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DOUBLE KNIT 3o-siem 4-24in 00733 ra ft SWEATER, CARDIGAN, TROUSERS, HAT & MITTENS 3% & 4mm NEEDLES 36-61cm 5-12 BALLS 00733 MEASUREMENTS ‘SWEATER Tot Chest Par su |se | ot | on ‘tual Measurement a fa o [ae | & | em a [48 | tou| 2 | a | oe | ‘n Fal Length mo [2 [2 | 2 | s05| 353] em Sleeve Length «fs fr fe fa fz len sul 6 | el Fe [ 3 | foul in CARDIGAN ‘etal Mensorerent 4 fae | se | oo | 66 | 70 | om Wm] t9%| 21v| 25%| 26 | 270) Sn Full Length 2 [as [a |x | as} asl em a4] 10_| tom| tm | 2h] aie] in Sleve Length rs TROUSERS ale to Crotch 19 | 25] 21s] 2x | 24 | 25 | om | @ | ae “9 | “al “9m| fe Teg length 765 [19 [2os| ars] | aes] em oa] mm | 8 | oe | “ov ton] io var Width Round Head a a fom 5 6 7 | on 2 my mm |i Quay as ‘SWEATER | oma] prerry easy eRicHrs ox ooacor | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | a | « [soem ‘CARDIGAN om|prerrvansy aricurs ox amor | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | «| « [soem TROUSERS om|prerrvaaavanicursox amcor | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 4 | « |soem HAT & MITTENS. ona | PRETTY BABY BRIGHTS OX __ 002007 1 2 2__|sagn ‘COMPLETE set oma Prertversy ericHTsox amor | s | 6 | & | 9 [1 | 22 |soem ‘Ako suitable for Pretty Baby Pastels DK and Prety Baby Soutique OK Thequantes yarn statedarebasedon erage equirementsandare therefore {approximate 1 Pairof 4mm (UKIO—USAS)Kriting Needles ‘Patra (UKB~USAS)kniting Nees. Stitch Holders. Cable Needle ‘Buttons forSwesterand Cardigan. Semwide elasicas required for Trousers. ‘THIS LEAFLET IS SUITABLE FOR HAYFIELD YARNS. NORESPONSIILITY WILL BETAKENFOR THE RESULT OF USING ANY OTHER YARN, TENSION 23stsand 30 rowsto 10cm (4in)measred over Figures inbracketsrefertolagersizes, \wnereonly onefigreis given, this applies tall sizes, Where the igure appears, nots OF rows reworked forthssize. ABBREVIATIONS. Begbeainning remremainting) comcentimetes| reprepest ‘ant continue farightside feedecreasciing) alt siponesttch {olfoliwing| Sse) Incincrenseting) togtogetner Ininenes serra side Kit Yirmyarn forward fom millimetres Toundneedie put wdyarn forward pattpattrn Jrmyaenround needle Fsopassslipped stich Mi Makeasitehby picking up horizontal loop ‘ning betorenextsttch and workinginto the back om KIBKrit rhelow. see diagram) {CAF Cables ron by sipping nex2ststo fronton ‘able nee, K2 Ki fromeable nee. SWEATER BACK Using 34mm needles, cast on45 [51:57:61 67:73}sts, {stow igh side), “PKI; rep fom * toen 2nd Row.P1, KI, PI; rep from toend, Rep these 2rows for 3[3:4:4:5:5] cm, ‘ending with a2nd rib row. Inc Row. Rib [1:2:3:2:3], M1, (rib3 [3:4:3: 3:3], M1) 14[16:13:18:21:22] times, ribto ‘end. 60 [68:71 :80:89:96] st. ‘Change to 4mm needles and patt. Foundation Row. K1[0:2:2:2:1),Pa[0:4:4:4: 4], KS, Pa; rep from * toast 1[5:2:2:2 “1st, KI [5:2:2:2:1), Ist Row. (Right side) Pt [2:2:2:2:1), (K1B, P2) (0{1:0:0:0:0) times, *K4, P2, KIB (see diagram), P2; rep from *tolast 5 [0:6:6:6: Sl sts, Ké[0:4:4:4:4), PI (0:2:2:2:1] ‘2nd Row. Ki [0:2:2:2:1], Pa [0:4:4:424), * KS, 4; rep from * toast 1(5:2:2:2:1] sts, KIS 2:2:231), 3rd Row. Pt (2:2:2:2:1], (K1B, P2)0{1:0:0:0: Oltimes, * C4F,P2, KIB, P2; eprom” tolast 5 [0:6:6:6:5] sts, (CAF, PI 0:2:2:2:1))1 10:1: 1:11] times. 4th Row. As2nd row. ‘These rows form the pattandare repeated. Contin patt until back measures 17 [20:22:25:27.5:82.5] cm frombeg, endingwith aws row. Shape Neck Keeping patt correct. Next Row. Patt 20 23:24:28:31:33], Kog ‘and turn, ieaving rem sts onaspare needle. Dec! statneck edge on next3rows. 18 [21:22:26:29:31) st. Shoulder Border **Change to 3vamm needles and proceed asfollows: IstRow. Ki, * PI, Kt: rep from *tolast [0 4:1:0.0 sts, (MT, K1)1[0:1:1:0:0] times. 19121:23:27:29:31] sts. ** Work rowsin rib. Castoffin rib. With rsof work facing, slip centee 16 (18:19: 20:23:26] sts ontoastitch holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, K2tog, patt to end, Complete to match first side of neck FRONT Workas given for Back until front measures 8[8:10:13:14:14] rowsless than Back to shoulderborder, endingwith awsrow. Shape Neck Keeping patt correct. Next Row. Patt 20[23:24:30:34:37], K2to andturn, leavingrem sts onaspareneedie. Dect stat neck edge on next3[3:3:5:6:7] rows. 18 [21:22:26:29:31] sts, Work [4:6:6:7:6] rows without shaping. Shoulder Border Work from * to ** as given for Back. Rib3 rows. *** Buttonhole Row. Rib4,yiwd, K2tog, rib 7[8: 9:11:12:13], yiwd, K2tog, rib to end. Rib roms, Casto in ib. With rs of work facing, slip centre 16 (18:19: 16:17:18} stsontoastitch holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, K2tog, pattto end. ‘Complete tomatch first side of neck to *** Buttonhole Row. Rib 4[5:6:8:9:10), yiwd, K2tog, rib? [8:9:11: 12:13}, yiwd, K2tog, rib toend, Rib4 rows. Castoffin rib. SLEEVES (sothalike) Using 3vumm needles, cast n25 [29:31:31 33:35] sts and work 3[3:4:4:5:5] cm in ribas Biven for Back, ending with a2nd rib row. Inc Row. Rib 2(3:3:3:7:5], M1, (rb 3[2:2:2: 1:1], M1)7[11:12:12:19:34] times, ribto lend. 33 [41:44:44:53:60] sts. Change to 4mm needles. Commencing with foundation row and bringing exteasts into patt, work in pattas given for Back of Sweater, inc 1 stat each end of th and every foll ath [ath:4th:3rd4th:4th] row to45 [53 58:66:73:02] sts. Contwithout shaping until sleeve measures 44[15:17:19:23:27] cm from beg, ending, with aws row. Castoffloosely in pat. BACK NECKBAND: With rs of work facing and using 3%amm needles, pick up and 8 stsalongrrib, 4sts down rightside of neck, work across sts at centre backas follows:— K3[4:2:1:0:8], K2t0g, (K2, K2tog) 2 [2:3:4:5:4] times, KS: 3:1:1:4], pick up and K4 sts up left side ot neck andB sts along rib. 37 (39:39:39:41:45) sts, ‘Work 16 rowsin rib as given for Back, starting with a2nd rb row. Cast offin rib. FRONT NECKBAND With rs of work facingand using 3Y4mm needles, pick up and KBsts along rib, 8(6: 110:12:14:14] sts downleft side of neck, work across stsat centre frontas follows: — K3[4 2:3:1:4], K2tog, (K2, K2tog) 2 [2:3:2:3:21 times, K3 [4:3:3:2:4), pick up and K8 [8:10: 12:14:14] sts up right side of neck and 8 sts along rb. 45 [47:51:53:57:59] st. Work3 rows in rib as given for Back, starting with a2nd rib row. Buttonhole Row. Ribs, yfwd, K2tog, rib to last5sts,yivd, K2t0g, rib3. Rib? rows. Rep buttonhole row once more, Rib 4rows. Castofflooselyinrib, MAKEUP Overlap shoulder bordersand tack together atarmhole edge. Place centre of sleeve top at centre of shoulderborder and join evenly in position along back and front ‘edges. Join side and sleeve seams. Fold rneckband in half ontows and sew loosely in position. Slip stbuttonholes together. Sew ‘onbuttons. CARDIGAN BACK Using3¥4mm needles, cast on 49 [53:59:65 73:77] sts and work3 (3:4:4:5:5] cm in ribas given for Back of Sweater, endingwith a2nd rib row. Inc Row. Rib 3 [1:2:1:3:2], M1, (rib3, M1) 44 (17:18:21 29:24] times, rib ioend. (64 (71:78:87:96: 102] sts Change to4mm needlesand patt. Foundation Row. K3[2:1:1:1:4],*P4, KS; rep from *tolast7[6:5:5:5:8] sts, Pa, K3[2:1:1 1:4) ‘1st Row. (Right side) P3(2:1:1:1:1],(K18,P2) 0[0:0:0:0:1} times, *K4, P2, KIB (see diagram), P25 rep from * tolast?7[6:5:5:5: 8] sts, K4,P3 [2:1:1:1:2], (KIB, P1)0[0:0:0; Ost} times, 2nd Row. K3[2:1:1:1:4], * Ps, KS; rep from* tolast7 (6:5:5:5:8] sts, P4, KB [2:1:1:1:4), 3rd Row. P3[2:1:1:1:1), (K1B, P2)0[0:0:0:0: ‘times, * CaF, P2, KIB, P2; rep from* tolast 716:5:5°5:6] sts, CaF, P3(2:1:1:1:2), (KIB, P1)0{0:0:0:0:1]times. 4thRow. As 2nd row. These 4 rows form the pattandare repeated. Contin patt until back measures 21 (24:26:29:31.5:36.5] cm from beg, endingwith aws row. Shape Shoulders Keeping patt correct, cast off9[11:12:14: 16:16] stsat beg of next2 ows then 10[11: 13:15:16: 17] sts at beg o fll 2 rows. Castoff centre 26 [27:28:29:32:36] sts. LEFT FRONT Using3!4mm needles, cast on23 [25:29:31 35:37] sts and work 3 [3:4:4:5:5] cm in ibas given for Back, endingwith a2nd rib row. Inc Row. Rib 2(3:4:4:2:2], M1, (rib3[2:3:2: 3:3], M1) 6(9:7:11:10:11] times, rib toend. 3035:37:43:46:49] ts. Change to4mm needles nd patt. * Foundation Row. (K2, P4)0[1:0:1:0:0}times, “KS, Pa; rep from tolast3[2:1:1:1:4] sts, KB Be1:1:4) ‘stow. (Right side) P3[2:1:1:1:1),(K1B, P2) (0[0:0:0:0:1) times, * Ks, P2, K1B, P2; rep from * to last0 (6:0:6:020) sts, (Ké,P2)0 (1:0: 1:0:0) times. 2nd Row. (K2, P4)0[1:0:1:0:0] times, * KS, 4; rep from toast’ [2:1:1:1:4] sts, K3 2: al:t34) 3rd Row. P32:1:1:1:1], (KIB, P2)0(0:0:0:0: A times, * CAF, P2, KIB, P2; rep from *tolast (0[6:0:6:0:0) ts, (CAF, P2)0[1:0:1:0:0] times, th Row. As2nd row. ‘These rows form the patt and are repeated. Contin att untilleft front measures 4 [4:4:4:5:5] cm less than Back to shape shoulders, ending atneck edge. Shape Neck. Keeping pattcorrect. Next Row. Cast off5 [7:7:8:8:8] sts, pattto end. Dec’ statneck edge on every row to 19122: 25:29:32:33] sts, Contwithout shaping until left front ‘measures same as Back to shape shoulders, endingat side edge. Shape Shoulder Cast off9(11:12:14:16:16] stsatbeg of next row. Work I row then cast offrem 10(11:13: 15:16:17 sts RIGHT FRONT ‘Workas given for Left Front to **. Foundation Row. K3[2:1:1:1:4),*P4, KS; rep from "to last0 (6:0:6:0:0) sts, (P4, K3)0(1:0: 1:00) times. IstRow. (Right side) (P2, K18) 1(0:1:0:1:1) times, P2, *K4, P2, KIB, P2; rep from *tolast 7 (6:5:5:5:6] sts, K8, P3[2:4:1:1:2], (KIB, Pt) 0{0:0:0:0:1] times. 2nd Row. K3 [2:1:1:1:4],* P4, KS; rep from* 10 last0[6:0:6:0:0) sts, (P4, 2) (1:0:1:0:0] times, 3rd Row. (P2, K18)" [0:1:0:1:1] times, P2,* (CAF, P2, KIB, P2; rep from *tolast7(6:5:5: 58)/sts, CaP, P3(2:1:1:1:2], (KIB, PI} 0(0:0: 00:1] times. 4th Row.As2nd row. ‘These 4 ows form the patt andare repeated Complete to match Left Front. SLEEVES (Both alike) Using 34mm needles, cast on 27 [29:31:33 35:37] stsand work3 [3:4:4:5:5] cmin ribas given for Back, ending with a2nd rib row. lnc Row.Rib-4(4:1:3:5:4], M1, (Fib2(1: 1:1: 4:1], MA, rib [2:2:2:1:11, M1} 417:9:8:12: Altimes, (rib 2[0:1:1:0-0], M1) 1[0:1:1:0: Oltimes, rb to end. 37 (44:51:51:60:66] sts. Change to 4mm needles. Commencing with foundation row and bringing extrastsinto pat, work in patt a given for Back of Cardigan, inc stat each end of th and every foll 3rd [3rd:3rd:3rd:5th:5th] row to [51 [58:67:73:78:86] sts Contwithout shaping until sleeve measures 44 (15:17:19:23:27] cm from beg, ending withaws row. Castoff loosely in patt. BUTTON BORDER Using3vammneedles, caston 9stsand workin rib as given for Back untilborder when slightly stretchedis of sufficient length to it up front edge, ending witha 2nd rib row. Leave these sts on asafety pin. Place markers for5 buttons the first em from cast on edge andallowing for a6thto be placed in neckband. Space rem 4bbuttons evenly between, BUTTONHOLE BORDER Works given for Button Border, working buttonholes on rs rows tomatch markers as follows: — Buttonhole Row. Rib, yirn, P2tog,rib3. NECKBAND Join shoulder seams, With rs of work facing and using3Vamm needles, rib across9 sts for Buttonhole Border for agirl or Button Border fora boy, pick up and K16 18:20:21 25:26) sts up right side of neck, 19 21:21:23: 25:27] sts across back neck, 16 [18:20:21:25: 26) ts down left side of neck and ribacross 9stsforother border. 68(75:79:83:93:97] sts. Work 16 rows n bas given for Back, ‘making another? buttonholes on 3rdand, 13th row. Cast off in ib. MAKE UP Place centre of sleeve top to shoulder seam. Join sleeves evenly in position along back and front edges. Join side and sleeve seams. Fold neckbandin half ontows and sew loosely in position. Slip st2 buttonholesin rneckband together to form 1 buttonhole. ‘Sew bordersin position. Sew on buttons. TROUSERS LEGS (Both alike) (Worked fromwaisttoankle) Using 34mm needles, cast on 49 [55:61:65 71:77] sts andwork 3.cmin ib as given for Back of Sweater, ending with a2nd ib row. Inc Row. Rib2[3:3:2:2:3], M1, (ib2, Mi, rib 4, Mi) 15 [16:18:20:22:23) times, (ib2, 1) 0(1:0:1:0:1) times, ib toend. £80 [89:98:107:116:125] ts Change to4mm needles and patt. Foundation Row. K2, "Ps, KS; rep from “10 lastest, Ps, K2 ‘Ist Row. (Right side) P2, * K4, P2, KIB, P2; rep, from to ast6 sts, Ké P2 2nd Row. K2, *P4, KS; rep from *tolaststs, Pa, 2. ‘3rd Row. P2,* CAF, P2, KIB, P2; rep from *to lastosts, CAF, P2 th Row. As2nd row. These 4 rows form the pattand are repeated. Contin pattuntilleg measures 19 20.5:21.5:23:24:25] cm from beg, ending withaws row. Place amarker at each end of last row. Shape Inside Leg Keeping pat correct. Dec i stateach end of nextand every oll 3rd row t058[61:70:77:80:07 sts, Contwithoutshapinguntilinsideleg measures 13.516! 165:17.5:19:21.3] em {rom markers, endingwith ars row. Change to 3/amm needles and proceedas follows:— Dec Row. P8[8:4:2:2:1},(P2tog) 21 [22:31 36:39:42jtimes, Pto end 37 39:39:41:48 45st. Work 3(3:4:4:5:5] min ib. Castoffloosely ina MAKEUP Join inside leg seams to markers. Join crotch seams. Joinelasticintoa ringand place inside waistband. Work herringbone casing, stitch into every alternate stitch of ribbing thus enclosing elastic. HAT Using 3mm needles, cast on 75 [81:95] ts and work®em in rib as given for Back of Sweater, ending with and rib row. Ine Row. Rib [3:1], M1, (rib3, M1) 2225: 31] times, rib to end. 98(107:125} sts, Change to-4mm needles and starting with the foundation row, workin pattas given for Trousers until hat measures 15 20:25] em from beg, endingwithaws row. Shape Top ‘IstRow. P2tog, * (K2t0g) twice, P2tog, KIB, P2tog; rep from *tolast sts, (K2t0g) twice, Patog, 54159:69] sts, 2nd Row. K1,*P2, 3; rep from *tolast3sts, 2,1 3rd Row. Pt, * K2t0g, PI, K1B, PI: rep from* to last 3 sts, K2tog, PI. 43[47:55] sts. 44th Row. Ki, (K2t0g) 21 [23:27] times, 22 (24:28) st, Break offyarn, thread yarn through rem sts

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