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Details of student
1. Student's Name: Prateek verma
2. Enrolment No: A001110719042
3. Date of Birth: 01/04/1994
4. Contact Details
5. Mobile: +91 8076895730
6. E-mail:

i) Project Duration: ( 4 Weeks)

a) Date of commencement (15/04/2020)

b) Date of competition ( 16/05/ 2020)

ii) Project Title :


Targets for the week:

1. Review of current scenario
2. Research on the welfare measures

Achievements for the week:

1. Gathering the information to form a structure for the research paper.

2. Reading the content on covid-19 to get an insight of the same.
3. Understanding the health care steps taken amidst the pandemic. 
4. Determining the welfare measures taken by the government.

Future work plans:

1. Research Methodology
2. Framing the structure for the research
Research on:


Last refreshed 27 April

 31 Dec 2019

Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, announced a bunch of instances of pneumonia in Wuhan,
Hubei Province. An epic coronavirus was in the long run recognized.

 1 January 2020

WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) over the three degrees of the association:
central station, provincial base camp and nation level, putting the association on a crisis balance for
managing the episode.

 4 January 2020

WHO provided details regarding web based life that there was a group of pneumonia cases – without any
passings – in Wuhan, Hubei region.

 5 January 2020

WHO distributed our first Disease Outbreak News on the new infection. This is a lead specialized distribution
to the logical and general wellbeing network just as worldwide media. It contained a hazard evaluation and
guidance, and investigated what China had educated the association regarding the status of patients and the
general wellbeing reaction on the group of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

 10 January 2020

WHO gave an exhaustive bundle of specialized direction online with counsel to all nations on the most
proficient method to identify, test and oversee potential cases, in light of what was thought about the
infection at that point. This direction was imparted to WHO's territorial crisis chiefs to impart to WHO
delegates in nations.

In view of involvement in SARS and MERS and known methods of transmission of respiratory infections,
contamination and anticipation control direction were distributed to secure wellbeing laborers suggesting
bead and contact safeguards when thinking about patients, and airborne precautionary measures for
vaporized creating techniques led by health workers.

 12 January 2020

China freely shared the hereditary grouping of COVID-19.

 13 January 2020

Authorities affirm an instance of COVID-19 in Thailand, the primary recorded case outside of China.

 14 January 2020

WHO's specialized lead for the reaction noted in a press instruction there may have been restricted human-
to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 affirmed cases), for the most part through relatives, and
that there was a danger of a potential more extensive episode. The lead additionally said that human-to-
human transmission would not be astounding given our involvement in SARS, MERS and other respiratory

 20-21 January 2020

WHO specialists from its China and Western Pacific local workplaces led a concise field visit to Wuhan.

 22 January 2020

WHO crucial China gave an announcement saying that there was proof of human-to-human transmission in
Wuhan however more examination was expected to comprehend the full degree of transmission.

 22-23 January 2020

The WHO Director-General gathered an Emergency Committee (EC) under the International Health
Regulations (IHR 2005) to evaluate whether the flare-up established a general wellbeing crisis of universal
concern. The autonomous individuals from around the globe couldn't arrive at an agreement dependent on
the proof accessible at that point. They requested to be reconvened inside 10 days subsequent to getting
more data.

 28 January 2020

A senior WHO assignment drove by the Director-General made a trip to Beijing to meet China's
administration, get familiar with China's reaction, and to offer any specialized help.

While in Beijing, Dr. Tedros concurred with Chinese government pioneers that a worldwide group of driving
researchers would make a trip to China set for better comprehend the unique circumstance, the general
reaction, and trade data and experience.

 30 January 2020

The WHO Director-General reconvened the Emergency Committee (EC). This was sooner than the 10-day
time frame and just two days after the primary reports of constrained human-to-human transmission were
accounted for outside China. This time, the EC arrived at agreement and prompted the Director-General that
the episode comprised a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The Director-General
acknowledged the suggestion and proclaimed the novel coronavirus episode (2019-nCoV) a PHEIC. This is the
sixth time WHO has proclaimed a PHEIC since the International Health Regulations (IHR) came into power in

WHO's circumstance report for 30 January announced 7818 all out affirmed cases around the world, with
most of these in China, and 82 cases revealed in 18 nations outside China. WHO gave a hazard evaluation of
extremely high for China, and high at the worldwide level.

 3 February 2020

WHO discharges the worldwide network's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help secure states
with more vulnerable wellbeing frameworks.

 11-12 February 2020

WHO met a Research and Innovation Forum on COVID-19, went to by in excess of 400 specialists and funders
from around the globe, which included introductions by George Gao, Director General of China CDC, and
Zunyou Wu, China CDC's main disease transmission specialist.

 16-24 February 2020

The WHO-China Joint strategic, included specialists from Canada, Germany, Japan, Nigeria, Republic of Korea,
Russia, Singapore and the US (CDC, NIH) invested energy in Beijing and furthermore ventured out to Wuhan
and two different urban communities. They talked with wellbeing authorities, researchers and health
workers in wellbeing offices (keeping up physical separating). The report of the joint crucial be found here: covid-19-last report.pdf
 11 March 2020

Profoundly concerned both by the disturbing degrees of spread and seriousness, and by the disturbing
degrees of inaction, WHO made the appraisal that COVID-19 can be portrayed as a pandemic.

 13 March 2020

COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund propelled to get gifts from private people, enterprises and foundations.

 18 March 2020

WHO and accomplices dispatch the Solidarity Trial, a universal clinical preliminary that means to create
powerful information from around the globe to locate the best medications for COVID-19.

Prateek verma
Signature Signature
(Student) (Faculty Guide)
Date: 23/04/20 Date:
Format for Weekly Progress Report


For the Week Commencing 16/04/2020

WPR 1 of 4 : 1

Name: Prateek verma

Programme: MBA (Finance ) Enrolment No : A001110719042


Targets for the week:

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Scope of the Research
4. Rationale of the Research

Achievements for the week:

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Scope of the Research
4. Rationale of the Research

Future work plans:

1. Review Literature
2. Research Methodology
3. Questionnaire

On the bearings of Prime Minister Modi, an elevated level Group of Ministers (GOM) was "established to survey,
screen and assess the readiness and measures taken with respect to the board" of novel coronavirus sickness
(COVID-19) in the nation. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has been organizing the
endeavors of the focal government "so as to relieve the effect of the episode in India."1
On March 11, 2020, the GOM concluded that the MoHFW ought to exhort all state and association domains to
summon segment 2 of the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897, so all warnings being given by the MoHFW, the states and
association regions, are enforceable.
Around the same time, the association government conjured area 69 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, to
designate forces of the Home Secretary, who is administrator of the National Executive Committee (NEC), which is
an organizing and checking body for calamity the executives, to the secretary of the MoHFW2.
Not at all like the Epidemic Disease Act, this law "accommodates a thorough authoritative set up for fiasco
readiness." On March 14 the association government announced COVID-19 as a told debacle and help is accessible
under the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), which was set up additionally under the Disaster Management Act.


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