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wei Hayfield a Rompers, Bootes, Hat and Pram Cover in Pretty Pastels DK and Babykin DK ‘Two colours, worked in stocking stitch and garter stitch 18 to 20/16 balls/4, 334 & 344mm pins/7 buttons _/ WAVFIELD Rompers, Bootees, Hat and Pram Cover Original yarns used Hayfield Pretty Pastels DK Colour 064006, Babykin DK Colour 075006 Rompers To fit chest in 18 20 cm 46 81 ‘Retual size cin 18% 20% cm a 5a Length (approximately) in 13% 18 cm a 3 Sleeve seam (approximately) in 6 7 ae cm 1B 18 Bootees Length of foot seam (approximately) in 3% % em 3 u Length of leg seam (approximately) in 4 4 em 10 10 Hat Width round head in 4 16% cm 3 4 Pram Gover Length (approximately) in 28% cm & Pretty Pastels DK Main Yarn oe, 9 8 Babykin DK Contrast Yarn Be 7 1 ‘This leaflet is suitable for all Hayfeld DK yarns. Please ask your local stockist for quantities 1 Pair No, 4mm, No. 39mm and No. 3%mm Knitting Needles or the size required to give the correct tension 2 Buttons. TENSION Check yourtension. Workatension After castingoffstitches forshaping, Rompers and Hat square. onestitch will remain on the right 11 stsand 16 rowsto2in (Sern) over pattem on No. 4mmneedles or the size required to give the correct tension. Pram cover 12stsand 17 rowsto in (Sem) over pattem on No. 3¥mmneedlesor the size required toqive the correct tension, Bootees 13sts and 18 rowsto2in (Scm) over pattern on No. 3ammneedlesor the size required togive the correct tension. Itis importantto worktothe row tension given inorder to obtain the correct length stated for this design. VERY IMPORTANT. Itis essential touse Hayfield yarn and workto the tension stated. Ifthe knitting is loose, thatis LESS stitches to 2in (56cm), use a thinner needle;if ight, that is MORE stitches to in (cm), use a thicker needle. ‘MEASURE YOUR TENSION ‘THROUGHOUT KNITTING TO ENSURE SUCCESS. ABBREVIATIONS Kknit, p pun) st(s)stitch(es), stst stocking stitch (I row knit, | row purl), rep repeat, g-st garter stitch (every row knit), beg beginning, patt pattern, cont continue, tog together, Yem remaining, dec decreasing, MI make one pick up loop between last and nextstitch and work into back of this loop, yfwd yarn forward, alt alternate, M Main Yarn, C Contrast ‘Yarn, in inch(es), em centimetres, mm millimetres, DK Double Knitting hand needle which isnot included in the instructions that follow. The quantities of yam stated are based on average requirementsand are therefore approximate. N.B—For the smallest size read the instuctionsasgiven For the larger sizes read the figures within the brackets Asthe shapings (may) differ for the various sizes follow the headings for the size required. ‘Note: When working with different ballsof yam the colour to be used should be twisted round the colour just used to link the colours together and avoid holes. DO NOT BREAK OFF AND JOIN IN YARNEXCEPT WHERE NECESSARY. Patten Rows l and 2.—Using Cknittoend. Rows 3, , 7,9, 11.—Using M knit to end Rows 4,6,8, 10, 12.—Using M purl to end, Rows ] to 12 inclusive) forms patt. Rompers The back Remember to check your tension. Using No. 4mm needles and Mcast on 18{19}sts Commence with 11th{3rd]row of patt castingon4stsat END of each row to 7963) ts working extra stsin patt Keeping continuity of patt cont without shaping until work measures approximately 9[10]in or 2325] cm, ending with 1th row of patt Next Row.-P4 (9), (p210g, pl, p2tog) 14(13] times, p5[9]} 51 (57). Change to No. 3/amm needles and proceedasfollows:— Using C work 8 rowsiin g-st Change to No, 4mm needles and proceedasfolloi Commence with 3rd row of patt. Keeping continuity of patt (throughout) work 4 rows. Shape Armholes Cast off 2[3) sts in patt at heg ofnext 2 rows. Work 4[5] rows dec once ateach end ofevery row. 39 [41)sts."* 20in or Siem only ‘Next Row.—Patto end. For both sizes Divide for Back Opening ‘Next Row.—Patt 1819] sts, cast off 3 sts, patt to end. Working on first 18 [19] stsonly proceed asfollows— Next Row. —Patt to end. Cont in patt until armhole measures 3)[4] inor8[10]cm, endingon right side. Shape Shoulder Next Row.—Cast off 5 stsin patt, patt toend Next Row.—Patttoend Next Row.—Cast off sts in patt, patt toend. Break off yarns, leave rem 7(8]stson athread. With wrong side facing, rejoin yarns torem 18[19]stsand proceedas follows:— Next Row.—Patt to end, Cont in patt until armhole measures Sve[4] inor9[10} em, endingon wrongside, Shape Shoulder ‘Next Row.—Cast off§stsin patt, patt toend. ‘Next Row —Pattto end. Next Row.—Cast off stsin patt, patt toend. Next Row. —Patt to end, Break off yarns, leave rem 78] stson athread. The front Remember to check your tension. Work exactly as given for The Back until ** isreached. ‘Cont without shaping until armholes measure 2 [242] inor $[6]cm, ending on wrong side. Shape Neck Next Row.—Patt 1617] sts, tum. Next Row.—Patt to end. Work 5 [6] rowsdec once atneck edae inevery row. (1 sts). Cont without shaping until armhole measures sameas'The Back, ending onwrongside. Shape Shoulder ‘NextRow.—Cast off sts in patt, patt toend, ‘NextRow.—Patt to end. Cast off rem6 sts in patt. Withright side facing, slip first 7sts of rem 23(24]stsontoa thread, rejoin yarnstorem 16[17]s'sand proceed as follows — Next Row.— Patt to end. Next Row.—Patt to end. Work § [6] rowsdeconce at neck edge in every row. (11 sts) Cont without shaping until armhole measures same as The Back, ending onright side. ‘Shape Shoulder ‘Next Row.—Cast off stsin pat, patt toend Next Row.—Patt to end. Castoff rem 6 sts in pat ‘Sew up shoulder seams, The sleeves (Botnalike) Remember to check your tension. Using No, 34mm needles and C cast 0n 28 [30] sts. Work 7 rows in g-st. Next Row.—K4 5] (MI, k2) 10 times, M1, k4(5], 39[4i)sts. Change to No. 4mm needles and proceed as follows:— Jomin M ‘Commence with 9th [1 ith] row of att Keeping continuity of patt (throughout) cont until work Measures approximately 6 [7] in or 15. (18] ci, ending with 4th row of patt. Shape Top Castoff2[3]stsin pattat beg ofnext2 rows Work 12[16] rowsdeconceateach endofnextand every alt row. 23(19] sts, Work6 (4] rowsdeconceat each end ofevery row, Castoffrem 11 stsin patt The neckband With right side facing, using No, 3¥amm needles and C, commencing at left side of back neck knit across 7 (8) sts leftona thread, pick up and knit 12 sts evenly along left side of front neck, knit across7 sts leftona thread at frontofneck, pick up and knit 12sts evenly along right side of front neck and knit act 7 [8] sts left ona thread at right side of backneck. 45 [47] sts. Work 4 rowsing-st. Cast off. The buttonhole border With right side facing, using No. 3/4mm needles and C, pickup and knit 22 [24] sts evenly alongedge of back opening and neckband. Work2rowsin g-st. Next Row.—K3, yfwa, k2tog, (k5 [6], yfwd, k2tog) twice, k3. Work 2 rows in g-st. Cast off. The button border With right side facing, using No. 3/amm needles and C, pick up and knit22 [24] sts evenly along edge of neckband and back opening. Work Srowsing-st Cast off. Tomake up Read Pressing Instructions. Work chainstitch in Casillustrated commencing at centre stitch. Sew up side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew Borders in position at back neck opening. The leg borders (Both alike) ‘With right side facing, using No. 3mm needles and C, pickup and nit 80 [96] sts evenly all round leg. Next Row.—* K2tog, rep from * to end. 40[48] sts, Work 5 rows in g-st Cast off. 2\ ob AN I o alo fe ry ie ts th ds ‘6 tb! The lower front buttonhole border Withright side facing, using No. 34mm needles and C, pickup and knit 22 [28] sts evenly along The Front Leg Borders and caston edge. Work 3rowsing-st. Next Row.—K3, yfwd, k2tog, (k3 [4]. yfwd, ktog) 3 times, k2. ‘Work 2rowsing-st. Castoff, The lower back button border With right side facing, using No. 3/4mm needles and C, pick up and knit 22 [25] sts evenly along The Back Leg Borders and cast on edge. Work 6 rowsing-st. Cast off. To complete Sewon buttons. Bootees othalike) Remember to check your tension. Using No. 3Yamm needles and C cast on 37 [43] sts. Work Browsing-st Join in M. Commence with Sth row of patt. Keeping continuity of patt cont until work measures approximately 24in ‘or 6cm, ending with 10th row of pat. Break off C. ‘Next Row.—K1, * yfwd, k2tog, kl, rep from * toend. Next Row.—Purl to end. Shape Instep Next Row.—K25 29}, turn. ‘Next Row.—P13(15}, tum. Working on these 13(18]stsonly work 12[14] rows inst-st. Break off M. ‘With right side facing, rejoin Mto instep endoffirst 12(14]sts, pickup and knit 12(14]stsevenly alongright side of instep, knitacross 13 (15) sts, pick upand knit 12 [14] sts ever along leftside of instep and knit actoss rem 12[14]sts. 61 [71] sts, Work 1] rowsing-st Shape Foot AstRow.—KI, k2tog, k20 [24], k2tog, 11 [13], ketog, k20 (24), Katog, kl 2nd Row.—Knit to end. ‘rd Row.—K1, ketog, k19 [23], ketog, k9[11], katog, k19(23], k2tog, k1 4th Row.—As 2nd row. SthRow—KI, k2tog, k18[22], K2tog, K7(9}, k2tog, k18 (22), k2t0g, kL 49 (59) sts, Castoff, To make up Read Pressing Instructions. Work chainstitch as for The Rompers. Sew up legand foot seams. Using2 strands of C make 2 twisted cords Minor 36cm in length and thread through holesat ankles. Hat . Remember to check yourtension. Using No. 3/mm needles and C cast onal (Stats. Work 12 rows ing-st. Change to No. mmm needlesand proceedas follows — Jom in M Commence with 3rd row of pat Keeping contimuity of patt (throughout) cont until work measures 2¥2(3) inor6 8} cm, ending on wrong side. Shape Crown IstRow.—* Patt sts, k2tog, rep from *tolastst, kl Work3 rows in patt. SthRow.—* Pait 7sts, k2t0g, rep from *tolastst, Kl Work 3 rows in pat Sth Row.—* Patt6sts, k2t0g, rep from *tolastst kl. Work 3 rows in patt. 13th Row.—* Patt §ts, k2tog, rep from * tolastst, kL ‘Work 3 rows in patt 11th Row. —* Patt 4sts, k2tog, rep from * tolastst, k1 Work 3 rowsin pat 2lstRow—* Patt 3sts, k2tog, rep, from * tolastst, kl Work3 rowsin pat. 25th Row —* Patt 2sts, Ketog, rep from * tolastst, kl Work 3 rowsin patt 29thRow.—* Patt I st, k2tog, rep from *tolastst, Kl. Breakoff yarn, run through rem 17 (09) sts draw up and fasten off To make up Read Pressing Instructions. Working from Crown, using C work chain stitch as given for the The Rompers working over decreased stitches. ‘Sew up seam. Make a tassel and attach to crown. Pram Cover Remember to check your tension. Using No. 3¥mm needles and Ccast on 139sts. Work 16 rows in g-st. Proceed as follows— Joinin M. Ast Row — K10C, join in M, using M knit to last 10sts, join in 2nd ball of C, using CK10C. 2nd Row.—K10C, using M purl to last 10sts, K10C. Rep Istand 2nd rows 4 times. 1th Row.—Using C knit to end. 12th Row.—Using C knit to end. From Ist to 12th row (inclusive) forms patt. Keeping continuity of patt cont until ‘work measures approximately 25in_ or 64cm, ending with 10th row of patt. Break off M. Work 18 rowsing-st. Castoff. To make up Read Pressing Instructions. Work chain stitch as given for The Rompers. ‘aw Coton OX ‘Under samp com {Cntbeon OX Prey Coton A Wiomiron Sins orate BR ore a I ee Bra unites, Gaucho, Sohne A Fothon Eien ony ra tp ee ZA ome vm ta © Reproduction of this leaflet in any form (including photostat) is protected by copyright and is strictly forbidden. HAYFIELD TEXTILES LTD. GLUSBURN, KEIGHLEY. BD20 8QP SB Lid. 2276-1 Printed in Great Britain 289.788

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