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ee oe Hayfield BEAULON DOUBLE KNITTING MACHINE WASHABLE 20 to 22 inch chest (61 t0 56cm) BABY’S PATTERNED AND STOCKING STITCH CARDIGANS Hayfield BEAULON D.K. To fit chest ins. Stocking Stitch Cardigan balls | 4 lor 25g) ‘balls | 5 6 em | 27 | 29 Length | ins. |103|113 | Sleeve seam ins. | 6 | 6 Lem Las {47 1 pair each of No. 10 and No. 8 knitting needles [new sizes 3} mm and 4 mm] or the size re~ = : Temaion. 3 bultous for each cardigan. ‘TENSION 11 sts. to2 ins. (5 cm] on No. 8 needles or the size required to give the correct tension. ‘VERY IMPORTANT Check your tension. The size of your garment is governed by the tension. Work a tension square. Using No. 8 needles and Beaulon D.K. cast on 11 stitches and work in st.-st. or pattern for 2 ins. [5 cm]. This piece of knitting should measure 2 ins. [5 em] square. If it is larger use a thinner needle, if it is smaller use a thicker needle. ‘ABBREVIATIONS It. alternate; beg.—begin(ning); cont. tinue; dec. = decrease; g.-st. [every row knit}; inc. =i K.skni ‘rem, =remain(ing); st.-st.=stocking stitch; SI. round needle; y.fwd.—yarn forward; yarn back. CASTING ON Cast on using cable method. Using two needles make a loop and slip it on to left-hand needle [1 stitch made], insert needle through front of stitch, draw loop through and place on left-hand needle [2 stitches]. % Insert needle through space between 2 stitches, yzrn round, pull loop through and place on needle [3 stitches]: Repeat from %. INSTRUCTIONS are given for a 20 inch chest [51 om). Changes for a 22 inch chest [56 em] are given in round brackets (). PATTERNED CARDIGAN Using No. 8 needles cast on 57 (64) sts. and work 8 rows in g.-st. Cont. in patt. thus: Ast row [right side]—Knit. 2nd row.—% K.2, P.4, K.1, rep. from x to last st KL. Rep. the last 2 rows once more. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th rows. ‘These 8 rows form the patt. Rep. them until work measures 6 (7) ins. or 17 (18) cm, ending with a wrong side row. Knit. ‘Shape Raglan Armholes Cast off 2 sts, at beg. of next 2 rows. Keeping continuity of patt. dec. thus: Next row.—K.1, SII, K.1, patt. to last 3 sts., K.2 tog., K.1. ‘Next row.—Datt. to end. Rep. the last 2 rows until 17 (18) sts. rem., work 1 row. Cast off. LEFT FRONT Using No. 8 needles cast on 32 (35) sts. and work Brows ing.-st. Cont. in patt, thus: Ast row [right side]—Knit. 2nd row.—K 8, P.1, K.2 (K.8, P4, K.2), « Kil, P.4, K.2, rep. from to end. Rep. the last 2 rows once more. Sth, 6th, 7th and 8th rows.—Kait. Rep. these 8 rows until front measures same as back to armhole, ending with a wrong side row. Shape Raglan Armhole Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next row. Work 1 row. Next row.—K.1, S11, K.1, p.s.s.o., patt, to end. ‘Next row.—Patt. to end. Rep. the last 2 rows until 16 (17) sts. rem., ending with a wrong side row. Shape Neck Next row.—K.1, SI.1, K.1,, patt. to last 7 sts., turn, leave rem. sts. on a safety pin for neck. Still dec. armhole as before, dec. 1 st. on the foll 3 rows at neck edge, then dec. armhole edge only until 2 sts. rem. Work 2 tog. Fasten off. Mark positions for 5 buttons on g.-st. border, the first 8 rows from cast-on edge, the 5th 2 rows below neck edge, spacing the other 3 evenly between. RIGHT FRONT Using No. 8 needles cast on 32 (35) sts. and work 7 rows in g.-st. Next row [buttonhole].—K. to last 5 sts., y.fwd., K.2tog., K. to end. Cont. in patt, thus: Ast row [right side] —Knit. 2nd row.—x K.2, P.4, K.1, rep. from * twice more, K.2, P.1 (K.2, P.4), K. to end, Rep. the last 2 rows once more. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th rows.—Knit. Cont. in patt., making buttonholes to correspond swith markers and complete to match left front, Teversing all shapings. [Alike] Using No. 10 needles cast on 30 sts. and work ‘Trows in g.-st. Next row.—K.4, x inc. in next st., K.2, rep. from x to last 5 sts., inc. in next st, K. to end — 38 sts. Change to No. 8 needles and cont. in patt. thus: Ast row—Knit. 2nd row.—x K.3, P.4, rep. from * to last 3 sts., Ky Rep. the last 2 rows once more. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th rows. foll. 6th (4th) row until there are 46 (52) sts. on needle, working inc. sts. into patt. Cont, straight until sleeve measures 6 (64) ins. or 15 (17) em, ending with a wrong side row. ‘Same patt. row as on back. Shape Top Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec. thus: Next row.—K.1, Sil, K.1,, patt. to last 3 sts., K.2 tog., K.1. Next row.—Patt. to end. Rep. the last 2 rows until 6 sts. rem., work 1 row. Cast of. Join raglan seams. With right side facing slip 7 sts. from right front on toa No. 10 needle, join yarn at inner edge, pick up and K.44 (48) sts. evenly round neck, K. across 7 sts. of left front. Work 7 rows in g.-st. Cast off. pedueug Press, using a cool iron over a dry cloth. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons. Press seams, STOCKING STITCH CARDIGAN Using No. 10 needles cast on 58 (64) sts. and work 8 rows in gst. Change to No. 8 needles and cont. in st.-st. until work measures 54 (6) ins. or 14 (15) cm, ending with a wrong side row. Shape Raglan Armholes Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec. thus: Ast row.—K. 1, Si-1, K.1,, K. to last 3 sts., F.2tog., K.1. 2nd row.—Purl. Rep. the last 2 rows until 18 (20) sts. rem. work 1 row. Cast off. (Continued over) THE BEST RESULTS COME FROM USING THE YARN SPECIFIED IN _ THE INSTRUCTIONS AY iy EFT FRONT ‘Using No. 10 needles cast on 33 (36) sts. and work Brows in g.-st. Change to No. 8 needles and cont, in’ st.-st.. with gest. at front edges thus: . Ist row.—Knit, 2nd row.—K.7 sts., P, to end, Rep. these 2 rows until work measures same as back to armholes ending with a wrong side row. Shape Raglan Armhole Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next row, work | row. Now dec. thus: 1st row.—K.1, SI.1, K.1, p.s.s.o., K. to end. 2nd row.—K.7 sts., P. to end. Rep. these 2 rows until 17 (18) sts. rem., ending with a wrong side row. Shape Neck Next row.—K.1, SL, Kl, ps.s.o, K, to last 7 sts., turn, leave rem. sts. on a safety pin for neck, Next row.—Purl, Still dec. armhole as before dec. 1 st. at neck 1 edge on the foll. 4 (5) rows, then dec. armhole sts. rem., work 2 tog. Fasten ‘Mark positions for 5 buttons on g.-st. border, the first 10 rows from cast-on edge, the 5th 2 rows below neck edge, spacing the other 3 evenly between. RIGHT FRONT Using No. 10 needles cast on 33 (36) sts. and work 8 rows in g.-st. Change to No. 8 needles and cont. in st.-st., with gest. border at front edge thus: Ast row.—Knit. 2nd row.—Purl to last 7 sts. K.7. Next row [buttonhole]—K.3, y.fwd., K.2 tog., K.toend, Now complete front to match left front making 4 more buttonholes to correspond with markers, and reversing all shapings. [Alike] Using No. 10 needles cast on 28 (30) sts. and work 8 rows in g.-st. Change to No. 8 needles and cont. in st.~st., ine, 1 st. each end of next and every foll. 4th row until there are 46 (50) sts. on needle. Cont. straight until sleeve measures 6 (64) ins. or 15 (17) cm, ending with a wrong side row. Shape Top Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec, thus: Ist row —K.1, Si.1, K.1, p.s.s.o., K. to last 3 sts.y K.2tog., K.1. 2nd row.—Purl. Rep. the last 2 rows until 6 sts. rem , work 1 row. Cast off. Pera Join raglan seams. ‘With right side facing $1.7 sts. left at top of right front on to a No. 10 needle, join yarn at inner edge, pick up and K.44 (48) sts. evenly round neck edge, K. ecrass the 7 sts. of left front border. Work 7 rows in g.-st. Cast off. Lona ‘As for Patterned Cardigan. MACHINE WASH Beaulon ve7 40°C medium wash Spin eT HAND WASH Warm water about 40°C Cool iron with dry cloth Copyright by Hayfield Knitting Wools, Glusburn, Nr. Keighley, Yorks. WITHOUT WARRANTY F1286 Printed in England

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