Comparison of Three Techniques For Calculation of The Parkland Formula To Aid Fluid Resuscitation in Paediatric Burns

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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491


Comparison of three techniques for calculation of the

Parkland formula to aid fluid resuscitation in paediatric
Owen Bodger, Abrie Theron and David Williams

CONTEXT Inadequate fluid resuscitation of acute burns may MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Accuracy, speed and
result in hypovolaemic shock. Excessive fluid resuscitation acceptability of the different methods.
may result in fluid overload. A nomogram which uses the
RESULTS For nomogram, calculator and pen and paper:
popular Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime has been
magnitude of error [low (25%), medium (50%) and high
recently described to facilitate the calculation of fluid require-
(75%)]: [5.7, 4.7 and 3.8%], [12.1, 12.1 and 7.5%], [28.6,
ments in children during the first 24 h following burn injury.
21.9 and 16.2%]; [P <0.001, P ¼ 0.001 and P ¼ 0.006].
OBJECTIVE To compare the accuracy and speed of calcu- Calculation time: [s; mean (SD)]: 121 (48), 109 (52) and 240
lation of three different methods (pen and paper, electronic (140); P <0.001. The mean (SD) of the difficulty scores were
calculator and nomogram), which all use the Parkland 17.3 (13), 20.6 (13.4) and 62.2 (23.4); P <0.001.
formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime to calculate maintenance and
CONCLUSION The nomogram was the most accurate
resuscitation fluid requirements for children in the first 24 h
method of calculating fluid requirements using the Parkland
after burn injury.
formula, was only slightly slower than the electronic calcu-
DESIGN A randomised volunteer study using computer- lator and was deemed the easiest to use. The nomogram is
generated simulated patient data. also low cost, robust, and provides a rapid means of detect-
ing and preventing the large errors that we have shown can
SETTING Welsh Centre for Burns, ABM University Local
occur when an electronic device is used as the primary
Health Board, Swansea, UK. Data were collected between
method of resuscitation fluid calculation. We, therefore,
February 2011 and October 2011.
suggest that the nomogram is a suitable method for the
PARTICIPANTS The group consisted of 36 volunteers calculation of the Parkland formula to guide resuscitation and
including trainee and consultant surgeons and anaesthetists. maintenance fluid requirements in the first 24 h of paediatric
burns or for cross-checking the results obtained by other
INTERVENTION Thirty-six participants performed 318 cal-
means of calculation.
culations, using each of the three methods of calculation up
to three times. Published online 29 May 2013

Inadequate fluid resuscitation of acute burns may result conversion with increased requirement for escharo-
in hypovolaemic shock and inadequate perfusion of vital tomies, fasciotomies and grafts.1,6,8,9
organs resulting in single or multiorgan failure and
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).1,2 The patient’s clinical response is the best guide to fluid
Excessive fluid resuscitation may cause pulmonary resuscitation therapy. Fluid administration should be
and cerebral oedema, myocardial infarction and abdomi- titrated to clinical signs of adequate organ perfusion as
nal compartment syndrome,1,3–7 as well as burn depth inferred from a urine output of 1 to 1.5 ml kg1 h1 and

From the School of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea (OB), Department of Anaesthetics, Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board, Cardiff (AT), Welsh Centre for
Burns, ABM University Local Health Board, Swansea, UK (DW)
Correspondence to Dr Abrie Theron, Department of Anaesthetics, Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board, Cardiff CF14 4XW, UK
Tel: +44 0 779 312 4900; e-mail:

0265-0215 ß 2013 Copyright European Society of Anaesthesiology DOI:10.1097/EJA.0b013e328361a58c

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

484 Bodger et al.

mean arterial blood pressure (MAP).10,11 The Parkland fluid requirements in adult burns.24 With an a value of
formula provides a clinically validated algorithm to guide 0.05 and a b value of 0.9, it was estimated that a sample
initial intravenous (i.v.) fluid resuscitation, and has been size of at least 28 participants (performing nine calcu-
widely adopted as a standard for fluid management in the lations, using each method three times) would be
first 24 h by most referring centres.12–14 sufficient to identify significant differences between
the three groups. The null hypothesis was that there is
The original Parkland formula was designed for resusci-
no difference in accuracy or speed of calculation when
tation of adult burns, and was based on total volume of
comparing the three methods.
resuscitation fluid to be infused (VTBI) over 24 h of 3 to
4 ml per kg body weight (BWt) per percentage total body The participant group consisted of 36 volunteers and
surface area burned (%BSA). This has been modified for included trainee and consultant surgeons and anaesthe-
paediatric use by decreasing the volume of resuscitation tists. Individuals who did not wish to participate for any
fluid to 3 ml kg1%BSA1, and by the addition of main- reason were not included in the study. The setting was a
tenance fluids based on BWt according to the ‘4–2–1’ quiet room in the hospital, free from interruption or
regime, wherein 4 ml kg1 h1 is infused for the first 10 kg distractions. The purpose of the study was explained
BWt, 2 ml kg1 h1 for the next 10 kg (11 to 20 kg) and to the participants. Each received an information sheet
then 1 ml kg1 h1 for every kilogram above 20 kg.10,11,15 and was given the opportunity to ask further questions or
decline to participate if they wished. Those who elected
Nomograms are graphical embodiments of mathematical
to participate signed a consent form, were assigned a
relationships, and can be used to rapidly solve specific
sequential study number and were asked to complete an
mathematical equations.16 Prior to the introduction of
anonymised demographic data collection form which
electronic calculators and computers, nomograms were
recorded their age, sex, job title and amount of prior
widely used in engineering and in medicine, wherein
experience in managing fluid resuscitation for paediatric
they were used to calculate physiological parameters and
guide treatment.17,18 In the field of burn management,
nomograms have been used to estimate carbon monoxide All participants received instruction on how to use the
exposure.19 Williams has used standard mathematical ‘4–2–1’ regime and Parkland formula, how to calculate
techniques to design a nomogram which represents the VTBI per period and the appropriate rate of admin-
the Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime in graphic istration of resuscitation fluids per period using each of
form as an aid to the calculation of fluid requirements the three methods.
in children during the first 24 h following burn injury
Participants had the opportunity to practise each method
(Fig. 1).20–23
and did not proceed until they felt confident to perform
the calculations with each method. During the period of
All methods of calculation have inherent advantages
instruction, it was emphasised that the time of the first
and disadvantages regarding ease of use and speed and
(8 h) period of resuscitation commenced from the time of
accuracy of calculation. Our study compares the accuracy,
the burn injury, not from the time of arrival at the
speed and difficulty of use of three different methods
receiving hospital and participants were shown how to
(pen and paper, calculator, nomogram) for the calculation
adjust the calculations to compensate for this. Partici-
of i.v. fluid requirements using the paediatric Parkland
pants were instructed to perform the calculations as
quickly as possible to a level of ‘clinically acceptable’
accuracy. It was emphasised, however, that accuracy was
Method more important than speed of calculation. During the
We used an anonymised randomised non-clinical study, participants were allowed to refer to printed copies
volunteer design for our study. Formal ethical review of the ‘4–2–1’ regime, the Parkland formula and the
was, therefore, not deemed necessary, and appropriate instructions for the use of the nomogram.
letters of exemption were issued by our NHS Trust’s
When they were ready to begin, each participant
Research Ethics Committee and Research and Develop-
performed a series of calculations based on computer-
ment office.
generated simulated clinical scenarios. For each scenario,
If each participant performed too few calculations, the participants were given values for BWt (kg), %BSA (%)
data would not be representative, but too many calcu- and delay (time in hours from burn injury to commence-
lations could result in declining performance due to ment of resuscitation) from which they calculated three
fatigue. A total of nine calculations per participant (i.e. infusion rates (maintenance, first, and second periods).
three calculations using each method) over a 30-min to They then entered their answers directly into the com-
40-min period was, therefore, deemed to be an acceptable puter. Participants were allowed to rest between
compromise. Power analysis was informed by a previous scenarios if necessary without incurring a time penalty,
study which we had performed to validate the Parkland and continued until all calculations for the nine scenarios
formula nomogram for the calculation of resuscitation had been performed. Participants were supervised

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nomogram to aid fluid resuscitation in paediatric burns 485
The improved Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime nomogram for paediatric burns.22,23
Fig. 1
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491
Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
486 Bodger et al.

throughout the process, and were allowed to withdraw at answers to each simulated clinical scenario. From sub-
any point if they wished. sequent analysis of the resulting spreadsheet, we could
then compare the response time, and frequency and
After completing the scenarios, participants were asked
magnitude of errors in the participants’ application of
to complete a questionnaire to rate their experience of
the Parkland formula for each simulated scenario and
each of the three techniques by marking a cross at the
each method of calculation.
appropriate point on a visual analogue scale (VAS), which
ranged from ‘very easy’ to ‘very difficult’. There was also
an optional section for free text entry of written com- Analysis
ments. Data from the VAS were converted to continuous Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software, ver-
numerical data by measuring the distance (mm) from the sion 13 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to analyse
left hand side of the line (easiest, 0 mm) to the position of the data.
the cross marked by the participant, expressed as a By the nature of its construction, the nomogram is an
proportion of the total length of the line (most difficult, approximate method of calculation compared to the
100 mm). Details from the pre- and post-test question- calculator and so it was anticipated that the calculator
naires were transcribed onto a spreadsheet for sub- method was potentially capable of greater accuracy than
sequent analysis. the nomogram. The design of the nomogram, however,
Bespoke software was developed for this study using constrains both the input variables and output to a
‘Python’, an open-source cross-platform object-oriented clinically relevant range of values and it is, therefore,
programming language, particularly suited to scientific incapable of producing the unbounded errors that some-
applications.25 The order in which the three methods of times arise from careless use of the calculator. Some-
calculation (pen and paper, calculator or nomogram) was where between these two extremes is the range of most
to be used in each case was determined by the software. consequence, wherein errors become large enough to be
This used a randomisation algorithm, which was analo- clinically significant while not so large as to be obvious.
gous to shuffling a deck of nine cards which contained The Parkland formula requires several measurements to
three cards corresponding to each of the three methods of be inputted, each of which must be estimated. The
calculation to be used, then dealing each of the cards in expected errors for each of these variables are not trivial,
sequence without replacement. Hence, each participant and are shown in Table 1 below,26,27 with references
would use each of the three methods of calculation wherever available. Combining these using the sum of
exactly three times; but the sequence in which each squared fractional errors26 gives an expected error in the
method was to be used was randomised for each partici- final answer of 28%. Given that this is the size of error that
pant, in order to eliminate any potential bias due to is likely to occur irrespective of the quality of the calcu-
learning or fatigue effects. lation, then it must represent the lower end of clinical
For each simulated scenario, the software randomly significance. We, therefore, defined three thresholds of
generated and presented the participant with a new set error: 25, 50 and 75%, representing categories of low,
of simulated clinical data with integer values within medium and high clinical significance as a proportion of
appropriate clinical ranges for BWt (4 to 40 kg), %BSA the correct answer.
(10 to 100%) and delay (1 to 8 h). For each simulated The accuracy of each method was calculated across all
scenario, the software logged the simulated clinical data, three thresholds using a non-parametric test (x2 test).
method of calculation used, participants’ responses and The data for response times were skewed, but a log
response time to a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Micro- transform of these data was accepted by the
soft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA). The software Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness of fit test (P ¼ 0.135)
also calculated the correct responses to each simulated and, therefore, a parametric test (t-test) was appropriate.
clinical scenario using the simulated clinical data and The VAS scores comprised too small a sample (only 36
Parkland formula as described, and logged these to the unique cases) to allow reliable assessment of distribution
spreadsheet. and so non-parametric methods were used for analysis.
At all times during the study, both participants and The free text comments were analysed using an iterative
investigators were blinded to the time taken and correct constant comparison (‘grounded’) approach to allow

Table 1 Common sources of potential error associated with the Parkland formula
Variable Potential error (R/S)

Estimation of body weight 10%

Estimation of total burn surface area 20%26,27
Variation in volume to be infused (VTBI) depending on which version of Parkland formula is used: 14% (i.e. 3.5 þ/0.5 ml h1 ¼ 0.5/3.5 ¼ 14%)
VTBI U 4 ml kgS1%BSAS1 or VTBI U 3 ml kgS1%BSAS1
Estimation of the time elapsed between the time of burn injury and the start of fluid resuscitation 10%

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

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Nomogram to aid fluid resuscitation in paediatric burns 487

identification and classification of emerging themes.28–30 Table 2 Accuracy results for small (25%), medium (50%) and large
(75%) errors
Comments that illustrated a particular point of view
or were representative of common themes were quoted Comparison 25% error 50% error 75% error

verbatim in anonymised form. Nomogram vs. calculator 0.097 0.051 0.241

Nomogram vs. pen and paper <0.001 <0.001 0.003
Calculator vs. pen and paper 0.003 0.059 0.049
Results Overall <0.001 0.001 0.006

Around 85% of all calculations were free from an error

(defined as a deviation from the correct score of at least
0.006 for 25, 50 and 75% error thresholds (Table 2). The
25%). Errors occurred during calculation of both the rate
nomogram was considerably more accurate than the pen
for the first and the second period for all methods;
and paper, but although the nomogram was more accurate
however, significantly fewer errors were made calculating
than the calculator, this was only close to statistically
the rate of maintenance fluid (P <0.001).
significance for medium (50%) errors.
The best performing technique at each level was the
The calculator was the fastest method, followed by the
nomogram, making errors of low significance (25%),
nomogram and then pen and paper, with mean times
medium significance (50%) and high significance
(SD) of 109 (52), 121 (48) and 240 (140) s, respectively
(75%), respectively, only 5.7, 4.7 and 3.8% of the time,
(P <0.001; Fig. 3). There was considerable overlap
compared to 12.1, 12.1 and 7.5% for the calculator, and
between the response times for the nomogram and cal-
28.6, 21.9 and 16.2% for the pen and paper technique
culator, but overall the calculator was slightly faster than
(Fig. 2).
the nomogram (P ¼ 0.013). All three methods showed
A comparison of the frequency of occurrence of errors evidence of improvement of response time with repeti-
with the three different methods was conducted using tion, suggesting a learning effect. This was strongest
the x2 test. Overall, there were significant differences for the nomogram, reflecting its novelty (r ¼ 0.434,
between the accuracy of the three methods for all P <0.001) followed by the calculator (r ¼ 0.341,
thresholds, with P values of less than 0.001, 0.001 and P <0.001) and the pen and paper (r ¼ 0.253, P <0.010).

Fig. 2

Example: Parkland formula nomogram for resus Parkland formula nomogram for resus
A 17 kg child with 55% burns is admitted 4 h after
injury. They have recieved 1000 ml of resuscitation
fluid prior to admission.

From the nomogram:

The infusion rate of maintenance fluid

(given as dextrose-saline) is:
54 ml/h for the first 24 h from the time of burn.

The corrected infusion rates of resuscitation fluid

(given as Hartmann’s solution) are:
100 ml/h for the remaining 4 h in the First Period,
followed by:
Read the infusion rate for maintenance fluid Read VTBI per period from BWt and TBSA ( = 1400 ml).
88 ml/h for the subsequent 16 h in the Second
(dextrose-saline) from the MAINT scale directly adjacent to
Period Bwt ( = 54 ml/h).

arkland formula nomogram for resuscitation of paediatric burns arkland formula nomogram for resuscitation of paediatric burns arkland formula nomogram for resuscitation of paediatric burns

Read infusion rate resuscitation fluid (Hartmann’s) for Read infusion rate resuscitation fluid (Hartmann’s) for If additional fluid has been given in First Period prior
First Period (8 h from time of burn) from VTBI and time subsequent Second Period (16 h) from VTBI and the 16 h to admission, subtract this volume from VTBI in step 2
remaining in First Period (8 – 4 = 4 h) ( = 350 ml/h). mark ( = 88 ml/h). above (1400 – 1000 = 400 ml); re-align VTBI with time
remaining, and read corrected infusion rate ( = 100 ml/h).
VTBI for Second Period remains unchanged.

Example of how to use the Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime nomogram for paediatric burns.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

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488 Bodger et al.

Fig. 3 When we examined the VAS scores for ease of use, we

Method used: Small error (25%+) crosstabulation
found that participants found the nomogram the easiest
method to use, followed by the calculator and then pen
and paper, with mean (SD) difficulty scores of 17.3 (13.0),
Small error (25%+)
20.6 (13.4) and 62.2 (23.4) mm (P <0.001). The user
No Yes Total
rating for the calculator did not affect the size of error
Method used: Calculator 94 13 107
Nomogram 100 6 106
(P ¼ 0.760), error propensity (P ¼ 0.722) or response time
Pen and paper 75 30 105 (P ¼ 0.223). The difficulty score for nomogram was posi-
Total 269 49 318 tively related to higher response times (P ¼ 0.011) but not
Chi-Square tests
to larger (P ¼ 0.478) or more frequent errors (P ¼ 0.472).
For pen and paper, a higher difficulty score was linked to
Asymp. sig. (2-
Value df sided) both a longer response time (P ¼ 0.041) and more fre-
quent errors (P ¼ 0.036), but not to a significantly larger
Pearson Chi-Square 22.557a 2 0.000
Likelihood ratio 22.404 2 0.000 mean error (P ¼ 0.129).
Association 10.808 1 0.001 Univariate statistical analyses showed no significant
N of valid cases 318 correlation between any of the demographic variables
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum studied and any of the outcome measures (accuracy,
expected count is 16.18. speed and user preference).
Method used: Medium error (50%+) crosstabulation
Thirty of the 36 participants submitted free text
responses, with each response containing one or
Medium error (50%+)
two discrete items. Qualitative analysis identified
No Yes Total
four main themes (in bold), with the number of
Method used: Calculator 94 13 107
Nomogram 101 5 106
responses in parentheses and representative comments
Pen and paper 82 23 105 as quoted.
Total 277 41 318
Usability (27): The majority of respondents (23) made
Chi-Square tests
positive comments regarding the usability of the nomo-
Asymp. sig. (2- gram (‘very easy to use’). Of these, many (11) also noted a
Value df sided)
significant learning effect over the short period of the
Pearson Chi-Square 13.955a 2 0.000 study (‘becomes easier with practice’). One participant
Likelihood ratio 14.591 2 0.001
Linear-by-linear made the neutral comment that the nomogram was ‘useful,
4.406 1 0.036
Association but does not add a great deal to existing methods’. There
N of valid cases 318 were no negative comments. Compared to the calculator,
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum three users deemed the nomogram ‘easier to use’, whereas
expected count is 13.54. one felt ‘the calculator is still easier’.
Method used: Large error (75%+) crosstabulation
Count Speed of calculation (3): Three users commented that the
Large error (75%+) nomogram was ‘much quicker than either other method’.
No Yes Total
There were no negative or neutral comments in this
Method used: Calculator 99 8 107
Nomogram 102 4 106 Perceived accuracy (4): Two users commented that
Pen and paper 88 17 105
Total 289 29 318 they felt that they were less likely to make errors using
the nomogram compared to the other methods, and
Chi-Square tests
would also use the nomogram to check calculations
Asymp. sig. (2- performed by conventional methods.
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.338a 2 0.006 One user expressed ‘slight concern over accuracy of
Likelihood ratio 10.231 2 0.006
Linear-by-linear reading between the scale markings’. We appreciate
Association 4.784 1 0.029 the concerns of users who are unfamiliar with interpolat-
N of valid cases 318 ing values on logarithmic scales; however, the effect of
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum such errors on the fluid rate calculations is extremely
expected count is 9.58. small in comparison to other sources of error (e.g. esti-
mation of %BSA, BWt, time of injury) and is not clinically
Chi-square test results for the comparison of accuracy of three
methods for the calculation of the Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ significant. Furthermore, the graduations of the logarith-
regime in paediatric burns. mic scales are more widely spaced towards the lower
end of the scales and, hence, provide increased accuracy

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nomogram to aid fluid resuscitation in paediatric burns 489

for the more clinically significant values at the lower end information presented in a graphical format, whereas
of the data range. others prefer numeric representation.
Suggestions for improvements (5): Three participants Various systems have been designed to aid the calculation
stated that usability would be improved and mistakes of resuscitation fluid requirements based on the Parkland
would be less likely to occur if users were allowed to formula, including dedicated electronic devices;32 com-
draw lines directly onto the chart rather than lay an puter software;33,34 tables; and mechanical calcula-
isopleth across the scales. We agree, and recommend tors.15,23,35–41 Compared to the above, nomograms are
that the nomogram is printed onto sheets of A4 paper low cost, durable (if printed on plastic slates or waterproof
with a Paediatric Lund and Browder chart31 on the paper), maintenance free, and have no moving parts.
reverse. Both may be written on by the user, and filed
in the notes so that they provide an aid to calculation Resuscitation fluid requirements are calculated from the
as well as part of the medical records. Two users time of burn, not from the time of arrival in hospital,
expressed a need for simpler step-by-step instructions, which may be several hours later. The rate of infusion
and we have, therefore, augmented the verbal and must, therefore, be adjusted to compensate for this, as
written instructions with a visual step-by-step guide well as for any prehospital resuscitation fluids which may
(Fig. 2). have been given. Many of the systems described above
do not take these factors into account and are, therefore,
difficult to use in practice. The nomogram, however, can
Discussion readily perform these calculations (Fig. 4).
All 36 participants performed nine calculations, except
Tables may be difficult to read and the discrete values
for one who chose to withdraw after three calculations.
can introduce rounding errors. Nomograms are easy to
These data were included because one calculation of
read and provide continuous values across the entire
each method was performed.
range, which limits rounding errors.
The software developed for this study worked efficiently
Electronic devices are not always available, and require a
with no problems. The techniques were presented to
suitable power source. Inadvertent key presses occur
each participant in random sequence to eliminate poten-
around 4% of the time during data entry with electronic
tial effects of learning or fatigue. The use of automated
devices and this is compounded by the adoption of
timing eliminated potential observer error, and both
different standards for numeric keypad layouts. Unrec-
participants and investigators were blinded to the correct
ognised order of magnitude errors also frequently occur
results of the calculations and response time to prevent
due to the proximity of the decimal point and zero
keys.42–44 Unlike computers, general purpose calculators
The nomogram was more accurate than the calculator have no inbuilt system for detecting or preventing user
for all classes of error. The pen and paper method input errors, and require the user to remember and
performed worst, with large errors occurring more than correctly apply the appropriate formulae.
16% of the time. Even without restricting our consider-
The nomogram design embodies the formula and, there-
ation of errors to those within the range of possible
fore, does not require the user to remember or apply the
clinical significance, it was clear that the nomogram had
formula and constrains the range of data entry and results
the highest level of accuracy. The more serious the
to appropriate clinical ranges. Further, nomograms are
errors become, the better the nomogram performed
declarative, that is, they readily allow reverse and ‘What
compared to the calculator.
if?’ calculations to check data entry and explore the
The response time using the nomogram was nearly twice effects of perturbation of one or more input variables.
as fast as that achieved using a pen and paper and the This would be extremely difficult to do using the other
nomogram required an additional investment of only systems described above.
around 12 s compared to the electronic calculator. There
As a primary means of calculation, the nomogram would
appeared to be a learning effect, which suggests that
be particularly useful for clinicians with limited experi-
response time may be reduced further after an amount
ence of burns (e.g. in a district general hospital or emer-
of practice.
gency departments) or for those working in difficult
environments or developing countries.
The VAS scores showed that the majority of participants
had a preference for the nomogram and considered the Cross-checking of calculations is mandatory in other
nomogram to be easier to use than the calculator, safety critical fields such as aviation and diving. Two
although this difference was not significant. This may users should independently perform the calculation
reflect the relatively small number of participants in our using two completely different techniques – an impera-
study, and differences in the way in which participants tive dedicated computer-based system (e.g. flight or
process data, with some being more comfortable with dive computer), and a declarative dedicated graphic

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

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490 Bodger et al.

Fig. 4

Response time (s)

Percentile 05 Percentile 25 Median Percentile 75 Percentile 95

Method used: Calculator 51 72 97 131 208

Nomogram 67 88 111 152 207

Pen and paper 102 137 210 282 513











Pen and paper


0 200 400 600 800
Response time (s)

Descriptives and histogram of the response times for the three different techniques.

device (e.g. nomogram, disc calculator or decompression clinically acceptable limits. The nomogram did not have
table).45 If an electronic device is used as the primary the disadvantages associated with electronic devices as
method of calculation, the nomogram is well suited to described above and the majority of participants found
rapidly cross-check the calculation and prevent harm due the nomogram to be the most intuitive and the easiest
to over or under fluid administration. method to use.

Conclusion We, therefore, propose that with appropriate instruction,

The nomogram method for calculation of maintenance the nomogram offers a rapid, accurate and acceptable
and resuscitation fluid requirements in paediatric burns means of calculating fluid requirements according to the
by the Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime was signifi- Parkland formula and ‘4–2–1’ regime in the first 24 h of
cantly superior to pen and paper calculations in terms of paediatric burns. If an electronic device is used as the
both accuracy and speed of calculation. In comparison primary means of calculation, the nomogram offers a
with an electronic calculator, the nomogram was more rapid means of cross-checking to prevent unnoticed
accurate and only slightly slower, but well within errors.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nomogram to aid fluid resuscitation in paediatric burns 491

It should be emphasised, however, that regardless of the 16 d’Ocagne M. Traite de Nomographie. Paris, France: Gauthier-Villars; 1899.
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Assistance with the study: DW developed the nomograms and 22 Williams D. Nomograms to aid fluid resuscitation in acute burns.
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software. AT collected the data. OB performed the power calcu-
23 Williams D, Doerfler R. Graphic aids for calculation of fluid
lations and statistical analysis and presentation of data. All three resuscitation requirements in pediatric burns. Ann Plast Surg 2012;
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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:483–491

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