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Assessment Task Criteria D – Reflecting and Improving Performance.

Students complete an individual reflection explaining and evaluating their:

1. Communication skills with teachers and peers.

2. Physical performance throughout this unit so far.
3. Resilience, effort and overall attitude.
4. Understanding of offence, defense and strategy.

Your reflection should be written below, roughly 300 words in length and include specific examples and
strategies or what you have learned, why you are learning it and how you will improve for deeper
understanding and progress. Your reflection should have examples from both PE and Health.

In this semester, our unit was called skilled performer and we focused on how movement, space and
adaptation are applied in sports. We also looked at how different decisions affect our lives and others
lives in both positive and/or negative ways.

Communication was a major thing that changed during this semester due to Covid-19. From directly
speaking to our teacher in class to sitting at our desk at home and having online google meets, I think
that my communication skills improved. This is because I am a shy person and when we are in class, I
am afraid to share my responses due to the fact that I think my answer will be wrong. However, in the
google meets, I feel more confident to share my answers and thoughts since I am not surrounded by
lots of people.

My Physical performance was good when we were in school but after we transitioned to remote
learning, I think I stopped being as active as I am required to be. This was due to the fact that we had
loads of work and I was sitting in front of a screen for at least 8 hours a day. The only physical activity I
got was when I went in the backyard to jump on the trampoline with my sisters or going for a walk with
my family around the neighborhood.

I think I put in a good amount of effort in health & PE lessons but there is room for improvement. I also
was resilient by trying not to procrastinate and trying my best to manage my time at home so that I
have enough time for work and exercise because during this lockdown, it is very important to look after
our health and wellbeing. My overall attitude was positive towards sport because I know it benefits me
and my body in a number of ways, both physically and mentally.

While playing sports, such as netball in school, I had a chance to get a perspective from both teams. For
defensive strategies, I tried to jump Infront of the other team’s players to stop the ball from getting to
another player not on my team. For offensive strategies I kept my eye on the ball at all times in case it
came to me and I had to throw the ball to one of my teammates. Another strategy was pretending to
throw the ball to my teammate while an opposing player is standing in front of me waiting to grab the

I think my goal for upcoming PE & Health lessons is to not underestimate myself and to be confident
about what I want to say or share in the classroom and outside of school because even if I get an
answer wrong or say something irrelevant, I will learn and benefit from it in some way.
Year 8 – Skilled Performer - Assessment Marking Criteria - 2020
Limited: The student provides a basic, below stage appropriate response.
Sound: The student provides an at stage appropriate response.
Well-Developed: The student provides a very good and stage appropriate response.
Highly-Developed: The student provides an excellent, above stage appropriate response.

Achievemen MYP Level Descriptor Criteria D – Task Indicators

t Level Reflecting & Improving
The student does not reach a No attempt made.
standard described by any of the
0 descriptors below.

The student: The students:

i. identifies strategies that enhance i. Reflective task was not submitted on time.
interpersonal skills
ii. Reflective task had limited detail on personal performance
regarding communication, resilience, effort and attitude.
ii. lists goals to enhance performance
iii. Reflective task had limited information regarding physical
1–2 iii. summarizes performance performance and limited creativity in strategies to improve
iv. Detail, explanation and overall understanding of offence, defence
and strategy was limited.
v. Correct presentation, spelling and grammar was limited.
The student: The students:
i. identifies and demonstrates i. Reflective task was submitted on time.
strategies that enhance interpersonal
skills ii. Reflective task had sound detail on personal performance
regarding communication, resilience, effort and attitude.
ii. identifies goals to enhance iii. Reflective task had sound relevant information regarding physical
3–4 performance performance and sound creativity in strategies to improve
iii. outlines and summarizes iv. Detail, explanation and overall understanding of offence, defence
performance. and strategy was sound.
v. Correct presentation, spelling and grammar was inconsistent.
The student: The students:
i. outlines and demonstrates i. Reflective task was submitted on time.
strategies that enhance interpersonal
skills ii. Reflective task had well-developed detail on personal
performance regarding communication, resilience, effort and
ii. identifies goals and applies
5–6 strategies to enhance performance iii. Reflective task had well-developed, relevant information
regarding physical performance and well-developed creativity in
iii. outlines and evaluates strategies to improve performance.
performance. iv. Detail, explanation and overall understanding of offence, defence
and strategy was well-developed.
v. Correct presentation, spelling and grammar was present.
The student: The students:
i. describes and demonstrates i. Reflective task was submitted on time.
strategies that enhance interpersonal
skills ii. Reflective task had highly-developed detail on personal
performance regarding communication, resilience, effort and
ii. outlines goals and applies strategies attitude.

7–8 to enhance performance iii. Reflective task had highly-developed, relevant information
regarding physical performance and highly-developed creativity in
iii. explains and evaluates strategies to improve performance.
iv. Detail, explanation and overall understanding of offence, defence
and strategy was highly developed.
v. Correct presentation, spelling and grammar was evident.

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