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04 MAY 2020 SHEET 1966030

1. Responda T si es verdadero o F si es falso.

a. The Company product is a cake.

T ( ) F (X)
b. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price.
T ( ) F(X)

c. Susan proposes three distribution strategies.

T (X) F ( )

d. The selective strategy pretend to reach many POS.

T (X) F ( )

e. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control.

T ( ) F (X)

f. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy.

T ( ) F (X)

1. The raise of such many intermediaries, are explained in _d_ steps.

a. Three.
b. Two.
c. Five.
d. Four.

1. Intermediaries make:

a. Process of exchange.
b. Transactions routine.
c. New members.
d. Assortments.

1. A member of a distribution channel depends on: A

a. Other channel members.

b. The retailers.
c. The wholesalers.
d. Intermediaries.

1. The ‘trust’ approach is based on: C

a. The role of another company.

b. The percentage of sales.
c. How much companies trust each other.
d. Channel members.

2. The ‘role performance’ approach assesses: A

a. The firm’s role performance.
b. The other channel members’ behavior.
c. Retailers.
d. Wholesalers.

1. Describa en inglés un producto de su preferencia, asígnele una marca y presente,

tanto las características como los costos de dicho producto, luego seleccione un canal
y tipo de estrategia de distribución según la clase de producto.

Avocado Hass

Hass avocado is a 100% natural product and can be

included in the family basket since it is a product that
can be used in multiple preparations and its consumption is given in customers of all
ages, offering the benefit of being a quality product at competitive price.

the type of channel I choose for my product is: Direct channel, because this way
I prevent other intermediaries from manipulating my product to prevent the
product frompolish my product to prevent thethe product isproduct deteriorates
or arrive in disrepair, not incur additional costs than delivery

distribution is selective, since the objective is trusted in the product, seems to me

the most correct unlike the other distributions as the exclusive that the product is
granted for sale to certain distributors or the intensive that in many cases this
type of distribution loses brand image and prestige, in exchange for commercial


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