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Link To Indian Pensions

Gurkha Pension Scheme (GPS) rates and pension regulations are based on those of the Indian
Army. The link to Indian pensions is maintained whenever there are changes and GPS pensions
adjusted accordingly. This includes changes introduced every 10 years by the Indian Central Pay
Commissions (CPC), which adjust the levels of pay and pensions for personnel in the Indian Army.
Other changes introduced to pensions between CPCs are also implemented such as the change to
weightage effective from 1 January 2006.

The Indians rebased their pension rates in the 5th CPC effective from 1 January 1996 with a fitment
weightage increase of 40% from 1 January 1996, and GPS pensions were increased accordingly to
keep level.

For the 6th CPC effective from 1 January 2006, but only announced in November 2008, the Indians
gave their pensioners another 40% fitment weightage increase but this was not copied across the
GPS because most GPS pension rates were already above double the Indian rate, and so did not
need to be adjusted. However, where necessary, for a small number of pension rates, action was
taken to bring them up to double the level of the Indian rate. The new age uplift for those aged 80
and above was also introduced. Following the 6th CPC and effective from 2006, the Indian
authorities split pension arrangements for their personnel with a new scheme for those retiring from
1 January 2006. When the 6th CPC was announced in November 2008 the GPS was a closed
scheme and so the basis for the GPS has been taken as the pre 2006 Indian scheme.

Following the implementation of 7CPC by the Indian MOD (IMOD) the changes to service and
family pensions were notified on 31 October 2016. As previously, the changes to disability
pensions lagged behind the main CPC report, and were notified on 9 February 2018.

The previous position of the GPS is that while it had its own rates of pension, those rates would be
at least double the equivalent Indian Army pension as at the start date of a CPC period. This
arrangement has been changed as authorised by Minister (AF) and the Chief Secretary to the
Treasury so that from 1 January 2016 GPS pensions will be set at least at 140% of the comparative
Indian rate, with an additional proviso that all service pensioners will receive at least a 10%
increase. This means some Gurkha Pensioners continue to receive pensions nearly 80% higher
than their Indian equivalents. The original commitment to double Indian pension rates was to
compensate for the benefits in kind provided by the Indian Army that the UK could not replicate in
Nepal. Medical provision has now been enhanced in Nepal along with significant growth in Gurkha
pensions since 2000. There has, therefore, been a reduction in the uplift for benefits in kind on the
basis that the total Gurkha veteran support package continues to more than equate to the value of
benefits provided by the Indian Government.

Prior to 7CPC the Indian authorities introduced a concept called One Rank One Pension which has
been a longstanding demand by pensioner pressure groups in India. While some ranks now have
the same pension regardless of length of service, this is not the case for many, and there are still
different increments for longer length of service, especially for middle and higher ranks.

The 7CPC change to Indian service pensions was an application of a factor of 2.57 to the Indian
rates in payment on 31 December 2015. This was a 157% increase which is composed of the
Dearness Relief of 119% payable on 31 December 2015 plus a fitment weightage of 38%. All
Gurkha pension rates were above the new Indian equivalent after this change.

The other changes from 7CPC were that rates are now provided for disability element by rank, and
percentage disabilities have been placed in three broad bands. Disability elements are now also
included in the age uplift mechanism.

भारतीय पेन्शनसँगको सम्बन्ध

गोर्खा पेन्शन स्किम (जी पप एस) िख ननयमहरु भखरतीय सेनखमख लखगु हुने ननयमहरुमख आधखररत छन।
भखरतीय पेन्शनमख फेरबदल भएिो अवकथखमख स्ज पप एसमख पनन सोही बमोस्जम फेरबदल गने गररन्छ, जकले
गदखा भखरतीय पेन्शनसँगिो सम्बन्धलखई िखयम रखख्दछ। हरे ि दश बर्ामख सम्पन्न हुने इस्न्ियन सेन्रल
िममशन (सी पप मस) ले भखरतीय सेनखिख बहखलवखलख तथख अविखश प्रखप्त सदकयहरुिो तलब अनन पेन्शनमख
ु रखवलोिन गदा छ र सोही अनरु
ु प स्ज पप एसिो हिमख पनन सध
ु खर ल्यखउने गररन्छ।

१ जनवरी १९९६ दे खर् लखगु भएिो पखँचौ मसपपमस अन्तगात भखरतीय सेनखिो पेन्शन दरमख ४० प्रनतशतले बद्ध
ृ ी
भएिो थथयो। सोही अनरु
ु प स्ज पप एसमख पनन बद्ध
ृ ी भएिो थथयो।

छै टौ मसपीसी जुन १ जनवरी २००६ दे खर् लखगु भएिो थथयो, तर त्यसलखई नोवेम्बर २००८ मख मखत्र सखवाजननि
गररएिो थथयो। त्यस मसपपमसले फेरर पनन ४० प्रनतशतले बद्ध
ृ ी गरे िो थथयो। स्ज पप एसिख पेन्शन दरहरु
पहहले नै भखरतीय पेन्शनिो बद्ध
ृ ी भएिो नयखँ दरहरुभन्दख दईु गन
ु ख भएिोले स्ज पप एसमख पररवतान ल्यखउन
पने आवश्यितख परे न। तर िेही दरहरुमख चखँही आवश्यितख अनस
ु खर फेरबदल गररएिो थथयो, जकतो कि ८०
दे खर् बढी उमेर भएिखहरुिख हिमख िेही प्रखवधखनहरुमख पररवतान आएिो थथयो। २००६ सखल दे खर् लखगु भएिो
छै टौ मस पी सीले १ जनवरी २००६ दे खर् यतख अविखश पखउनेहरुिख लखथग नयखँ स्किमलखई लखगु गर्‍यो। नोवेम्बर
२००८ मख सो मसपीसी सखवाजननि हुँदखसम्ममख स्ज पप एसिो अन्त्य भएसिेिो थथयो। त्यसैले २००६ सखल
भन्दख अगखडि लखगु भएिख स्किमहरुलखई नै स्ज पप एसले आधखर मखनेिो छ।

भखरतीय सरिखरले सखतौं िेन्रीय वेतन आयोग (7 CPC) िो लखगु गरे लगत्तै, सेवख तथख पररवखर
पेन्शनहरुमख आएिो पररबतानहरुिो बखरे मख सन २०१६ सखलिो अक्टोबर महहनखिो ३१ तखरीर्मख सथु चत
गरखइएिो थथयो। पहहले झैं िेहह समकयखहरुिो िखरण असक्त पेन्शनिो पररबतानिो बखरे मख चखँहह सन २०१८
सखलिो फेब्रअ
ु री महहनखिो ९ तखरीर्मख सथु चत गररएिो थथयो।

ु ‍भएिो‍थथयो,‍त्यस‍समयिो‍स्ज‍पप‍एसिो‍पेन्शनिो‍दर‍िम‍से‍िम‍पनन‍इस्न्ियन‍
ु ख‍बहढ‍थथयो। सशस्त्र सेना‍मस्न्त्र‍(AF)‍तथख‍िोर्िख‍मख्
ु य‍सथचब‍(Chief‍Secretary‍to‍
ु ो‍ननस्म्त‍पखररत‍गररएिो‍छ‍कि‍जकले‍गदखा‍सन‍
२०१६‍सखलिो‍जनवरी‍१‍तखरीर्दे खर्‍स्ज‍पप‍एस‍पेन्शन‍इस्न्ियन‍पेन्शनिो‍दरिो‍तल
ु नखमख‍िमसेिम‍१४०‍
ु ो‍सखथै‍संपण
ु ‍ा पेन्शनरहरुले‍िमसेिम‍उननहरुिो‍पेन्शनम‍१०‍प्रनतशतले‍
बपृ द्ध‍भएिो‍पनन‍पखउने‍छन।‍यसको अर्थ केही गोर्खा पेंशनरहरूले आफ्नो भारतीय समकक्षहरूको तल
ु नामा
लगभग ८० प्रनतशतले बढी पेन्शन प्राप्त गर्दै छन ्। इस्न्ियन‍पेन्शन‍दर‍भन्दख‍२‍गण
ु खले‍बहढ‍पेन्शन‍बपृ द्धिो‍
ु ो‍बखकतपवितख‍यो‍थथयो‍कि‍इस्न्ियन‍आममाले‍पय
ु खाउँदै ‍आएिो‍सहुमलयतहरुिो‍क्षनतपनु ता‍
ु ोस।‍सन‍२०००‍सखलदे खर्‍गोर्खा‍पेन्शनिो‍बस्ृ ध्द‍सँगसँग‍ै कवखक्य‍सेवखहरुिो‍प्रबन्धहरुमख‍पनन‍सध
ु खरहरु‍
ल्यखइएिोछ।‍जकिो‍फलकवरुप,‍गोर्खा‍पेन्शनरहरुले‍इस्न्ियन‍सरिखरले‍उपलब्ध‍गरखएिो‍सेवख‍सबु बधखहरु‍भन्दख‍
उच्च‍सेवख‍सबु बधखहरु‍पखउने‍छन।

भखरतीय सखतौं िेन्रीय वेतन आयोग (7 CPC) आउनु भन्दख अनि, पेन्शनर प्रेशर ग्रप
ु िो मखग अनस
ु खर
इस्न्ियखले एि दजखा एि पेन्शन (One Rank One Pension) भन्ने अबधखरणखलखई लखगु गयो। यसमख, िेहह

दजखािख भु पु हरुले सेवख अवथधलखई हहसखब नगररिनै समखन पेन्शन पखउँ दै छन। तरपनन मध्यम तथख उच्च
दजखािख भु पु हरुले भने उननहरुिो सेवखबथध अनरु
ु प मभन्नै पेन्शन बपृ द्ध पखउँ दछन।

भखरतीय सखतौं िेन्रीय वेतन आयोगले (7 CPC) इस्न्ियन आमी पेन्शनलखई सन २०१५ सखलिो डिसेम्बर ३१
तखरीर्मख २.५७ कारकले लागू गरर पररबतान गररएको थर्यो। यो बपृ द्ध दर एिदम ठूलो बपृ द्ध थथयो। जसले
उननहरुिो पेन्शन दरमख १५७ प्रनतशतले बपृ द्ध ल्यखइहदयो। यसमा ११९ प्रततशतको र्दे नर्दार राहत (Dearness
Relief) र २८ प्रततशतको उपयक्
ु त वजन (fitment weightage) २०१५ सखलिो डिसेम्बर ३१ तखरीर्िो
ु तानीमख समावेश छ। अबबकमरण रहोस, संपण
ु ा गोर्खा पेन्शनिो दरहरु नय बपृ द्ध भएिख दरहरु भन्दख अझ
बहढ नै थथए।

सखतौं मस पप मस (7th CPC) िख अन्य पररबतानहरुमख दजखािो आधखरमख तथख अशक्ततखिो प्रनतशतिो
आधखरमख अशक्ततख पखउदरहरुलखई पनन समखबेश गररएिो छ। यो पखउदरलखई अशक्ततखिो उमेर अनस
ु खर बबचखर
ु खाइने छ।

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