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Narrative Paragraph
A Once In a Life Time Experience
The one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an experience of a lifetime. When I
finally reached Morocco and got off the bus, there were four little girls standing
shoeless in the hot sun. After I swallowed my tears, I could not even try to picture
this in America as it is not something you often see in the U.S. Meanwhile my
tourist guide instructed me not to give them money as it encouraged the children to
beg; however, I was wearing four silver bracelets. As I walked over to the girls,
their eyes watched my every move. Then I kneeled down to their level while I gave
each girl a bracelet. They stood there gleaming at me, for they were pleased. I felt
completely in disbelief that this tiny gesture could mean so much. Though this
experience was upsetting, and a huge culture shock, it will stay with me forever.
~© Kayla Marie Anfinson 2005~

Descriptive Paragraph
Best Friends Forever
As a child at the age of two, my sister and I had pictures taken together. My sister
and I are ten months and three weeks apart. In this special family picture was look
identical. Our big, dark blue and brown eyes and smile resemble two calm little
girls, enjoying the moment with peaceful smiles on our faces. In our long, dark red
and blue dresses we sit straight up in front of a warn red fireplace surrounded by
green plants. Our dark brown, wavy hair even matched. We both had baby pink
bows off to the side of our heads that resemble a blooming flower. Growing up our
family consisted of our father, my sister, and I. My sister and I have both been
there for each other through “the thick and the thin.” My photograph pf my sister
and reveals how close we are in age and through this paragraph it also reveals how
close we are when it comes to love and friendship.
~(c) Amy Neill 2005~

Happy Birthday
Expository Paragraph
Outdoor Education remains my favorite field trip of all time due to all of the
memorable activities we experienced. For instance, I was able to touch and hold a
wide variety of animals that I had never seen until I visited their science center.
One animal was a blue tongue skink that reminded me of leather because it was
dry and smooth. The chinchilla was also smooth, yet its fur was also the softest that
I had ever felt. This goes to show that one can find similarities in unusual places. I
would have never guessed that a reptile and a mammal would have anything in
common, but their bodies were pleasing to the touch in different ways! In addition,
I also was able to scale to great heights when I visited the high ropes course deep
in the forest. Once I had my safety harness and helmet, I surged upward on
ladders and nets. The nets were not as challenging as the balance beam which
turned out to be my favorite because of the patience and determination that were
needed. I realize now that even something difficult can be fun. I hope to use this
thought in other areas of my life because now I might achieve even more than
before. Finally, I loved splashing around Lake Peters in the canoe with my partner.
The direction on how to hold the paddle and how to steer were not that hard, but
actually doing it on the lake was difficult. It became less difficult with the help of
my partner because we had to work together to be successful. This means that two
heads are better than one! Sometimes we depend on others to reach our goals. I
have learned from this trip that there are many opportunities out there for us to
experience and that we should take advantage of them to create lifelong memories.

Persuasive Paragraph
Laughter the Medicine
Laughter is one of the greatest healing devices known to man. Laughter is powerful
and can help people in many different ways. It has the power to cure something as
little as a bad day or to heal the wounds of a terminally ill person. Laughing has
helped create the smile which is the universal sign of well being. Generally,
individuals who do not laugh live miserably and have unhappy lives. Dr. Robert
Holden found out that smiling and laughing releases endorphins in the brain which
gives people a overall happy well being. Using comedy, many doctors have
stimulated the healing process in manic depressants and fatally ill patients giving
them hope and ambition. In many clinics laughter is being used in replacing anti
depressants and reduces the need for pain killers.(Dr. Gael Crystal). Take
comedians for example, they usually live long and happy lives. Putting a smile on
faces and laughs in souls is what makes life complete. Laughter helps heal people
and brightens spirits for a better and healthier life . Laughing is a sign of joy and
hope and keeps people normal and the world happy. Using the techniques of
laughter and happiness is the best medicine known to man. Laughter is the
universal sign of well being and happiness within health. Laughing brightens the
spirit and heals the mind and body of people who allow it to overcome them. So try
a smile and laugh on for size and live a longer happier life with loved ones.
~© Jace Oeleis 2005~

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