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Section II: Reading

In this section of the Objective Placement Test, you will some short passages and answer questions about them.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. For each item, fill in your answer on the answer sheet.

Passage 1: What your weekend routine?

KATE: I work Monday through Saturday, so Sunday is my favorite day. I usually sleep late and watch TV, I never
clean the house or do laundry. We always have lunch in a restaurant.

21. On Sundays, Katie ______.

a. works at home
b. doesn’t get up all day
c. has a busy day
d. eats out

Passage 2: An e-mail Subject Home again!

Dear Frank,

I just got back from Mexico. It’s beautiful, but I didn’t see much. I got sick and had to stay in the hotel. I felt awful On
the last day, we saw a mariachi band It’s a kind of musical group. That was nice. And I bought some great souvenirs.


22. Molly______.
a. Thought her hotel was awful
b. Didn’t do out a lot
c. Had a fabulous time
d. Hated Mexico

Passage 3: Take a “staycation”!

High travel costs, flight delays, and job worries mean only 39 percent of Americans are planning trips this year. The
idea of a “staycation” – time off at home –- is becoming popular. One life coach doesn’t like the idea. “If you stay
home, it’s not a vacation,” he says, other researchers generally agree –if you don’t take vacations, it’s bad for your

23. The article suggests that______.

a. Americans never take enough vacation
b. Americans are not going to travel much this year
c. vacations are not healthy
d. long trips are becoming popular

Passage 4: Chest pains

Celia Burk was driving down Main Street in her neighborhood when she felt pains in her chest and arms. She
stopped the car, went into a drugstore to buy some aspirin, and then drove herself home. Did she do the right thing?

Chest pains can mean you have a serious problem, so don’t ignore them. Take aspirin if you’re not allergic to it, and
see a doctor immediately. But don’t drive – it can be dangerous.

24. The main idea of this reading is to _____.

a. tell an anecdote about Celia
b. advertise aspirin
c. give advice about chest pains
d. describe chest pains
Passage 5: Live life to the fullest cook a gourmet meal!

I’ve never cooked a real meal in my life (I usually use the microwave), but week I went to one of the best, most
expensive restaurants in the country and look a one-day class with a celebrity gourmet chef. We learned how to
make basic sauces and cook pasta, meal, and fish. Best of all, they let us eat everything afterwards. It was
expensive but delicious, and well worth the cost. If you want to learn how to cook properly, you might want to try it,
too. Your friends will certainly be impressed when you cook them a three-course dinner.

26. Before the cooking class, the writer_____.

a. was an excellent chef
b. often made dinner for his friends
c. ate out at expensive restaurants everyday
d. ate a lot of frozen meals

27. The writer thinks the cooking class_____.

a. was much too expensive
b. wasn’t very useful
c. was a good expensive
d. was too simple

Passage 6: Someone you can look up to: Ashley Mulroy

Ashley Mulroy was always curious about science, even as a small child. Since sixth grade, she has been winning
prize money at science fairs, which she has saved to pay for college. But it’s not just her keen interest in science that
makes Ashley stand out from the crowd. Her interest in the quality of local rivers brought her a lot of attention. It
started when Ashley was reading an article in a science magazine about antibiotics and other drugs in rivers and tap
water in Europe. Ashley wondered about the water in her local area and decided to test it. If she found drugs in the
water, she could do something useful to help people. She taught herself how to test the water by reading science
journals. Her chemistry teacher was amazed because Ashley’s experiment was the first of its kind in the U.S. In fact,
Ashley did find low levels of antibiotics in the water, and her study won an international junior science prize. Since
then, an Ohio university has continued the tests. Ashley is now studying medicine. And she has been using filter for
her drinking water ever since that project!

28. Ashley_____.
a. has always been interested in science
b. didn’t like science when she was a child
c. became interested in science after sixth grade
d. thinks science is a strange subject

29. Ashley’s interest in the water in her local area started_____.

a. when she read about problems in other countries
b. after people brought attention to the problems in her area
c. when she learned about it at a science fair
d. when she did a science project in college

30. Ashley’s teacher was amazed because Ashley______.

a. was the first person to do this kind of testing in America
b. didn’t know how to use science journals
c. found antibiotics in the water
d. had problems with drugs
Passage 7: Modern crimes: telephone fraud

You’re at home and the phone rings. A young woman says you’ve won a fabulous prize – a dream vacation, a new
car, or a lot of money. You get excited and start imagining it. But first, you must pay a fee for shipping or taxes. You
give the woman your credit card details, or write a check and mail it to an international address, and wait for your
prize to come. It will never be sent. You’ve been a victim of telephone fraud.

This type of crime is a growing problem in the U.S. and Canada. People lose billions of dollars every year hoping to
get the prize of their dreams. Victims of telephone scams are often called a second time by the same criminal who
pretend to be government lawyers. The victims are told they can get their money back if they pay a legal fee or
government tax.

These criminals usually can’t be caught because they call from outside the country and use telephone number that
can’t be traced to real people or companies. If you haven’t entered a contest, you probably haven’t won anything.
Don’t be fooled by telephone fraud: never send money or give out your credit card information in order to receive a

32. Victims of this crime_____.

a. pay too much for a vacation
b. pay money and get nothing back
c. don’t pay enough in taxes
d. enter a lot of contents

33. Sometimes criminals who commit this crime_____.

a. rob the same people twice
b. employ government lawyers
c. pay the money back to their victims
d. pay legal taxes

34. The article says that these criminals _____.

a. work for international companies
b. have foreign addresses
c. have real companies
d. live in the U.S. and Canada

35. The writer’s advice about telephone fraud is _____.

a. don’t enter contests
b. don´t cash the check if you win
c. don’t pay money if you haven’t entered a contest
d. only enter international contests

Passage 8: Eating pizza

Many people like to eat pizza, but not everyone knows how to make it. Making the perfect pizza can be complicated,
but there are lots of ways for you to make a more basic version at home. When you make pizza, you must begin with
the crust. The crust can be hard to make. If you want to make the crust yourself, you will have to make dough using
flour, water, and yeast. You will have to knead the dough with your hands. If you do not have enough time to do this,
you can use a prepared crust that you buy from the store.
After you have chosen your crust, you must then add the sauce. Making your own sauce from scratch can take a
long time. You have to buy tomatoes, peel them, and then cook them with spices. If this sounds like too much work,
you can also purchase jarred sauce from the store. Many jarred sauces taste almost as good as the kind you make
at home.
Now that you have your crust and your sauce, you need to add the cheese. Cheese comes from milk, which comes
from cows. Do you have a cow in your backyard? Do you know how to milk the cow? Do you know how to turn that
milk into cheese? If not, you might want to buy cheese from the grocery store instead of making it yourself.
When you have the crust, sauce, and cheese ready, you can add other toppings. Some people like to put meat on
their pizza, while other people like to add vegetables. Some people even like to add pineapple! The best part of
making a pizza at home is that you can customize it by adding your own favorite ingredients.

36. The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to _____________.

a. describe the history of pizza

b. teach a healthier way to make pizza
c. outline steps to make a basic pizza at home
d. provide tips about how to make your pizza especially delicious

37. As used in paragraph 1, which word means the opposite of complicated?

a. difficult
b. simple
c. easy
d. manageable

38. As used in paragraph 3, which is the best synonym for purchase?

a. forget
b. buy
c. ask
d. cook

39. Which of the following words best describes how the author feels about making a pizza from scratch?
a. helpful
b. understanding
c. enthusiastic
d. negative

40. The benefits of making pizza at home is that you can ___________.
a. Personalize your pizza
b. make other pizzas
c. Sell pizza at the Price you want
d. eat the pizza alone

Section III: Language Use

In this section, you will answer questions about the use of English. Choose the answer that best completes the
sentence. For each item, fill in your answer on the answer sheet.

41. My father works______ night on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

a. every
b. on
c. in
d. at

42. Where____ your best friend live?

a. is
b. does
a. are
c. do

43. Ronnie didn’t ____breakfast this morning because she got up late
a. ate
b. eating
c. eats
d. eat

44. Carlos eats ____ rice, but he doesn’t like potatoes

a. a lot of
b. much
c. many
d. a

45. A: I don’t like soap operas

B: ____.
a. I’m not either
b. I can’t either
c. I don’t either
d. Me too

46. I’m interested ______a meditation class

a. to joinin
b. joining
c. at joining
d. joining

47. A: Are you and Sarah going trick –or-treating tomorrow night?
B: Yes, we are. And we _____ a great time!
a. have
b. are having
c. had
d. are going to have

48. I went to the mall yesterday_________ some things for my trip.

a. to buy
b. bought
b. buy
c. for buying

49. A: What do you do with your old books?

B: I give them to the library, but my best friends Marie and Susan keep ____ for years.
a. their
b. hers
c. theirs
d. her

50. A: What ______when you heard the news?

B: I was cooking dinner.
a. do you do
b. were you doing
c. did you do
d. are you doing

51. What are you going to do after ______?

a. you graduate
b. you’re going to graduate
c. you’ll graduate
d. you graduated

52. It’s awful to get junk mail, but it’s _____ to get spam.
a. bad
b. more bad
c. worse
d. better

53. A: Have you ever tried whitewater rafting?

B: No, ______.
a. I’m not
b. I haven’t
c. I didn’t
d. I don’t

54. When I was young, my parents always made me _____ in the family business after school
a. to Work
b. worked
c. work
d. working

55. A: What are you doing tomorrow? Do you want to go to the beach?
B: Actually, I’d love to , _____ you up at around 10:00 OK?
a. I’ll pick
b. I’m picking
c. I’m going to pick
d. I pick

56. I have a paper due tomorrow, so I ______go out tonight. I have a lot of work to do
a. don’t have to
b. ought to
c. would rather
d. had better not

57. My best friend is someone _______.

a. which I admire
b. who my whole family loves her, too
c. I met when we were kids
d. is interesting and funny

58. If I ___ work so much, I’d go kayaking more often. Then I’d feel less stressed out.
a. wouldn’t have to
b. didn’t have to
c. am not going to have to
d. don’t have to

59. A: Where did you leave the manual that came with the printer?
B: I have no idea where _____ it.
a. I did leave
b. I leave
c. did I leave
d. I left
60. Carol____ tennis since she was a kid, and she really loves it.
a. has played
b. is playing
c. has been playing
d. played

61. There’s a

62. The storm caused serious flooding, but no injuries ______.

a. were reporting
b. were reported
c. was reported
d. is reported

63. How did Min-Joe end up ______ as a travel agent?

a. working
b. worked
c. to work
d. works

64. There are many wonderful activities at the community center in our neighborhood. Traditional music ____ every
Saturday night.
a. was performed
b. is performed
c. performs
d. Is performing

65. In some countries, you can offend people____.

a. not by bowing
b. not bowing by
c. by bowing not
d. by not bowing

66. Luis _____to a party last night, but he didn’t feel well, so he stayed home.
a. is supposed to go
b. went
c. was supposed to go
d. is going to go

67. Our next-door neighbors are having their roof ______it’s going to look so much better.
a. to repair
b. repairing
c. repaired
d. repairs

68. We’re very annoyed with Andrew. He should _______so rude.

a. not have been
b. be
c. is
d. have been

69. If I had finished my education, I probably _____many more opportunities to succeed.

a. would have
b. would have had
c. am having
d. have had
70. Many plants and animals are continuing to disappear____ govemment programs to protect endangered species.
a. because of
b. in spite of
c. due to
d. instead of


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