes below the brain and in a rather oblique course
one can cognize and read not
comes to the eyebrow whence with a slightly upward bend pierces Level 3
only written material blindfolded,
the pericarp of the ajna chakra (third eye center) and unites with
but eventually, also ‘read mind’, At the instance of the death of a person and subsequent loss of his
Ida and Pingala.
or cognize and understand the conscious energy, it is possible for an Avatar to suffuse His own
perception and space of other Then it comes out, and running straight up crosses a very subtle consciousness into the body, if it has been devoid of life energy for
consenting beings around us. hole within the interior of the central region of the forehead and less than one hour.
hanging down to some distance takes a curve and goes right up,
There are three known levels or In this technique, the Avatar or enlightened sage uses the siddhi to
penetrating the Sahasrara and entering the Brahmarandhra.
techniques of Parakaya Pravesham, bring back to life the other being, without physically entering his
depending on the objective to be achieved: (2) Another line goes up direct from the medulla, and through the cognition for any specific purpose.
interior of the skull extends to the Shikhara. With a slight curve it
The enlightened sage Tirumoolar is known to have entered into the
Level 1 enters the Brahmarandhra. The mouth of this line of the Susumna
body of a dead shepherd out of compassion for his flock.
which is in the Brahmarandhra remains usually closed, while that
Meditation on vajradanda (a shaft of light along the spinal of the first line is open. Consequently the hollows of the two lines In another famous incident concerns Adi Shankaracharya’s disciple
column and/or extending above the head) expands the cognition are not in union. Hastamalakacharya. It is said that when the disciple was a baby,
(vijnanamaya kosha). Expansion of cognition opens up the power he drowned in a river, but out of compassion for his mother, an
A very good example of Parakaya Pravesham was demonstrated
of blindfolded reading and many other powers. enlightened sage entered into the child’s body using his siddhi of
by Adi Shankaracharya, the great Avatar, when, as part of a debate, Adi Shankaracharya
parakaya pravesham.
Prana or life-energy enters the body through the two channels he was challenged to demonstrate his knowledge of Kamashastra
called ida and pingala, to merge into the third channel called (the science of sex), in spite of being a total celibate. The siddhi of Parakaya Pravesham has been demonstrated on
sushumna and travel up the spinal column. several occasions by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, and
While a close disciple guarded his body in a cave, Shankaracharya
witnessed by His disciples. A sharing related to one such incident
The medulla oblongata (bhastaka granthi) above the vishuddhi entered the state of Samadhi and expanded his Consciousness to
has been documented at the end of this chapter.
chakra, is one of the sites where the three nadis are united. From enter that of a king named Amaruka, who had just then died. After
here the sushumna enters into the skull, and the other two nadis, viz. experiencing the life of a householder for a month through the body
of the king, he re-entered his body and went on to win the debate.

Level 2
Science has conclusively shown that matter and energy are
interchangeable, depending on the conditions and the perception
of the observer. At the subatomic level, all subatomic particles or
elements are exactly the same and constantly appear and disappear
in fractions of seconds.

AVATAR SHASTRA 188 189 Chapter 9: Parakaya Pravesham

Deeper Truths about Siddhis Conclusion
Even Death must obey an Avatar
Revelations from the Avatar Parakaya Pravesham can be as simple a power as to get a glimpse
Listen: a cyclone of different moods is constantly hitting your inner into the mind of another by expanding one’s space (koshas), to the
space. Each time you are hit by an emotion, be aware of how the very intricate technique of entering another’s body, which Avatar Aha! I felt, and said to myself, “Is that all Swamiji? I know how You
Spiritual name: Sri Nithya
evolution is happening in you, how each hitting is teaching you Paramahamsa Nithyananda reserves for critical situations, or during Yogananda Swami can bring back people, and when you do it, they won’t feel any pain!”
the process of Samskara Dahana Kriya. During this kriya, with the Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order The memory of my own experience of Swamiji’s energy landing all
something, how it is raising you to a higher and higher space.
permission of the participants, He enters the bodies in order to Location: Nithyananda Peetham, around my body when I fell and fractured my hand filled me. I
For example, when pain hits you, if you remain with awareness, cleanse their patterns, incompletion and karmas at the level of bio- Bengaluru Aadheenam did not even care to listen to anything further, as I simply knew it
you become a leader. When greed hits you, if you are aware, you Email: was just another being that is going to have a strong, personal and
memory (genetic and gene expression changes) in order to align
physical experience of Swamiji’s incomparable compassion.
will have the siddhi of expanding the body. When guilt hits you the physiology of the disciple.
and you are aware, you will have the siddhi of shrinking your body. It turned out that one of the brahmacharis had met with a road
Same way, fear can give you the siddhi of making your body heavy, accident while driving a two wheeler without wearing a helmet,
In the year 2012, Swamiji was conducting Inner Awakening in despite Swamiji making that a pre-condition for anyone riding any
and courage can give you the siddhi of making your body light.
Kodaikanal in south India. As part of the IA, one evening we were two wheeler. He was taken to the hospital and was just declared
When you are being hit by the fears created by the past being having Kalabhairava darshan and Akashic Readings from Swamiji. dead. It was 15 minutes and he could not be revived medically.
projected on the future, if you remain aware, you will have the I was sitting the closest to Swamiji; unlike other times, strangely I Then Swamiji said in His authority that He has brought the person
siddhi of ishatva, lordship. When you have the ability not to let started feeling my body becoming numb, and I was smelling my body back into his body. God, all of us were looking with eyes wide open! I
the past into the future, but perform the same act differently each as some dead body, akin to my pre-monastic childhood memory. said to myself, ‘Yes, yes that is a big relief!’ Precisely at that moment,
time, you will have the power of vashitva. The same act done again I saw I am grounding back onto my own body; there was no more
Suddenly I noticed a buzz of activity from the brahmacharis who
numbness or the smell of any dead body.
and again without the trace of the past expresses as extraordinary were down the stage. From the looks of it, I knew there was something
creativity and vashitva – a mesmerizing presence. important / urgent that they wanted to convey to Swamiji. Then Swamiji reminded those who brought the news to tell the
doctors to attempt a revival now. If I remember correctly, it turned
So do sammyama on how the evolution happens in you with each Swamiji was unmoved, but paused briefly and had a really deep look
out that the brahmachari had already opened his eyes when they
on His face. From where I was sitting, it looked like He was looking
emotion, each moment of your life. wanted to convey this to the doctors.
deep into a distant sky; then He made a hand gesture that looked to
me like, “It has left”! Since I did not know what it was, I only prayed, The most shocking thing was, when I returned to the ashram just
“Swamiji, there are too many false media attacks already; let there a few days later, I found the same brahmachari moving about and
not be one more thing to defend!” doing his work normally, with no sign that he had just gone through
a death experience a few days earlier!
Swamiji abruptly stopped the Akashic Readings and went and sat
down on His seat on the stage. Soon after, there was a brief moment Later I heard from a senior ashramite that this brahmachari had
when one of the brahmacharis updated Swamiji; something to requested and received a boon from Swamiji that he will not die
which Swamiji very patiently replied, “He has left the body already.” before Swamiji leaves his physical body.
I thought to myself, “One of the ashramites died? Who? Why?” But Wow! I thought - that is the power of a boon given by the siddha
all thoughts died down instantly. There was silence everywhere. Avatar – it can bring you back even from the other side of death!
After what felt like quite a long time, Swamiji said, “He left the body,
not able to bear the pain. I can bring him back, but he has to go
through the same pain.”

AVATAR SHASTRA 190 191 Chapter 9: Parakaya Pravesham

Or levitation – it is the most visible indication that the grip of your as the container and transmitter of the mighty superconscious
Chapter 10 karmas (bio-memories) on you is reducing; you have become
willing to let go of pain, fear and guilt. This transformation is

The Science of Miracles

happening inside you whether you are aware of it or not, but the
Why eN-Effect?
outward indicators can be a powerful support on the spiritual path.
In the history of human civilization, no attempt has ever been made
Miraculous happening are natural in the presence of an incarnation.
on such a large scale to elevate the human consciousness through
As close devotees are aware, they have always been happening
Levitation, Teleportation, Materialization around Nithyananda. However, it is only now that a concerted
scientific means. But with the 2012-2020 conscious shift nearing its
peak, humanity has become ripe for rapid spiritual transformation.
attempt is being made to scientifically analyze, quantify and
This is a time of enormous upheaval, both inside us and in the
replicate these happenings, so that the science behind them can
world outside. It is a significant juncture in our evolution, when
be better understood, and used to the benefit of humanity at large.
the entire planet is poised for a powerful transformation. We have
two distinct choices at the moment: either to integrate ourselves
What is the secret of eN-Effect? harmoniously with these higher energies and take the quantum
leap into higher states of consciousness, or to continue to live in
eN-Effect is a landmark energy expression on our planet by a living
eN-Effect What are miracles? denial till we are swept away by the tide of inevitable change.
siddha (energy adept). For the first time, the highest superconscious
As Paramahamsa Nithyananda reiterates, there is no such thing energy has been brought down to the frequencies that the human Even the natural calamities we are experiencing today are a sign
(excerpts from a discussion and Q&A session between a team
as a miracle. What we call miracles are perfectly scientific events body can absorb, without losing its purity. of the powerful push-pull of conscious and unconscious energies
of doctors and researchers, and a group of Paramahamsa
that follow cosmic laws that we that we do not as yet understand. battling it out for supremacy. If we can successfully elevate a critical
Nithyananda’s monastic and other disciples) Each day, hundreds of thousands of people across the world sitting
To denounce a seemingly miraculous happening as a hoax is as mass of people into enlightenment, we can tilt the scales in favor of
in Nithyananda’s real or virtual presence are experiencing intense
ridiculous as denouncing or denying the existence of cellular conscious evolution. Our whole planet can take the quantum leap
What is eN-Effect? Kundalini awakening and its many miraculous expressions.
phones or computers, simply because we cannot grasp the into Superconsciousness. eN-Effect is just the visible end of the
technology on which they work. When we recall that not long Normally, it is impossible for a living body, even the superbly powerful process of inner and outer transformation being wrought
eN-Effect refers to the collective extraordinary happenings in and of
ago cloning was considered impossible, test-tube babies (in vitro tuned body of an Avatar, to continuously hold and transmit such by Paramahamsa Nithyananda towards this end.
the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. These include obvious
fertilization) were thought of as outlandish and the World Wide high volumes of energy without being destroyed itself. It is like
‘miracles’ like levitation, teleportation, healing and instantaneous
Web was inconceivable, we can see that expanding our boundary trying to pour the ocean into a funnel! The body will not be able
kundalini awakening, as well as the deeper and subtler miracles of
of understanding and acceptance is simply a sensible choice. to withstand the pressure. Either the body will be destroyed in the
spiritual transformation.
process, or the Avatar will simply drop the body and relax into
Are miracles necessary on the spiritual path? Superconsicousness – again resulting in physical death.
Why is it known as eN-Effect?
The physical condition of the body, as well as the bio-memories it
Yes and no.
Much of what happens in the presence in an enlightened carries, are of inestimable importance in this process. It is like this -
consciousness is too subtle for the senses or mind to grasp. The ultimate miracle on the spiritual path is the miracle of your own if you pour molten gold down a copper tube, when it comes out at
These happenings can be known only by their effects. Levitation, transformation. All the other miracles happening in and around you the other end, it is sure to be corrupted with large traces of copper.
teleportation, healing and other happenings are all the effects of are only indications of the tremendous inner work that is already If you want to transfer the gold without corruption, you will need a
subtle changes on the energetic plane that we cannot see. Because happening in the presence of the master. diamond tube.
we do not know the cause, the effects appear miraculous to us.
For instance, spontaneous healing is a sign of genuine kundalini This is exactly what Paramahamsa Nithyananda is doing, using His
awakening, where the body is flooded with enormous energy that extraordinary vajra (diamond) body, molded by intense spiritual
can awaken your body intelligence and simply wipe out disease. disciplines, and carrying the yogic bio-memory of many lifetimes,

AVATAR SHASTRA 192 193 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

The Science of Levitation Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras describe the mystical process of Levitation
in Vibhuti Pada, Verse 39:
The word ‘levitation’ is derived from Latin word ‘levitas’ meaning udāna-jayāat jala-pankha-kantakādisv-asango-’tkrāntiśca ॥39॥
lightness. Levitation is the process by which an object is held aloft
Upon mastering the upward-flowing energy (udana-vayu), the
without mechanical support in a stable position.
yogi severs attachment to the lower aspects of life (mud, water,
thorns and the like), and therefore levitates. || 39 ||
Fundamentally, levitation on Earth requires an outward force that
As anyone who has tried it will attest, levitation is not a joke. It is
counters the massive gravitational force of the Earth.
the science of defying the massive gravitational force of the earth.
In physics, levitation of objects has been performed using magnetic
As a first step to preparing the body and mind for initiation into As Paramahamsa Nithyananda observes,
forces, electrostatic forces, gas, etc.
higher levels of consciousness, the five major life-energies
One of the known techniques uses materials called diamagnetic (panchaprana) are balanced through intense processes. Breathing with thought is prana;
materials, which induces a magnetic field in a direction opposite to breathing without thought is samana.
The first process that the participants undergo is balancing the Samana is the prana or life-energy
an externally applied magnetic field. This is an aspect of quantum
samana energy in the body. A by-product of this process is physical stored in tiny air sacs beneath each pore
mechanics, whose effect occurs in all materials.
levitation. of the skin. If these air sacs are filled, the
The concept of diamagnetics has also been applied to small, water- body can experience levitation. Only
containing biological systems like mice, which have been levitated when samana happens in you, the body
at NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory. levitates.

If you are breathing but there is no

thought, the air sacs under the air pores
will get filled. Unfortunately, these air
sacs cannot be filled by the gross prana
that is taken in through the nose. You
literally have to learn to breathe through
your skin! This can be done through
intensive yogic techniques, or it can
happen through initiation.”

AVATAR SHASTRA 194 195 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Levitation is Raising the Consciousness way – that is the insecurity. When you try to land, you think, maybe Vedic Science of Levitation
this bliss will go away.
(Excerpts from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s talks on Levitation Levitation, kundalini awakening, everything happens just
As I explained, breathing with thoughts is prana; breathing without
to various audiences) through this great truth of entanglement; nothing else. When this
thoughts is samana. Only when samana happens in you, the body
entanglement happens, I just give my inner space to you, which is
The Yoga Sutras declare: levitates. If you are breathing, but there is no thought, the air bag
lighter than the outer space.
under the pores of your skin get filled and the body starts levitating.
anityāśuciduḥkhānātmasu nityaśucisukhātmakhyātiravidyā
I will explain the science of levitation.
Please understand: the process that makes you levitate also leads Consciousness is lighter than anything in nature. It is lighter than the
you to the deeper and deeper reality, and it cannot leave you. By ether. So it always levitates, pulls you up. Matter, earth, pulls you See, there are three kinds of spaces: ghatakasha – your inner
nature, you are always travelling towards the deepest reality of your down. Gravitation and levitation both are constantly happening space, chidakasha – the space in which your body is sitting, and
existence. If you mistake the source of happiness as connected to in your body, in your nervous system. The friction between your paraakasha – the cosmic space.
outer world happenings, then there is a possibility of pain being gravitation and levitation is your thoughts. Thoughts are nothing
If your inner space is heavier than your outer space, you will be
mistaken as pleasure. But if you catch the root of happiness, which but the friction between them. If the friction is felt in the muladhara
grounded, very strong, fixed, glued to the ground. All I do is, for a
is the higher possibility of existence, the higher form of reality, it chakra, it means there are a little more thoughts, and more gross
few minutes, I make your inner space lighter than the outer space
will never leave you. thoughts; if it is felt in the swadishthana chakra, it means a little less
by removing the mass, the dirt. For those few seconds, you are in
thoughts, if it is felt in the manipuraka chakra, it means still lesser
I am not even bothered about levitation as such. It is just a by- entanglement with my inner space, which is purest consciousness.
thoughts; if it is felt in the anahata chakra , you are more pure, with
product. We are working towards raising your Consciousness, and even lesser thoughts. Because your inner space loses its mass, its dirt, the body just
in the process, sometimes your body and mind also will also rise starts hopping, levitating. After a few times, your inner space starts
- that’s all. Levitation is not just a siddhi. What is there in flying? You have so
believing, ‘Oh, God! Thoughtless space is possible for me, but
many flights! It is sacred because it is a side-effect that happens
Patanjali says clearly in his Yoga Sutras: because of my habit, I am habituated to live in a heavy, crowded,
when your consciousness rises. When your consciousness rises,
loaded space. I can be in thoughtless space. That is my nature.
te samādhav-upasargā[ḥ]-vyutthāne siddhayaḥ ॥3.37॥ with whatever it is connected, that object also rises.
That is my original nature.’

These powers are of secondary importance to those who have attained Anima, mahima, laghima, garima are the ripple-effects created in
If you are constantly initiated and exposed to the pure inner space,
knowledge (samadhi), but are nonetheless feats for materially oriented your body when the conscious breakthrough happens. They are
that will become experience in you. Once you are exposed to that, by
individuals. || 3.37 || just by-product, not the main product.
and by your bio-memory and your muscle memory begin to enjoy
When I was a child, my yoga guru Raghupati Yogi used to train me Breakthrough in consciousness means, a new conscious opening, that space, live in that space and it becomes Living Enlightenment.
in levitation. He used to pile mattresses on the floor and make me a new conscious happening. Levitation is just a candy to excite This is the way entanglement becomes your muscle-memory and
sit on top of them. Then he would ask me to inhale and hold the you and the world. But the conscious happening, the conscious bio-memory. Entanglement is initiation. Now you need to live it to
breath. This is called kumbhaka. opening, is the main goal. Enlightenment is the main goal. make it into ‘Living Enlightenment!’

Then, one by one, he would start removing the mattresses! I had

to remain in the air even without the mattresses! I had to remain in
that space for 60 seconds. And even when I land, I know I needed
to land slowly, because the floor beneath was a hard cement floor!
So I don’t want to risk making a hard landing and breaking my back.
A balanced samana will help you land on the ground slowly.

Even in the people who are levitating here, there is so much joy.
Joy is being pumped into the body! But try not to land in a hurried

AVATAR SHASTRA 196 197 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Moden scientific understanding of Levitation In level 3, the energy of Kundalini now works on the Ghatakasha to
Deeper Truths about Levitation
counteract the forces of strong interaction and electroweak force,
It is now important to understand the above terms in connection allowing the body to remain levitated in a steady state. Revelations from the Avatar
with modern scientific understanding.
Water is a diamagnetic element, and is influenced by the same Please understand: your individual consciousness (jiva) is
The Ghatakasha comprises the entire human body, which in turn forces of nature like the electromagnetic force (electroweak nothing but a reflection of the Cosmic Superconsciousness
is made up of 50 trillion cells containing mostly water (70% of the interaction) as well as dark energy, which though relatively weak, (Shiva). It has no separate or individual existence from the
body is water). At a molecular level, all structures of the human also counteracts gravity. original.
body are composed of atoms and subatomic particles. Up to this,
the structures can be classified under Ghatakasha. The mirror on which the Superconsciousness reflects is your
At atomic and subatomic levels, all atoms are 99% space and 1%
mass. However, the space is not empty, but contains energy in the In your body, brain and muscles, there are different levels of
form of strong interactions and electroweak forces. reflectors or mirrors of Consciousness.

These vast, apparently empty but energy-containing spaces, The original Superconsciousness which is in you does not feel
constitute the chidakasha. Infusion of Kundalini energy into the the individual identity. Your individual identity is experienced
apparently empty space within the atom (chidakasha) changes only by reflection on these mirrors. So the quality of the
the electron orbital into a higher orbital, increasing the apparent reflecting mirror is going to directly affect the quality of the
empty space of each atom. This creates a larger volume for the identity you feel as you.
same mass, allowing the body to become relatively lighter than
The lower-level mirrors you have may be dusty or scratched
before - like the expansion of a helium-filled balloon. The more
or misshapen, they may be concave or convex, so the
helium is filled, the lighter it gets, and it flies away.
reflection of Consciousness in those mirrors will not be the
The Chidakasha is ultimately the same as the Parakasha, and highest and true to the original.
hence the only dividing line between form and formlessness is the
You also have more pure, stable deeper, stable layers of
Ghatakasha, the body boundary.
reflectors. If the mirror is pure and clean, naturally the quality
of you that you experience will not only be deeper and higher,
Levels of Levitation
but it will be more true to the original.
Infusion of Kundalini energy, by the Avatar, allows the following
During levitation, the deepest reflectors of your Consciousness
effects to occur in the disciple.
are awakened.
In the first level, due to the phenomena of quantum entanglement,
In your brain, there are trillions of cells. The reflection
a state of thoughtlessness is created, which produces an intense
happens in trillions of places. For example, both logic and
sense of lightness.
intuition are possibilities carried by your brain. When your
This is because thoughts especially emotions are packets of energy logic mirror reflects the Superconsciousness, you feel that
which tend to weigh down a person. your logic is your identity. Unfortunately, it is not a complete
or total identity. But when your intuition mirror is mirroring
In the second level, as the disciple is able to hold more and more
the Superconsciousness, you naturally feel that your intuition
energy, an expansion of the Chidakasha takes place which lightens
is your identity, and you have tremendous joy and respect for
the body allowing intermittent levitation to happen.
yourself. When your intuition reflects Consciousness, that is
what I call the highest coherence.

AVATAR SHASTRA 198 199 Chapter

Chapter1: 10:
The :Science
Introduction to the
of Miracles
So the quality of the mirror decides the quality of the identity
which you are carrying, which you are feeling. That is why, after I experienced levitation just by connecting Levitation has filled me with positive energy
the Energy darshan, you feel so good - because your very identity to Swamiji
feels good. A simple exercise like unclutching makes you feel so
good, because the mirror in which you are reflected is now higher.
Name: Vidya Krishnan Name: Alicia Morrissey
Essentially, one part of your being is centered on the Source from Location: USA
Location: Charlotte, USA
which you are reflecting, while the other parts are turned outwards
towards the world.
The 72,000 nadis or channels of subtle energy can be considered
as rays flowing from the reflection which is you. In February 2011, I attended my first program with Swamiji, Life
In Dec 2010, I had successfully finished the “Jeevan Mukthi” vratha
Bliss 1, over 2-way video conferencing, which He was conducting
Of the 72,000, if fewer nadis are flowing outward, you can change as per Swamiji’s initiation. In a few days, I had the best levitation
Himself! This was my breakthrough experience, instantly giving
your body at any time, easily. The reflection can change the mirror! experience in my house. I just connected to Swamiji, and while
me strong feeling connection to Swamiji and was the beginning of
It can simply say, ‘Enough! This mirror is too tired, too old; let us go meditating, I completely lifted off the ground, and I was surprised
my new life!
that I had this experience without being in Swamiji’s physical
to the next mirror.’ Because the reflection does not identify much
presence. I experientially realized that Swamiji was beyond TIME Then my feeling connection became stronger when Swamiji released
with that particular mirror, it can just go to the next mirror; that’s and SPACE. All we needed to do is connect to HIM sincerely. I knew en-Kriya, which has forever changed my life! I practiced it daily and
all. I was blessed. still do it to this day, because the technique works wonders for me! It
filled me with so much positive energy and auspiciousness and also
A powerful way to measure how many of your nadis are centered
made me have my first levitation experience! I felt more energetic,
on the Source, is through weight-lifting. When levitation happens, vibrant, happier, focused, peaceful, and healthier, everything
if you are able to lift twice your weight, that is called two bala; it changed for me and became a brand new person. Depression has
means that both the ida and the pingala nadis are active, alive. If I can’t believe this is happening to me left me and I am finally letting go of all my anxiety built up over so
you are able to lift thrice your weight, then it means that all three many years! All thanks to this amazing gift from Swamiji!!!
nadis (including sushumna) are alive. That means at least 10,000 of Ann-Marie, Canada
your nadis among the 72,000 are turned towards the Source from
where you are reflecting; they are centered on Superconsciousness. In April 2011, I attended Inner Awakening. It was an experience like
I never expected 2 powerful satoris, energy beyond belief, levitation.
My body was just flying!
Levitation does not mean you have reached the end. It
Unbelievable. Deep breath. Unclutch. Lift off the ground. The rush
means that your highest-level mirrors are now reflecting the of bliss and compassion. Unbelievable. Name: Akshay
Superconsciousness. But your muscle-memory needs to alter itself Spiritual name: Sri Nithya
Today, I still tell myself almost daily, “I can’t believe this is happening
and prepare itself for that radiation. Your body and mind also need Kailashamayananda
to me.” I try to remind myself how awesome and unique this really
to go through the necessary changes to retain the same highest is. And at the same time I sense that this is only just the beginning. Location: Bengaluru, India
coherence. For the highest consciousness to become muscle- Talk about human potential all of a sudden! It is no longer a faint
memory, you need to constantly think and align and move your ideological idea, but it is EXPERIENCE in the happening! I have
body in a particular way. That is why I tell you, along with the gone from trying hard, intensely seeking, to almost holding back. It
is sooo beautiful. I feel myself moving energetically with Swamiji, During the kundalini awakening webinar conducted by Swamiji, I
intense dosage of levitation every morning, make sure you are had a strong levitation experience - my body was just flying in the
even if I sometimes miss out of weeks of satsangs due to my touring.
working intensely the whole day, using your mind to iron out your air! Thank you Swamiji for giving me such a wonderful experience.
The connection is there forever.
stress with understanding. Then you will see that the energy that
gets awakened during levitation will simply be digested and will
become part of you!

AVATAR SHASTRA 200 201 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

atoms. Explained using quantum mechanics, teleportation is a Early Experiments in Teleportation by a lifetime (or lifetimes) of arduous spiritual discipline and the
mechanism by which information of the exact state of an atom grace of the Divine.
can be transmitted from one location to another. In this process, In 1998, for the first time, a team of researchers at California Institute
All materials cannot be teleported with equal success, as only certain
information is transported from one location to another using an of Technology successfully teleported a photon across a distance
materials can withstand the extreme rigors of being pulled apart
entangled quantum state. Known as ‘quantum teleportation’, this of approximately one meter. However, in the process, the original
at the atomic level, converted into energy vibrations, transmitted
process involves a phenomenon called ‘entanglement’ which is object was destroyed.
through space and then distilled into matter again. An object with
possible only on a micro-scale.
Since then, a number of teleportation experiments have been a weak molecular structure will be pulverized during the process of
As mentioned earlier, in classical terms, information is called a “Bit” performed. teleportation, and could never be reassembled again.
and in quantum mechanics it is called a “Qubit”.
In 2006, physicists at the Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), led by
Whereas quantum entanglement allows teleportation to happen Eugene Polzik teleported photons across half a meter and used them
instantaneously, recreation of masses larger than an atom would to illuminate a cloud of atoms. This was considered a milestone,
also need a classical information link between the 2 locations. because it involved teleportation between light and matter.
This link cannot process information faster than the speed of light,
In 2013, the research group succeeded in teleporting information
and thus, there will be a time delay from Point A to Point B for
between two clouds of gas atoms and to carry out the teleportation
teleportation to occur.
– not just one or a few times, but successfully every single time.
There is physical evidence of teleportation of structures ranging The results were published in the scientific journal, Nature Physics.
from Sacred Ash, to larger objects across continents, e.g. from
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bengaluru Aadheenam, to several
Science of Teleportation quantum-teleportation-between-atomic-systems-over-long-
international locations (outside of India).
For most people, teleportation is the stuff that science fiction films In physics laboratories, the largest distance of experimental
In stark contrast to these efforts, the teleportation of whole objects
are made of. In the last century, the wildly popular sci-fi television teleportation is 143 kms. Larger masses made up of multiple atoms
and even people is a well-defined practice in the mystical tradition.
series Star Trek created the fantasy of human teleportation for a would require more time for reassembly, as they still need to use
Unlike in the scientific context, it is not just the vital information
whole generation. the classical channel in spite of information having preceded it
about the object, but the object itself which is teleported.
instantaneously through quantum entanglement.
Though the mystic disciplines of the world have always understood
and played with the phenomenon of teleportation, modern science Quantum teleportation is actually a process of replication similar to Vedic Science of Teleportation
is only just beginning to understand that teleportation can be a real cloning or ‘biological faxing’, where the same information is used to
possibility in our dimension. create a duplicate exactly like the original object. The object itself is The Vedic science of teleportation works on the premise that
not teleported but only information about it is captured and used. matter and energy are inter-convertible. Just as the pattern of
However, there is a distinct and essential difference between the
The main difference between teleportation as science knows it, and sound waves in a telephone is carried by an electric current from
way science and mystery schools define teleportation.
more conventional forms of sending information from one place to the source to the destination, where it is ‘reconverted’ to sound,
another, is that this is a process of instantaneous transportation. an object to be teleported is simply dissolved into energy at the
Western Science and Teleportation source, and transported through space to be reassembled at its
Science defines teleportation as the process by which an object
is dematerialized and essential information about its atomic Although we say ‘simply dissolved’, the complexity of the process
structure is sent to another point in space, where the object is and the mastery of mind over matter required here is unimaginable.
instantaneously ‘rematerialized’ or reassembled into its component Teleportation and other siddhis (spiritual powers) are gained only

AVATAR SHASTRA 202 203 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Materialization - The Impossible becoming Possible
Science of Materialization 2011 – The Impossible in Action
In the physical or virtual presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, devotees across the world regularly experience the miracles of materialization.
Can something be created out of nothing? A few instances of the materializations of different sacred objects, idols, sacred ash and honey have been presened below.
In spiritualism, paranormal literature, and some religions,
materialization (or manifestation) is the creation or appearance of ‘Yes!’ – say the followers of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who are
matter from unknown sources. The existence of materialization is witnessing the impossible becoming possible every day.
in the process of investigation by laboratory experiments in physics
Since early 2011, ardent devotees have been witnessing the
miraculous appearance of innumerable sacred items, from vibhuti
(holy ash) to honey to gems to small idols in the Nithyanandeshwara
1803 – Year of the Impossible Hindu Temples or in their homes, all by a word of blessing from the
Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Well-documented and very
1803 was an unsettling year for conventional science. In that year,
often videographed, it seems that these extraordinary mystical
a bright young English scientist called Thomas Young performed
happenings can neither be brushed aside nor explained!
a simple experiment that would, for the first time, destroy the
comfortable solidity of the Newtonian universe. In this classic Hundreds of miracles are being experienced by devotees, all
11 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur
experiment, which came to be known as Young’s Double-Slit of them occurring within minutes or hours of Paramahamsa
Devotees at the Kuala Lumpur Aadheenam, Malaysia temple witnessed
Experiment, the scientist used basic tabletop equipment to prove Nithyananda announcing that they would happen. the continuous dripping of sacred honey from the deity of Paramahamsa
7 April 2011, San Jose, USA
something astonishing: light could exist simultaneously in the form Nithyananda
During a Vedic festival dedicated to the Goddess
of matter as well as energy, ultimately manifesting as either matter
Meenakshi (Cosmic Mother), Paramahamsa
or energy depending on the observer.
Nithyananda blessed the devotees at Nithyanandeshwara
This extraordinary finding was to have a ripple effect on the most Hindu Temple, San Jose Aadheenam, USA that they would
21 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur
basic postulates of the Newtonian world, including the reality witness the appearance of holy vermilion (kumkum) at
Miraculous teleportation of rudraksha from
of matter itself. The dual existence of light implied the shocking the feet of the Meenakshi deity. The same day, vermilion
Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam,
possibility of a dual universe itself, existing simultaneously as appeared at the feet of the deity of Goddess Meenakshi.
India, followed by its appearance on the sacred
matter and energy. Interestingly, Ishavasya Upanishad, one of the Maha Meru at Nithyananda Peetham, Kuala
primary spiritual texts of the Hindu Vedic tradition, had declared Lumpur Aadheenam, Malaysia
more than 10,000 years ago that - all that exists in the universe is
energy, including whatever appears as matter.

īśā vāsyam idagṁ sarvam yad kiñca jagatyām jagat |

~ Īśā Vāsya Upaniṣad, v.1
It would be still another century before quantum physics could 27 January 2011, Chennai,
prove this truth conclusively. But Young’s experiment opened the India
eyes of humanity to the world of quantum physics – a hitherto Vibhuti (sacred ash)
inconceivable plane of reality in which everything was possible – materialized on Paramahamsa
Nithyananda’s padukas (holy
including the impossible.
24 June 2011, Oman sandals) during the sacred ritual
At her Oman home temple, Poornima received sacred of Sri Vidya homa in a devotee’s
stones in her throat instantly on instruction from
house in Thiruvottriyur,
Paramahamsa Nithyananda who was at Nithyananda
Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, India Chennai.

AVATAR SHASTRA 204 205 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

6 Sept 2011, Bidadi
In one afternoon session of less than
four hours, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
manifested a series of more than 108 exquisite
hand-held artifacts through his divyasareeri
(energy channel), Poornima (Ma Nithya
Mahayogananda). They included a wide
range of sacred objects with varying molecular
structures, from onyx and crystal to rose quartz, ruby and
jade, indicating a consummate command of the science of
Teleportation. Some items are raw stones, while others have
been polished, and the most beautiful and wondrous of all are 18 July 2011, Oman 10 August 2011, en route to Mt. 11 August 2011, en route to Mt. 17 August 2011, Bidadi,
perfectly carved miniature murtis or religious statuary. Panchamukhi Rudraksha (5-faced Kailash Kailash Bengaluru, India
sacred bead) materialized at ‘Atmalinga’ from the inner space Materialization of Ganesha Materialization of rare
All these sprang effortlessly from the divine visiualization space
Oman Aadheenam, home temple, of Lord Shiva materialized during Rudraksha (a sacred bead in the mineral
of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
through an energy channel the Kailasa yatra through an shape of Lord Ganesha)
energy channel

20 August 2011, Bidadi, India 20 August 2011, Bidadi, India 21 August 2011, Bidadi, India 4 October 2011, Singapore
Materialization of sacred stone Materialization of bluish stone Materialization of bluish stone Idol of Mahalakshmi materializetd
considered sacred considered sacred to Lord Vishnu through an energy channel by
to Lord Vishnu Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s
command during the morning
12 March 2012, 3 November 2011, satsang
Malaysia Malaysia
Vel, the instrument 7 sacred objects 10 July 2011, Oman
10 June 2011, Seattle of Lord Kartikeya, materialized through Materialization of a greenish stone at 18 October 2011, Singapore
Ananda Senapati of Seattle, USA, found an materialized the body of a Oman Home Temple through an energy Coin with Lakshmi on one side
auspicious panchamukhi rudraksha (5-faced through the body divyashareeri channel during the morning satsang and Ganesha on the other side,
sacred bead of Lord Shiva) in his prayer-room as of a divyashareeri (energy channel) meditation conducted by Paramahamsa materalized through the energy
per Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s blessings (energy channel) Nithyananda, from Nithyananda channel’s body
Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, India

AVATAR SHASTRA 206 207 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

such thing called a miracle! All so-called miracles are perfectly
scientific happenings, based on natural laws that we are yet to fully

Materialization and Quantum Physics

Scientifically speaking, the process of materialization belongs to
the realm of quantum physics.

The theory of Quantum Entanglement attempts an explanation of

how materialization might be taking place.

Entanglement is a term used in quantum theory to describe the

way that particles of energy/matter can become correlated to
predictably interact with each other regardless of how far apart
Materialization and Vedic Science Tasmai sri gurumoortaye namah idam sri dakshinaamoortaye they are. This means that the state and actions of one of these
(Dakshinamurti Stotram, v.2) particles can influence the state and actions of others through the
Even today, the finest minds in the global scientific community are process of interference.
unable to explain these happenings, which are commonplace in Prakamaya is one of the ashta maha siddhis or Eight Mighty Yogic
the ancient Indian Vedic tradition that Paramahamsa Nithyananda Powers, accomplished only through many lifetimes of yogic During the process of materialization, the energy channel becomes
hails from. disciplines and Divine grace. Unfortunately, these extraordinary so attuned to Paramahamsa Nithyananda that his/her body and
sciences are all but lost to humanity today. mind temporarily assume the characteristics of enlightenment.
According to Vedic cosmogony, our universe itself was created In other words, the divyashareeri becomes like an extension of
out of the thought-power of the god Brahma. The holy scripture To date, a few rare individuals are able to materialize items like
Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s own inner space.
Yoga Vashishta describes how highly advanced Yogis can create sacred ash from their own bodies or from objects that carry their
objects out of their mind, through a rare combination of perfect energy imprint. But Paramahamsa Nithyananda is arguably the only In physics this is called a classical channel, which transmits
visualization and the yogic power of creation, prakamya. known being on our planet with the ability to manifest matter from information slower than the speed of light. As in the science of
energy in a matter of a few minutes, in the bodies of people sitting teleportation, both quantum entanglement and classic channels
This extraordinary mastery of yogic sciences was commonplace thousands of miles away, using nothing but his own unimaginable are needed to deliver and then reconstruct the qubits of information
in Vedic India, as is evident from Adi Sankara’s ‘Dakshinamurti yogic powers! into a material form.
stotram’, which describes how the world (or many worlds) exists
only as a possibility - like a tree within a seed. The perfect yogi can Moving easily between the dimensions of energy and matter, Paramahamsa Nithyananda calls this the ‘physiology of feeling
call forth this possibility into Reality by his one-pointed will and Paramahamsa Nithyananda assembles and reassembles molecules connection’. This means that Paramahamsa Nithyananda, purely
powers of manifestation or materialization. in the air, creating, dissolving and re-creating objects, in materials with the power of his thought-force, can visualize any object
as diverse as stone, crystal and organic compounds. and transfer the energy of his visualization into the body of the
Bijasyaantarivaankuro jagadidam praang-nirvikalpam punah divyashareeri – where it is instantaneously converted into matter.
On 1st September 2011, through a single divyashareeri (energy
Maya-kalpita desha-kaala-kalanaa vaichitryachitreekrtam Mind-bogglingly mystical – but true, nevertheless!
channel), Paramahamsa Nithyananda materialized as many as 103
Maayaaveeva vijhrmbhayat-yapi mahaayogeeva yah sacred stones in a space of a few hours. It would have taken Mother
svechchayaa Nature thousands of years to create every single one of them.

But as Paramahamsa Nithyananda Himself clarifies, there is no

AVATAR SHASTRA 208 209 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Living Ishatva as a Lifestyle sense objects to experience pleasure.
Materialization and Superconsciousness My childhood yoga guru, Yogiraj Yogananda Puri, had
Patanjali explains in Samadhi Pada of Yoga Sutras:
the ability to use any sense for any purpose. He could pick
It must be mentioned here that unlike subjects of hypnosis Etena bhūtendriyeṣu dharmalakśaṇāvasthā-pariṇāmā up a thread and throw it using his eyes! He could light a
or séance mediums, Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s vyākhyātāḥ (1.13) lamp and blow it out through his eyes. Actually, any one
divyashareeris (energy channels) are in a rare elevated state, of your senses can be used to experience or replace any
characterized by high energy, peace and bliss, both during other sense. Having this expanded understanding about
and after the process of energy transfer. Although the two Paramahamsa Nithyananda says: the senses liberates you from the senses, and makes you
processes may appear similar to an untrained eye, they master of your senses – Ishvaratva. Living this liberated
When you expand your understanding, the strategy
actually stand at the two extremes of the consciousness leadership experience is what we call urdhva retas - the
planning and the decisions you make about life change
spectrum. While subjects of hypnosis or mediums are virtuous circle of energy.
drastically. That cognitive shift brings the highest possible
operating out of the unconscious state, divyashareeris are
liberation in you, which expresses as the extraordinary
touching the state of superconsciousness.
Ishvaratva or Ishatva – leadership quality. Ishvaratva is
The tremendous influx of positive energy during these usually interpreted as becoming powerful or controlling,
sessions sets up a process of silent transformation in the but I would like to translate this word as ‘becoming a
entire mind-body system of the individual. Divyashareeris leader’. It is no way related to being forceful. It is just
regularly report the spontaneous healing of chronic realizing that by innate nature, you are a leader, and
diseases, visible age-reversal and the effortless clearing expressing the extraordinary qualities of a leader.
away of lifelong negative mental patterns. Post-activation
When you expand your understanding in any area,
assessment of these individuals has proven that the long-
suddenly you become Ishvara – you become a leader in
term effects of this energy influx extend so far as to influence
that space - a lord, a leader, a master; liberated. Listen
their problem-solving and decision-making abilities, even
to this subtle truth: whatever is under your control, you
harmonizing their interpersonal relationships.
are liberated from it. For example, if your body is under
your control, you are liberated from it. Actually, only if
you are liberated from your body, your body will be
under your control! It is the same with your mind, or with
your emotions. In every field, when you have the broad
understanding, it liberates you, and you become a leader
in that field.

For instance, you think that when a certain object come

in contact with a particular sense, you experience
excitement. The broad or right understanding is this:
when that object comes in contact with that sense, your
awareness is being sucked intensely into that particular
sense. It is because of your awareness rushing towards
that sense intensely that you experience the excitement,
not because of the object. When you know this truth,
suddenly you will understand that you don’t need any

AVATAR SHASTRA 210 211 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Deeper Truths about Teleportation and coming in my Guru padukas’, etc. This means, the possibility of raising
yourself to the highest frequency is not being allowed in you by you.
Materialization That is what I call changing the tanmatra – allowing your frequencies
Revelations from the Avatar to be floating high and low as required; the ability to flow into any
frequency. It is a very important truth. Anybody who wants to be a
Teleportation involves dismantling an object using an energy yogi should understand this concept of tanmatra.
which is deeper than the mind, transporting it through the air and
When you are levitating, you are actually going back to your tanmatra
assembling it again.
level (subtle level), and your tanmatra is getting purified. Each organ
The most significant phenomenon that happens during teleportation goes to the subtlest level tanmatra level, and all the samsakras there
is not the size or material of the object, or the distance to which it get dissolved. That is why many of your diseases disappear after
is teleported. levitation, or after you start receiving teleported objects.

It is this: the whole space vibrates in the same frequency in which

the teleportation happens. The siddhi of teleportation is described in depth in Vibhuti Pada of Your muscle-memory is being altered
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
If A is the teleporter, B is the teleported object and C is the space But you need to know one thing: when you sit in such an energy field,
where it happens, B & C need to vibrate in same frequency in the tato manojavitvaṃ vikaraṇabhāvaḥ pradhānajayaśca (3.49) whether you receive any teleported object or not, the information
same frequency as A. For example, when teleportation happens in teleportation anyway happens to you! Information teleportation is
This results in the instantaneous grasp without the use of the body, and
your hand or in your presence, your very mind and body raise their also a great process.
complete mastery over the material world.
frequency to receive it.
So when you are in my presence and I am teleporting or materializing
The object being teleported itself does not matter much. It may be Tanmatra - Raising your Frequency objects, you may not receive kumkum or vibhuti, but you will receive
just a little vibhuti (sacred ash) or kumkum (vermilion), or it may the information that I am teleporting simultaneously, relating to
be a diamond, or it may be a sacred rudraksha bead, or it may The key concept you need to understand here is that of tanmatra – enlightenment, health, etc.
be a pebble. But the vibration of the teleportation is something the ability to raise or lower your frequency.
Listen: your body is nothing but a computer. It can just be
extraordinary. That is the benefit for humanity. Please understand, if I am now teleporting akshata (consecrated programmed with any software. The same with my body. Even to
rice grains), the material’s very frequency gets raised in the subtle do this teleportation, I just heat up the body and program it, that’s
You are sitting in the Cosmic womb level. In that space, in the subtle level, it can just fly – it can just all! When the heat is felt, the programming is done. I just say, ‘Let the
disappear and appear somewhere else without any time gap. It kumkum happen now!’
Dismantling and assembling can happen only in the hiranyagarbha just gets assembled there. But your body, at the point where it is
– the Cosmic Mother’s womb where all Creation happens. So when So if you sat in the presence for half an hour, even if you have
receiving the rice, should also rise to that subtle level for a moment,
I do the dismantling, assembling, teleporting or materialization, this not received a rudraksha in your hand, understand that you have
receive the rice, and come back to the normal plane.
whole area becomes the hiranyagarbha – the intense presence received all this information I am sharing in your muscle-memory,
of Jagatjanani, Mother of the Universe, the Divine feminine For that, you need to continue to remain as a pure channel. Sometimes like being painless, joyful, blissful, healthy, being creative, enjoying
consciousness. the akshata which disappears in order to reach somebody’s hand your life and alive. There are hundreds of great truths which I don’t
ends up going to somebody else’s hand! Because the person who express verbally, which get teleported into your system. That is the
So when you sit inside the Mother’s womb, your body and mind was supposed to receive is not ready, but somebody else is ready, benefit of teleportation and materialization for humanity!
also directly go through a great transformation, an amazing so it happens in that person’s hand instead..
transformation; it is like you are reborn!
I received a few emails from some overseas devotees saying,
‘Vibhuti is not coming in my satsang center’, ‘Rudraksha is not

AVATAR SHASTRA 212 213 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

Scientific Validation of Materialization
The most significant in a series of studies conducted by the research
team were the tests done on Poornima (Ma Nithya Mahayogananda),
a young entrepreneur and Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s energy
channel from Singapore.

On 6th September 2011, three different studies were conducted

during a 4-hour session, in which Paramahamsa Nithyananda
materialized a variety of objects through this individual, including
sacred ash and precious stones. The studies were:

1) Whole body baseline CT scan of the subject

Baseline whole-body CT scans proved the absence of any hidden
objects in the body and vicinity of the subject.

After the energy transfer from Paramahamsa Nithyananda to the

subject, a repeat scan clearly shows the sudden appearance of a
radio-opaque foreign body in the oral cavity without any delay or

The recording of the spiral CT after materialization revealed the

presence of materialized objects both in sections and 3D format.

2) Simultaneous qEEG of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

and the subject
The qEEG recording of both Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the
subject done during the process of energy transfer clearly showed
Medical Report of whole body CT scan proving foreign body in
‘Entrainment’ (Synchronicity) in the brain waves of both individuals
oral cavity of Ms. Poornima Ganesh (Ma Nithya Mahayogananda) Scan (bottom left) showing the sudden appearance of the foreign body (green colored stone)
during the process of materialization, proving that a process of
in the oral cavity of the individual.
attunement was indeed taking place at the time.
Scan (top left) taken a few minutes earlier clearly shows the absence of any such object in
the oral cavity.

Laboratory investigation in progress with CT scan of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s energy

channel and simultaneous qEEG (brain-wave) studies of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the
channel to demonstrate entrainment.
Scans from the Lab Diagnostics Report on

AVATAR SHASTRA 214 215 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

I can sleep well now I was showered with Sacred ash materialized after Swamiji’s footprints miraculously
materialized sacred ash Swamiji’s online blessing appeared in front of our eyes

Legal name: Sarojinidevi Legal name: Sriharini Chellappan

Legal name: Murali Nagarajan Legal name: Kelsey Roenau
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Nirbhedananda
Krishnananda Location: Chennai, India Location: California, USA
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Location: Toronto, Canada Email: Email:

I used to suffer from sleeplessness (insomnia). I will never forget an incident which happened on Tamil New Year The Mill Valley center in California had organized an online Being a researcher by profession, I am extremely logical and fact-
day last year (April 14th, 2014). Kalpataru program with Swamiji. based. But whatever I experienced with Swamiji was just beyond
When I shared this with my friend who was a devotee of Swamiji, the human mind’s comprehension and logic. Blessed are the souls
she asked me to attend the Kalpataru program which Swamiji was The day before New Year, I arrived at the ashram to receive Swamiji’s During the darshan, Swamiji blessed us from India via video- who have an opportunity to experience an avatar like Swamiji.
conducting via video-conferencing from India. darshan and blessings. Just before leaving, I asked Him for some conferencing, saying that vibhuti (sacred ash) would materialize in
vibuthi (sacred ash). He placed three sachets of vibhuti in my hand. the center as a sign of His presence and blessings. We were all so There are so many auspicious occasions when my husband and
She said, ‘You can come and ask Swamiji for anything that is I put them in my bag and left for my room. I have spotted light radiating from Swamiji’s third eye in the
excited to hear this.
important to you and he will make it happen for you.’ Gurumurti photograph in the Melbourne center. We were also
The next day [Tamil New Year], I opened my bag to take out my The next day, when I moved my kavi Inner Awakening scarf (given
I agreed and attended the program from the Toronto Nithyananda blessed to witness vibhoothi (sacred ash) constantly materializing
pada puja kit to do my puja for the day - and guess what, there were by Swamiji) which was lying near a chair, I noticed that vibhuti that
Hindu Temple. During the online darshan, Swamiji asked me from his paadukas for many days.
SEVEN vibuthi sachets in the bag! Also, my bag and my purse were had materialized on it!! I did not put it there, so I knew it was a sign
what I wanted. I told Swamiji that I wanted to be relieved of my full of vibuthi! I was literally showered with materialized vibhuti!!! of Swamiji’s presence!
sleeplessness which had been torturing me.
Not just my bag, but the table on which I do my puja was also Thank you for being with us always Swamiji. One day, I visited a friend’s place. We carried Swamiji’s paadukas
He said, ‘You will find that vibhuti (sacred ash) has materialized in smeared with vibuthi! with us and did pada puja there. My husband and I shared with
front of my picture which is there in the temple. Take it and apply it them about the various miracles that people have experienced with
on your forehead before you go to sleep today.’ WHAT A NEW YEAR GIFT FROM THE DIVINE!!!
Swamiji, including the healing of cancer and materialization. But
I went to his picture and found that vibhuti has indeed materialized For the next few days, I was too excited to concentrate on my puja. our friend just said, ‘I will believe only when I see it with my own
in front of his picture! As told, I applied the vibhuti and went to About a week or so later, during the puja, my heart was beating very eyes’.
sleep that night. fast (or so I thought at the time). Later, I happened to look at myself
Suddenly, to our astonishment, he himself spotted Swamiji’s clear
bare-chested in the mirror - and found that my chest was smeared
Since then, with Swamiji’s grace, I am able to sleep soundly from footprint on the paadukas! He couldn’t believe his eyes and was just
with vibuthi! What I had thought to be an excited heartbeat was
more than seven hours every night. left speechless.
actually the intense energy of vibuthi getting materialized on my
I marvel at Swamiji’s grace. chest!! Thank you Swamiji for this sweet miracle!

I offer my deep gratitude to him. All I can say is, if Swamiji is willing to shower so much on someone
who has just started imbibing a drop in the ocean of His teachings, I
can’t even imagine the state of one who imbibes ALL His teachings!!


AVATAR SHASTRA 216 217 Chapter 10: The Science of Miracles

The same thought was declared more than 5000 years ago in the of an Energy System that can counteract gravity, and this has been
Chapter 11 Sanskrit text, Isha Vasya Upanishad - labeled as the possible dark energy.

Isha vasyam idam sarvam yat kincha jagatyaam jagat The Indian rishis evidently knew about the existence of dark energy,

Nithya Spiritual Healing SM (whatever exists in and as this world is Divine energy).

Whatever we see, touch or otherwise contact in our universe is

and frequently referred to it as ‘Kali’ (the Dark One). In the ancient
scripture Mahaniravani Tantra, revealed by Lord Shiva Himself, there
just energy vibrating at different frequencies. Trees, rocks, plants, are several references to this energy.

The Science of Quantum Healing animals and ourselves – all are nothing but diverse expressions of
this energy. Based on how the Energy presents or manifests, different
However, unlike dark energy, Kali is not described as responsible
for the ever-expanding universe; rather, she ‘neither moves, nor is
names have been given to it, to make it a little easier to understand. motionless’.
Thus matter too, at a sub-atomic level, is nothing but Energy aligned This is in accordance with the current ‘Raisin Bread Model’ of the
in a specific way for us to perceive it as such, with either our restricted universe, which suggests that the universe is actually ‘stretching’ in
five senses, or a little better with sophisticated instrumentation. all dimensions rather than accelerating. Thus it is that Kali ‘neither
However, at this moment of time, no technique or device exists moves, nor is motionless’.
which can actually detect and measure all that exists in the universe.
Healing: A Holistic Approach practicing energy healing! Energy healing is nothing but channeling
Before the Beginning of things Thou didst exist in the form of a
the universal life-force to correct energy imbalances in our system
Darkness which is beyond both speech and mind… (Mahanirvani
Mind-body approaches to medicine and alternative healing
which are the hidden cause of most of our diseases. Shiva-Shakti Tantra, 4.25).
methods have gained increasing acceptance in recent years.
The vast, all-pervading potential energy, already on the verge of It moves not, neither is It motionless. It is without beginning or end,
Extensive research on phenomena such as spontaneous healing, The Myth of Matter manifestation by being in a perpetual state of subtle vibration (spanda) Ineffable and Incomprehensible (4.28).
the placebo effect and the power of prayer have proved that healing
without manifestation is what we call Shiva. Once manifested, it is
is not a purely physiological occurrence as was once believed. It Modern astrophysicists working on the science of the universe Resuming after Dissolution Thine own form, dark and formless,
is closely linked with our emotional and mental patterns, our life using available scientific concepts based on quantum mechanics, Thou alone remainest as One ineffable and inconceivable (4.33).
experiences, our unique responses to stress and a host of other general and special relativity, have mathematically established that
unquantifiable variables. all the quantifiable matter in the entire universe works out to barely Bioenergetics or Kundalini
Pindanda and Brahmanda (Microcosm and
4 % of all that exists. The remaining 96%, which science is yet to
Eastern medicine and healing processes have traditionally taken a Macrocosm)
understand correctly has been termed as dark matter (it is neither
holistic approach to health and healing. Energy healing, in particular, 1. Physical Energy Systems
dark nor matter) and dark energy, due to lack of availability of more
is a system of healing that treats our body, mind, emotions, thoughts A human being is not just an accumulation of a few cells to create a
specific and accurate terminology.
and even our physical environment as unique energy vibrations As mentioned, the energy systems as described by physicists who visible matter, but is in fact a direct representation of the universal
from a common source. Matter itself is causally made up of atoms, which are largely empty deal with matter while ignoring biology (Life or Consciousness), have energy of the Cosmos itself. This, in simplistic terms, is called
spaces, and barely 1% of the space occupied by an atom is actually classified energy as: Consciousness, but in reality nothing but the energy of the universe
The basic understanding on which all systems of energy healing
occupied by what can be defined by science as matter. The rest ♦♦ Electromagnetic itself. This subtle, but all pervading energy, within a biological
work is the universal nature of energy, and the possibility for local
(99%) is apparently empty. However, it is not so in reality. ♦♦ Weak interaction system, like a human being is called Kundalini, and within the all
and non-local transmission of this energy to facilitate healing.
♦♦ Strong interaction pervading universe, Shiva-Shakti.
Energy healing is not new to us. Almost everybody these days has Various manifestations of Energy ♦♦ Gravitation
either heard of or encountered energy healing in some form or
According to physics, these are the four forms of physical energy.
other. In fact, most of us practice energy healing on ourselves or The findings of modern science stand testimony to the famous
others without being aware of it. When you gently rub a bruised words of scientist and mystic Albert Einstein - ‘Everything is Energy’. The discovery of the current ever-expanding universe, which is both
elbow, or place your palms on your tired eyes, you are actually expanding and accelerating, led to the possibility of the existence

AVATAR SHASTRA 218 219 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

2. Biological Energy mechanistically. It is like viewing a car made up of different parts,
like engine, wheels, steering etc.
Biological systems like humans, animals, plants and individual
Diagnosis and treatment of disease or unwellness is targeted at
cells also run on energy. It must be harnessed from outside and
certain body parts, often assuming that they are not connected to
converted to a usable form within the biological system.
the rest of the body, let alone being connected to the rest of the
This is in agreement with the fundamental Newtonian physics, Cosmos (pindanda and brahmanda).
that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only
be converted from one form to another. The Cosmos by nature is
conservative and therefore exceedingly efficient.
Disease and Healing
Let us now discuss how biological energy works in a human being.

The human being is made up of a synergistic conglomeration of A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a
over 50 trillion individual intelligent cells, all working together to structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism.
create one single organism presented to us as a human being. Healing (literally meaning to make whole) is the process of the
Each cell produces its own energy to conduct its daily activities, restoration of health to an unbalanced, diseased or damaged
using a system of biological batteries called mitochondria. organism.
Assimilated food in the form of carbohydrate, fat and protein,
which is nothing but energy stored in a certain physical structural Energy-based Healing Systems
component, is broken down and the usable energy is extracted in Modern Medicine is Matter-Based
the form of ATP by the mitochondria. Several healing systems, like Pranic Healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing,
All that we know of ourselves is our physical body. But our physical Magnetic Healing, etc. use the limited energy of the individual to
These 50 trillion cells have to communicate with each other heal physical and mental illness.
body is only the grossest expression of ourselves! We have several
constantly to keep the system functioning as a whole. Based on the
subtler energy bodies that interpenetrate our physical body and
requirements and urgency, the energy created by the individual For example, pranic healing is a system of healing which uses
create an aura or energy shield around us.
cell can either be converted to an electrical impulse to transmit energy emanating from the pranamaya kosha or the pranic
information at rapid speed or to a chemical messenger (stored These ‘bodies’ are actually electromagnetic fields, which are body. This is a limited source of energy, as it is not linked to the
energy) to disseminate information slowly but widely. continuously influencing and being influenced by other such fields infinite Cosmic energy system. Hence this healing is dependent
in the environment. Unlike the physical body, these fields are on the healer’s level of pranic energy and also, being close to the
While food is the source material for energy production, it also annamaya kosha, can transmit muscle-memory to the recipient.
highly sensitive and vulnerable to external influences. In fact, there
requires oxygen for converting it into energy. This is very often This can either lead to incomplete healing, or healing the disease
is a much higher chance of picking up your neighbor’s negative
mistakenly referred to as prana, but is not so. Energy provided by but creating new ones in the recipient.
vibrations than his ‘flu virus!
breathing is as gross as energy provided by assimilated food
The aura is responsible for keeping us in good energetic health, On the other hand, the pranic healer himself is vulnerable to the
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says, transfer of the muscle-memory and patterns ofthe recipient, as
boosting our immune system and protecting us from toxic
Breath is not prana; breath is only the vehicle carrying radiations. On the other hand, any energy blockages or ‘knots’ in when the healer gets depleted of energy, the flow of the energy
the prana into you the aura can be the precursor of future disease. That is why any current gets reversed.
disease can be detected at the energy level at least six months
before it becomes manifest in the physical body. Modern medicine,
which is matter-based, considers the body and its parts largely

AVATAR SHASTRA 220 221 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

Chakras: the key to our energetic health
Our main focus in energy healing is the chakras.

The word chakra literally translates as ‘wheel’ or ‘that which


Nithya Spiritual HealingSM body. We also go further to say that we have a mind, but we have
At the quantum level of particle energy physics, all fundamental
no structural entity with which to localize the mind.
particles express the four types of energy but are technically
Quantum Healing is harnessing the energy of the universe to heal Our brain, the seat of our intellect is not the seat of our intelligence. without mass. They have a specific property called spin, which
or allow all systems biological or otherwise to live in harmony can be right-left, left-right, up-down, etc.
within themselves and with others. It merely functions as a coordinating centre or a CPU, processing
and filing information from the internal environment of the 50 Concentration of these fundamental interactive forces happens at
trillion cells and the external environment of the world. It is essential specific locations called chakras.
Concept of Spiritual Healing for the universal energy to pervade these insentient structures in
The distribution of this energy into the biological system is through
order to make them as conscious beings, thus converting matter
The fundamental premise is that the universe is pervaded by a subtle channels called nadis.
into life. Though all pervasive, Nature has devised a system of
conscious energy which is intelligent enough to manifest as matter
subtle channels and holding centers (nadis and chakras) in order The two energy forces that can be said to work within the body
or energy as required.
to best utilize this life energy (kundalini shakti). at a sub-atomic level are the forces of strong interaction, which
Human beings are suffused with conscious energy which flows hold the nucleus together, and the weak interaction, which keeps
Since everything is energy, healing also involves the channeling of
through us and is intimately and always a part of the entire the electrons in its energy orbital. Stepping up the energy system
energy. But what we specifically call Nithya Spiritual HealingSM is
universal consciousness. Any localized disharmony, (e.g. a disease of the atom can cause the displacement of the electrons into its
a holistic, non-invasive therapy that treats the body-mind as an
in the body) is nothing but a symptom of the disharmony of the next orbit. These fundamental energy systems supply and affect
energetic continuum. We are basically energy beings, so all our
individual’s energy with the flow of the all-pervading universal various neuro-endocrine structures to which they are linked, thus
ailments are rooted in energy imbalances. All physical or mental
energy. leading to cleansing and activation of the nervous system and the
tension is an indication that there is a blockage in the energy flow
endocrine or hormonal system.
Myth Versus Reality in our bio- energetic system. Sometimes, merely clearing these
blockages is enough; the body’s natural healing abilities take care
We as human beings, believe that we are the visible physical of restoring the affected part to health.
structure that we perceive with our organs which we call our

222 223 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM
Six major chakras Chakras: a subtle understanding that they intersect at seven different points.

If one of the lines represent the physical body, the other line
Although they have no definite physical location, these energy
represents the subtle body and the paper represents the causal
centers are represented in the physical body as aligned in an We have three bodies body, the six points at which the physical and the subtle body
ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
meet the causal body are the locations of the six chakras or energy
Strictly speaking, the chakras are not present in the physical body
The six major chakras are Muladhara, Swadhishthana, Manipuraka, centers.
at all. They exist on the metaphysical plane, and link together our
Anahata, Vishuddhi and Ajna. The Sahasrara or Brahmarandhra is
three bodies or shariras. So the six chakras are present at the intersection of the physical,
a subtle opening connecting the biological system to the universal
subtle and the causal body. Some recent research in aura
Cosmic energy. The individual is made up of three bodies - the physical or gross
photography has been able to even photograph these energy
body (sthula sharira), the subtle body (sukshma shareera) and the
The muladhara chakra (root center) is located in the sacral area, at centers.
causal body (kaarana shareera). These three bodies are categorized
the base of the spine.
according to the states of consciousness where they come into
The swadishthana chakra (spleen center) is located two inches play.
above the muladhara chakra and two inches below the navel.
Each of the shariras or bodies is associated with a particular state
The manipuraka chakra (navel center) is located at the navel, two of consciousness.
inches above the swadishthana chakra.
The physical body is the body we know in the waking state, which
The anahata chakra (heart center) is located in the heart region, in eats, speaks, moves about and so on. This is the only body we are
the center of the chest. really familiar with.

The vishuddhi chakra (throat center) is located in the hollow of the The subtle body is the body that we use to think, verbalize, visualize
throat. and so on. The mental body is also the body that we use when we
dream. While our body is lying fast asleep in our bed at home, in
The ajna chakra (brow center) is located on the forehead, between
our dream we may be traveling in another country. How does this
the eyebrows.
happen? At this time, we are using the mental body to travel around!
The sahasrara, the thousand petaled one, is located on the crown In the dream state, the mental body is as real and functional as the
of the head. physical body in the waking state.

The causal body is the one we use when we are in deep restful
dreamless sleep. It is made up of pure tamas (inertness). During
our sleep cycle there are phases when the mind becomes dormant
and there are no thoughts. This is the time when we experience the
causal body.

Our Shariras and Chakras are linked

These three bodies are not separate as we may think. They are
tightly coupled.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda heals hundreds of devotees and
Consider two curved lines drawn on a piece of paper in such a way visitors, every morning during Kalpataru darshan and during
meditation programs

AVATAR SHASTRA 224 225 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

My cervical cancer is gone!

Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

Name: Shalini

Location: Kulim, Malaysia


I will never forget the year 2011, when I was diagnosed with I stayed at the ashram for about 15 days. Every day I went for
cervical cancer. My doctor did the test three times to be sure, and morning satsang and took healing from Swamiji during sarva
all the three times the results showed the same. My doctor told darshan.
me, ‘This cancer cannot be cured at all medically. Only God can
After 15 days, I came back to Malaysia. After returning, I went
save you.’
to the same doctor who diagnosed me with cancer earlier and
I am a devotee of Swamiji, and I immediately knew that only re-did the medical test for the cervical cancer.
Swamiji could save me.
To my shock, my doctor herself called me and said she had
From Malaysia, I attended the Nithyananda Spurana Program received my medical report, and the results show negative for
(NSP) conducted by Swamiji in India, via two-way video cancer!!
conferencing from the Kulim center.
I was so happy to hear that. I also went to a government hospital
This program is especially helpful for people who are going and got a repeat test done, and that report also showed negative.
through a life-and-death crisis, like I was at the time. On the last
I am so grateful to Swamiji, who has given me a new life.
day of the program, during online darshan, I broke down and
cried to Swamiji about my cancer.

Swamiji said, ‘Don’t worry ma. Don’t cry. I will heal you
completely. Apply the vibuthi (sacred ash) which has materialized
from my paduka (sandals) around your stomach area.’

I ran to his paduka and found that vibhuti had actually

materialized on it. I was overjoyed. I applied it on my stomach

A few days later, Swamiji came into my dream and said, ‘Come
to India ma, you will be healed completely, don’t worry.’

I knew for sure that it was not just a dream, it was a direct
message from Swamiji. So, in just a few days, I flew to India.

AVATAR SHASTRA 226 227 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

My thyroiditis hasn’t come back Swamiji healed my polycystic ovaries with a wave My normal vision was miraculously restored
I was healed of my back pain in seconds
of his hand!
Name: Anand Singh
Name: Geetha Spiritual name: Ma Nithya
Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Sarvasmarana Legal name: Vanchinathan
Vishweshwarananda Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Deva
Location: LA, USA Location: Singapore
Location: New York, USA
email: Email:
Location: Seremban, Malaysia

I had a thyroid issue (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) for about 15 years. In 2012, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. In 2010, I attended the Living Enlightenment Program at the ashram I was a patient having back pain (disc prolapse) at L3, L4 and L5.

When I attended the Inner Awakening program in December 2012, with Swamiji. During this program, we spent days just soaking in
I attended Inner Awakening® program in July 2012. In 2013, while I was attending the Inner Awakening retreat at
I told Swamiji about this problem. He looked at me, waved his hand Swamiji’s presence, and practicing various techniques. Bali, the back pain continued, and I was unable to walk. During
Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda had told us that many of in a sword-like action, as if cutting off something near my stomach, the darshan, other participants doing Inner Awakening had to
It was at this time that I had a miraculous healing happen to my
our diseases would be healed just by the high-energy space that he and said, “I’ll take care!” support me by carrying me on both sides. I was literally carried to
creates during the program and energy darshan. eyes. I must say I never even asked Swamiji about this. I think it just
the stage for darshan.
After that, I had a weird kind of severe pain in my stomach region; happened by being in his space of positive vibrations.
So, I did not ask Swamiji for healing for my thyroiditis. But when I that is when I realized that Swamiji is healing me from this problem. I asked Swamiji for healing me from this back problem. Swamiji
came back to New York after Inner Awakening®, I went for a health I used to wear contact lenses, which I would put on just before the
just touched my back for a few seconds. During that time I could
check and my thyroid reading was normal! When I came back to Malaysia, I had another scan done, to see the program started every day. I usually would not wear them to the feel that pain reducing.
status of my polycystic ovaries. This scan was done about 20 days early morning yoga session.
I had stopped taking the prescribed medication for about 3 months, after Inner Awakening and Swamiji’s healing me. To the surprise of After that I was able to walk down the stage without any support.
and then did the tests again - and all the readings were normal! the doctor, there was not even a single of those little grape-like cysts One morning at 5 am, I was walking down the hall for my yoga
around my ovaries. It was a miracle! class sleepily, when I noticed that I could see perfectly! Though my body shape was distorted due to the many years of
Till today, my thyroid readings are normal. back problems, in three to four days it got straightened out on its
The doctor was really surprised but she also guessed that Swamiji I thought maybe I should check my eyes to see if I slept with my own!
Swamiji cured my Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis just by me being at Inner
Awakening®! had healed me, as she knew I was going to meet Swamiji at that contacts on, or I had already put them on without remembering.
time. The pain has also disappeared from my life.
So I looked in my contact case, and saw that my contacts were still
Thank You Swamiji! in the case!
Swamiji, you have healed me of a chronic problem, just like that,
with a wave of your hand, and has freed me from it totally! I’m so Then I realized what had just happened. My eyes had been restored
grateful to you forever and ever! You are my God! to their original 20/20 vision without even my asking Swamiji!

It was such an amazing experience, and I am so grateful to Swamiji

for this happening.

AVATAR SHASTRA 228 229 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

Diseases - malfunctioning of the Shariras
Swamiji healed my food intolerance I forgot about my endometriosis
My burn injury was flawlessly healed
after just one healing Malfunction of the physical body can lead to physical illnesses like
diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Malfunction of the mental body can lead to disrupted psychology Name: Ranjani Ganesan
Ondrej Adamek, Berlin, Germany and psychiatric diseases like depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and
Mary Mabry, Los Angeles, USA Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya
also other diseases which are psychosomatic, auto-immune, and Sunirmalananda
Location: Mumbai, India
Malfunction of the causal body is usually inherent in the biological
system, and is transmitted to the individual either though inherited
genetic disorders, or disorders relating to karma from previous births.
I was diagnosed with intolerance to wheat and dairy products. For fifteen years, I suffered from endometriosis. For those who don’t Skin to soul healing is I would call my story!
know, it is an illness that causes severe pain in the pelvic area. I We are all familiar with the methods used in modern medicine
After eating them, I would immediately have diarrhea and stomach
could barely work from the pain. The pain was controlling my life. to manage or suppress disorders of the physical body. Modern In 2013, I suffered a serious burn injury.
medicine has very limited answers to disorders related to the My face and both hands were severely burnt, and my face got
When I attended Inner Awakening® program, we ate a lot of When I came to the Inner Awakening® meditation program, I asked
Swamiji for healing, but was not sure it was really possible for the
mental body. These disorders are never cured, but only suppressed, disfigured.
delicious food, but since many of the dishes were made with wheat
and milk products, I had often a stomach pain afterwards. intense pain to actually be cured. if at all, with currently available technology. Modern medicine has
I am a professional dancer, and this meant that I would suffer a
not even probed the possibility of treating disorders of the causal huge setback in my career.
During one darshan I asked Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji healed me and said that - I would be alright.
to liberate me from this intolerance of wheat and dairy products I was distraught, as there is no fast and complete cure for this
About one week after I had asked for the healing, I realized that
and other digestive problems. in allopathy.
for the first time in my life I was not hunched over holding my side
He answered, ‘Don’t worry, I will take care.’ experiencing the pain! Healing, Kundalini Awakening and I approached Bhagawan Paramahamsa Nithyananda and
A couple of days later, all the participants who had food allergies I thought it could not be true, so I thought maybe the medication Initiation requested him for healing.
were asked to fill a form listing all the food products which we are the doctors had given me actually started working. I stopped taking (Entanglement, Entrainment, Enlightenment) Bhagawan healed me so compassionately.
allergic to. the medication to see if it had really healed.
Not only did my injury heal rapidly, but it left no marks on my
The ashram kitchen prepared those items for us. Each of us was The pain did not return even after stopping the medication, and I Entanglement is the basic principle behind all processes involving face and hands!
given a jar of our favorite allergy-causing food! We were asked have not had the pain since! energy transfer, whether spiritual healing, kundalini awakening or
to take our jars up to Swamiji during darshan and eat the food Today, just a year later, I can say that I look more radiant than
I am so grateful to Swamiji for this miracle. initiation into siddhis like levitation or materialization. before!
right in front of Swamiji. While each of us was eating, Swamiji was
watching us and healing the allergy from our bodies. An Avatar has the power to raise others into his own elevated state Many of the sangha members know me and have seen me, so
Ever since then, I have not had any more diarrhea and stomach by the subtle pressure of his presence. they can testify for this!
pain due to the intolerance. Thank you Bhagawan, for one more miracle in my life.
When the mind of the receiver is in entanglement with the no-mind
When I went back to Berlin, I visited my doctor. He did the necessary (thought-free mind) of an Avatar, what results is physical and mental
tests, and no more intolerance was found! healing.

When entanglement happens at the deeper level of muscle-memory,

Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives it the name ‘Entrainment’. During
Kundalini awakening, entrainment can happen irrespective of the
mental state of the receiver.

AVATAR SHASTRA 230 231 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

During initiation, entanglement penetrates the bio-memory of
the receiver. That is why initiation has permanent physiological My doctor calls me a ‘medical miracle’! Just one look and I was healed of Asthma
and psychological effects. Paramahamsa Nithyananda calls this
enlightenment, in the sense that during the moment of initiation,
the receiver actually experiences a space identical to that of the
Name: Palaniappan Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya
enlightened being. Dhyanatmananda Swami
Spiritual Name: Sri Nithya Sevananda
But lacking the yogic body and nervous system to retain this space, Sannyasi of Nithyananda Order
Location: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru
the receiver gradually loses the experience through energy ‘leaks’.
Aadheenam Location: Los Angeles Aadheenam, USA
With repeated initiations, the experience becomes bolted into the
system, and the receiver moves closer to being established in the
state of living enlightenment.

During healing, the infusion of Kundalini energy into the chakras is In May 2004, I was diagnosed as living with a tumor in the pelvic I have had asthma since I was very young.
cavity. It had been growing rapidly and occupied the pelvic cavity
immediately channeled into the physical, the mental and the causal I always used to use an inhaler, carrying it with me wherever I
completely: measuring 12 cms x 11 cms x 14.5 cms and showing
bodies. This healing happens at the level of muscle-memory. went. I would wheeze after strenuous activities, cold weather and
complete destruction of sacral segments S2, S3,3 & S4.
even from just laughing!
All our systems function not only with the sensory input of the The panel of doctors at the Apollo Hospital felt that surgery was
I would be admitted to the hospital and needed to use a nebulizer
moment, but also with the previously filled experiences through the only remedy. The panel consisted of ortho, neuro & general
and steroids to get better.
out life as well as the information and energy transmitted as bio- surgeons. They were of the opinion that it was a very major surgery
memory through our genes and epigenetic mechanisms. and the chances of surviving the surgery was less than one percent. Asthma was a big part of my life.
They said I was a DOT (death on table) case.
The accumulation of negative thoughts, concepts, emotions over a In the summer of 2009, I attend the Inner Awakening program in
Even if I survived, they said I would be like a vegetable in a India.
period of time causes us to contract into ‘incompletions’ leading to wheelchair; not able to perform any of the routine functions. So
manifestations ranging from depression, inadequacies to physical I decided not to undergo the surgery. The doctors were also of the During one of the sessions, Swamiji said that most diseases are
manifestations of psychosomatic origin to other physiological opinion that even if I did not undergo the surgery I would live psychosomatic. I was curious. Asthma was a disease. Was it
for only a year or two, as the tumor was already large, and still psychosomatic?
disturbances or diseases. All this happens due to the inability of
our body to allow the free flow of Cosmic energy and the inability growing, and was herniated and compressing the other vital organs I normally didn’t ask questions, but that day I wrote a question
in the entire area. They also suggested that I may stop walking at asking Swamiji if my asthma was psychosomatic. Inside I knew
of our body to retain the Cosmic energy in our system, so it can be
any time, as the nerves were compressed. that the answer was yes, but for some reason I wanted Swamiji to
channeled into repair and maintainence as necessary.
At that time, I was already an ashramite and living with Swamiji confirm it.
Cleansing of the mental body by channeling the energy through in the ashram. I brought all this to the Swamiji’s notice, and started When he was reading the question out loud, Swamiji called my
the ida, pingala and sushumna (the major energy channels related taking healing from him regularly. name and then scanned for me in the class.
to the central nervous system) heal mental, psychosomatic, auto- It has been nine years since then, and I am still living and walking by When his eyes met mine, He said, ‘Yes, it is. But I will take care.’
immune and malignant diseases. This healing also happens at the the healing and grace of Swamiji! The tumor has stopped growing.
level of muscle-memory. Doctors at the Apollo Hospital, especially Dr. P C Reddy, feel that it From that day, five years ago, I have never once used either my
is a medical miracle. I strongly endorse his view! Due to the healing inhaler or any sort of medication for my asthma!
The same bio-energy, working inside the cell on the genetic and powers of Swamiji, I am still active. I am thankful to Swamiji for all
All it took just one look - and I was healed.
epigenetic factors, realigns the human genome, clearing diseases that he has done for me.
related to the genes and karma. This healing happens at the level Thank you so much Swamiji, for breathing life into my breath.
of bio-memory, and is the result of a deeper-level process like

AVATAR SHASTRA 232 233 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

I am alive because of Swamiji’s grace Initiation into Nithya Spiritual HealingSM Learning to heal: Opening the Ananda Gandha
The technique of creating an authentic Healer is called Initiation,
Name: Victoria Cerna After receiving healing from him, my chronic headaches are now which is nothing but the transference of the Cosmic energy, We all have a highly subtle energy center which governs the flow of
gone. Now I can put myself to sleep any time either day or night, and channeled by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, as a divine medium into Cosmic energy into our system. It is nothing but the pure reflected
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Lokanayaki I am no longer restless. I am no longer tied to a schedule or to sleep the healer’s body. Cosmic Energy center in our own body, perhaps hidden from us by
Location: Diamond Bar, California, patterns. our doubts and incompletions, but always accessible to the Avatar.
United States In reality, an Avatar, though having a physical form, is essentially
Due to Swamiji’s deep compassion, he also guided me through Although it is commonly known as a chakra, it might be better
the all-pervasive, all-powerful, all-compassionate, Cosmic energy
Email: several treatments, which at the end completed with his blessing of
Itself. But since the logical mind typically perceives and accepts described as the mystical space into which all chakras collapse, at
completely removing the karma of skin cancer. I am alive because of
Swamiji’s grace. only the visible physical form, we could consider Paramahamsa the moment of dissolution of the personal identity.
Nithyananda as the doorway or access point to the universal
Last month I was able to fully submerge in the Divine River Ganga The Ananda Gandha (‘the fragrance of bliss’) is our deepest
I was born under very dramatic circumstances, and since birth, I in the magical city of Varanasi. I had a deep dip into the river and Cosmic energy instead.
connection to our own Being. Though it is theoretically possible to
have always struggled to be healthy. my skin was glowing, no rush or desperation or irritation; it was all-
This process of healing, which reaches a multitude of people or open it through self-effort, the process would be about as easy as
All my life I suffered from chronic headaches. I suffered from across the globe involves the existence of a multitude of healers trying to dig an oil well using a spoon!
restlessness and sleepless nights for more than 10 years. Swamiji has transformed my life from illness, pain, suffering, who act as channels of energy. Though it is evident that the Avatar
shortages, blockages, inabilities, and moved it into infinite During initiation, the Avatar opens this energy center of an aspiring
I constantly suffered with allergies to many food items, to is not bound by space or time, and can effectively heal thousands
spiritual healer by entering his (aspirant’s) inner space with his
environmental allergens, to certain medicines, to people, to products, without the aid of human channels, this form of healing accelerates
consent, and using a subtle but enormously powerful energy ‘drill’
to certain locations. I am no longer seeking happiness. I am happy. I am no longer seeking spiritual growth in both the healers and the recipients, thus serving
that works from the inside outwards. Once initiated, the healer
satisfaction through having, been or through titles. I am satisfied and its ultimate purpose - the rapid elevation of human consciousness
I was not able to enjoy Mother Nature due to the effects it had on my becomes an open channel for the Cosmic energy of the Avatar.
fulfilled and it is all due to Swamiji’s patience, love and compassion
weak body and extremely sensitive skin. on our planet.
towards me. The Ananda Gandha behaves like a mini reservoir allowing the
My body had suffered so much that it was headed towards skin cancer. While traditional methods of initiation work on the principles of uninterrupted flow of Cosmic energy, regardless of the personal
I am really grateful to Swamiji for so much healing, which has taken
place in my mind, body and soul. activating the ‘mirror neurons’ within the healer, so he can mirror physical or mental obstacles that the healer might carry.
Swamiji healed my body from all the allergic issues.
the same neuronal pathways that exist in the Avatar, thus rewiring
the brain through the process of neuroplasticity, this initiation is a
little different.
My husband was saved from certain death The fact that initiation and healing can both be done across long
Leticia Bravo-Newhouse, San Diego, United States, distances, either via two-way video conferencing or directly by the
Email: Avatar, suggests that quantum entanglement would be one of the
processes involved in them.
My husband Lee Newhouse suffered a severe brain injury in 1993, and since then, his brain produces a hormone which makes it difficult for his
body to regulate his sodium level. However, as explained earlier, even though initiation actually
Recently, Lee was admitted to the hospital with life threatening critically high sodium levels, due to an error by his physician (Lee’s level went from opens the individual to the direct inflow of Cosmic energy, he may
extremely low to the other end of the spectrum within a matter of a few days). be struggling with inhibitions, apprehensions or incompletions of
I requested Swamiji’s healing and blessing, and within 24 hours, Lee’s body started to respond and was again alert and back in the present. Each
his own, and therefore the normal holding areas of energies (the
day he has gotten stronger and is on the mend. If it had not been for Swamiji, Lee would have certainly been on the other side. In fact, he appeared chakras) may not be sufficient, and so it is advisable for the novice
to be seeing and listening to another sphere of reality all during that time. healer to remain in continuous entanglement with the energy of
Nithya Spiritual Healers initiated by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
the Avatar throughout the process of healing and later as well.
Much love and gratitude to Swamiji! channeling the healing energy, offering spiritual healing

AVATAR SHASTRA 234 235 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

A closely guarded secret
I received the precious gift of healing others She was saved from a brain My mother had no negative side-effects
surgery over the phone! The only available scriptural reference to this secret chakra is by Adi after chemotherapy
Shankaracharya in his famous stotra, Vishwanatha Ashtakam.

Name: Kelsey Roenau Nowhere else is this chakra mentioned in the whole of spiritual Name: Magesvary Sivasamy

Location: California, USA Name: Lakshmi Barman Location: Mumbai, India, literature, as it was ‘raja vidya raja guhyam’ - the king of knowledge; Spiritual Name: Ma Nithya Omkarini
the most guarded secret.
Email: Phone no: +91-9224455031 Location: Kulim, Malaysia
Now, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is revealing this science to the Email:
world as an act of compassion, protected with a foolproof ‘energy
password’ that cuts out any possibility of misuse.

Ever since I met Swamiji in 2012, he has healed me, my loved ones This is the story of my sister-in-law. In 2010, she was suffering from a My mother Jalachemi is a breast cancer patient.
nervous disorder. The nerves were not responding to the medicines,
Uniqueness of Nithya Spiritual HealingSM
and friends and my pets on many levels on so many occasions.
and blood was not reaching the brain, and she was even unable to Every day she used to receive healing from an initiated Nithya
Another precious gift he has given me is the initiation as a Nithya During Nithya Spiritual HealingSM, neither healer nor receiver is Spiritual Healer at the Kulim center in Malaysia.
move around the house. She was 75 years old then.
Spiritual Healer. While healing others, I have experienced the required to do anything except enter into restful awareness and
I called up one of the healers from the Nithyananda sangha in Even though she was going through chemotherapy she used to
transmission Swamiji’s energy and had many positive healing allow the cosmic energy to heal.
Mumbai for healing. She explained how we can receive healing on feel so fresh and alive. She had no problem of vomiting, which
sessions with people I know and strangers. They feel warm energy
the phone, as Swamiji has blessed some numbers as healing lines. Cosmic energy is conscious and intelligent; it knows where to go is common among chemo patients, nor did her body feel weak
filling their bodies, go into deep relaxation and restfulness, and also
like other patients.
have visions and feel Swamiji’s presence. and what to do. Since it is intelligent, it cannot be manipulated by
For 21 days my sister-in-law received Swamiji’s energy through
the sankalpa mantra chanting by the healer. By the15th day of the healer to the extent that he manipulates pranic energy or other She used to come back from her treatment and do her daily
When I am doing the Nithya Healing Prayer for them, I too feel
receiving the energy, she started moving around in the house. Her similar energies used in other kinds of energy healing. But since it is routine work, and at the same time she would take part in our
bliss and peace in my own body, and it is a wonderful feeling to be
eyesight improved by at least 50%. Two to three days after the 21- center activities also.
healing and getting healed at the same time! a conscious energy, the results it gives are always for the best.
day healing, she had an appointment with her doctor to decide the Even the doctor was so surprised with her recovery and asked
Swamiji’s presence has shifted my space into inner healing through date for brain surgery. While it is possible to sensitize oneself to grosser vibrations like us to share her story with everyone!
His teachings and has moved me into authentic living through his pranic energy through practice, Cosmic energy can be channeled
words and energy. I have found new doors unlocked in the way I The result from the various tests revealed that no more brain surgery
is required, only by a highly advanced being who resonates at the same
look at life and the way I respond to situations.
frequency as the Cosmic energy. That is why initiation by an Avatar
I now have the awareness for unclutching and completion whenever as her nerves started responding! Her mobility improved, and also
becomes essential on this path of healing.
needed! These have been deep transformational principles in all her eyesight! Till she expired due to old age in 2014, the problem
layers of my life, and because of Swamiji I am happy and joyful all never recurred. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says:
the time.
I will be ever grateful to Swamiji for his miracle blessing. Thanks a Let me explain to you where the Ananda Gandha lies, with
lot Swamiji.
the help of the 6-chakra system.

(Paramahamsa Nithyananda holds a balloon and marks

the chakras on it one below the other. He then pricks it at
a spot and the balloon bursts and collapses at a single

AVATAR SHASTRA 236 237 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

The point where all the chakras collapse is the Ananda Recent Scientific Studies on Nithya Deeper Truths about Healing Unfreezing the bio-memory
Gandha. The doorway to the Ananda Gandha is between
the Anahata (heart) and Manipuraka (navel) chakras. It Spiritual HealingSM Revelations from the Avatar As I said, thought + attachment = engram. When you take away
is said to be the size of a thumb (angustha matra). the emotional attachment from the engram, it becomes reduced
The science behind Nithya Spiritual HealingSM is very simple. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras say: to a thought. When it is reduced to a thought and never becomes
During Nithya Spiritual Healing , you enter consciously
The initiated healer simply acts as a channel or a conduit for the
te pratiprasavaheyāḥ sūkśmāḥ (2.10) an engram again for a particular period of time, the thought just
into Ananda Gandha. Once it is activated, the universal transfer of Cosmic energy into the recipient. Since we are unable gets burnt away; it disappears. Any thought that does not become
energy starts flowing through you continuously. You to comprehend the concept of a formless conscious energy, I will try to give the exact truth I experienced from this sutra. engram again through some attachment or entertainment from your
become a conscious participant in the cosmic energy meditating on the physical form of the Master would allow us to side, surely gets burnt away. I tell you, you constantly go thru satori.
play.” All the engraved memories or samskaras should be reduced to the causal
immediately connect our Ananda Gandha to the universal energy One satori is enough to burn away your unnecessary thoughts. It is
state and destroyed.
source. you who continuously bring them back due to your attachment; it
Ron Hubbard, who developed the science of Scientology, says that is you who indulge them and make them into engrams again.
Initiated Nithya Spiritual Healers take three lifelong vows: The influx of this energy suffuses the body of the recipient with engrams or painful memories are the root of all human ills. Erasing
sufficient energy allowing the realignment and reestablishment of the engrams can relieve us from diseases like neurosis, asthma, I can tell you from my experience as a healer: I have seen thousands
1) To abstain from consuming meat and intoxicants, in order to the normal channels and store houses of the energy (nadis and of patients walk out of their diseases. And I know very clearly who
high blood pressure, arthritis and so on. These are the research
maintain their space as a suitable receptacle for holding and chakras). will walk out and who will not walk out; who can walk out and
and discoveries related to past living. Please understand: when I
channeling the Cosmic energy who cannot walk out. It is like this: the bio memory is the place
As technology has not advanced to provide us with a physical say past living, I mean, from the moment you took this body till this
2) To never ever refuse healing to anyone under any genuine moment; the first phase of the past. Even if that is cleaned, many of where all these samskaras are caught - like an ice-cream where so
apparatus to directly measure or observe the universal energy,
circumstances the diseases like neurosis, asthma, high blood pressure and even many nuts are caught! If the ice-cream is frozen, it is very difficult
indirect methods are used to both qualify and quantify the
diabetes can be healed. All genetic disorders can be healed. to take those nuts out. If the ice-cream melts, you can simply take
3) To never demand or expect any remuneration in cash or kind in physiological effects of this energy on the body at a genetic,
those nuts out very easily. Or when metal statues are being made,
return for healing molecular and cellular level. This in turn results in health changes in
if some dust or small piece of wood or stone falls on it, once it is
the recipient, which too can be easily measured using physiological
cool the statue is made, you can’t take the piece out; it is caught.
and psychological parameters.
But if you can melt the statue again, those dust or small stones can
Structured studies have been performed to study the process of be taken out.
activation of the Cosmic energy at the individual level (Kundalini
Same way, all the engrams are caught in the frozen bio-memory.
energy) over the last decade.
But if that just melts with deep devotion, those engrams can be
There has been significant evidence of increased mitochondrial taken out and thrown away just like that. That is the reason, when
activity (increased cell energy). Changes occur in the gene somebody melts with a deep devotion, I know the person will just
expression which lead to suppression of the disease-causing walk out of that disease. All I need to do is just lend a hand to help
signaling pathways for cancer, mental illness, etc., and which lead the person walk out of the disease.
to a significant increase in the signaling pathways, thus allowing
The Shiva Sutras declare that a being who is in perfect health can
for greater health and better performance of the cells of the body.
transmit that health to any other being just by his nissankalpa, his
Recent studies have shown the remarkable anti-aging influence intentionless Consciousness. That is the science whIch is at work
of this process, as measured by an increase in telomerase activity behind healing.
(responsible for increasing the life span) and an increase in the
number and viability of stem cells (responsible for repair and
maintenance and longevity of the cells of the body).

AVATAR SHASTRA 238 239 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

Nithya Spiritual HealingSM : the Genesis Miracle of Nithya Spiritual Healers’ Conclusion
Paramahamsa Nithyananda left home at the age of 17 and dedicated Initiation
Today, there are over 20,000 initiated Nithya Spiritual Healers
nine years to spiritual wandering as a ‘Parivrajika’ in a rare, intense worldwide, acting as the ‘healing hands’ of His Holiness
search of the ultimate truth. As a wandering monk, during his After realizing His Avataric mission, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
travels, He lived many years in the Himalayan regions, and more visited a place called Nerur (in Andhra Pradesh in South India),
than nine months in the mountain retreat of Tapovan. which houses the jeeva samadhi (living energy field ) of an Working from their homes, in their local communities or in
enlightened master and avadhuta, Sadashiva Brahmendra. Nithyananda Peetham’s innumerable healing centers worldwide,
Tapovan is one of the ‘airstrips’ to the mystical energy field of these healers continue to baffle the world of modern medicine by
Shambala. It is hidden away in the mountains, and has no proper One of His teachers from college, who was also His devotee,
curing often fatal and incurable diseases with nothing more than a
access paths. Traveling to and from Tapovan requires extensive visited Him there to have darshan. She had heard about His healing
healing touch and a few moments of prayerful meditation.
acclimatization and spiritual strength. powers, and requested to be initiated into His healing system.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s first encounter with His own latent Paramahamsa Nithyananda replied that the Cosmos had not yet
healing powers happened while returning from Tapovan. He revealed that science to Him, and it would happen at the right time,
describes this great incident, revealing to us, his inconcievable as per the will of the Cosmos. While saying this, He was sitting
inner-powers, that were to become blessings to the whole world: close to the jeeva samadhi of Sadashiva Brahmendra, and could
feel the avadhuta’s presence.
“I was returning from Tapovan by foot. As you come to the lower
ranges, army trucks can be found moving along the mountain At that very moment, He saw Sadashiva Brahmendra standing
paths. I was given a ride in one such truck. In these army trucks, before Him. The avadhuta gave Him a blade of darbha grass, and
there are usually no seats – only wooden planks tightened with asked Him to give it to the teacher and tell her to start healing others
nuts and bolts. using the blade of grass. The divine formula for the transferring the
healing technology was revealed!
Suddenly the truck went over a big hump and I was lifted and
thrown down on the wooden plank. My spine hit one of the bolts On the spot, Paramahamsa Nithyananda initiated His teacher with
and was fractured. the darbha grass, and the first Nithya Spiritual Healer was given to
the world.
When we reached the next army camp, the army doctor took an
X-ray and said that I needed to rest for a month. 30 days was too
long a time for me to stay in one place just resting! I did not bother
about the doctor’s instructions, did not take any treatment and just
put my hand on the injured area. That’s all. The injury was healed!

That was how I discovered the power of healing that our body
carries in itself.”

(During the Nithya Spiritual Healers’ Initiation, Paramahamsa

Nithyananda shares with the world this gift that He received
with His enlightenment, through an initiation that transmits these
healing powers to anyone who is committed to heal and serve the
humanity and the planet.)

AVATAR SHASTRA 240 241 Chapter 11: Nithya Spiritual HealingSM

Chapter 12

Realigning Human Physiology

The Mind of the Cell

T he human being is not a single entity. He is a conglomerate

of at least 50 trillion individual cells, all attached to each
other, working in coherence as a symphony.

Imagine being in a large auditorium enjoying the New York

The energy for ‘doing’ is produced constantly by an organelle
called mitochondria, which creates pure energy in the form of ATP.
Thus, the mitochondria is also known as the powerhouse or the
battery of the cell.

Inside the cell is a structure called the nucleus, which houses the
philharmonic, where even a single musician out of tune will disrupt
entire blueprint of the human race including inherited memories
the harmony of the entire composition! Exactly the same thing
and traits passed through generations. This structure is called the
happens in a human being, where small disruptions of an individual
Gene, and structurally called DNA.
cell or a group of cells can lead to an obvious disharmony, which
we label as disease. Significantly, the DNA contains, in a seed form, the blueprints of
all the species that we have existed as, before we took this human
Though there is a tendency to think that intelligence is a specified
attribute of the brain, it is far from the truth. The brain merely is a
processor of signals and storehouse of memory and functions like This is amply demonstrated by the human fetus, which mimics its
a biological CPU with billions of neurons connected to each other entire life-story while in the womb - from breathing through gills
in billions of ways. In effect, it is nothing but a quantum computer like a fish in the early stages, to sporting a hairy body resembling a
for processing data. monkey in the seventh month of pregnancy.

On the other hand, every cell by itself is a living individual organism There are a very large number of genes, called the genome,
with a life force and intelligence to process information internally present in the individual cell which is made up of approximately
as well as that from the outer environment. The intelligent cell 30,000 genes. They are neatly folded into structured entities
makes decisions in nanoseconds to manufacture new proteins, called chromosomes so as to conserve space.
enzymes and whatever is needed in order to nurture and protect
There are 46 chromosomes in every somatic cell of the human
itself and also to constantly repair any ongoing mechanical damage
being and each chromosome is protected by a cap-like structure
in its complex yet versatile system.
called the telomere. As the DNA replicates to produce proteins,

AVATAR SHASTRA 242 243 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

the telomere gets worn off, leading to eventual death of the cell. Inner Awakening® : The Program The Need for Medical Research in Inner Health Recoveries* as a result of Inner
The telomere can be preserved by increasing the manufacture of
Awakening® Awakening®
a special enzyme called telomerase.
Inner Awakening® is a unique life-transforming 21-day spiritual
program centered on awakening the highest inner potential energy Since the first Inner Awakening® program happened in 2008,
Advanced Kundalini Activation Research within the participants: the Kundalini energy. many of the seekers who came from around the world seeking The Study
Pursuing his conviction that kundalini activation can be physically spiritual solace reported amazing health recoveries as one of the
While the authentic morning yoga sessions prepare the body to main benefits of attending the program.
measured, Paramahamsa Nithyananda undertook the medical 1. Physical and physiological parameters
hold and express the powerful Kundalini energy, Paramahamsa
surveillance of participants in his breakthrough residential three-
Nithyananda personally guides the participants through deep- This discovery, in addition to increased energy levels, set the stage 2. MTT assay
week yoga spiritual program, Inner Awakening®.
cleansing meditation processes, aided by the natural high energy for scientific research to validate these observations. The study
Attendees were tested in relation to a variety of parameters available at some of the world’s most powerful Cosmic energy was structured to quantify the changes and statistically evaluate 3. Genetic studies
upon arrival at the retreat. The same tests were repeated just fields like Varanasi, Cambodia, etc. their benefits.
4. qEEG studies
before their departure. The results of the study were astonishing,
Each day culminates with an initiation from Paramahamsa The intent is to determine the physiology behind these changes
demonstrating that Kundalini activation erases a host of chronic 5. Materialization studies
Nithyananda, during which he awakens the Kundalini energy. With through appropriate scientific studies, so that more in-depth
illnesses, mental and emotional blocks and behavioral problems.
this transmission, He also awakens the various previously dormant examination can be done in future programs by external
It has a measurable effect on cell structure, creating a positive
dimensions within each individual that express themselves as researchers.
shift in genetic function and raising personal energy levels by an
amazing 967%. completion, creativity and mystic powers.
We would like to share the health benefits experienced by the
Kundalini Awakening works on all the essential dimensions of participants in recent days. These results are based on pre- and
life, effecting deep and lasting healing at the physical, mental post- program questionnaires answered by the participants.
and emotional levels. This is experienced variously as peace,
productivity and awareness. With the initiation into the Science of
CompletionSM, participants learn to rewrite their future with peak

*Note: Some research findings are based on information polled from

program participants and are subjective in nature.

AVATAR SHASTRA 244 245 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Physical and Physiological parameters
The following physical and physiological parameters were
evaluated on Day 0 and Day 18 of the Inner Awakening® program:

1. Height and weight and by inference BMI

2. Chest and waist circumference and by inference C/W ratio

3. Diastolic blood pressure with a mid-program review on

1. Student t test for paired comparisons
4. Fasting blood sugar
Objective: To investigate the significance of the difference between
5. Mid-program review on diabetics single population means.
Study Design: An evaluation to study the effectiveness of No assumption is made about the population variances and di is the
intervention on Anthropometry Parameters and Clinical Variables. difference formed for each pair of observations.
Statistical Methods: Descriptive statistical analysis has
been carried out in the present study. Results on continuous 2. Significant figures
measurements are presented on Mean SD (Min-Max) and results
+ Suggestive significance (p value: 0.05<p<0.10)
on categorical measurements are presented in Number (%).
Significance is assessed at 5% level of significance. Student t test * Moderately significant (p value: 0.01<p< 0.05)
(two-tailed, dependent) has been used to find the significance of
** Strongly significant (p value: p <0.01)
study parameters on continuous scale within each group. 95%

Statistical software: The Statistical software namely SAS 9.2,

SPSS 15.0, Stata 10.1, MedCalc 9.0.1, Systat 12.0 and R environment
version 2.11.1 were used for the analysis of the data and Microsoft
Word and Excel have been used to generate graphs, tables, etc.

The results are further validated by ongoing research done

on subsequent batches of Inner Awakening® participants. A
summary of the findings has been included here.

Confidence Interval has been computed to find the significant

features. Confidence Interval with lower limit greater than 50% is
associated with statistical significance. Note: Some research findings are based on information polled
from program participants and are subjective in nature.

AVATAR SHASTRA 246 247 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Inner Awakening® and Cellular molecule of the cell. Without mitochondria, the cell can produce
only 2 ATPs per glucose molecule. The mitochondrion, on the
Transformation other hand, can produce 32 ATPs per molecule of glucose, which
is a 1700% increase in efficiency. Mitochondria are also involved
in other cell processes such as cell division and growth, as well as
The Science of Mitochondrial Function cell death.
The human body is essentially an assembly of 50 trillion individual Mitochondria have their own set of DNA, which allows them
cells living in unison, working towards a common goal. Each to function independently. Unlike the DNA in the nucleus of
cell is by itself a complete living entity with its own processes for the cell, which is covered by a protective layer of histones, the
sustenance of life, reproduction and so on. Most of the components mitochondrial DNA is naked and thus exposed to increased
of the cells are common to all, fulfilling basic common needs, yet possibilities of damage.
each has its own specialized departmental work, be it secreting
hormones, enzymes and so on. All these cells are powered As it is, the repair mechanism of the mitochondrial DNA is not
by a single battery within the cell called the mitochondrion. as efficient as that of the nuclear DNA. As we age, significant
errors creep into the mitochondrial DNA which go unrepaired or
insufficiently repaired. This leads to malfunction in the electron
transfer chain of the mitochondria. Instead of producing pure
energy in the form of ATP, a non-productive oxygen species called
reactive oxygen species (ROS) is produced. This ROS damages
cellular structures including the exposed mitochondrial DNA,

The mitochondrion is an interesting structure, only 1 micron in

length, situated outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm of the cell.
Mitochondria are the cell’s power producers. They convert energy
into forms that are usable by the cell. They are the sites of cellular
respiration which ultimately generate fuel for the cell’s activities. leading to a vicious cycle of dysfunction and aging, which in turn
Their function is to optimize the utilization of energy-producing leads to cell death.
substances like glucose, and to produce ATP which is the energy

AVATAR SHASTRA 248 249 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Mitochondrial Assay—The Study Laboratory Analysis 1.  Dilute buffy coats 1:4 (v/v) or heparinized blood samples 1:2
(v/v) with Dulbecco’s Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) without
a.  10 random blood samples from Inner Awakening® The MTT assays were performed at Post Graduate Department of Ca2+ and Mg2+.
participants from above 50 years of age as study group Biotechnology, Mangalore University.
2.  To a 10 ml centrifuge tube add 2 ml of defibrinated or
b.  Blood samples were taken on Day 0 and Day 18 All results including the physical, physiological measurements anticoagulant treated blood and an equal volume of balanced
and the MTT assay were statistically evaluated by professional salt solution (final volume 4 ml).
c.  Labeling was double blinded and sent to the laboratory
biostatistician Dr. K. P. Suresh, Scientist (Bio Statistics), National
for MTT assay 3.  Mix the blood and buffer by inverting the tube several times
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore.
or by drawing the mixture in and out of a pipette.
d.  All participants received the powerful ‘energy darshan’
(shaktipat) from Paramahamsa Nithyananda every day, in Material and Methods
addition to participating in yoga, meditation and cathartic Procedure for Isolation of Mononuclear Cells
processes. This colorimetric assay is dependent on the ability of viable cells
1.  Invert the Ficoll-Paque media bottle several times to ensure
to metabolize a water-soluble tertazolium salt (yellow color) into a
thorough mixing.
water insoluble formazan product (purple color). It measures the
activity of cellular respiratory enzymes that reduce MTT. Since only 2.  Using aseptic techniques, add Ficoll-Paque media (3 ml) to
viable cells perform this activity, the assay is used to measure the the centrifuge tube.
A Micro-titer Plate after MTT Assay
viability and proliferation of cells.
3.  Carefully layer the diluted blood sample (4 ml) onto the Tetrazolium salts are converted by metabolically active cells to
Ficoll-Paque media solution. formazan, which can be quantified by measuring
Procedure: Isolation of Mononuclear Cells (MNC) absorbance at 570 nm.
4.  Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 to 40 minutes at 18ºC to 20°C
Human Mononuclear cells can be separated from heparinized
(brake should be turned off).
blood samples or from the buffy coat of centrifuged blood 4.  Remove the supernatant.
5.  Draw off the upper layer containing plasma and platelets
5.  Re-suspend the mononuclear cells in 6 to 8 ml
using a sterile pipette, leaving the mononuclear cell layer
balanced salt solution.
undisturbed at the interface.
6.  Centrifuge at 400 to 500 × g (or 60 to 100 × g for
6.  Transfer the layer of mononuclear cells to a sterile centrifuge
removal of platelets) for 10 min at 18°C to 20°C.
tube using a sterile pipette.
7.  Remove the supernatant.
Fig: ROS mediated cell damage Washing the Cell Isolate 8.  For cell counts, dilute first 1:10 in supplemented RPMI
Since the etiology of many diseases is currently being -1640, and then 1:2 with 0.1% trypan blue solution, and
1.  Estimate the volume of the transferred mononuclear
quoted as related to free-radical mediated damage, count the cells with a Hemocytometer.
cells. Add at least 3 volumes (~ 6 ml) of balanced salt
mitochondria seemed to be the right subject for study and
solution to the mononuclear cells in the centrifuge tube.
that is where we started. Genetics also plays a major role
in the etio-pathogenesis of diseases. Genetic studies were sample with sodium citrate as an anticoagulant after removal of 2.  Suspend the cells by gently drawing them in and out
carried out on participants who had significant health the erythrocytes and the plasma. The residual fraction (25–40 of a pipette.
recoveries. QEEG studies were also done to study the ml) contains more than 90% of the leukocytes, 10% of the
3.  Centrifuge at 400 to 500 × g for 10 to 15 minutes at
effect on brain waves. erythrocytes, and 5% of the plasma.
18°C to 20°C.

AVATAR SHASTRA 250 251 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

MTT Assay - Steps Decision: The p value and the level of significance are compared. If Conclusion
p < 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis
1. Remove the culture medium from cell monolayers is accepted. If p ≥ 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted. ♦♦ The effective transmission of healing energy to participants
cultured in 96-well plates. by an adept healer through the process of energy darshan
Computations: The tables below give us the various computations
2. Reconstitute each well with 0.2 mL supplemented leads to Kundalini awakening to a statistically significant
and the p value.
RPMI-1640 containing 1 mg/mL MTT. degree.
Comparison of the change in MTT Assay at Day 0 and Day 20 in ♦♦ The addition of yoga and meditation along with energy
3.  Incubate the cultures for 2–4 hours at 37°C. study group: darshan leads to greater increase in cellular energy.
4.  Remove the supernatants from the wells. In study group, there was an increase in mean MTT Assay from
Day 0 to Day 20. The increase in MTT Assay from Day 0 to Day 20
5.  Add 0.2 mL per well of a lysing reagent containing
in Study Group was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001).
0.04 N HCl in isopropanol.

6.  Mix the content of the wells thoroughly.

7.  Read the plates in an automated microplate

spectrophotometer at 570 and 630 nm as reference.


Mossman, T. (1983). Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth

and survival. Journal of Immunological Methods, 65 (1-2), 55-63.
Sieuweters, A. M., Klijn, J. G., Peters, H. A., & Foekens, J. A. (1995;
♦♦ The MTT assay is a well-established protocol for the study
Nov. 33). MTT tetrazolium salt assay scrutinized. Eur J Clin Chem
of cell viability and metabolism (Mitochondria).
Clin Biochem, 11, 813-823.
♦♦ There was a dramatic increase in mitochondrial activity in the
Darzynkiewicz, Z., Li, X., & Gong, J. (1994). Assays of cell viability: study group.
discrimination of cells dying by apoptosis, Methods in Cell Biology, ♦♦ Normally, processes like yoga or exercise or meditation
41, 15-38. increase mitochondrial activity by about 40-50%.
♦♦ This study conclusively showed approximately 1000%
Statistical Analysis increase of mitochondrial activity (cell viability) in the IA
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the mean
value between two groups, i.e. µ1 = µ2

Alternate Hypothesis: There is a significant difference in the mean

value between two groups, i.e. µ1 ≠ µ2

Level of Significance: α = 0.05

Statistical test used: t test

AVATAR SHASTRA 252 253 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

My relationships have been I am liberated from psoriasis-arthritis I have been healed of my fear of public speaking My lactose intolerance disappeared!
beautifully healed
Legal name: Sarah Goldblatt Name: Sathiyan Kutty
Legal name: Roy Vlemincx Name: Rose Li
Spiritual name: Ma Nithya Spiritual name: Sri Nithya Poornananda
Deepthananda Location: Gent, Belgium Location: San Francisco, USA
Location: California, USA
Location: Port Washington, New York, Email: Email:
Email: sri.nithya.poornananda@gmail.
United States com

When I left to attend the Inner Awakening program in March 2013, I had been suffering from psoriasis-arthritis with several infected I am an IT professional living in San Francisco Bay Area. I have been very fortunate to have had a good physical health all
my husband was enraged that I was leaving my family at time that was joints and tendons. In December 2013, I attended the Inner my life.
In 2012 December I attended a program called Inner Awakening
quite tumultuous at home. He felt that I was abandoning him and my Awakening program in Bali. I experienced healing a lot of healing
with Paramahamsa Nithyananda on board a cruise ship in South The only health issue I had was being lactose intolerant for most of
four children. I left for India in fear. I had always let fear run my life. I through the darshans of my Master Swamiji. It was very gentle,
East Asia. my life. I avoided all dairy products in my food intake, as I would
returned from India fearless. intense, sometimes subtle, but definitely effective!!
have a stomach
Inner Awakening was the most profound spiritual experience for me
My experience at Inner Awakening was the best and most profound At first I had to sit on a chair during the satsangs, because of too
and it healed years of emotional pain caused by my past failures in upset and temporary hives on my face and neck.
of my life - beyond marriage and childbirth. I experienced so many much knee pain, but soon I could sit on the ground and felt lighter
business and relationships.
emotional shifts and mystical moments. When I returned back home, and lighter, and then the knee pain disappeared! It was during the Sarva Darshan one morning in November 2013,
I could see that I was much more equipped to handle all situations in At one time after Inner Awakening, I experienced a state of I asked Him for healing to cure my lactose intolerance. I had my
I learned that this psoriasis-arthritis is nothing but carrying a wrong
my life. I used to be an angry person who typically saw the downside completion when all the heaviness in me caused by all my past doubts after the darshan, but I really didn’t think about it much
idea of myself. During every darshan, I felt as if Swamiji operated
of situations. But after IA, have gained intense confidence, focus and negative emotions suddenly dropped in an instant. At that moment, after that day.
on me with such precision and unconditional love. Every day it was
patience and the ability to consistently be in the positive. I experienced deep inner peace, inner healing and bliss. Since then,
deeper and deeper healing, opening all my chakras, awakening my In the following week, I went to Bali for Inner Awakening. During
I do not experience anxiety or depression. I am able to speak in
I no longer yelled at my children, and was able to authentically listen kundalini energy, every day a little higher. one morning breakfast, I decided to try drinking milk. It tasted
public, something I could never do my whole life.
to them. My older daughter of 15, who is adopted and never showed me yummy, pure and light; but to my surprise, I felt great afterwards! I
Also, my thoughts became less, and more positive. My self-doubt,
affection, began hugging me and wanting to hang out. Even as I write this story, I sit with a beautiful smile on my face; couldn’t believe it, so I started to drink 2 cups, and then 3 cups, and
hatred and denial patterns became clear, and deeper restful
thanks to the Master and his powerful techniques to overcome my then I decided to try ice cream for dessert, and guess what, I still felt
My husband, though still claiming to be upset that I was gone for 24 awareness was introduced into my bio memory, muscle memory
own inhibitions. great afterwards!
days, consistently commented on the change in me. In fact, one day he and inner space. Super!
said, “I like you so much more now, I really, really do.” I too am much My whole life has transformed and I am deeply grateful to the All the years of my lactose intolerance symptoms have disappeared.
This was strengthened by early morning yoga and a Nirahari
happier with the new me. I feel so strong and joyful inside. Master for healing me head to toe. It’s been 6 months since Bali IA, and I have zero lactose issue.
(liquid) diet, my favorite way to break my food pattern!
I should also mention that as a yoga teacher, I am experiencing so Thank you Swamiji.
Whenever Swamiji puts his hand on my head, I felt healing energy
much growth since attending my first Inner Awakening. I have been
flowing down my spine. It was so liberating! Everything looked so
able to enrich my students in a new way, to help them cognize and
bright, everybody was radiating bliss. “It is possible” came back into
internalize that life is possibility. Again, it is not a coincidence that my
my inner space!!
yoga classes are growing.
Amazing experience with Guru! Thank you Swamiji!
Expansion brings expansion!!!

I used to feel like a failure. Now I see that I am divine and blessed. I
have so much gratitude to Swamiji and Nithyananda sangha!

AVATAR SHASTRA 254 255 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Impact of Kundalini Awakening Gene
on Gene Function Gene is a functional hereditary unit made up of DNA, which
occupies a fixed location on a chromosome.

Health: Health is defined as not merely absence of illness, but also
A chromosome is a long strand of DNA, found within the nucleus
a sense of positive feeling in physical, physiological, psychological
of a cell.
and emotional states.
A human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell of which
It is a core process affecting all individual cells of the body (50 trillion
22 are autosomal (not sex-related). The last pair are the sex
cells) and their relationship with one another to function as a whole
chromosomes, which determine our gender.
(human being). The relationship of this whole, its interaction with
physical and environmental factors (society), and the influence of
this interdependence on the collective consciousness (spiritual
health) are likewise aspects of the domain of health.

There are four different aspects of health:

• Physical

• Physiological

• Psychological

• Spiritual

Molecular Basis of Life

Life: The ability of any structure, whether molecule, organelle,
Of all the possible combinations of elements, the formation of a
cell or multi-cellular organism, to function in its environment
specially designed molecule called DNA (Deoxy ribo nucleic acid),
by actively processing signals, responding to stimuli, preserving
became the fundamental mechanism of giving life to otherwise
its systems, repairing damage and reproducing itself to further
inanimate molecules.
propagate its species, is known as Life. Life processes also include
undergoing quantum adaptive changes to deal with a dynamic The DNA is a poly-nucleotide chain containing a repetitive
and changing environment. backbone of sugar-phosphate units with small organic bases -
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine - attached to each sugar.
The primordial universe consisted initially of sub atomic particles
(energy), which combined together to form atoms, the smallest In human beings, DNA is a long strand measuring almost 2 meters
organized unit of life - for example, the atom of hydrogen. Hydrogen in length, but coiled inside a cell, which is only a few microns in
in turn can be further combined to form molecules through chemical diameter.
bonds, for example, the molecule of water and so on, which is hydrogen
bonded to oxygen.

AVATAR SHASTRA 256 257 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Expression, Up Regulation and Down Regulation Review of Literature
Genome the human species.
of Gene, Or Its End Product - The Receptor Several papers have studied the role of meditation (relaxation
The complete set of chromosomes (with their genes) in an response), yoga, tai chi and other eastern techniques and their
Genes and Disease Gene Expression is the process by which information from a gene is
organism is called its “Genome”. effects on human physiology.
used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. The process is
The Human Genome contains between 25,000 and 30,000 Some diseases involve a single gene mutation such as sickle-cell ♦♦ Benson and Steiner (1975) studied the role of hypoxia, O2
used by all known life to generate the macromolecular machinery
genes similar to that of a mouse and less than a grain of rice, anemia, which affects only a small subset of humanity.
for life. consumption and CO2 elimination during meditation. This
which contains 50-60,000 genes. Hence it is clear that it is not Other diseases involve multiple genes. Over 100 genes are was published in the Journal of Human Stress, 1, 37-44.
For example, depending on environmental conditions, the common
the number of genes, but what a gene can do that determines the implicated in susceptibility to asthma and cancer, causing disease ♦♦ Peng and Henry (2004) studied the heart rate dynamics
yeast undergoes a quantum shift in metabolic pathway from
complexity of a living organism. due to genomic instability often involving the mutation (change) during meditation, which was published in the International
fermentation to oxidative metabolism, upon exhaustion of glucose
Genes not only transmit information from generation to generation, of genes from their normally programmed behavior. Journal of Cardiology, 95, 19-27
as an energy source. This is called dioxy or double growth.
but also act on a minute-to-minute basis, reacting to external ♦♦ Zheng (2007) studied the modulation of immune functions
Gene-related metabolic pathways such as MAP-K, which stands for
Experiments in fruit flies demonstrated differential expression of genes and oxidative status, induced by noise stress, published in
needs, synthesizing amino acids and proteins which carry out the Mitogen Associated Protein Kinase, are implicated in the processing
during waking and sleeping states. During the waking state, genes and Journal of Occupational Heath, 49, 32-38
various functions of the body, whether structural, enzymatic or of long-term potentiation (LTP), the basis for learning and memory.
encoding proteins involved in detoxification and defense mechanisms ♦♦ Glaser (1990) studied psychological stress-induced
defensive mechanisms.
In human beings, DNA is present in: are highly expressed. modulation of IL2 receptor gene expression, published in
♦♦ The nucleus of the cell as chromosomes, completely During sleep, nerve-related genes are expressed, which leads to the Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 707-712
Comparative Genomics
covered (protected) by a histone coat. consolidation of memory. (It is significant to note here that His Holiness The current study during Inner Awakening® was based on a similar
♦♦ The organelle called the mitochondrion, the powerhouse Paramahamsa Nithyananda routinely advises spiritual aspirants to study done at Harvard Medical School by Dusck, et al. (2008)
The human and chimpanzee genomes are 96% identical.
or energy-producing battery of the cell. take a bath and meditate just before sleep, to avoid the consolidation on genomic counter stress changes, induced by the relaxation
The 4% gap makes a profound difference in the physical and
Mitochondrial DNA is naked, unprotected by the histone coat. of negative energies/ emotions accumulated during the day into the response, published in Public Library Of Science One, 3 (7).
psychological presentation (phenotype) of these two species.
This makes the mitochondrial DNA more susceptible to damage. bio-memory.)
For example, language, which is unique to humans, has been Built-in mechanisms function to constantly repair the DNA when The Study
tracked down to a double mutation in a gene called ‘FOX P2’. This errors occur. Up Regulation
single factor forms the entire basis for verbal communication in Control sample collection date: April 12, 2011
In times of shortage, certain genes or their end products (specific
Gene Expression receptors) are up regulated or increased because of an apparent
Test Sample collection date: May 2, 2011

It is estimated that only 10,000 of the 30,000 human genes are shortage of access to specific materials. Venue: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, Bidadi,
expressed at any given time (redundancy). Since many genes are Example: In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, there is an up regulation INDIA
repeated and many parts of the chromosomes do not contain of insulin receptors, in the hope of capturing passing Insulin Contract scientific services were carried out by Leads Clin,
genetic material, it is estimated that only 5% of the human genome molecules for glucose metabolism in the cell. This phenomenon Bangalore.
is actively expressed and has functional genes. is called ‘Insulin Resistance’.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Krishna Shama Rao, Yenapoya
There is a parallel to this in the Cosmos, where the sum total of all
Medical University
known matter makes up only 5% of the universe, the remaining Down Regulation
95% as yet unknown.
Certain hormones can also down regulate or decrease the receptors Forty healthy adult volunteers, male and female enrolled for the
in order to balance the internal environment of the cell, as happens 21 day Inner Awakening® program, volunteered to give blood
with excess availability of substances. samples with informed consent for differential gene expression
study before and after Inner Awakening®.

AVATAR SHASTRA 258 AVATAR SHASTRA 259 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology
The objective of the study was to explore Indian traditional yoga 1. Add 1/10 volume 3M NaOH, pH 5.2 and 2.5 volumes ethanol. intensity data of gene chip expression probe arrays checked a)  Autoimmunity
and meditation techniques through new experimental biology and normalized and CEL files were stored for further analysis.
2. Mix and incubate at -20°C for at least 1 hour. b)  Neurotransmitter: Neurotransmitter Uptake, Inhibitors,
e)  Microarray Data Analysis was done using the latest version Receptors and Synaptic Transmission together.
♦♦ Gene expression changes including up regulation and 3.  Centrifuge at ≥ 12,000 x g in a micro-centrifuge for 20
software Gene Spring 11.5. The CEL files are imported in Affymetrix c)  Cancer: Brain, Liver and Neoplastic Stem Cells
down regulation were assessed by micro array analysis, minutes at 4°C.
Expression workflow using Technology for HG-U133_Plus_2. separately.
using affymetrix HG-U 133+ 2.O gene chips. 4. Wash pellet twice with 80% ethanol.
♦♦ Gene Ontology (GO) categories were identified using Summarization: We opted for MAS 5 summarization. It also provides We limited the network building to these terms because including
5. Air dry pellet. Check for dryness before proceeding. flag information for the probe sets. Baseline to median of all samples all of the cancer MeSH terms leads to large network.
expression analysis systematic explorer (EASE Analysis).
was applied for this data.
6. Re-suspend pellet in DEPC-treated water. Following are the observations made:
Study Design & Labeling Analysis: A t test unpaired was used to identify the differentially
Significant genes from Pathways which are two fold up or down
expressing entities. Fold change analysis at the cut-off of 2 was
In the study, we compared gene expression profiles in whole Quantification of RNA Yield by regulated:
performed. Hierarchical clustering on the output was performed.
blood between Test and Control samples. Samples collected from Spectrophotometric Analysis Gene Ontology Analysis was done by using fold change output. •  with Autoimmunity: 18
volunteers before program were named as BIAY samples and after NCI to find significant pathways was used for pathway analysis.
the program were named as AIAY samples. BIAY were considered Absorbance of the sample was checked in 260 and 280 nm. The •  with Neurotransmitter: 17
as controls and AIAY were considered as test samples. ratio of A260/A280 was 1.9 which is in an acceptable range.
Results •  with Brain cancer: 40
Sample numbers 1-10 were pooled in as BIAY1 matched against cDNA and cRNA Synthesis, Hybridization, Scanning, Data
•  with Liver cancer: 59
sample numbers 1-10 of after samples as AIAY1 and studied BIAY1 Extraction were done. a)  420 Up regulated and 165 Down regulated entities are
vs AIAY1 obtained. •  with Neoplastic Stem cells: 18
a)  Single cycle labeling process with cDNA using a T4 promoter—
Similarly, samples 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 were named and dT24 oligonucleotide as primer and second strand cDNA synthesis b)  Gene Ontology has shown significantly enriched GO terms, and
matched respectively as BIAY2 vs AIAY2, BIAY3 vs AIAY3 and BIAY4 and incubation with T4 DNA polymerase has been done and the pathway analysis has shown significant gene expression differences Interestingly 8 genes were common in all the cancer lists.
vs AIAY4. products were purified using affymetrix clean up module. Biotinylated in the following 22 pathways: p38 signalling mediated by MAPKAP 3 (EIF4E, BMI1, TMEF2) of these were significant in C-MYC
cRNA is made using affy IVT kit. kinases, P38 MAPK signalling pathway, validate targets of C-MYC pathway as well. 5 out of 59 significant genes from liver cancer
Human whole genome HG-U133_Plus_2 chips form affymetrix transcriptional activation, VEGFR1 specific signals, TNF alpha/NF-kB, network are also found in IL 12 mediated signalling pathways, 7
have been used for the study. b)  cRNA is purified using Qiagen, quantified and then fragmented
TGFBR, Hypoxic and oxygen homeostasis, regulation of HIF-1-alpha, in BMP receptor signalling, 3 in IL27, 5 in TGFBR, 4 in Androgen
by incubation at high temperature with Magnesium. Biotinylated
Endogenous TLR signalling, Direct Interactions, Cellular roles of receptor and 8 in c-myc pathway.
cRNA is added to a total hybridization cocktail of 300 microliters
Materials and Methods and 200 microliters is hybridized to gene chip after adding control
Anthrax toxin, C-MYC pathway, BMP receptor signalling, Androgen
Receptor Androgen-mediated signalling, ATF-2 transcription
oligo-nucleotides, overnight.
Blood sample collection and RNA storing: factor network, signalling mediated by p38-alpha and p38-beta,
c)  Hybridization has been done at 45o C, 17 hours overnight with Regulation of p38-alpha and p38-beta, Regulation of Androgen
Five milliliters of blood was collected from volunteers in EDTA
constant rotation. The hybridization mixture is then removed and receptor activity, N0 cadherin signalling events, IL27-mediated
vacutainers, mixed with 25ml of Erythrocyte Lysis Buffer, Qiagen,
the Gene Chips are washed, stained with phycoerythrin-labeled signalling events and IL12-mediated signalling events.
and incubated for 10 minutes on ice, then mixed by vortexing
straptavidin, washed, incubated with biotinylated anti-streptavidin
briefly 2 times during incubation and kept for 10-20 minutes and c)  GSEA analysis for the dataset wherein Kaposi Liver cancer Poor
and then restrained with phycoerythrin-labeled straptavidin to
centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C and the supernatant Survival was found to be significant.
amplify the signals.
was completely removed and discarded. After 10-20 minutes visible
pellets were re-suspended in 10ml of solution. d)  Further analysis was done for cancer, autoimmune and
d)  Arrays are then scanned using dedicated scanner, controlled
neurotransmission related diseases and results are as below.
by GCOS software. Images are examined for defects. The Affy
RNA Precipitation Procedure:
Micro Array Suite 5 (MAS%) algorithm analyzed the hybridization MeSH pathway analysis was done for the following terms:

AVATAR SHASTRA 260 261 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Discussion & Summary like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and other chronic pain Studies are being structured to do concommitant fMRI and qEEG Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Studies
conditions. studies to correlate with neurotransmitter activity in relation to
1. The control group was the participants of Inner Awakening® on normal brain physiology and psychiatric illnesses.
MAP-K signalling pathways are largely implicated in long term The brain is essentially a bioelectric organ. The EEG or
day 0, and the study group was the same participants post Inner
potentiation involved in learning and memory. Eight children electroencephalogram has long been used to record and study the
Awakening®, day 21. Hence, human variations of gene expression The study was conducted at Nithyananda Peetham, using
participated in the Inner Awakening® for Kids program in parallel electrical activity of the outermost layer of the brain – the cerebral
between control and study groups have been completely avoided. processes under the guidance of His Holiness Paramahamsa
with the Inner Awakening® program for adults, and their memory cortex.
2. 420 up regulated and 165 down regulated entities have been
and ability to recall were tested and recorded before and after 21
A more advanced form of EEG has been developed, called
demonstrated within a short period of 21 days. The shortest previous days. The significant improvement in memory correlates well with This study was funded by Nithyananda Peetham, and the data, quantitative EEG or qEEG, in which the electrical signal is converted
study done at Harvard Medical School was of 8 weeks duration. the MAP-K gene up regulation. results and the copyright are the sole property of Nithyananda to digital form and compared to a database of individuals without
3. Gene ontology studies and pathway analysis has shown
Peetham. any known neurological disorder.
Almost 117 gene expression changes with relationship to various
significant gene expression differences in 22 pathways. known malignancies were noticed following MeSH analysis;
In this form of functional brain imaging, the brain’s electrical
however none of the registered participants had any recorded
4. MeSH pathway analysis, further subdivided the GO pathways activity, as measured in 19 or 25 sites on the head, are analyzed
malignant conditions during the Inner Awakening® processes. References
under the following: using complex mathematical and statistical tools in comparison
There was more than a 7-fold increase in Androgen receptor Lesk, A. (2007). Introduction to genomics, New York: Oxford to norms or averages. The results of these analyses can then be
•  Auto Immunity
activity and other Androgen mediated signalling events. It is University Press, USA. presented in graphic form, resulting in topographical displays of
• Neurotransmitter well known in Vedic/yogic literatures that the intense practice of brain electrical activity, sometimes called “brain maps”.
Xiong, J. (2009). Essential bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK:
certain Kriyas and meditation can lead to a natural suppression of
• Malignancy Cambridge University Press. A fitted electrode cap with leads placed according to the
sex-related desires (Muladhara Chakra), which, similar to insulin
International 10/20 System is applied to achieve a standardized 19
•  Androgen related resistance, would lead to up-regulation of androgen receptors Krebs, J. E., Goldstein, E.S., & Kilpatric, S. T. (2011). Lewin’s Genes channel EEG recording.
in peripheral cells. The only other condition where such up- X, Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
• Mitochondria
regulation of androgen receptors is seen is in prostate cancer.
There is a 7-fold increase in pathways related to Immune Watson, J. (2007). Recombinant DNA, Long Island, New York:
However, none of the participants had any history of cancer of the
modulation, Inflammation, Hypoxia regulation etc. This matches Cold Spring Harbor Press.
with the clinical relief of inflammatory symptoms in the Inner Goldberg, T. E. & Weinberger, D. R. (2005). Genetics of cognitive
Previous study on the mitochondrial activity of Inner Awakening®
Awakening® participants, both in relation to autoimmune disorders neuroscience, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT press.
participants using the MTT assay techniques revealed a 967%
increase of mitochondrial activity. This correlates well with the Nieschlag, E., Behre, H. M., & Nieschlag, S. (2009). Andrology,
current finding of a significant increase of MAP-K and other related New York: Springer.
pathways, which are essential in increasing both the number and
size of mitochondria. Freberg, L., (2010). Discovering biological psychology,
Independence, Kentucky: Cengage Learning.
Techniques of pranayama, which include various forms of bandhas
and kumbhakas, would naturally be expected to affect oxygen
homeostasis under hypoxic conditions, and the up regulation of
the HIF-1-alpha signifies the same.

Further studies in collaboration with Medical Universities, may provide

greater information on changes in mitochondrial activity in relation to Figure: International 10-20 system for electrode placement
age, health and disease. on the scalp

AVATAR SHASTRA 262 263 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

The waveforms recorded reflect the level of arousal of the person: and business concerns. She is trained and certified on EMDR (Eye Physiological Data and Statistics Report - My In deep meditation, EEG studies have shown the simultaneous
delta activity (2-4 cps) accompanies deep sleep; theta (4-7cps) Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) from the Hong Kong global presence of delta activity with increased beta presence in
states of drowsiness; alpha (8-11 cps) relaxed states. Beta range Institute of EMDR. She is trained and certified in Biofeedback, the pre frontal area. This signifies a state of ‘Restful Awareness’.
activity reflects an engaged or active brain, and, with very fast beta Neuro-feedback, and qEEG (Quantitative EEG) from USA. (qEEG recordings of participant) On the other hand, a direct transmission of Cosmic energy
activity, an excited or urgent/emergency state of mind.
She is: Concise Client and Session information: (Kundalini Shakti in Vedic literature) clearly demonstrates cessation
of superficial cortical activity and the presence of multiple high
qEEG Studies on devotees - an international affiliate of American Psychological Association Client: [ID=00000045 ] amplitude spikes, not correlating with the known alpha, beta, delta
Session: p4 and theta rhythms, suggesting that the EEG machine is picking up
QEEG studies were conducted on participants who had Kundalini
- member and a certified trainer of LMI international intense activity from sub cortical areas from hypothalamus and
awakening to study its effect on the brain. The qEEG’s were reported Date Time: 09:17:43 14-07-2011 ; Duration: 43 min 17 sec. limbic systems.
by Dr Kanak Pandey, Neurologist.(1) The participants underwent a - member of Indian Psychological Association
series of standardized tests, basic recordings were done with open
- member of Psycho-Linguistic Association of India
eyes and closed eyes and also when the Kundalini energy was
activated by the Master’s initiation. Data were analyzed; digitized - member of International Society for Neuronal Regulation (ISNR)
data were subjected to an automatic artifact detection routine and
supplemented by visual review and these were the observations

The values are dramatically high in most of the activated people.

This may be indicative of very elevated, rapid, parallel processing.
It may indicate enhanced cognitive and mental functioning; this can
be calibrated by post activation assessment on various cognitive
functions. These elevated changes may help a person develop
better learning and executive abilities.

Positive impacts:
1.  Better focusing ability

2.  Better alertness and attentiveness

3.  Better short term memory

4.  Faster multi processing

5.  Better problem solving and decision making ability

6.  Warm and positive personality traits

1. Dr. Kanak Panday is the founder of Gunjan Human Karigar Figure: During eyes closed baseline rest, the theta rhythm (4-8
Hz) dominates the spectral energies of a child’s brain whereas
and Maxcellence—Peak Performance Solutions. She is a trained the alpha rhythm (8-12 Hz) dominates adult brain.
psychologist having more than 23 years of experience as a
behavioral psychological consultant with various reputed industrial

AVATAR SHASTRA 264 265 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Continuing Breakthroughs in the new Conclusion
Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to delve deeper into
common Source of science and mysticism.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda has extended the horizon of human
possibility. Working first with a close group of devotees, and later Planet Earth is pleading for a new way of life for all its inhabitants,
incorporating the technique into a public program, he successfully a way of peaceful co-existence and joyous creativity. The solution
launched the Nirahara Sammyama, a voluntary 21-day initiation lies at our fingertips: by opening to our own internal energy or
process in the year 2012, in which the body requires no food to kundalini shakti, we can resolve the world’s energy crisis and begin
function. Participants have been able to carry out normal daily to savor our life instead of struggling through it. We have also
activities and work without weakness, despite no nutritional intake. the precious resource and grace of the Avatar who can bring our
Those who felt symptoms of hunger were mandated to eat, and energy into bloom: His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
some opted to consume juice when needed. Many, however, took
nothing, not even water, without experiencing any ill effects. They
have even been able to cook for others without wanting to eat.

This landmark event in itself is remarkable. What truly breaks new

ground is that Paramahamsa Nithyananda has guided the public
groups at a distance, and in unprecedented numbers. Some yogic
masters have succeeded in the past with a few close disciples who
live around them. But none has ever been known to sustain more
than four hundred devotees over thousands of miles all over the
world, solely by the power of their initiation, irrespective of the
geographical distance.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s ability to heal and transmit initiation

to those far away provides ever stronger evidence that energy
is not limited by space, time or physical form. Furthermore, his
capacity to awaken extraordinary powers in others proves the
Vedic understanding that these siddhis are the birthright of all

The research findings also confirm what the Hindu scriptures have
declared for millennia: while siddhas, mystics or yogic masters
may acquire these skills for themselves after long years of spiritual
effort, or as a side-effect of enlightenment, only the rarest being
known as the Avatar, by virtue of being established in the space
of non-dual Oneness, can awaken these siddhis in others by the
sheer power of His presence.

The world looks forward to a new evolutionary wave, guided by

the wisdom and vision of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

AVATAR SHASTRA 266 267 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Design There are several cellular, molecular, biochemical, and clinical
markers to evaluate the rate of aging in an individual. These markers
Here, we have investigated the effects of an intensive three-week are extensively being used to evaluate anti-aging potential of any
Inner Awakening® spiritual program on telomerase activity and MBT program. Telomerase activity levels in a cell and evaluation
the peripheral blood stem cells in participants before and after the of the circulating adult stem cells in an individual are two such
MBT. A total of 108 people were enrolled in the study; 38 men and molecular and cellular parameters for detecting aging [10].
70 women (aged 18-90) randomly assigned for the study.
Telomeres are DNA sequences that are essential for protecting
chromosome ends and ensuring chromosome stability during
Introduction replication and also allow cells to distinguish chromosome ends.
However, their lengths get reduced with each cell division and
Aging represents the accumulation of physiological,
further shortened during oxidative stress [11].
biological and associated alterations in a person for a
longer period of time [1,2]. Aging is one of the most critical Below a critical telomere length, cell division can no longer occur
known risk factors for many human disease [3]. Roughly which causes cells to enter in a state of senescence that can further
0.1 million people worldwide die each day of age-related enhance the tissue aging process [12,13,14,15,16,17].
complications [4].
Nevertheless, a recent longitudinal study indicates that telomere
Integrative mind-body therapies (MBTs), which include meditation, length of peripheral blood mononuclear cells can increase over
pranayama, other kinds of breath control exercises, and yoga time [18-20]. This recent finding thus emphasize the need for
have gained importance and intense attention from the scientific identifying potential regulator(s) that control telomere length
community over the last two decades. Among the various types shortening. The rate of telomere shortening or lengthening
Anti-aging Effects of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells
of MBTs, meditation has still been considered as one of the most depends primarily on the activity and the levels of telomerase
Inner Awakening® program Links: common practiced techniques. Many scientific studies have been [21], which adds DNA sequences back to telomeres and thereby carried out to understand the efficacy of meditation on physical increases their length and restore normal cellular function [22].
and mental well-being [5]. Meditation, yoga with breath control
Lately telomere length has been proposed as a useful
Anti-aging Effects of an Intensive Mind and Body exercises, and controlled diet with right nutritional supplementation
“psychobiomarker” [18,21,23,24] and the new findings indicate
exert the best anti-aging effects including reduced anxiety and
Therapeutic Program through Enhancement of Objective that telomere length can be regulated in part by psychological
illness, slow-down of the aging process, and improved cognitive
Telomerase activity and Adult Stem cell Counts Key modalities of integrative medicine known to rejuvenate the stress [25,26]. Additionally, literature in the Hindu (and later
function [6,7,8].
mind and body are meditation, yoga, completion process, energy Buddhist) traditions indicate the role of meditation in the reduction
During these years the scientific community has been consistently of psychological stress, which may be due to upregulation of
Note: Results of these studies were published in the below journals: initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda every day and unrestricted
trying to understand the safety and efficacy of meditation on telomerase activity [27].
satvic diet.
1. Journal of Stem Cells, Volume 10, Issue 2 (pp. 107-125) physical and mental well-being.
It has been shown previously that intensive or prolonged mind Adult stem cells are capable of renewal and facilitate regeneration
Link: Recent studies show that meditation with breath and diet control, of lost tissues and also repair damaged tissues in the body during
and body therapies (MBT) may have beneficial effects on the well-
catalog/product_info.php?products_ can lead to stable changes in brain pattern for a longer period stress/insult [28]. Importantly, maintenance of stem cell quiescence
being of both healthy people and patients. Telomerase activity and
id=56446&osCsid=5c086307d4ddb51ff5cfbe6d8498ee99 of time as compared to non-meditating human beings, thereby is essential for preserving the long-term self-renewal potential
levels of peripheral blood adult pluripotent stem cells (PB-APSC)
indicating the importance of intentional practices. These studies of the stem cell pool [28] such as in the brain, bone marrow,
2. Journal: Advances in Aging Research, Vol. 4, No.3, May 2015 are reliable markers of long-term well-being that are known to
may help in understanding the basic unifying mechanisms of musculoskeletal system, and the skin. Furthermore, there is an
decrease with age. The objective of this study is to understand the
Paper: An Intensive Mind and Body Therapeutic Program Leads the brain, mind and body that enhance our capacity to adapt to emerging body of evidence that signals such as metabolic stress
effect of our MBT program on telomerase activity and stem cells in
to Alteration in Gene Expression Critical to Aging Process in stressful and uncertain conditions [9]. can lead to impairment of adult stem cells function in vivo [29].
blood collected from the participants.

AVATAR SHASTRA 268 269 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Ethics Statement layer was collected and washed 3 times in PBS supplemented
with 2% FBS (Stemcell Technologies, Vancouver, BC. Canada), and
The study protocol and the design have been approved by finally an aliquot containing 0.2 million cells was transferred into an
Institutional Ethics Committee. Informed consents in writing were Eppendorf tube (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and centrifuged
obtained from all subjects prior to start-date of experimentation. at 3000g for 5 min. The pelleted cells were preserved at -80°C
Materials and Methods until use. Heat-denatured telomerase was used as a negative
Intervention control for TRAP reaction.
Study Design and Subject The positive control was done using one million telomerase
On day 1 of the program, 5 ml of peripheral blood was collected from
positive cells supplied in the kit. The relative telomerase activity
The study determined effect of telomere shortening on aging by each subject in anticoagulant EDTA vacutainer (BD Biosciences,
was calculated by taking negative control values as 1 and the data
detecting peripheral blood adult regenerative stem cell (ARSS) San Jose, USA). After 21 days (i.e., end of the program) again 5ml
were normalized based on exact protein content of the samples.
and telomerase activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells blood was collected in anticoagulant vacutainer and forwarded
(PBMC). All samples were collected at the site of the study. The through validated clinical cold chain.
study originally included 110 participants. The samples from 2 Statistical Analysis
participants could not be used since either they missed a session Stem cell isolation process Each patient served as their own control. We tested the differences
or were not good enough for further analysis. Hence total of 108
in pre and post values for stem cell and telomerase. Day 0 served
patients were enrolled in the study, 38 men and 70 women (aged Viability measurement was done by using Trypan blue (0.4%
as control for both telomerase and stemcell measurement and Day
18-90) . Trypan blue stain, Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY, USA). Trypan blue
21 post meditation program served as the test sample. We tested
exclusion method [30] was used to count viable PBMCs. Stem
The Inner Awakening® program consisted of completion process, for differences in pre versus post using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank
cell count was done using hemocytometry. Adult regenerative
meditation, yoga and pranayama in the morning, and energy Test. We found that for both changes in stem cells and telomerase,
stem cell (ARSS) was collected from the peripheral blood by
initiations by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Interactive sessions there was a significant increase, P < 0.01.
density gradient centrifugation [31] and sedimentation process
were held between mentors and participants throughout the day.
[32]. Our approved protocol on the isolation of PMBC was initially
Diet was strictly vegetarian with no calorie restriction.
established by examining key pluripotency markers such as
The participants of the Inner Awakening® program were from OCT4, SOX2, NANOG by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain
Indian and international locations with different ethnicities, reaction (RT-PCR) [33].
social backgrounds and represented unique lifestyles, with stress
and physiological problems at varying degrees. Most of them Telomerase activity measurement in PBMCs
had never undergone any similar or the same MBT programs
previously. Participant’s blood samples were assessed before and Telomerase relative activity assessment was done as per the
after the MBT. Inclusion criteria were: age 18–90 years, no chronic instruction of Millipore’s TRAPeze telomerase detection kit
diseases such as CMV infection, heart diseases, diabetes, HIV etc, (Billerica, MA, USA) with each sample being analyzed in triplicate.
and good psychological health, for example lack of anxiety and These assays were done in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell
depression, lack of bipolar disorders or schizophrenia. (PBMC) counts. Protein estimation assay was done using Lowry
method [34] and equal amount of protein lysate (0.4μg) was used
for TRAP reaction.

PBMCs were isolated by centrifugation using Lympho-Ficoll

(Ficoll-Paque Plus; GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, UK) gradient
density centrifugation for 30 minutes at 400g. The mononuclear

AVATAR SHASTRA 270 271 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

MBT augmented telomerase activity in stem cells participants had significantly higher telomerase activity compared This increase was due to a reduction in ‘‘intrusive thoughts’’ as
Results to the premeditated group. Interestingly, increased telomerase reported by the patients. Given that meditative practice and
isolated from peripheral blood from the participants
A proper randomization of patients was done before the start of activity among the program participants was associated with negative impact of intrusive thoughts are inversely co-related,
the treatment. Furthermore, having established that meditation had a marked effect increased stem cells count in the blood, thereby indicating an it is plausible that the increase in telomerase activity reported in
on the stem cell fold changes among the majority of the people inter-relationship between increased stem cells numbers and that study might be in part due to meditation-induced changes.
As shown in Table 1 (page 148), all patients participated in this telomerase activity. Importantly, the association between changes in control pre-
undergoing MBT as opposed to pre-MBT group, we went on to
study were randomized in terms of age, sex, stem cells, and MBT and post-retreat telomerase activity in the present study is
investigate a key molecular parameter of well-being: telomerase
telomerase activity prior to meditation. The randomization was The reasons for the positive correlation between the increased
activity. Table 4 (page 152-153) represents the telomerase activity consistent with the previous report showing an inverse relationship
successful as evidenced by age-range, sex of the patients just to stem cell count and increased telomerase activity could be two-
fold changes in subjects before and after the meditation. between perceived stress and immune cell telomerase activity in
be sure increased telomerase activity in the treated group were fold.
caregivers for their chronically ill children.

not due to inclusion of more young people. Thus telomerase activity was augmented in the majority of the
First, increased telomerase activity could be due to intrinsic
subjects after MBT, thereby indicating better well-being status. In
addition, as shown in Table 5, about 45% of people showed more
telomerase activity in the stem cells. So the higher the stem cell Conclusion
Mind-Body Therapy (MBT) program did not affect number the higher is the overall telomerase activity.
than one-fold of telomerase activity after MBT. Furthermore, about
the viability of stem cells Statistical analysis reveals that more than 45% participants showed
27% of people showed higher fold changes (2-fold) in telomerase Second, since the stem cells have a potent healing capacity, they
more than one-fold change post the Inner Awakening® program
activity after MBT retreat. could migrate and home to the damaged tissue, due to age-
Out of 110 patients, 2 patients’ samples were found to be and more than 27% participants showed more than two-fold
related processes, and stabilize the telomere length by activating
contaminated and hence rejected for the study. Using Trypan blue change post the Inner Awakening® program.
telomerase enzyme through an unknown mechanism. However,
exclusion method 80-90% viability was observed in all subjects Discussion This is a significant increase in telomerase activity in as short a
we don’t know for sure whether the positive correlation between
(101 - 208). The results are presented in Table 2 (page 150). A close period as 3 weeks.
stem cell number and telomerase activity is direct or indirect.
examination of the table revealed that the retreat did not affect Telomerase activity is critical to prevent early telomere shortening
the viability of the stem cells among all subjects. Substantially which can delay the aging process [21,14,15]. Interventions that can Furthermore, a recent pilot study on early-stage prostate cancer
large numbers of stem cells (80-90%) were found to be viable augment telomerase activity are clinically important because [27, 35, patients [26], in which a modest increase in telomerase activity (2.22
before and after the meditation. 36, 37, 38, 39] there are no known pharmacological or behavioral as opposed to 2.0 before MBT) occurred in response to lifestyle
interventions that have this beneficial effect to date. Also there is changes including a small amount of meditation or yoga. This is
an inverse relationship between telomerase activity and perceived consistent with the positive effect of MBT on the enhancement of
MBT augmented stem cells numbers in peripheral
stress [25] that can be reduced by meditative practice [40,41]. telomerase activity.
blood isolated from the participants
To our knowledge, ours is the first study to date where simultaneous
Having established that the retreat did not have much effect on the investigation of the critical cellular and molecular parameters of
viability of stem cells, we asked the question whether meditation measuring human well-being were investigated. Most earlier studies
affected the number of total stem cell in subjects. Table 3 (page 151) had looked at the effect of meditation on telomerase activity only.
shows the stem cell fold changes in subjects before and after the However, in this particular study we looked at the effect of the MBT
meditation. Thus program group participants showed higher fold on stem cell population along with telomerase activity.
changes in stem cell numbers, indicating a possible role of stem
Furthermore, in this study, we examined if there is any inter-
cells on the well-being of the subjects undergoing meditation.
relationship between the telomerase activity and the augmentation
In addition, a substantial percentage of subjects (about 90%)
of stem cell counts in subjects.
exhibited increased stem cell counts after meditation as shown in
Table 5 (page 154). Since stem cells are responsible for new cell generation, higher
stem cell counts could facilitate any age-related damaged tissue
healing processes. We found after intensive MBT training, retreat

AVATAR SHASTRA 272 273 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

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AVATAR SHASTRA 274 275 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Table 1
Stem Cell count Telomerase
Sr.No Gender Age Millions/m Relative activity
(Pre) (Pre)

101 F 49 43 0.5
102 F 41 28 0.66
103 M 40 20 0.54
104 F 25 22 0.65
105 F 46 45 0.9
106 F 15 24 0.45
107 F 62 38 0.4
108 F 65 18 0.6
109 M 43 33 0.55
110 F 44 32 0.46
111 F 48 34 0.7
112 F 53 46 0.9
113 M 70 41 0.56
114 F 45 36 0.6
115 F 59 34 0.6
116 M 31 25 0.57
117 F 64 25 0.77
118 F 29 35 1
119 F 59 21 0.4
120 F 63 29 0.33
121 M 36 22 0.5
122 F 34 16 0.6
123 M 47 21 0.6
124 M 48 34 0.7
125 F 29 24 0.4
126 F 36 51 0.3
127 F 34 45 0.5
128 M 36 34 0.7
129 M 35 39 0.4
130 F 28 49 0.5
131 F 72 21 0.6
132 F 60 24 0.8
133 F 45 29 0.33
134 M 36 39 0.45
135 M 56 21 0.5
136 F 20 38 0.11
137 M 23 54 0.7
138 F 56 25 0.5
139 F 32 26 0.4
140 F 48 23 0.8

AVATAR SHASTRA 276 277 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

AVATAR SHASTRA 278 279 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology
AVATAR SHASTRA 280 281 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology
AVATAR SHASTRA 282 283 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology
AVATAR SHASTRA 284 285 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology
Longevity and Health ♦♦ Pro-inflammatory genes are down regulated.
♦♦ Gene and signaling pathways which enhance production of
♦♦ The ultimate goal of any life form is to preserve life,
mitochondria and stem cells are up regulated.
increase life span without reducing productivity. This can be
♦♦ The number of stem cells is increased.
achieved by the prevention of diseases most of which are
lifestyle-related and by the reduction of stress and cellular ♦♦ Telomerase activity is significantly increased.
inflammation. ♦♦ Questionnaire-based evaluations suggest significant
♦♦ The detailed scientific studies conducted during the Inner decrease in lifestyle diseases, psychosomatic conditions
Awakening® program, from December 2010 till date, have and autoimmune diseases.
encompassed several different aspects of human molecular ♦♦ The expected life span of a human was declared as 120
physiology. There is ample evidence in scientific literature years in yogic scientific literature, which has now reduced
that malfunctions of mitochondria, increase in pro- due to poor lifestyle, etc.
inflammatory genes and regulatory pathways, decrease in ♦♦ With programs like Inner Awakening®, involving
telomerase enzyme and decrease in the stem cell numbers powerful initiations from an Avatar, it is possible to
in the body are responsible for premature ageing, diseases reestablish the Vedic life span of 120 years, with an improved
and death. quality of life, and avoiding preventable diseases.
♦♦ The remarkable evidence gathered so far in Inner
Awakening® studies indicate that Mitochondria levels
increase several-fold.

AVATAR SHASTRA 286 287 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducts the powerful Kundalini
AwakeningSM initiation process for participants during the
Inner Awakening® program
My sun allergy never came back From that day my sugar levels are normal

Name: Arun Manoharan

Name: Arthi Desai
Spiritual name: Nithya Shakthidharan
Location: Sunnyvale, USA
Location: Florida, USA

I used to have a sun allergy that would not allow me to step out into In 2011, I developed diabetes or sugar imbalance in the body.
the sun for even a few minutes.
While attending the Inner Awakening program, during one of the
Even if I had a slight exposure to the sun, my skin would break out darshans, I asked Swamiji to heal me. Swamiji healed me and told
into terrible rashes. me that I don’t have diabetes and not to worry about it.

When I attended Inner Awakening, I shared my problem with When I went back and checked my sugar levels, I found that they
Swamiji and requested him to heal me. had returned to normal.

Swamiji healed me and assured me that the allergy would not come From that day, my sugar levels are normal.
Thank You very much Swamiji.
Since then, I frequently move around in the sun, but to my delight
and gratitude, the rashes never came back!

AVATAR SHASTRA 288 289 Chapter 12: Realigning Human Physiology

I got a better-paying job within two weeks I spoke to my mother again after ten years Chapter 13

Name: Murthy Aduri Name: Wendy Scott

Nirahara SammyamaSM
Location: Huntersville, Charlotte, USA Location: Sawtell, Australia

Email: Email: Going Beyond Food

I wanted very badly to attend the Inner Awakening program being I had a very strained relationship with my mother and hadn’t
conducted by Swamiji in Varanasi. Since my employer was not spoken to her in ten years. This always weighed on my mind, but I
ready to give my leave of absence, I simply left my job and went to did not know how to make up to her after all these years.
Inner Awakening along with my wife.

When I attended the Inner Awakening program, we had several
I shared this with Swamiji and requested his blessings for a new job. ‘completion’ sessions where we had to call up our family or friends ammyama’ means rediscovering, exploring and expressing Nithya SammyamasSM: Techniques for
whom we had had issues with, and ‘complete’ with them, or bring the possibilities of extraordinary experiences and powers
Swamiji blessed us and said that he will take care. Extraordinary Living
the relationship back on track. which are available to all of us.
Within just two weeks, I got a better-paying job than my earlier
For me, everything was going well, until l had to ring my mother.
one! Nithya SammyamasSM are a series of extraordinary techniques
The human being is at the top of the food chain. Through the
That was the miracle. revealed by the Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda to take
Also, after IA, I am experiencing a lot of clarity and no disturbance millions of years of human existence, the bio-memory of deriving
from the inner chatter, leading to a more calm, confidence and I was hesitant to call my mother, but I know that Swamiji was with humanity to the next level of health, awareness and extraordinary
energy from minimal naturally occurring food sources has been
restful awareness in my life. me when I made that call. Here l was talking to her, as if nothing living. Among these, the one that has caught the attention of seekers
transmitted through our genes. Over a period of time, social
had ever happened! I don’t know how it all happened, but the and medical professionals alike is the Nirahara Sammyama, the
healing was there. It was simply amazing. circumstances changed the natural way of living, leading to
science of going beyond the need for food.
cultivation and consumption of cooked food materials.
Thank you so much for guiding us through the completion process,
The purpose of Nithya SammyamaSM is not only to empower us
and for being there for me Swamiji. It has changed mine and my The human body is a masterpiece of millions of years of creative
mother’s life. with extraordinary capabilities. These sammyamas are powerful
evolution. The human bio-memory contains the cumulative bio-
catalysts on the path of the spiritual seeker, preparing the body
memory of every form of life that we have taken before. Whatever
and mind to hold and radiate the phenomenal energies that are
we think of as miraculous powers in the modern day are only skills
released with enlightenment. They also give us the confidence that
and abilities that we once had, but have forgotten in our present
we are progressing on the path.
human birth.
Each sammyama is designed to liberate us from the physical and
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says,
mental patterns that are binding us to lives of disease, fear and
‘If a fish can live underwater, you can live underwater. mental poverty. The sincere practice of any of these sammyamas
If a bird can fly, you can fly!’ can liberate us from the limitations of body-mind and take us
to higher and higher states of awareness, helping us grow from
human to superhuman states in consciousness, freedom, power
and bliss.

AVATAR SHASTRA 290 291 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

Traditional yoga texts recognize Sammyama as the integration of in space and time.
the last four limbs of ashtanga yoga – pratyahara (shutting down
It is the nature of the mind to be restless and scattered.
the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (contemplation) and
By creating a strong flow of thought in one direction,
samadhi. 21 units of pratyahara is considered to be equivalent to
sammyama shakes the very roots of the mind, uprooting
one unit of dharana, 21 units of dharana is equivalent to one unit of
patterns and habits of a lifetime – sometimes lifetimes.
dhyana and 21 units of dhyana is equivalent to one unit of samadhi.
For those who can withstand the churning of sammyama,
Sammyama is the integration of all these.
it helps break free from the mental patterns once and for
Patanjali Yoga Sutra, one of yoga’s foundational texts, states: all.”

trayam ekatra sammyamah (3.4)

The integration of these three (dharana, dhyana and samadhi) is
Nirahara Sammyama: The Process
The specific kriya or process of Nirahara Sammyama expresses the
tajjayāt prajnālokah (3.5) latent genes in us, which contain the code for survival on minimal
From the mastery of sammyama, comes the light of consciousness. or no obvious food material.

Sammyama was also offered as a technique for spiritual Nirahara Sammyama is the science of energizing the body by the
enlightenment in the Tamil epic ‘Tirumandiram’ revealed by the utilization of the subtle form of bio-energy (life energy or prana), to
saint Tirumoolar, who is believed to have lived in the physical contribute to the largest extent in maintaining the cellular activities
body for over 3000 years without any solid food. The word of the body.
‘Tirumandiram’ translates as the ‘Science of Miracles’. The gross supplier of energy is food in the form of carbohydrate,
protein, fat and micronutrients, which are significantly restricted,
Nirahara Sammyama: The Science of Sammyama on any particular aspect endows the practitioners
with a power related to that aspect. For example, sammyama on with the practitioner consuming only a liquid diet consisting of
living Food-free the nadi chakra creates the siddhi (yogic power) of nirahara. pure fruit or vegetable juice without the addition of any nutritional
The human being is physically designed to consume only vegetarian
The Nirahara Sammyama process was perfected and made
foods which are not processed. The human being does not have
Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals: applicable by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda as a
the ability to process and digest raw meat, unlike carnivores.
Sammyama is far more than just a technique or process. combination of three techniques and processes:
There is a degree of similarity in the initial development of all
Sammyama is diving into your center and staying there • Initiation
complex life forms, and the very early embryo looks very similar in
by the power of tapas (spiritual discipline).
various species, from fish to human. This gives us an idea that there • Shitkari Kumbhaka Pranayama
is some common genetic thread in all life forms, with significant As a laser beam illuminates whatever it falls upon, a
concentrated mind that has mastered Sammyama can • Liquid diet - largely to allow adequate hydration
differences in their manifestation, as the genetic material itself is
both intelligent and dynamic. simply illumine any field that it chooses to focus on. All
deeper and subtler states of knowledge can be mastered
The word ‘Sammyama’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘sam-yama’
only through the process of Sammyama.
which means ‘that which ties together’. Sammyama is an intense
process that gathers and concentrates our scattered energies in a Sammyama is also the key to the expression of
single direction. extraordinary yogic powers, because sammyama
breaks the individual and collective bonds that bind us

AVATAR SHASTRA 292 293 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

Science of Nirahara Sammyama Science behind liquid vegetarian diet Age range was from 16 to 65. All participants received regular
‘darshan’ from Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Darshan is an ancient
Vedic technique to transfer energy from a higher energetic source
The human being is colonized by more bacteria than there are
Initiation Science cells.
to a lower one.

It is the Vitamin B12 that is involved in the metabolism of every

The entire alimentary tract is colonized by bacteria, the species of
Sammyama happens when your ability to feel, think & be – all cell in the body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and function.
which depend on our lifestyle and diet. The microflora of the gut of
three are centered on one subject. Without ample amounts of this vitamin, we can experience
a being living on animal products is distinctively different from that
irreversible damage to the brain, increasing the risk of Dementia,
of a vegetarian.
To be completely effective, sammyama needs three components and Alzheimer’s Disease. It also plays a key role in the prevention of
– the presence of an Avatar who initiates one into the sammyama, The microflora of a person on largely liquid vegetable and food heart disease, because of its ability to lower homocysteine levels.
the technique itself, and the Sangha or group of practitioners based diet is also different and supports the production of vital
Normally Vitamin B12 is acquired by eating animal derived foods
experimenting with the technique. The right ambience creates micronutreints at the same time minimizing the production of exo
like meat and eggs. However, there are some vegetables which
a powerful energy field where beginners can simply pick up the and endotoxins produced by the gut flora.
As per the Trisikhibrahmanopanisad, the height of the human body have lower quantities of Vitamin B12.
positive bio-memory of those who are already trained in that
is 96 digits length with the vital breadth or Prana longer than the This allows for maximum absorption of nutrition including
sammyama. Also medical literature shows increase in Vitamin B12 in organically
body by 12 digit lengths. micronutrients in the system.
grown plants like Spinach where cow dung is used as manure
As explained in earlier chapters, Initiation or Deeksha is a
In the middle of the body is the Sikhi or the fire situated just at the instead of synthetic fertilizers.
technique of transferring bio-energy directly from the Master to Study
level of the nabhi (navel) and is called the Nadi Chakra.
the practitioner. Yet the Niraharis had massive increase in Vitamin B12 by only
The regulation of the vital life-energy, Prana and Apana happens at Thirty-eight participants from around the world gathered drinking vegetable based fluids.
This involves both the quantum concept of entanglement as well
the level of the Nabhikanda, i.e. region originating from the navel. in Tiruvannamalai in India in October 2012, to experience
as a direct or classical transmission of energy, which results in The process of shifting to a liquid based vegetarian diet changes
THE Sammyama, an ancient Vedic practice that has been
changes at the levels of bio-memory (gene and gene Expression), Unlike traditional pranayamas, which are used to raise the the blood micro flora tremendously and reduces toxin-producing
awakened by the Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
cellular energy (mitochondria), and several other changes at the Kundalini (the potential energy) up from Muladhara Chakra to bacteria.
molecular level. Sahasrara (from base of spine to top of head) and therefore, Participants drank only liquids, including juice and soup.
the in-breath and out-breath flow from the nose or occasionally On the other hand, the specific kriya for Nirahara Sammyama
the mouth, in Nirahara sammyama, the in-breath is through the directs the vital energy or prana towards the abdominal organs
Pranayama Science making the gut more efficient in absorbing micronutrients.
mouth. This allows part of the prana (the life-energy) to enter the
Shitkari Kumbhaka described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yogi traditional route and the other part to directly enter the belly to
Svatmarama activate the nadi chakra. This increases the redistribution of prana Cholesterol
atha sītkārī into the samana system, thus providing energy in lieu of gross
food. The Kumbhaka or breath retention after filling the lungs with Total Cholesterol levels reduced to normal levels in 85% of the
sītkām kuryāttathā vaktre ghrānenaiva vijrmbhikām
breath, allows time for the energy to be distributed from the Nadi participants in just 21 days!
evam abhyāsayoghena kāmadevo dvitīyakah | chakra into the various abdominal organs, thus energizing and
HDL (good cholesterol levels) gained by 45%. Even post-
yoginī chakrasammānyah srshtisamhārakārakah purifying them.
menopausal women gained in good cholesterol. Menopausal
na kshudhā na trshā nidrā naivālasyam prajāyate || The exhalation through the nose allows for Prana to move through women do not produce high levels of estrogen. Normally estrogen
One should always inhale through the mouth, retain and exhale the Ida and Pingala, and enter the Susumna activating or resetting is needed for HDL to elevate.
through the nose. With this practice, one becomes a cupid. He the hypothalamus to control hunger, thirst, sleep and drowsiness.
However, the body has alternative pathways to synthesize
is regarded adorable by all the yoginis and does not suffer from estrogen in small quantities. The process of Nirahara Sammyama
hunger, thirst, sleep and drowsiness.

AVATAR SHASTRA 294 295 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

increases the sensitivity of the body to realign itself at both stimulation of the bone marrow through increased
macro and micro nutrient levels. production of the erythropoietin by the kidneys.

Improved functioning of the kidney has already been

reflected on Sammyama participants by a consistant
Vitamin D decrease in the blood urea levels.

Also, the process of Kumbhaka in the Nirahara Sammyama

Vitamin D levels rose 100% in all participants. High levels Kriya, would induce the formation of hypoxia inducing
of Vitamin D leads to reversal of aging, heightened immune factor (HIF), which in turn will stimulate the formation
function, and promotion of calcium absorption. This reduces the of erythropoietin (production of HIF) related to gene
risk of osteoporosis and fractures. expression. This has already been shown in earlier studies
of 21 days Inner Awakening®.
Normally vitamin D is either acquired from food sources like
milk and meat or from exposure to sun.
Thyroid Function
Thyroid functions improved drastically, altering the levels of
Vitamin D3 increase following direct exposure to sun is usually
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and T3 levels increased no. of days
estimated in relation to the number of sun hours of exposure.
no. of days 33%.
Though the Nirahara Sammyama participants were largely
This resulted in normalization of the thyroid hormone levels,
indoors, the availability of indirect sunlight including UV light
thereby normalizing the effects of thyroid hormone on body
during the day cannot be discounted.
Considering the very significant increase in the Vitamin D3 levels
Blood glucose levels returned to normal levels in diabetics,
in just 3 weeks, the likely mechanism is a heightened sensitivity
even without their medication. The post Sammyama fasting
of the skin to manufacture Vitamin D3 even at minimum sunlight
levels were much higher in most of the participants.

Hemoglobin Here the liver produced glucose through a process of
neo glucogenesis utilizing stored body fat.
Hemoglobin of male and female participants combined rose
70%. Hemoglobin is essential in producing red blood cells which
carry oxygen and provides us with vital energy.

Implication Caution: Nirahara Sammyama should not be attempted

by anyone on their own. It is a specific process, requiring
The synthesis of hemoglobin requires not only the presence
guidance by a trained Acharya (initiated teacher).
of iron which can be obtained from food sources, but also no. of days

AVATAR SHASTRA 296 297 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

Compiled Results ♦♦ Increased responsibility for thoughts and actions
♦♦ Clarity of speech and expression My compulsive eating pattern is gone I am living in a blessed body now
♦♦ Recoveries from many serious mental and physical diseases
♦♦ Balanced emotions
♦♦ Huge shifts in energy
♦♦ Alertness in body and mind Spiritual name: Ma Nithya
♦♦ Reduced mental chatter Brahmananda Name: Donna Johansen
♦♦ Lighter body
♦♦ Less unnecessary chatter when communicating with Location: Mountain View, CA, Place: San Diego, USA
people ♦♦ Greater flexibility both mentally and physically United States
♦♦ Calmness and contentment in inner space ♦♦ Increased gratitude Email:

♦♦ Increased awareness of engrams (negative thought ♦♦ Decreased feelings of irritation

patterns) ♦♦ Increased intuition
♦♦ Increased awareness and removal of destructive patterns I had been obese since I had my caesarian section 20 years ago. I started the Nirahara process in July 2012 and continued into the
♦♦ Drastic and permanent weight balancing advanced process of ‘The Sammyama’. The experience took me
♦♦ Reduction of hours of sleep, yet rested and energized After practising Nirahara Sammyama, I am successfully losing the beyond the pattern of food. My body became much lighter and
For the first time in history, using the combination of modern fat which I fought against hopelessly with all kinds of exercises and sensitive to energy.
♦♦ The majority of participants reported needing only 4-5 science and yogic science, it has been unequivocally demonstrated dieting.
hours of sleep per night that liquid vegetarian diet in combination with yogic techniques I am a professional designer and artist. The effect of The Sammyama
I used to have heavy sweating due to low blood sugar when I did not was a noticeable increase in creativity and execution of details. The
not only maintains good health, but in fact enhances various
♦♦ Heightened ability to respond to situations spontaneously eat in time. I no longer have this problem. I also had acidity which hands carried an energy through them that did not exist before. The
parameters of wellbeing. is not there anymore.
without negativity designs are much more spontaneous than ever before!
The compulsive eating pattern of wanting to eat comfort food Increased flexibility in my body was a pleasant, unexpected side
disappeared. I have full freedom to eat or not to eat whenever I effect! My core strength increased drastically without any conscious
choose to. decision on my part to build it.
Travelling has become lot easier. I do not depend upon anything or There is a huge utility value to not being pulled by the emotions of
anybody for food anymore. Whenever I get the food, and if I need hunger. Traveling long distances became very easy and stress free.
to eat, I eat!
My deep gratitude to Swamiji for the gift of The Sammyama.
Immense energy keeps radiating all through and I am able to sit There is no will-power involved. The body responds directly to the
in utter silence, focusing for longer hours with much more ease in energetic configurations installed by the Master. The energy of the
meditations. The energy that Swamiji radiates is being understood sammyama expresses itself by itself.
better by this body.
There is not a moment that goes by that I don’t acknowledge this
I understand the emptiness within with great joy. There is so much extraordinary
more of awareness of the body and the thoughts now. The lighter
body is allowing me to do much more of active yoga and other happening. “Before the sammyama I knew logically that I was
practices. blessed by Swamiji. After the sammyama, every cell of my body
knew experientially that I am living in a blessed body now.

Thank you for healing me in so many ways Swamiji!

AVATAR SHASTRA 298 299 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

I experienced a continuous blast of energy even My hemoglobin shot up after three weeks My need for food has dropped by 80%
without eating of fasting!
Legal name: Sangita Mistry

Spiritual name: Nithya Kavyaroopini

Name: Sanjay Verma Name: Dr. Srilekha Karthik
Location: Bengaluru, India Location: Mumbai, India
Location: San Jose, California, USA

I have a Masters in Computer Science from IIT and work as a I am a paediatrician by profession. I attended the advanced level of Nirahara sammyama at Kodaikanal. 4. Breaking from my food patterns
Strategic Planner in the semiconductor industry. I completed the
Nirahara Sammyama at Nithyananda Vedic Temple, San Jose In 2012, I participated in Nirahara Sammyama process which lasted When we set out, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to complete the 5. Freedom from the necessity of tea and coffee
with the grace and guidance of my Guru, Swami Paramahamsa for 21 days. During this process, I was facing lot of work pressure at sammyama.
Nithyananda. home and also on the professional front (three times more than on 6. Total food intake has dropped by 80%
regular days). But Swamiji was the strength that made it happen for me so
It was nothing sort of miraculous to feel a continuous blast of energy beautifully. 7. Freedom to eat when I want and not out of pressure from hunger
all the time despite not consuming any solid food at all! Simply But to my surprise, the whole thing went through was like a piece
of cake!! I did a good job of juggling everything with such ease and Normally, I am prone to headaches if I don’t eat or go in the sun, 8. Anti-aging - looking at least 10 years younger!!
unimaginable for a logical mind with a lifetime of conditioning and
productivity, it was amazing! but here I was, with no debilitatintg effect at all, and on the contrary
habits which had taught that food and various supplements were 9. Feeling light and blissful
feeling light and healthy.
the source of energy and strength. To my amazement, I found that During this period, I would sleep for just 4 hours a night, and it 10. More concentration power
solid food caused me to become lethargic, overweight and would would be a deep quality sleep, without dreams or disturbance of I lost a total of about 10 kgs during the total sammyama process.
cause me to want to lie down right after eating. any sort. I experienced a state of constant bliss, fulfilment, gratitude Now I live a life of no hunger, no weakness and a constant flow of 11. Can feel the energy flow of kundalini shakti in my spine and
and devotion. energy and bliss. back
What a liberating experience it was to be free from dependence on
solid food! I am much more active, with regular yoga, meditations I also constantly practiced chanting the mantra that Swamiji had I have gained health and energy, and moved out of many, many 12. Can feel lot of creativity flowering in me.
and exercise. I was complimented about the glow on my face, my given us during the sammyama. Every evening, between 6-8 pm, food patterns.
body got into shape and my hypertension problem improved greatly I experienced a sweetness in my throat (mystical yogic experience
too. Not just that - the creativity seems to be just flowering in me, and I
of amrita or nectar), which was accompanied by a state of The greatest gain for me is the faith that I can live a healthy life
am doing so many things that I had not done earlier… at my age, I
By the Master’s grace, I experienced energy emanating from the indescribable bliss. without food, due to Swamiji’s blessing. What a liberation!
started learning desktop publishing, designing clothes, reading, etc. I
throat, sweetness on the tip of tongue and much deeper sleep. Above As a doctor, I was astonished to find that my hemoglobin, which feel full of life and full of confidence now.
everything, I experienced a highly elevated awareness, clarity and was 11% prior to the sammyama, shot up to 13% after not eating
restfulness, enabling much more effective meditations. Hopefully, Nirahara sammyama has too many benefits to list, but if I had to Thank you Swamiji for this blessing.
for 3 weeks!! That beats all logic!
someday I would be able to become a lifetime Nirahari, as several make a list of, it would look like this!
of my friends have already become. Nirahara is a wonderful way to live, not bound to be eating regular
1. Being able to live without solid food for months together
meals on all days, and at the same time, enjoying your occasional
My heartfelt thanks and tremendous gratitude to Swami meal better than ever before, because of the awareness that has been 2. No loss of energy or feeling of weakness
Paramahamsa Nithyananda for giving such a precious gift to infused into the process of eating.
humanity. May we all benefit from this and be free from several 3. No headaches or physical debility
sufferings. I pray for Swamiji’s blessings to start living as a lifetime Nirahari in
the near future.

AVATAR SHASTRA 300 301 Chapter 13: Nirahara Sammyama

Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 2012 and
Major astronomical events are also being predicted – possible beautiful transformation for you.
meteor crashes (similar to the one millions of years ago which
enlightenment Individuals and cultures that champion the idea of thinking may
caused the extermination of dinosaurs), Coronal Mass Ejection
brand these changes as negative, and create new diseases and
(CME) from the sun causing solar storms and galactic core As I observe what is going on in and around me, I notice a change medicines to deal with a natural and healthy change on planet
explosion. in the power of mother Earth. earth.
On the planet earth itself, there are expected to be potential major She is releasing her grip on people through gravity, and this has Let us celebrate that ‘less thought more action’ is a natural
changes – the shifting of the magnetic poles of the earth causing
2012-2020: The Great Conscious Shift very profound effects. Our minds become quieter, and we need expansion of life! ‘No mind, only action’ is a natural expansion of
the whole Earth to ‘tip over’, global warming, etc. fewer thoughts to do any given task. human experience and expression.
Fractal Time: Fractal time experts extrapolate from the rapidly This is the observable change, and people react to this change in
2012: The point of transformation We can look at this expansion as similar to the expansion that
increasing rate of changes (technological, social, population, etc.) two ways. happened when monkeys started to attempt walking on two legs.
that around 2012, the rate of change may reach such a speed that
First, a glimpse of the famous 2012 predictions, which have On the one hand, the whole society today is based on the value When the first monkey tried this, all the other monkeys would have
change is all that will exist.
captured the imagination of an entire generation, and about which of thinking – it values and encourages a large number of thoughts. said, ‘No, No... it cannot be done’! There would have been a huge
speculation is rife in scientific and academic circles. Symbols: Research on the Nazca lines (symbolic stylized figures bunch of monkeys criticizing the first monkey. But there would also
that have been etched onto the rocky desert between the Peruvian On the other hand there are people from the Vedic culture, have been a few intelligent monkeys saying, ‘What he says may be
Vedic prophecy: Sage Agastya, who established the uncannily meditators and spiritual seekers who know the value of a quiet
coast and the Andes Mountains, creating the world’s largest piece practical, why not try?’
accurate nadi system of prophesy many centuries ago, concludes mind. They know that a quiet mind or no-mind (an enlightened
of art) indicate that they may contain in-depth astronomical
his predictions at December 2012, with the observation that state) means causeless bliss, extraordinary intelligence and high When the monkey started walking on two legs with an erect spine,
information with most of the lines fanning out from ‘radiating
after this date a new consciousness will take over, and only one performance. the brain started developing. But that first monkey couldn’t even
centers’ representing a map of the stars (belt of Orion).
who is living in that new state of consciousness can continue the have imagined all the biological developments and the consequent
predictions. There is a range of predictions - catastrophes, a global cataclysm, a As this change in the earth’s gravity is taking place, those people after-effects of his action! In the same way, the idea that we can
flood of change, the end of a great cycle of time, the dawning of the who are focused on a love of thinking are finding that their minds perform action only from no-mind is so foreign to us.
The Mayan calendar: Known as a civilization of geniuses, the are getting quieter. This new experience can be unsettling; if they
Age of Aquarius, among many others. There are also researchers in
ancient Maya also devised a calendar which could accurately don’t like this new experience, they can fall into depression. They It is only after the monkey started walking erect that the subtle
the frontiers of science leading to spirituality, providing the bigger
predict global events centuries into the future. Surprisingly, the find the lack of thoughts very boring, and so they feel lost; life loses brain grooves started developing, the thinking started. When the
Mayan predictions also end abruptly on December 21, 2012. The meaning and low energy results. This is why we are seeing a rapid still subtler brain grooves in the brain system start developing, that
predictions say that after this date, there will be such a huge shift in ‘The Cosmos will be reborn or recreated. We will reach the increase in depression in countries whose culture is based on is when the enlightenment experience starts happening. Monkey
human consciousness that any predictions made before that date Zero Point of the process - a moment of collective spiritual birth. constant thinking. walking on two legs brought mind. Now it is time for enlightenment
will no longer be valid. Our basic orientations will be inverted. On the level of human to bring no-mind!
civilization, our basic assumptions and foundation values will be The people who are tuned in to quietness or are seeking spiritual
Astronomical significance: In 2012, all the planets of our solar enlightenment are finding that they are suddenly reaching quieter Living with no-mind is what I call living enlightenment. This is
exposed, and we will have the opportunity to embrace values long
system are going to be aligned with the sun – an event which has states more easily. This allows them to do more with fewer thoughts. just a glimpse of the thousand or million-dimensional effects of
since driven under the surface of our collective consciousness.’
never been recorded before. On Dec 21, 2012, which is a winter They are suddenly finding new levels of creativity, spontaneity and conscious development, leading to an enlightened humanity.
(Researcher John Major Jenkins - Maya Cosmogenisis 2012)
solstice (Northern Hemisphere) the centre of the galaxy will align energy. We are witnessing a change on a grander scale than the changes
with our sun – a rare event that happens once in thousands of
As we move towards 2012, we will find that a task that took 100 that took place when monkeys chose to stand up and walk on two
thoughts in 2008 will be done with only 40 thoughts. This is the legs. We can choose to fight this change or flow with this change.
The Earth is currently moving across the center of the Milky Way, physical effect on the body of the changes in the earth. The friction The choice then was: remain as monkeys or become human. Now
which is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. On December between thought and action will decrease. By 2012 we can convert it is: remain as human or live enlightenment!
21, 2012, Earth will have direct access to that field of energy. these low levels of thoughts into direct enlightened action. If you
are habituated to enjoying low levels of thoughts, this will be a

AVATAR SHASTRA 302 303 Epilogue

Glossary dharma and liberation (moksha), granting the nectar of Advaita,
oneness with Divine.
using the divine power of the third eye, which intuitively cognizes
beyond the normal seen.

Bhagavan – (lit: god who possesses fortune, divinity and infinite Bipolar and Ganglion cells – Bipolar cells are specialized cells
supreme attributes) the blessed one; addressed in Vedic connecting the Rods (photo receptors) of the retina to the
Ashtanga Yoga – The yoga system introduced by Sage Patanjali. scriptures for an incarnation or Avatar, the Supreme God or ganglionic cells. The classical theory postulated presence of
A ‘Ashta’ means eight, and ‘anga’ means ‘limbs’. The eight limbs embodiment of Absolute Truth. light activates retinal rods which inhibits bipolar cells which
of Ashtanga Yoga are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, themselves are inhibitory by nature, therefore leading to
Adi Shankaracharya – An Avatar or Incarnation of Lord Shiva Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Brahma – The Lord who is the Cosmic creator; one of the increased firing from bipolar cells. This leads to activation of
who appeared in 8th century in India as a Sannyasi (monk) . Trimurtis or three-deities in Vedic tradition. ganglion cells. In darkness, exactly the opposite is expected
Re-establisher of Advaita Vedanta truth, and celebrated as the Ashta Mahasiddhis – Eight mighty yogic powers or perfections to happen. However, there is now evidence that under certain
great reviver of Sanatana Dharma and the monastic system. in the Vedic sciences that are extraordinary divine powers Brahman – (lit. absolute of universe). The ultimate existential special circumstances, bipolar sensitive cells themselves maybe
expressed through divine beings and incarnations to fulfill their reality; the core truth and cosmic principle found in the Vedic photosensitive, leading to the activation of visual system,
Ajna chakra – (lit. wheel of cosmic command). Also called the cosmic purpose or dharma. texts. bypassing the light - rod - bipolar cell process.
third eye, the seat of divine vision and intuition. The subtle The ganglion cells are the second group of specialized cells
sixth energy center in the human system located between the Ananda Gandha – (lit. the fragrance of bliss). The point where Brahmanda – (lit. egg of the universe). Sanskrit term for involved in transmission of light. Depending on the amount of
eyebrows in the pituitary region encompassing most of the all the chakras or energy centers collapse in the human Macrocosm or the whole universe. (see also Pindanada) glutamate (inhibitory neurotransmitter) released by the bipolar
brain. system. Its doorway is between the Anahata (heart center) and cells, the ganglion cells maybe more or less excited. The so-
Manipuraka (navel center) chakras. It is said to be the size of a Brahmarandra – Brahmarandra stands for the opening to called off ganglion cells which are normally less excited have
Akashic Records – The cosmic records of all happenings - past, thumb (angustha matra) and can only be awakened or opened Brahma and is synonymous with the Sahasrara which is not a shown in recent studies to be themselves photoreceptive
present, future, imprinted in Space or Aksha element. Only by Avatars. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has awakened Ananda chakra, but a subtle opening on the top of the head. It has been directly, bypassing both the retinal rods and cones as well as
incarnations or Avatars, beyond time and space, can directly Gandha for thousands of disciples, making them channels of sometimes mistakenly referred to as Dvadasanta. the bipolar cells. This is akin to a no retinal pathway of vision
read, decode these records and reveal the Truths. cosmic energy. and has been used in cutting edge visual neuroscience to
Bhrumadhya – (lit. the middle of the eyebrows). Sanskrit term directly stimulate these cells via micro electrodes or injection
Arunachala – The sacred mountain which is direct manifestation Amygdala – Part of the limbic system located deep in the for denoting the ‘third-eye’, of stem cells.
of Lord Shiva, where He appeared as the cosmic infinite light Temporal lobe. The amygdala stores episodic autobiographical
shaft in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai, in Tamil Nadu,
South India.
memory (EAM). It imports, stores and retrieves EAM. Thus, it
acts as an emotional browser.
Big Bang – Working backwards using Einstein’s equation,
mathematically about 13.7 billion years ago, the distance
between the neighboring masses must have been zero. The Chidakasha – The etherical space or Akasha that is occupied by
Ardhanarishwara – The Absolute form and energy of Lord Shiva Amsa Avatar – lit. a part or a dimension incarnation who entire universe squashed into a single point or zero size and this the mind or mental body.
and Devi who are in eternal union and beyond the male and descends for a specific purpose carrying some attributes, space-time event is called the Big Bang. Theoretical physics
female attributes, as they are whole and non-separate. dimensions of the complete incarnations. and mathematics have no formula to explain what happened Colliculus – There are two-paired colliculi called superior
before space-time zero. Big Bang is said to be the beginning of colliculus related to vision and inferior colliculus related to
Adult Stem Cell – The undifferentiated (uncommitted) reserve ATP – Stands for ‘adenosine triphosphate’ and is the fundamental the current universe. hearing. The superior colliculus in humans lies in the mid brain
cells of the body which in the adult are present in small unit of biological energy. It is produced in the mitochondria, like close to the pineal gland, acts as a relay in both directions
numbers, in niche areas usually relatively devoid of oxygen converting gross food like carbohydrates, fats and proteins into Black Hole – When a star runs out of fuel, it starts condensing along the optic pathway (from the eye to the orbital cortex).
(relative hypoxia). Unlike the embryo, where the stem cells can ATP, depending on the availability of nutrient food. due to cooling of the temperature making it extremely dense. It is involved with saccadic or the continuous mediolateral
commit into any part of the body (totipotent), in the adult, it is The high density significantly increases the gravitational force movement of the eyeball necessary for receiving sensory input
limited in its capacity to commit (multipotent). These stem cells
are relatively naive and a small quantum of the reserve commit
B sucking everything around it, including light and therefore
appears as a black hole. It is postulated that all the anti-
and locating objects in time and space.
and multiply at time of need, while the rest stay in their potential
Bhagavad Gita – (lit: song of God). One of the core Vedic
texts, uttered directly by Bhagavan Sri Krishna to his disciple,
particles and anti-matter, which are mathematically present,
but not seen are residing in the black hole.
friend and devotee, Arjuna; it contains the pure essence of all Dasha Mahavidyas – lit. the ten great sacred wisdoms of Devi,
Adult regenerative stem cell (ARSS) – This is synonymous with Upanishads, the absolute Truth and the path of karma (actions), Blindfolded Reading – The act of reading things and cognizing the cosmic source representing her ten aspects in the Shakta or
adult stem cells. objects or the sight with eyes closed and covered with a cloth Devi worship tradition.

AVATAR SHASTRA 304 305 Glossary

Diamagnetics – 60% of the body is water. Water forms the which completely changed science as it existed prior to that. a protein. It was earlier thought that one gene could produce to -43 times of the strong force), is called the gravitational force
maximum content of all cells. Water interacts with strong The first was the theory of special relativity that nothing can only one protein. However, with the completion of the human or graviton. Experiments from CERN (European Organization
electromagnetic forces and thus acts as a magnetic conductor. move faster than the speed of light, and it was summed up in genome project, it is now established that a single gene can for Nuclear Research), recently researched the existence of
This property of water is called diamagnetic property. his famous equation E=mc2 In 1915, Einstein realized that the old code for more than one protein, may be up to 100’s of proteins. graviton.
Diamagnetics has been used in advanced physics laboratories theory did not explain gravity, and for the first time established Each protein has a different structure and function in the cell
in levitating small objects including small animals. that the 4 dimensional space-time is actually curved or warped. and is unique by itself. H
This was called general relativity.
Deeksha – Initiation (into a mantra or a spiritual technique) Gene Ontology (GO) – Gene Ontology is a technique with a bio- Hari – name of Lord Vishnu (see Vishnu)
given by a Guru or Enlightened Master or Avatar. There are Entanglement – An entangled system is one whose quantum informatics technique, which had gathered and classified all
many types of deekshas given by Guru to his/her disciples state cannot be factored as a product of the states of its the existing information on the genes and their products. Hiranyagarbha – (lit. the golden womb). The source of all
on the path of his/her spiritual evolution as an act of ultimate local constituents (individual particles) (Dwaita). If entangled, creation of the manifested Cosmos in Vedic science and
This allows research to be aligned in the direction of the study
grace of Guru. one constituent cannot be described without simultaneously cosmology. Upanishads call It the ‘ source of universe’
and constantly adds on more information to the existing bank
considering other constituents (Advaita). For example, if a of known genes and their expression.
Devi Bhagavata Purana – The purana or historical happenings measurement is made on one entangled particle, or other Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle – This principle was postulated
narrating the glory of Devi or Shakti, the Supreme Mother entangled particles, they simultaneously are aware of this in 1927, where it was shown that, it is physically impossible to
Ghatakasha – The etherical space or akasha that is occupied by
Goddess as the source of existence and her sacred acts; measurement. measure simultaneously the exact position and the exact linear
the living form i.e. a human body.
ascribed in 18,000 verses by Bhagavan Sri Veda Vyasa. momentum of a particle. The inference is that the actual energy
Entrainment – Entrainment results from synchronous electrical of a particle can never be measured with complete precision in
Goloka – The imperishable, eternal abode of Bhagavan Sri
Divyashareeri – (lit. the ones with divine bodies). The mediums activity among ensembles of cortical neurons in response to a short interval of time.
Krishna, the complete Divinity and source of all Avatars. Goloka
or energy channels of Divine. period vibration of an external stimuli, such as sound or light. is described in great detail in scriptures such as Garga Samhita
This is the basis of achieving neural entrainment through Hippocampus – Hippocampus is that part of the limbic system
and puranas.
Dr. Ervin Laszlo – A Hungarian philosopher who researched mantras or use of light. that plays a central role in consolidation of new memories.
extensively on quantum consciousness. In his 2004 book, Hippocampus is associated with a process of cognition, spatial
Gotra – The progeny or clan of a person, according to which
‘Science and the Akashic field’, he posited that quantum Entero-rhinal Pathway – It is that part of the limbic system memory and learning.
the progeny source of each person in Hinduism comes from
vacuum is the fundamental energy and information carrying
field of the past, present and the future. It is now proven that,
related to memory, and associations to memory. It is in the
pyriform cortex part of the olfactory bulb. (see also ‘limbic
an enlightened sage or Rsi (or Rishi) and the descendants, be
it sons or disciples, carry the similar genetic composition and
vacuum contains energy in the form of anti-particles (Stephen system’) root qualities.
Hawking), and can therefore transmit information in time and Isha Upanishad – (or Ishavasya Upanishad). The first Upanishad
space. G Goraksanath – (also Gorakhnath) the Yogi incarnation of Lord
of the 108 main Upanishads, the essence of Vedic knowledge
revealed by Lord Shiva to the Vedic sages or Rsis - declaring
Shiva in the Nath lineage of Shaivism, who was the disciple of
Dvadasantha – In the Vedic yogic science of pranayama, the in- Garga Samhita – The rare Vedic purana composed by Sri Garga that ‘everything that exists is energy, consciousness’; contains
Guru Matsyendranath. The roots of Hatha Yoga and several
breath (apana) and the out-breath (prana) traverse a distance Muni at the behest of Sri Narada, filled with the divine plays of 18 verses.
source Yogic texts are attributed to Goraksanath.
of 12 finger breadths or dvadasantha called antira (inner) and Lord Krishna and glorification of Sri Radha-Krishna.
bahira (outer). Dwadasantha Goraksha Sathaka also describes Ishtadevata – Favorite or chosen God or Deity onto whom one
Guru – Literally one who leads from gu (darkness) to ru (light);
the 12th chakra (energy center) as Dwadasantha or 12th. Gandha – Sweet fragrance normally used for describing the is devoted single-mindedly.
who liberates from the cycle of birth-death. At the heart of Vedic
sacred fragrance that emits from flowers, sacred herbs, and tradition, is the ‘Guru’, who is the statement of God; without
D-Spot – The inferno medial prefrontal cortex has specialized naturally from divine beings. Inner Awakening – 21-day Spiritual Yoga program conducted
whom liberation or living an enlightened life is not possible.
receptors for dopamine, a hormone which causes a sense of well by H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, wherein the Avatar
being and ecstasy. The D-spot can be seen as the very anterior Genome – The complete set of chromosomes (with their genes) transmits the greatest human experience of 21 deekshas
Gluon – There are two types of fundamental elementary
part of the complex Limbic system, and can be demonstrated in an organism. Contains 25-30,000 genes that are packed (initiations) to participants, awakening their Kundalini Shakti,
particles: 1. Constitutional particles 2. Energy based field
in PET scans on an Avatar or an Enlightened being. densely into 23 pairs of chromosomes. At any given time about the inner potential energy and their bio-memory with cosmic
particles. The strong force responsible for the tight binding of
10,000 genes are expressed or active in a human being. intelligence and spiritual powers.
Quarks to form neutrons and protons are called Gluons. Thus
E Gluons are extremely short ranged forces.
Infero-medial prefrontal cortex –The cortex tightly linked to the
Gene Expression – The process by which information from a
Einstein Relativity – In 1904, Einstein wrote 3 scientific papers gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product, like limbic system. It is believed to be the D-Spot, associated with
Graviton – The long range force that is extremely weak (10 raised

AVATAR SHASTRA 306 307 Glossary

pleasure and ecstasy. Kurma Avatar – (lit. turtle incarnation) The second Avatar molecular changes following yoga and meditation.
of Lord Vishnu in the golden age or Satya Yuga. He bore the M
Inferotempero cortex – The Inferotempero cortex was originally
directly linked to the standard visual pathway and associated
tremendous weight of Mt. Mandara during the churning of the
milky ocean by the Gods and demons. Marichi – One of the seven great Sages or Saptarishis and the N
with recognition of face and numbers. Recent researchers Krishna – Lord Sri Krishna Vasudeva or Bhagavan (All-Divine) son of the Cosmic creator, Lord Brahma.
on single cell functions of the infero temporal cortex suggest Himself; the complete incarnation, Purnavatar – the source Narada – also called Devrishi, the great sage of gods, who
a strong connection to the Hippocampus, Amygdala and of all Avatars and all existence. Sri Krishna appears as the 8th Materialization – The creation or appearance of matter De novo constantly travels the universe and one of the greatest devotees
Prefrontal cortex. Thus, it appears to be a part of the Limbic Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Dvapara Yuga 5000 years back, while from a previously unknown source. of Lord Narayana (Vishnu).
system, where individual cell or a small cluster of cells are He is the source of Vishnu. Most worshipped Supreme Divine Mahavatar Babaji – The Divine Saint, Yogi who is the great Avatar
dedicated to a specific memory and or emotion. whose sacred life plays, leelas are detailed in Mahabharat and of Lord Shiva, living in eternal youth in Himalayas. Appearing Nara-Narayana Rsi – The twin brother Avatars of Lord Narayana
Srimad Bhagavatam. He happens every time and age to re- to divine beings and his disciples, He manifests at will. At as Narayana and Nara Rsi, who incarnated on earth to protect
Ida Nadi, Pingala Nadi, Sushmna Nadi – Nadi is the subtle establish dharma and liberate his devotees. Gaurikund, Babaji appeared to Paramahamsa Nithyananda dharma. They did intense penance for ages at Badrika Ashram
nerve center or channel through which the cosmic energy or and initiated him into his name. Paramahamsa Yogananda at Badrinath, North India and reincarnate as Sri Krishna and
life force flows in the physical, subtle and causal bodies. Over Koshas - Means sheath; vessel, container; layer. The five sheaths also gives first hand records about his encounters with Babaji Arjuna.
70,000 Nadis exists in human system. Ida Nadi or moon nadi through which the soul functions simultaneously in the various in his autobiography.
lies to the left of the spine; Pingala Nadi, the solar nadi lies to planes or levels of existence. Nrsimbha – The half-man and half-lion Avatar, fourth Avatar of
the right of the spine and Sushmna Nadi runs along the spinal M-Theory – The theory that unites all 5 string theories as well Lord Vishnu, who appeared to protect his devotee Prahlad and
cord in the center, through the seven energy centers carrying Kundalini Shakti – The primal, inner potential energy residing as super gravity within a single theoretical framework. destroy the demon king, Hiranyakashipu.
the kundalini shakti, the cosmic energy from base of the spine in each human being at the base of the spine. Awakening this
to the Sahasrara (crown opening). cosmic energy elevates the human consciousness. Mitochondria – These are intra cellular organelles that function Nirahara Sammyama – The Vedic science of energizing the
like a battery of a cell. Chemical reactions in the mitochondria, body by the utilization of the subtle form of bio-energy (or
Incompletion – (or apurnatva) Anything that does not allow, L based on current cycle and the electron transport chain,
produce the fundamental unit of biological energy called ATP.
prana) to maintain the cellular activities of the body. During this
process, the initiate lives on minimal liquid sattvik diet or just
anything which stands in-between you and the present
moment, acting as a barrier; not allowing you to connect Laghima – The Vedic mystic power or siddhi of levitation, going Thus, the mitochondria is responsible for the energy systems of water, while reawakening the power to absorb the life-energy
completely with life and with other people (as defined by beyond the gravitational force. both the individual cell as well as the entire organism. directly from prana. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has revived
Paramahamsa Nithyananda). this rare sacred science and initiated thousands into Nirahara
Lila Avatar – The divine play incarnation of Supreme Divinity Meenakshi Chakra – The Meenakshi Chakra has been described Sammyama successfully. (
K Leptons – Fundamental particles meaning small or light, that
by Ramana Maharishi as the 12th or the Guru Chakra (energy
center), also called Dwadasantha in other tantric references. Neuroplasticity – The ability of the brain to constantly rewire,
participate in the weak interaction. For example, electrons are based on new demands and maintain the wiring indefinitely.
Kalpataru – The sacred mystical banyan tree, which blesses Medulla Oblongata – The inferior part of the brain stem. The Unlike earlier beliefs, it is now shown that neuroplasticity
with fulfillment of true desires. leptons that are orbiting the nucleus of an atom and can easily
be shifted from one orbital to another as they are held by very presence of the vagus nerve makes it a centre for circulation and can occur even in the ageing brain. The phenomenon of
weak forces. respiration. The reticular activating system is closely related in neuroplasticity is used in several meditation techniques to
Kalabhairava – Lord Shiva as the Lord of Time and Space, who is the medulla oblongata and is responsible for wakefulness and rewire the brain.
compassion personified. When Shiva appeared and destroyed alertness. Volitional control of breathing and circulation through
Limbic System – A complex set of brain structures including
the ego of Brahma and gave him enlightenment, that energy is
Kalabhairava. cortical, subcritical and diencephalic structures. The structures yoga and meditation allows one to control wakefulness and O
of the limbic system are involved in motivation, learning, alertness as well.
emotion and memory. It also influences the endocrine system Olfactory Bulbs – The Olfactory bulbs have a dual role in their
Kapila Avatar – One of the Avatar’s or incarnations of Lord Melatonin – Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal
and the autonomic nervous system. It is deeply connected to functioning. They act as smell receptors. They are also part
Shiva and Lord Vishnu who appeared to transmit spiritual gland in the absence of light. It controls the sleep, waking cycle
the nucleus accumbens, which is the brain’s pleasure center, of the limbic system through the pyriform cortex part of the
knowledge; he is extolled in Srimad Bhagavatam Purana, the and has significant anti-ageing effect through modulation of
based on dopamine and anandamide. olfactory bulb.
cosmic history. He is the founder of the Samkhya Vedic philosia. hypothalamic and pituitary hormones.
Optic tract – The optic tract is the part of the normal visual
Karana Brahman, Karya Brahman – The supreme cause (karana) Mononuclear cells (MNC) – These are white blood cells present pathway starting from the retina and ending in the occipital
of the Absolute existence; the effect (karya) or manifestation of in the peripheral blood and are easily accessible to study cortex. The pathway also involves the superior colliculus and
Absolute Existence or Brahman

AVATAR SHASTRA 308 309 Glossary

the lateral geniculate body apart from the suprachiasmatic are technically massless and move at the speed of light Rishis or Rsis – The perfected sages, who actually see and The point from where one can move from material realm to the
nucleus. regardless of the medium, but can be bent by gravity. experience the revealed truth or mantra; commonly named spiritual realm of existence.
‘Vedic Seers’.
P Pluripotent Stem Cells ( PB-APSC) – When stem cells retain the
ability to differentiate and commit themselves into forming a
Spanda – The subtle creative pulse vibration of the Universe as
it manifests into the dynamism of living form.
Parashurama – The sixth Avatar of Lord Vishnu, who appeared number of different cell lines, they are said to be pluripotent. S
as a Brahmin sage. His history is detailed during the ages - Pluripotent stem cells have more regenerative capacity than Srimad Bhagavatam – also called Bhagavata Purana: (lit:
Treta Yuga and Dvapar Yuga in Ramayana and Mahabharat. the adult multipotent stem cells. Samadhi – (‘sam’ is ‘together’, ‘fully’, ‘adhi’ means ‘established Divine eternal happenings of Supreme God); richest philosophy
The axe holder and perfect in martial arts, he rid the Earth from in complete equilibrium)’ The state of true yoga, in which the celebrating the Divine love as path, goal of life; scientific history
unrighteous rulers or Ksatriyas 21 times. Prana Pratishtha – The sacred Vedic science of establishing life- meditator and subject or object of meditation are united and of Brahmanda (whole Cosmos), compiled by Sri Veda Vyasa;
breath energy into an idol or manifest an object, making it into merge into wholeness or Pure Consciousness. It is the topmost essence of all Vedanta literatures.
Parakaya Pravesham – The mystic Vedic science of entering a living Deity or life energy. goal of a seeker to unite with the Divine.
Siddhis – Mystic powers, the perfections of expressing
or manifesting into another body. Only perfected sages,
enlightened beings and Avatars have this rare power. Q Samsara – The material world which is the play of the illusory
energy of Divine (yoga maya).
extraordinary divine powers for the benefit of humanity.

Parakasha – The universal etherical Space or Akasha. Quarks – Quark is a charged elementary particle that interacts Shodashi Mantra – A powerful sixteen syllable chant of Devi,
Sammyama – (lit. holding together, integration). The
with the strong force. They come in 6 flavours: Up, down, the Cosmic Mother as part of the Sri Vidya tradition of Devi
simultaneous practice of dharana (meditation), dhyana
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – 196 aphorisms systematizing the yoga by straight, charmed, bottom and top. They also come in 3 colors: worship.
(meditation), Samadhi (uniting in oneness). Sammyama means
Sage Patanjali, the incarnation or Avatar of Ananta Shesha, the Red, green and blue. These are mere English terms and have no exploring and discovering your various possibilities and powers
cosmic serpent, the potent cosmic energy of Lord Vishnu. meaning attached to them. Sri Chakra Mandala – The diagrammatic representation of the
being centered on certain technique or spiritual process.
Cosmos with interlocking triangles. A powerful energy center of
Purnavatar – Complete incarnation who appears age after Quantum Mechanics – Quantum mechanics is the new physical Devi, the Cosmic mother that awakens energies.
Samasti – Advaita or expanded state of oneness. Samasti
age to perform three main divine acts – protect the dharma science that applies to very small structures like atoms, technically means collectivity and the understanding that we
(righteousness), save and liberate the devotees and spiritual protons and other particles. Mathematically, they work up to a Swami Vivekananda – Chief disciple of Bhagavan Ramakrishna
are not individual Koshas (sheaths), but a universal or a unified
beings, and destroy the negative energies; he also performs distance called Planck’s length, below which there is no current Paramahamsa, founder of Ramakrishna Order. 19th century
infinite divine acts for his devotees. Refers to Lord Sri Krishna in mathematical model. Enlightened Master, the greatest being of the era who spread
all scriptures. Hinduism, Yoga, Vedanta in Europe and America and raised
Sakshi – Observation or cognition. Sakshi is the understatement
Quantum Entanglement – (see entanglement). India’s consciousness.
through analysis and intranalizing that our koshas are not
Purana – The true historical happenings that record the divine individual (vyasti), but are Samasti which is Advaita, non-
appearances of Avatars and their divine life acts (leelas) from Sahasrara – (lit. thousand petals or openings) Crown opening
time eternal. Reading, studying them bestows trust, devotion R on top of head, awakened by Guru’s grace.
onto the Divine and Its devotees, and liberation. There are 18 Sangha – Spiritual community established on dharma, truth by
Rama – The seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu who appeared in the Stephen Hawking – Stephen Hawking is Lucasian Professor
Mahapuranas (great Puranas) and 18 Upa Puranas (minor the Guru.
golden age, Treta Yuga as the son of King Dasrath. Known as of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He has
Puranas) with over 400,000 verses. Srimad Bhagavatam
‘Maryada Purushottam – perfect virtuous supreme being’, he is written several books explaining the physics of the Cosmos
Purana is the crest jewel nectar of all Puranas, ascribed by Shiva – also Mahadev, Supreme God of gods. the rejuvenator
epitome of Dharma and Consciousness; he wiped out demons to be general, for non-mathematical readers, who wish to
Bhagavan Sri Veda Vyasa. in the Hindu sacred trinity. Shiva means ‘causeless
or collective negativity from the face of earth; establishing truth understand the universe they live in.
auspiciousness—mangalatva’; ‘The original substance of
through Rama Rajya, kingdom of Rama on Earth for thousands
Pindananda – (lit. egg of embodied mass or individual). Sanskrit Existence is Shiva’—defines Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
of years; glorified in ‘Ramayana’ scripture. String Theory – String theory is the theory of physics in which
term for microcosm. As per Vedic sciences, the macrocosm
reflects in the microcosm or within an individual (also see particles are described as waves on strings, uniting both
Rg Veda – One of the four main Vedas, the Vedic Sanskrit texts of Shvetadvipa – (lit. the white island or land) As per Vedic
Brahmanda). quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Santana Dharma, holding the eternal truth. The oldest existing cosmology, Shvetadipa is located on the northern side of the
sacred text which is shruti, heard containing collection of 1028 milky ocean, where the devotees of Lord Vishnu reside.
Photon – Photon is a quantum of light which is the smallest
hymns and 10,600 verses dedicated to the Divine.
packet in the electromagnetic field. All energy forces from the Shambala – A metaphysical plane or abode in Himalayas
entire electromagnetic field range are called photons. Photons where the enlightened ones or ones of pure inner space reside.

AVATAR SHASTRA 310 311 Glossary

two slits caused the photon to enter both the slits simultaneously, Vishnu – The Supreme Divine or Bhagavan; He is the all-
T thus proving that the particle actually behaves like a wave. This pervading consciousness, protector and maintainer of All
experiment proved that all fundamental particles have the dual and everything. He incarnates in every age on Earth to uplift
Tapovan – (lit. the forest of penance). The sacred forest region nature of particle and wave simultaneously. humanity and liberate sages, devotees. His most sublime
located in Himalayas where saints, mystics and divine beings Avatars are – Lord Sri Rama and Lord Sri Krishna amongst his
reside dedicating themselves to spiritual austerities.
U 21 main Avatars.

Taittriyopanisad – The seventh primary Upanishad as part of Vijnanamaya Kosha – “Sheath of cognition.” Fourth of the five
Krsna Yajurveda as per the Muktika cannon of 108 Upanishads, Upanishad – Sacred cosmic revelations that are the source of sheaths (koshas). The soul’s mental or cognitive-intuitive
which are the essence of Vedic knowledge. all spiritual texts or the Vedas on planet. Upanishad literally sheath, also called the actinodic sheath.
means ‘sitting with the Master.’ There were 1,180 Upanishads
Ten (10) -dimensions, 11-dimension – Einstein established that related to 1,180 branches of Vedas; with 108 main Upanishads. Vijnana Bhairava Tantra – The sacred text is an intimate talk
there are 4 space-time dimensions by his theory of relativity. between Lord Shiva and His consort Devi or Shakti. It presents
The M-Theory, which reconciles the super string theory with Unified Vacuum – Earlier, it was thought that vacuum contained 112 meditation techniques (dharana), revealing the essence to
super gravity, mathematically depicts a universe with 10 or 11 nothing. Scientific evidence today is that energy is present realize the Ultimate Reality.
dimensions. These extra dimensions are infinitely small and even in apparently empty space. For example, anti particles
so curled up that we cannot see them; called Grassman’s are present in vacuum called vacuum fluctuations. In fact, Visual Cortex – The visual cortex lies in the posterior part of
Dimensions to distinguish them from ordinary dimensions. (see the energy system inside a vacuum causes expansion of the the cerebral hemisphere called the occipital lobe. It processes
also M-Theory) universe and acceleration, unlike the effect of mass. the inverted image recorded on the retina into a meaningful,
perceptual vision of the object and its location in time and
TPS – Thoughts per second (term coined by Paramahamsa Unclutching® – The term and spiritual initiation given by space.
Nithyananda) Paramahamsa Nithyananda for the ultimate process of
meditation that leads one to Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the space Vivekchudamani – (lit. crest jewel of ‘vivek’ or conscious
Trimurtis – (lit. the three deities) The Vedic Gods namely Sri of no-thoughts, beyond the confines of mind, body, senses, discrimination). A Vedic hymn composed by Adi Shankara in
Brahma, Sri Vishnu and Shiva are the trimurtis who create, Unclutching® is the neutral space between every thought, 8th century, expounding the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in 580
maintain and rejuvenate the whole existence and all beings. and every incoming and outgoing breath. It is a self-purifying verses; it especially describes discrimination between the real
process to realize the natural, blissful state that we reside in. and unreal; changing and eternal.
Tirumular – A Shaivaite Saint (follower of Lord Shiva) and
writer, who is one of the 63 Nayanars and 18 Siddhas (perfected Urey-Miller Experiment – The Urey-Miller Experiment of 1952 Vedanta Prabodha – Vedanta Pradodha was written by Swami
beings) from South India. His main work is ‘Tirumantiram’. was a chemical experiment, simulating conditions on early Paramananda Bharati of the Shringeri Shankaracharya Math,
Earth. Miller demonstrated the presence of amino acids under giving a detailed exposition of Adi Shankara’s teachings.
Telomerase – An enzyme required to manufacture and maintain these conditions, thus establishing the concept of abiogenesis.
the telomere, which is a cap like structure at the end of each Miller’s student, Prof. Bade, in 2007, using stored vials from Vyasti – Vyasti is an individual state where the being cognizes
chromosome. The telomere is essential for protecting the gene Miller’s original experiment, found over 25 amino acids using itself as being separate from the Cosmos; a state of Dvaita
and allowing the cell to multiple. Shortening of the telomere, modern techniques. This suggests that biologically needed (duality).
due to deficiency of telomerase, leads to ageing and cell death. amino acids were produced even in early Earth atmosphere.

Teleportation – Teleportation is a process by which information

or mass (both are energies), can be transported exactly from V
one location to another. In quantum teleportation, qubits of
energy or information can be teleported between two entangled Vajradanda Chakra – This is the 11th chakra (energy center)
atoms. described by Goraksanath, and represents a shaft of golden
light, emanating from the 12th chakra to enter the brain
Thomas Young – Double-Slit Experiment – His unique through the Sahasrara (crown opening). This is the basis of the
experiment in which a single photon fired against a wall with meditation technique for awakening the Ajna chakra.

AVATAR SHASTRA 312 313 Glossary

Further Reading 8. Introduction to Biological Ageing Theory by Goldsmith 2nd
This volume of Avatar Shastra contains a world-view of scientific 9. The Biology of Ageing by Arking 3rd edition - 2006
content including theories, experiments, medical references and rich 10. The Science of Ageing, Scientific American - 2013
spiritual content declared in the authenic Vedic texts; beyond these 11. Endocrinology- Vol 1, 2 and 3 by DeGroot -2006
are the direct words of the Living Avatar, the ultimate authority on
12. Simultaneous EEG and FMRI by Markus Ullsperger-2010
Truth. These have been referenced for giving the reader a broad and
13. Mitochondria by Sehffler- 2nd edition - 2008
expansive foundation of understanding, as well as a depth of insight.
14. Clinical Enchaphalography by Misra - 2005
Should the reader like to explore these subjects in greater detail, the
following books are suggested for reading. 15. Evolve your Brain by Jo Dispenza - 2007 ♦♦ Over 2000 free talks on with over
16. Text book of Medical Physiology by Gyton - 2008
22 million views.
♦♦ Websites of interest:,
Physics Spirituality
1. Bhagavad Gita Decoded by Paramahamsa Nithyananda ♦♦ Live online morning satsangh (discourse) by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
1. Dark Matter Dark Energy Dark Gravity by Stephen
Perrenod - 2011 2. Isavasya Upanishad by Paramahamsa Nithyananda via live streaming at and via video conferencing,
2. The basic duality of particle of physics by Pongkan 3. Taittiriya Upanishad viewed in thousands of places in over 40 countries worldwide every day.
Tongkhonburi 4. Trisikhibrahmanopanisad ♦♦ Over 250 e-books available for free online reading at http://
3. A unified grand tour of theoretical physics by Ian Lawrie- 5. Devi Bhagavatam,
third edition - 2013 6. Garga Samhita ♦♦ Over 300 books of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s teachings published in 27
4. From the Universe to the Elementary Particles by Ulrich 7. Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmarama languages.
Ellwanger - 2012 8. Srimad Bhagavatam ♦♦ email:
5. The relationship between matter gravity and dark energy 9. Vedanta Prabodha by Swami Paramananda Bharathi
by Nicholas Summers- 2009 10. Viveka Chudamani by Adi Shankaracharya Selected Books by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
6. CK - 12- Basics physics - 2nd edition - 2012 11. Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
7. Serways Essentials of college physics - 2007 12. Linga Purana by J.J. Shastri ♦♦ Living Enlightenment
8. Physics for the IB Diploma, 5th edition by Tsokos- 2012 13. White Shadow of Consciousness by Gautham Chatterji ♦♦ Guaranteed Solutions
9. The 4% Universe by Richard Panek- 2011 14. Goraksa Sathaka by Goraksanath
10. The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking -2001 ♦♦ The Science of Living Enlightenment
11. Physics of the impossible by Michio Kapu
♦♦ Bhagavad Gita Decoded

♦♦ Upanishads: The Source Book (Akashic Records about Upanishads Revealed)

Biology and Medicine
♦♦ Secrets of Third Eye AwakeningSM
1. Genes 10 by Lewin’s - 2011
♦♦ 108 Truths of the Yoga of Enlightenment (Talks on Patanjali Yoga Sutras)
2. Genes 11 by Lewin’s - 2014
3. Cell Biology by Karp - 2014 ♦♦ Isha Vasya Upanishad, Kena Upanishad, Katha Upanishad [*inscribed on
4. The Biology of belief by Bruce Lipton- 2010 original palm leaves]
5. Stem Cells, Basics and Applications by Kaushik Deb-
Our Editorial Team: Ma Nithyapriyananda Swami, Prof. Dr. Krishna Shama
6. The new visual neurosciences by Werner - 2014
Rao (M.B.B.S, F.R.C.S., M.D.S., F.D.S.R.C.S), Ma Nithya Achalananda Swami,
7. Principles of Neural Science by Kandel -5th edition - 2013
Ma Nithya Dhyanatmananda Swami



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